Dunveryssyn yn Tooder-Folley - The Vampire Murders
Skeeal straneagh liorish Brian Stowell: Ayrn 72
A serial story by Brian Stowell: Part 72
Mie dy liooar, dooyrt eh. Va jeshaght y ghleashtan sheeanagh agglagh, smooinee eh. Cha row driss urree. Lurg tostid, dooyrt ee: Shione dou dy vel eh anmagh, agh by vie lhiat çheet stiagh son cappan dy chaffee?
By vie lhiam dy mooar, dreggyr Juan. Ro happee, smooinee eh. Neayrs haink eshyn as e ven dy ve scarrit, veh neuarryltagh dy gholl sooree reesht. Agh va red taghyrt yn oie shen. Scuirr eh yn jeshaght as deaisht ad rish y tostid rish tullagh ny ghaa. Eisht, daag ad y gleashtan as ren ad shooyl ayns soilshey yn eayst dys y thie. Doshil Blaanid y dorrys-toshee, nagh row glast.
Dyn y dorrys y ve glast. Tou uss abyl dy yannoo shen foast, vel? dooyrt Juan.
Ta, dreggyr Blaanid. Ansherbee, cha nel red erbee leaghar ayns y thie... tar stiagh...
Hug Juan my ner shamyr souyr aynsyn va lioaryn as kishteenyn reaghit dy jesh er skellooyn er ny boallaghyn. Hoie ad sheese. Cha ren Blaanid goll dy yannoo caffee. Dy jarroo, haink ee dy ve jeean dy liooar.
Va jeshaght y ghleashtan sheeanagh agglagh..(va-JEZH-akht-a-GHLAYSH-chan- SHEE-an-akh-AGG-lakh) - The engine of the car was terribly noisy..
Cha row driss urree. (ha-ROW-DRISS-URR-ee) - She wasnt in a hurry. (There wasnt haste on-her.)
Shione dou dy vel eh anmagh..(SHONE-DOW-the-VELL-a-ANN-makh) - I know that its late..
Ro happee, smooinee eh. (raw-HAHVV-ee, SMUNN-ee-a) - Too late, he thought.
Neayrs haink eshyn as e ven dy ve scarrit ..(NYIRR-uss-HENK-EZH-un-azz-a- VEN-the-vay-SKARR-it) - Since he and his wife became separated..
..veh neuarryltagh dy gholl sooree reesht. (vay-nyow-ARR-ilt-akh-the-ghull-SOOR- ee-reesh) - ..he was unwilling to go courting again.
Scuirr eh yn jeshaght..(SKWIRR-ay-in-JEZH-akht) - He stopped the engine..
..deaisht ad rish y tostid..(DAYSHT-add-rish-a-TOST-id) - ..they listened to the silence.. Alternatively: Ren eh scuirr yn jeshaght as ren ad geaishtagh rish y tostid..
Doshil Blaanid y dorrys-toshee, nagh row glast. (DOZH-il-BLAA-nid-a-DORR-iss- TOZH-ee, nakh-row-GLASST) - Blaanid opened the front door, which was not locked.
Dyn y dorrys y ve glast. (DINN-a-DORR-iss-a-vay-GLASST) - The door not locked.
(Without the door to be locked.)
..cha nel red erbee leaghar ayns y thie..(ha-NELL-RIDD-er-BEE-LEEKH-ar-unnss- a-TY) - ..theres nothing valuable in the house..
Hug Juan my ner shamyr souyr aynsyn va..(HUG-JOO-an-ma-NYERR-SHAAM-er- SOUR-AWN-zun-va..) - Juan saw (beheld) a comfortable room in which there were..
..lioaryn as kishteenyn reaghit dy jesh er skellooyn er ny boallaghyn. (LYAWR-un- azz-kish-CHEEN-un-RAYKH-it-the-JESH-err-SKELL-oo-un-err-na-BAWL- akh-un) - ..books and cassettes arranged nicely on shelves on the walls.
..jeean dy liooar. (JEE-an-the-LYOOR) - ..intense enough.