aardvark, muc hallooin
aardwolf, filliu thallooin
Aaron's Beard, Faasaag Aaron
Aaronic(al), Aaronagh
aasvogel, eean chonvaayrtagh
aback, cheu chooylloo, cooyl
abactinal, gyn goullyn
abacus, abacus, clowan choontee
abaft, cooyl, gys jerrey ny lhuingey, gys y stiur, ny yei
abandon, cur ergooyl, faagail, gyn boirey, gyn lhiettrimys, lhiggey lesh
abandoned, faagit, jiarg, treigit
abandonment, faagailys, lhiggey lesh, treigeilys
abase, injillaghey
abased, imlit, injillit
abasement, injillid
abash, cur nearey er, nearaghey
abashed, nearit
abashment, nearey
abate, lhaggaghey, meeinaghey, sloateil, traih, tuittym
abatement, lhaggaghey, meeinaghey, sloateil, traih, tuittym
abater, meeineyder
abattoir, thie buitchoorys
abb, snaie 'sy choigee
abbacy, abbaght
abbatial, abbagh, abbanagh
abbess, ard-chaillagh, ard-chaillagh ghoo, ard-ven reill, ben abb, moir abb
abbey, abban, mannishter
abbey church, keeill abban, keeill vannishter, keeill vaynagh
abbey land, thalloo abb, thalloo abban
abbot, abb, fer-reill abban
abbreviate, aagherrey, giarrey, girraghey
abbreviated, aagherrit, giare, girrit
abbreviation, aagherrid
abdicate, ceau jeh, cur seose, irree ass, lhiggey voish
abdicated, ceaut jeh, currit seose, irrit ass, lhiggit voish
abdication, coyrt seose, cur seose, irree ass, lhiggey voish
abdomen, bolg, brooinney, tarr
abdominal, bolgagh, bolgey, brooinnagh, y volgey, y vrooinney
abdominal belt, cryss volgagh
abduct, goaill ersooyl, leeideil ersooyl
abduction, goaill ersooyl, leeideil ersooyl
abductor, leeideilagh ersooyl
abeam, jeeragh tessyn voin
abed, 'sy lhiabbee, er y lhiabbee
Aberdeen, Aberdon
aberrant, shaghrynagh
aberrate, goll er shaghryn
aberration, cleayney, shaghrynys
abet, greesaghey, greinnaghey
abetted, greesit
abetting, greinnit
abettor, brasneyder, greinnagh, greinneyder
abhor, cur feoh (da), feohdaghey
abhorrence, feoh, grayn
abhorrent, eajee, feohdagh, feohdoil, grauit
abhorrer, feohder
abide, cummal, tannaghtyn
abider, cummaltagh, tanneyder
abiding, beayn, cummal, shassooagh, tannaghtyn
abigail, inney veyl
ability, ablid, fort, jargaght, schlei
abiogenesis, hene-gheintyn
abject, kercheenagh, treih
abjection, kercheenys, treihys
abjectness, kercheenys, treihys
abjuration, jiooldey, loo noi, mynney noi
ablative, gowaltagh
ablaut, ablout
ablaze, er-aile, lossey, lostey
able, cummeydagh, do-fendeil, jargal, so-choadey
able-bodied, abyl, corp lajer, lajer, loor
ableness, ablid, cummeydaght, fondid
abloom, my vlaa
abluent, glennee, oonlee
ablute, oonlaghey
abluter, oonleyder
ablution, oonley
ablutions, shamyr oonlee, thie oonlee
abnegate, jiooldey, obbal
abnegated, jiooldit, obbit
abnegation, obbal, jiooldey
abnormal, anreiltagh, neureilt
abnormality, anreiltys, neureiltys
abnormity, anreiltys, neureiltys
aboard, er lhuingey, er-boayrd
abode, chagh, cummal, oayll
abolish, astyral, astyrt
abolished, astyrit
abolisher, astyragh, stroieder
abolishment, astyrt, dolley magh, scryssey magh
abolition, astyrt, dolley magh, scryssey magh
abolitionist, dollee, dolleyder, scryssee, scrysseyder magh
abominable, dwoieagh, eajee, feohdagh, feohoil, oaiagh
abominable snowman, fer sniaghtee feohdagh
abominableness, eajeeys, feohdid, feohdoilys
abominate, cur dwoaie (da), cur feoh (da)
abomination, eajeeys, feohdys
aboriginal, bun-chummallagh, bun-dooghyssagh
aborigine, bun-cummaltagh, bun-dooghyssagh
aborigines, bun-lught
abort, cur jeh, scuirr, tilgey
aborted ewe, deayrtnagh
abortion, brey anappee, geayrtnys, louyr, louyran, louyrys, ruggyr neuappee
abortive, anappee, leahree, louyragh
abortiveness, anappeeys
abound, ram
abounding, lhieenagh
abounding in chickweed, fleeagh
abounding in docks, cabbagagh
abounding in fish, eeastoil
abounding in oysters, ooastyragh
abounding in ragwort, cushagagh
abounding in rivers, awinagh
abounding in sharp docks, shughlaigagh
abounding with springs, farraneagh
about, er chee, mychione, mygeayrt, mysh
about her, moee
about him, mysh
about me, moom
about them, moo
about us, mooin
about you, miu, mood
above, cheu heose jeh, erskyn, harrish, heose, ny s'yrjey na, ny shlee na, ny smoo na
above average, erskyn y chadjinys
above board, dy foshlit, ynrick
above ground, er yn eaghtyr, erskyn thallooin, erskyn y thalloo
above her, er-e-skyn
above him, er-e-skyn
above me, er-my-skyn
above them, er-nyn-skyn
above us, er-nyn-skyn
above value, harrish y chione
above you, er-dty-skyn, er-nyn-skyn
above-mentioned, heose imraait, roie soit magh
above-named, heose imraait, roie soit magh
abrade, ceau, screebey
abraded, ceaut, screebit
abrase, ceau, screebey
abrasion, screeb, screebey
abrasive, screebagh, screebeyder
abreast, er un linney, geaylin ry gheaylin, gob ry ghib
abreast of the times, heose rish y traa t'ayn
abridge, giarrey, girraghey
abridged, giare, giare-chummaghyn, girrit
abridgement, giare-chummey, girraghey
abridging, giarrey, girraghey
abroach, baarnit
abroad, ass y cheer, magh, mooie
abrogate, dolley magh, jannoo gyn bree
abrogated, dollit magh, jeant gyn bree
abrogation, dolley magh, jannoo gyn bree, neuyannoo
abrupt, cuttagh, doaltattym, geyre, giare
abruptly, doaltattymagh, dy cuttagh, dy doaltattym
abruptness, cuttid, doaltattymid, doaltattymys, geyrid
abscess, askaid vooar, bolgan ingyragh, lhieeney ingyragh
abscessed, askaidagh, ingyrit
abscissa, absissey
abscond, feolaghey, roie er chea, scapail
absconder, cheader, feolagh, scapailagh
absconding, chea, feolagh, scapail
abscondment, chea, feolagh, scapail, chea
absence, shaghrynys
absent, ass eanish, neuaaragh, shaghrynagh
absent (of landlord), meehastagh
absent-minded, meehastagh, shagh-smooinaghtagh
absent-minded person, meehastagh, shagh-smooinaghtagh
absentee, neuaaragh
absenteeism, assaaraght
absenteeism (landlord), meehastid
absinth, absynt
absolute, jarroo, jerrinagh, ynrican
absolute (of ruler), ard-chummaghtagh, ard-phooaral, slane
absolute power, lane chummaght
absolute temperature, jarroo-hohaght
absolute zero, jarroo-neunhee
absolutely, ass myghin, dy bollagh, er dagh ooilley chor, slane
absolutely valueless, feeu veg
absoluteness, ard-phooaralys, jerrinaght, slaneid, ynricanys
absolution, feaysley, leih, seyrey
absolutism, absaloidaghys
absolve, feayshil, feaysley, leih, maihaghey, seyrey
absolved, feayslit, leihit, maiht, seyrit
absolver, feaysleyder, fer feayslee, maihder
absolving, feayslee
absorb, jiole seose, maanal, soo stiagh, soo stiagh gaal
absorb (engulf), sluggey
absorbable, so-hoo, yn-sooit
absorbed, jiolit seose, sooit (stiagh)
absorbency, maanalys
absorbent, chirmeyder, jioleagh, maanalagh, maaneyder, sooagh
absorber, sooder
absorber (of shocks), leodagher
absorbing, jioleagh, maanagh, sooagh, troggalagh
absorption, maanalys, sluggey, soo, troggal
abstain, faagail jeh, obbal
abstain (from food), trostey
abstainer, obbaltagh
abstemious, sheelt
abstemiousness, sheeltys
abstention, faagail jeh, obbal
abstention (Political), neuaaraght
abstentionism, neuaaraghys
abstentionist, neuaaragh
absterge, glenney
abstergent, glennee, nieeagh, stoo glennee, stoo niaghan
abstinence, faagail jeh, obbaltys
abstinence (from alcohol), lane-staayney, sheeltys, slane obbaltys
abstinent, trostagh, trostee
abstract, bouyranagh, do-hoiggal, giare-chummey, neuloaghtagh, scartagh
abstract noun, ennym foayssagh
abstraction, neuloaghtys
abstraction (of mind), bouyranys
abstruse, do-hoiggal, neuvaghtal
abstruseness, do-hoiggalys, neuvaghtallys
absurd, gyn cheayll, meecheeayllagh, ommidjagh
absurdity, meecheeayllid, ommidjys
absurdness, meecheeayllid, ommidjys
abundance, lhieenaraght, niart, palchid, palchys, skyoll, slane palchey, ymmodys
abundant, lhieenar, palchagh, skyollagh, ymmodagh
abuse, caartrey, drogh ymmyd, jannoo drogh-ymmyd jeh, oltooan, oltooaney
abuser, caartreyder, oltooanagh
abusive, caartragh, drogh, drogh-ymmydagh, floutagh, oltooanagh
abusive person, caartragh, caartreyder
abusiveness, caartraght, caartrey
abut, cochagliaghey, sheeyn ry-cheilley
abutment, cochagliagh
abutting, cochagliagh, cochagliaghey, quaaylagh
abysmal, charvaalagh, erskyn insh
abyss, charvaal
abyssal, charvaalagh
Abyssinia, Yn Abysseen
Abyssinian, Abysseenagh
acacia, acaashey
academic, acadoil, ard-schoillar, ard-schoillaragh, ollooagh, scoillar
academical, colaashtagh, scoillaragh
academy, colleish, thie ynsee
acaena, lus ny holley
acanthus, jialg
accede, coardail rish, roshtyn
accelerando, dy siyragh
accelerate, greesaghey, troggal bieauid
accelerated, siyrit
accelerating, siyree
acceleration, bieauaghey
accelerator, siyreyder
accent, blass, sheeanane
accent (written), slattag
accentuate (as letter), cur slattag er
accentuate (as word), cur trimmid er
accentuated, fo slattag
accentuation, cur slattag er, jannoo ny s'trimmey
accept, soiaghey jeh
acceptable, taitnyssagh
acceptance, goaill, screeuyn coontee soit, soiaghey jeh
acceptation, keeayll fockle
accepter, fer soiaghey, soiagher
acceptor, gioalteyr
access, entreilys
accessibility, entreilagh, roshtynagh
accession (of funds), bishaghey
accession (of light), lhiggey stiagh
accession (to power), roshtyn
accessories, corylagh, cullee coonee
accessory, colughtagh, fer choonee, gliggyr
accidence, bunneydys
accident, taghyrt, tuittymagh
accident (bad), drogh-haghyrt, lhag-haghyrt
accidental, drogh-haghyrtagh, lhag-haghyrtagh, taghyrtagh, trooid tuittymys, tuittymagh
accidentally, dy taghyrtagh, dy tuittymagh, trooid taghyrt
acclaim, yllagh, yllaghey
acclamation, coraa moyllee, eam moyllee, yllagh
acclimatization, cheet gys cheeraght, cliaghtey, coyrt gys cheeraght
acclimatize, cheet dys cheeraght, cliaghtey
acclivity, ughtagh
accolade, accolaid
accoladed, daa chione
accommodate (arrange), kiartaghey, reaghey
accommodate (lodge), aaghtey, cur aaght (da)
accommodating, keainal, obligaidagh
accommodating (of morals), so-ghleashagh
accommodation (financial), eeasaght, reaghys
accommodation (lodgings), aaght
accommodation ladder, aarey yerree
accompaniment, co-immeeaght
accompaniment (musical), co-chloie
accompanist, co-chloieder, sheshaghtagh
accompany, co-chloie marish, freayll sheshaght rish, goll marish
accompanying, ayns sheshaght rish, ayns sheshaght rish, cooidjagh
accomplice, co-chyndagh, cophartnagh
accomplish, cooilleen, cooilleeney, creaghnaghey, creaghnee, creaghney, jannoo
accomplished (as person), mie ynsit, schleioil
accomplished (as project), cooilleenit, creaghnit, jeant
accomplisher, cooilleeneyder, creaghneyder
accomplishment (act of), cooilleeney, jannoo
accomplishment (feat), dedge, jannoo
accord, aigney, coardail, jannoo cordail, join
accordance, coardailys, freggyrtys
accordance (geog), coreiraght
accordance (law), rere
accordant, arryltagh, booiagh, co-aignagh, coreiragh
according to, coardail rish, reir, rere
according to law, rere yn leigh
according to rule, reiltagh
according to use, rere cliaghtey
accordingly, 'naght, reir shen, rere shen
accordion, bocs kiaullee, coardeen
accordion pleats, myn-filley
accost, loayrt rish
accostable, coar, cooisheraght
accoster, fer ta loayrt rish
accosting, loayrt (rish)
accouchment, lhie hoalley
account (description), coontey
account (financial), screeu coontee
account book, lioar choontys, lioar choontys
account day, laa ny goontyssyn
accountability, freggyrtys
accountable, freggyrtagh, oolagh, raantagh
accountableness, freggyrtys, raanteenys
accountancy, coontysseyraght
accountant, coontysseyr
accounts, coontyssyn
accoutre, cur eilley er, greieghey
accoutrements, cullee, eillaghyn
accredit, credoonaghey, credoonaghey
accredited, credjoonit
accretion, aase ry-cheilley
accretive, gaase
accrue, bishaghey, irree
accumulate, carnanaghey, chaglym, chymsaghey
accumulation, chymsaght, sheebey, thummid
accumulative, chaglymagh, chymsee
accumulator, chagleyder, chymseyder, kishtey pooar
accuracy, currymid, kiartys
accurate, cruinn, currrymagh, kiart
accursed, cursit, custey, mollaghtagh
accusation, cassid, plaiynt
accusative, cassidagh
accuse, jannoo cassid (er)
accused, cassidagh
accuser, cassider
accustom, cliaghtaghey, cliaghtey
accustomed, cliaghtit (rish), oayllagh (rish)
accustomisation, cliaghtey
ace, ard-olloo, fenaigh
ace (cards), 'nane, unnane
acerbity, sherriuid
acetate, assetait
acetic, aseetagh
acetify, jannoo feeyn geayr jeh
acetone, asseytoan
acetylene, assetleen
ache, pian, pianey
achievable, cooilleenagh, so-chooilley
achieve (desire), cooilleeney
achieve (fame), cosney
achieve (fortune), geddyn
achievement, ard-nhee, ard-obbyr, cooilleeney
achiever, cooilleeneyder, jantagh
Achill, Aghill
aching, gewagh, gonnagh, pian
achromatic, neughaahoil
achromatism, neaghaaghys
acid, geayr, sharroo
acid-proof, jeen noi sharroo
acid-resisting, shassooagh noi sharroo
acidific, geayr, sharroo
acidify, goll sharroo, jannoo geayr, jannoo sharroo
acidish, beggan geayr, lesh y cherruid, sharrooagh
acidity, geyrid, gortid, sherriuid
acidulate, gortaghey, jannoo sharroo
acidulous, sharrooagh
acknowledge, cur bwooise er son, freggyr rish, goaill rish
acknowledged, bwooise currit er son, freggyrit, goit rish
acknowledgement, freggyrt, goaill rish
aclinic, gyn cleayney
acme, baare, eer-vullagh
acne, acnee
acolyte, guilley erin
acolyte (office of), cainleyraght
acon, baatey laagh
aconite, feoh y voddee
acorn, cro darree
acorn barnacles, carran
acorn cup, cappan ferrish
acorn moth, lhemeen darree
acoustic wall, boalley bouyr
acoustic(al), accoustagh, sheeanoil
acoustics, co-vingys, sheeanoilid
acoustics (science of), accoustaghys, sheean-oaylleeaght
acquaint, insh da
acquaintance, ainjys, ainjyssagh, enn, enney
acquaintanceship, ainjys, enney
acquainted, ainjyssagh rish, oayllagh (rish)
acquiesce, lhie roish
acquiescence, lhie roish
acquiescent, aashagh, coar, lhie roish
acquire, cosney, cossyn, feddyn, geddyn
acquired, cosnit, feddynit
acquirement, cosney
acquirer, cosneyder, feddyner
acquisition, cosney, feddyn, geddyn, vondeish
acquisitive, cosnee, feddynagh, sayntagh
acquit, cooilleeney, lhiggey jeh, seyrey
acquittal, lhiggey jeh, cooilleeney, lhiggey jeh, seyrey, seyrvriwnys
acquittal (of debt), eeck, glenney
acquittance, glenney feeaghyn
acre, acyr
acreage, acyraght, acyrys
acrid, garg, geyre, sharroo
acridian, folleyder
acridity, gargid, geyrid, sherriuid
acrimonious, sharroo
acrimoniousness, gargid, sherriuid
acrimony, gargid, sherriuid
acritude, gargid, sherriuid
acrobat, skibbyltagh
acrobatic, skibbylt
acropolis, ard-valley
across, har, harrish, hoal, hoon, noal, wass
acrostic, acrostagh
acrylic, acryllagh
act, aghtey, cloie, immeeaght, jannoo, obbraghey
act (Parliamentary), aght, slattys
act (pretend), lhiggey
acted, cloiet
acted upon (as advice), goit as jeant
acting, aghtey, cloie, gimmeeaght, gobbraghey, lhiggey er, shallidagh
actinic, actinnagh
action, immeeaght, jantys, lheihll, obbraghey
action (court), aggyrtys, cooish leigh
action (military), caggeeaght, cah
action at law, cooish leigh
activate, bioyraghey, greinnaghey, jannoo bio
activated, bio
activation, bioyraghey, greinnaghey
active (as person), breeoil, gastey, lheiltagh, skibbylt
active (grammatical), jantagh
active volcano, volcaan bio
activeness (of person), bioyrid, gastid, lheihltys, skibbyltys
activity (leisure), roort, roortys
activity (physical), bioyrid, gastid, lheihll, lheiltys
acton, actyn
actor, aghteyr, cloieder, jantagh
actress, ben chloie
actual, hene, jarroo
actual (real), rieugh
actuality, firrinys, jerriuid, rieughid
actualize, feeraghey
actually, dy jarroo, jeer
actuary, ard-earrooagh
acuity, geyre-cheeayll, toiggaltys
acupuncture, doralley Sheenagh
acute (keen-witted), kioot, tastagh, toiggalagh
acute (painful), geuagh
acute (sharp), birragh, geyre
acute accent, sheeanane gheyre, slattag virragh
acute angle, geyre-uillin, uillin gheyre, uillin virragh
acuteness, birrid, geyrid
acuteness (of feeling), mioyr
acuteness (of mind), kiootid, tastid, toiggalys
ad infinitum, dy bragh, gyn jerrey
ad interim, dy shallidagh, son y traa t'ayn
ad lib, dy feoiltagh, rere yeearree
ad valorem, reir yn leagh
adage, dooyrtiman, raa cadjin, raa creeney, raa keeayllagh, shenn-raa
adagio, meillid
Adam, Adaue
Adam's apple, cront ny scoarnee
adamant, creoi
adamantine, feer chreoi
adapt, cormal (rish)
adaptability, so-lhoobaght
adaptable, so-lhoobagh
adaptation, cummey
adapter (person), aachummeyder
adaptor (device), cochormag
add, cur hug
add (figures), symmaghey
add (increase), bishaghey, mooadaghey
addecimate, goaill jaghee
addendum, correy
addendum (book), far-lhieeney
adder (reptile), aarnieu
addict, cleaynaghey, miandagh
addicted, cleaynit (da), currit da
addiction, cleayney
adding, cur hug
adding machine, greie coontee
addition, bishaght, tooilley
addition (mathematical), symey
additional, elley, tooilley
additionally, erskyn (shen)
addle (as brain), cur fud y cheilley
addle (as egg), jannoo lheeahree
addled (as brain), fud y cheilley
addled (as egg), lheeahree
addled egg, ooh guirragh
address, enmys
address (as person), cur fockle er, loayrt (rish)
address (send to), cur hug
address (words), goan, loayrtys, oraid
address book, lioar enmys, lioar enmys
addressed (as letter), as enmys er, enmyssit
addressed (crowd), loayrit (rish)
addressee, enmyssagh
adduce, cur feanish
Aden, Yn Aidyn
adenoid, adenoid, adenoidagh
adenoma, adenomey
adept, jesh, jesh-laueagh
adequacy, cormid
adequate, corrym (rish), dy liooar
adequately, dy corrym, dy kiart
adequateness, co-chormid, cormid, freggyraght
adhere, festal, greimmey, lhiann, lhiant, taah
adherence (of person), greimmey, lhiantys
adherent, eiyrtyssagh, lhiantagh, lhiantynagh
adherer, festeyder
adhesion, greimane, greimmey, lhiantynys
adhesive, gleiy, gleiyagh, gleiynagh, glooie, lhiantagh
adhesive plaster, greimlyn
adhesive tape, rybban lhiantagh
adhesiveness, gleiyid, gleiynid, lhiantys
adiabatic, adeeabattagh
adieu, bannaght ayd, bannaght eu, bannaght lhiat, bannaghtyn ort, dy row mie erriu, shee dy row mayrt, slane ad, slane eu, slane lhiat
adipose, sahllagh
adipose tissue, sahll
adit, bollagh stiagh, raad stiagh
adjacency, faarid, faggysaght
adjacent, cheu ry heu, faare, sheeynt ry-cheilley, sniessey
adjectival, marennymagh
adjective, marennym
adjoin, cochiangley, lhiattaghey
adjoining, cheualagh, colhiantagh, quaiyltagh, sheeynt rish
adjourn, arraghey, cur ry-lhiattee, scuirr
adjournment, arraghey, scuirr, shaghnys
adjudge, jannoo briwnys er
adjudicate, jannoo briwnys
adjudication, briwnys, jannoo briwnys
adjudicator, briw
adjunct, co-obbree, cooneyder, lhiantit, taahit
adjunction, lhiantit, taahit
adjure, cur fo loo
adjust, cochiartaghey, cochiartee, kiartaghey
adjustable, so-chiartaghey
adjusted, cochiartit, kiartit
adjusting, cochiartaghey, kiartaghey
adjustment, cochiartagh, kiartagh
adjutancy, co-yantagh, co-yantys
adjutant, co-yantagh, cooneyder, fer coonee
adjutant bird, coar-Injinagh
admass, ynphossan
administer, reirey, shirveish er
administration, reirey, shirveishaght
administrative, reiragh
administrator, reireyder, sheckter
administratorship, currym, reireydys, sheckteragh, sheckterys
administratrix, ben heckter
admirable, feeu yindys, yindyssagh
admiral, ard-marragh
admiralship, ard-marraghys
admiralty, ard-marraght
admiralty court, quaiyl varrey
Admiralty Islands, Ellanyn ny h-Ardmarraght
admiration, ammys, yindys
admire, cur yindys er
admirer, blakeyder, fer sooree, gimman, gliminagh
admiring, ammyssagh
admiringly, lesh ammys, lesh taitnys, lesh yindys
admissibility, entreilaght
admissible, entreilagh
admission, entreilys
admission (of guilt), goaill rish
admission card, kaart entreilys
admit, cur entreilys da, lhiggey stiagh
admit (guilt), goaill rish
admittance (entry), entreilys, lhiggey stiagh
admitted custom, cliaghtey cadjin
admitted truth, firrinys
admittedly, gyn ourys
admix, covest, covestey, mestey
admixture, co-seiy, covestey
admonish, cur raaue da
admonisher, fer raauee, raaueder
admonishing, raauee
admonishment, raaue
admonition, raaue
admonitory, raauee
adnate, aasit cooidjagh
ado, bea
ado (strife, musthaa
ado (strife), anvea, kiaullaneys
adobe, breek ghreinnit
adolescence, aegid
adolescent, aeg, aegidagh, aelagh
adopt, doltey
adopt (as report), glackey
adopted child, doltey
adopted parent, dolteyder
adopted son, doltey firryn
adopter, dolteyder
adoption, dolteynys
adoptive, doltagh
adorable, feeu ooashley
adoration, ard-ooashley, ooashley
adore, cur ooashlaghey da, ooashlaghey
adorer, ooashleyder
adorn, jesheenaghey
adorn (with clothes), coamrey
adornment, jesheen, jesheenaghey
Adrian, Adrian
Adrianople, Caayr Adrian
Adriatic, Aidreeatagh
adrift, er shaghryn, gimmee lesh yn troa, lesh y gheay, rouaillagh
adroit, abyl, jesh-laueagh, schleioil
adroitness, ablid, jeshlaueys, schlei
adulate, cur ard-voylley da
adulatory, ard-vollee
adult, ben aasit, dooinney aasit, fer aasit, peiagh aasit
adulterate, droghvestey
adulteration, droghvestey
adulterator, droghvesteyder, milleyder
adulterer, adultrinagh, brisheyder poosee, maarderer
adulteress, ben adultrinagh, ben vaarderagh
adulterine, oainjeragh
adulterous, adultrinagh, maarderagh
adultery, brishey poosey
adulthood, eash ghooinney, eash ghooinney, eash ven
adumbrate, ceau scadoo er
adumbration, scaa
aduncate, cruillit stiagh
advance, bieaughey, cheet my laue, eeasaght, gleashaghey, gleashaght er-oi, immeeaght er-oi, keim er-oi, trooid
advance (encourage), cur er hoshiaght
advance party, sleih toshee
advanced, ard-
advanced (heightened), yrdjit
advanced cost, costys yrdjit
advanced post, post toshee
advanced studies, ard-studeyrys
advancement, yrdjaghey
advantage (benefit), vondeish
advantage (upper hand), laue yn eaghtyr, lhiass
advantageous, vondeishagh
advent, cheet
Advent, Cheet nyn Jiarn, Yn Cheet
adventitious, taghyrtagh
adventure, contoyrtys, cur ayns contoyrtys
adventure story, skeeal contoyrtys
adventurer, contoyrtagh, fer contoyrtagh
adventuress, ben chontoyrtagh, ben ghaaney, streebagh
adventurous, contoyrtagh
adventurousness, contoyrtys
adverb, rovreear
adverbial, rovreeragh
adversary, ancharrey, noid
adverse, meefoayroil, noidagh
adverse wind, geay ching
adversity, arkys
advert, soilshaghey magh, soilsheen
advertence, frioose
advertent, frioosagh
advertently, dy frioosagh, frioosagh
advertise, fograghey, soilshaghey magh, soilsheenaghey, soilsheenee, soilsheeney
advertisement, soilshaghey, soilsheen
advertiser, soilsheeneyder
advertising, soilshaghey magh, soilsheenaghey, soilsheenee, soilsheenys
advertising circular, screeuyn keayrtagh
advertising manager, reireyder soilsheenys
advertising medium, aght soilsheenee
advice, coyrle, fys, skeeal
advice boat, baatey screeunyn
advisability, coyrlaght, creenaght
advisable, coyrleydagh, creeney
advisableness, coyrlaght, creenaght
advise, coyrlaghey (da), cur coyrle da
advised, coyrlit
advisedly, lurg coyrle
adviser, coyrlagh, coyrleyder, fer coyrlee
advising, coyrlee
advisory, coyrlee
advocacy, pleadeil, sheealtaght
advocate, coyrlaghey, leighder, moylley, pleadeyr, sheealtagh, sheearloayr er nyn son
advowson, kiart enmys
adze, taal
Aegean, Aejeeanagh
aegis, co-ymmyrkey, skian
Aeolian, Aeoleeanagh
aeon, eash
aerate, aeraghey, gassaghey
aerated, aeragh, aerit, gassagh, greeshit
aeration, aeraghey, gassaghey
aerator, aereyder
aerial, aerag, aerag
aerial photograph, caslys speyragh
aerial torpedo, torpaid aer
aero-engine, greie-etlan, jeshaght etlan
aerobatics, cloie speyragh
aerobic, aeroabagh
aerodrome, boayl etlee, pairk aeragh
aerodynamic, aerghleashaghtagh
aerodynamics, aerghleashaght
aerofoil, edjag
aerogram, screeuyn-etlan
aerograph, aerograaf
aerolite, clagh henney
aerology, speyr-oaylleeaght
aeromotor, greie geayee
aeronaut, etleyder, shiaulteyr speyr
aeronautical, aer, aer-lhuingyssagh, aer-shiaulteyragh
aeronautics, etlanys
aerophotography, jalloodys speyr
aeroplane, etlan, greie etlee
aerostatics, aerostattagh
aesthete, aesthete
aesthetic(al), aesthetagh
aesthetics, aesthetaght
aestival, souree
afar, er-foddey, foddey, foddey jeh, foddey magh
afar off, foddey ersooyl
affability, coarid
affable, coar
affair (love), cooish, sooree
affect, bentyn rish, gleashaghey, goaill, lhiggey er
affectation, cur er, foalsid, lhiggey er
affected, foalsey, neufirrinagh, neuynrick
affected (speech), blass agglagh
affected with glampus, caddymagh
affectedness, cur er, far-chliaghtey, lhiggey er
affecting, gleashagh, trimshagh
affection, chingys, ehlley, graih, kynn, trocairys
affectionate, graihagh
affiance, naishtey
affianced, naisht, naishtit
affidavit, screeuyn fo loo
affiliate, cochiangley
affiliated society, Sheshaght chochianglt
affiliation, cochiangley, ught-lhiannoo
affinity, cleuinys, cosoyley
affirm, feeraghey, feerey, niartaghey, shickyraghey
affirmation, feeraghey, niartaghey, shickyraghey
affirmative, jarrooagh, shickyragh
affirmatory, shickyree
affirmed, feerit, niartit, shickyrit
affirmer, shickyreyder
affix, sniemmey (hug)
affix (Gram.), crogheydys
afflict, douyrey, seaghnaghey, smaghtaghey
afflicting, douyr, douyragh, lheittrimagh, seaghnagh, smaghtagh, smeihagh
affliction, arkys, donnys, seaghyn, smeih
afflictive, seaghnagh, seaghynagh
affluence, palchid, palchys
affluent, crouw-awin, palchagh, sonney
afflux, lhieeney
afford, fordrail, spaarail
afforded, fordit, spaarit
afforest, cuirr biljyn ayn, jannoo keyll
afforestation, cuirr biljyn, jannoo keyll
affranchise, seyrey
affranchisement, seyrey
affray, co-streeu
affricate, affricaid
affright, agglaghey
affront, brasnaghey, cur sneih da, flout
affronted, brasnit
affronting, brasnee, gannidagh
Afganistan, Yn Afgaanistan
Afghan, Afgaanagh
afield, 'sy vagher
afire, er-aile, lossey
aflame, lossey, lostey
afloat, bio, boggit, er yn eaghtyr, er yn ushtey, er-flod
afoot, er chosh
afore the mast, roish y chroan
aforecited, roie enmyssit, roie enmyssit
aforementioned, roie-raait
aforenamed, roie enmyssit
aforesaid, rioe raait
aforethought, roie-chiarit, roie-smooinit, rolaue
afraid, aggle (er)
afresh, ass-y-noa
Africa, Yn Affrick
African, Affrickagh
aft, ec jerrey ny lhiungey, ec y jerrey, gys jerrey ny lhiungey, gys y jerrey, gys y stiur
aft of the mast, cooyl y chroan, sheear jeh'n chroan
aft-gate, cooylley chooyl
after, jei
after (time), er-giyn, erreish da, lurg, ny yei
after (us you them), nyn lurg, nyn yei
after ages, sheeloghyn ry heet
after dark, lurg tuittym ny hoie
after deck, boayrd jerree
after grass, y nah faiyr
after growth, aavaair
after her, ny jei, ny lurg
after him, ny lurg, ny yei
after mast, croan jerree
after me, my lurg, my yei
after this, ny yei shoh
after you, dty lurg, dy yei
after-cabin, cabbane jerree
after-care, currym ny yei, kiarail ny yei
after-days, laghyn ny yei (shen), laghyn ry-heet, traa ry-heet
after-effects, eiyrtys
after-quarter, shleayst ny lhiungey
afterbirth, bein, clonchour
aftercrop, aavaair
afterdamp, aaghaal
afterglow, yn aahollys
aftergrowth, aavaair, aavaair
afterings, striggyn
afterlife, seihll ta ry-heet
aftermath, aavaair, eiyrtys
aftermentioned, heese
aftermost, s'jerree, s'odjey gys y jerrey
afternoon, fastyr, fastyragh, lurg munlaa
afternoon snack, mrastyr, mrastyr beg
afternoon tea, mrastyr beg, tey beg
afterpains, giarraghyn troailt
afterplay, aachloie
afterquarter, kerroo jerree
aftertaste, aavlass
afterthought, aasmooinaght
afterwards, jei, ny lurg
again, reesht, reeshtagh
against, noi, oi
against (us you them), nyn oi
against her, ny hoi
against him, n'oi
against me, m'oi
against one another, noi ry hoi
against the stream, noi'n troa
against you, dt'oi
agamous, neucheintyssagh
agape, beeal-foshlit, lhongey graih
agate, agaid, clagh schimmeigagh, geiyrt er, lurg
agate (as door), foshlit
agave, lus ny shiaght bleeaney
age, amm, earish, eash, lhing, seihll
age limit, jeoraght eash
age of Romance, Lhing ny reejerys
age-bracket, possan eash
aged, eashit, shenn
agency, jantys
agenda, claare obbyr, earroo obbyr
agent, jantagh, obbree
agent (of estate), meoir
agent provocateur, brasneyder
agent-noun, ennym obbragh
agglomerate, bluckaney, chaglym cooidjagh, cruinnaghey
agglomeration, bluckanys, cruinnaght
agglutinate, gleiynaghey
aggrandise, mooadaghey
aggrandisement, mooadaghey, mooadys
aggravate, boirey, cur corree er, cur hug, greeshaghey, jannoo ny smessey, jannoo ny strimmey, tromaghey
aggravating, boiragh, brasnee, cur ferg er, greesee
aggravation, boirey, brasnaghey, mooadaghey, tromaghey
aggregate, chaglym cooidjagh, ymlane
aggregate (building), myn-claghyn, shillee
aggregate (mining), covestey
aggregation, chaglym, co-hummid
aggression, aggair, yn chied vuilley
aggressive, baggyrtagh, aarloo dy woalley, caggoil
aggressiveness, baggyrtys, caggoilid
aggressiveness (selling), niart, seiyjys
aggressor, aggairagh, chiedwoalteyr
aggrieve, boirey (er), seaghnaghey
aghast, atchimit, fo aggle
agile, gastey, skibbylt
agility, gastaght, gastid, skibbyltys
agitate, coghreesaghey, gleashaghey seose, greesaghey, seiy
agitated, boirit, seiyt
agitating, boiragh, seiyjagh
agitation, glistyr, jeean-ghleashaght, boiranys, boiranys
agitation (of water), seiyjid
agitation (sorrow), seaghyn
agitative, boiragh, seiyjagh
agitator, coghreeseyder, greeseyder, seiyder, seiyeyder
agitatorial, seiyjagh
agleam, goullragh, soilsheanagh
aglow, lossanagh
agnail, gorley ingney
agnes, Oona
agnomen, ennym tooilley
agnostic, meechredjuagh, ouryssagh
agnosticism, meechraueeaght, meechredjue, ourys
agnus Dei, Eayn Yee
ago, er-ash, er-dy-henney
agog, lane yindys
agonize, cur angaaish er, jeir-phianaghey
agonized, lane angaaish
agonizing, aaghaeragh, angaaishagh, ard-phianjagh, jeir-phianjagh
agony (of mind), anmey, sherriuid
agony (physical), aaghaer, angaaish, ard-phian
agony column, colloo persoonagh
agoraphobia, aggle straiddey
agoraphobic tendencies, beoynyn aggle straiddey
agouti, roddan Spaainagh
agrarian, cheeroil, eirinagh, magheragh, obbree thallooin, thallooinagh
agree, coardail rish
agree (of things), cheet ry-cheilley
agreeability, taitnyssid
agreeable (as person), coar
agreeable (in harmony), co-aignagh
agreeable (pleasant), taitnyssagh
agreeable (willing), arryltagh, booiagh
agreeableness, arryltid, co-aignaghys, taitnys, taitnyssid
agreeableness (of person), coarid
agreed, coardit
agreement, bargane, coardail, conaant
agreement (of figures), coardailys
agreement (poetic), co-yrdjaghey
agreer, coardailagh, coardeyder
agricultural, eirinagh
agricultural land, gowaltys, thalloo eirinagh
agricultural marketing, margeeaght eirinys
agricultural produce, troar y thallooin
agricultural work, obbyr hallooin
agriculturalist, eirinagh
agriculture, eirinys
agriculturist, correyder, eirinagh
agrimony, lus ny buighey
agronomic(cal), farrys cheerey
agronomist, geill-eirinagh
agronomy, farrys cheerey, farrys thallooin
aground, er thalloo, er y ghrunt, er y traie, marroo, ny soie
ague, craayn, crayn, crayn losht, Yn chingys craaee
Ah!, Agh!, O!
Aha!, Ha!
ahead, er oaie, er y chione, kionroish, roish
Ahoy, Hoy!
aid, cooney, cooney lesh, couyr
aid post, boayl couyr
aider, cooneyder, fer coonee, fer cooyl duirn
aiding, commarey, coonee, cooney lesh, coyrt couyr, cur couyr
aiding and abetting, cooney as greesaghey
aidless, gyn cooney, gyn couyr
aigrette, coar vane
ail, jannoo er
aileron, ealeyrane
ailing, aslayntagh, ching
ailment, aslaynt, chingys, crem, doghan
Ailsa Craig, Creg Ealish
aim, ceau, reayrtys
aim (intention), yeearree
aiming, ceau, goaill reayrt er, jeeraghey
aimless, gyn bun ny baare, neureaghit
aimlessness, neureaghys
air, aer, aer, aeral, cur 'sy gheay
air (by heat), cheerey
air (musical), carr, foaun
air (views), loayrt mychione
air base, ynnyd aer
air bed, matras aer
air bladder, bolgan, bolgan snauee
air brick, breek aer
air chamber, shamyr aer
air channel, ammyr aer
air corridor, corradoyr aer
air cushion, clooieshag aer
air drill, tarrar aer
air duct, feddan geayee
air engine, greie aer
air fleet, aer-lhuingys, lhuingys aer
air force, armee aer, shirveish aer
air hole, towl aer
air hostess, caillin etlan
air inlet (intake), towl geayee
air journey, turrys speyr, turrys aer
Air marshal, Aervarshyl
air mattress, matras aer(agh)
air passage, feddan aer, turrys aer
air pilot, etleyder, stiureyder aer
air pocket, folmid aeragh
air post, post aer
air pressure, chionnid aer, trimmid aer
air pump, pump aer
air raid, aer-hoiagh, aer-soiagh
air shaft, towl aer
air sickness, chingys aer
air speed, bieauid 'syn aer
air station, ynnyd aer
air traffic, gleashaght aer
air traffic control, Reiltys gleashaght aer
air tube, chioob aer, feddan aer
air valve, cooylley aer
air warfare, caggey speyr
air-bed, lhiabbee aer
air-brush, skeaban aer
air-cell, killeen aer
air-conditioned, aer-oorit
air-cooled, aer-feayrit
air-lift, troggal aeragh
air-screw, scrod aer, scrod aer
airborne, currit lesh yn aer, getlagh
airbrake, glackan aer
aircraft, etlan, saagh aer
aircraft carrier, lhong etlan
aired (as bed), cheerit, chiowit
aired (as clothes), currit 'sy gheay
aired (as knowledge), soilshit magh
aired (with heat), cheerit
airfield, pairk aer
airgun, gunney aer
airhole, bolgan aer
airiness, aeraght, aerid
airiness (of person), eddrymid
airing, aeral, cheeree, cheerey, loayrt mychione
airing (in sun), grianey
airing cupboard, cuilleig heeree
airless, breen, gyn aer, plooghagh
airline, aer-lhuingys, lhuingys aer
airliner, etlan mooar
airlock, bac aer
airmail, post aer
airmail writing paper, pabyr-screeuee thanney
airman, etleyder, sidoor aer
airplane, etlan, greie etlee
airport, purt aer, towl ennal
airscrew, lheean aer
airship, lhong aer
airspace, eaghtyr speyrey
airstream, aer-streeu
airtight, jeen noi aer
airtightness, jeenid noi aer
airway, bollagh aeragh, lhuingys aer
airway beacon, soilshey aerlinney
airwoman, ben etlagh, ben'syn armee aer
airwoman (title), ben aer
airworthiness, feeuid 'syn aer
airy, aeragh, aeroil
airy (material), eddrym
airy (place), aeragh, lane d'aer
aisle, ahlley, scarran killagh
aitch bone, craue curpey, curp
ajar, beggan-foshlit, foshlit, lieh-foshlit
akamatsu, juys ruy
akimbo, laueyn er lheshyn
akin (persons), mooinjerey da
akin (things), gollrish y cheilley
alabaster, alabastyr, alablastyr
alack!, ugh cha nee!
alacrity, arryltid, arryltys, laueys
Alan, Aleyn
alarm, alarym, fogrym, larm, tharmane
alarm (frighten), agglaghey, cur aggle er, cur raaue da, scoaghey
alarm bell, clag raauee
alarm clock, clag dooishtee
alarm gong, clag gaue, clag raauee
alarm gun, gunney raauee
alarm signal, cowrey raauee
alarmed, agglit, fo aggle, scoaghit
alarming, boiragh, fogrymagh
alarmist, raaueyder
alarum, clag dooishtee
Alas!, Aless!, Atreih!, My chragh!, My nearey!, Smerg!, Ugh cha nee!
alb, alb, lheiney erin
Albania, Yn Albane
Albanian, Albaneagh
albatross, rouailtagh ny faarkaghyn
albeit, agh, ga, ga-yeih, gur, nagh, nar
albino (persons), banee
albino (female), ben albeenagh
albino (male), dooinney albeenagh
albino rabbit, conning albeenagh
albinotic, albeenagh
album, albym
albumen, fynnican, giallican, tharrey fynnican
alcato, eilley scoarnee
alchemist, far-chemmicagh
alchemy, far-chemmig
alcohol, alcoal, bree feeyney
alcoholic, alcoalagh
alcoholic (person), sheer-veshtallagh
alcoholism, sheer-veshtallys
alcoholize, cur alcoal ny hrooid
alcove, bwaag gharagh, cuilleig, far-uinnag
alder, farney
alder buckthorn, farney doo
alder moth, lhemeen farnee
alderfly, meeyl farnee
alderman, shanstyr
aldermanic, shanstyragh
aldermanic bench, bink ny shanstyryn
aldern, farnagh, farney
ale, lhionney, lhune, soo ny hoarn
ale berry, lhune cheh
ale house, thie lhionney
ale money, argid iu, argid lhionney
ale mug, pynt jough
ale stake, kibbin lhionney
ale vat, doagh lhionney
ale-brewer, imleyder
ale-stake, thammag lhionney
aleatory, croghagh
Alec(k), Alistair
alee, fo'n gheay
alegar, lhune gear
alembicated, ro-heelit
alert, raaue
alert (mentally), geyre-chooishagh, geyre-inchynagh
alert (on watch), arreydagh, cur raaue da
alertness, arreydys, geyre-chooishaght, geyre-inchynys
Alesian, Saleesagh
alewife, skeddan garroo
Alexander, Alistair, Alister, Ollister
alexanders, lus y chingys 'syn ollee, lus yn ollee
Alexandra, Alistreeney
alfa grass, alfey, faiyr alfey
alfalfa, alfalfey
Alfred, Alured
alfresco, cheumooie, mooie fo'n aer
alga, algey, famlagh
algabraic(al), rere algeerey
algal, algagh
algarroba, billey locust
algebra, algeerey
algebraic(al), algeeragh
Algeria, Algeyragh, Yn Algear
algol, Rollage y Jouyll
alias, er ennym elley, far-enmyssit, far-ennym, lhiass-ennym
alibi, alibai
alic, ocsyllagh
alice, Ealish
alien, fer quaagh, gynoaltagh, joarree, neughooghyssagh, quaagh
alien (from), anchasley rish
alien (to), neughooghyssagh da
alienable, gioaltagh, scartagh, scartoil
alienate, cur ass cair, cur noi, scarrey (veih)
alienation, cur ass cair, feayraghey, scarrey
alienist, fer lhee aigney
alienness, gynoaltys, joarreeys
aliens, ny quaane, ny quoie
alight (birds), cheet neose er
alight (bright), soilsheenagh, sollys
alight (from transport), tarlheim
alight (set), lostey
alighting, cheet neose er, tarlheimanyn
alighting stool, tarlheiman
align, cheughey, cur ayns un linney
alignment, cheughey, jeerid
alike, cochasley rish, colaik, cosoylagh, goll ry-cheilley, gollrish y cheilley
aliment, bee
alimental, beeoil
alimentary, yn vee
alimentation, beaghey, beeaghey
alimony, argid scarrey poosee
aliquot, lane-rheynnagh
alive, bio
alive (with vermin), er croo
alkali, alkalaih
alkaline, alkalaihagh
alkaloid, alkaloyd
all, cagh, ooilley
all aboard!, er-boayrd lhiu!
all and all, ooilley as ass
all and sundry, Yn seihll as e ven
all awry, ooilley bun-ry-skyn
all clear!, Gaaue harrish!
all comers, dagh ooilley pheiagh
all day, feih'n laa
All Fool's Day, Laa Averil
All Hallow's Day, Laa ny Nooghyn Ooilley, Laa Souney
All Hallow's Eve, Oie Houney
all in (tired), er-traggloo
all in a flurry, ooilley fud-y-cheilley
all in tangles, ooilley ayns cassaghyn
all morning, car y voghree
all night, fud ny hoie, fud ny hoie
all over the world, er feie ny cruinney
all right, ooilley kiart
All Saint's Day, Laa ny Nooghyn Ooilley, Laa'l Mooar ny Nooghyn
all sham, ooilley myr yien
All Soul's Day, Laa'l ny Merriu
all summer, car y touree
all the more, wheesh shen smoo
all the same, myr shen hene, son shen as ooilley
all the year round, car ny bleaaney
all together, cooidjagh
all winter, car y gheuree
all-blessed, ooilley-vane
all-conquering, ooilley-varrialtagh
all-creating, ooilley-chrootagh
all-destroying, ooilley-stroiagh
all-devouring, ooilley-sluggagh
all-important, feer trome-chooishagh
all-in policy (insurance), yl-pholasee
all-in wrestling, yl-ghleckey
all-judging, ooilley-briwnyssagh
all-knowing, ooilley-tushtagh
all-mains set, gleaysh yl-linney
all-powerful, ooilley-chummaghtagh
all-purpose, ooilley-aignagh, ooilley-chooishagh
all-round, schleioil, ylcheirdagh
all-rounder, ylcheirdagh
all-seeing, ooilley-fakin
all-sufficient, ooilley-liooar
all-time record, recortys derrey nish
all-weather (clothes), jeen noi'n emshir
all-weather (sport), jantagh ayns emshir erbee
all-wise, ooilley-chreeney
allah, Jee
allay, kiunaghey, meeinaghey
allege, lhiassaghey
alleged, lhiassit
alleger, lhiasseyder
allegiance, ammys, fomys, urrym
allegoric(al), cosoylagh
allegorize, cosoylaghey
allegory, cosoyley
allegro, eddrym, tappee
Allen, Aleyn
allergic, allerjagh
allergy, allerjee
alleviate, eddrymaghey, meeinaghey
alleviation, eddrymaghey, meeinaghey
alley, aawoalley
alley (Bowling), cooyrt
alley (in garden), cassan
alley (in town), alley
alley way, cassan
alleyway, alley
alliance, cochaarjys
alliance by marriage, cleuinys
allied, cochaarjagh
alligate, sniemmey ry-cheilley
alligation, sniemmey
alligator, alligatyr
alligator pear, peear doo
allis shad (fish), goayr varrey
alliterate, aalettyraghey
alliterated, aalettyrit
alliteration, aalettyraghys
alliterative, aalettyragh
allocate (work), lhiggey magh
allocation, rheynn
allocation (work), lhiggey magh
allocution, oraid
allot, lottal
allotment (garden), garey, keppagh
allotment (money etc), ayrn rheynnit, cooid ronney
allotropic(al), altrapagh, altrapagh
allotropy, altrapaght, yl-chummey
allotted, cronnit, currit, lottit, rheynnit
allotter, lotteyder, loweyder, rhenneyder
allow, goaill rish
allow (expenses), cur da
allow (permit), coyrt raad (da), cur kied (da), cur raad (da), lowal
allow (suffer, tolerate), fuillagh, fuillaghtyn, surral
allowable, lhiggalagh, lowal, lowallagh
allowable (expenses), ry-gheddyn
allowance, cooid ronney, lowanse, tortys
allowed, goit rish
allowed (permitted), lhiggit, lowit, surrit
alloy (happiness, etc), ceau scadoo (er), milley
alloy (metal), co-veain, jannoo coveain jeh
allseed, lus y ryptar
allspice, pibbyr Injinagh
alltime, derrey nish
allude, cheet er
allure, breigey, cleaynaghey, cleayney
allurement, breigid, cleaynaght, cleayney, cleayneyraght
allurer, breigeyder, cleayneyder
alluring, cleaynagh
allusion, cheet er, faaue, sannish
allusive, faaueagh, sansheragh
alluvial, gleayragh
alluvion, thalloo claddee, thalloo gleayragh
alluvium, gleayr
ally, carrey, cheughey, cumraag, fer coonee
almanac, feaillere, meesaghan
almighty, ooilley-niartal
Almighty God, Jee ooilley niartal
almond (nut), almon, cro almon, cro Greaghagh
almond (tree), billey almon
almond oil, ooil almon
almond willow, shellagh almon
almond-shaped eyes, sooillyn keyley
almoner, jeirkeydagh
almost, begnagh, bunnys, faggys
alms, jeirk
alms basin, meilley yeirk
alms collection, jeirkys
alms dish, meilley yeirk
alms gate, giat jeirk
alms giving, jeirkeydys
alms house, thie ny moght
alms-bag, poagey jeirk
alms-box, kishtey jeirk
alms-giver, jeirkeydagh
almsman, jeirkagh
almswoman, ben yeirkagh
almug tree, billey almug
aloe, aloe
aloft, 'sy speyr, 'syn aer, er-lout, erskyn, heose
alone, lomarcan, ynrican
along, rish
along (length), er lhiurid
along (withal), myrchaagh, myrghaagh
alongshore, rish y traie
alongside, cur liorish
aloof, er cheu ny geayee, er lheh, quaagh
aloofness, freayll er-lheh, quaaghid
aloud, dy-hard, er ard
alp, beinn
alpaca, alpackey
Alpenglow, soilshey ny h-Alpyn
Alpenhorn, cayrn Alpagh
Alpenstock, maidjey Alpagh
alpha, alpha
alpha rays, goullyn alpha
alphabet, abbyrlhit
alphabetical, abbyrlhitagh, rere yn abbyrlhit
Alpine, Alphagh, lus Alphagh
alpine barrenwort, bossan gennish
alpine clubmoss, keynnagh ny sleityn
alpine hut, bwaane slieau, bwaane slieau
Alpinist, ben Alpagh, fer Alpagh
already, hannah
already (emph.), hannah hene
alright, ooilley kiart
Alsatian, Alsaashagh
alsike, shamrag rangagh
also, myrchaagh, myrgeddin, neesht, neeshtagh
also-ran, cailleyder
altar, altar, altaragh, boayrd casherick, clagh oural, yn altar
altar boy, guilley altar(agh)
altar bread, oalan
altar bread (consecrated), yn oalan chasherick, yn oalan vannee
altar chime(s), ny cluig erin
altar cloth, eaddagh altar
altar cross, crosh altar(agh)
altar curtain, curtan altar(agh)
altar cushion, clooieshag altar
altar desk, boayrd altaragh
altar recess, cuilleig altaragh
altar screen, scaa altaragh
altar stone, clagh oural
altar-rail, skelf altaragh
altarage, argid altaragh, oural
altarpiece, jalloo
alter, caghlaa, ceaghley
alterable, so-cheaghley, so-cheaghley
alteration, caghlaa, ceaghley
alteration (facial), neeallaght
altercate, streeu, troiddey
altercation, chengleyrys, streeu, troiddey
altered, caghlaait, ceaghlit
alternate, cor, eddyraghey, maylartey
alternate weeks, cor-shiaghteeyn
alternately, dy heddyragh, er-eiyrt, my-shagh
alternating current, streeu chirkinagh
alternating days, dagh cor-laa
alternation, eddyraght, kirkinys
alternative, caghlaaee, caghlaays, elley
alternatively, er aght elley, er y derrey heu
alternator, alterneyr
although, ga (dy), ga-reih
altimeter, towsheyder yrdjid
altitude, alt, yrdjid
alto, alt, ard-choraagh
alto (female), contralt
alto clef, ogher alteragh
alto viol, alt-viol
altogether, ooilley dy lieragh, ooilley-cooidjagh, trooid as trooid
altruism, altrooaghtys
altruist, altrooaghteyr
altruistic, altrooaghtagh
alula, far-skian
alum, cur ollym (er), ollym
alum stone, clagh ollym
alumina, ocsaid ollymin
aluminium, ollymin
aluminous, ollyminagh
alumnus, shenn-scoillar
alunite, clagh ollym
alveolar, cooyl-eeacklagh
alveole, lhagg (feeacklagh)
always, dy kinjagh, rieau
am I?, vel mee
am not, cha nel
am not?, nagh vel
am?, vel
amain, dy feer
amalgam, co-lheian
amalgamate, cheet ry-cheilley, co-lheie, covestey
amalgamated, colheit, covestit
amalgamation, co-lheie, covestey
amanuensis, cleragh screeuee
amaranth, lus ny graih
amaranthine, amaranthagh, sheer-
amass, carnanaghey, chaglym
amassment, carnanaghey, carnane
amateur, ancheirdagh
amateurish, ancheirdagh
amateurishness, ancheirdaght
amateurism, ancheirdys
amative, cannooagh, graihagh, miandagh, miandoil
amatory, cannooagh, graihagh, miandagh, miandoil
amaze, cur ard-yindys (er), thanvanaghey
amazed, thanvanit
amazement, ard-yindys, thanvaneys
amazing, ard-yindyssagh, thanvaneagh
Amazon, Yn Amason
Amazon (Myth.), cahner bwoirrin, far-ven
ambassador, ambasseydeyr
ambassador (of monarch), ree-chaghter
ambassadorship, ambasseydeyraght, ambasseydeyrys
ambassadress, ben ambasseydeyr
amber, ombyr, ombyragh
amber-coloured, ombyragh
ambergris, ombyr glass
ambidext(e)rous, co-yesh (er dagh laue), jesh-laueagh
ambidexterity, co-yeshys, jeshlaueaght, jeshlaueys
ambient, chemmalagh
ambiguity, daa-cheayllaght
ambiguous, daa-cheayllagh
ambit, chemmal
ambition, gloyrvian, mooaralys, sonaase
ambitious, gloyrviandagh, mooaralagh, raadagh, sonaasagh
ambitiousness, gloyrviandys, mooaralys
ambivalence, daa-heuaght
ambivalent, daa-heuagh
amble, keim, keimeragh, mynneragh
ambling, keimeragh, mynneraght
ambrose, Broose
ambrosia, ard-vlastallys, bee ny jeeghyn
ambrosial, ard-vlastal
ambry, far-uinnag
ambulance, carr surranse, carr-lheihys, gleashtan lheihys
ambulance (place), boayl kied chouyr
ambulance man, fer carr lheihys, fer kied chouyr
ambulant, raghidey
ambulatory, cassan killagh, raghidagh, shooyl, ynnyd lheeys
ambuscade, lhie cooyl chlea (er son), cooyl-chlea
ambusher, cooyl-chleader
ameliorate, meeinaghey
amelioration, meeinaghey
amen, myr shen dy row eh, myr shoh lhig eh
amenable, freggyragh
amenableness, freggyraght
amend, aalhiasaghey, kiartaghey, lhiassaghey
amendable, kiartoil, so-lhiasaghey
amended, lhiasit
amender, kiarteyder, lhiaseyder
amending, lhiasee
amending act, slattys lhiasee
amendment, lhiasaghey
amends, corrym, jannoo lhiasaghey, lhiasagh
amenity, ymmyd
amenity (of person), taitnys
amerce, kerraghey, oolaghey
amerced, oolit
America, America
American, Americaanagh
American leather, eaddagh lairagh, eaddagh liare
American organ, organe Americaanagh
americanisation, Americaanaghey
Americanise, Americaanaghey
Americanism, Americaanaghys, Americaanish
amethyst, ametyst
amiability, gennallys, graiharaght, graihoilys, graihys
amiable, caarjoil, gennal, graihoil, taitnyssagh
amiableness, gennallys, graihoilys, taitnyssaght, taitnyssid
amicable, caarjoil, dooie
amicableness, caarjoilid, dooieid, dooieys
amice, breid vaynagh, cloaghey erin
amid(st), fud, mastey
amidships, ayns mean ny lhong
amiss, aggairagh, neuchiart, tramman
amity, caarjys
ammeter, towsheyder amp
ammonia, ammoiney
ammoniated, ammoinit
ammonic, ammoinagh
ammonite, shlig chloaie
ammonium, ammonium
ammunition, tashtey caggee
ammunition wagon, waggan tashtee
amnesia, coayl chooinaght, neuchooinaghtyn
amnesty, feaysley cadjin, jannoo maihnys er, jean maihnys er, pardooney
amoeba, amoeba
amoebic, amoebagh
amoebic dysentry, yn vuinnaght vooar
amok, er merre
among them, nyn vud
among(st), fud, mastey
amongst them, ny mast'oc
amongst us, ny mast'ain
amongst you, ny mast'eu
amoral, jeevorralagh, meechiart
amorous, cannooagh, er cannoo, graihagh, reagh
amorousness, cannooid, reaid
amorphous, gyn cummey, gyn jannoo, jee-vorfagh
amortization, feeaghyn, maihaghey
amortize, maihaghey, scryssey magh
amount, mooad, mooadys
amount (money), symm
amour, sooree
amour propre, leggad, lhiannan
amp, amp
amperage, ampys
ampere, ampere
amphibia, daa-veaghee
amphibian, daa-veaghagh
amphitheatre, preaban caggee
amphora, cruishtin daa-chleashagh
ample, dy liooar, skyoltagh
ampleness, liooaraght, skyoltid
amplexity, bollid
amplification, mooadaght
amplified, mooadit
amplifier, mooadagher
amplify, mooadaghey
amplifying, mooadee
amplitude, lheead, mooadys, skyoltys
amply, dy skyoltagh
ampulla, saagh feeyney erin, saagh ooill reeoil
amputate, giarrey jeh
amputation, giarrey jeh
amulet, rushag
amuse, cur taitnys (da)
amusement, gamman
amusement (fun), aittys
amusement arcade, boayl gammanyn
amusements, gammanyn
amusing, aitt, taitnyssagh
anabaptism, anvashtey
anabaptist, anvashtagh
anabolism, anabolaght
anachronism, cron-henndeeaght, mee-emshiraght
anachronistic, antraagh, cron-henndeeagh, mee-emshiragh
anaconda, anaconda
anaemia, aneemaght, neufollaght
anaemic, aneemagh, neufollagh
anaesthesia, anloaghtys, kyrloghid
anaesthetic, anloaghtagh, cadlee
anaesthetic (general), cadlaghan
anaesthetic (local), anloaghtan
anaesthetist, anloaghteyder
anaesthetization, anloaghtaghey, cur ny cadley, kyrloghey
anaesthetize (generally), cur cadlaghan da, cur ny cadley
anaesthetize (locally), anloaghtaghey, anloaghtee, kyrloghey
anaesthetized, anloaghit, currit ny cadley, kyrloghit
anagram, fockle meshtit
anal, thoanney
analgesic, anloaghtagh, kyrloghee, moogheyder pian
analgetic, anloaghtagh, kyrloghee, moogheyder pian
analogical, rere cosoyley, rere y cheilley
analogous, cosoylaghyn rish
analogue, cosoyley
analogy, cosoyley
analyse, brishey sheese, bun-ronsaghey, mynscrutaghey, oltscarrey
analysis, brishey sheese, bun-ronsaghey, mynscrutaghey, oltscarrey, scoltey
analyst, bun-ronseyder, oltscarreyder
analytical, bun-ronsee, oltscarree
analytical form, cummey oltscarree
anarchic(al), anreiltagh, meereiltagh
anarchism, anreill, meereiltys
anarchist, meereiltagh
anarchy, anreill, meereiltys
anastigmatic, anastigmagh
anathema, ard-feoh, mollaght ny hagglish
anathematize, cur fo mollaght, cur mollaght er
anatomical, corpronsagh, corpronsagh
anatomical atlas, caslys ronsagh kirpey
anatomist, ronseyder kirpey
anatomy, ronsaghey-kirpey
ancestor, shennayr
ancestral, dooghysagh, shennayragh
ancestress, shenn ven
ancestry, shennayraght, shennayraghyn
anchor, ackeragh, aker
anchor buoy, mollag raadee
anchor hold, greim akeragh
anchor money, argid akeragh
anchor watch, arrey akeragh
anchor-light, soilshey akeragh
anchor-shank, lurgey akeragh
anchor-stock, crossag akeragh
anchor-wing, shirragh akeragh
anchorage, raadee, raadey
anchored, akerit, kianglt, ny lhie ec acker, raadey, staikit
anchoring, akeragh
anchoring (building), kiangley
anchoring berth, lhiabbee akeragh
anchoring gear, cullee akeragh
anchorite, akeragh
anchorless, gyn aker, gyn kiangley
anchovy, anchovee
anchylose, sniemmey ry-cheilley, taah ry-cheilley
anchylosis, ry-cheilley, sniemmey, taah
ancient, shenn, shenndeeagh
ancient lights, uinnagyn feed bleeaney
ancient monument, shenn charnane
ancient Rome, Yn Chenn Raue
anciently, foddey er-dy-henney
ancillary, coonee, shirveishagh
and, as
and so on, as myr shen
and thirdly, as tree
Andalusian fowl, kiark Spaainagh
andante, lane moal as rea
andiron, moddey prash
Andorra, Andorra
Andrew, Andreas
andro-, fyrryn
Andromeda, Yn Ven Gheulit
anecdotage, skeealaght
anecdotal, skeealagh
anecdote, naight, skeeall, skeealleen
anecdotist, skeealleyder
anemography, tushtey geayee
anemometer, towsheyder geayee
anemone, lus ny geayee
anent, ry-hoi
aneroid, aneroid, aneroidagh
aneurism, att cuishley
anew, ass-y-noa, reesht
anfractuosity, so-lhoobagh
anfractuous, cast, so-lhoobagh
angel, ainle, giallican
angel fish, guiy marrey
Angela, Ainelag
angelic, ainleagh
angelica, lus ny hainelag, lus yn ainle
angelical, ainleagh
angelicalness, ainleaght
Angelus, Failt yn Ainle
angelus bell, clag yn ainle
anger, corree, elgys, farg, fargys, ferg, jymmoose
angina, gorley cree
angle, breckaragh, corneil, cruinney, eeastagh(ey), ollaghan, uillin
angle (of land), cooiljeig, injeig
angle bar, barr corneilagh
angle iron, yiarn uillinagh
angle of incidence, cuinney huittym, uillin huittym
angled, corneilagh, uillinagh
angler, breckeyder, eeasteyr
anglerfish, gailley pern
Anglesey, Moan
Anglican, Anglicaanagh
Anglicanisation, Sostnaghey
Anglicism, Baarlaght, Baarlaghys
Anglicization, Baarlaghey
Anglicize, Baarlaghey, jannoo Baarlagh, jannoo Sostnagh, Sostnaghey
angling, breckeragh, eeastagh, eeastee
Anglo-American, Anglo-Americaanagh
Anglo-Catholic, Anglo-Catoleagh
Anglo-Indian, Anglo-Injinagh
Anglo-Irish, Anglo-Yernagh
Anglo-Manx (language), Baarle Ghaelgagh, Baarle Vanninagh, Baarle Vrisht
Anglo-Manx (persons), Anglo-Manninagh
Anglo-Norman, Anglo-Normanagh
Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Hostnagh, Sostnagh
Anglo-Scottish, Anglo-Albinagh
Anglo-Scottish (language), Baarle Albinagh
Anglomania, baanrey Sostnagh
Anglophile, graihder Hostyn
Anglophilia, graih Hostyn
Anglophobe, feohder Hostyn
Anglophobia, aggle Hostyn, feoh Hostyn
angrily, dy corree, dy fargagh, dy fergagh, lesh corree
angry, corree, fargagh, fargyssagh, fergagh, jymmoogh, jymmoosagh
angry (sky), speyr voorjeenagh
angry (very), jiarg-chorree, sproghtit
angry look, sturd
anguish, angaaish, ard-ghuinn, torchagh
anguished, angaaishit, lane angaaish, torchit
anguishing, angaaishagh
angular, cooiljeigagh, corneilagh, injeigagh, uillinagh
angular frequency, menkid uillinagh
angular velocity, bieauid uillinagh
angularity, cooiljeigaght, uillinaght
Angus, Anghus
anharmonic, neuvingyssagh
anhydrous, anheedragh, gyn ushtey
anights, 'syn oie, er oie
anil, annyl
anile, shenn-venoil, shenn-vraanaght
aniline, annyleen
anility, shenn-vennaght, shenn-vraanaght
animadversion, oghsan
animadversive, oghsanagh
animadvert, cur oghsan da, cur oghsan er
animal, baagh, baaghtagh, bioagh, cretoor, cretooragh
animal chain, boandey
animal husbandry, reeydys beiyn
animal life, bea chretooragh
animal nature, dooghys cretooragh
animalcule, baagheen
animate, bio, bioghey, bioyr, bioyraghey, breeghey, cur bree (ayn)
animated, annymoil, bio, bioal, bioit, bioyrit
animation, annymaght, annymoilaght, bea, bioghid, bioghys, bioid, bioyrid, bree
animator, biogheyder
animism, annymaghys
animosity, noidys
anion, aneean
anise, lus anis, lus yn anis
aniseed, sheel anis
anisette, anisaid
ankle, abane, abaneagh, mwannal ny cass
ankle bone, craue abaneagh
ankle joint, olt abaneagh
ankle sock, oashyr abaneagh
ankle strap, yeeal abaneagh
ankle-deep, gys beeal ny braag, gys yn abane
anklet, brashleid abaneagh, fainey abaneagh
anklet (prisoner), abaneag, langeid
ankylosis, co-niemmey craue
Ann(e), Ann, Onnee
Anna, Ann, Anna, Onnee
Annacur, Anagh Coar
annalist, recorteyder
Annalong, Aah ny Lhongyn
annals, recortysyn bleeaney, shennaghys
Annamoe, Aah ny Mooa
Annan, Yn Annan
anneal, creoiaghey, creoighey, tempreil
annealing, creoighey, tempreil
annelid, annelaid, beishteig fainnagh
annex, goaill stiagh
annexation, goaill stiagh
annexe, oor-thie
annexed, goit stiagh
annihilate, cur (lesh) gys veg, cur mow, neunheeghey, stroie
annihilated, naardey
annihilation, neunheeaghey, neunheeys, skeeabey lhome, toyrt-mow
annihilator, fer toyrt-mow, stroieder
anniversary, bleeaney, feailley bleeaney, laa bleeaney
Anno Domini, Blein Nyn Jiarn
annotate, cur screeuyn rish
annotation, cur screeuyn rish, imraa
announce, cur mygeayrt, fogrey, insh, soilshaghey magh
announcement, fogrey, soilsheydys
announcer, beealeyder, insheyder, soilshaghey magh
annoy, anveaghey, boirey, cur ass
annoy (inconvenience), cur stiagh (er)
annoy greatly, farghaghey, jymmoosey
annoyance, boiraneys
annoyance (great), jymmoose, sproght
annoyed, anveaghit, boirit, corree, currit ass, fargit, jymmoosit, sneeuit
annoyer, boirane, boireyder
annoying, boiragh
annoyingly, dy boiragh
annual, bleeanagh, bleinoil, bleintag, lioar vleeaney
annual report, tuarastyl vleinoil
annual ring, fainey vleeaney
annually, dagh blein, dy bleeanagh, gagh blein
annuitant, bleeanaghteyr
annuity, bleeanaght
annul, jannoo gyn bree
annular, fainoil
annular eclipse, doorey fainoil
annulet, fainnag
annulment, jannoo gyn bree, neunheeaghys
annunciate, sansheraght
annunciated, sanshit
annunciator, sansheyder
annunciator (device), sansherag
annunciator board, claare sansheragh
anode, anode
anodont, gyn feeackle, neueeacklagh
anodyne, meeineyder pian
anoint, cur ooill (er), ooillaghey
anointed, ooillit
anointer, ooilleyder
anointing, ooillaghey
anomalous, amreiltagh, anleighagh
anomaly, anleigh, anreiltys
anon, chelleeragh, drasteyn
anonymity, neuennymid
anonymous, gyn ennym, neuenmyssit, neuennymagh
anonymously, dy neuennymagh, gyn ennym erbee
anopheles, anophylees
anorexia, ymmyrch vian bee
another, elley
anoxia, anocsaght
ansae, fainaghyn Harn
answer, ansoor, cur ansoor da, freggyrt
answer back, freggyrt er ash
answer for, freggyrt er son
answerable, freggyragh, freggyrtagh, raanagh
answerableness, freggyraght, freggyrtys, raanteenys
answered, ansoorit, freggyrit
answerer, ansooreyder, feggyrtagh
answering (door), fosley
answering (letter), ansooragh, freggyrt, freggyrtagh, gansoor
answering machine, greie ansooragh
answering service, shirveish ansooragh
ant, sniengan
ant egg, cryslaid sniengan
ant hill, crongan sniengan
ant thrush, treshlen sniengan
ant wren, drean sniengan
ant's nest, edd sniengan
ant-infested, er-croo lesh snienganyn, snienganagh
antagonism, asschaarjys, noidys, streeuailtys
antagonist, ancharrey, noid, streeuailtagh
antagonistic, anchaarjagh, noidagh, streeuailtagh
antagonize, cur asschaarjys er, cur noidys er, cur streeuailtys er
antar, ooig
antarctic, antarctagh
Antarctic circle, cryss yn Antarctagh
Antarctic Sea, Yn Vooir Antarctagh
ante-chamber, far-hamyr, shamyr oaie
ante-chapel, far-chabbal
ante-natal, roish brey, roish ruggyr
ante-room, far-hamyr
anteater, eeder sniengan
antecede, cheet roish, cheet rolaue, goll roish, goll rolaue
antecedence, cooylaghey, tosheeaght
antecedent, rolaueid
antedate, cheet roish
antedate (cheque), screeu laa yn vee rolaue
antediluvian, fer jeh'n shenn chroo, roish y thooilley
antelope, antelope
antelucan, roish y toilshey, roish y vadran
antemundane, roish y theihll
antenna, aerag, enneyder, enneyder
antenuptial, roish y phoosey, roish y vannish, rophooseydagh
antepenultimate, daa roish y jerrey
anteprandial, roish jinnair
anterior, roie
anthelion, fainey ghreiney
anthem, anthym
anther, anthyr
anthology, teihys daaneyn, ynsagh blaa
Anthony, Anthoin
Anthony's fire, chenney Jee
anthrax, anthracs
anthropoid, antrapoyd, antrapoydagh
anthropological, antrapoaylleeagh
anthropologist, antrapoayllee
anthropology, antrapoaylleeaght
anthropometry, antrapoameadraght
anthropomorphic, antrapoamorfagh
anthropomorphism, antrapoamorfaght
anthropophagi, cannablee, eederyn deiney
anthropophagy, cannablaght, ee deiney
anti-aircraft, noi-etlan
anti-christian, anchreestee
anti-dazzle, noi-ghallagh
anti-Manx, noi-Vanninagh
anti-personnel, noi-sleih
anti-pyrin, stoo noi-chiassaghey
anti-Semite, feohder-Ewnyn
anti-Semitic, noi-Ewnagh
anti-Semitism, noi-Ewnaghys
anti-vivisectionist, peiagh noi'n vioghiarrey
antibacterial, noi-vacteyragh
antibiotic, noi-vaagh
antibody, noi-chorpeen
antic, aitt, clist
antichrist, anchreest
anticipate, bee rolaue
anticipation, rolaueys, rolauid
anticipatory, rolaueagh
anticlerical, noi ny saggyrtyn, noi-chleragh
anticlericalism, noi-chleraghys
anticlimatic, anvullee
anticlimax, anvullagh
anticlockwise, noi'n chlag, noi'n ghrian
anticness, aittys
anticoagulant, neughlubbagh, neughlubbeyder
anticyclone, feer-aalican, noi-shickloan
anticyclonic, noi-shickloanagh
antidazzle, noi-ghallagh
antifouling, noi-hollaghey
antifreeze, noi-riojey
antifriction, noi-chummylt
antiknock, noi-chrankys
antilogarithm, noi-logartym
antimacassar, naptin caair
antimonous, antimoanagh
antimony, antimoan
antinode, noi-noad
antinomy, noi-leighaght
Antioch, Yn Antioch
antipathetic(al), feohagh rish, scoighagh rish
antipathy, feoh, scoigh
antiphon, eddyr-chiaull
antiphonal, eddyr-chiaullee
antiphonary, lioar eddyrchiaull
antipodes, Ny Noi-Vuill
antipoison, noi-nieu
antipope, noi'n Phaab
antipyretic, noi-chiassaghey
antiquarian, shenn
antiquarianism, shenndaght
antiquary, graihder shenn reddyn
antiquate, jannoo shenn-emshiragh
antiquated, shenn-emshiragh
antique, shenn red, shenn-emshiragh, shenndaght
antique shop, shapp henndaght
antiquity, red shenn-emshiragh, roienaght, shennaghys, shenndaght, shenneraght
antirrhinum, stroin lheiyee
antiscorbutic, ancharragh
antisepsis, noi-ingyrys
antiseptic, annieuagh, annieunid, noi-ingyrane, noi-yngyragh
antiskid, noi-skyrragh
antislide, noi-skyrragh
antisocial, noi-heshaghtagh, noi-heshaghtagh
antitank, noi-tank
antithesis, noiaght
antithetic(al), noiaghtagh
antitoxic, noi-physhoonagh
antitoxin, noi-physhoon
antitrade, noi-traghtee
antivivisectionist, noi-viogharrey
antler, eairk
antler moth, lhemeen eairkagh
antlered, eairkagh
Antrim, Anetrym, Aontrym
anurous, gyn famman
anus, thoyn
anvil, ingan, ingan ny cleayshey
anvil cutter, gilg inganagh
anxiety, anaash, imnea, sou-aigney
anxious, anaashagh, imneagh, sou-aignagh
anxiously, dy himneagh, dy himneagh
anxiousness, imneays
any, ennagh, erbee
any more, arragh, ny sodjey
any mortal thing, red erbee
any person, peiagh erbee
any place, boayl erbee, raad erbee
any small bit, sleig
anybody, fer erbee
anyhow, aght erbee, ansherbee
anyone, fer erbee, peiagh erbee
anyrate, ansherbee, ny yei
anything, nhee erbee, red erbee, veg
anytime, traa erbee
anyway, aght erbee, ansherbee
anywhere, boayl erbee, raad erbee
anywise, er chor erbee
aorist, aoristagh, gyn cagliagh
aorta, ard-chuishley, cuishlin y chree
aortal, aortagh, ard-chuishlagh
aoudad, keyrrey Varbaragh
apace, dy gastey, dy tappee
Apache, Apash
apanage, dooraght, pohlldey argidagh
apart, er lheh, scart, veih-my-cheilley
apartheid, neuchoveshtagh
apartment, arasane
apathetic, feayr chooishagh, neuyeean
apathy, feayr-chooishaght, neuyeeanid
ape, eapey
ape (copy), arrish
apeman, dooinney eapagh
aperient, feashlagh, feayshlee, purgaidagh, purgeid, scooirag, scooiragh, stoo feayslee
aperitif, miandid, miandys
aperture, barney, beeall, croa, doral, fosley, towl
apex, baare, beinn, gob, mullagh
aphis, meeyl ghlass
aphonia, coayl coraa
aphorism, raa keeayllagh, raa reiht, shenn-raa
aphoristic, raaoil
aphotic, gyn soilshey, gyn sollys
aphrodisiac, greesee keintyssagh, stoo greesee keintyssagh
apiarist, shellaneyr
apiary, shellaneyrys, thie shellan, ynnyd hellan
apiculture, shellaneyrys
apiculturist, shellaneyr
apiece, y chione, y pheesh
apis, Yn Chellan
apishness, arrishid, eapoilys
apocalypse, ashlish, neuvreidaghey, taishbynys
apocalyptic, ashlishagh, taishbynagh
apocalyptic number, earroo yn veisht
apocope, giarrey jeh
Apocrypha, Apocryphey, Lioaryn Neuashlishagh
apocryphal, apocryphoil, jeh jatterys neuhickyr, neuashlishagh, neuhickyr
apogee, boayl sodjey
apolitical, meeholitickagh
apologetic, leshtallagh, leshtallagh
apologise, jannoo leshtal
apologist, leshtallagh
apologue, far-skeeal
apology, leshtal
apophthegm, raa birragh, raa geyre
apophysis, aase (er craue), banglane creggagh
apoplectic, neealagh
apoplexy, stroak, yn builley-chingys, yn chingys-buillee, yn gorley neealagh
apostacy, sleaghtey veih'n chredjue, tuittym veih'n chredjue
apostate, cooyl-sleaghtagh
apostatise, cooyl-sleaghtaghey, tuittym jeh'n chredjue, tuittym jeh'n chredjue
apostle, ostyl
apostle jug, podjal ny hostyllyn
apostle spoon, spein ny hostyllyn
apostleship, ostyllys
apostolate, ostyllys
apostolic brief, Screeuyn Ostyllagh
apostolic(al), ostyllagh
apostrophe, apostrophee, cammag heose
apothecary, potecaree
apotheosis, jannoo jee jeh, jeeaghey
appal, agglaghey
appalled, agglit
appalling, agglagh, atchimagh
apparatus, cullee, farrys
apparel, coamraghey, coamrey, cur eaddagh er, eaddagh
apparel (outlandish), patlag
apparent, baghtal
apparent altitude, yrdjid vaghtal
apparent time, traa baghtal
apparently, dy baghtal
apparition, arraght, ashlins, faaish, scaa, scaan, scanjoon, taishnys
apparitor, beedyl, meoir agglish
appeal, aachlashtyn, aghin, guee, jannoo aghin, yeearreeaght
appealable, aachlashtynagh, gueeagh
appealing, aghinagh, taitnyssagh, tayrnagh
appear, cheet er, cheet rish
appearance, caslys, cheet magh, cheet rish, croo, cummey, shassoo stiagh, tuarystal, ymmyrkey
appease, castey, cur shee er, meelaghey
appeasement, castey, meelaghey
appeaser, fer kiunee, kiuneyder, meeineyder
appellant, shualtagh
appellation, ennym
append, cur da, kiangley rish
appendage, fam, famman
appendicitis, arratys
appendix, famman y vinnagh
appendix (book), co-screeuyn, lhiasaghey
appertain, bentyn da
appetency, miandid, miandys
appetible, mianagh, tayrnyssagh
appetiser, geyreyder gailley, miandys, naightee
appetising, beeviandagh
appetite, gailley, jollys, mian, mian-bee
applaud, bwoalley bassyn, cur molley da, moylley
applauder, fer moyllee, moylleyder
applause, bass-voylley, bassey, moylley
applause (derisive), bass-chraidey
apple, ooyl, ooyllagh
apple brandy, brandee ooyllagh
apple core, cree ooyllagh
apple jam, soo ooyllagh
apple of Sodom, cro darree, cro darree
apple of the eye, clagh ny sooilley
apple of the throat, cront y scoarnee, ooyl y scoarnee
apple orchard, garey ooyl
apple pie, pye ooyllagh
apple pudding, puiddin ooyllagh
apple sauce, aunlyn ooyllagh
apple scab, cron ooyllagh
apple tart, berreen ooyllagh
apple tree, billey ooyl
apple turnover, filltane ooyll
apple-bearing, ooyllagh
apple-cheeked, jiarg-lieckanagh, ruy-eddinagh
apple-green, ooyl ghlass
apple-rot, loauys ooyllagh
apple-sucker, sooder ooyllagh
appleberry, berrish ooyllagh
apples (stewed), ooyllyn broit
appliance, farrys
applicability, cairys, cooieid, jeshid
applicable, cooie da, jesh da
applicant, application, ben yeearree, fer yeearree, yeearreyder
application, aghin, jeadys, sheeyntagh, yeearree, yeearreydys, ymmyd
applied, feamagh
applied chemistry, kemmig feamagh
apply, cur er, cur rish, cur stiagh son, shirrey
appoggiatura, notey oor
appoint, curmaghey, curmal, enmys, poinsheil, pointeil, soiaghey harrish
appointing, curmaghey, genmys, pointeil, poisheil
appointment, curmaghey, currym, genmys, poinsheil, pointeil
apportion, rheynn
apportionment, rheynn
apposite, cooie, corrym, jesh, traaoil
appositeness, cooieid, cormid, jeshid
apposition, cheu ry heu, co-aishnyssagh
appositional, co-aishnyssagh
appraisal, prioseilaght
appraise, cur leagh er, prioseil
appraisement, prioseilaght
appraiser, feeagheyder, leagheyder, priosolagh
appreciable, ry-akin
appreciate, soiaghey mooar jeh
appreciation, barel, briwnys, yrdjaghey
appreciative, ammyssagh, lane soiaghey mooar
apprehend, cur enney er, glackey, goaill, tayrtyn, toiggal lesh aggle
apprehended, glackit, goit, tayrit, toiggit
apprehender, glackeyder, tayreyder
apprehending, cur enney er, glackey, goaill, tayrtyn, toiggal
apprehension, atchim, cur enney er, drogh-ourys, glackey, goaill, toiggal, twoaieaght
apprehensive, agglagh, twoaieagh
apprehensively, dy twoaieagh
apprentice, prindeys
apprenticeship, prindeysaght
apprise, cur er fys (da)
approach, beeal, cheet, tayrn er-gerrey da, trooid
approach of darkness, fastyr beg
approachable, coar
approachable (place), so-roshtyn
approaching, cheet, er gerrey
approbation, foayroilid, lowaltys, soiagh jeh
appropriate, cooie
appropriateness, cooieid
appropriation, cur ry-lhiattee, goaill er-egin
approval, coontey-mie jeh, lowal rish
approved, coontit mie jeh, lowit
approver, coonteyder mie, lowallagh
approving, foayroil, lowallagh, meiygh
approvingly, dy foayroil, dy meiygh, lesh foayroilid
approximate, cheet faggys da, faggyssagh
approximation, faggyssaght
appurtenant, co-ghowallagh
apricot, apricoc
apricot tree, billey apricoc
April, Averil, Jerrey Arree, Mee s'jerree yn arree
April fool, ommidan Averil
April Fool's Day, Laa Averil
apron, apyrn, arpin, brat, laplin
apron (of crab), sporran
apron (of dam), bhuttoor, eddin
apron fish, eeast yn arpin
apron strings, strappyn arpin
apropos, cooie, traaoil
apse, apse
apt, cooie, traaoil
apt (scholar), aghtal, jeshlaueaght, schleioil
aptera, ushagyn gyn skian
apterous, gyn skian, neuskianagh
aptitude, cooieaght, jeshlaueaght
aptness, beoyn, cooieid, freggyrtys, traaoilid
aqua vitae, ushtey bio
aquaint, cur fys hug
aquamarine, gorrym-ghlass
aquarium, ushteydane
aquarium (building), thie eeast
aquarius, Yn Ymmyrkagh Ushtey
aquatic, form ushtee, ushtagh
aquatic plants, lossreeyn ushtee
aquatic sports, spoyrtyn ushtee
aquatint, agaideraght
aqueduct, ammyr ushtey, droghad ushtey, feddan
aqueous, ushtoil
aquiline, croymmagh, urleydagh
aquilla, Yn Urley
aquisition, troar, vondeish
Arab, Arabagh
Arab (horse), cabbyl Arabagh
araba, eapey gullarnee
arabesque, arabagh
Arabia, Yn Arabaght
Arabian, Arabagh
Arabian Gulf, Keayn ny h-Arabaght
Arabic, Arabagh, Arabish
arable, traauoil
arable land, thalloo banejagh
arachnid, arachnaid
arachnoid, arachnoid, arachnoidagh
Aramaic, Aramaaish
Aran, Aran
aratory, traauee
arbalest, croshvow
arbiter, briw
arbitral, briwnagh
arbitrary, kione-lajeragh, skelimagh
arbitrate, eddyr-chiartaghey, reaghey
arbitrating, eddyr-chiartaghey, reaghey
arbitration, briwnys, eddyr-chiartaghey, reagheydys, reaghys
arbitrator, eddyr-chiarteyder, fer reaghee, reagheyder
arbitress, ben-reaghee
arboreal, biljagh, ny keylley
arborescence, billeydys
arborescent, biljagh
arboriculture, billeydeyraght
arboriculturist, billeydeyr
arborist, billeydeyr
arborous, biljagh
arbory, Cairbre
arbory (parish), Skeerey Chairbre, Skylley Chairbre
arbour, bwaag gharagh, cabbane biljagh, garey
arbutus, biley kenney
arc, arcyn, cruillag
arc lamp, arc-lostan
arcade, arcaid, cassan cooidit
arch, aae, arc, ard, cur aae er, dreeym, droghad, jannoo aae jeh
arch stone, clagh ogheragh, clagh-aae
arch-rogue, rag-rannee
archaeological, shenndaaleeagh
archaeologist, shenndaalee
archaeology, shenndaaleeaght
archaic, shenn, shenn-emshiragh
archaism, shenn-chaaynt, shenn-emshiraght
Archangel, ard-ainle, ard-losserey firryn, Balley'n Ard Ainle, chengey veen
archangelic, ard-ainlagh
archbishop, ard-aspick
archbishopric, ard-aspickys
archdeacon, ard-jaghin
archdeaconry, ard-jaghinys
archdiocese, ard-aspickys
archduchess, ard-ven-ghuic
arched, cruillit, lhoobit
archer, bowder, sideyr
archerfish, sideyr marrey
archery, sideyrys
archetype, ard-chaslys
archfiend, ard-flaiee
archibald, Guillaspick
archidiaconal, ard-jaghinagh
archiepiscopal, ard-aspickagh
arching, lhoobagh, lhoobey
archipelago, ellanragh, mooirinshyn
architect, ard-obbree, seyrnagh
architectural, ard-obbrinagh, seyrnagh
architecture, ard-obbrinys, seyrnaght
architrave, far-ghorrys
archives, recortyssyn
archivist, recortysser
archness, cluicys
archpriest, ard-saggyrt
archrogue, ard-vitchoor
archtraitor, ard-vraheyder
archway, aae
arctic, arctagh
arctic fox, shynnagh arctagh, shynnagh bane
arctic skua, maarliagh marrey
arctic smoke, kay arctagh
arctic tern, gant ny gibbinyn
arctic warbler, kiaulleyder twoaie
Ardagh, Ard Aghey
ardent, jeean
ardent heat, chiass lajer
ardently, dy jeean
Ardgour, Ard Ny Goair
Ardlea, Ard Lheeah
Ardmillan, Ard Ny Mwyllin
Ardmore, Ard Mooar
Ardnacrusha, Ard Ny Croshey
Ardnamurchan, Ardjyn Vuirchol
Ardnave, Ard Naaue
Ardour, chiass-ghraih, jeeanid
Ardoyne, Ard Eoin
Ardrossan, Ard Rushen, Ard-Trossan
arduous, doccaragh
arduousness, doccar, doccarys
are?, vel
are not, cha nel
are not?, nagh vel
area (measure), eaghtyr
area (region), ard
arefaction, chirmaghey
arefy, chirmaghey
arena, areeney, preaban geinnee
argent, argid, argidagh, giall-argidagh
argentiferous, cummal argid, lane argid, lane d'argid
Argentina, Cheer Yn Argid, Yn Arjenteen
Argentine thistle, onnane Albinagh, onnane vreck
Argentinian, Argenteenagh
argillaceous, craie
Argo-Navis, Yn Lhong
argon, argon
Argonaut, Argonaut
argosy, lhong hraghtee vooar
argot, glare roosteyryn
arguable, so-arganeagh
argue, arganey, chengleyragh, resoonaghey, taishbyney
argue down, cur ny host
arguement (of play), bree
arguer, arganeagh, arganeyder, chengleyr, resooneyder
argument, argane, chengleyrys, gabberaght, mwannalys, resooney, ymresoon
argument (of play, etc.), dell
argumentation, arganeys, chengleyrys
argumentative, arganeagh, chengleyragh
argumentativeness, arganeaght, chengleyraght
Argus, Argus
argus-eyed, geyre-hooilagh
Argyle, Oirr Ny Gaeil
aria, aria
arid, chirrym, lhome
aridity, chirmid, spongey
Aries, Yn Rea
aright, dy kiart
Arinagour, Eairee Ny Goair
arise, irree, troggal
aristocracy, ooashlaght
aristocrat, ben ooasle, fer ooasle
aristocratic, ooasle
arithmancy, earroo-aaishnys
arithmetic(al), earrooaghtagh
arithmetical, earrooaght
arithmetician, earrooagh, earrooaghteyr
Ark (Noah's Ark), Arg Noah, Yn Arg
arklow, Inver Mooar
arm, armal, eillaghey, roih
arm (military), laue chaggee
arm (of animal), cass hoshee
arm (of balance, etc.), lieh-whing
arm (of signal, etc.), laue
arm (of the sea), branlaig, logh
arm (of tree), bangan
arm (weapon), arm
arm in arm, uillin er uillin
armada (air), air-armada, lhuingys aer
armada (naval), flod caggee, lhuingys vooar
armadillo, armadillo
armadillo (insect), collagh saggyrt
armageddon, Laa Ny Folley
Armagh, Ard Maghey
armament, arm
armature, caslagh
armature (biological), coodagh
armbadge, cowrey muinneel
armband, cryss vuinneel
armchair, caair vooar, stoyl drommey
armchair critic, cremeyder thie
Armenia, Yn Armean
Armenian, Armeanagh
armful, aghlish, gleih, lane-aghlish
armhole, seih, towl aghlish
armistice, aash caggee, farkaght chaggee
armlet, cryss vuinneel
armlet (of the sea), branlaig
armorial, armlagh, eillagh
armour, armal, eilley, eilley chaggee, plaaitail
armour belt, cryss yiarn
armour-bearer, ymmyrkagh eilley
armour-plate, plaait eillee
armoured, armit, eillit, plaaitit
armoured car, gleashtan eillit, gleashtan plaaitit
armoured vehicle, fainagh caggee
armourer, armeyder, eilleyder, gaaue armyn
armoury, armlann, thie armyn
armpit, aghlish, oghlish
armrest, skelloo uillin, taggey-uillin
arms, armyn, eillaghyn-caggee
arms (insignia), cullee
army, armee, sheshaght chaggee
army corps, core armee
army officer, oikagh armee
army service, shirveish armee
army slang, caaynt hidooragh
aroma, soar
aromatic, cooraght, jeih-hoaral
aromatize, jannoo jeih-hoaral
around, chymmylt, mygeayrt, mysh
arouse, doostey
arouse (passions), greeshagh, greeshaghey
arouse (sexually), er cannoo
aroused, dooisht, dooishtit, er cannoo, greesit
arousing, dooishtagh, greeshagh
arraign, cur lesh gys briwnys, jannoo cassid (er), loghtaghey
arraignment, cassid, loghtaghey
arrange, jeshaghey, reaghey
arrangement, oardagh, reaghys
arranger, reagheyder
arranging, jeshaghey, reaghey
arrant, jiarg-
arrant nonsense, jiarg-voghtynid
array, coamraghey, coamrey, eaddagh, oardagh, straneys
arrear(s), aneeaghan, aneeaghyn, cooyl-feeaghyn, cooyl-feeaghyn, ergooyl, feeaghyn
arrest, cummal, goaill, goaill seose, stad
arrest (blood), castey, folley
arresting, tayrnagh
arris, cor, dreeyn geyre
arrival, roshytn
arrival platform, ardan roshtynagh, ardane roshtynagh
arrive, roshtyn
arriver, roshtynagh
arriving, roshtyn
arrogance, ard-wannalys, kione-ardys, mooaralys, sonnaase
arrogant, ard-wannalagh, kione-ard, mooaralagh, sonnaasagh
arrogant person, ard-wannalagh, mooaralagh
arrogate, cur rour er, goaill rour er
arrow, fleit, side
arrow shot, orraghey sidey
arrowhead, kione-sidey
arrowlike, sideagh, sideoil
arrowroot, lus y stark, stark Injynagh
arrowshead, lus ny sidey
arse, thoyn
arsenal, arm-hasht
arsenic, arsnagh, arsnick
arsenical, arsnagh
arsenious, arsnoil
arsine, arseen
arson, foaddey, lostey joinagh, losteyrid, losteyrys
arsonist, losteyder, losteyr
art, creenaght, ellyn, jallooaght, schlei
art critic, cremeyder ellyn
art exhibition, taishbynys ellyn
art gallery, ellynlann, laaragh ellyn, thie ellyn
art of reading, lhaihderys
art of war, keird chaggee
art paper, pabyr ellyn
art school, scoill ellyn
artefact, jeantane
arterial, asarteyragh, mooar-chuishlinagh
arterial line, ard-raad yiarn
arterial road, bollagh mooar
arterio-sclerosis, schlearose arteyragh
artery, cuishlin vooar
artesian well, chibbyr arteeshagh
artful, aghtal, cooishagh, ellynagh
artful (skillful), scheial, schleitagh
artfully, dy cooishagh, dy schleial
artfulness, aghtallys, cooishaght, croutid, ellyn
arthritic, arthritagh
arthritis, arthreitys, gorley juntyn, olt-hingys
arthropod, arthropod
Arthur, Adha, Art, Artur
Arthurian, Arturagh
artichoke, onnane vlasstal
article, olt
article (gram.), art
article (of clothing), guibbyl
article (thing), red
article (to trade), kiangley
article (to trade, etc.), cur da
article of faith, banglane y chredjue
articular, jurnaaghey juntagh, oltagh
articulate, flaaoil, fockley, glick, gra, jesh-loayrtagh, oltagh
articulated, juntit, oltit
articulation, cur ayns olt y cheilley, fockley, loayrt, olt-chiangley
artifice, cluigid, crout, slyderaght
artificer, fer keirdey
artificial, conrieugh, cummit, ellynagh, laue-jeant
artificial (untrue), breagagh, mooadit
artificial bait, bite laue-jeant
artificial flower, far-vlaa
artificial insemination, laue-heeley
artificial leather, far-liare, liare breagagh
artificial leg, far-chass
artificial manure, lhiasagh laue-jeant
artificial respiration, aaghoostey ennal
artificial satellite, eaystag ellynagh
artificialness, conrieughid, ellynaght, laue-jantys, mooadys
artillery, gunnaghyn
artillery (sound of), carthaanee
artilleryman, gunneyder, sidoor ny gunnaghyn
artisan, keirdagh
artisanship, keirdaght
artist, aghtallagh, ellyneyr, peinteyr
artiste, cloieder
artistic(al), ellynagh, keirdoil, schleideragh
artistry, ellyn, keirdoilaght
artless, neuellynagh, oney, ynrick
artlessly, dy ynrick, gyn ellyn, gyn keirdoilaght
artlessness, ynrickys
arts and crafts, ellynyn as keirdyn
arts Council, Coonseil ny h-Ellynyn
arty, ellynoil
arty-crafty, ellynoil-keirdagh
arum, lus ny Caisht
Aryan, Ayreeanagh
as, as, cha, cho, myr
as broad as long, colhean, coliauyr
as heretofore, myr v'eh roie
as if, myr dy row
as it were, myr dy beagh eh
as large as that, wheesh shen
as like, myrragh
as long as, choud as, chouds
as many, quilleen, whilleen
as many of you as, Wheesh jiu as
as much, wheesh
as much as, whilleen, whillin
as much as that, wheesh shen
as much more, wheesh elley
as not, myrragh
as per sample, rere yn sambyl
as requested, jannoo aghin (hug), myr yeearreeit
as soon as I can, Cha leah's foddym
as though, myr
as under, myr ta heese
as were, myrragh
asbestos, asbestos
asbestos board, claare asbestos
ascari, sidoor doo
ascend, ardjaghey, cheet neese
ascend (genealogy), goll er ash
ascend (hill), cosney, drappal
ascendancy, eaghtyrys
ascendant, ardjeeagh, eaghtyr, girree, goll seose, shennayr
ascender, irreyder
ascending, ardjeeagh, ughtagh
Ascension, Ellan ny Frastyl, Frastyl, Goll Seose Nyn Jiarn; irree, irreeaght
Ascension Day, Jerdein Frastyl
ascent, drappal, goll seose, irree, ughtagh
ascertain, feddyn magh
ascertainment, feddyn magh
ascetic, aseeticagh, aseeticoil
asceticism, aseeticys
ascidium, askaid
ascribable, lhiassee (da)
ascribe, cur er, cur gys lieh, lhiassaghey (da)
ascription, cur gys lieh, cur sheese (da), lhiassaghey
asepsis, aseptaghys
aseptic, aseptagh
ash, cray, leoie, unjin
ash heap, carnane leoh (leoirey), pollag leoh
ash pan, panney leoh
ash seed, chengey unjinagh
ash tree, billey unjin, unjin
Ash Wednesday, Jecrean Ny Leoie, Laa-Ynnyd
ash-bin, coyr leoh
ash-blond, fynn-vane
ash-blonde, caillin fynn-vane
ash-coloured, jeh daah leoh
ash-hole, towl leoirey
ashamed, neareydagh, nearildagh
ashbox, kishtey leoie (leoh)
ashen (colour), bane, glass, neeal
ashen (of ash), unjinagh
ashen grey, neealloo
ashlar, clagh cherrinagh
ashore, er cheer, er-halloo, er-traie
ashtray, leoireydane, shlig-leoie
ashy, bane, glass, jeh daah leoh, jeh daah yn vaaish, leoieagh, leoiragh, neeal, unjinagh
Asia, Yn Aishey
Asia Minor, yn Aishey Veg
Asian, Aishanagh
Asiatic, Aishanagh
aside, er lheh
asinine, assylagh, ommidjagh
ask (for information), briaght, fenaght(yn)
ask (for), shirrey er, yeearree (er)
ask (invite), cuirrey
ask (question), feyshtey, keishtey
ask back, cur aachiurrey da
askance, lieh-scaa
asked, brieit, fenit, shirrit
asker, brieyder
askew, ry-scoidey
asking (invitation), cuirrey
asking (questioning), briaght, fenaght, keishtey
aslant, lieh-scaa
asleep, ny cadley
asleep (foot), maggane
aslope, gys un cheu, ry-scoidey
asparagus, asparag, croau-muc feie, lus ny sooghid
aspect, reayrtys
aspect (of face), neeal
aspect (of sky), cullee
aspen, chengey ny mraane, croan-craaee, cron-craaee
asperity, barbid, gargid, garrooid
asperse, floutyraght
aspersion, flout
aspersion (sprinkling), spreih
aspersive, floutagh
asphalt, asfalt, pick
asphaltic, asfaltagh, pickagh
asphodel, lus ny merriu
asphyxia, plooghey
aspic, aspagh
aspirant, trooder, yeearreyder
aspirate, boggaghey, boggit, corockle boggit, corockle ennalit, ennalaghey, ennalit
aspirated, boggit, ennalit
aspiration, ard-vian, boggaghys, ennalaghey, yeearree
aspirator, sooder
aspiratory, ennalagh, sooagh
aspire, yeearree (er)
aspirin, aspryn
aspirin tablets, asprynyn
ass, assyl
ass (fool), blebbin
ass-drover, immanagh assyl
assail, soiagh
assailable, builtagh, bwoaltagh
assailant, builtagh, fer builtagh
assailer, builtagh, fer builtagh
assailing, builtagh
assassin, dunver
assassinate, marroo
assassination, dunverys
assault, bwoalley, soiaghey er
assault (sexually), sollaghey
assaulter, bwoalteyr
assaulter (sexual), solleyder
assay, prowal, prowallys
assay-master, mainshtyr prowallys
assemblage, cur ry-cheilley
assemblage (persons), cruinnaghey
assemble, chaglym, mustyral
assemble (as fleet), floaddey
assemble (parts), chaglym, cochruinaghey, cur ry-cheilley
assembler, ben cur ry-cheilley, fer cur ry-cheilley
assembling, cochruinaghey, cur ry-cheilley, mustyral
assembly, chionnal, cochruinnaght, cruinnaght, feish, forragh, mod, quaiyl, quinney
assembly hall, halley chymsee
assembly line, linney
assent, coardail, coardail rish, kied
assenting, coardagh
assentor, coardailagh
assert, jeean-loayrt, shassoo seose er son
assertion, jeean-loayrtys, shassoo seose er son
assertive, kioneyssagh, treealagh
assertiveness, treealys
asserverate, breearrey
assess, cur keesh er, cur leagh er
assessable, keeshagh
assessed taxes, keeshyn jeeragh
assessment, keeshaght, sess, towse jeeyl
assessor, fer-oik ny geesh, keesheyder, towsheyder, towsheyder
asset, cooney mooar, shelloo
assets, cooid
asseverate, breearrey
asseveration, breearrey
assiduity, jeadid, jeadys, jeeanid
assiduous, jeadagh, jeeanagh
assign, cur seose da, enmyssagh, livrey
assignable, livreyagh, yn-churrit sheese da
assignable date, dait enmysagh, dait yn-enmys
assignation, lhiggey magh, quailtys
assigned, livreit
assignee, enmyssagh, ynnydee
assignment, currym, livreys, staartey
assignor, livreyder
assimilable, cochosoylagh
assimilate, cosoylaghey
assimilating food, soo bee
assimilation, cosoylaghey, lheie, soo bee
assist, cooney lesh, cur laue da, goaill ayrn
assistance, cooney, couyr
assistant, coonee, cooneyder, fo, lhiass
assistant gardener, fo-ghareyder
assistant master, fo-vainstyr
assistant professor, olloo coonee
assistant secretary, lhiass-scrudeyr
assize court, quaiyl chimmee
associate, co-, coheshaghtagh, cosoylaghey, cur ry-cheilley, freayll sheshaght rish, goll ry-cheilley
associate (companion), cumraag
associate (ideas), cochiangley
associate (in crime), fer coonee
associate (of society), fo-oltey
associate professor, co-oolloo
associated, cochianglt, coheshaghtagh
association, cooidjaght, copharteeys, cumraagys
association (society), sheshaght
association football, soccar, sockyr
associative, coheshaghtagh
associative law, leigh cocheaghlagh
associative properties, troyn cohymsagh
associativity, coheshaghtys
assonance, co-heeanys
assort, sorchaghey
assorted, sorchit
assorter, sorcheyder
assortment, covestey
assuage (fears), kiunaghey
assuage (hunger), castey
assuage (pain), meein, meeinaghey
assuagement, kiunaghey, meeinaghey
assumable, S'liklee
assumable (opinion), yn-ghlackey
assumable (title), yn-goaill
assume, cur er hene, goaill er hene
assume (Geometry), abbyr
assume (pretend), lhiggey er
assumed (name), foalsey
assumer, froaishagh, kione-ardagh
assumption, froaishid
assumption (Eccl.), troggal seose
assumption (of office), goaill
assumption of power, goaill pooar
assumption of the B.V.M., Laa'l Moirrey Toshee
assurable, raaneagh, so-urryssagh
assurance (certainty), kinjid, shickyrys
assurance (conviction), lane-yss
assurance (guarantee), barrantys, raane
assurance (life, etc.), urrysaght
assurance company, colught urryssaght
assure, shickyraghey
assure (life, etc.), cur fo urrysaght
assured, fo urrysaght, shickyrit
assuredly, son shickyrys
assurer, barrantagh, fer shickyree
Assyria, Yn Assyria
Assyrian, Assyriagh
astatic, neuhassooagh
aster, lus yn 'Eaill Vaayl, roltag
asterisk, rolteen
astern, 'sy jerrey, cooyl, ergooyl
asteroid, mynphlannad, roltageagh
asteroid belt, cryss roltageagh
asthenia, lhag-laynt, mellid
asthma, plooghey, reean
asthmatic, reeanagh
astigmatic, astigmatagh
astigmatism, astigmatys
astir, er-cosh
astonish, thanvaanaghey
astonishing, ard-yindyssagh, thanvaanagh, thanvaneagh
astonishment, ard-yindys, thanvaanys, thanvaneys
astound, cu ard-yindys (er)
astounding, ard-yindyssagh
astraddle, goalaneagh, goalscarrey, goalscartagh
astral, rollageagh
astray, er shaghryn
astride, goalscarree, scartagh, scartoil
astringent, castagh, casteyder folley, kianglee, kiangleyder
astro, rollageagh
astrolabe, slatt rollageagh
astrologer, astroayllee, faaishneyder rollageagh, fer fysseree, planartagh, rollageydagh
astrological, astroaylleeagh
astrology, astroaylleeaght, faaishnys rollageagh, far-rollageydys, planartys
astronaut, shiaulteyr rollageagh
astronomer, rollageyder
astronomical, erskyn earroo, rollageagh, rollageydagh
astronomy, rollageydys
astrophysics, fishig rollageagh
astute, creeney, geyre-chooishagh, kioot
astuteness, creenaght, geyre-chooishaght, kiootid
asunder, veih-my-cheilley
asylum, thie baanrit, thie coadee, thie mooar
asylum (refuge), kemmyrk
asymetric, sprangagh
asymmetric, sprangagh
asymmetry, mee-chummey, sprangaght
at, ec
at a rough guess, myr barel
at a tearing rate, myr gheay Vayrnt ayn
at a walking pace, er keim hooyl
at all costs, er chor erbee
at all events, er chor erbee
at any rate, er chor erbee
at Christmas, ec y Nollick, er y Nollick
at close quarters, boyn rish boyn
at cock crow, ec gerrym y chellee
at full pelt, ec bieauid ny geayee
at full strength, lane
at full stretch, sheeynt
at half power, er lieh-chummaght, er lieh-chummaght
at hand, fo laue
at her, eck
at him, echey
at him! (to dog), Styrr!
at home, giense thie
at issue, ayns keisht
at last, fy yerrey
at least, er y chooid sloo
at length, ec y jerrey, er liurid, fod, fy yerrey
at long last, fy yerrey hoal
at me, aym
at night, 'syn oie
at night time, 'syn oie
at noon, ec munlaa
at once, er y chooyl, kiart nish
at rest, feagh
at sea, er y cheayn, er yn aarkey
at that rate, reer shen
at that time, eisht
at the double, dooble-happee!
at the head of the table, ec kione y vuird
at the most, ec y chooid smoo
at the outside, ec y chooid sloo, ec y chooid smoo
at the present, ec y chooyl, ec y traa t'ayn
at the proper time, ec y traa cooie
at the roadside, ec cheu yn raad
at the very latest, ec yn chooid s'anmagh
at the very least, ec yn chooid sloo
at the very most, ec yn chooid smoo
at this time, nish
at us, ain
at variance, fud y cheilley
at you, ayd, eu
atavism, aaghooghys
atavistic, aaghooghyssagh
ataxy, staghylys gleashaght
ate, dee
ateliosis, dooinneenys
atheism, anjeeys, neuyeeys
atheist, anjee
atheistic(al), anjeeagh, neuyeeagh
athenaeum, athenaeum, lioarlann, shamyr lioaragh
Athene, Athene
Athenian, Atheenagh
Athenry, Aah yn Ree
Athens, Yn Atheen
athirst, jioogh
athlete, roortagh
athletic, gastey, roortagh, thollee, toallee
athleticism, roortaght
athletics, roortaghys
Athlone, Balley Aah Luain
Athol, Atholl
athwart, tessen
Atlantic, Atlantagh, Yn Eearvooir, Yn Keayn Sheear
atlas, Atlas, atlas, lioar ny cruinney
atmosphere, aeraght, cummey, ennaghtyn
atmospheric, aeragh, aeraghtagh
atmospherics, aeraghtagh, tarmeshtey, tharmane
atoll, ellan chorralagh
atom, breneen
atomic bases, bun-ynnydyn breneenagh
atomic capability, niartallys breneenagh
atomic energy, bree vreneenagh
atomic pile, carnane breneenagh
atomic power, bree vreneenagh, niart breneenagh
atomic radiation, gah-sheaylley breneenagh
atomic weight, trimmid breneenagh
atomic(al), breneenagh
atomics, breneenaghys
atomize, breneenaghey
atomizer, breneeneyder
atone, jannoo lhiasaghey, lhiasaghey
atonement, lhiasagh, lhiasaghey, lhiasaght
atoner, lhiaseyder
atonic, atoanagh
atony, atoanaght
atop, er-baare, er-mullagh
atrip, lesh aker seyr
atrocious, eajee
atrocious (clothing), feer-ghraney
atrociousness, barbaraght, eajeeys
atrocity, eajeeys
atrophied, shirgit
atrophy, shirgaghey
attach, greimmey, kiangley, lhiantyn (hug)
attachable, so-lhiantyn
attache, myn-chaghter
attache case, kishtey laue
attached, kianglt rish, lhiantagh
attachment, lhiantag
attachment (adherence), lhiantys
attachment (emotional), ehlley
attack, soiagh, soiaghey er, soiaghey er, teaym
attack (of noise), bwoalley
attack of illness, grash chingys
attacked, soit er
attacker, soiagher
attain, roshtyn
attainable, roshtynagh
attainer, rosheyder
attainment, roshtynys, schlei
attaint, deyrey
attar of roses, ooil roseyn
attempt, eab, eabbey, goaill ass laue, goaill ayns laue, tryal
attend, cur geill (da), cur tastey (da), goaill tastey jeh, taaghey, tastal
attend (undertake), goaill ayns laue
attend (wait on), shirveishagh, tendeil
attend on, eiyrt er
attendance, fieaumanys, frastyl, shirveish, tendeil, waiteil, fieaumanys
attendance (school), cheet faare
attendant, farkiagh, fieaumanagh, shirveishagh, taagheyder, tendeilagh
attendant (of person), shirveishagh, tendeilagh, waiteilagh
attention, arrey, frioose, geill, tastey, tastid, geill
attention!, Er-arrey!, Shun!
attentive, arreydagh, currymagh, eaishtagh, frioosagh, geilloil
attentiveness, arreydys, currymid, frioose, tastid
attenuate, keylagh, sheeyney magh, thannaghey
attenuated, keyl, sheeynt magh, thanney
attenuation, keylagh, sheeyney magh, thannid
attest, cur fo loo, jarrooaghey, ymmyrkey feanish
attestation, cur fo loo, gymmyrkey feanish, jarrooaghey
attested copy, coip jarrooit
attestor, looder
attic, garrad, shamyr chlea
attire, coamrey, cur mysh
attired, coamrit, eairkagh
attitude, shassoo, ymmyrkey
attorney, leighder, turneyr, ynnydagh
attorneyship, turneyrys
attract, cleayney, tayrn
attraction, cleayn, tayrnys
attractive, aalin, bwoyagh, cleaynagh, tayrnagh, tayrnyssagh
attractiveness, aalid, bwoyid, cleaynid, tayrnyssaght
attributable, so-chur ass lieh, so-chur gys leih, so-chur sheese da
attribute, cowrey, cur gys lieh
attribution, cur gys leih
attributive, calleeagh
attrition, scryssey magh
attune, jannoo coreiragh
au fait, heose rish, oayllagh (rish)
auburn, doo-ruy
auction, cant, cantal, cantey, creckeraght
auction mart, shamyr chant
auctioned, cantit
auctioneer, canteyder
auctioneering, cantal, cantey
audacious, daaney, meenearagh, neunearagh
audaciousness, daanys, meenearey
audacity, daanys, meenearey
audibility, clashtynaght, so-chlashtynys
audible, so-chlashtyn, clashtynagh, cluinagh, so-chlashtyn
audience, eaishtaght, eanish, lught eaishtagh, yn lught fakin
audience chamber, shamyr eaishtaght
audiology, eaishtoaylleeaght
audit, scrutaghey
audition, cur eaishtagh da, eaishtaght
auditive, eaishteeagh
auditor, clinneyder, feyshtynagh, scruteyder
auditorium, halley, shamyr failt
auditory, eaishteeagh
auger, tharrar
auger shell, feoghaig virragh
aught, red ennagh, red erbee, veg
augment, cur hug, mooadaghey, trosheyder
augmentation, mooadys
augmentative, mooadee
augmented, mooadit
augur, faaishneyder, ginsh ro laue, insh ro laue
augury, faaishnys
August, Yn Chied Vee Jeh'n Ouyr, arrymagh, Luanistyn, Mee Luanistyn, mooar, Toshiaght Fouyir
Augustan, Augustanagh
Augustinian, Augusteenagh
auk, alk, awk
auld, shenn
auld lang syne, Yn shenn seihll braew
aulic, cooyrtagh
aunt, ben vraar ayrey, naunt, shuyr ayrey, shuyr vayrey
auntie, nauntee
aural, cleayshagh
aurally, lesh yn chleaysh
Aurelius, Airhey
aureola, fainey sollys
auricle, cappan y chree, cleasheen
auricula, lus ny benrein
auricular, cleayshagh, mair veg
auriferous, airhoil, lane airh
Auriga, Yn Fainagh
aurist, fer-lhee cleashey
aurora, fainey yn laa, lossan, yn madran
Aurora Australis, lossan y jiass
Aurora Borealis, lossan y twoaie
auroral, lossanagh
aurous, airhoil
auscultate, eaishtagh rish y chleeau
auscultation, cleeau-eaishtagh, eishtaghys
auspices, fo scaa
auspicices, fo coadey
auspicious, foayroil
auspicious wind, cair vie, raahoil
auspiciousness, foayroilid, raahoilid
austere, chenjagh, chionn, garg, geyre
austerely, dy chionn
austerity, chionnid, gargid, geyrid
austral, jiass
Australasia, Yn Australasia
Australasian, Australasianagh
Australia, Yn Austrail
Australian, Austrailagh
Australian holly, cullyn Frangagh, cullyn meein
Austria, Yn Austeyr
Austrian, Austeyragh
Austrian pine, juys Austeragh, juys doo
authentic, barrantoil, feer, firrinagh
authenticate, feeraghey, firrinaghey
authentication, feeraghey, firrinaghey
authenticity, barrantoilid, feerid, firrinys, rieughid
author, jatter, ughtar
authoress, ben-ughtar
authoritarian, smaghtagh
authoritative, bunneydagh, chiarnyssagh, kionyssagh, ughtaragh
authority, ard-ynseyder, lught-reill, slane pooar
authorization, ughtarys
authorize, cur eaghtyrys da, cur kied (da), cur pooar, cur ughtarys da, oardaghey, pooaraghey
authorized, oardit, pooarit
authorship, jatterys, ughtarys
auto-ignition, hene-lostey
auto-suggestion, hene-sannish
autobiographer, hene-veashneyder
autobiographical, hene-veashnyssagh
autobiography, hene-veashnys
autocracy, slane-reiltys
autocrat, slane-reiltagh
autocratic(al), slane-reiltagh
autodetermination, hene-chynney
autograph, autograaf, autograafaghey, cur ennym scruit er, ennym scruit
autographical ink, doo autograafagh
autographical letter, screeuyn ayns laue hene
autoharp, far-chlaasagh
automated, jeant seyr-obbragh
automatic, gyn smooinaght, seyr-obbragh
automatically, gyn smooinaght
automation, seyr-obbraghey, seyr-obbree
automobile, gleashtan
autonomous, seyr
autonomous verb, yn seyr-vreear
autonomy, hene reilltys, hene-reill, seyrsnys
autopsy, corp-yiarrey
autumn, yn Fouyr
autumn equinox, cormid traa fouyir
autumn hawkbit, croag phartan
autumn spring tide, Roayrt vooar Laa'l Maayl
autumnal, fouyir, fouyragh, fouyroil
autumntide, raaie yn ouyir, traa fouyir
auxiliary, fer coonee
auxiliary engine, greie coonee
auxiliary verb, breear coonee
avail, baardagh, chyndaa gys vondeish, foaynoo, vondeishal
availability, feddynaght
available, ry-gheddyn
availment, foaynoo, vondeish
avalanche, lhieggey sniaghtee
avarice, saynt, sondid
avaricious, sayntagh, sondagh
avariciousness, saynt, sheginys
avast, cum erriu!, scuirr
avast!, Cum ort!
avaunt!, Ersooyl lhiat!, Fow royd!, Trog ort!
ave, Ave Maria, dy bannee dhyt, failt, slane ayd
ave bell, clag yn ainle
avenge, cooilleeney, goaill cooilleen er
avenger, cooilleeneyder
avenging, cooilleeney
avenue, ardane, bayr, lonnagh
aver, breearey, prowal
average, mean, towse meanagh, troggal mean er
average sample, sampleyr meanagh
averment, breearrey, feeraghey, prowal
averse, neuaggindagh, neuwooiagh, noi
averseness, feoh, feohderaght, feohderys, neuaggindys
aversion, feoderaght, feoh, feohderys, neuaggindys
avert, shaghney, shaghney
avert (eyes), chyndaa
aviary, thie eeanlee, thie ushag
aviation, etlagh
aviator, etleyder
avid, jeadagh, jioogh, jollysagh
avidity, jeeanid, jiooghid, jollysid
avocation, gerrym, keird
avocet, gog kiare
avoid, shaghney
avoid (escape), scapail
avoidable, scapailagh, shaghnagh
avoidance, shaghnaght, shaghnys
avoided, scapit, shaghnit
avoirdupois, meihaghyn mooarey
avoucher, breearreyder, fer shickyree
avow, breearrey
avowable, breearragh
avowal, breearrey
avowed enemies, noidyn foshlit
avowedly, dy foshlit
await, fieau er, fuirraghtyn rish
awake, dooisht
awake (mentally), toiggal
awaken, doostey
awaken (suddenly), moostey
awakened, dooishtit, doostit
awakener, dooishteyder
awakening, doostey, moostey
award, aundyr, briwnys, nastey
awarding, briwnys
aware, er-twoaie, twoaieagh
awareness, dooishtid, enney, oayllys, tastey, twoaieaght, dooishtid, twoaieaght
awash, 'syn ushtey, er snaue, fo ushtey
away, ersooyl, reue-jee!, reuish!
away!, Ersooyl lhiat!, Fow royd!, Immee royd!, Royd oo!
awe, aggle, atchim, cur atchim er
awe-inspiring, atchimagh
awe-stricken, atchimit, fo aggle, fo atchim
aweigh, fo-raad, seyr
awesome, atchimagh
awful, agglagh, atchimagh
awfully sorry!, Gow my leshtal!
awfulness, atchimid
awhile, dreayst, rish tammylt
awkward, mertragh, neuaashagh, neulauee, staagagh, staghylagh, turlogh
awkward (corner), corneil doccaragh
awkward (handed), maaigerey
awkward (not suitable), neuchooie, neuyesh
awkward (person), staghyl
awkward (personality), condaaigagh
awkward (thing), stramlag
awkwardness, condaaigys, lutchynys, maaigaght, mertraght, neuaashaght, neuaashid, neuchooieid, neulaueid, neuyeshid, staghylys, turloghid
awl, mennee
awlwort, bossan friogganagh
awn, caulg
awning, carmeish, coodagh
awry, cam, fragym
axe, teigh
axehead, kione teigh
axial, essylagh
axil, aghlish
axillary, aghlishagh
axiom, baghtaght, feerid, jarroo-raa
axiomatic, rere baghtaght
axis, essylys
axis of rotation, essylys chyndaaee
axis of symmetry, essylys shimeadraght
axis of the earth, essylys ny cruinney
axle, essyl
axle cap, cappan essyl
axle tree, rollian
axle-box, kishtey essyl
axleshaft, cass essyl
Aye, She
Ayre, Ayre, Inver Ayre
azalea, lus ny Halbey
azimuth, assamad
azimuth compass, combaase assamad
azimuthal, assamadoil
Aztec, Asteckagh
azure, gorrym-ghlass
