Dunveryssyn yn Tooder-Folley - The Vampire Murders

Skeeal straneagh liorish Brian Stowell: Ayrn 67
A serial story by Brian Stowell: Part 67

‘Dunverys?’ dooyrt eh myr sannish. ‘Dunverys!’ dreggyr Hoodn er ard.
Haink fer y thie dys y voayrd as eshyn lhiggey er dy nee cooish aitt v’ayn.
‘Quoi t’ou goll dy varroo, Hoodn?’ vrie eh. Y shenn oash Manninagh, smooinee Juan. Keiltyn rieughid lesh spotçh. Cha dod ad loayrt mychione y chooish sy thie-lhionney. Va fer y thie shooyl erash dys y voayrd-coontee as eshyn mongey er aght foalsey.
‘Nodmayd goll dys boayl ennagh elley?’ vrie eh jeh Blaanid, va foast jeeaghyn er y voayrd. ‘Fodmayd goll dys y thie ayms’, dooyrt Hoodn. ‘Surrys enn nagh vel y fer-thammag shen laccal shin ayns shoh!’
Hass ad seose, ren Hoodn guee bannaghtyn as mollaghtyn er kuse dy ‘leih as hie ad magh sy ‘traid. Ren Juan geiyrt er Blaanid as Hoodn, shaghey ny shappyn as magh dys y steat-thie va sleih ennagh gra ‘Y Gulag’ rish.
‘Dunverys?’ dooyrt eh myr sannish. (DUNN-ver-iss? DOORT-a-mar-SONN-ish) - ‘Murder?’ he said in (as) a whisper.
..as eshyn lhiggey er dy nee cooish aitt v’ayn. (azz-EZH-un-L’YIGG-a-ERR-the- N’YAY-KOOSH-ATCH-vawn) - ..pretending that it was a humorous affair.
(‘..and he letting on that it’s a humorous affair (which) was in.’)
Y shenn oash Manninagh..(a-SHAN-AWSH-MANN-in-akh) -The old Manx custom..
Keiltyn rieughid lesh spotçh. (KELT-en-REE-ukh-id-lesh-SPOTCH) - Hiding reality with a joke.
Cha dod ad loayrt...(ha-DODD-add-LAWRT) - They couldn’t speak..
..dys y voayrd-coontee..(duss-a-VAWRD-KOOND-ee) - ..to the bar..
..as eshyn mongey er aght foalsey. (azz-EZH-un-MONG-a-err-AKHT-FAWL-za) - ..(and he) smiling in a false way.
Nodmayd goll dys boayl ennagh elley? (NOD-mudj-GULL-duss-BAWL-enn-YAKH- ELL-ya?) - Can we go to some other place?
Fodmayd goll dys y thie ayms..(FOD-mudj-GULL-duss-a-TY-IMM-iss) - We can go to my house.. (‘..the house at-me..’)
Note the various forms of ‘can’: foddym - I can; cha noddym - I can’t;
fodmayd - we can; cha nodmayd - we can’t; foddee oo - you can;
cha nod oo - you can’t; dod mee - I was able; cha dod mee - I wasn’t able; oddin - I would be able; cha noddin - I wouldn’t be able
Surrys enn nagh vel y fer-thammag shen laccal shin..(SURR-iss-EDDN-nakh-vell- a-FER-TAMM-ag-SHEN-LALL-shin..) - It’s well known that that bastard (‘bush man’) doesn’t want us..
..ren Hoodn guee bannaghtyn as mollaghtyn er kuse dy ‘leih.. (ren-HOODN-gwee- BANN-akht-un-azz-MOLL-akht-un-err-K’YOOSS-the-LA-ee) - ..Hoodn blessed and cursed some people..
Ren Juan geiyrt er ..(RENN-JOO-an-G’YA-eert-err) - Juan followed (on)..
..magh dys y steat-thie va sleih ennagh gra ‘Y Gulag’ rish. (MAKH-duss-a-STAYT- TY-va-SLA-ee-enn-YAKH-GRAA-a-GOOL-ag-rish) - ..out to the housing estate some people called ‘The Gulag’. (‘..out to the housing estate (which) some people were saying ‘The Gulag’ to.’)