Dunveryssyn yn Tooder-Folley - The Vampire Murders
Skeeal straneagh liorish Brian Stowell: Ayrn 37
A serial story by Brian Stowell: Part 37
Va fer y thie as Orree braew bwooiagh tra hass Hoodn seose as ghow eh toshiaght dy
chur e chooat mysh. Cha lhiass dou cur fys er ny meoiryn-shee myr shen, smooinee
fer y thie. Cha bee scammylt ennagh ayns ny pabyryn naight, smooinee Orree.
'Hooin roin, Hoodn,' ren Orree gra as eshyn goll dys y dorrys va foshlit hannah.
Chreest, jean-shiu siyr, dooyrt eh syn aigney echey rish y sleih elley va marish.
Va'n ven echey shirrey son e poagey, va fo'n voayrd boayl ennagh. Va Jick Prendergast
rowlal jaaghag dasyn hene as va Blaanid Costain sluggey y bine s'jerree jeh'n jough
eck. 'Traa goll thie!' dooyrt Orree, lhiggey er dy row eh spotçhal.
Va fer y thie..braew bwooiagh..(va-FERR-a-TY-brow-BWEE-akh) - The man of the house
was very glad..('..fine glad..')
..tra hass Hoodn seose..(traa-HASS-HOODN-SOOSS) - ..when Hoodn stood up..
'Hass' ('Stood') comes from taking the imperative 'Shass!' ('Stand!') and changing
'sh' to 'h' - the letter change called lenition.
Alternatively: ..tra ren Hoodn shassoo seose..
..as ghow eh toshiaght dy chur e chooat mysh. (azz-GHOW-a-TOZH-akht-the- KHURR-a-KHOO-at-MUSH)
- ..and he started to put his coat on.. ('..and he took a start to put his coat
In Manx, 'e' (pronounced 'uh') means 'his' or 'her'. When 'e' means 'his', it causes
the letter change called lenition: 'e chooat' - 'his coat', but 'e cooat' - 'her
coat'. Alternatively: 'y cooat echey' - 'his coat' and 'y cooat eck' - 'her coat'.
Cha lhiass dou cur fys er ny meoiryn-shee..(ha-L'YASS-DOW-kurr-FISS-err-na- MERR-un-SHEE)
- I needn't send for the police..
Cha bee scammylt ennagh ayns ny pabyryn naight..(ha-bee-SKAMM-ilt-enn-YAKH unnss-na-PAAB-er-un-NY-akht)
- There won't be some scandal or other in the newspapers..
..jean-shiu siyr..(jinn-shoo-sire) - ..hurry up.. ('..make you haste..')
..dooyrt eh syn aigney echey..(DOORT-a-sin-AHG-n'ya-EGG-a)..he said in his mind
..rish y sleih elley va marish..(rish-a-SLAA-ee-ELL-ya-va-MAA-rish) -..to the other
people (who) were with him.. Use 'marish' for 'in company with'.
Va'n ven echey shirrey son e poagey, va fo'n voayrd boayl ennagh. (van-VEN- EGG-a-SHIRR-a-son-a-PAWG-a)
- His wife was looking for her bag, (which) was under the table somewhere (some
Va Jick rowlal jaaghag dasyn hene..(va-JICK-ROLE-al-JAAKH-ag-daaz-in-heen) - Jick
was rolling a cigarette for himself.. Note the use of 'da' here.
..va Blaanid .. sluggey y bine s'jerree jeh'n jough eck. (va-BLAA-nid-SLUGG-a- BINE-SJERR-ee-jayn-JAWKH-eck)
- ..Blaanid was swallowing the last drop of her drink..
Traa goll thie..(traa-gull-ty) - Time to go home.. ('Time to go home..')
..lhiggey er dy row eh spotçhal. (L'YIGG-a-ERR-the-ROW-a-SPOTCH-al) - ..pretending
('letting on') that he was joking.