Dunveryssyn yn Tooder-Folley - The Vampire Murders

Skeeal straneagh liorish Brian Stowell: Ayrn 26
A serial story by Brian Stowell: Part 26

Va Amy lane skee jeh sleih briaght cuin veagh Victoria poosey. 'Poosey rish quoi?' veagh ee freggyrt as ish beggan corree. Ny yei shen as ooilley, bare lhee Victoria y ve poost. V'eh mie dy liooar, coorse-kiartey y ve ecksh. Agh oddagh ee poosey ec yn un cheayrt. Va ram mraane raaoil jannoo shen. Ansherbee, cha row eh jeeaghyn dy beagh Victoria poosey, ga dy row ee shooyl magh marish dooinney ny ghaa. 'T'ee gaase shenn', smooinee Amy.

Va Amy goaill toshiaght dy smooinaghtyn er yn treeoo phaitchey, Alice, tra cheayll ee gleashtan cheet. Cha row y gleashtan shoh goll shaghey.
Va Amy lane skee jeh sleih briaght.. (va-AIM-ee-leddn-SKEE-jay-sly-BRY-akht) -
Amy was completely (full) tired of people asking...
..cuin veagh Victoria poosey. (KWUNN-vee-ukh-vick-TAWR-ee-a-POOZ-a) -..when would Victoria be marrying..
Poosey rish quoi? (POOZ-a-rish-KWOY) - Marrying (to) who?
..veagh ee freggyrt as ish beggan corree. (VEE-ukh-ee-FREGG-ert-azz-ISH-BEGG- an-KORR-ee) - ..she would answer, slightly angrily ('..she would be answering and she a little angry.')
..bare lhee Victoria y ve poost. (BARE-l'yee-vick-TAWR-ee-a-vay-POOSST) - ..she would prefer Victoria to be married. ('..would-be-better with-her Victoria..')
V'eh mie dy liooar, coorse-kiartey y ve ecksh. (vay-MY-the-L'YOOR, KOORSS- K'YART-a-a-vay-ECKSH) - It was all right for her to have a career. ('It was good enough, a job-course to be at-her')
..ec yn un cheayrt. (EGG-in-UNN-KHEERT) - ..at the same (one) time.
..ga dy row ee shooyl marish dooinney ny ghaa. (GAA-the-ROW-ee-SHOO-al- MAKH-MAA-rish-DUNN-ya-na-GHAA) -..although she was walking out with a man or two.
'Marish' means 'in company with'. 'Lesh' often means 'with' in the sense of doing something 'with' (as an instrument or tool).
'T'ee gaase shenn', smooinee Amy. (tee-GAASS-SHANN, SMUNN-ee-AIM-ee) -
'She's getting (growing) old', thought Amy.
Remember you can get the past tense from imperatives (orders).
'Smooinee!' means 'Think!' and 'Smooinee..' means '..thought'. There is no letter change here.
In Manx, when you start, you 'take a beginning':
Va Amy goaill toshiaght dy smooinaghtyn er yn treeoo phaitçhey..(va-AIM-ee- GOYL-TOZH-akht-the-SMUNN-yakht-in-err-in-TREE-oo-FAATCH-a) - Amy was starting to think of the third child..
There is a letter change ('p' to 'ph') after 'treeoo'.
..tra cheayll ee gleashtan çheet.(traa-KHEEL-ee-GLAYSH-chan-CHITT) -..when she heard a car coming.
Alternatively: ..tra ren ee clashtyn gleashtan çheet.
Cha row y gleashtan shoh goll shaghey. (ha-ROW-a-GLAYSH-chan-SHAW-gull- SHAH) - This car was not going past.