Dunveryssyn yn Tooder-Folley - The Vampire Murders
Skeeal straneagh liorish Brian Stowell: Ayrn 94
A serial story by Brian Stowell: Part 94
Cha row cummey ro vie er y ven: eddin glass as sooillyn blakey. My vee prowal cur er y vabban goll dy chadley, veh fardailagh chouds shen. Cha dug ee tastey dy row Clejeen as Magnus ayn. Y sorçh dy ven tad cur ayns pryssoon ayns Mannin, smooinee Clejeen.
Gow my leshtal ... dooyrt ee as hie ad seose ny greeishyn dys y treeoo laare, shooyl dy kiarailagh harrish ny gaihaghyn as stoo elley va skeaylt er ny greeishyn.
Va Illiam sthie: Cren aght tan co-phobble fendeilagh? vrie eh.
Cha nel eh fendeil mish, noadyr, dreggyr Magnus dy lunagh.
Cred ta jannoo ersyn? vrie Illiam jeh Clejeen.
Arganys beg lesh lught yn argid, dooyrt Clejeen.
Dooyrt Illiam rish Magnus, Ghooinney veen, lhisagh oo er dannaghtyn maroo!
Cha ren Magnus agh groaishal as soie sheese er aashag. Van cummal-rea feer ghlen as feer Spartagh. Dy jarroo, cha nee cummal-rea vayn dy firrinagh, agh un shamyr vooar as sorçh dy chuilleig raad va Illiam coagyrey.
Cha row cummey ro vie er y ven..(ha-ROW-KUMM-a-RAW-VY-err-a-VEN) - The womans appearance was not too good.. (There was not an appearance too good on the woman ..)
..eddin glass as sooillyn blakey. (ETH-in-GLASS-azz-SOOL-yun-BLAACK-a) - ..a pale face and staring eyes ...
My vee prowal cur er y vabban goll dy chadley ..(ma-vee-PROW-al-KURR-err-a- VABB-an-GULL-the-KHAD-la) - If she was trying to get the baby to sleep ..
(If she was trying putting on the baby going to sleep..)
Remember my is the possible if and dy is the impossible or hypothetical if.
Cha dug ee tastey ..(ha-DUG-ee-TAST-a) - She didnt notice ...
Alternatively: Cha ren ee cur tastey ..
..shooyl dy kiarailagh harrish ny gaihaghyn ..(SHOO-al-the-kar-AYL-akh-HARR-ish- na-GA-ee-akh-un) - ..walking carefully over the toys ..
..va skeaylt er ny greeishyn. (va-SKAYLT-err-na-GREESH-un) - ..(which) were scattered on the stairs ..
Cren aght tan co-phobble fendeilagh? (krinn-AKH-tan-KO-PHAWBL-fen-DAYL- akh?) - How is the caring (protective) society?
Cha nel eh fendeil mish, noadyr (ha-NELL-a-fen-DAYL-MISH, NAWTH-er) - Its not defending me at all.
Cred ta jannoo ersyn? (KERR-id-ta-JINN-oo-ERR-sin?)Whats the matter with him?
..lhisagh oo er dannaghtyn maroo! (LYITH-akh-oo-err-DANN-akht-un-MAA-roo!) -
..you should have stayed with them!
Cha ren Magnus agh groaishal ..(ha-renn-MAG-nus-akh-GRAWSH-al) - Magnus only grunted ..(Magnus did not but grunting ..)
..cha nee cummal-rea vayn dy firrinagh..(ha-NYAY-KUMM-al-RAY-VAWN-the- FIRR-in-YAKH) - ..it wasnt really a flat ..(..its not a flat (which) was in ..)
.. sorçh dy chuilleig raad va Illiam coagyrey. (SURCH-the-khool-YAYG-raad-va-ILL- yam-KAWG-er-a) - ..a sort of cupboard where Illiam cooked.