Dunveryssyn yn Tooder-Folley - The Vampire Murders
Skeeal straneagh liorish Brian Stowell: Ayrn 19
A serial story by Brian Stowell: Part 19
Va daa horch jeu ayn, v'ee shein. Y chied sorch, v'ad tannaghtyn nyn dost as blakey
urree car y traa. Y nah horch, v'ad cheet huic gyn faitys erbee as loayrt as loayrt
ree myr dy beagh ee ny carrey mooar lhieu. Ny keayrtyn, va Amy coontey shoh dy ve
ny ghrogh-oash, joarreeyn brishey stiagh sy thie gyn cuirrey erbee. Keayrtyn elley,
v'ee coontey y cliaghtey Manninagh shoh dy ve ooraghtoil.
Begin jee goaill rish dy row sonnaasid jiass Hostyn plooghey ish nish as reesht.
Eisht, haink ny paitchyn rish. Hoshiaght, Finlo, as eisht Victoria as Alice. Va
Askell geearree cur enmyn Manninagh orroo ooilley, agh va'n ven echey smooinaghtyn
dy beagh shen cur lhiettrimys orroo. Va'n sliennoo quaagh shen olk dy liooar. Eer
ayns Mannin, cha dod sleih ennagh fockley magh ny screeu y sliennoo dy kiart.
Va daa horch jeu ayn..(va-DAA-HURCH-jow-AWN) - There were two sorts of them..
'daa' ('two') gives letter changes: 's' in 'sorch' changes to 'h'.
..v'ee shein (vee-SHEE-in) - ..she supposed ('..she was supposing')
..v'ad tannaghtyn nyn dost..(vadd-TANN-akht-un-nin-DUST) - ..they stayed silent..('..they
were remaining (in) their silence..')
..as blakey urree car y traa. (azz-BLAACK-a-URR-ee-CAR-a-TRAA) - ..and stared at her
all the time. ('..and staring on-her all the time'.)
..v'ad cheet huic..(vadd-CHITT-HUCK) -..they came to-her..('..they were coming..')
..gyn faitys erbee.. (ginn-FAATCH-iss-er-BEE) -..without any shyness..
..myr dy beagh ee ny carrey mooar lhieu. (mar-the-BEE-ukh-ee-na-KARR-a-MOOR- l'yow)
- ..as if she were a big friend of theirs. ('..as if she would be in-her big friend
..va Amy coontey shoh dy ve ny ghrogh oash..(va-AIM-ee-KOOND-a-shaw-the-vay -na-ghrawkh-AWSH)
- ..Amy thought this was a bad habit.. ('..Amy was reckoning this to be in-its
bad habit.')
'Drogh oash' - 'A bad habit'. The 'd' becomes 'gh' after 'ny' ('in-its').
ooraghtoil (oor-akht-OLE) - refreshing
Begin jee goaill rish..(BYDN-jee-GOYL-rish) - She had to acknowledge.. ('Was compulsion
to-her taking unto..')
..sonnaasid jiass Hostyn..(sonn-AAS-id-jass-HAWSS-tun) -..the arrogance of the south
of England..
..plooghey ish nish as reesht.(PLOOKH-a-ish-NISH-azz-REESH) - ..suffocating her now
and again.
Eisht, haink ny paitchyn rish. (ESH, HENK-na-PAATCH-in-RISH) - Then, the children
Va Askell geearree cur enmyn Manninagh orroo ooilley..(va-ASK-ell-GEER-ee- kurr-EN-min-MANN-in-akh-ORR-oo-ULL-ya)
- Askell wanted to give them all Manx names..('Askell was wanting putting Manx
names on-them all..')
..dy beagh shen cur lhiettrimys orroo.(the-BEE-ukh-SHEN-kurr-L'YETT-rim-iss- ORR-oo).
- ..that that would hinder them. ('..that that would be putting hindrance on-them'.)
..cha dod sleih ennagh fockley magh..(ha-DOD-sly-enn-YAKH-FAWGL-a-MAKH) - ..some
people could not pronounce..