Carn 24

Seyrsnys ny Gaeltacht.

Some autonomy is proposed for the Irish Gaeltacht. But it is doubtful whether the people of the Gaeltacht will have much control of their destiny.

Ta arganys mooar er ve fo raad ayns Nerin rish tammylt nish mychione reiltys-hene da'n Ghaeltacht (ny da'n Ghaeltacht ta foast er mayrn). T'eh baghtal ry akin nagh vel ny coonseilyn-condae kiarail veg mychione yn chengey Yernagh. Dy jarroo, ta gombeenyn dy liooar er ny coonseilyn shoh nagh vod fuirraghtyn rish baase ny chengey. Goll rish Mannin, ta coonseilee lhiggey da sleih milley yn cheer lesh thieyn ta goll er troggal ayns buill mee-chooie. Ny smessey na shen, ta baljyn beggey goll er troggal kiart sy Ghaeltacht hene, ayns Conamara, myr sampleyr. Ta ny baljyn beggey shoh goll er troggal da turryssee berchagh as da sleih berchagh elley ta laccal thieyn souree. Dy dooghyssagh, ta'n sleih shoh loayrt Baarle ny lomarcan, as gyn ourys ta ram jeu soiaghey beg jeh Yernish. Myr ta fys ain ooilley, ta'n lheid jannoo assee mooar da'n chengey. Ta fys mie ec sleih ny Gaeltacht hannah dy vel reiltys ny hErin cur shirveish beeal da'n chengey. She yn red s'jerree dy vel Baarleyryn ard-vooarlagh cheet dy chummal kiart ny mast-oc.
Mannagh vees pooar politickagh ec ny Gaelgeyryn hene, bee yn chengey brisht dy bollagh ayns sheeloghe. Ec y traa t'ayn, cha nel monney Gaelgeyryn dooghyssagh loayrt Yernish rish nyn baitchyn. Tra ta sleih elley briaght jeu cre'n fa nagh vel ad gynsaghey yn chengey ghooghyssagh rish ny paitchyn oc, ta ny Gaelgeyryn shoh freggyrt dy jean ny paitchyn gynsaghey Yernish dy liooar ayns ny scoillyn!
Tra va'n steat Yernagh currit er bun ny smoo na lieh-cheead blein er dy henney, heill ram Yernee (dy aggairagh) dy beagh staydys ard ec y chengey ayns tammylt beg. Agh cha row rieau pooar ny argid ny ooashlid kianlt lesh yn chengey sy lhing jeianagh. Ta Yernish foast coontit y ve myr chengey ny moght sy Ghaeltacht (as ny chengey jeh elite cheumooie jeh'n Ghaeltacht).
Dy beagh ny Gaelgeyryn ayns Conamara, Tir Chonaill as Ciarrai abyl dy stiurey ny cooishyn oc hene, veagh caa ennagh ayn nagh voghe Yernish baase myr chengey vio yn phobble ayns ny buill shen. Mannagh veese pooar erbee oc, son shickyrys bee Yernish marroo roish foddey. Fy yerrey hoal, ta reiltys ny Poblaght er ghra dy der ad Udaras na Gaeltachta er bun. Shoh sorch dy reiltys ynnydagh da'n Ghaeltacht ta ny share na veg. Agh ta lught Chonradh na Gaeilge (yn Commeeys Gaelgagh) as sleih elley goaill aggle dy re crout reiltys t¹ayn. Ta'n Commeeys gra nagh vel pooar dy liooar ec yn Udaras. Erskyn ooilley, cha bee pooar-plannal ec yn Udaras, as myr shen cha bee eh abyl dy lhiettal ny fir verchagh ta troggal thieyn souree sy Ghaeltacht.
Red elley, cha nel reiltys Divlyn er ghra c'raad ta ny rheynnyn-cheerey Gaeltacht! Ta Divlyn foast coontey paart jeh'n Ghoaltaght y ve ny Ghaeltacht, as myr shen bee ny Baarleyryn foast abyl dy 'reayll cass er bolg ny Gaelgeyryn.

Brian y Stoyll