Dunveryssyn yn Tooder-Folley - The Vampire Murders
Skeeal straneagh liorish Brian Stowell: Ayrn 31
A serial story by Brian Stowell: Part 31
'Nod oo ginsh dou ny smoo na shen?' vrie ee jeh'n veoir-shee shinney. Va'n fer aeg
jeeaghyn mygeayrt y halley dy jeean as lioar-vaght aarloo sy laue echey.
'Shen ooilley foddym gra ec y traa t'ayn', dreggyr Shimmin. 'S'treih lhiam, agh shegin
dooin briaght feyshtyn ennagh jiu ayns laa ny jees...My ta shiu geearree shen, oddagh
ben-choyrlee çheet dy chooney lhiu.. cooishyn baase, t'ad doillee..'
Cre'n ommidjys, smooinee Amy. She faghid v'ayn - ben-choyrlee, dy jarroo!
'Bee'ms mie dy liooar', dreggyr ee lesh shickyrys. 'Cha nel oyr erbee aym dy voirey
er ny shirveishyn-slaynt. Nish, nee'm guee dy bee turrys sauçhey eu goll dy valley.
Slane lhiu nish, gheiney seyrey.'
Nod oo ginsh dou ny smoo na shen? (NOD-oo-GINSH-dow-na-SMOO-na-SHEN) - Can you tell
me more than that? ('Can you telling to-me more than that?')
Alternative to 'Nod oo?' - 'Vod oo?' = 'Can you?'
Va'n fer aeg jeeaghyn mygeayrt y halley dy jeean..(van-FERR-AAG-JEEKH-un-ma- GEERT-a-HAL-a-the-JEE-un)
- The young one was looking about the hall earnestly..
Note that 'fer' means 'one' (person or thing) or 'man'.
..as lioar-vaght aarloo sy laue echey. (azz-L'YAWR-VAKHT-sa-LOW-egg-a) -..with a
notebook ready in his hand. ('..and a notebook ready in the hand at-him'.)
'Lioar-vaght' means 'Book of observation'. 'Baght' - 'Observation'.
Shen ooilley foddym gra ec y traa t'ayn..(shen-ULL-ya-FOTH-im-GRAA-egg-a- TRAA-TAWN)
- That's all I can say at the present time..
Note 'y traa t'ayn' ('the time (which) is in') means 'the present time'.
..shegin dooin briaght feyshtyn ennagh jiu..(SYDN-dun-BRY-akht-FAYSH-chun- enn-YAKH-JEE-oo)
-..we must ask you some questions..
..oddagh ben-choyrlee çheet dy chooney lhiu..(OTH-akh-ben-KHOHRL-ee-chitt- the-KHOON-a-l'yoo)
- ..a counsellor (female)
could come to help you.. ('..a woman of advice could come to help with-you..'
..cooishyn baase, t'ad doillee..(KOOSH-un-BAASS, tadd-DOLE-ee) - ..matters of death,
they're difficult..
Cre'n ommidjys, smooinee Amy. (krinn-OMM-idj-iss, SMUNN-ee-AIM-ee) - What foolishness,
thought Amy.
Alternatively for 'smooinee Amy': 'ren Amy smooinaghtyn'.
She faghid v'ayn..(shay-FAKH-id-vawn) - It was a mockery. ('It's a mockery (which)
was in'.) Alternatively: 'V'eh faghid'. But note that 'Va faghid.' does not mean anything!
Cha nel oyr erbee aym dy voirey er ny shirveishyn-slaynt. (ha-NELL-OHRR-er- BEE-imm-the-VURR-a-err-na-sher-VAYSH-un-SLENTCH)
- I have no reason at all to bother the health services. ('There is no reason
at all at-me to worry on the services (of) health'.
..nee'm guee dy bee turrys sauçhey eu..(NEE-um-GWEE-the-bee-TURR-iss-SOW- cha-AA-oo)
- ..I'll hope (strongly)
that you'll have a safe journey..
'Guee' means 'praying', 'beseeching'.