B flat, B meayl
B sharp, B geyre
B.C., R.C. Roish Chreest
b.t.u., unnid-hiass goaldagh
baa, maa, maalagh, maaley
baa-lamb, eayneen
Baal, Baal, jee breagagh
Babbitt metal, meain Vabbit
babble, bloberaght, jannoo cronnane, jannoo thassane
babble (crowd), cowag
babble (stream), cronnane
babble (tell secret), bloberaght
babble out, folliaght y lhiggey magh
babbler, beealerey, blaader, bloberey
babbler bird, ushag veealeraght
babbling, beealeraght, blaaderagh, blaaderys, bloberagh, bloberaght, chengleyrys, claggeraght, cronnane, cronnaneagh, thassane, thassaneagh
babe, bab, babban, lhiannoo, oikan
Babel, Babel
baboo, cleragh Injinagh, injinagh Goaldagh
baboon, baboon
baby, babban, lhiannoo, oikan
baby basket, murlhin lhiennoo
baby calf, babban-lheiy
baby car, carr beg, gleashtan beg
baby carriage, carbyd clienney
baby farm, ferm-lhiennoo
baby food, cug
baby grand piano, mooarphianney beg, mooarphianney beg
baby linen, aanrit oikan
baby sitter, arreyder paitchey
baby's bottle, boteil yiole
baby's rattle, clabberey
babyhood, lhiannooaght, oikanys
babyish, lhiannooagh, oikanagh
babylike, lhiannooagh, oikanagh
Babylon, Babylon
Babylonian, Babylonnagh
babysit, freayll arrey er paitchey
bacciform, berrishagh, keirnagh
baccy, thombaaghey
bachelor, fer neuphoost, shenn ghuilley
bachelorhood, shenn ghuilleydys
bachelorship, shenn ghuilleydys
bacillary, bacilleenagh
bacillus, bacilleen
back, cooyl, cooyllagh, cur niart da, dreeym, er-ash, ergooyl
back (as overdraught), jannoo raanteenys
back (bet), gialdyn(er)
back (of cart), dorrys, jerrey
back (vehicle), imman ergooyl
back again, er-ash
back answer, aareggryt, ansoor er-ash
back band, dromagh
back bar, slouree
back board, boayrd lout
back boiler, coirrey chiollee
back breaking, feer trome
back chain, geuley drommey
back door, dorry doont, dorrys ny cuillagh
back elevation, jalloo cooyl
back garden, garey-cooyl
back gate, giat cooyl
back herring, skeddan y vac
back iron, yiarn cooyl
back kitchen, kishteen (cooyl)
back land, thalloo cooyl
back number, shenn earroo
back of shoulder, shlingan
back of the head, cooyl y ching
back pay, faill cooyl
back pedal, cass ny trieaneyn er-ash
back pressure, aahrimmid
back rest, boayrd drommey
back room, cuillee
back room, cuillee, cuillee
back seat, soieag chooyl, soieag yerree
back sheet, cooyl-ghuillag
back stitch, whaaley cooyl, whaaley ergooyl
back strap, yeeal ghrommey
back street, cooyl-raad, straid chooyl
back stroke, snaue drommey
back to back, dreeym-ry-ghreeym, thoyn-ry-hoyn
back to front, dreeym er oaie
back tooth, cooyl-eeackle, cooylag
back wheel, queeyl yerree
back yard, cooyrt-chooyl
back-hand (writing), screeuin lhie er-ash
back-handed, lhie er ash, neuyeearagh
back-heel, cosaayl
back-pedal, goll dy moal
back-reaction, cooyl-obbraghey
back-scratching, screebey drommey
back-set, cooyl-stroo
back-wash (on shore), soodraght
backache, chingys ghrommey, guin drommey
backband, bann drommey
backbencher, cooyl-vinkeyr
backbite, cooyl-chassid, luney
backbiter, cooyl-chassidagh
backbiting, cooyl-chassid
backbone, craue drommey
backchat, ansooryn daaney
backcloth, brat-chooyl
backer, cooyl-charrey, fer cooyl duirn
backer (turf), gialleyder
backfire, cooyl-pholt, cooyl-pholtal
backgammon, tawlish mooar
background, cooyl-ynnyd, cooylrey, shaghadys
background report, imraa shaghadys
backhand blow, builley cooyl
backhander, bassag, builley cooyl
backhander (gift), dooraght
backing out, cur seose
backlash, aawoalley
backless, gyn dreeym
backmost, jerree, sodjey er-ash
backside, kione y vremmey, thoyn
backsight, cooyl-hroir, cooyl-vaghtane, cooylreayrt
backslide, cooyl-skyrraghtyn, cooyl-sleaghtaghey
backslider, cooyl-skyrraghtagh
backsliding, cooyl-skyrraghtyn
backstair influence, fockle 'sy chooyrt
backstairs, greeishyn cooyl
backstitch, greim cooyl
backsword, cliwe ghrommey
backward, jei-cheeayllagh, moal
backward (motion), ergooyl
backward step, cooyl-cheim, keim er-ash, kesmad er-ash
backwardation, cooyleeaght
backwardness, mellid
backwards, cooyl-y-choshey, er-ash, er-dreeym, ergooyl, gour y drommey
backwash, marroo-stroo
backwater, cummal fo, lhingey
backwoods, keylljyn fadaneagh
backwoodsman, fer ny keylljyn fadaneagh
bacon, bagoon
bacterial, bacteyragh
bacteriologist, bacteyr-oayllee
bacteriology, bacteyr-oaylleeaght
bacterium, bacteyr
bad, drogh, olk
bad (as meat), loau
bad (as money), breaghagh, foalsey, foalsey
bad (as smell), breinn
bad (food), donney
bad (ill), donney, doogh
bad (incorrect), loghtagh
bad beer, spoodragh, spooyteragh
bad behaviour, drogh-ellyn
bad condition, andoaie
bad drink, amvlass
bad economy, anghrease, drogh-harrooghys
bad faith, drogh aigney
bad health, asslayntagh
bad justice, drogh-chorrym
bad language, caaynt gharroo, drogh chaaynt, glare-vroghe
bad lot, drogh-yantagh
bad luck, donnys, drogh oor, drogh-aigh
bad management, drogh-harrooghys, neufarrysthie
bad manner of life, drogh vea
bad mannered, drogh-ellynagh
bad manners, drogh-ellyn, drogh-ynsagh
bad name, drogh-ennym
bad news, drogh naight
bad report, anghoo, drogh-ghoo, drogh-imraa
bad sign, drogh vonney
bad sort, drogh-cheintagh
bad taste, drogh-vlass, neuellynagh
bad taste (of liquids), amvlass
bad tasting, am-
bad temper, drogh-yien, ferg
bad tidings, drogh-naightyn
bad treatment, drogh-ghellal
bad treatment (by doctor), drogh-lheihys
bad turn, drogh-heaym, drogh-hurn
bad way, drogh-chummey er, feer ching, stayd olk
bad weather, drogh earish, drogh-emshir, emshir ghonney
bad word, drogh-ockle
bad-hearted, drogh, drogh-chreeagh, olk
bad-looking, graney, olk
bad-minded, drogh-aignagh
bad-tempered, caulgagh, correydank, cretchagh, friogganagh, groamagh
bad-tempered (person), correydank
badge, cowrey
badger, brock
badger's den, brockagh
badlooking (threatening), baggyrtagh
badly, dy donney, dy holk, dy sie
badly behaved, meeveasagh, mooidjeenagh
badminton, badmyntyn
badness, donnys, drogh, olkid, olkys, sie
baffle, cur dellid er, cur lhiettrimys er, molley, skian
bafflement, lhiettrimys, molley
baffler, molleyder
bag, bolgaghey, cur ayns poagaghyn, cur ayns seck, poagey, sack
bag (as sail), booghey
bag (game), marroo
bag (steal), geid
bag (take possession), goaill
bagatelle, bagatelle, frit
bagfull, lane poagey
baggage, poagaght, scudlagh
baggage (woman), ben wagaanagh
bagging, cur ayns poagaghyn, eaddagh poagey
baggy, lhag, poagagh
bagnio, thie faarkee
bagpipe (Irish), piob ullinagh
bagpipe (Scottish), yn phiob vooar
bagpipe(s), piob
Bahama, Ny Bahamaghyn
bail, kit, raane
bail (as small boat), teaumey
bail (in stable), maidjey
bail out, lheim magh
bailable, raanagh
bailee, raaneyder
bailer, saagh teaumee, spooitcher
bailiff, baylee, meoir
bailiwick, bayleeaght, bayleeys
baillion's crake, eean raip beg
bailment, raanteenys
bailor, raaneyder
bairn, paitchey
bait, bite, bite eeastee, bitey, meer
bait (as animals), brasnaghey, cloghey, cur moddee er
bait (as persons), brasnaghey
bait can, collag
baiter, brasneyder, clohder
baiting, bitey, brasnaghey, brasnee, cur bite er, cur moddee er
baize, baise
bake, fuinney
bake (as bricks), cur aile da
bake house, thie fuinnee
baked, fuinnit
baked (as person), broit
baked (food), bee oghe
baker, fuinneyder
baker (woman), ben uinnee
baker's dozen, dussan liauyr, tree-jeig
bakery, shamyr uinnee, shapp yn uinneyder, thie fuinnee
bakestone, losht
baking, fuinney
baking dish, claare fuinnee
baking hot, feer cheh, fuinney-heh
baking pan, panney fuinnee
baking powder, poodyr fuinnee
baking soda, jastee-hollan, soda arran
baking stone, losht
baking trough, ammyr uinnee
baksheesh, dooraght, sheeyney laue
balance, cohrimmid, cormid, cormid choontee, meih, meihaghan, meihaghey
balance (as person), cormaghey, cormal
balance (books), cormal
balance (of food), fooillagh
balance (remainder), corrillagh
balance beam, quing
balance sheet, duillag-chorrym
balance weight, trimmid-corrym
balance wheel, queeyl leastey, queeyl-chorrym
balanced, cochiart, cohrome, cormit, meihit
balancing, cormal, leaystey
balancing machine, meiheyder
balancing pole, maidjey leaystee
balcony, balcane, porch er lout
balcony rail, radlin
bald, lhome, meayl, meayllaghey
bald head, kione meayl
bald pate, meayl
bald woman, meayllee
bald-headed, meayl
baldachin, coodagh
balderdash, boghtynid, boir
baldness, meayllid
baldric, cryss gheaylin
Baldwin, Boayldyn
Baldwin East, Boayldyn Hiar
Baldwin West, Boaldyn Heear
bale, kionnan, teaumey
bale (evil), meeaigh, olk
bale (package), bundeil, bundeiley
Balearic, Balearagh
baled, bundeilit, kianglt, teaumit
baleful, doogh, olkyssagh, trimshagh
baler, bundeiler, bundeileyder, teaumeyder
baler (dish), teaumane
Balgowan, Balley ny Gaauin
baling, bundeilee, bundeiley, teaumee, teaumey
balk, dreeym ingagh, immyr vane, ymmyr vane
balk (hinderance), bac, cur bac er, jannoo lhiettryms (er), lhiettrimys, molley
balk (timber), bolk, jeayst
Balkan, Balkanagh
ball, bluckan, bluckaney, bluggan, crig, daunse, jannoo bluckan jeh
ball (testicle), maggle
ball alley, cooyrt vluckan
ball bearing, bluckan
ball race, ammyr vluckan
ball valve, cooylley vluckan
ball-lightening, tendreil bluckanagh
ball-like, bluckanagh, blugganagh
ball-peen hammer, oard cruggagh
ball-point, grine-virragh
ball-shaped, bluckanagh, cruinn, runt
Ballachulish, Balley'n Cheeylysh
ballad, bannag
ballad singer, arraneyder bannag, arraneyder straiddey
ballade, ballaid
ballan wrasse, bollan
Ballasalla, Balley ny Shellee, Balley Sallagh, Balley Shellee
ballast, ballast, cur ballast ayn, cur ballast sheese
ballast (of person), kinjagh
Ballaugh (village), Balley Laagh, Balley ny Loghey
ballcock, cock snaue
ballerina, caillin ballay
ballet, ballay
ballet dancer, daunseyr ballay
Balleymena, Balley Meanagh
Ballig, Balley ny Lhigg
Ballina, Beeal Yn Aah
Ballinasloe, Beeal Aah Ny Sluigh
ballistic, ballistagh
ballistic missile, orraghey ballistagh
ballistics, ballistaghys
Balloch, Bollagh
balloon, balloon, bolgey, eddrymane, lhieeney magh, mollag aeragh, sheidey seose
balloon tyre, boyn bog
balloon-tyre, crou vog
balloonist, balloonagh
ballot, teiy
ballot box, kishtey teiy
ballot paper, duillag heiy
balloting, teiy
ballpoint pen, penn grine-virragh
ballroom, shamyr ghaunse
Ballure, Balley Euar
balm, balsym, baum, baum feie, lus ny moaley, ooil, ooillaghey
balmy, ass (e) cheeayll, balsymagh, baumagh, millish
balsam, balsym, balsym beg, ooil lheihys, stoo lheihys,
balsamic, balsymagh
Baltic, Baltagh
baluster, pillyr
balustrade, radlin
bamboo, cuirtlagh
bamboo rat, roddan cuirtlagh
bamboozle, moylley
bamboozlement, molley
bamboozler, molleyder
ban, cur fo sarey, cur lhiettrimys er, lhiettrimys, tarmestey
banal, cadjin, frittagh, taareeagh
banality, cadjinys, taareeaght
banana, bananey
banana tree, billey bananey
Banbridge, Droghad ny Bann
band, boandey, cur boandey er, cur crou er, cur cryss er, cur kiangley er, kiangley, rybban
band (musical), bann
band (of people), possan, sheshaght
band (of reapers), meail, meil
band (of sheaf), queeyllagh
band (of wheel), crou, crow
band (small musical), possan kiaullee
band clutch, craag voandey
band pulley, ullag voandey
band together, boandey ry-cheilley, chaglym, cruinnaghey
band-box, kishtey edd
band-brake, glackan boandey
bandage, cur kiangley er, kiangley, stollag
bandaging, cur kiangley er, kiangley, warpal
banded, boandit
banded together, boandit ry-cheilley
banderole, mergey shleiy
bandit, roosteyr, thoree
bandmaster, mainshtyr bann
bandolier, cryss gheaylin
bandsaw, saaue cryssagh
bandsman, fer bann
bandstand, ardane bann
bandster, queeyllagh
bandy, ceau focklyn
bandy leg, camlurgey
bandy-leg, lurgey cham
bandy-legged, camlurgagh
bane, feoh nieu, sheer-voireyder
baneberry, lus y chrystal
baneful, nieunagh, nieunagh, stroiagh
bang, bleayst, bwoalley, crankal, feeam, frap, polt
bang (blow), builley, labb
bang-tail, famman cuttagh
banging, bwoalley, labbal, poltal
banging post, lieckan
bangle, brashleid
Banian, Banian, delleyder Hindooagh
banish, cur ass (e) heer hene, eebyrt, joarreeagh
banished, eebrit
banished person, eebyrtagh
banishment, joarreeaght, joarreeys
banister, ballister, skelf laue
banjo, banjoe
banjoist, banjoeder
bank, banc, boghlane, broogh, brooghane, claddagh, cleayney, dellal rish y vanc, leaystey, thie argid
bank (mine shaft), mullagh slogh
bank (of fog), thummid (kay)
bank (of snow), thummid sniaghtee
bank account, coontys banc
bank balance, cormid coontys
bank balance (in credit), corrillagh
bank bill, billey, billey banc
bank book, lioar vanc, lioran banc
bank clerk, cleragh banc
bank deposit, tashtey banc
bank depositor, tashteyder banc
bank holiday, laa seyr ny bancyn
bank messenger, chaghter banc, guilley banc
bank on, croghey (er)
bank rate, cormid y vanc
bank statement, coontys banc, duillag vanc
banker, banceyr
banker (cards), fer y vanc
banking, bancagh, banceyraght, cur 'sy vanc
banking affairs, cooishyn bancagh
banknote, folaue banc, noatey
bankrupt, brishey, brisht, brishtagh, fer brisht
bankruptcy, bancvrishey, brishey
bankruptcy proceedings, immeeaghtyn bancvrishey
banks, brooinyn
bann, symney
banner, banneyr, cullee, mergey
banner (flag), brattagh
banner headlines, kione-linnaghyn mooarey
bannock, bonnag, soddag
bannock stone, clagh soddag
Bannockburn, Alt Ny Bannaig
banquet, cuirrey, cur fleah da, fleah, jannoo fleah
banqueter, fleahagh
banqueting hall, halley fleah, shamyr chuirree
banshee, ben shee
bantam, giare-chellagh, giare-chiark
bantamweight, bantym, trimmid kellee
banter, gammanys, gannidys, jannoo gammanys, jannoo gannidys
bantering, gammanagh, gannidagh
bantling, bantan, paitchey
Bantu, Bantu
baptism, bashtey
baptismal, bashtee
Baptist, Bashtagh, Bashteyder, Thummeyder
baptistry, ynnyd vashtee
baptize (person), bashtey
baptize (ship), enmys
baptized, bashtit, enmyssit
baptized with fire, brisht stiagh
baptizer, bashteyder
bar, barr, barrey, cur maidjey, cur yiarn rish uinnag, sparrey
bar (music), barrey
bar (obstruct), cur bac er, jannoo lhiettrimys (er)
bar (of hotel), boayrd coontee
bar (on doorway), maidjey
bar (shut), cur y sneg er
bar cloud, bodjal liauyr
bar counter, claare
bar none, goaill stiagh ooilley
bar of chocolate, leac shocklaid
bar parlour, cooylhamyr
bar room, cuillee oast, shamyr lhionney
bar steel, bar-staillin
bar(obstruction), bac, lhiettrimys
bar-iron, slatt-yiarn
bar-tailed godwit, feddag hraie
barb, caulg, cur piyl (er), cur wheddyr (er), frioggan, piyl, wheddyr
Barbara, Barbrey
Barbaresque, Barbroil
barbarian, barbaragh
barbaric, barbaragh
barbarism, barbaraght
barbarity, barbaraght, dewilid, dewilys, neughooinallys, neuvyghinid
barbarous, barbaragh, dewil, gyn chymmey, neughooinal, neuvyghinagh
Barbary, Yn Varbeyr
barbed, caulgagh, wheddyragh
barbed wire, streng wheddyragh
barbel, breck faasaagagh
barbeque, fleah foalley
barbeque oven, brebag
barber, baareyder
barberry, barbrag
barbican, barbicaanagh
barbiturate, barbichoorait
barbituric, barbichooragh
barcarolle, barcarolle
bard, bard, bardagh, bardoonagh
bardic, bardagh, bardoonagh
bare, baarey, loamey, lommey, meayllaghey, rooishtey, roostey
bare (persons), rooisht
bare (the teeth), feeacklaghey
bare (unsheathed), lommyrtagh
bare-boned, lhome-craueagh
bare-faced, daaney, gyn faasaag
bare-legged, lhome-lurgagh
bareback, dreeym-rooisht, gyn jeelt
barebacked, dreeym-rooisht
bared, baajit, baajit, lhomit, loamit, lommit, rooisht, rooisht
bared (as blade), lhommyrtagh
bared (with the wind), lommanit
barefoot, cass rooisht, lhome coshagh
bareheaded, kione-rooisht
barely, er-egin
bareness, folmid, lhmid, meayllid, rooishtid
barer, baareyder, lommeyder, ny s'lhomey
barest, s'lhomey
bargain, bargane
bargain (agreeing), conaantey
bargain (agreement), conaant
bargain counter, boayrd bargane
bargain hunting, barganey, shirrey barganeyn
bargain price, leagh barganeagh, leagh injil
bargain sale, seyr-chreck
bargained, barganit
bargainer, barganeagh, barganeyder, conaantagh
bargaining, barganeagh, barganey, conaantey
barge, barje
barge board, claare mullee
barge in, bwoalley stiagh
barge-couple, cubbyl mullee
bargee, fer barje
bargemaster, mainshtyr barje
bargepole, geah
baring, lhomey, loamey, lommanagh, rooishtey
baring (of teeth), feeackley
baritone, baritone, trome-ghooagh
barium, barium
bark, roost
bark (as tree), speeiney
bark (of dog), gounsternee
bark (soft), boogh
barked, speeinit
barker, speeineyder
barking, gounsteragh, gounsternee, speeiney
barky, cartoil, roostoil
barley, oarn
barley harvest, fouyr ny hoarn
barley loaf, bwilleen oarn
barley malt, braih oarn
barley meal, meinn oarn
barley seed, oarn-chorrey
barley sugar, oarnag villish, shugyr oarn
barley water, sooslagh oarn
barleycake, berreen oarn
barleycorn, grine oarn
barm, jastee, jiastyn
barmaid, ben lhionney, caillin lhionney, inney veyl
barman, dooinney lhionney, fer lhionney, guilley lhionney
barmbrack, berreen vreck
barmed, jasteeit
barmy, jasteeagh, jiastynagh
barn, skibbalt, soalt
barn cock, kellagh ny giark
barn dance, daunse soailt
barn door, dorrys soailt
barn floor, laare soailt, laare voaillee, laare vooie
barn owl, caillagh oie, hullad soailt, hullad vane
Barnabas, Barnabas
barnacle, bayrnag, guiy twoaie
barnstormer, cloieder troailt
barnyard, close
barnyard cock, kellagh ny giark
barnyard fowls, eeanlee y thurran
barograph, barograph
barometer, aer-veih, gless earish
barometrical, baromeadragh
baron, baran, barroon
baronage, barranaght, barroonaght, lioar ny barranyn
baroness, ben varran
baronet, lhiass-varran
baronetage, lhiass-varranys, lioar ny lhiass-varranyn
baronetcy, lhiass-varranys, lioar ny lhiass-varranyn
baronial, barranagh
barony, barranys
barque, barc, saagh tree cruin
Barra, Barraie
barrack, barrick, thie sidoor, troggal musthaa, yllagh (er)
barrack room, shamyr hidooragh
barrackroom language, glare gharroo, glare hidooragh
barrage, barraje
barrator, boireyder, condaigagh
barratry, leighderys
barrel, barril, cass, cur ayns stoandaghyn, feddan, stoandey
barrel (clock), rollian lheimaghan
barrel (of the ear), towl y ghollan
barrel organ, barril-organe
barrel stand, cleeah stoandee
barrel vault, sellar cruin
barrel-head, eddin stoandee, kione stoandee
barreling, lhieeney stoandaghyn
barren, gennish
barren (animal), shast, shiast
barren (as mind), follym
barren (land), follym faase, neuvessoil, neughooie
barren animal, shastagh
barren strawberry, soo thallooin shast
barrenness, gennishid, neughooieid, neuvessoilid, shastaght
barricade, troggal creagh fendeilagh
barricade, creagh fendeilagh, cur creagh fendeilagh er, dooney
barrier, bac, cleigh scarree
barrier (of timber), glut
barring, agh son
barrister, leighder
barrow, carnane oanluckee, cronnag oanluckee, muc aail
barrowboy, cadjer
barrowful, lane barrey
Barrule, Baarool
Barry, Dy Barrey
barter, co-choonrey, coonrey, maylart, maylartey
barterable, so-choonrey
bartered, coonrit, maylartit
barterer, coonreyder, maylartagh
bartering, coonrey, maylartey
bartholomew, Parlane
barysphere, baisfear, trome chruinnag
bas-relief, lieh-chummey
basal, undinagh
basal cover, bun-vrat
basalt, basalt
basaltic, basaltagh
base, balley, bun, bun-ynnyd, gruntal, soieaghey er grunt, undin
base (bench), bink
base (of coinage), foalsey
base (of metals), neuchostal
base (of person), awane
base (of triangle), bun troorane
base angle, bun-uillin
base meanness, kercheenys
base of the tail, bun yn arbyl
base person, kercheen
baseball, bluckan-valley
baseborn, anooasle
baseless, gyn bun, gyn oyr, gyn vun
baseline, bun-linney
basement, laare fo halloo
basement (of wall), undin
basement (of window), boyn
baseness, kercheenys
bash, builley, bwoalley, labb, labbal
bashful, faitagh, nearildagh, neayreydagh, scaagh
bashful person, faitagh
bashfulness, faitid, faitys, nearaght, nearey
basic, bunneydagh
basic, undinagh
basil, lus y chree
basilica, ard-cheeill, plaase reeoil
basilisk, basilisk
basin, awin-tragh, lhong-phurt, meilley, moir ny hushtaghyn, thamane
basinful, lane meilley
basis, bun, bunneydys, undin
bask, grianaghey, grianey
basket, bascad, bascaid, bastag
basket hilt, doarn bascaidagh
basket maker, bastageyr
basketball, bluckan bascaidagh
basketful, lane bascaid
basketwork, bastageyrys
basking shark, fanneyder, lommeyder, sharkagh greiney, sharkagh souree
Basque, Bascagh, Bascish
bass, bass, cregganagh, cronney, dord, scryss theilley
bass drum, drum mooar
bass viol, beis, biol vooar
bass voice, goo cronney
basset, moddey brock
bassinet, carbyd clienney, clean keyl
bassoon, bassoon
bastard, fer oainjeragh, fer thammag, lhiannoo oainjeragh, paitchey sooree
bastard (of size), cor
bastard pimpernel, lus ny keeilley, lus ny keeyrey
bastardism, oainjerys
bastardize, oainjeraghey
bastardy, oainjerys
baste, bastal
bastinado, slattag voynnee, yeealley ny boynyn jeh
basting, bastal
bastion, doon
bat, bad, baddal, craitnag, maidjey
bat (as eye), kyaghey sooill
bat louse, meeyl chraitnagh
batch (of numbers), lught
batch (of persons), possan
batch (of things), thummid
bate, lhaggaghey
bated, lhaggit
batfish, crodane etlagh
bath, tobbyr niee, tobbyr oonlee
bath brick, breek ghlennee
Bath bun, bonnag Vath
bath mat, breshag tobbyr oonlee
bathe, goaill thummey, oonlaghey, oonley
bathe (in sea), faarkey
bather, faarkeyder
bathing, faarkey, oonlaghey, snaue
bathing cap, bayrn faarkee
bathing costume, cullee faarkee
bathing gown, gooyn faarkee
bathing hut, bwaane faarkee
bathing pool, poyll faarkee
bathing resort, oayll faarkee
bathing shoe, braag hraie
bathing trunks, breetchyn faarkee
bathroom, shamyr oonlee
baths, poyll faarkee
bathtub, tobbyr niee, tobbyr oonlee
batlike, craitnaghagh
batman, guilley
baton, builteen, bwoalley lesh builteen
batrachia, rannagyn
batrachian, rannaghagh
batsman, baddeyder, batteyder
battalion, cahnaght
batten, claare, cur claareyn er, cur slatten er, deal, slatt, sparrey
batter, battyr, bwoalley, clou broojit, faaney, sooslagh
battered, bwoailt
batterer, bwoalteyr
battering ram, greie bwoailtagh, rea caggee
battery, battree, bwoailtys, kishtey pooar
battle, caggee, caggey, cah
battle cry, gerrym caggee
battle dress, coamrey caggee
battle equipment, cullee chaggee
battle frenzy, merre chaggee
battle order, oardyr caggee, reaghys chaggee
battle royal, cah mooar
battle-axe, shenn far-ven, teigh chaggee
battle-cruiser, crooseyr cah
battledore, bad, bwoid niaghan
battledress, eaddagh caggee
battlefield, magher caggee
battlements, boallaghyn caggee
battleship, lhong chaggee
bauble, moyrneen
bauxite, cray ollymin
Bavaria, Yn Vaveyr
Bavarian, Baveyragh
bavin, speilt
bawbee, lhieng Albinagh
bawd, shenn streebagh
bawdiness, neughlennid, streebeeys
bawdy, neuglen
bawl, baic, cur baic ass, gloaral, yllaghey
bay, baie, billey buigh, cooan, dhone-ruy, gullal, gullarnee, laurys, poyll
bay (colour), buigh-ruy
bay (horse), cabbyl dhone
bay (of dog), gull
bay (of roof), baie
bay horse, cabbyl ruy
bay rum, rhum laurys
bay salt, sollan sailley
bay tree, billey buigh, billey millish, laurys
bay willow, shellagh ny moaneeyn
bay window, baie-uinnag
baying, gullal, gullarnee
bayonet, cliwe-gunney, thioll lesh cliwe-gunney
bayonet joint, olt cliwe-gunney
bazaar, basar
be, bee, She
be prepared, Bee ullee
beach, tayrn neese ass yn aarkey
beach, boorey, claddagh, traie
beach chair, caair hraie
beachball, bluckan traie
beachcomber, faarkey mooar, ronseyder traie, tonn vooar
beached, er y traie, traieit, trait
beacon, aile raauee, cowrey, lossan varrey
bead, beed, cruinneen, cur beed er, grineen
bead (of dew), druighteen
bead (of liquid), bineen
bead (of tyre), meil
beaded, cruinneenagh
beaded edge, oirr beedit, oirr lieh runt
beading, beedyn, meill
beadle, meoir agglish, meoir colaashtey
beagle, moddey mwoie
beak, briw beg, gob, gob
beaked, croymm, gobbagh
beaked hawksbeard, lus ny shirree
beaker, beekyr, spooitcher
beaks, gib
beam, caabyr, cheu, darrag, goull, trasnane
beam (of light), scell, skag
beam (of scales), quing
beam compass, combaase goullagh
beam ends, ny lhie er e cheu, ny lhie er e lhiattee
beam-ends, rooisht argid
beaming, goullaghey, goulley, goulragh, soilshean, soilsheanagh
bean, poanrey
bean goose, guiy Eeslynagh
bean-meal, meinn phoanrey
beanfeast, scoltey
beanplant louse, meeyl phoanrey
beanstalk, gass poanrey
bear, bear, clameyder, maghouin
bear (birth), brey, ruggal, ymmyrkey
bear (bring), cur lesh
bear (carry), ymmyrkey
bear (endure), surral, surranse
bear (tolerate), fuillaghtyn, shassoo fo
bear cub, quallian maghouin
bear down, dy gholl lesh y noid, dy heet lesh y noid, lhie er, seiy
bear garden, thie bun-ry-skyn
bear off, cur lesh ersooyl, dy lhie mooie jeh, ymmyrkey ersooyl
bear out, cur lesh magh, niartaghey, ymmyrkey magh
bear up!, Gow cree!
bear-fight, raghlys
bear-garden, croa vaghouin
bearable, surrallagh
beard, caulgey, faasaag
beard (of barley), caulg, fedjeen
beard (of hook), frioggan
bearded, caulgagh, faasaagagh
bearded (as hook), friogganagh
bearded tit, drean faasaagagh
bearding, caulgey
beardless, gyn faasaag, lhome-gheayshagh
bearer, erreyder, sharvaant, ymmyrkagh
bearer (of cheque), shellooder, ymmyrkagh
bearing, ard, cur lesh, ymmyrkane, ymmyrkey
bearing (of child), brey
bearing brasses, prashyn ymmyrkane
bearing rein, streean ymmyrkee
bearish, groamagh, maghouinagh
bearishness, groamaght
bearskin, crackan maghouin, edd gheayshteenagh, sheh vaghouin
beast, baagh, beisht, ollagh
beast of burden, baagh obbyr
beast's penis, slatt
beast's sexual organs, arkyn
beastings, gernooys, groonoays, groosniuys
beastliness, baaghtys, beishtaght, broutid
beastly, beishtagh
beat, builley, bwoalley, cushtey, ronney, yeealley
beat (record), sharaghey
beat (win), geddyn luae yn eaghtyr er
beat back, bwoaill er ash, castey
beat clothes, sladdaney
beat down, bwoalley sheese
beat down (price), lhieggal
beat flax, tratney
beat in, brishey stiagh, bwoalley stiagh
beat it!, Ersooyl lhiat!, Fow royd!
beat metal, inganey
beat off, bwoalley jeh, cur ergooyl
beat out, giarrey, lheanaghey
beat up, bwoalley, cur condoo da, cur da, lhie stiagh rish
beat up (as eggs), bwoalley
beat up (as game), brasnaghey
beaten, bwoallit, bwoalt, fo chosh, yeelt
beaten (as track), taaghit
beater, bwoalteyr, cushteyder, yeealleyder
beatific, bannee, flaunyssagh, noo
beatific vision, Reayrt y Trinaid
beatification, bannaghey
beatify, bannaghey
beating, builley, bwoalley, ooriltagh da
beating (as pulse), builley, goll as cheet
beating (corn), booie
beating (for game), ronsaghey
beating (metal), inganey
beating (to arms), larm caggee
beating (whipping), yeealley
beatitude, banneeaght
beats, cor-woallaghyn, cor-woallaghyn
beau, leggad
beauteous, aalin, bwaagh, bwoyagh
beautiful, aalin, bwaagh, bwoyagh
beautifulness, aalid, aalinid, bwoyid
beautify, jannoo aalin, jannoo bwoyagh
beauty, aalid, aalinid, bwoyid
beauty sleep, yn chied cadley
beauty spot, boayl fahrane, fahrane aalin
beauty spot (place), ard-aalin, boayl aalin
beauty unadorned, aalid dooghyssagh
beaver, dooarchoo
beaver hat, edd beaver
becalm, kiunaghey
becalmed, fo chiuney, kiunit
because, er coontey, er y fa, er yn oyr, kindagh rish, son y fa
beck, alt, beck, bett, smeidey, strooan slieau
beck chain, driaght shesheree
becket, lhoobag
beckon, smeidey
beckoner, smeidagh, smeideyder
beckoning, smeidee, smeidey
becloud, cur smull er, mooirjeenys er
become, cheet dy ve, cheet jesh da
become slippery, shliawinaghey
becoming, cooie, doaieagh, fakinagh, jesh
becoming angry, goaill cheagh
becoming heavy, chiughey
becoming heavy, tromaghey
becoming overcast, bodjalley, curthooillaghey
becoming smelly, breinnaghey
becoming ugly, granaghey
becomingness, cooieid, doaieaght, fakinaght, jeshid
bed, behrtragh, cur lhiaght fo, cur coonlagh fo, immyr, lhiabbagh, lhiabbee, lhiaght
bed (of animal), foyll
bed (river), ammyr
bed curtain, curtan lhiabbagh, scaa lhiabbagh
bed in, thannaghey
bed linen, aanrit lhiabbagh
bed of sickness, lhiabbee hingys
bed out, cur mooie, soiaghey magh
bed sitting room, shamyr soie chadlee
bed straw, coonlagh lhiabbagh
bed tick, carthan (lhiabbagh)
bed-pan, pash lhiabbagh
bed-settee, soiagan oie
bed-sitter, shamyr lhie vaghee
bed-warmer, chiowdeyder lhiabbagh
bedabble, fliughey
bedable (woman), stoamey
bedaub, slaa
bedbug, meeyl lhiabbagh
bedchamber, shamyr lhiabbagh
bedclothes, eaddeeyn lhiabbagh
bedcover, brat lhiabbagh
bedding, coonlagh, eaddeeyn lhiabbagh, stoo lhiabbagh
bedeck, jesheenaghey
bedelia, Breeshey
bedew, druightaghey, tashlaghey
bedewing, druightaghey, tashlaghey
bedfellow, colhiabbagh
bedhead, eiyrtal, kione eiyrt
bedim, cur bodjal er, dallaghey, jannoo dorraghey
bedjacket, jaggad lhiabbagh
bedlam, thie baanrit
bedlamite, ben vaanrit, fer baanrit
bedouin, Bedjoonagh
bedpost, croan lhiabbagh, poss
bedraggle, jeyllaghey, lhuddyraghey, lhuddyral
bedraggled, jeeyllagh, lhuddyrit
bedrest, fea drommey
bedridden, cummal y lhiabbee, er troggloo
bedrock, bun-charrick
bedrock price, yn leagh s'inshley
bedroom, cuillee lhie, eadlee, shamyr lhiabbagh, shamyr lhiabbagh
bedroom slippers, carraneyn thie
bedside, cheu lhiabbagh, keeil-lhiabbagh
bedsore, ching lhiabbagh, screb lhiabbagh
bedspread, curleid lhiabbagh
bedstead, sthock lhaibbagh
bedstead (iron), lhiabbee yiarn
bedstraw, follan fing, follan fynn
bedstraw (swamp), follan y voglagh
bedtime, traa cadlee, traa lhie, traa ny lhiabbagh
bee, shellan
bee keeping, troggal shellanyn
bee louse, meeyl hellanagh
bee sting, gah shellanagh
bee-eater, ushag ny shellanyn
bee-keeper, shellaneyr
bee-keeping, shellaneyrys
bee-master, shellaneyr
beech, faaigh, faih
beech grove, keyll faih
beech mast, croan faih
beech nut, cro faih
beech tree, billey faih
beef, feill vart, mart
beef extract, soo foalley
beef steak, sthayg feill vart, stheg
beef tea, jough feill vart
beefy, roauyr, thollee
beehive, shelleig
beeline, linney hellan
beelzebub, Yn Jouyll
beer, beer, jough cheyl, lhune
beer drinker, iuder lhionney
beer from the wood, lhune veih'n varril
beer house, thie lhionney
beer mat, breshag lhionney
beer vat, doagh lhionney
beery, beeragh
beeswax, geirr vill, kere hellanagh
beet, beetys
beetle, bwoailteen, caraig, deyll, sladdan, sladdaney, treicknane, treickney
beetle-browed, ard-volleeagh
beetle-browed, deamey, trome-volleeagh
beetled, sladdanit, treicknit
beetler, treickneyder
beetles, deyil
beetroot, beetys
beeves, muirt
befall, cheet er, tuittym
befit, cooie da
befitting, cooie
befog, coodaghey lesh kay, cur bodjal er, dallaghey, jannoo dullyr
before, ayns oaie, fenish, kionefenish, kiongoyrt, ro, roish, roish
before her, roee
before him, roish
before me, roym
before now, hannah
before the mast, er toshiagh
before them, roue
before then, roish shen
before us, roin
before you, reue, royd
beforehand, rolaue, rolaue
befoul, breinnaghey, broighey
befouled, breinnit, broighit
befriend, jannoo carrey jeh, jannoo seose rish
beg, caayney, jeirkal, shirrey jeirk
beg (entreat), guee (er)
beg! (to dog), Yearree eh!
begad!, Dar Yee!
beget, geddyn, giennaghtyn, gientyn
begetter, gienteyr
begetting, gientyn
beggar, caayneyder, femagh, fer ny dhieyn, jannoo boght, jeirkagh
beggarly, boght, dy boght, dy moal, femoil, gortagh, gyn y vie
beggary, boghtynid, jeirkid
begging, goll er ny dhieyn, guee (er), shirrey jeirk
begin, cur toshiaght er, toshiaghey
beginner, toshiaghteyr
beginning, goaill toshiaght, toshiaght
begirt, cryssit
begone, gow dty raad, gow royd, immee
Begone!, Ass my hilley!, Ersooyl lhait!, Ersooyl-jee!, Fow royd!, Immee royd!, Royd oo!
begrime, sollaghey
begrudge, mooaraghey da, trooghey
begrudged, mooarit, trooit
begrudger, mooareyder
begrudging, mooaraghey, mooaree, troo, trooagh
begrudgingly, dy trooagh, lane mooaraghey
beguile, breigey, cleayney, molley
beguiler, cleader, cleayneyder, molleyder
begum, ben-flah
behalf, lieh
behave, aghtey, ymmyrkey
behaviour, aghtys, ellyn, ymmyrkey
behaviour (of machines), obbraghey
behavioural, aghtyssagh
behaviourism, ymmyrkys
behead, giarrey y kione jeh, jeechionaghey
behest, aney, oardagh, sarey
behind, cheu chooylloo, cheu-chooyl, cheu-heear, cooyl, ergooyl, jei, sheear, thoyn
behind (buttocks), curpyn
behindhand, ergooyl
behold, cur my ner, fakin
beholden, kianglt booise
beholder, cronneyder, fakider
beholders, yn lught fakin
beholding, cur my ner, fakin, jeeaghyn
behoof, er son foays, er son peiagh ennagh, vondeish peiagh ennagh
beige, baysh
being, beays, bee, bioys
being (animal), cretoor
being (person), bioagh, persoon
being benign, meiyaghey
being thrifty, jannoo gress
being wary, goaill kiarail
belabour, broojer, cur da
belated, anmagh, jerrinagh, moal
belaud, moylley er ard
belay, cur lhoob ayn, kiangley, kiangley, scuirr
belay (ambush), lhie fo chlea
belay!, Dy liooar!
belaying pin, jialg chianglee
belch, briooghe, bruight, bruightey
belcher, brooightooilagh, bruighteyder
belching, brooightagh, brooightooil, brooightooilys, bruightagh, bruightey
beldam(e), caillagh (phishagagh)
beleaguer, chionney stiagh (er), cruinnaghey mygeayrt
belfast, Beeal Feirshtey
belfry, claggys, shamyr chluig, thie cluig
belgian, Belgagh
belgian hare, conning Frangagh
belgium, Yn Velg
belgrade, Belgraaid
belial, Noid ny Hanmey, Yn Jouyll
belie, cur y vreag (er), insh breag er
belief, credjue
believable, feeu credjue, so-chredjal
believe, credjal
believe me!, Creid mish!
believed, credit, credjit
believer, credjallagh, credjaltagh, credjuagh
believing, credjal, credjuagh
belike, foddee (eh) ve
belisha beacon, cowrey croshvollagh
belittle, jannoo beg jeh
belittlement, jannoo beg
bell, bolgey, booghey, clag, clageen, cur clag er
bell (as sails), lhieeney
bell (electric), claggan
bell (of fowl), brooinney
bell (of skirt), bolgey
bell (of stag), eam
bell (small), kiaullane
bell buoy, booie kiaullane
bell flower, clageen
bell glass, clageen glenney
bell heather, freoagh tessen
bell metal, meain chluig, meain chluig
bell punch, cramman
bell push, cramman
bell tent, paalan clagganagh
bell tower, claggys
bell-band, tarragh
bell-bottomed, cass-lhean
bell-bottoms, troosyn cass lhean
bell-button, imleig
bell-clapper, chengey
bell-fashion, jeh cummey cluig
bell-flop, tuittym bolg
bell-founder, clag-cheirdagh
bell-foundry, thie grease cluig
bell-full, lane volg
bell-hanger, fer cluig, soieder clag
bell-landing, tarlheimmey bolg
bell-like, clagagh, clagganagh, kiaullaneagh
bell-pull, teaddan cluig
bell-ringer, kiaullaneyder
bell-ringing, kiaullaneydys
bell-rope, tead clag, tead cluig
bell-wether, mohlt ny glag, rea ny glag
belladonna, lus y vaaish
bellboy, eilkinagh, guilley drid
belle, yn caillin s'aaley
belles-lettres, lettyraght
bellicose, caggoil, troiddagh
bellicosity, caggoilid, troiddaght
bellied, bolgagh
bellies, builg
belligerence, caggoilid
belligerent, caggeyder, caggoil, troiddagh
bellman, kiaullaneyder
bellow, baical, buirroghey, buirroogh, garveig, garveigagh, garveigey
bellow (of pain), baic
bellowing, buirroogh, buirrooghagh, buirrooghey, garveigagh, garveigey
bellows, builg-heidee
bells, cluig
bellworm, martlhan
belly, bolg, gailley, kewyl, prinjeig
belly ache, gorley gailley
belly-ache, chingys builg
bellyache, accan, cremey
bellyacher, accanagh, cremeyder
bellyaching, gaggan cremey
belong, bentyn da, she ( ) lesh, ta ( ) lesh
belonging to a pledge, gialtagh
belonging to the church, keeilley, killagh
belongings, cooid, cowryn
belongings (luggage), scudlagh
beloved, ennoil, graih, tarrishagh
below, fo
below (at rest), heese
below (in motion), sheese
below her, foee
below me, foym
below normal, fo'n chorrym
below them, foue
below us, foin
below you, feue, foyd
below zero, fo neunhee
belt, bwoalley, cryss, cryss yiarn, crysseey, cur cryss er, fent
belt maker, crysseyder
belt of hills, crysslagh
belted, cryssit
belted earl, Eaarley cummaghtagh
belthane, Boayldyn, Bolthane
belting, cryss yiarn
belvedere, grianane, tooran reayrtagh
bemire, laaghey
bemired, laaghit
bemoan, accan
bemoaner, accanagh, dobberanagh, dobbranagh
bemuse, cur fud y cheilley
ben, beinn, binn
ben Nevis, Beinn Nivish
bench, bink, caair vriwnys, furrym
bench (in boat), beck
bench lathe, deill binkey
bench-test, prowallys bink
bencher, binkeyr
benchmark, cowrey ardjid
bend, kiangley, lhoob, lhoobey
bend (heraldic), bann tessen
bend (little), lhoobag
bend (stoop), croob, croymmey, croymmid
bend back, lhoobey er ash
bend down, croymmey, lhoobey neose
bend forward, croymmey
bendable, so-chammey
bendable, so-chammey, so-lhoobey
bender, er y scooyr, lhoobeyder
bending, croymm, croymmey, lhoobagh, lhoobey
beneaped, traieit
beneath, heese
benedicite, bannaght
benedick, shenn-ghuilley noa-phoost
Benedict, Benedict
Benedictine, Benedictagh, jough Venedictagh
benedictory, bannaghtagh
benefaction, foayr, mialys
benefactor, miallagh
benefactory, miallagh
benefactress, ben viallagh
benefic, beaghey agglish
benefice, currym (killagh)
beneficence, miallys
beneficent, foayssagh
beneficial, foayssagh, vondeishagh
beneficiary, feddynagh, geddynagh
benefit, foays, jannoo foays (da), lhiass, vondeish, vondeishal
benefit (as match), couyragh, jeirkagh
benevolence, aigney mie, dooieid, my-chreeys
benevolent, cartaanagh, feoilt, feoiltagh, giastyllagh, jeirkagh, kenjal, mie-chreeagh
bengal, Yn Vengaal
bengal lights, chenney chrowree
bengali, Bengaalagh, Bengaalish
benight, cur fo dorraghys
benighted, almoragh, dorraghey
benign, eddrym, meiygh
benignant, eddrym, jeih-chreeagh, meiygagh
benignity, eddrymid, meiyghid, meiyghys
benjamin, Benjamin
bensol, bensol
bent, aigney, cam, cleayn, cleoyn, croym, keep, lhoobit, shaslagh
bent, croym
bent forward, croymm, croymmagh
bent over, croobit, croymm, croymmagh
benumb, kyrloghe, kyrloghey, neuv, neuvioyraghey
benumbing, kyrloghagh, kyrloghey, neuvioyraghey
benzedrine, bensedreen
benzene, benseen
bequeath, chymnaghey, faagail (da)
bequeather, chymneyder
bequest, leggad
berate, troiddey
berceuse, arrane clean
bereave, spooilley jeh
bereaved, spooillit jeh
bereavement, baase
bereavement (of female), treoghys
beret, bayrn Frangagh, beeray
berg, burroo, slieau
bergamot, mynthey villish
beriberi, yn chingys Injinagh
berlin, Berleen
berliner, Berleenagh
berm, rimmey
Bermudas, Ny Bermioodee
Bernard, Bearnard
Berne, Berne
berried, berrishagh, skeaghagh, smeyragh
berry, berrish, caor, oghyr, smeyr, soo
berry bearing, berrishagh
berserk, yn verre-chaggee (er)
berth, burt, burtey, lhiabbee (traen), lhiabbee akeragh
berthage, burtys
berthed, burtit
berthing, lhiabbee akeragh
beryl, beryl, clagh ghlass
beseech, guee (er), jannoo aghin (hug), shirrey er, yeearree (er)
beseecher, aghinagh, gueeder
beseeching, aghinagh, geearree, guee, jannoo aghin
beseem, cheet jesh da, ve cooie (da)
beseeming, cooie, jesh
beseige, chionney stiagh (er), cochruinnaghey, cruinnaghey
beseiged, cochruinit
beseigement, cochruinnaght
beseiger, cochruinneyder
beset, chionney stiagh (er), cochruinnaghey, soiaghey (mysh)
beside, liorish, rish
besides, agh, cheumooie jeh, erskyn ooilley, foast, fy-yeih, gyn eie, gyn oai, maghey shen, marish shen, neesht
beslave, jannoo bondagh (jeh)
beslaver, slaa smug (er)
beslobber, slaa paagyn fliugh (er)
besmear, slaa, sollaghey
besmirch, sollaghey
besom, skeab
besot, jannoo bolvanagh, jannoo er meshtey
besotted, jeant bolvanagh (lesh)
bespangle, jannoo drillinagh
bespatter, breckey, laaghey
bespeak, cur fockle er, cur fockle er
bespeckle, breckey
bespectacled, speckleyragh
bespoke, oarderit rolaue
besprinkle, craa ushtey (er), spreih
best, brod-, fare, fow laue yn eaghtyr er, geddyn barriaght harrish, geddyn y kione share jeh, reih, reih, share
best man, dooinney moyllee
best seller, lioar feer ennoil
best-seller, red feer ennoil
best-selling, creck erskyn insh
bestial, beishtagh, broutagh
bestiality, beishtaght, cannooid er beiyn, geddyn marish beiyn
bestir, arraghey, bioyraghey
bestow, feoiltaghey, giootal (da), stowal (er)
bestowal, cur, giootal, stowal
bestower, giooteyder, stowaltagh, stoweyder, toyrtyssagh
bestrew, craa (harrish), skeaylley (er)
bestride, goalscarree, shassoo goal-scarree
bet, bett, bettal, cheb, chebbal, cur giall er, cur gioal er, giall, gioal
betake, goll roish
bete noir, ard-ghwoaieid, buggane
betel, duillag veetyl
betel nut, cro beetyl
bethink, smooinaghtyn, tayrn gys cooinaghtyn
betimes, dy traa
betoken, cowraghey
betony, lus y vea
betray, brah
betray (exhibit), cowraghey, taishbyney
betrayal, brah, treigeilys
betrayed, brahit, er shaghryn, mollit
betrayer, brahder, braheyder, traitoor
betroth, naishtey, nastey
betrothal, gialdynys poosee, naishtey
better, betteyder, chebbalagh, cheet my laue, geddyn yn varriaght er, jannoo ny share, ny share, share
better class, ny share
better in health, couyral
better part, chooid smoo
better-class, ny s'ooasle
bettered, shareit
betterment, bishagh, foays
betting, bettal, chebbal, chebballagh, cur gial er
Betty, Bessee
between, eddyr
between decks, eddyr daa lout, eddyr daa voayrd, eddyrvoayrd
between moon and, eddyr y daa hollys
between now and then, eddyr nish as y traa shen
between season, eddyr yn daa imbagh
between-time(s), eddyr yn daa hraa, nish as reesht, voish traa dy hraa
betwixt, eddyr
betwixt and between, eddyr oc
bevel, battyr, bevyl, cur bevyl er
bevel edge, foyr bevyllit
bevel gear, gear bevyllit
bevel rule, reilleyder bevyl
bevel wheel, queeyl vevyllit
bevelled, bevyllit
beverage, jough
bevy, aalagh, possan
bewail, accan, dobberan, keayney, mergney
beware, cur twoaie (da)
bewilder, cur er shaghryn
bewildered, er shaghryn, fud y cheilley
bewildering, shaghrynagh
bewilderment, shaghrynys
bewitch, buitchal, cur druiaght er, cur fo obbeeys, druightey
bewitched, buitchit
bewitcher, buitcheyder
bewitchery, buitcherys
bewitching, buitchagh
bewray, brah, molley
bewrayed, brahit, mollit
bewrayer, molteyr
beyond, cheu hoal (jeh), har, harrish, hoal
beyond bearing, do-hurransagh
beyond control, jeh-raie
beyond dispute, arganey, gyn ourys erbee
beyond measure, ass towse
beyond our ken, harrish yn oayllys ain
beyond peradventure, gyn ourys erbee
beyond price, erskyn leagh
beyond recovery, gyn lheihys
beyond that, harrish shen
beyond the veil, 'sy theihll ry heet
bezel, beesyl, foyr giarree
bezique, beseek
bgy, carthanagh
bhang, kennip
bhisti, ymmyrkagh ushtey
Bhutan, Yn Vootaan
bi-, daa-
bi-annual, gagh daa vlein, lieh-vleeanagh
bi-monthly, gagh cor vee, gagh nah vee, keayrt 'sy chegeesh, keayrt 'sy daa vee
bi-weekly, daa cheayrt 'sy chiaghtin
bi-weekly, gagh kegeesh
bias, bai, cleayney, cur er dy ve cleaynt, cur lhiasraght er, lhiasraght, lieh-vriwnys
biased, baighagh, cleaynit, slentagh
bib, brat chleeau, broghil, paggan, soodrey
bibber, iuder
bible, bible
bible oath, mynney lioaragh
biblical, biblagh, bibleagh
bibliographer, lioar-oayllee
bibliographical, lioar-oaylleeagh
bibliography, claare lioaragh, lioar lioaragh, lioar-oayllys
bibliomaniac, fer baanrit er lioaryn, graihder lioaragh
bibulous, iuagh
bicarbonate, daa-charbonait
biceps, biseps
bichloride, daa-chloaraid
bichromate, daa-chroamagh
bicker, troiddey
bicker (of stream), cronnaney
bickerer, jengleyr, streeuailtagh
bickering, ganglaneagh, ganglaneys, jengleyragh, jengleyrys, troiddagh
biconcave, daa-chooibagh
biconvex, daa-volgagh
bicornuous, daa-eairkagh
bicuspid, feeakle daa vaare
bicycle, daachiarkyl, daawheeyl, garran yiarn, goll er daawheeyl, troailt er daawheeyl
bicycle clip, faasteen daawheeyl
bicycle pump, chionneyder builg
bicycling, goll er daawheeyl, roharaght
bicyclist, daawheeylleyder
bid, cheb, chebbal
bid (invite), cuirr, cuirrey
bid (order), oardraghey, oardreil, poinsheil, sarey
biddable, chebbalagh, so-choyrlaghey, so-ghleayshagh
bidder, chebbeyder, cuirreyder
bidding, chebbal, cuirrey, oardaghey, poinsheil, pointeil
bidding prayers, padjeryn cuirree
bide, tannaghtyn
bidental, daa-eeacklagh
biennial, daa-vleeanagh, daa-vleintag
biennially, gagh daa vlein, gagh derrey vlein
bier, carbyd
biers, carbid
biff, builley
bifocal, daa-oacyssagh
bifocals, speckleyryn daa-oacyssagh
bifoliate, daa-ghuillagagh
bifurcate, banganey, goalaghey
bifurcation, banganey, goalaghey
big, ard, liauyr, mooar, mooarey, thollee
big bullocks, stitt vooarey
big bush, billey
big game, feieys mooar
big lie, breag lhiassit, lhaiee vreag
big sheep, kirree vooarey
big spender, jummaltagh, stroialtagh
big toe, ordaag chass, ordaag chass, ordaag choshey, ordaag vooar
big-bellied, mooar-volgagh, prinjeigagh
big-boned, mooar-chraueagh
big-chested, keeaghagh, mooar-chleeauagh, sheeintagh
big-eared, mooar-chleayshagh
big-headed, corvianagh, corvianagh, mooar-chioneagh, mooaralagh
big-hearted, feoiltagh, jeih-chreeagh, mooar-chreeagh
big-mouthed, beeallagh, mooar-veeallagh, mooaralagh
bigamist, ben daa phoosey, fer daa phoosey, lught yn daa phoosey
bigamy, daa-phoosey
bigger, moo, ny s'moo, smoo
biggest, moo
bigness, ardjid, mooads, mooadys, mooarid, tholleeid
bigot, doalchrauee
bigoted, doalchraueeagh
bigotry, doalchraueeaght
bigwig, bock mooar
bilabial, daa-veillagh
bilateral, daa-heuagh
bilateralism, daa-heuaghys
bilberry, freoghane
bilboes, geulaghyn coshey
bile, buighid, geaynid, soo y ghailley
bile stones, claghyn buighid
bilge, bolg, rummey
bilge pump, teaumane ushtey rummey
bilge water, ushtey rummee
bilge-keel, kiouyl rummey
bilging, goaill ushtey
biliary, buighid, y vuighid
bilinear, daa-linnagh
bilingual, daa-hengagh
bilingualism, daa-hengaght
bilingualist, daa-hengagh
bilinguality, daa-hengaght
bilious, buighagh, jiooldagh
bilious complaint, gorley aane
biliousness, buighaght, jiooldaght
bilk, jannoo molteyrys er
bilker, molteyr
bill, cur billey gys, cur coontey gys, festal fogrey, fograghey, fogrey, gob, gobbaghey, Illiam, rheynn, speiy, teigh caggee
bill (account), coontey, screeuyn coontee
bill (proposed law), billey
bill board, boayrd fogrey
bill broker, delleyder billaghyn
bill of exchange, screeuyn coonree
bill of fare, kaart bee
bill of health, screeuyn slaynt
bill of sale, screeuyn creck
bill posting, festal fogrey
bill-hook, speiy
billet, billad, oardagh billad, obbyr, staartey, ynnyd baghee
billiard cloth, eaddagh billiard
billiard cue, maidjey billiard
billiard room, shamyr villiard
billiard table, boayrd billiard
billiards, billiardyn
billion, billioon
billionaire, billooneyr
billow, booghey, faarkey, lhieeney, mooieerey, tonnaghtyn
billowy, bolgagh, freaynagh, tonnagh, tonnoil
billposter, festeyder fogrey
billy, curn tey, Illiam
billy-goat, bock goayr, foayr firryn
billycock, edd cruinn
bilocation, daa-ynnydys
bimanous, daa-laueagh
bimetallic, daa-veainagh
bimetallism, daa-veainaghys
bin, coyr
bin wagon, cairt hrustyr
binary, jeesoil
binary star, rollage chyndaaee
bind, kiangley, kiangley, naisht, queeyllaghey, soailley, warpal
bind (in chains), geulaghey
bind (thatch), sugganey
bind down, cur kiangley er, kiangley
bind over, cur fo kiangley
binder, greie kianglee, kiangleyder, queeylleyder
binder (enslaver), geuleyder
binder (for magazines), coodagh
bindery, thie kianglee (lioragh)
binding, boandagh, boandey, coodagh, kianglagh, kiangley, tartagh
binding knot, cront banee
bindweed, lus y lheaney
binge, er y scooyr
binman, fer trustyr
binnacle, thie combaase
binocular, daa-hooillagh
binoculars, ny glessyn
binomial, daa-ennymagh
binominous, daa-ennymagh
biochemical, bea-chemmigagh
biochimistry, bea-chemmig
biographer, bea-skeealeyder, beashnyseyr
biographical, beashnyssagh
biography, bea-skeeal, beashnys
biological, bea-oaylleeagh
biologist, bea-oayllee
biology, bea-oaylleeaght
biparous, daa-vhertagh, lannoon-vhertagh, lannoonagh
bipartite, daa-phaartagh, dooblit
biped, daa-chassagh
biphase, daa-faasagh
biplane, etlan daa-skianagh
bipolar, daa-phoalagh
biquadric, daa-chernagh
birch, beih, beihagh, cur y clat (da), cushey, slatt
birch tree, beih argid, billey beih
birchen, beihagh
bircher, custheyder
birching, custhey
bird, eean, ushag, ushag
bird call, eam ushag, yllagh ushag
bird fancier, eeaneyr, eeaneyr
bird of passage, eean shooyl
bird of prey, shirragh
bird sanctuary, kemmyrk eeanlee
bird watcher, arreyder eeanlee, fer arrey ein
bird's eye, foillycan
bird's foot, biddee, croag eairkan, eairkan y Jouyll
bird's nest, edd ushag
bird's nest soup, anvroie edd ushag
bird's-eye primrose, sumark slieau
bird's-eye view, reayrt eeanlee
bird's-foot trefoil, trefoilcrouw cheyt Rangagh
bird's-foot trefoil, crouw chiyt, crouw chiyt ny gurreeyn, crouw chiyt Rangagh
bird's-nest, goll shirrey er idd ushag
bird-catching, eeanleydys, foodlagh
bird-nesting, shirrey idd
bird-trap, figgan ushag, ribbey ushag
bird-witted, eddyrm, frittagh
birdcage, clean ushag
birdcatcher, eeaneyder, eeanleyder
birdlike, eeanoil, ushagoil
birdlime, gleiy ghlass, gleiy ushag, glooee eean
birds, ein
birds of prey, ein spooilley
biretta, barraid
Birkenhead, Kione Beih
birth, chennar, ruggyr, ymmyrkey
birth certificate, screeuyn ruggyree
birth control, anghientyn, castey clienney
birth rate, leahys ruggyryn, leahys ruggyryn
birthday, laa ruggyr(ee)
birthday cake, berreen ruggyree
birthday card, kaart ruggyree
birthday party, giense ruggyree
birthmark, boayl jiarg, cowrey breinney, cowrey ruggyree
birthplace, boayl ruggyree
birthright, cairys dooghys, eiraght, kiartys eiraght
birthwort, cleaysh vuc, lus y ghientyn
biscuit, biskee, brishtag
bisect, jannoo daa lieh jeh, rheynn ayns daa ayrn
bisection, liehghey, rheynn ayns daa ayrn
bisector, daa-rheynneyder, liehgher
bisexual, daa-cheintyssagh
bisexualism, daa-cheintssaght, daa-cheintys
bishop, aspick, aspickagh, aspit
bishop of Sodor and Mann, Aspick Sodor as Mannin
bishop's-weed, lus y ghoot, lus yn aspick
bishop's cape, Breid aspickagh
Bishop's Court, Cooyrt yn Aspick, Cooyrt yn Aspick
bishop's mitre, Crooin Aspickagh
bishop's staff, Baghyl (aspickagh)
bishop's visitation, keayrt vooar
bishopric, aspickys
bismuth, bismuth
bison, ollagh oaldey, tarroo oaldey
bison (female), booa oaldey
bisque, anvroie gimmee, bisk
bissextile, blein vishee
bistort, bossan ardnieu, glionagh ghuiy
bistoury, skynn choon
bistre, daah dhone
bisulphite, daa-hulfeit
bit, beealagh, beealaragh, beealveer, greim, greme, meer, peesh, red beg, sparrag, sparrag, thiolleyder
bitch (canine), bitchey, coo-bwoirryn, gass, gast, moddey-bwoirryn
bite (of animal), greim
bite (of bird), mingey
bite (of food), greim, meer, scrog
bite (of insect), gonnag, guinn
bite (of smell), gargey
bite (of taste), gargey
bite (of wind), fanney
bite off, greimmey (jeh)
bite out of, geip
biter, greimmeyder
biter (of bird), mingeyder
biting, greimmey, mingey
bits, smooirlagh
bitt, kiap kianglee
bitter, garg, gargaghey, gart, geyre, gort, sharroo
bitter (as enemy), nieunagh, nieunagh
bitter (of frost), creoi
bitter (of wind), fannee
bitter ale, lhune sharroo
bitter beer, lhune sharroo
bitter enemy, gallvarg, gallverg
bitter orange, oranje harroo
bitter vetch, crammelt
bitter weather, emshir fannee
bitter-sweet, croanreisht, feoh gorrym, lus ny hoie, sharroo as millish
bitterish, lesh y sherruid, red beg sharroo
bittern, coar vooar, ushag ny boob
bitterness, sharrooid, sherruid
bitterness of frost, creoiys
bitterness of soul, sherruid anmey, sou-aigney
bitterness of weather, fanneydys
bitters, sharrooane
bituminize, cur pick hallooin (ayn), cur pick hallooin (er)
bivalent, pickagh
bivalve, daa-chooylleydagh, daa-fioosagh, daa-fioosagh, daa-vleaystagh
bivalvular, daa-chooylleydagh, daa-hliggagh, daa-vleastagh
bivouac, arrey oie, bivaag, bivaag, bivaag
bizarre, joarree, quaagh
blab, bloberaght
blabber, beealeragh, beealerey, blob
blabberer, blob, bloberey
black, doo, dooghey, dullyraghey, gobbal, gorrym
black (as outlook), branagh, doo, dorraghey, dullyr
black (as weather), dorraghey
black alder, farney doo
black and blue, condoo
black and tan, doochroanagh
black and tan (drink), doochroanagh
black ant, sniengan doo
black art, Yn doo-chliaghtey, Yn doo-ellyn
black backed gull, Juan Mooar
black bearberry, grineag ghoo
black beech, faih dhoo, faih doo
black beetle, caraig
black bentgrass, shaslagh ghoo
black bryony, mandrag ghoo, mandrag ghoo
black cherry, shillish ghoo
black cock, kellagh doo
black darkness, dorraghys doo
black draught, purgaid
black frost, doo-rio, doo-rio
black grouse, kellagh doo, kiark lheeah
black grouse (female), kiark lheeah
black grouse (male), kellagh doo
black head, Kione Doo
black headed, doo
black headed gull, fooilleig
black hill, Cronk Doo
black hole, towl doo
black horehound, nep
black house, thie doo
black ivory, iuaagagh doo
black jaundice, yn buighagh doo
black lead, leoaie ghoo, penn leoie
black letter, clou doo
black list, claare doo
black magic, buitcheraght, Yn doo-chliaghtey, Yn doo-ellyn
black Maria, carr yn phrysoon
black maria, van ny meoiryn shee, van y phrysoon
black marketeer, Delleyder 'sy Vergey Doo
black nightshade, croanreisht ghoo
black oats, corkey doo, plaggad doo
black out, dolley (inchyn), lane-vooghey soilshey
black pea, pishyr ghoo
black pepper, pibbyr doo
black person, ben ghorrym, fer gorrym
black place, dooaghan
black poplar, pobbyl doo
black pudding, lhoob doo, putage ghoo
black races, kynneenyn gorrym
black rat, roddan doo
black rock-lichen, dooid ny greg
black Sea, Yn Vooir Ghoo
black sea bream, carroo doo
black sedge, shiast doo
black sheep, keyrrey cheeir
black sheep, keyrrrey ghoo
black sole, liehbaig chiare
black spleenwort, doo chassagh
black spot, boayl sollagh
black spot (roses), boayl doo
black stork, coar ghoo
black tern, gant doo
black woodpecker, snoggeyder doo
black-backed gull, foillan saggyrt
black-coated, ayns eaddagh doo
black-eyed, doo-hooillagh
black-haired, doo
black-handled, chass-dhoo
black-leg, neustolkeyr
black-legged, doo-chassagh
black-legged cattle, maase doo-chassagh
black-necked grebe, eean Bretnagh
black-out, lane-dorraghey
black-throated diver, thummeyder staghyllagh, thunnag ny scoarnagh doo
blackamoor, ben ghorrym, dooinney doo, fer gorrym
blackbacked gull, Juan Doo
blackball, doo-yiooldey
blackberries, smeir, smeir
blackberry bush, dress, thammag ghress
blackberry pie, pye smeyragh
blackberry pudding, puiddin smeyragh
blackbery, smeyr
blackbird (immature male), dooag, apryn doo
blackbird (immature), lhonnag
blackbird (male), lhondoo
blackboard, boayrd doo, boayrd screeuee
blackcap, bayrn doo, kione doo, kione doo ny yeeiginyn
blackcurrant, berrish ghoo
blacken, dooaghey
blackened, dooit
blackening, doo, dooaghey, dooghey
blacker, dooey, ny s'dooey
blackfriar, braar doo
blackguard, caartrey, mooidjeen
blackguardism, mooidjeenys
blackguardly, mooidjeenagh
blackguillemot, caillagh ghoo, calmane marrey
blackhead, foillan kione doo, foillan kione doo, guirrin doo, pluccan doo
blackie, Dooag
blackish, dool, keeir
blackishness, doolaght, keeiraght
blacklist, crossey, cur 'sy lioar doo
blackmail, cur fo dooal, dooal
blackmailer, dooaleyr
blackness, dooid, dorraghys
blackness of soul, bran
blackshirt, Fashistagh
blacksmith, gaaue
blackspot, paitsey doo
blackthorn, drine airn, maidjey drineagh
blackwinged stilt, lurgagh
bladder, bleddyr, bolgan, eddryman
bladder campion, lus y lhemeen, lus y lhemyn
bladder fern, renniagh veg
bladder stone, clagh uaill
bladder wrack, famlagh bolgagh, famlagh crammanagh
bladderwort, lus ny grammanyn, lus volganagh
blade, blod
blade (of corn), foghan, jeeas
blade (of grass), oashyr
blade (of oar), bass
blade (of plant), duillag
blade (of propeller), lheean
blade (of scythe), yiarn
blade (of tongue), bass ny chengey
blade of grass, foghan
blade-bone, shlingan
bladed, foghanit, my yeeas, oashyragh
blades, bluid
blaeberry, freoghage, freoghane
blaeberry mountains, sleityn freoghaneagh
blain, askaid, gurrain, mamm
blame, comys, cron, cur foill er, feddyn foill (ayn), feddyn foill (ayn), foiljaghey, foill, geddyn foill (ayn)
blameable, foiljagh (rish), loghtagh (rish)
blameableness, foiljid, loght, loghtynid
blameless, gyn cron, gyn foill, gyn loght, meechyndagh, neuchyndagh, neuloghtagh, neuvoiljagh
blameless person, neuchyndagh
blamelessness, gyn loghtynid, meechyndid, neuchyndid, neuloghtynid, neuvoiljid
blameworthy, foiljagh, loghtagh
blanch, giallaghey
blanch (of hair), aase lheeah
blanch (of person), cheet daah bane er
Blanche, Blaunsh
blancher, gialleyder
blancmange, banegloagh
bland, meein, meeley, meen
bland (as climate), bog
blandish, breigey
blandishment, breigeydys, breigeydys, brynneraght, goan meeley
blandness, meeinid, meenid
blandness (of climate), buiggid
blank, bane, folmid
blank (as cartridge), follym
blank (as credit), foshlit
blank (as space), follym
blank (in archery), farvane
blank (in dominoes), follym
blank (of existence), follym
blank (of look), marroo
blank cartridge, cartoose kyagh
blank cheque, sheck bane, sheck vane
blank off, mooghey
blank page, duillag bane, lheanagh bane
blank shot, orraghey follym
blank space, barney vane
blank wall, boalley bane
blanket, coodaghey, lhuishag
blanket (as coverage), lane-choodaghey
blankness, baneid, folmid, merriuid
blare, boor, booral
blarney, blaaderys, cur blaaderys da
Blasket islands, Ny Blascaaidee
blaspheme, loayrt goan mollaghtagh
blasphemer, ard-vollaghter
blasphemous, ard-vollaghtagh, mollaghtagh, mollaghtoil, oaieagh
blasphemy, ard-vollaght, goan mollaghtagh, mollaghtoil, peccah noi'n Spyrrd Noo
blast, bleastey, blestal
blast (explosion), bleaystey, polt
blast (of cold wind), lomman
blast (of hot wind), fowan
blast (of wind), blest, fowaney, sheidey
blast (on instrument), sheid
blast (on whistle), fed
blast furnace, furnish aer, furnish-heidee
blast of hot air, bree chiass
blast pipe, pioban sheidee
blasted, blestit
blasted, bleaystit
blasted (as plants), fowanit
blasting, bleaystey, bleaystoil, blestal
blasting (of wind), sheidey
blasting (of wind), fowanagh, fowaney, gaarderagh
blasting powder, poodyr (bleaystee)
blastment, fowanys
blatancy, foshlid, kiaullane, kiaullaneys
blatant, foshlit, kiaullaneagh
blaze, lossan, lossey, lossyr
blaze (as tree), cur skead (er)
blaze (of anger), raght
blaze (of jewels), loandyrnee, lonnyr
blaze (of sun), soilshean
blaze (of trail), bwoalley magh
blaze (on face), skead
blaze down, deayrtey neose
blaze up, lossey seose
blazer, cooat souree
blazing, lossanagh, strilleenagh
blazing scent, soar oor
blazon, armys, fograghey magh, moylley er ard
bleach, giallagh, giallaghey, giallaghey, thoarey
bleached, giallit
bleached hair, folt giallit
bleacher, gialleyder
bleaching, giallaghey, giallee, thoaree, thoarey
bleaching field, thoar
bleaching material, stoo giallee
bleaching powder, poodyr-giallee
bleaching water, ushtey giallee
bleak, bleakey
bleak (as place), meayl
bleak (of prospects), drogh, groamagh
bleak (of smile), feayr
bleak (of weather), groamagh
bleak (of wind), nieunagh
bleak (of wind), nieunagh
blear, jannoo dorraghey, jannoo dullyr, kiebeigey
blear (of eyes), jannoo goorlagh
blear (of outline), bodjallagh, dullyr
blear(of eyes), goorlagh
blear-eyed, goorlagh, goortagh, kiebeigagh, stram-hooillagh
blearedness, dailley
bleat, maa, maa, maaley
bleating, maalagh, maaley
bleaystey, blasted
bleaystey, low up
bleaystit, bleaup, exploded
bleb (in glass), bolgan
bleb (on skin), blib
bleed, lhiggey fuill, roie folley, tayrn fuill (ass)
bleeding, coyrt folley, fuiltagh, lhiggey fuill, roie folley, tayrn fuill
bleeding heart, cree brisht
bleeding piles, roie folley 'sy chash
blemish, cur lheamys (er), jannoo lheamys (er), lheamys
blemish (as reputation), cur cron (er)
blemish (as work), milley
blemish (moral defect), cron, loght
blemished, lheamyssagh
blend, covestey, seiyjid
blended, covestit
blending, covestey
bless, bannaghey, sheeaney
bless (as food), oltaghey
bless (consecrate), casherickee, casherickey
blessed, bannee, bannee, bannit, sheaynt, sheeant
blessedness, banneeaght, sheeanys
blesser, sheeaneyder
blessing, bannaghey, bannaght, bannaghtagh, booilley, booilley
blest, bannee, sheeant
blether, loayrt ommidys, ommidys
blewit, shalmane ferrish
blight, ceau scaa er, cur lesh y gorley praase, cur smoalley er, cur y cron doo (er), drogh-aigh, fowanaghey, fowaney, lommaney, scaa
blight (as flowers), fioghey
blight (on grain), smoalley
blight (on plants), fowan, lomman
blight (on potatoes), yn cron doo, Yn gorley praase
blighted, fowanit, lommanit
blightedness, fioghey, fowanys, lommanys
blighter, jouyll boght
blighting, fioghey, fowanagh, fowanaghey, fowaney, lommanagh, lommaney
blind, doal, doallaghey, doalley, kyragh
blind (dazzle), dallaghey
blind (hidden), follit
blind (hiding place), follaght
blind (of the intellect), doalleraght
blind (on window), doallan
blind alley, clclose kyagh
blind corner, corneil chyagh
blind man's buff, farkan cooyl doalan, farkan doallan
blind men, doail
blind storey, lout kyagh
blind women, mraane ghoaley
blinded, dallit, doallit
blindfold, coodaghey ny sooillyn jeh
blindfold, cur doallag (er), doalanagh, doallag
blindfold person, doalan
blinding, dallaghey, dallee, doallaghey, doallee, doalley, jannoo doal
blindness, dellid, dellidys, doallid, kyaght
blindworm, ardnieu kyagh
blink, meek, meekey
blinkard, meekeyder
blinkers, scaaghyn-sooilley
blinking, meekagh, meekey
bliss, eunys
blissful, eunyssagh, flaunyssagh, sheeanagh, sonnyssagh
blister, bolgagh, mamm
blister (on paint), bolgan
blistered, bolgit, troggit
blisterer, bolgeyder
blistering, bolgagh, geuagh
blistering (as language), creoi
blistering fly, quaillag Spaainagh
blithe, gennal, reagh
blithely, dy reagh
blithering idiot, donnan mooar
blithesome, gennal, reagh
blithesomeness, genallys, reaid
blizzard, dorrin sniaghtee
bloat, att, bolgey
bloated, attit, bolgit
bloatedness, attid, bolgid, riurid
bloater, skeddan lieh-yaaghit
blob (of liquid), bine, cruinneen
blob (of paint), cron
block, block, cur lhiettrimys er
block (as road), dooney
block (as wheels), jeenysal
block (as window), lhieeney
block (chock), jeenys
block (for burning), kiap
block (of buildings), glout
block (of shares etc), glack
block (oppose), tarmestey
block capital, kione-lettyr bluick
block letter, block-lettyr, kione-lettyr
block maker, blockeyder
block of peat, foaid
block out, dolley magh
blockade, chemmaltey, chemmaltys, glassagh, jeigh stiagh, kiapey
blockade runner, roieder chemmaltys
blockade running, brishey chemmaltys
blockaded, chemmaltit, kiapit
blockhead, bock bouyran, bolvane, bouyran, kione shoggyl, kione teayst, meehushtagh, poltag, thollane
blockhouse, doonan, thie doon
blocking, dooney, jeenysal, tarmestey
blocks, blick, kip
bloke, fer
blond(e), bane, ben vane, caillin fynn, fynn
blood, fuill, fuill
blood (as hounds), cur blass folley (da)
blood (lineage), fuilleeaght, sluight
blood brother, braar folley
blood cleansing, glenney folley
blood clot, glubbey folley
blood corpuscles, corpeen folley
blood group, possan folley
blood guilt, kyndid folley
blood heat, chiass folley
blood letter, cuishleyr
blood orange, oranje yiarg
blood plasma, plasmey folley
blood poisoning, pyshoonys folley
blood pressure, broo folley, broo-folley, trimmid folley
blood pressure (illness), ard-hrimmey folley
blood pudding, putage folley
blood relation, mooinjer folley
blood relationship, caardys, caarjys, fuilleeaght, mooinjerys, mooinjerys folley
blood shedder, fuillaghtagh
blood stain, cron folley
blood stone, clagh folley
blood sugar, shugyr folley
blood tax, shirveish hidooragh
blood transfusion, tessen-chaghlaa folley
blood vessel, cuisle, feddan folley, fuilleydane
blood-bank, stoyr folley
blood-brother, jarroo-vraar
blood-clotting, glubbaghey folley
blood-guilt, loght folley
blood-guilty, fuill-chyndagh
blood-letter, lhiggeyder folley
blood-letting, lhiggey folley
blood-red, fuill-yiarg
blood-sucker, sooder folley
blood-sucking, soo-folley
blood-warm, fuill-vlah
bloodcurdling, agglagh
bloodhound, coo folley
bloodiness, fuilltys
bloodless, gyn fuill
bloodless (as victory), gyn baaseyn, gyn lhottey
bloodlessness, neufuillaght
bloodshed, deayrtey folley, fuillaghtys
bloodshot, fuilltagh, jiarg
bloodstained, daahit lesh fuill, fuill-vreck
bloodstock, cabbil-fuilleeaght
bloodsucker, carthan folley
bloodsucker (creditor), croagan
bloodsucking, croaganagh, croaganys
bloodthirstiness, jiooghid folley
bloodthirsty, fuillaghtagh, jioogh son fuill
bloody, fuilltagh
bloody flux, giarrey folley, yn jiargey
bloom, blaa, blaaghey, bloom, cur magh blaaghyn
bloom (on fruit), clooie, gloas, gloas
bloomer, marran
bloomers, bloomeryn
blooming, blaaghey, my vlaa
bloomy, blaaoil
blot (as paper), soo
blot (of ink), blob, cron
blot (on character), dolley
blot out, cur mow, dollaghey, dolley, mooghey, scryssey magh
blotch, boayl jirg
blotch (of colour), cowraghey, slaa
blotchy, cowrit, slaait
bloter, pabyr sooee
blotted, dollit, sooit
blotting, dolley, slaa, soo
blotting pad, kiappag sooee
blouse, bloose
blow, builley, cayrnal, feddanagh, feddanit, labb, losh, shellym, tarnoal, tharmane
blow (of flies), broid (er)
blow (of flower), fosley
blow (of fuse), lheie
blow (of whale), sheidey
blow (of wind), gaardey, sheid
blow (period of), sheidey
blow about, sheebey
blow across the mouth, puissag
blow away, sheebey ersooyl, sheidey ersooyl
blow ball, clag
blow down, lhieggey
blow hole, towl sheidee
blow in, cheet stiagh, cur stiagh
blow off, lhiggey jeh, lhiggey magh, sheebey jeh, sheidey ersooyl
blow out, bleaystey, folmaghey, lheie, lhieeney, mooghey, scoltey
blow over, lheie ersooyl, lhieggey, tuittym lesh y gheay
blow up, bleaystey, bleaystit, blestal, chionney, lhieeney, sheidey neose, sheidit seose
blow up (as person), attit, mooarlagh
blow with the knee, glioonag
blow with the palm, bassag
blower, geayrane, sheideyder
blowfly, carchuillag foalley, carchuillag ghorrym
blowing, sheidee, sheidey
blowing, geayraghey, lheie, sheebey
blown, ass ennal, cayrnit, chionnit, er ny hellym, lhieent, millit, sheidit
blown (as corpse), attit
blowpipe, sheidan
blowy, geayeeagh
blowzy, streelagh
blring, spring
blub-cheeked, puissagh
blubber, chiu, keayney, sahll blennick
blubber (crying), bog, keayney
blubber (of jellyfish), smug
blubber lip, beill-vooar
blubber-lipped, beeallagh, chiu-veeallagh, chiu-veillagh
blubberer, keayneyder
blubbery, blennickagh, keaynagh, sahllagh
bluchers, bootsyn lieh ard
bludgeon, bwoailteen, bwoalley, giare-vad
blue, cur daah gorrym er, gormaghey, gorrym, gorrymaghey
blue (as film), breinn
blue beryl, clagh varrey
blue blood, fuill ooasle, fuill reeoil
blue cheese, caashey gorrym
blue Ensign, Yn Mergey Gorrym
blue peter, yn brattagh faggee
blue riband, rybban gorrym
blue shark, sharkagh gorrym
blue sowthistle, onnane y clieau
blue stone, clagh ghlass
blue titmouse, Jinnee ghorrym, kione gorrym, kione gorrym
blue-bag, poagey yn ghorrym
blue-black, doo-ghorrym
blue-eyed, gorrym-hooillagh
blue-eyed (favourite), reih, reih-ghuilley
blue-grey, lheeah-ghorrym
blue-jacket, marrinagh caggee
blue-stocking, caillin dree
bluebell, clageen gorrym, gleiy vuc
bluebottle, blaa arroo, carchuillag ghorrym, guilley gorrym, lus y voteil, lus y voteil gorrym
blued, gormit, gorrymit, gorrymit
blued (as money), ceaut, jummit
bluegrass, faiyr gorrym
blueness, girmid, gormid, gorrymid
blueprint, clou gorrym, jalloo gorrym
blues, groamid
bluethroat, scoarnagh ghorrym
bluff, baggyrtys, baggyrtys follym, lhean 'sy toshiaght, molley, rinn ughtee
bluff (of coast), ughtee
bluff (of person), groaishagh
bluff (on hill), broogh lhean
bluffness, groashaght
bluffness, ughtagh, ughtid
bluish, gorrymagh, lesh y ghormid
blunder, lutchey, shaghrynys
blunder (make mistake), goll er shaghryn
blunderbuss, gunney taarnee
blunderer, lutchynagh, staghyl
blunderhead, lutchynagh, staghyl
blundering, goll er shaghryn, lutchey, lutchynagh, lutchynys, staghyllagh
blunt, angheyre, broilley, broillit, goaill yn foyr jeh, moal-foyragh, moalaghey, moandagh, neuvirragh
blunt (as person), brynt
blunt knife, skynn voandagh
blunt tool, bhurtag
blunt-witted, moal-inchynagh
blunted, broillit, moalit, moandit
bluntness, bryntid, bryntys, moalaght, moalid, moandid, moandys, neuvirrid
blur, cummey do-akin, cur kay er, mee-chummey
blur (as vision), dolley, jannoo dullyr, milley, scryssey magh
blur (on mirror), kay
blurb, blurb
blurt, fockley magh (doaltattym)
blush, jiargaghey, jirgid, lossey
blushing, jiargagh, jiargaghey, lossee, lossey
bluster, boiraneys
bluster (as person), jannoo boiraneys, troggal kiaullane
bluster (of wind), clabbin, clabbinagh
blusterer, baggyrtagh, boirane
blustery (of day), clabbinagh, rastagh
bo-peep, follaghey
boa, aarnieu traastagh
boa (feather), caslagh fedjagagh
boanerges, Mac taarnee
boar (domestic), collagh muc, collagh muickey, collagh muigey
boar (wild), collagh muc feie, collagh muc oaldey, collagh muc oaldey, purr
boar spear, shleiy chollee
boar's head, kione collee
boar's Head (hotel), Kione y Chollagh Vuc
boar-hunting, shelg muick
board, aaght, boayrd, claare, cur claare er, cur claare rish, cur laare ayns, goiall lhuingys, goll er boayrd, oik
board (dwell), goaill aaght
board (food), oastys
board (of people), cur aaght (da), jannoo oastys da
board (wages), argid, lhongee
Board of directors, Boayrd ny stiureyderyn, Oik ny stiureyderyn
board out, cur aaght er, cur magh
board up, dooney
board wages, argid beaghee
boarder, goaldagh, scoillar oastys
boarding, aaght, clareyn, goll er boayrd, kiart-chlaare, maidjey, oastys, oastys
boarding house, thie aaght, thie aaght
boarding school, scoill aaght, scoill oastys
boardroom, shamyr choyrlee, shamyr y vuird
boarhound, coo muigey
boast, boastagh, boasteil, boggys, boggyssagh, jannoo boggys
boaster, boasteilagh, boasteyr, boggysagh
boastful, boggysagh
boastfulness, boggys, boggysaght, mooaralys
boasting, boasteil, boasteilagh, boasteilys, boggysagh, boggysaght, boggysid, jannoo boggys
boat, baatey, jannoo baateyrys, shiaulley
boat builder, troggeyder baatey
boat building, troggal baatyn
boat house, thie baatey
boat passage, barrey
boat passage (on ship), jurnaa baatey, marrinys
boat pole, lhoo baatey
boat race, ratch baatey
boat train, traen baatey
boat trip, shiaulley
boat-builder, seyir baatey
boat-pole, lorg baatey
boater, edd baateyrys, edd runt
boathook, clep
boating, baateyrys, shiaulley
boatman, baateyr, fer baatey, guilley baatey
boatswain, boesyn, feddanagh
boatyard, cooyrt lhuingey, cooyrt vaatey, lhong-chaardee
bob, Robard, skillin
bob (of fruit), doss
bob (of hair), baarey dy chuttagh
bob (of pendulum), trimman
bob (of tail), famman cuttagh
bob (of the head), snug
bob (the tail), giarrey
bob down, thummey
bob under, thummey
bob up, irree neese, snuggal neese
bob-sleigh, sleayd liauyr
bobbed, cuttagh
bobbin, cuill, rollian broachey
bobbin frame, clowan cuill
bobbing, baarey dy chuttagh, jannoo cuttagh
bobbing (of float), thummey
bobby, meoir-shee, poleen, Robard
bobstay, tead croanspreih
bobtail, giare-chutt
bobtailed, giare-chuttagh
bode, insh rolaue (jeh), jannoo faaishnys (jeh), jannoo faaishnys (jeh)
bodement, faaishnys, monney
bodhran, dollan
bodice, bouin
bodies, kirp
bodiless, gyn callin, gyn corp, neu chorpagh, neuchallinagh
bodily, callinagh, corpagh, cosh ry cholbey
bodily hair, geaysh
bodily needs, femeyn callinagh
bodkin, burkan, snaid vooar
body, bleayst, callin, colb, corp, corpane, shlig
body (of church), mean
body (of people), colught, possan
body (of plant), sthockan
body (of tree), corp
body and soul, corp as annym
body building, fehaghys
body colour, daa stooalt
body-building, troggal kirpey
body-snatcher, roosteyr ruillickey
bodyguard, gard kirpey
bodyguard, gard kirpey
bodylike, corpoil
Boer, Boeragh
boffin, skeeandagh
bog, boglee, bolgagh, curragh, curree, moanee, reaisht
bog cotton, lus y chadee, lus y ching vane
bog myrtle, lus roddagagh, roddag, roddagagh
bog oak, darrag ghoo
bog pine, juyssagh
bog St.John's wort, mess muigey
bog-trotter, fer ny bogleeyn
bogbean, lubberlub, lus ny garee
bogberry, moanag
bogey, bogee, oyr dwoaie, Yn Jouyll
bogeyman, buggane
bogginess, bolgys, moanaght
boggle, leaystey
boggy, boglagh, curree, fliugh, moanagh, moantagh
bogie, boagee
bogle, scaanjoon
bogus, breagagh, foalsey, gyn bun
boil, askaid, broie, cloie, coirrey, gaer, mamm
boil (of liquid), cloie
boil deck, boayrd coirree, boayrd coirrey
boil down, jannoo gaal (jeh)
boil furnace, furnish coirrey
boil house, thie coirrey
boil plate, plaait coirrey
boil tube, feddan coirrey
boil-maker, jantagh coirrey
boiled, broieit, cloieit
boiled beef, feeill vroieit
boiled egg, ooh vroieit
boiled food, bee broiet
boiled potatoes, praasyn broit
boiled rabbit, conning vroiet
boiled trotter, crobage
boiler (person), broieder
boiler scale, trustyr choirrey
boiler suit, cullee choirrey, cullee un pheeshagh
boiling, broiagh, broie, broie, broiean, cloie, cloie
boily, askaidagh
boisterous, garroo, rastagh
boisterous (of person), annymoil
boisterously, dy-rastagh
boisterousness, annymoilid, rastid
bold, daaney, daanyssagh, doo, dunnal, meenearagh, trome
bold (promintary), geyre, mooar
bold type, clou doo, clou trome
bold-spirited, daaney
boldness, daanaght, daanys, dunnalys, meenearey
bole, far-uinnag
Bolivia, Yn Volivia
Bolivian, Boliveeagh
boll, att, bolley
boll (as corn), jeeassragh, oashyragh
boll weevil, crooag chadee
bollan, bollan, braddan Manninagh, muc ruy
bollan cross, crosh vollan
bollan wrasse, braddan Manninagh
bollard, bollad
bolled, my rass, my resh
Bolshevik, Bolsheavaghys
bolster, bousther, cleaysteig liauyr, clooiesag liauyr, cum seose, eiyrt, eiyrt liauyr, kioneiyrt, niartaghey
bolt, barrey, bolt, boltal, boltey, bout, orraghey, roie, side
bolt (as food), hompsal
bolt (sieve), chea, creearrey
bolt in, boltal stiagh
bolt lever, barrey gunney
bolt-head, kione bout
bolt-hole, guaig
bolt-rope, tead coadee
bolter, creear
bolting, barrey, boltal, boutal, creearrey, hompsal
bolting house, thie caih, thie creearree
bolus, glout, milleen mooar
bomb, bleaystan, bleaystaney, shliggan, shligganaghey, skeayley bleastanyn
bomb carrier, etlan bleaystan
bomb crater, towl bleaystan
bombard, shligganaghey
bombarde, shawm
bombardier, bleaystanyr, shligganeyr
bombardment, bleaystanys, shligganys
bombasine, bombaseen
bombast, bashtallys
bombastic, bashtallagh
bomber, bleastaneyr, etlan bleaystan
bombing, bleaystanys
bombproof, bleaystan-jeen, jeen noi bleaystanys
bombsight, baghtane bleaystan
bon mot, fockle traaoil
bon voyage, cair vie!
bona fide, dy feer, dy hynrick, feer, ynrick
bona fides, jeih-aigney feerid, ynrickys
bonbon, miljan
bond, boandey, conastey, cur ayns thie custam, cur fo ghlass, geuley, gioal, glass, kiangley, nastey, raane
bond maiden, inney veyl
bond stone, clagh chianglee
bondage, bondeeys, bondiaght, cappeeys, deyrsnys, geuleydys, geulys
bonder, bondeyr
bondman, bondagh, geuleydagh
bone, craue
bone (as meat), giarrey ny crauenyn ass, jeechraughey
bone disease, doghan craue
bone dry, cha chirrym as poodyr
bone lace, laatchey lhieenagh
bone setter, fer craue
bone-black, doo craue
bone-dry, slane obbaltagh
bone-setting, soiaghey crauenyn, soiaghey crauenyn
boned, gyn crauenyn, jeechraueit
boneless, gyn spyrryd, mettey
boneshaker, daawheeyl crou-yiarn, shenn chraader
bonfire, cheinjean
bongrace, coodagh grooishey
bonham, bannoo
bonhomie, gennallys
bonnag, bonnag, soddag verrin
bonnet, y nah volg
bonnet (of men), bayrn
bonnet (of women), bonnad
bonniness, aalid, braewid
bonny, aalin, braew
bonus, dooraght, loggyr
bony, craueagh, lane crauenyn, mooar-chraueagh
boo, arish, garrish, jannoo arrish (er)
boob, sheeiney, sheeint, thoot
booby, gant ommidjagh, lutchynagh, yn fer s'jerree
booby-trap, ribbey vleaystanagh
boodle, prash
boohoo, hoo hoo!, keayney
booing, garrish, keayney
book, cur magh tiggad (da), cur sheese, kionnaghey tiggad, lioar, lioar ghiallyn, scree stiagh
book, cur sheese
book (credit), kionnaghey er daayl
book back, cooryn lioaragh
book binder, cooreyder lioar
book binding, coodaghey lioaryn, lioar chiangley
book louse, crooag lioaragh
book lover, ben lioaragh
book marker, gah lioaragh
book muslin, muslyn lioaragh
book of Genesis, lioar Genesis
book of many volumes, yl-lioar
book post, post lioragh
book rest, shasstan lioar
book review, barel lioaragh
book seller, creckeyder lioar
book shop, shapp lioar
book token, eearlys lioaragh
book trade, cochionnaght lioar
book worm, crooag lioaragh
book-ends, greimmeyderyn lioar
book-learned, lioar-ynsit, lioragh
book-learning, ynsagh, ynsagh lioaragh, ynsagh lioaragh
bookbinder, kiangleyder lioar
bookcase (closed), kishtey lioar, lioaraghan
bookcase (open), skelloo lioar
booking, kionnaghey (tiggadyn), screeu stiagh
booking clerk, cleragh tiggad
bookish, currit da lioaryn, lhaihagh, lioaragh
bookishness, lhaihaght, lioraght
bookkeeper, coontyseyr, screeudeyr coontee
bookkeeping, coontyseyraght, screeudeyrys coontee
booklet, lioaran
booklover, fer lioaragh
bookmaker, gial-ghlackeyder, jantagh lioar
bookmark(er), lioarvark
bookshelf, skelloo lioar
bookstall, bwaane lioar
bookworm, sheer-lhaider
boom, bisheydys, buirrooghey, croan, croan derrick, croan drommey, croanscoidey, cronnaney, foghraghey dy ard, foghraghey er ard, jannoo tharmane, jannoo tharmaneys jeh
boom (at harbour), croan snauee
boom (noise), tharmane
boom (of crowd), cronnane
boom (of thunder), rooit, rooital
boomerang, boomerang, cheet er ash (noi)
boon, foayr, toyrtys
boon companion, sheer-heshey, sheshey mie
boor, boddagh, bonkan, fadaneagh
boorish, bonkanagh, drogh-ellynagh, erroonagh, fadaneagh, neuellynagh
boorishness, boddaght, bonkanys, neuellyn
boost, aaniartaghey, cur voltys da, troggal
boost (of prices), ardjaghey
boost (praise), moylley
booster, aaniartaghan, moylleyder, troggeyder
boot, bootys, coyr
boot blacking, dooaght vraag
boot polish, sollysid braag
boot tree, croan braag
bootblack, glenneyder braag
booted, bootysit, brebbit
bootee, bootys ard
bootes, Yn Immanagh
booth, booage, bwaag, bwaane, paalan
bootlace, laatchey, yeeal vraag
bootlace weed, drumlagh
bootleg, smugglal (jough)
bootlegger, smuggleyder alchoal, smuggleyder alchoal
bootlegging, smugglal alchoal
bootless, cass rooisht, gyn bootsyn
bootmaker, greasee
boots, guilley drid
booty, cragh, craght, griu, spooilley
booze, iu dy trome, jough
boozer, floddan, meshtallagh, thie lhionney, thie oast
boracic, borassagh
borage, borrish
borax, boracks
border, boarder, cagliagh, chemmal, creeagh, cur chemmal er, joarey, oirr, oirr, sheeyney lesh, slyst
border land, thalloo cree
border stone, clagh chaglee
border town, balley joarey
bordered, chemmit
borderer, boardrailagh, joareyder
borderless, gyn chemmal, gyn joarey, gyn oirr
borderline, cagliagh, creeagh, joarey
bore, feer ghree
bore, saih trooid, tharrarey, thiolley, towl, towley
bore (in river), saih marrey
bore (of gun), towl
bore (person), blaader
bore (size of), lheead tuill
bore (with talk), cur skeeys (er), jannoo blaaderys (er)
bore hole, towl, towl meainey
boreal, twoaie
bored, thiollit, towlit
boredom, dreeys
borer, thiolleyder, towleyder
boric, boaragh
boring, dree, thiolley, towl, towley
born, behrt, er ny assaid, er ny brey, er ny vrey, ruggit
Borneo, Borneo
bornite, bornite
borough, balley corpagh
borrow, eeassaghey, goaill er yeeasaght, yeeassaghey
borrowed, eeassit, yeeassit
borrower, eeasseyder, yeeasseyder
borrowing, eeasaght, eeassaghey, goaill er eeassaght, yeeassaghey
borstal, scoill smaght
borzoi, coo Rooshagh
bosh, boghtnid, friogganyn, ommidjys
bosk(et), keyll veg, thammag
bosom, brollagh, cleeau, oghrish
bospherous, Yn Bospherus
boss, aashag, ard-er, ard-ghooinney, bolg streeaney, mainshter, mainshtyr, mainshytyragh, pollag, ymmyrkey chiarnys (er)
bossed, aashagagh
bossiness, chiarnyssaght, mainshtyraght
bossy, chiarnyssagh, mainshtyragh
bot, martlhan chabbil, muttog, yn gorley garroo
botanic gardens, garey lossreeyn
botanic(al), luss-oaylleeagh
botanist, bossaneyr, lus-oayllee, lusseyr
botany, bossanys, lus-oaylleeaght, oayllus
botch, brock, jannoo brock jeh, milley
botcher, brockeyder, clooidagh, milleyder
botfly, cartage, cartage ny dhieyn
both, ny neesht, nyn neesht, nyn yees, yn jees
both ends together, king ry cheilley
bother, boiraghey (er), boirey, boirey (er), fillosher, killjeh
bother!, Drogh er!
botheration, boiraneys, Drogh er!
botheration, Drogh er!
bothered, boirit, fo boirey
bothersome, boiragh, boiraneagh
bothersome person, boirane
bottle, boteil, boteilaghey, costrayl, cur ayns boteil
bottle brush, skeaban voteil
bottle green, boteil-ghlass
bottle holder, fer cooyl duirn
bottle imp, flaiee ayns boteil, thummeyder boteil
bottle rack, cratch voteil
bottle washer, ard-ghuilley
bottle wrack, costrayl ferrish, famlagh bolgagh
bottle-drainer, sheeleyder boteil, teaumeyder boteil
bottle-holder, cummeyder boteil
bottle-nosed, mooar-hroinagh, mooar-hronnagh
bottle-opener, fosleyder boteil
bottle-screw, scrod costrayl
bottle-washer, nieeder boteil
bottled, boteilit, costraylit
bottled up, follit
bottlelike, boteilagh, costraylagh
bottleneck, keyllys straiddey, scroag voteil
bottler, costrayleyder
bottling, boteilagh, boteilaghey, cur ayns boteil
bottling machine, jeshaght voteilagh
bottom, bun, cass, curp, grunt, jerrey, kione, laare, thoyn
bottom (as boat), soie, soieaghey
bottom (as fishing), gruntal, gruntey
bottomless, dyn grunt, gyn grunt, gyn thoyn
bottomless pit, charval
bottomry, gialdeeaght lhiungey
bottoms, binn
botulism, pyshoonys pronnag
boudoir, shamyr vreih
bough, bangan
bougie, cainle chereagh, cainleen
boulder, clagh vooar
bounce, clistal, clistey, danys-chree, lheim, lheimyragh, lhiemmey
bouncer, clisteyder, fer ceau magh
bouncing, clistagh, skibbylt
bouncing bet, lus y cheeabin
bound, cagliaghey, goll lesh, lheim
bound (constipated), taartagh, thartagh
bound (constrained), cochianglt
boundary, charrey, cree, creeagh, joarey, linney chree
boundary condition, conaant caglee
boundary hedge, cleigh caglee, faal
boundary stone, clagh chaglee
bounded, caglit
bounder, clisteyder, fer croutagh
bounding, clistagh, skibbagh
boundless, anvaaragh, ass cagliagh, gyn cagliagh
boundlessness, anvaaraght
bounteous, feoilt, feoiltagh, toyrtagh
bounteous harvest, fouyr trome
bounteousness, feoiltys, niart, trimmid
bountiful, feoilt, feoiltagh, mialagh, skeayltagh
bountifully, dy feoiltagh
bountifulness, giastyllys, giootalaght, mialys, skeayltagh
bouquet, doss, soar
bourgeois, meanvrastyllagh
bourgeoise, yn meanvrastyl
bourn(e), strooan
bourse, thie margee
bout, bout
bout (of sickness), teaym
bout (of work), garrey, grash, shayll
bovine, lutchynagh, ollee
bovines, ollagh
bow, cammey, croymmey, imlaght, lhoobey, obbraghey y bow, sock, yn builley toshee
bow (a tie), kiangley
bow (of ship), boogh, gob, kione toshee, toshiaght
bow (of violin), bow
bow (salutation), croymmey
bow (weapon), bow
bow chaser, gunn toshee
bow compasses, combaaseyn lheimaghan
bow drill, biol
bow knot, kiangley, sniem
bow legs, cassyn cammey, lurgaghyn cammey
bow oar, boogh, maidjey boogh, maidjey toshee
bow shot, orraghey sidey
bow tie, carvat folican, kiangley folican
bow window, uinnag hostynagh, uinnag vowagh
bow-drill, tharrar vowagh
bow-saw, saaue bowagh
bow-wow, coo, woogh! woogh!
bowdelerize, scryssey magh focklyn
bowed, croym, croymmit, cruittagh
bowel, minnagh, putageyn
bowels of compassion, erreeish
bowels of the earth, brein ny thallooin
bower, bwaag, grianane, scaa biljagh
bower (of person), croymmeyder
bower anchor, aker hoshee
bowie knife, skynn helg
bowing, croym, croymmey, croymmid, lhoobagh, lhoobey
bowl, boull, boulleragh, bowl, ceau, juist, skaaley
bowl (as hoop), queeyllaghey, rolley, rowlaghey
bowl (hat), edd cruinn
bowl (of compass), boull
bowl (of lamp), bolg
bowl (of pipe), claigin
bowl along, rowlaghey roish
bowl out, boulleragh magh
bowl over, cur fud y cheilley, lhieggal, lhieggey
bowlegged, bolg-chassagh, camlurgagh
bowler, boulleyder
bowlful, lane juist, lane meilley, lane skaaley
bowline, tead geayee
bowline (knot), bowlyn
bowling, boulleraght
bowling alley, couyrt voulleraght, thie boulleraght
bowling green, faaie voulleragh
bowls, boulleraght
bowman, boogheyder, boweyder, sideyr
Bowmore, Boe Mooar
bowsprit, croan spreie
bowstring, streng bow
bowyer, boweyder
box, bwoalley, cur ayns kishtey, doarney
box (as ears), cur bassag da
box (blow), builley
box (container), coir, coyr, kishtey
box (for gears), bocs
box (hut), bwaane
box (in stable), stolley
box (mobile), bocs cabbil
box (the compass), yn combaase y raa
box (with palm), bassag
box camera, shamraig chistey
box cart, coop
box kite, etlag cherrinagh
box office, bwaane tiggad
box plant, aigh vane
box pleat, claight dooblit
box seat, soieag immanagh
box spanner, spanney dooint
box-bed, lhiabbee Albinagh
box-keeper, guilley kishtey
boxer, doarneyr
boxer (dog), bocseyr
boxful, lane kishtey
boxing, doarney, doarneyrys
boxing Day, Laa'l Shelg Yn Drean, Laa'l Steoin
boxing gloves, laueanyn-doarney
boxing match, doarneyrys
boxing ring, croa ghoarneyrys
boxlike, coyroil, gollrish kishtey, kishtoil
boxroom, shamyr chishtey, shamyr hrustyr, shamyr scudlee
boxwood, foiee kishtey
boy, boie, guilley, scollag
boy (sweetheart), leggad, myrneen
Boy's Brigade, Brigaid ny Guillyn
boycott, cohaghney
boycotter, cohaghneyder
Boyde, Boddagh
boyhood, aegid, eash yn ghuilley, guillaght, macnaght
boyish, guilleydagh, lhiannooagh
boyishness, guilleydys, lhiannooaght
braaivleis, rostey foalley
braaivleis oven, brebag
brace, bann, beemyl, beemyl, brash, brashlagh, brashlagh, brashlagh drommey, brashyn, chionnaghey, chionneyder, cubbyl, cur bann (er), cur maidjey coonee rish, cur quing (er), cur tead king (er), jees, maidjey coonee, niartaghey, piyr, quing, tead king
bracelet, brashleid
braceleted, brashleidagh
braces, brashyn, gallasyn
bracing, bioyragh, follan
bracken, renniagh vooar
bracket, banglane, brack, brackey, braggad, cur bann (er), lhoobeen
bracket seat, soiag loodree
brackish, gort, sailjey, slappagh
brackishness, gortys, sailjys
bract, braght
brad, brad
bradawl, mennee
Bradda, Bradda
bradda Head, Kione Vradda, Yn Charran
Braddan, Skeerey Braddan, Skylley Vraddan
Braddan Bridge, Droghad Skylley Vraddan
brae, broogh, malin
brag, boastagh(ey), boasteil, boggys, boggysagh, froaish, froaishagh, jannoo boggys
braggadocio, beealerey moyrnagh, boasteilagh, boggys, froaishid
bragget, braggaid
bragging, boasteilagh, boasteilys, boggysagh, boggyssagh, cabbaragh, froaishagh
braid, claight, claightey, fee, filley
brail, cryss chianglee
braille, screeuyn vraille
braille type, clou vraaile
brain, bransal, bransey, inchyn, scoltey yn claigin (jeh)
brain disease, doghan inchyn
brain fever, chiassagh inchyn
brain pan, bollag
brain sauce, soolagh enneeyn
brain sickness, chingys ny henneeyn
brain's trust, skimmee oayllagh
brain-fag, skeeys inchyn
brain-sick, moal 'sy chione
brain-stem, sthock ny hinchyn
brain-work, obbyr ching
brained, bransit, bransit
braininess, aghtallys inchyn, aghtallys king
brainless, bonkanagh, frittagh, gyn inchyn, neuhoiggaltagh, ommidjagh
brainlessness, bonkanys, frittaght, neuhoiggaltys, ommidjys
brains, enneeyn, inchyn
brainstorm, thollaneys inchyn
brainwave, smooinaght aghtal, tonn inchyn
brainy, aghtal, enneeagh, inchynagh
braird, foghan
braise, gaal-vroie
braised, gaal-vroiet
brake, chionnaghey glackanyn, cur glackan er, glackan, mooinney
brake block, block glackan
brake drum, drummey glackan
brake pedal, coshal ghlackan
brake van, carriads glackan
brakesman, fer glackan
braking, chionney glackanyn
bramble, dress
bramble berry, smeyr (ghoo)
bramble bush (small), dressag
brambling, briggin y cheirn, corkan drine, dressag vane, ushag y cheirn
brambly, dressagh
brambly hedgerow, cleigh dressagh
bran, cledje, cletch
bran mash, lahnys cletch, meslin cletch
bran tub, tubbag cletch
branch, banglanaghey, banglane, stholey
branch (of river), goal
branch (of road), fo-raad, gimmeeaght voish, goalaghey
branch (of sea), branlaig
branch (of shop), bransh
branch (of society), banglane, crouw
branch canal, crouw ammyr
branch out, lheanaghey
branched, banglaneagh, gollageagh
branched burr-reed, shiast y ree
branchia, grooaneyn
branchial, grooaneagh
branching, banglanagh, banglanaghey, lheanaghey, stholey
branching road, fovayr
branchlet, crouw
branchline, crouw-linney
branchy, banglaneagh, geuagh
brand, cowrey, mark
brand (for burning), brasnag
brand (for cattle), yiarn jiarg
brand (torch), cur cowrey er, cur ennym er, daajey, doagan
brand new, thalk noa
branded, cowrit, daajit
branding, diane breck
branding, daajey
brandish, craa, leaystey
brandy, brandee, feeyn lostit, liggar feeney
brandy, feeyn lostit
brandy bottle, boteil vrandee, lilee lheeanagh, lilee ny lheeantyn
branny, cletchagh
brass, argid, prash
brass (cheek), daanys
brass fire dog, moddey prash
brass pin, freeney prash
brass ware, cooid phrash
brass-founder, prasheyder
brass-ware, prash
brass-work, ny prashyn, obbyr phrashey
brassard, buinney
brassie, prasheen
brassiere, coodagh keeagh
brasswork, yn phrash
brassy, daaney, neufaitagh, prashagh
brat, eean, paitchey
bravado, far-ghunnallys
brave, braew, dunnal, dunnalagh, rootagh, trean
brave (challenge), cur y lane (fo)
brave-hearted, braew, mooar-chreeagh
bravely, dy dunnal
braveness, braewid, dunnallys, treanid
bravery, creeaght, dunnallys, gastoilid, loan, roort, treanys
bravo, dunver failt, S'mie yn dooinney, S'mie yn ven!
bravo!, Ouwatta!
brawl, boiraneys
brawl, boiraneys, jannoo boiraneys
brawler, boirane
brawling, boiraneagh, boiraneys
brawling (of stream), cronnane
brawn, myneill, tholleeid, tholleeys
brawny, thollee, toallee
bray, beihll, broojey, caayn, caayney
braying, beihll, broojey, caayney
braze, prashaghey, prashal
brazed, prashit
brazen, daaney, meenearagh, neufaitagh, prashagh, prashey, staayney
brazen browed, oaie-daaney
brazen woman, byddage
brazeness, daanys, meenearey
brazenness, neufaitys
brazier, clean aile, prasheyder
Brazil, Yn Vrasil
Brazil nut, cro Brasillagh
Brazilian, Brasillagh
brazing, prashaghey, prashal
breach, barnaghey, barney, doarlish, jannoo barney (ayn)
breach (a falling out), asschaarjys
breach (between rocks), branlaig
breach (in hedge), barney, faanys
breach (of whale), lheim ass yn ushtey
breach of promise, brishey gialdyn
breached, barnit, branlaigagh, brisht, doarlishagh
bread, arran
bread basket, bastag arran
bread board, claare arran
bread corn, grine
bread crumb, coodaghey lesh kinneigyn
bread crumbs, kinneigyn arran
bread poultice, clabbag arran
bread roll, arran bainney
bread sauce, soolagh arran
bread-knife, skynn arran
breadbasket, gailley
breadbin, coyr arran
breadcrumb, kinneig
breadfruit, troar arran
breadman, fer yn arran
breadstuffs, meinn flooyr
breadth, lheead
breadwinner, cosneyder
break, aash, barney, brishey, chentyn, cur fo haart, doarlish, smoashal, straih, traa cloie, traa seyr
break (as flag), skeaylley
break (in weather), caghlaa
break away, brishey jeh, scarrey (rish)
break down, brishey, brishey sheese, lhieggal, lhieggey
break forth, brishey magh, skiootal magh
break in, brishey stiagh, cur stiagh (er)
break loose, brishey jeh
break of day, keeiraght yn laa
break off, brishey jeh, cur jerrey er, girree ass, scarrey
break open, brishey
break out, goaill toshiaght
break step, goll ass keim
break through, gleashaght er oai
break up, branlaghey, branley, brishey, brooillaghey, cur jerrey er, rheynn, scarrey, scuirr, tenniu, traa feailley
breakable, brishlagh, so-vrishey
breakage, brishey, brishoonys
breaker, faarkey, mooireerey, tonn vooar
breaker up, brisheyder
breakfast, anjeeal, brishey trostey, goaill anjeeal, yn chied lhongey
breakfast time, traa anjeealagh
breaking, brishey, cur fo haart
breaking in, brishey, brishey stiagh, cliaghtey
breaking up, branlaghey, branley, brishey, traa seyr
breakneck, bieauid lossee, brishey mwannal
breakthrough, barnaghey, brishey trooid
breakwater, boalley marrey, calloo
bream, carroo
breaming, er gliee
breast, broghil, broghilley, brollagh, cleeau, cleeauraghey, eddin, kee, keeagh, sheeiney, sheeint
breast (bosom), oghrish
breast armour, eilley vroghil
breast band, cryss vroghil
breast bone, craue cleeau
breast harness, cullee chleeau
breast law, leigh ny cleeau
breast milk, bainney kee, bainney kee
breast pocket, poggaid chee, poggaid chleeau, poggaid vroghil
breast strap, yeeal chleeau
breast stroke, builley cleeau
breast wall, eddin
breast-bone, sternym
breast-deep, gys ny keeaghyn
breast-driller, tharrar broghil
breast-milk, cug
breast-plough, kiebbey scrah
breastplate, eilley chleeau, eilley vroghil, playt, playt ught
breastwork, cashtal (foaid)
breath, ennal, ennalagh, soar
breath test, prowal ennalagh
breathe, ennallaghey, sheidey, tayrn ennal
breather, aash veg
breathing, ennalagh, tayrn ennal
breathing apparatus, cullee ennal, ennalaghey
breathless, ass ennal
breathlessly, gyn ennal
breathlessness, girrid ennal, jee-ennalys
bred, sheelrit, troggit
breech, cur breechyn (er), lieh jerree, thoyn
breech action, gleashaght hoanney
breech block, block thoanney
breech-block, kiap thoanney
breech-loader, gunn thoanney
breech-loading, thoyn-laadagh
breeches, breechyn
breeches buoy, breechyn troggee
breed, aalaght, clein, fuilleeaght, geddyn sluight, goaill toshiaght, kynney, sheelraghey, sheelrey, skeaylley, troggal
breeder, crooder, sheelreyder, troggeyder
breeding, ellyn, fuill, fuill, geddyn sluight, gientyn, sheelraghey, troggal
breeding (of fowls), er yn eean
breeding ewe, keyrrey eayin
breeding horses, cabbil foalley
breeding mare, lair harree
breeding season, imbagh lheimmee, imbagh troggee
breeding sheep, keyrrey eayin
breeding stock, sluight troggee
breeding stud, grih
breeks, breechyn
breeze, farrane, fynneraght, geay veeley, greesagh, sheidey, smarage
breeze block, breek smarageagh
breezily, dy biol, dy bioyr
breeziness, geayaght
breezy, bioal, bioyr, geayeeagh
Brehon, Briw
brent goose, guiy breck
brethren, braaraghyn
Breton, Bretonagh, Britaanagh, Britaanish
breve, cowrey girrid, lane-noatey, screeuyn veih'n Phaab
breve accent, slattag yiare
brevet, ardjaghey keim
brevet rank, graaid onnoragh, ooashlid onnoragh
breviary, portoose
brevity, cuttid, gerrid, girrid
brevity, cuttid
brew, broiaghyn, imbyl
brew (as mischief), grooaghey
brew (of tea), deayrtey, tayrn
breward, foghan
brewed, imlit, tayrnit
brewer, fer lhionney, imler, imleyder
brewer's grains, drou, drow
brewery, thie imbyl
brewing, imbyl, imbyl, imbylagh, imlagh
brewis, brouish, sollaghyn
brewster, imler Albinagh
briar, dress
briar rose, drughaig villish
briary, dressagh
bribe, slaa laue, sollaghey laue
briber, slaader laue, solleyder laue
bribery, slaa laueys, sollaghey laueys, sollaghey laueys
bribery and corruption, sollaghey as kionnaghey
bribing, currit da sollaghey laue, sollaghey laue
bric-a-brac, fillosheryn
brick, breek, breekey
brick clay, cray vreekey
brick dust, geinniagh vreekey, joan breekey
brick field, magher breek
brick kiln, aaie vreek
brickbat, meer vreekey
bricklayer, breekeyder
bricklaying, breekey
brickmaker, losteyder breek
brickwork, obbyr vreekey
bridal, bannish, poosey
bridal veil, breid phoosee
bride, ben phoosee, ben phoosee, ben y phoosee
Bride, Breeshey, Skeerey Vreeshey, Skyll Vreeshey, Skylley Vreeshey
bride's cake, berreen vanshey
bridegroom, dooinney poosee, fer ny banshey
bridemaid, ben vanshey
bridewell, smaghtlan
bridge, biritch, droghad
bridge (of nose), droghad ny stronney, keylid ny stronney
bridge (of ship), droghad
bridge house, thie droghad
bridge train, traen droghad
bridgehead, kione droghad
Bridget, Bahee, Breeshey
bridle, cur streean er, scannane ny chengey, streean, streeaney, tead kianglee
bridle bit, beealragh streeaney
bridle hand, laue hoshtal, laue hoshtal
bridle-hand, laue streeaney
bridled, streeanit
bridoon, streean hidooragh
brief, cumir, cur fys da, cuttagh, failley (leighder), gerroil, giare, mynvreetchyn, screeuyn
briefcase, kishteen screeuyn
briefless, gyn cooish
briefly, rish tammylt beg
briefness, girrid
brier, freoagh bane
brier pipe, piob freoaie
brig, brig, pryssoon
brigade, brigaid
brigade major, ard-chaptan
brigadier, brigaidagh
brigadier general, ard-vrigaidagh
brigand, roosteyr
brigandage, roosteyrys
bright, aghtal, bio, bioyr, gastey, lonragh, lossanagh, soilsheanagh, sollys, sullyr
bright intervals, traaghyn gial
bright yellow, buigh-ghial
brighten, cur bioyrid ayn, giallaghey, jannoo soilsheanagh, lonraghey
brighter, gilley
brightest, by yilley, by yilley, s'gilley
brightly, dy bioyr, dy sollys
brightness, aghtallys, bioyrid, gastagh, gillid, lonnyr, sollysid
Brigidine, Breesheydagh
brill, breet
brilliance, ard-aghtallys, ard-inchynys, soilsheanaght, sollysid
brilliant, aghtal, ard-inchynagh, clagh yiarrit, kiare-phoynt, kiare-phoynt, soilsheanagh, sollys
brim, beeal, broogh, lhieeney gys y veeal, oirr
brim-full, lane gys y veeal, lum-lane
brimful of health, cha follan as mwaagh
brimming, er ghlee, er gliee
brimstone, clagh lostee
brindle, brack, brackan, breck, breckan, breckey, brigginagh
brine, sailley
bring, cur lesh
bring home, cur stiagh
bring off, cooilleeney, goaill (jeh), troggal (jeh)
bring round, cur lesh ayns shoh
bring through, cur lesh ny hrooid
bring to, cur lesh hug hene, injillaghey, scuirr
bring together, cur cooidjagh
bring under, cur fo smaght, cur lesh fo
bringing, cur lesh
bringing up, cur roish, tilgey, troggal
brinish, saaillagh
brink, broogh, oirr
brinkman, broogheyder
brinkmanship, broogheydys
briny, saaillagh, sailjey
briquette, breekeen
brisk, bioal, bioyr, bioyral, breeoil
brisken, bioyraghey
brisket, cleeau
briskness, bioyrid
bristle, caulg, frioggan
bristliness, caulgid, friogganid
bristly, caulgagh, friogganagh
Britain, Cheer ny Goal, Goal, Yn Vretin Vooar
British, Goaldagh
British colonialism, Coloinaghys Goaldagh
British Commonwealth, Co-unnanys Ghoal
British Isles, Ny hEllanyn Goaldagh
British Parliament, ard-whaiyl Hostyn
Briton, Goaldagh, Sostnagh
Brittany, Yn Vritaan
brittle, brishlagh, brishtagh, so-vrishey
brittle-star, crossag vrishlag
brittleness, brishlid
broach, barnaghey, bher, broacheil, broachey, cur lhong hug y gheay, lhiggey (stoandey), stooag, towley
broach (as cargo), fosley
broach to, saih hug y gheay
broached, barnit, broachit, currit er bher, currit er bher, currit hug y geay, foslit, lhiggit, saiht hug y gheay, towlit
broacher, broacher
broad, er lheead, lhean, lheanagh
broad accent, blass lajer
broad awake, lane dooisht
broad axe, teigh lhean
broad bean, poanrey lhean
broad bottomed, lhean-thoynagh
broad humour, aittys garroo
broad of the back, slat y ghrommey
broad shouldered, lhean-gheaylinagh
broad story, skeeal breagagh
broad-bosomed, lhean-oghrishagh
broad-brimmed, lhean-oirragh
broad-chested, lhean-chleeauagh, lhean-chleeauagh
broad-footed, claare-chassagh, lhean-chassagh
broad-lapped, lhean ghlioonagh, lhean-ughtagh
broad-leaved, lhean-ghuillagagh
broad-leaved dock, cabbag lhean
broad-leaved pondweed, dullish far-ushtey, dullish ny hawin, lus ny lhingey
broad-leaved ragwort, bossan mollagh mooar, cuishag vollagh
broadbacked, dreeym-lhean
broadcast, creeley, scaalhean, scaalheaney, scaalheanit, ymskeaylley, ymskeaylt
broadcast announcement, fogrey radio
broadcaster, creeleyder, scaalheaneyder, ymskeaylleyder
broadcasting, creeley, scaalheaney, ymskeaylley
broadcloth, kialter
broaden, lheeadaghey, lheeanaghey
broadened, lheanit
broadening, lheanaghey, lheanee, lheeadaghey, lheeadee
broader, lea, lhea, ny s'lhea, shlea
broadest, s'lhea
broadly, dy lhean
broadly speaking, trooid as trooid
broadminded, lhean-aignagh
broadmindedness, lheead aigney
broadness, lheead
broadness (of country), feaynys
broadness (of yarn), breagaght
broadsheet, duillag vooar
broadside, cheu (lhuingey)
broadside on, cheu ry heu
broadsword, cliwe daa laue, cliwe mooar, cliwe mooar
broccade, jannoo obbyr vrocaid (er)
broccade, brocaid
broccoli, callish Rangagh
broch, brogh
brochure, lioran
brocket, feeaih daa vlein
Brodrick, Traie Chashtal
brogue, braag
brogue (accent), blass
broil, boiraneys, greddey, jannoo boiraneys, rotey
broiler house, thie kirkey
broiling, greddee, greddey, rostey
broke, brisht, rooisht argid
broken down, ass ymmyd, brisht sheese, lhoobit neose, tholtanagh
broken down hedge, boghlane
broken weather, breck-emshir
broken-hearted, cree brisht
broken-heartedness, brishey chree
broker, broakeyder
brokerage, broakeyrys, leagh broakeyrys
brolly, fascadagh, scaaliaghee
brompton stock, blaa yn 'Eaill Eoin
bronchial, scowanagh
bronchitis, gorley aadiugh, sheer-chassaghtee
bronchus, bronchys, rheynn yn aadiugh
bronco, cabbyl gyn brishey
brontosaurus, jolgan-taarnee
bronze, dhonaghey, jalloo ooha, ooha, ruy-dhone, ruyghey
bronze-green, geayney-ghone
bronzed skin, crackan dhone
bronzedness, ruyghid
bronzing, cur ooha er, dhonaghey, ruyaghey
brooch, jialg broghil
broochpin, jialg
brood, aailagh, aalagh, guirr, lhie er oohyn, lhieeney ein
brood (as person), aasmooinaghtyn(er)
brood mare, laair harree
brooder, kiark aail, kiark ghuirragh
broody (of fowl), guirragh
broody (of person), doolagh
broody hen, kiark ghuirragh
brook, bett, fuillaghtyn, strooan
brooklet, strooan beg
brooklime, burleek
broom, conney skeab, giucklagh, jucklagh, skeab
broom handle, cass skeaban
Bros, Braaraghyn, Brn
broth, broit
brothel, thie oainjer, thie streebee
brother, braar, co-
brother officer, co-'er oik
brother-in-arms, cumraag caggee
brother-in-law, braar 'sy leigh, braar keeilley
brother-teacher, co-ynseyder
brotherhood, braarys
brotherlike, braaroil
brotherliness, braaroilid
brotherly, braaragh, braaroil
brougham, breleig, brooam
brow, broogh, gruaie, malin, mollee
browbeat, broojey fo chosh, cur ard smaght (er)
browbeaten, cruillagh
browbeaten person, cruill
brown, dhoan, dhoanaghey, dhone, doan, ruyghey
brown (of sheep), loaghtyn
brown bread, arran dhone, arran ruy
brown butter, eeym dhone
brown cow, booa ghone
brown hair, gruag ghone
brown owl, hullad ghoan
brown paper, pabyr dhoan
brown rat, roddan dhoan, roddan dhone, roddan Frangagh
brown seaweeds, famleeyn dhoan
brown sugar, shugyr ruy
brown trout, breck, breck awin, breck dhoan
brown-grey, keeir-lheeah
brown-haired, dhone, fynn-ruy
brownie, dhoaneen, donnag, gruagagh
browning, dhoanaghey, sthoo dhone
brownish, dhoanagh, lesh yn dhoanid, lieh-ghoan
brownness, dhoanid, ruyid
browse (among books), femblal
browse (as cattle), faiyragh, fassaghey, yndyr
browsing, faiyragh, fassaghey, femblal, gyndyr
bruges, Yn Vrooje
bruise, boayl gorrym, broo, broojey
bruised, brooit, broojit
bruised soles, gorey boyn
bruiser, brooder, broojeyder, donkan
bruising, broo, broo, broojeydys, buil ghorrym
brunette, ben ghoan, caillin dhoan, dhoan
brunt, yn chooid s'trimmey, yn chooid smessey, yn chooid smoo
brush, skeaban, skeabey
brush (of fox), famman
brush aside, jannoo beg jeh, jannoo neunhee (jeh), skeabey ry-lhiattee
brush away, skeabey ersooyl
brush down, skeabey
brush out, reaghey, skeabey magh
brush over, cur screebey skeab er, skeabey
brush up, skeabey, skeabey seose
brush up (as subject), jannoo aastudeyrys er
brush-maker, jantagh skeab
brushed, skeabit
brusher, skeabeyder, skeabeyder
brushing, skeabey
brushwood, creenagh, giare-fuygh, myncheyll
brushwork, skeabeydys
brushy, skeabagh
brushy tail, famman critlagh
brusque, garg, giare
brusquely, dy garg, dy giare
brusqueness, gargid, girrid
brussel sprouts, buinnaghyn Brussyl, buinnaghyn Brussyl
Brussels, Yn Vrussyl
brussels sprouts, gobbaghyn Belgagh
brutal, broutagh
brutality, broutid
brutalization, broutaghey
brutalize, broutaghey, jannoo brout (jeh)
brute, baagh oaldey
brute force, niart y veisht
brutish, beishtagh, broutagh
brutishness, beishtaght, broutaght
bryony, croanagh
bubble, bolgan, bolganey, cloie, cruinneenyn
bubble car, gleashtan bolganagh
bubble over, cloie harrish
bubble up, geill
bubbling, bolganagh, cruinneenagh
bubbly-jock, kellagh frangagh
bubo, fairaig attit
bubonic, fairaigagh
bubonic plague, yn phlaih fairaigagh
buccal, lhieckanagh, puissagh
buccaneer, buccaneyr, jannoo buccaneyrys
buccinator, feh lhieckanagh
Bucharest, Bucharest
buck, buggley, cammey, conning firryn, jonseragh, lheim, lhoobaghey
buck (of deer), bock
buck (of dredger), scoop
buck (of persons), bock
buck basket, bastag niaghyn
buck bean, poanrey curree
buck deer, feeaih firryn
buck jump, bock-lheim, jonse
buck rabbit, conning 'irryn, conning firryn
buck teeth, cor-eeacklyn
buck up!, Gow chree!
buck-jump, jannoo bock-lheim
buckaroo, guilley baa
buckbean, lubberlab, lubberlub, lus ny garee
bucket, cruick
bucket seat, soiag varril
bucketful, lane cruick
buckie, mwatlag
buckle, buggyl, glackey, glackey
buckle (in thing), lhoobey
buckled, buggylagh, cam, lhoobit
buckler, buggler, scape cruinn
buckling, buggley, cammey, glackey, glackey, lhoobaghey, lhoobey
buckling to, lhie rish yn obbyr
buckram, buckrym
bucks, buick
buckshee, dooraght, nastee, seyr
buckshorn plantain, bollan Vreeshey, bossan Vreeshey
buckshot, grine trome
buckskin, crackan feeaihee
buckthorn, drine bugogue
buckthorn berry, bugogue
buckwheat, lus ny giark
bucolic, cheeroil
bud, blaa aeg, blaaghey, brishey magh, buinney, cree, cur buinney magh, fo vuinnaghyn, gobbit, gub, gubbit, keeagh
bud (of corn), foghanit
Buddha, Buddha
Buddhist, Buddhagh
budding, cheet magh, cheet my vlaa, gobbey, gubbey
buddleia, lus y toar villish
buddy, carrey, cumraag
budge, gleashaghey, scughey
budgerigar, budjee, parrad Austraalagh
budget, claare argidoil, claare argidoil, cur 'sy claare argidoil, poageen
budget account, coontys poagee
budgetary, poageenagh, reir yn chlaare argidoil
buff, bane-wuigh, crackan, gloassey
buff-stick, maidjey gloasee
buffalo, booa oaldey, ollagh oaldey, tarroo oaldey
buffer, eddyr-ghoaillee
buffer (of solution), meayllaneagh
buffer state, stait eddyraneagh
buffer-stop, scuirreyder
buffet, boayrd bee, bwoalley
buffeted, bwoailt
buffeting, labbal
buffing, gloassey
buffing wheel, queeyl ghloassee
buffoon, blebbin, bonkan, gamshoge, gannider
buffoonery, bonkanys, gamshogeys, gannidys
bug, carthan, cur eaishteyder (ayn), doghan
bug (listening device), eaishteyder
bugaboo, buggane, dollanagh
bugger, buggyr
buggery, buggyraght
buggy, buggee, er croo lesh carthanyn
bugle, cayrn, cayrneen, glassyr keylley, sheidey (cayrn), shellym
bugler, cayrneyder, guilley cayrn, shellmeyder
bugles, feddan glonney
bugloss, lus y chenney Yee
build, croo, jannoo, troggal
build in, cur stiagh, lhieeney
builder, troggalagh, troggeyder
building, buildal, thie, troggal, troggalys
building block, block
building contractor, troggeyder
building material, stoo troggee
building material(s), cooid hroggee
building plot, grunt thie, laaragh (thie)
building site, laaragh troggee
building slip, skyrraghtane
building society, sheshaght hroggee
building timber, aamaid troggee
building trade, yn troggeydys
building up, cur ry-cheilley, niartaghey, niartaghey (slaynt), niartaghey slaynt
built, troggit
bulb, cramman, crammaney, cruinnag, fraue, maccan
bulb (of thermometer), bolgan
bulb-holder, croa chruinnag
bulbing, crammaney
bulbous, crammanagh, fraueagh
bulbous-rooted tangle, scroagh cassey
bulbul, arraneyder
Bulgaria, Yn Vulgeyr
Bulgarian, Bulgeyragh, Bulgeyrish
bulge, att, boogh, booghey, poagaghey
bulging, attit, bolgagh, booghey, poagaghey
bulging eyed, bolg-hooillagh
bulimia, gorley accrys
bulk, lught, mooads, mooadys, thummid
bulkhead, boalley lhuingey, bulcaid
bulkiness, mooadys, mooarid, thummidys
bulky, mooadagh, thummidagh
bull, bulley, scooirey as glenney, tarroo
bull head, bull-chione
bull pup, quallian Sostynagh
bull ring, croa terriu
bull seal, raun firryn
bull terrier, brockeyr terriu
bull the market, jannoo yn margey deyr
bull's eye, fainey sthie, sooill ghlenney, sooill terriu
bull's eye lantern, londeyr sooilley
bull's-eye, bolgan glenney
bull's-eye window, uinnag chruinn, uinnag volganagh
bull-baiting, greesaghey terriu
bull-calf, lheiy firryn
bull-frog, rannag vooar
bull-head, poltag
bullace, airn
bulldog, moddey Sostynagh, tarroo-choo
bulldozer, puhtteyder
bullet, bullad
bullet-headed, kione-chruinn, kione-daaney
bulletin, earishlioar
bulletproof, jeen noi bulladyn
bullfight, caggey terriu
bullfighter, caggeyder terriu
bullfighting, tarroo-chaggey
bullfinch, ree ruy
bullhead, kione tramman
bulling, deeahrey, er deeah, er dehyr, er deir, er dheyr
bullion, airh, argid, bullioon
bullock, stott
bullock cart, cairt stitt
bulls, terriu
bully, braggartagh, braggartaghey, croshvuilley, postyr, postyragh
bully beef, feill vart stainnit
bully off, croshvuilley
bullying, braggartagh, braggartys, postyragh
bulrush, quiggal ny ben-shee, shuin vooar
bulwark, boalley, boalley coadee, bullick, calloo, cashtal, mooiraghan
bum, curp, quaagh, thoyn
bumble-bee, shellan breck, shellan meay
bumboat, baatey dellal, bum-baatey
bumkin, cleah scoidey
bump, att, builley, cramman, donk, donkal, donkey, labb
bump off, marroo
bumper, bumper, donkeyder
bumper crop, troar vooar
bumping, bwoalley, bwoalley noi ry hoi, donkal, donkey
bumpkin, boddagh, bonkan, thoot
bumptious, corvianagh
bumptiousness, corvian
bumpy, corragh, crammanagh, meechorrym
bun, bonnag, bunnag, doss
bunch, broojit ry-cheilley, chionney ry-cheilley, crouw, cur ry-cheilley, deaill, doss, dossan, gass, glackaid, keshag, keshag, kiangley ayns dossanyn, possan
bunch of gorse, cliu
bunchy, dossagh
bund, dem, raad marrey
bundle, bart, bundeil, bundeiley, carnaneaghey, jannoo bundeil, kiangley, kionnan, minjeig, skeiy
bundle (of straw), thruss
bundle of flax, deayill
bundle of osiers, corrag, cuirrag, currag
bundles, buirt
bung, bong, bongal, cur bong ayn, cur pluggan ayn, cur pluggan ayn, dhull, pluggan
bung hole, beeal (mullag), towl (bong)
bungalow, bungalow, thie injil
bungle, brock, brockey, jannoo brock jeh, lutchey, murtaghey
bungled, brockit, murtit
bungler, brockeyder, lutchynagh
bungling, brockey, lutchey, lutchynagh, murtagh, murtaghey, truslagh, trusley
bunion, segg vooar choshey
bunk, chea, lhiabbee lhuingey, skelloo chadlee
bunker, aber, croa gheayil, cur stiagh geayl, immyr gheinnee
bunkum, boghtynid, ommidjys
bunloaf, bwilleen breck
bunny, conning
bunt, booghey
bunt (of sail), boogh
bunting, bunteen, mergaghyn
buoy, booie, booie stiuree, booie stiuree, cur magh booieyn
buoy (float), mollag
buoy rope, thow
buoyancy, cheet neear, eddrymid er ushtey, floddaght, snaueaght, so-lhoobaght
buoyant, lane dy chree as d'aigney
buoyant, snaueagh
buoyant (of market), breeoil
buoyant step, kesmad breeoil
buoying, cur magh booieyn, cur mollagyn er, floddey
bur, leaddan
bur reed, cuirtlagh vuc
burbot, astan faasaagagh
burden, bardoon, bart, bree, cur laad bart er, cur laad errey er, errey, erreydagh, laad, laadey, lught, lughtey, ny lhie trome er
burdened, ayns gioal, erreydit, fo ghioal, laadit, lughtit
burdened estate, stayd ayns gioal
burdener, erreyder, laader
burdensome, erreydagh, laadagh, lughtagh, trome
burdensomeness, erreydys, laadys, trimmid
burdock, boaghan-doa, bollan dhoa, cramman sooree
bureau, coyr screeuee, oik, rheynn
bureaucracy, oik-reill, rheynnydys
bureaucrat, fer oik reiltys, fer rheynn, oikreilleyder
burette, burette
burgess, cochorpagh
burgh, balley, cochorp
burgher, baljagh, seyraanagh
burglar, burgleyr, maarliagh oie
burglar-proof, jeen noi burgleyrys, jeen noi maarlee oie
burglary, burgleyrys, maarleeys oie, maarlys
burgle, brish stiagh (ayns thie), brishey stiagh, jannoo burgleyrys (er)
burgomaster, reiltagh balley
Burgundian, Burgoonagh
burgundy, feeyn Burgoonagh, Yn Vurgoon
burial, oanluckey
burial chamber, shamyr oanluckee
burial ground, grunt oanluckee
burial mound, carnane oanluckee
burial place, boayl oanluckee, ynnyd oanluckee
burial service, shirveish oanluckee
burial-ground, ruillick
burial-place, ruillick
buried, fo'n 'oaid, oanluckit
burier, oanluckeyder
burke, follaghtyn (feysht), keiltyn
burlap, carmeish gharroo
burlesque, craidaght, craidey mysh, craidoil, jannoo gannidys
burly, mooar, thoallee
Burma, Burmey, Yn Vurmey
Burmese, Burmagh, Burmish
burn, cur aile da, foaddey, goaill aile, lostey
burn (river), strooan
burn (scald), ching aile, scoaldey
burn away, lostey, lostey ersooyl, lostey magh
burn in, daahjey
burn off, lostey jeh
burn out, ceau, lostey magh
burn up, foaddey, lostey, spongey
burned, losht, lostit, scoaldit
burner, losteyder
burnet rose, drine drughaig
burning, foaddey, jiarg, jiarg loshtee, jiarg-cheh, jiarg-lossey, loshtagh, lossey, lostey, scoaldee
burning (of wound), gaeragh
burning fiery furnace, coirrey aileagh lostee
burning glass, gless lostee
burning hot, greddanagh, jiarg-cheh
burning sensation, gaeragh, gred, loshtaght
burnish, gloassey, jannoo sollys
burnisher, sollyser
burnishing, gloassey, jannoo sollys
burnous, cloaghey Arabagh
burnt almonds, almonyn rostit
burnt offering, oural losht
burnt sugar, shugyr daahit
burnt up, losht, lostit
burnt up (as fowl), spongit
burr, broill, broillaghey, broilley
burr 'r', scoarnee
burred, broillit
burrer, broilleyder
burrow, towl, towlaghey
burrower, towleyder
bursa, poagey, sporran, tasheyder scoill
bursar, scoillar doltit
bursary, scoillaraght, shamyr hashtee
burse, sporran
bursiform, sporranagh
burst, bleastey, brishey, raght, roie, sceilt, scelt, scoltey, scoltey piob, scoltit, skioot
burst (of bloom), cheet my vlaa
burst (of bud), fosley
burst (of rock), scaaney
burst (of sound), bleastey magh, buirrooghey
burst (of speed), ratch
burst (of sunlight), scell
burst asunder, brishey veih my cheilley
burst forth, scelley magh, soilshaghey magh
burst forth (of liquid), brooightey, skiootal
burst in, brishey stiagh, bwoalley stiagh
burst open, brishey, brishey magh, brishey stiagh
burst out, brishey magh, skiootal magh
burst up (in eating), scoltey
burst up (of business), brishey
burst up (of plan), brock
burst up (quarrel), tuittym magh
bursting, bleastey, brishey, fosley, scaaney, scoltey
burweed, boagandhoa, bossan dhoa
burweed, boagandhoa
bury, oailuckey, oanluckey
burying, oanluckey
bus, barroose, bus, carbyd
bus conductor, ben higgad, guilley tiggad
bus depot, gareish bus
bus journey, turrys barroose, turrys bus
bus station, stashoon barroose, stashoon bus
bus stop, stad barroose, stad barroose, stad bus, ynnyd hassoo
bush, bush, crouw, cur coob ayn, dossey, drine, immyr chorree, immyr correy, thammag
bush country, cheer eaynnee
bush fighting, caggey keylley
bush hat, edd Austraalagh
bush in tropics, eaynagh
bush vetch, pishyr ny gabbil
bush with little sap, creeney
bush-fighter, sidoor keylley
bush-ranger, kern keylley
bushel, tubbag
bushiness, dossanid
bushing, busheydys
bushy, clannagh, dossanagh, mollagh, skeabagh, thammagagh
business, cooish, currym, dell, keird
business card, kaart dellal
business establishment, thie dellal
businesslike, abyl, aghtal, jeean
businessman, delleyder
busk, goiall arrane, reeneyder
busker, arraneyder straiddey
buskin, boadrym, bootys (boynn-ard)
buskined, boadrymit, boadrymit
busman, dooinney bus
buss, baa, paag
bust, brisht, jalloo, keeaghyn, rooisht argid, sheeinaghyn, sthowran
bustard, eean roie, turkee feie
bustle, cooylym, musthaa, siyr, tarroosley
bustling, tarroosagh
bustling about, foostyral mygeayrt, goll er mullagh ching, siyraghey
busy, chionn, preissal, stret, tarroogh, throng
busy season, traa tarroogh, traa tarroogh
busybody, perkin
busyness, tarrooghid
but, agh, erbey
butane, biotane
butch, far-ven
butcher, buitchoor, buitchooragh(ey), feilleyder, traartyssey
butcher (of dentist), traartyssagh
butcher's broom, lus ny gaulg
butchered, buitchoorit, traartyssit
butchering, buitchooragh, buitchoorys, traartyssagh
butchery, buitchoorys, shapp buitchooragh, traartys
Bute, Ellan Voaid
Buteman, Boadagh
butler, fieaumanagh feeyney
butler, botleyr, fieaumanagh, fieaumanagh
butler's pantry, cuillee vutleyragh
butt, bodd, bun, immyr, kiap, oirr, puhttey
butt (for water), stoandey
butt (of animal), puht, snug
butt (of cattle), turneil
butt joint, bun-olt
butt-end, bun
butt-end (of day), jerrey
butt-end (of oar), lhun
butt-end (of timber), sthock
butter, cur eeym (er), eeym
butter bean, poanrey eeymey
butter biscuit, brishtag eeym
butter blenny, folican marrey
butter dish, jyst eeymey
butter net, lhieen folican
butter up, cur beeal bane (da)
butter urn, crockan bithag, crockan eeymey
butter-fingered, ordaagagh
butter-fingers, maaigerey
butterbur, gallan mooar
buttercake, meer eeymey
buttercup, cass fannag, farvane, spoag
butterfish, cadlag
butterfly, foillycan, foillycan, folican, follican
butterfly net, lieen follican
butterlike, eeymagh, eeymoil, gollrish eym
buttermilk, bainney geayr
butterscotch, eeymrage, turkee eeymey
butterwort, lus y steep
buttery, buttee, eeymagh, eeymeraght, eeymoil
butting, puhttagh, puhttey, turneilys
buttock, curp, kease, keays, thoyn
buttock meat, feill cheasee
buttock-meat, curpagh
button, cramman, cree, cur ny crammanyn ayn
button up, dooney
button-hole, towl cramman
button-hook, croagane cramman
buttoned boots, bootsyn crammanagh
buttonhole, giarrey beg
buttonhole (flower), posee cleeu
buttonhole (person), greim y ghoaill (er)
buttonhole stitch, greim lhoobag
buttons, guilley dorrysh, guilley drid
buttress, buttoor, cur buttoor rish, farvoalley
buttresslike, farvoallagh
butty, meer eeymey
buxom, roauyr
buy, kionnaghey, kionneeaght
buy back, kionnaghey er ash
buy in, cur stiagh, kionnaghey
buy off, fer y chionnaghey
buy out, kionnaghey magh
buy over, molley lesh argid, sollaghey laue
buy up, kionnaghey ny t'ayn
buyer, kionneyder
buying, kionnaghey
buzz, broo, jannoo cronnane, jean cronnane, sheean, skianys, thassaney
buzz (of crowd), cauaig, cronnane, thassane
buzz (of insects), cronnane, skianys
buzz about, janoo skianys mygeayrt
buzz off, fow (roish), goll roish, troggal (er)
buzzard, shirragh
buzzing, cronnane, cronnaneagh, sheean, sheeanagh, skianys, thassane, thassaneagh
buzzing (in ears), collan bing
by, liorish, liorish, rish
by day, 'sy laa
by degrees, beggan er veggan, ny veggan as ny veggan
by divine relevation, liorish ashlish noo
by eeaneyr,
by far, rish foddey
By George!, Dar yn lioar!
By God!, Dar Jee!
By gosh!, Shee bannee mee!
By gum!, Dar dy lioar!, Dar Yee!
by hand, er laueyn, er louyn, er louyn
By heavens!, Dar ny niaughyn, Dar ny niaughyn!
by her, lioree
by him, liorish
by how much?, Er cre houd?
by jingo!, Dar dy lioar!
by marriage, trooid poosey
by me, liorym
by myself, lhiam pene
by night, er oie
by order, fo harey
by pieces, dy peeshyn
by rail, cur er traen, er traen, oltooaney
by return of post, rish cassey yn phost
by rights, ayns cairys, liorish cairys
by rotation, rere shayllyn
by stealth, dy follaghtagh, gyn yss
by strength of arms, er niart
by the hand, ny chione
by the right, rere yn jesh
by the thigh, ry lheayst
by them, lioroo
by us, liorin
by virtue, er coontey, liorish bree
by water, er mooir, er y cheayn, er yn ushtey
by way of illustration, myr sampleyr
by you, lieriu, liort
by(e)-election, fo-reihys
by(e)-law, fo-leigh, leigh er lheh
by-child, 'neen oainjeragh, fer oainjeragh, fer thammag, lhiannoo oainjeragh, paitchey sooree
by-end, eiyrtys, jerrey follit
by-issue, fo-eiyrtys, fo-skeeal
by-motive, fo-chooish
by-name, lhiass-ennym
by-name, far-ennym, lhiass-ennym
by-pass, raad shaghnee, shagheydane, shaghney, shaghney, shallane
by-path, cassan er lheh, cassan follit
by-product, fo-hroar
by-road, raad er lheh, raad laue
by-street, straid er lheh
by-way, raad follit
by-word, far-ockle, shennockle
bye, bai, cloie seyr, neuyeeragh
bye-bye, slane ayd, slane lhiat
byeman, fer ollee
bygone, ceaut, harrish, immeeit
bypath, fo chassan
byplay, fo-chloie
byre, baaieagh, thie ollee
byreman, fer baaieagh
bystander, fakider, yn lught fakin
