Dunveryssyn yn Tooder-Folley - The Vampire Murders

Skeeal straneagh liorish Brian Stowell: Ayrn 44
A serial story by Brian Stowell: Part 44

‘By vie lhiat ushtey-bea, Hoodn?’ vrie Orree.
‘Vel yn oie geiyrt er yn laa!’ ren Blaanid gearey.
Ren Orree deayrtey magh joughyn da ny goaldee echey as ren eh tey da Victoria.
V’ish gennaghtyn ny share cho leah’s hoie ee sheese.
‘Vlaanid, cre’n fa v’ou briaght mychione cassan ny greiney?’ vrie Victoria.
Ren Blaanid jeeaghyn stiagh sy jough eck. ‘Cha s’aym, dy firrinagh’, dooyrt ee fy-yerrey. ‘Boghtynid t’ayn, ansherbee!’
She ben aeg aalin va Blaanid. Folt liauyr, ruy. Sooillyn glassey as neeal glass. Cha dod Victoria toiggal cre’n fa v’ee shooyl magh marish Jick Prendergast. Va Jick gra dy row eh ny ghooinney jeh’n Eash Noa, va noi lught yn argid as son cooishyn glassey yn teihll.
By vie lhiat ushtey-bea? (ba-VY-L’YATT-USH-cha-BAY? - Would you like whiskey?
Vel yn oie geiyrt er yn laa! (VELL-in-EE-GYRT-err-in-LAA!) - Does night follow day!
(‘Is the night following on the day!’)
Ren Orree deayrtey magh..(renn-ORR-ee-DEERT-a-MAKH) - Orree poured out..
Alternatively: Gheayrt Orree magh.. (GHEERT-ORR-ee-MAKH).
..joughyn da ny goaldee echey..(JAWKH-un-daa-na-GAWLD-ee-EGG-a) -..drinks for his guests..(‘..the guests at-him..’)
..cho leah’s hoie ee sheese. (ho-LEE-az-HA-ee-SHEESS) - ..as soon as she sat down.. Alternatively: ..cho leah’s ren ee soie sheese.
You can get the past tense by taking the imperative (Soie!) and leniting (aspirating) it (hoie - sat).
Ren Blaanid jeeaghyn stiagh sy jough eck. (renn-BLAA-nid-JEEKH-un-SCHAKH- sa-JAWKH-eck) - Blaanid looked into her drink.
Or: Yeeagh Blaanid stiagh sy jough eck.
Lenite ‘Jeeagh!’ (‘Look!’) to get ‘yeeagh’ (‘looked’).
Cha s’aym, dy firrinagh..(ha-SIMM, the-FIRR-in-yakh) - I don’t know, really (truly).
Boghtynid t’ayn, ansherbee! (BAWKH-nid-TAWN, ANSH-er-BEE) - It’s nonsense, anyway! (‘{It’s} nonsense {which} is in, anyway!’)
She ben aeg aalin va Blaanid. (shay-BEN-aag-AAL-in-va-BLAA-nid) - Blaanid was a beautiful young woman. (‘It’s a beautiful young woman was Blaanid’.)
Folt liauyr, ruy. (FOLT-L’YOWR, RA-ee) - Long red hair.
Sooillyn glassey as neeal glass. (SOOL-yin-GLAZZ-a-azz-NEE-ul-GLASS) - Green eyes and a pale compexion. (Not ‘a green complexion’!)
Cha dod Victoria toiggal... (ha-DODD-vick-TAWR-ee-a-TIGG-al) - Victoria could not understand..
..cre’n fa v’ee shooyl magh marish..(krinn-FAA-vee-SHOO-al-MAKH-MAA-rish) - ..why she was going (walking) out with..
Va Jick gra dy row eh ny ghooinney jeh’n Eash Noa..(va-JICK-GRAA-the-ROW-ay- na-WUNN-ya-jayn-AYSH-NO) - Jick said that he was a man of the New Age.
..va noi lught yn argid as son cooishyn glassey yn teihll. (va-NA-ee-LUKHT-in-ERG- id-azz-SONN-KOOSH-un-GLAZZ-an-TAYL) - ..(who) was against the money crowd and for the green causes of the world.