Dunveryssyn yn Tooder-Folley - The Vampire Murders
Skeeal straneagh liorish Brian Stowell: Ayrn 38
A serial story by Brian Stowell: Part 38
Hoig e ven Victoria dy row imnea sy choraa echey. V'ee beggan scoorit.
'S'dree y dooinney uss!' dooyrt ee dy lajer. 'Cha nel creenaght erbee aynyd...she
dooinney burgeyshagh uss - cha nel uss veg cosoylit rish Hoodn. Ta eshyn toiggal
reddyn nagh vel uss er chlashtyn mychione!'
Foddym credjal shen, smooinee Orree boght. Phrow eh dy ghearey dy daaney agh haink
giglerys imneagh magh. 'Graih veen, cha row mee jerkal rish co-hirrey eddyr Hoodn
as mish ec y traa shoh jeh'n oie!' dooyrt eh dy faase. Jeigh dty ghob, ven ommidjagh,
smooinee eh dy debejagh. Va fer y thie jeeaghyn orroo, guee dy jinnagh ad goll dy valley.
'Bee Hoodn geddyn y varriaght aashagh dy liooar', dooyrt Victoria dy barb.
Hoig e ven Victoria dy row imnea sy choraa echey. (HIGG-a-VEN-vick-TAW-ree-a- the-row-imm-N'YAY-sa-khor-RAA-EGG-a)
- His wife Victoria understood that there was anxiety in his voice. ('..in the voice
Alternatively: Ren e ven Victoria toiggal dy row ....
S'dree y dooinney uss! (SDREE-a-DUNN-ya-USS) - You're a boring man! ('Is boring
the man you (are)!')
Cha nel creenaght erbee aynyd ..(ha-nell-KREEN-akht-er-BEE-AWN-id) - There's no
wisdom at all in-you..
..she dooinney burgeyshagh uss..(shay-DUNN-ya-burg-AYSH-akh-USS) - ..you're a bourgeois
..cha nel uss veg cosoylit rish Hoodn. (ha-nell-uss-VEGG-ko-ZOLE-it-rish-HOODN) -
..you're nothing compared with Hoodn.
Ta eshyn toiggal reddyn nagh vel uss er chlashtyn mychione! (ta-EZH-un-TIGG-al- RITH-un-nakh-vell-USS-err-KHLASH-chin-ma-H'YOWN)
- He understands things you
haven't heard about!
Foddym credjal shen..(FOTH-im-KREDJ-al-SHEN) - I can believe that..
Phrow eh dy ghearey dy daaney .. (FROW-a-the-GHAYR-a-the-DAAN-a) - He tried to laugh
boldly.. Alternatively: Ren eh prowal dy ghearey ....
..agh haink giglerys imneagh magh. (akh-henk-GIGG-lerr-iss-imm-N'YAY-akh- makh)
- .. but anxious giggling came out.
Alternatively: .. agh ren giglerys imneagh çheet magh.
.. cha row mee jerkal rish co-hirrey..(ha-ROW-mee-JERK-al-rish-KO-HIRR-a) - .. I wasn't
expecting a competition..
..dooyrt eh dy faase. (DOORT-a-the-FAASS) - .. he said weakly..
Jeigh dty ghob.. (JA-ee-the-GHOB) - Shut your gob..
'Gob' is the Gaelic word for 'beak' - a rude word for 'mouth'.
..ven ommidjagh..(VEN-OMM-idj-akh) - ..(you) foolish woman..
..guee dy jinnagh ad goll dy valley. (GWEE-the-JINN-akh-add-GULL-the-VAL-ya) - ..praying
that they would go home.
Bee Hoodn geddyn y varriaght aashagh dy liooar.. (bee-HOODN-GETH-un-a- VARR-ee-akht-AAZK-akh-the-L'YOOR)
- Hoodn will win easily.. ('Hoodn will be getting the victory easily enough..')
..dooyrt Victoria dy barb. (DOORT..the-BARB) .. said Victoria harshly.