D.T.'s, rouailley jough
d.V., Lesh cooney Yee
dab, cur bassag veg da, bassag, builley eddrym; dab, girvan, liehbbaig gheinnee
dab (of butter), cramman
dab (of paint), slaa
dabble, craa, crie er
dabchick, eean kereen beg, thummeyder beg
dace, dease
dachshund, coo brock
dacoit, roosteyr Injinagh
dactyl, dactyl, mair
daddy, gedjig, jed, jeddog, jeyd, jishag
daddy-longlegs, bwoid skeddan
daffodil, lus ny cam-ching, lus ny n'guiy, lus y ghuiy, lus yn arree
daft, meecheayllagh, ommidagh
dagger, dirk, skynn attey
dagger sign, cowrey dirk
dahlia, dahlley
daily, dagh laa, gagh laa, laaoil
daily ration, rheynn laaoil
daintiness, dendeaysid
dainty, bee naightee, dendeays, dendeaysagh, naightee
dairy, dayree, shamyr ny bithag, shamyr vainney, shapp bainney, thie bainney
dairy cow, booa vluight
dairy farm, ferrym bainney, gowaltys bainney
dairy farmer, eirinagh bainney
dairy farming, eirinys bainney
dairy maid, caillin bainney, inneen vlieaun
dairy produce, troar vainney
dairy science, oaylleeaght vainney
dairyman, fer bainney, fer y bainney
daisy, eaynin, neaynin
daisy chain, geuley shee
daisy covered, neayninagh
Dalby, Delbee
Dalby Song, Arrane Ghelbee
dale, couan, glionnan
dalesman, couanagh, glionnanagh
dalliance, cumrailys, lhiastid, sooree
dally, cloie, cumrail, feial, feiyal, sooree
Dalmally, Dal vallee
Dalriada, Dal Roih-'Oddey
dam, doour, loghan, moir, stangey, ushtey stangit
damage, foudaghey, foudid, jeeill, jeeilley, jeeyl, jeeyllal, jeeylley
damage (see jeeill), jeeyl
damageable, yn-jeeylley
damaged, foudagh, foudee, jeeillit, jeeyllit
damager, jeeilleyder
damascene, damaskagh
damask colour, jiarg Damaskagh
damask silk, sheidey Damaskagh
dame, ben seyr
dame's violet, lus ny ben seyr
dammit, mollaght er!
damn, deyrey, gwee mollaght er, mollaght, mollaght
damnable, custey, imshee, mollaghtagh
damnation, coayl anmey, deyrey, mollaght mynney, toyrt-mow
damnation on thee!, Mollaght mynney ort!
damnatory, deyragh
damned, deyrit, imshee, mollaghtagh
damning, deyragh
damp, meayllaghey, mooghey, tash, tashid, tashtaghey, tashtey
damp course, jastan tashid
damp-proof, jeen noi tashid, tashjeenaght
damsel, caillin aeg
damson fruit, airnag, damsyl
damson tree, billey airnag
dance, daunse, daunsey, rinkey
dance about, corlheimyraght
dance hall, halley daunse
dance tune, carr daunse
dancer, daunseyr, rinkeyr
dancing, daunsagh, daunsey, daunsin, rinkagh, rinkey
dancing master, mainshtyr daunse
dancing school, scoill rinkys
dancing teacher, ynseyder rinkys
dandelion, lus ny minnag, lus y vinnagh
dander, frioggan
dandified, friplassagh
dandruff, cuddym, far-scryss
dandy, friplas
dane, Danvargagh
dane's elder, tramman veg
danger, cryggyl, danjeyr, gaue, geiyaght
danger signal, cowrey danjeyr, raaue, raaue danjeyr
dangerous, cryggylagh, danjeyragh, danjeyragh, gaueagh, gaueagh
dangerously, dy danjeyragh, dy gaueagh
dangerousness, danjeyrid, gaueid
dangle, leaystey
danish, Danvargagh, Danvargish
dank, fliugh, tash
dapper, jesh, skiogh
dapple, breckey
dapple grey, cabbyl breck
dapple grey horse, cabbyl gorrym
dapple-grey, breck
dappled, breckey
dare, cur y lane (fo), doolane, doolaney, lhoys
daredevil, feer ghaaney, feer ghunnal
daring, daaney, daanys, dunnal, dunnalid, dunnalys
dark, conghorraghey, doo, dorraghey, froshagh, grouw, keeir
dark (as weather), dool, mooirjeenagh
dark bay, ruy-dhone
dark blue, gorrym dorraghey, gorrym dorraghey
dark brown hair, gruag cheeir-ghone
dark grey, doo-ghlass, doo-ghlass
dark lantern, londeyr dorraghey, londeyr sooilley
dark looking, doan, doo
dark races, kynneeyn gorrym
dark red, dorraghey-yiarg
dark room, shamyr ghorraghey
dark-eyed, doo-hooillagh
dark-looking, groamagh, grouw
dark-looking girl, smittag
dark-skinned, dhone, doan, doo, doochraitnagh, gorrym
darken, dooghey, dullyrnee, jannoo dorraghey, scaaghey
darkened, dorraghey
darker, dorree
darkest, S'dorree
darkish, conghorraghey, keeir, keeiragh
darkly dull, keeir
darkness, burgeeaght, conghorraghys, dooid, dorraghys, dorrid
darky, fer doo
darling, meen, millish, myrneen
darn, cleeah, cur cleeah (er), darnail, karraghey
darnel, jeayn, jerlyn
darnel-fesque, jerlyn vooar
darning, darnail
darning egg, kiap darnail
darning mushroom, shalmane darnail
darning needle, snaid gharnail
dart, ceau, dart, gah, goull, ratch, ratchal, roie, staeb
dartford warbler, drean aittin, kiaulleyder jiarg
dash, bransey
dash, bashlagh, bransal, branse, branse, bree, dash, ratch, sceoll, sceolley, schimmeig, slaa
dash along, ratchal roish
dash away, ratchal ersooyl
dash board light, sollys pannyl
dash in, ratchal stiagh, roie stiagh
dash off, jannoo dy tappee, screeu dy tappee, tayrn dy tappee
dash out, bransal, bransey, ratchal magh
dashboard, apryn, pannyl
dashed, bransit
dashing, sceollagh, stoamey
dastardliness, broutid
dastardly, dy broutagh
date, date
date palm, Billey date
date-marker, cowreyder date
date-stamp, cowreyder date
dateless, gyn date
dateline, date-linney
dative, toyrtagh
datum, ny nheeghyn
datum line, bun-linney
daub, crottey, slaa, slaaghey
daubed, brat cray er, slaait
dauber, slaader
daubing, slaa
dauby, slaait
daughter, 'neen, inneen
daughter of, inney
daughter-in-law, 'neen 'sy leigh, ben chleuin
daughterly, 'neenoil
daunt, cur aggle er
dauntless, neuagglagh
david, Davy
davidson, Mac Ghavy
davit, davee
daw, caaig
dawdle, feiyal
dawdler, feiyeyder, lhiggey my hraa
dawdling, feiyal, lhiggey yn traa
dawn, gerrym y chellee, goaill toshiaght, irree yn laa, madran, toshiaght
dawn of day, dowan, dowaney
dawning, dowanee, dowaney, toshiaght
day, laa
day blindness, dellid laa
day book, lioar laaoil
day labour, obbyr laa
day labourer, obbrree laa
day nursery, thie boanderey laa
day of Pentecost, Doonaght Kingeesh
day off, laa jeh, laa seyr, laa seyr
day pupil, ynseydagh laa
day school, scoill laa
day star, rollage y vadran
day trip, turrys laa
day tripper, turrysagh laa
day watch, arrey laa
day-blind, doal 'sy laa
day-boy, scoillar laa
daybreak, brishey'n laa, irree yn laa, y madran, yn dowaney
daydream, ashlins laa, ashlish laa, dreamal 'sy laa, dreamal laa
daydreamer, ashleyder, branlaader
daydreaming, dreamal laa
daylight, keeiragh yn laa, soilshey yn laa, sollys yn laa
daytime, yn laa
daze, cur er shaghryn, dallaghey, doalgaanee
daze (of drug), cur doalgaanee (er)
dazzle, dallagh(ey), dallagher, dallaghey
dazzling, dallagh, londyrnee
de rigeur, boandagh
deacon, jaghin
deaconess, ben-jaghin
dead, marroo, neuvio
dead beat, ceaut
dead body, convayrt, corp
dead calm, kiuney vooar
dead central, cheshveanagh
dead centre, chesh-vean, cheshveanagh
dead end, kione kyagh
dead fall, ribbey hrimmid
dead foetus, louyr, louyran
dead heat, dreays corrym
dead hedge, faal chirrym
dead light, cooylley sterrym
dead loss, coayl glen, riftan
dead march, bardoon
dead men, merriu
dead nettle, undaagagh veein
dead of night, dromm ny hoie, trimshey ny hoie
dead reckoning, barel kyagh
dead weight, trimmid trome
dead wine, feeyn eig
dead wood, brasnag
dead-and-alive, marroo ny hassoo
dead-eye, croa-vlock
deadbeat, anleaystagh
deaden, kyrloghey
deadline, laa jerinagh, linney vaaish
deadliness, baasoilid, marrooaght
deadlock, kione marroo
deadly, baasoil, dunveragh, dy marrooagh, marrooagh, nieunagh, nieunagh
deadly hatred, jiarg-ghwoaie
deadly nightshade, lus y vaaish
deadly poisonous, ard-physhoonagh, baasoil
deadness, kyrloghid, marrooaght, merriuid
deads, trustyr
deadweight, mealaastey
deaf, bouyr
deaf men, beuyr
deaf-mute, bouyran balloo
deafen, bouyraghey
deafened, bouyrit, jeant bouyr
deafener, bouyreyder
deafening, bouyragh
deafly, dy-bouyr
deafness, bouyrid
deal, cur magh, dellal, jannoo, rheynn, truckal
deal (agreement), conaant
deal (wood), deayl
dealed, dellit, traghtalagh
dealer, delleyder, ronneyder
dealing, dellal
dealing, traghtal, traghtey
dealt, dellit
dean, dean
deanery, deanaght, thie yn dean
dear, costallagh, deyr, ennoil, graih, meen
dear sir, Y charrey
dearest, s'deyr, Y chree
dearly, dy deyr
dearness, ard-leagh, deyrid, ennoilid
dearth, genney, gortey
death, baase
death agony, guinn baaish
death bed, lhiabbee vaaish, lhiabbee yerrinagh
death bell, clag baaish, clag ny merriu
death blow, builley baaish
death certificate, teisht vaaish
death duties, keeshyn baaish
death knell, clag baaish
death omen, monney baaish
death rate, mortleeaght
death roll, listey ny merriu
death throe, greim baaish
death warrant, barrantys baaish
death watch, arrey baaish
death wound, lhott baaish
death's door, oirr y vaaish, raad y vaaish
death's head, bollag
death-knock, crank baaish
death-rattle, lonn
death-trap, ribbey vaaish
death-watch, caillagh oie
deathless, do-varroo, neuvarvaanagh, sheer-
deathlessness, neuvarvaanys, sheerid
deathlike, bassoil
deathlike colour, daah yn vaaish
deathliness, baasoilid
deathmask, far-eddin vaaish
deathwatch, farrar
debacle, lhieggey
debar, tarmestey
debarred, tarmestit
debase, injillaghey, mooidjeenagh
debasement, injillaghey, trulleeaghey
debasing, trulleeagh
debatable, arganeagh, neuhickyr, yn-arganey
debatableness, arganeaght, neuhickyrys
debate, arganey, resoonaght, resooney, ronsaghey
debater, arganeyder, resooneyder
debating society, sheshaght resoonee
debauch, iuderaght, milley, trullaghey
debauched, gimmanagh, trullit
debauchee, gimman
debauchery, gimmanys, maarderys
debenture, benshyr
debilitate, annooinaghey
debilitated, annooin
debility, annooinid
debit, feeaghan
debit balance, corrillagh feeaghanagh
debonair, braew, jesh
debouch, brooightey, brooightoil
debouchment, brooightey
debris, orch, smooirlagh, trustyr
debt, feeaghan, lhiastanys, sthangan
debt collector, chagleyder feeaghyn
debt-ridden, baiht ayns feeaghyn
debtor, feeaghanagh, jatter, jautter, lhiastanagh, sthanganagh
debunk, jannoo beg jeh, roostey
deburrer, neu-vroilleyder
debut, chied cheet magh
debutante, inneen cheet-magh
decade, jeih-bleeaney, jeihaght
decadence, fioghys
decagon, jeihagane
decagonal, jeihaganeagh
decagram, jeihagram
decalitre, jeihaliter
decampment, chea, immeeaght
decant, teaumey
decantation, teaumey
decanter, saagh teaumee
decanter, saagh teaumee
decapitate, giarrey y kione jeh, jee-chionaghey
decapitation, jee-chionaghey
decarbonization, jee-charbnaghey
decarbonize, jee-charbnaghey
decasyllable, jeih-heelagh
decay, cur mow, fioghey, fioghys, goll mow, goll naardey, loaughey, loauys, molkey
decayed, creen, fiojit, loau, naardey
decayed bushy tree, crouw chreen
decayed gorse, mull-chonney
decaying, eiglagh, fioghee, loauee
decease, baase, eig, geddyn baase, paarteil
deceased, marroo
deceased estate, eiraght, marroo, steat yn varroo
deceit, cluigid, croutys, foall, foalsaght, grooish-volley, kialg, kialgeyrys, molley, molteyraght, molteyrys
deceitful, cam, cluigagh, kialgagh, molteyragh, sleetchagh
deceitful person, kialgeyr, sleetch
deceitfully, foalsaghey
deceitfulness, foalsaght, foalsid, kialgeyrys, kialgys, molteyraght
deceive, foalsaghey, foalserey, grooish-volley, molley
deceived, mollit
deceiver, foalserey, kialgeyr, molteyr
deceiving, kialgagh, molteyragh
decelerate, neuhiyraghey
deceleration, neuhiyraghey
december, Mee ny Nollick, Mee veanagh y gheuree
decency, coarid, cooieys, doaieid, doaieys, feeuidid
decennial, gagh jeih vleeaney, jeih-vleenagh
decent, coar, cooie, doaieagh, dy cooie, dy doaieagh, dy resoonagh, feeudagh
decentralization, jee-veanaghey
decentralize, jee-veanaghey
deception, molley, molteyrys
deceptive, kialgagh, molteyragh
dechristianize, jee-chreestaghey
decide, jannoo briwnys er, reaghey, reddaghey, reddey
decided, briwnyssit, reaghit
decidedly, dy jarroo, dy reajagh
decidedness, reajid
decider, fer reaghee, reagheyder
deciduous, yn-lhoamey
deciduousness, yn-lhoamaght
decigram, jeihagram
decimal, jeihoil, jeihoilan
decimal notation, noteyraght jeihoil
decimal place, ynnyd jeihoil
decimal point, cowrey jeihoil, poynt jeihoil
decimalization, jeihoilaghey, jeihoilys
decimalize, jannoo jeihoil, jeihoilaghey
decimate, stroie jaghee (jeh)
decimation, jaghee, stroie jaghee
decimetre, jeih-medyr
decipher, lhaih
decipherable, yn-lhaih
decision, briwnys, reaghey
decisive, briwnyssagh, reaghee, reiltagh
deck, coamrey, laare, lout, lout-eaghtyr, paggey
deck chair, caair hraie, caair lhuingey
deck house, cabbane, thie lout
deck light, soilshey lout
decked, coamrit
deckhand, eer-hiaulteyr, marrinagh
decking, laareyn, loutyn
decking out, coamrey
declaim, oraaghey
declamation, oraid
declamatory, oraidagh, oraidagh
declaration, fogrey, soilshaghey
declaratory, focklagh, fogree
declare, brishey magh, fockley magh, fogrey, insh, soilshaghey magh
declassify, goaill ass folliaght
declension, jee-chleayney
declevity, eaynin, faanys, lhargagh, lhargaght
declinable, yn-jeechleayney
declination, jee-chleaney
decline, failleil, goll sheese, jee-chleaney, jiooldey, leodaghey, obbal, parail, shymley, shymlid, tuittym
declivitous, lhargagh, lhargee
declutch, skeaylley
decoct, broie, cummey
decoction, broish
decode, brishey, jeechoydal
decoder, jeechoyder
decompose, jeechummey, loaughey, molkey
decomposed, molkit
decomposition, jeechummey, loaughey, molkey
decompression, jeevroojey
decompressor, jeevroojeyder
deconsecrate, jeechasherickey
decontaminate, jeehrullaghey
decontrol, jeestreaney
decor, jesheenys
decorate, jesheenaghey, stowal
decorated, jesheenit
decoration, cowrey ooashlee, jesheenys
decorative, jesheenagh, ornaidagh
decorator, jesheeneyder
decoratous, beasagh
decorous, beasagh, cooie
decorticate, rooishtey
decorum, beasaght, cooieid
decoy, breigane, breigey, cleaynaghey, cleayney, eean cleaynee
decoy duck, thunnag chleaynee
decrease, leodaghey, paarail, parail
decreasing, leodagh
decree, oardagh, oardaghey, sarey
decree absolute, oardaghey jerrinagh
decreed, oardit, sarit
decrement, traih
decrepit, anheiltagh, moal, shirgit
decrepitude, anheiltys, mellid
decrescent, cooylaghey, goll er ash
decretory, oardagh, slattysagh
decry, beealeragh noi, loghtey
dedicate, casherickey, chymnaghey
dedicated, casherickit, chymnit
dedication, casherickey, chymnaghey, slane-jeeanid
dedicatory, chymnee
deduce, chaglym voish, jannoo magh, tayrn ass
deduct, giarrey jeh
deduction, leodys
Dee, Yn Awin Dee
deed, dalt, jannoo
deed poll, jannoo unpharteeagh
deed-box, kishtey bargane
deeds, barganeyn
deem, briwnys
deemster, briw
deep, diunid, trome
deep cut, aggad
deep depression, lhagragh dowin
deep freeze, creoi-riojey, creoi-riojeyder
deep sea, ny marrey mooar
deep sleep, cadley trome
deep-chested, lhean-chleeauagh
deep-draw well, chibbyr hayrnee
deep-drawn, trome
deep-rooted, dowin, dowin
deep-thinking, trome-smooinaghtagh
deepen, cheet ny s'duiney, diunaghey, jannoo ny s'diuney
deeper, diuney
deeplaid, dowin
deeply, dowin, dy dowin, dy trome
deepness, diunid, diunidys, do-hoiggalys, do-hoiggalys diunid, loghtalid
deepset, dowin
deer, feeaih
deer hunt, feeaihaght
deer hunting, feeaihagh, feeaihaght
deer park, pairk feeaihee
deer stalking, feeaihaght
deer's grass, faiyr-feeaihee
deerhound, coo feeaih
deerskin, crackan feeaihee
deerstalker, bayrn feeaihaght, feeaihaghteyr
deface, dolley
defaced, dollit, millit
defacement, dolley
defamation, caartrey
defamatory, caartragh
defame, caartrey
defamer, caartreyder
default, lheamys, loght
defaulter, lheamyssagh, loghtagh
defeat, castey, cur fo haart, taart, taartys
defeated, castit, fo haart
defeatism, sheer-haartagh
defeatist, taartagh
defecate, cackey, jannoo keck, keckey
defecated, keckit
defecation, cackey, jannoo keck, keckey
defect, foill, lheamys, treigeil
defection, treigeilys
defective, lheamyssagh, loghtagh, meecheayllagh
defectiveness, lheamysid, loghtaght
defector, treigeilagh
defence, coadee, coadey, fendeilys
defenceless, gyn coadey, gyn fendeilys
defend, caddey, coadaghey, coadey, fendeil, shassoo ass lieh
defendant, fendeilagh
defender, coadeyder, fendeilagh
defensive, coadee, coadey, fendeilagh
defensive works, obbraghyn coadee
defer, injillaghey, lhiggey shaghey, shaghney
deference, arrym
deferential, fo-arrym
deferment, shaghney
deferred, fuirriaghtagh, shaghnit
deferred share, ronney fuirriaghtagh
defiance, doolane, lane fo
defiant, doolaneagh
deficiency, laccal
deficient, failleilagh, laccal, lhag-inchynagh
deficient, failleilagh
deficit, baarney
defile, lhargagh, sollaghey
defiled, sollit
defilement, sollaghey
defiler, solleyder
defiling, sollee
definable, baghtal, enmyssagh
define, cur baght er, cur teorey (rish), jannoo magh, meenaghey
defineness, kinjaght
definite, kinjagh, kioneagh, shickyr
definite article, art
definitely, dy shickyr, gyn ourys, son shickyrys
definiteness, jarrooaght
definition, baght, geyrid, keeayllaght, meenaghey
deflagration, lostey
deflate, folmaghey, jee-volgey
deflation, folmaghey, jee-volgey
deflect, chyndaa, cleayney
deflower, goaill ny blaagyn jeh, milley
defoliate, goaill ny duillagyn jeh, rooishtey
defoliated, neughuillagagh
deforest, jee-cheyllaghey
deforestation, jee-cheyllaghey
deform, aa-chummey, lheamyssey, mee-chummey
deformation, aachummey, lheamyssey, mee-chummey
deformed, aachummit, cam, croobagh, lheaymyssit, mee-chummit
deformity, cammid, croobid, lheamys, mee-chummey
defraud, cleaysaghey
defrauder, cleayseyder
defraudment, cleaysaght
defray, eeck
defrayable, yn-eeck
defrost, theinniu
deft, jesh-laueagh
deftly, dy jesh
deftness, jeshid laue
defunct, anvio, ass ymmyd, caillt, caillt, marroo
defy, cur y lane (fo)
degenerate, goll ny smessey, mee-ghooghysagh
deglutinate, jee-ghlooaghey
deglutition, sluggey
degradation, crimmey, injillaghey, keim sheese
degrade, inillaghey, leodaghey
degrader, leodaghey
degrading, leodagh
degree, keim
degrees of comparison, keimyn soylee
dehort, coyrlaghey noi
dehydrate, jee-ushtaghey
dehydrated, jee-ushtit
dehydration, jee-ushtaghey
deification, jeeaghey
deify, jannoo jee jeh, jeeaghey
deign, s'cooidsave (lesh)
deism, jeeys
deist, jeeaghtagh
deity, ben jee, Jee, jee, jeeaght
deject, cur ass cree, groamaghey
dejected, ass cree, groamagh, grouw, sou-aignagh, trome-chreeagh
dejection, groamid, groamid, grouwid, lhag-chreeys, sou-aigney, trommys
delaine, jeelane
delapidated, ceaut, tholtanagh
delapidation, tholtanys, tuittymys
delapidation, tholtanys
delay, cumrail, feiyal, fuirraght, lhiggey, moalys, shaghney, shlearaghey
delayed action, moal-obbragh
delayer, lhiggey my hraa, shleareyder
delectable, taitnyssagh
delectation, taitnys
delegate, chaghter, cur magh, jannoo chaghter, ynnydagh
delegation, chaghteraght, cur magh
delerium, branlaadys, rouailley
delerium tremens, branlaadys y poht
delete, dolley magh, goaill magh, scryssey magh
deleterious, skielleydagh
deletion, goit magh, scryssey magh
delf, crockanys Hollanagh
delf(t) blue, delf-ghorrym
delft, crockanys Hollanagh
deliberate, goaill coyrle, jioinagh, kiarit, moal, shlearagh
deliberately, dy jioinagh, dy moal, dy shlearagh, jeh yioin, lesh traa
deliberateness, jioinaght, mellid
deliberation, coyrle, goaill coyrle, mellid, shlearaght, sur-smooinaghytn
delible, astyrtagh
delicacy, bee-naightagh, bee-naightagh, dendeays, meer vlastal, metteeys
delicate, chionn, dendeaysagh, fiosagh, meeley, mettey
delicateness, dendeays, metteeys
delicious, ard-vlastal, eunyssagh
delight, ard-voggey, cur eunys da, eunys, goaill ard-voggey, urrey
delighted, taitnyssit
delightful, eunyssagh, taitnyssagh
delimit, cur caghliagh er, cur streean er
delineate, tarn
delineation, tayrn, tayrn
delinquency, loghtynid
delinquent, loghtagh
deliquesce, tashlaghey
deliquescence, tashlid
deliquescent, tashlagh
delirious, branlaadagh, rouaillagh
deliver, livrey, seyrey
deliverance, livrey-ys
delivered, seyrit
deliverer, fer livreyee, livreyder
delivery, assaid, coyrt seose, jannoo chaghteraght, livrey-ys, toyrtys
delivery pipe, piob-livrey
delivery tube, feddan argid
deliveryman, livreyder
dell, glionnan
delphinium, lus ny perkyn
delta, deltey, troorane
deltoid, trooraneagh
delude, molley
deluded, mollit
deluder, molteyr
deluge, baih, thooilley
deluged, baiht, thooillit
delusion, shaghrane
delusive, breagagh
delve, cassey sheese, cleiy, reuyrey
demagnetization, jee-vaghnaidaghey
demagnetize, jee-vagnaidaghey
demagogue, kione reiltagh
demagogy, kione-reiltys
demand, aggyrt, aggyrtys
demanding, aggyrtagh
demarcate, cur cagliagh er, cur creeagh er
demarcation, cagliagh, linney chaglee
demeanour, aghtys, gaghtey, ymmyrkey
demented, baanrit
dementia, baanrys
demerit, drogh-hoilchinys
demersal, eeghtyragh
demesne, preaban
demi, lieh
demi-circle, lieh-chiarkyl
demigod, lieh-yee
demijohn, jemjane
demilitarization, jee-villatey
demilitarize, jee-villatey
demilitarized, jee-villatit
demilune, lieh-eayst, lieh-lune
demise, baase, livrey harrish
demit, cur seose, irree ass
demobilization, jee-hymney, skeaylley (sidooryn)
demobilize, jee-hymney
democracy, deynlaght
democrat, deynlaghteyr
democratic, deynlagh
demolish, lhieggey, rassey
demon, drogh spyrryd, jouyl
demoniac, jouyllagh
demonstrability, soilsheydaght
demonstrable, soilsheydagh
demonstrate, prowal, soilshaghey, taishbyney
demonstration, prowal, soilsheydaght, taishtbynys
demonstrative, seyr-chreeagh
demonstrator, soilsheyder, taishtbyneyr
demoralization, cur ass cree
demoralize, cur ass cree
demote, cur keim sheese
demotion, injillaghey, keim sheese
demur, thittys
demure, nearildagh
demurrage, argid cumrail
den, aaght, guag, ooig
den (in house), shamyr obbree
den (of fox), towl
denary, jeihagh
denationalization, jee-ashoonaghey
denationalize, jee-ashoonaghey
denaturalize, goaill seyraneys jeh, jannoo neughooghyssagh, jee-najooraghey
denaturation, jee-najooraghey, trullaghey
dendrite, dendreit
deniable, so-obbal
denial, obbal
denied, obbit
denier, obballagh
denigrate, caartrey
denigration, caartrey
denigrator, caartreyder
denizen, cummaltagh
denmark, Yn Danvarg
dennis, Donnaghey
denominate, enmys
denomination, enmys, rheynn chredjue
denominational, rheynn-chredjuagh
denominator, enmysser
denotation, cowraghey, cowraghey, cowrey
denotation (of word), keeayl
denotation (of word), bree
denote, cowraghey, soilshaghey magh
denote, cowraghey
denouement, skeaylley
denounce, ginsh er, jannoo cassid (er), obbal
dense, gloo
dense (of mind), lhag-inchynagh, ommidagh
dense (of smoke), trome
dense darkness, dorraghys doo
denseness, ommidys
density, glooaght, glooid
density (of smoke), cheeid
dent, cur lhag (ayn), lhag
dent (notch like), aggad
dental, feeacklagh
dental caries, loauid feeackle
dentate, aggagh, feeacklagh
dentifrice, glenneyder feeackle
dentine, iuaagagh
dentist, feeackleyr
dentistry, feeackleyrys
dentition, giarrey ny veeacklyn
denture, far-eeacklyn
denudation, lhommey
denude, lhommey
denunciation, insh er, jannoo cassid, obbal
denunciatory, cassidagh
deny, jiooldey, obbal, staayney
deodorant, jee-hoarane
deodorize, goaill y soar jeh, jee-hoaranaghey
deoxidize, jee-ocseedaghey
depart, faagail, immeeaght
Depart!, Fow royd!, Immee royd!
departed, marroo, paardit, t'ersooyl
departed souls, Ny merriu
department, rheynn
department store, shapp mooar, shapp yl-rheynnagh, shapp yl-ronney
departmental, rheynnagh, ronney
departure, baase, goll, immeeaght, paartail
departure lounge, shamyr faagee
departure platform, ardan faagail, ardane faagee
departure point, boayl faagee
depend, croghey (er)
dependability, barrantys
dependable, barrantagh
dependant, fieaumanagh
dependence, barrantys
dependency, barrantys, coloin, kercheenys
dependent, fo, kercheenagh
depict, cur coontey jeh, peintal, soilshaghey magh, tayrn
depilate, meayllaghey
depilation, meayllaghey
depilatory, lhoamee, meayllee, stoo meayllee
depilous, gyn fynney, gyn renaig, lhoam, meayll, neugheayshteenagh
deplenish, folmaghey, troggal ass
depletion, ee, folmaghey
deplorable, moal, treih, treih-hrimshagh
deplore, keayney
deploy, scarrey magh
deployment, scarrey magh
depolarize, jee-pholaraghey
deponent, feanish, prowaltagh
depopulate, jee-chlannaghey, jee-phobblaghey
depopulater, cragheyder cheerey
depopulation, jee-chlannaghey, jee-phobblaghey
deport, eebyrt ass cheer
deported, eebrit (ass cheer)
deportee, eebyrtagh
deportment, ymmyrkey
depose, brishey, cur ass oik, prowal, ymmyrkey feanish
deposed, brisht, currit ass oik, prowit
deposit, cur sheese
deposit, cur yeearlys (er), fooillagh, jannoo fooillagh, lhiggey neose, stoyr, tashtee, tashtey, yeearlys
deposit (of dung), pollag
deposit account, coontey tashtee
depositary, tashteydane, thie stoyr
deposition, brishey ass oik, prowal
depositor, lhiaghteyder, lught tashtee
depot, ard-hie, stoyr
depot ship, lhong stoyr
deprave, trullaghey
depravity, ard-olkys, trulleeaght
deprecate, ceau neose er, cur coyrle noi
deprecation, cur noi
deprecatoery, lane coyrle noi
depreciate, coontey beggan jeh, injillaghey, jannoo beg jeh, leodaghey, tuittym
depreciation, injillaghey, jannoo beg jeh, tuittym
depreciative, jee-leaghee
depreciator, jee-leagheyder
depredate, craghey, jannoo traartys (er)
depredation, cragh, craght, griu, traartys
depredator, cragheyder, griuder
depress, broo sheese, broojey sheese, ceau sheese, cur ass cree, cur sheese, injillaghey, lhaggaghey
depressed, injil, lhag, lhag-chreeagh, meayll, merginagh, muc ghoo (er)
depressing, groamey
depression, cor, injillaghey, lhag-chreeys, lhaggagh, lhaggan, lhagragh, merginaght, merginys, neugherjagh
depressive, groamagh, groamey, mergnagh
deprival, juail, juailys
deprivation, juail, juailys
deprivation (from office), brishey
deprive, brishey, cur ass, goaill ersooyl voish, juailey, roostey
deprived, boght, brisht, currit ass, juailit
depth, diunid
depth (of colour), diunid
depth (of intellect), creenaght diunid
depth charge, bleaystan marrey
depth-sounder, pontreilleyder
depth-sounding, pontreilley
depurate, glenney
depurative, glennee
deputation, chaghteraght
depute, chymnaghey, cur currym er
deputize, shassoo stiagh (er son)
deputizing officer, fer oik ynnyd
deputy, ard-chooneyder, chaghter, fer ynnyd, fo-reiltagh, ynnydagh
deputy chairman, lhiass-chaairlagh
deputy governor, lhiass-chiannoort
deputy judge, lhiass-vriw
deracinate, astyral, astyrt, tayrn (veih'n fraue)
derail, cur jeh'n railley
derailment, jee-railley
derange, cur fud y cheilley, jannoo baanrit
derangement, baanrys, mee-oardagh, shaghrynys keeaylley
derate, jee-raital
derbyhaven, Camys y Ree
derelict, lhong hreigit, tholtan, treigit
dereliction, treigeilys
derestrict, feaysley, jee-chastey
deride, craidey mysh, jannoo gannidys (er)
derider, conaasagh, craidoilagh, faghidagh, gannidagh
derision, connysid, craid, craidaght, faghid, fannidys, gannidys
derisive, conaasagh, connysagh, craidoilagh, faghidagh, fannidagh, gannidagh
derivation, bun, fraue
derivative, frauee, tayrn-sthoo, toarey
derive, geddyn (ass), goaill ass, goaill voish
derm, feer-chrackan
dermal, craitnagh
dermatitis, gorley craitnagh
dermatologist, crackan-oayllee
dermatology, crackan-oaylleeeaght
dermot, Dermod(e)
derogatation, leodaghey
derogatatory, leodagh
derogate, leodaghey
derogated, leodit
derogatory, skeilleydagh
derrick, derrick
derring-do, daanys
Derry, Doirrey
dervish, jervish
descant, descant
descend, cheet neose, tarlheim, tuittym
descendant, cloan, fuilleeaght, sluight, sluightagh
descending, cheet neose, goll my la'ee, goll sheese, kione my laaee, lhargee
descent, cheet neose, faagail, goll sheese, kynney fuilleeaght, lhargagh, tarlheim
describable, yn-soilshaghey
describe, cur cooney (jeh), soilshaghey, tayrn
describer, fer soilshee
descrier, peeikear, scrialtagh
description, coontey, tuarastyl
descriptive, soilshee
descry, cronnaghey, fakin, scrial, speeikey
descrying, peeikearagh, speeikearagh, speeikey
desecrate, trullaghey
desecration, jannoo anchasherick, trullaghey
desecrator, trulleyder
desensitize, jannoo jee-vioyral, jee-vioyraghey
desensitizer, jee-vioyreydey
desert, caitnys, eaynagh, eaynnee, faasagh, faasoil, feaynid, neuhaaghey, treigeil
desert (merit), toilchin, toilchinys, toilliu
desert (post), lhigey yn laair vane
deserted, neuhaaghit, treigit
deserter, treigeilagh, treigeyder
desertion, treigeilys
deserve, toilchin, toill, toilliu
deserved, toillit
deservedly, dy toilchinagh
deserver, toilleyder
deserving, toilchin, toilchinagh, toilliu
desiccative, chirmee
desideratum, cooid vianit
design, caslys, cummey, grease, kiaddey, kiarail, shalee, tayrn caslys jeh
designate, cur sheese er, enmys
designation, enmys, ennym
designed, kiaddit, kiarit, tayrnit
designedly, dy kiarail
designer, cummeyder, kiaddeyder
designing, croutagh, cummee, cummey, kiaddey
desilverize, jee-argidaghey
desirability, miandaght, yeearreeoilid
desirable, miandagh, yeearreeoil
desire, doill, fooilleil, imney, laccal, mian, mianey, wooishal
desire (sexual), kynn (ny foalley), saynt ny foalley
desired, mianit
desirer, mianeyder
desirous, dooilloil, miandagh
desist, scuirr
desk, coir screeuee, desk
desmond, Jessoon
desolate, faasagh, fadanagh, follym faase, follym feayn, traartyssey
desolate (of person), cree-vrisht
desolated, traartit, traartyssit
desolater, traartyssagh
desolating, traartyssey
desolation, toyrt-mow, traartys
desolation (of persons), lhag-chreeys, treihys
despair, dooghid, drogh-hreihys, lhag-hreishteil, meehreishteil
despairing (person), meehreishteilagh
despairingly, dy meehreishteilagh
desperado, debejagh
desperate, debejagh, gyn jerkalys
desperation, debejaght
despicable, mooidjeenagh
despicableness, mooidjeenys
despise, mee-ooashlaghey, S'beg (lesh), soiaghey beg jeh, toirey
despiser, faghidagh
despising, faghidagh
despite, dyn y wooise (da)
despoil, craghey, milley, spooilley
despoiled, spooillit
despoiler, cragheyder, spooilleyder
despoliation, cragh, milley, spooilley
despond, cheet dy ve souaignagh, lhag-chreeys, sou-aigney
despondent, lhag-chreeagh, sou-aignagh
despot, translaasagh
despotic, translaasagh
despotism, translaase
dessert, milljag ambee jerrinagh
dessert apple, ooyl villish
dessert spoon, spein ambee
dessicate, chirmaghey
destination, kione jurnaa
destine, kiarail
destiny, cronney, kinoauyn
destitute, feer voght, femoil, ymmyrchagh
destitution, boghtynid, genney, gortey, ymmyrch
destroy, cur mow, stroie
destroyed, currit mow, stroit
destroyer, lhong hraartagh, stroieder
destroying, stroie
destructible, so-stroie
destruction, baare, stroialtys, toyrt-mow, traartys
destruction by fire, deherree
destructive, stroialtagh, traartagh
destructiveness, stroailtaght, stroailtys, toyrt-mowys, traartaght
desuetude, anchliaghtey
desultory, corragh
detach, scarrey (veih)
detachable, so-scarrey, yn-scarrey
detached, scarrit, scart
detachment, neuhuim, possan, scarrey
detail, mynphaart, mynphoint, mynphossanyn
detailed, cruinn, myn
detailed account, mynchoontey
details, bun
detain, cumrail, pryssoonaghey
detained, cumrit, lhiettit, pryssoonit
detainee, kimmagh, pryssoonagh
detainer, cumrailagh
detect, cronnaghey
detection, cronnaghey
detective, cronneyder
detector, brahder
detente, coardailys
detention, cumrail, pryssoonaght
deter, cumrail, cur jeh
detergent, glennee, sthoo glennee
deteriorate, foudaghey, goll ny smessey
deterioration, foudaghey, foudid
determinable, cronalagh, cronalagh, reaghyssagh
determinate, cruinn
determination, diarail
determination, briwnys, kione-daanys, ooley
determine, cronnaghey, feddyn magh, jannoo magh, kiarail, reaghey, soiaghey
determined, oolit, reaghit, slane kiarit, soit
determinism, oyraghys
deterred, castit, cumrit, currit jeh
deterrent, lhiettalagh
detest, cur dwoaie (da)
detestability, dwoaieid, dwoaieys
detestable, dwoaieagh
detestable person, dwoaieysagh
detestation, dwoaieys
dethrone, goaill y crooin voish
dethronement, goaill y crooin voish
detinue, meechummal
detonate, bleaystey
detonating, bleaystagh
detonation, bleaystey, polt
detonator, blaysteyder
detour, combaase
detract, leodaghey
detraction, leodys
detractor, cooyl-caayntagh, leodaghey
detrain, tarlhiemmey (jeh traen)
detriment, skielley
detrimental, skeillagh
detritus, dridder
deuce, daa, daeed y pheesh, queig y pheesh, Yn Jouyll
deucedly, atchimagh, dy agglagh
deutero, aa-
deuterotonic, deuterotonnagh
devaluation, jee-leaghey
devalue, jee-leaghey
devastate, craghey
devastation, cragh, craght, lhome-hraartys, traartys
devastator, cragheyder
develop, aase, anchoodaghey, bishaghey, fosley, gaase, giennaghtyn, lhiasaghey
develop, mooadaghey
developer, anchoodeyder, fer foshlee, troggeyder
developing, anchoodaghey, fosley, giennaghtyn, imman, lhiasaghey, mooadaghey
development, anchoodaghey, bishaghey, cheet gy kione, crouwghey, imman, lhiasaghey seyrey, troggal
development area, laaragh bishee, laaragh troggal
deviate, cleayney, goll ass y raad
deviating, anyeeragh, er shaghryn
deviation, cleayney, shaghrynys, treigeil
deviationism, cleaynaghys
deviationist, cleaynagh, cleaynee
device, saase
devil, greddey (lesh spiosyn), iurinagh, jouyl, mac imshee, mac mollaght
devil's bit, lus y chengey veg
devil's coach-horse, tarroo-deyill
devil's coachhorse, caraig ny merriu
devil's snuff box, bluckan keyrragh
devil-may-care, neuvoirit
devilfish, gailley pern
devilish, imshee, jouyllagh
devilishness, jouyllaght
devils, jouyil
devious, cam, croutagh, rouaillagh, shaghrynagh
deviousness, cammid, crout, rouailley, shaghrynys
devise, chymnaghey, chymney, cooid chymnit, cummey, cur er bun
devisor, chymneyder, cummeyder
devoid, fegooish, follym jeh, gyn
devoir, currym
devolution, jee-veanaghey, neufilley
devolve, chymnaghey (da), cur er, jee-veanaghey, neufilley
devote, casherickey
devoted, casherickit (da), jeelys, slane currit (da)
devotedly, dy jeelys
devotee, ben haghee, fer taghee, ooashleyder
devotion, firrinys, jeelysaght, ooashley, padjer
devotional, crauee
devour, ee, sluggey
devourer, eeder, sluggeyder
devouring, ee, sluggey
devouring (with fire), jiooghaltagh, lhome-loshtee
devout, crauee, firrinagh
devoutness, craueeaght, firrinys
dew, druight, tashtey
dew point, poynt druight(ey)
dew-claw, spuir
dew-fall, tuittym druightey
dewar, Jeoiragh
dewberry, berrish ghorrym
dewdrop, cliejeen ghruight, druighteen
dewfall, druight
dewiness, druightoilid
dewlap, scrobbey, sproghil
dewlike, druightoil
dewy, druightoil, druightoilagh
dexter, cheu jesh
dexterity, jeshlaueagh, laueys aghtallys
dexterous, aghtal, jesh-laueagh, lauee, scheial, schleioil
diabetes, diabeetys, yn chingys millish
diabetic, diabeetagh
diabolical, imshee, jouyllagh
diabolicalness, imsheeys, jouyllaght
diacritic, scarreydagh
diadem, crooin
diaeresis, cowrey scarree
diagnose, cur faaishnys-enn (er)
diagnosis, faaishnys-enn
diagnostic, faaishnys-enneydagh
diagonal, tessen, tessenane
diagonally, tessenagh
diagram, diagram, graf, jalloo soilsheragh
diagrammatic, diagramagh
diagraph, diagraf
dial, caie, eddin, jeel, jeeley, puiss
dial telephone, chellvane jeeley
dialect, abbyrt
dialectal, abbyrtagh
dialectic(s), resooney
dialectician, resooneyder
dialogue, cohaggloo, coloayrtys
dialyse, scag-heeley
dialysis, scag-heeley
diameter, crantessen
diametrical, crantessenagh
diametrically opposed, kiart noi
diamond, daiman
diamond-shaped, daimanagh
diamonds, daimanyn
diaper, naptin thoanney
diaphanous, trooid-reayrtagh
diaphragm, scannane, sgairt, skairt, speearey
diarist, jeelaneyder
diarrhoea, buinnagh, chingys y yiarrey, feaysley builg, gaerr, skittyr, yn giarrey
diary, jeelane, lioar laa
diaspora, ebbyrtys ny Hewnyn, scaalheaney ny Hewnyn
diatom, jeetym
diatomic, daa-vreneenagh
diatonic, daa-toanagh
diatribe, skolley
dibasic, daa-vunnagh
dibble, kibbin
dibs, argid, claghyn laue
dice, ceau jeesley, jeeslaghan, slissey
dice box, craader
dichasial, lannoonagh
dichotomy, ard-scarrey, neuchoardail, rheynn
dicing, doolaney
dicky, assyl fyrryn, cooylag, corragh, far-vroggil
dicky-bird, eean beg
dictaphone, greie jaghtee
dictate, anney, jaghtey, reir, sarey
dictate, anney
dictation, jaghtey, reirey, sareydys
dictator, ard-reillagh, ard-smaghteyder, jaghteyr
dictatorial, ard-reillagh, ard-smaghtagh
dictatorship, ard-reillaght
diction, focklaghey
dictionary, fockleyr
dictum, jaght, raa
dicursive, rouaillagh
did, Ren
didactic, ynseydagh
diddle, breigey, molley
die, cab, geddyn baase, jeesley, kiarroo, paartail
die away, lheie ersooyl, skellal
die down, fioghey, injillaghey, kiunaghey, lheie ersooyl, tuittym
die out, goll eig, goll mow, lheie ersooyl, mooghey, tuittym ersooyl
die-hard, neuchaghlaader
dielectric, neulectragh
dies non, laa seyr, marroo-laa
diesel, deesyl
diesel electric, deesyl-lectragh
diesel engine, innyl deesyl
diet, bee, cur fo oardagh-bee
dietary, bee-oardagh
dietetics, bee-oaylleeaght
dietician, bee-oayllee
differ, neuchoardail
difference, anchaslys, caghlaa
different, anchasley (rish), lheamys, lheamyssagh, neuchasley (rish), neughollrish
differential, anchaslyssagh, jifrealagh
differential calculus, calghoolys anchaslyssagh
differentiate, eddyr-scarrey, ughtaghey
differentiation, eddyr-scarrey, ughtaghey
difficult, condragh, creoi, doccar, doillee, mooar, neuaashagh, noi-vreihagh, trome
difficult to control, do-smaghtey
difficult to walk on, lheibeidjagh
difficulty, arkys, doilleeid, hobbyl, lheibeidys
diffidence, lhiastid, meehreisht
diffident, lhiastey, meehreisteilagh
diffract, skeayll-vrishey, skeaylley
diffraction, skeayl-vrishey
diffuse, focklagh, scaalheaney, scaalheanit, skeaylley
diffuser, scaalheaneyder
diffusion, skeaylley
dig, cleiy, reuyrey
dig in, cur trooid yn ooir
dig into, seiy stiagh
dig out, astyral, astyrt, astyrtal, cleiy, feddyn magh, geddyn magh
dig up, astyrtal, reuyrey
dig with hands, grobbal, grobbey
digest, coontey giare, cur ayns oardagh, girraghane, lheie
digested, lheiht
digestibility, lheihaght
digestible, lheihagh, yn-lheie
digestion, gailley, lheie
digestive, lheieagh
digestive biscuits, brishtaghyn lheieagh
digestive trouble, chingys ghailley
digger, cliyder, reuyreyder
digging, cleiy, reuyree, reuyrey
digit, bun-earroo, lheead meir, mair
digital, bun-earrooagh
digitalis, dijitalys
digitate, meiragh
dignified, ard-cheimnagh, mooaralagh, ooasle, ooasley
dignify, jannoo ooasle
digniied person, mooaralagh
dignitary, ard-er, ard-ghooinney, ard-ven, dooinney ooasle, prelaid
dignity, ard-cheim, mooaralys
digniy, cur ooaslid da
digraph, daaghraue, daalettyr
digress, arraghey
digression, arraghey
digs, aaght
dihedral, daa-heedragh, uillin ghaa-hreedragh
dilapidate, cur drogh-chummey er
dilapidation, drogh-chummey, tholtanys
dilatable, yn-lheanaghey, yn-sheeyney
dilate, bolgey, lheanaghey
dilated, bolgit, lheanit, sheeynt
dilation, bolgey, lheanaghey, sheeyney
dilatoriness, lhiastid
dilatory, faagailagh, lhiastey, moal
dilemma, ancheisht, cront, doilleeid
dilettante, amateyr, amateyragh
dilettantism, amateyraght
diligence, jeadid, jeadys
diligent, jeadagh, jeean
diligently, dy imneagh, dy jeadagh
dill, lus veein
diluent, keyllee
dilute, cur ushtey ny hrooid, keylaghey, thannaghey
dilution, cur ushtey ny hrooid, keylaghey, thannaghey
diluvial, thooilleydagh
dim, cur kay er, dullyr, dullyragh, jannoo dullyr, lhag, lhaggaghey, moal
dim-sighted, lhag-hooillagh, lieh-ghoal
dim-witted, moal
dimension, mooadys, towshan
dimensional, towshanagh
diminish, jannoo ny sloo, leodaghey, traih
diminished, charbaait, leodit, parail
diminishing, leodaghey, leodee
diminution, leodaghey, parail
diminutive, beg, beggid, creen, kinneigagh, myn-
diminutive animal, smiggyl
diminutive suffix, myn-amman
diminutiveness, beggid, kinneigid, looid
dimity, aanrit keyl cadee, dimity
dimmer, dulleyder
dimness, dullyr, lhaggid, mellid
dimorphic, daa-vorfagh
dimple, lhaggan
dimpled, lhagganagh
din, feiyr, tharmane
dine, ee, goaill jinnair
dine out, jinnairagh
diner, eeder, jinnairagh
ding, bwoalley, claggintys, jing
ding-dong, anchorrym, claggintys, jing-jang
dinge, cur lhagg ayn, lhagg
dinghy, skollag
dinginess, mee-yeshid
dingle, Yn Dein
dingo, jingoe
dingy, dullyr, mee-yesh, sallagh
dining, gee, goaill jinnair
dining car, carbyd bee
dining hall, shamyr vee
dining room, shamyr yinnairagh
dinner, jinnair
dinner can, curn jinnairagh
dinner dance, daunse jinnairagh
dinner hour, oor jinnairagh, traa jinnairagh
dinner jacket, jaggad yinnairagh
dinner mat, breshag yinnairagh
dinner party, co-heshaght yinnairagh
dinner service, forran buird
dinner service set, foirran jinnairagh
dinner trolley, trollee jinnairagh
dinner wagon, trollee jinnairagh
dinnertime, traa jinnairagh
dinosaur, jeeneysoar, jiolgan atchimagh
diocesan, aspickagh
diocese, aspickys
dioxide, daa-osseed
dip, cleaynys, lhargagh, thummey
dip (of compass needle), cleayney
dip (of flag), bannaght injillaghey
dip (of scale), injillaghey
dip candle, cainle hummit
dip-needle, snaid chleaynys
diphtheria, diftheyr
diphthong, daaghooaght
diphthongal, daaghooaghtagh
diphthongization, daaghooaghtys
diploma, teishtys
diplomacy, diploamys
diplomat, diplomagh
diplomatic, diploamagh
dipper, injilleyr, lheeagh, lhon ushtey, slat hummee, tummeyder
dipsomania, ard-phaays alcoalagh, sheer-veshtallys
dipsomaniac, sheer-veshtallagh
dipstick, slat hummee
diptera, ny daa-skianee, ny quaillagyn
dipteral, daa-skianagh
diptych, diptick
dire, ard, atchimagh
dire necessity, deyr-egintys
direct, enmys, gurneil, jeeragh, leeideil, stiurey
direct current, stroo jeeragh
direct speech, insh jeeragh
direct taxes, keeshyn jeeragh
direct tube boiler, coirrey feddan jeeragh
directed number, earroo stiurit
directing, gurneilagh, stiuree
direction, ard, genmys, gurneilys, oardagh, raad, reaylt, stiurey, troa
direction finder, greie leeideilagh
direction finding, leeideilys
direction post, stob leeideilagh
directional, leeideilagh, stiuree
directive, anney, leeideilagh, oardagh, sarey
directly, dy jeeragh
directness, jeerid, ynrickys
director, jeereyder, reiltagh, stiureyder, troa-chiarkyl
directorate, boayrd stiuree, lught stiuree
directorship, stiureydys
directory, lioar enmey
directress, ben stiuree
directrix, troa-linney
direness, atchimid, dooghid
dirge, bardoon, marroon
dirigible, balloon yn-stiurey, yn-stiurey
dirk, dirk, skynn attey
dirt, breban, broid, brouteraght, sollaghar, trustyr
dirt cheap, feer neugheyr
dirt track, cassan smarageagh
dirt-track, raad smarageagh
dirted, broighit, sollit
dirtier, broiee, broigheyder
dirtily, dy broigh
dirtiness, breinnid, broighid
dirtproof, jeen noi broighid
dirty, brebanagh, broghe, broigh, broighey, doo, neuglen, sallaghey, sollagh, sollaghey, trustyragh
dirty (as trick), graney
dirty (in speech), trullee
dirty (of weather), garroo
dirty (slovenly), sluhtagh
dirty (stinking), breinn
dirty business, obbyr ghraney
dirty person, kecksee
dirty woman, drabag
dis-, jee-, jeh-
disability, anheiltys, bac, martarys, moalaght
disable, cur bac er, jannoo anlheiltagh, martarey, moalaghey, neuvioyraghey, neuvioyree
disabled, anlheiltagh, baccagh, martaragh, neustiuragh
disablement, martarys, neustiuraght
disabling, anlheiltagh
disaccustom, cur ass y chliaghtey, cur ass y raad, neuchliaghtey
disadvantage, neuvondeish
disadvantageous, neuvondeishagh
disaffect, jannoo mee-yeelys
disaffected, mee-yeelys, neu-yeelys
disaffection, mee-yeelysaght, neughooghyssid
disaffectionate, mee-yeelys, neughooghyssagh
disagree, meechoardail, neuchoardail, streeu, tuittym magh
disagreeable, granganagh, groamagh, meehaitnyssagh, neuhaitnyssagh
disagreeableness, granganys, groamid, meechoardailys, meehaitnys, neuhaitnys
disagreeing, meechoardailagh
disagreement, meechoardail, meechoardailys, neuchoardail, tuittymagh
disallow, meelowal, neulhiggalagh, neulowal
disallowance, meelowal
disallowed, meelowit, neulowit, obbit, tarmestit
disappear, lheie, skellal (roish)
disappearance, skellal, skelley
disappoint, molley
disappointed, mollit
disappointer, molleyder
disappointing, contaartagh, moal, molleydagh
disappointment, contaart, molley
disapprobation, anwooise, cremeydys, meehaitnys
disapprover, cremeyder
disapproving, cremmagh
disarm, goaill ny armyn jeh, jee-armal, milljaghey
disarmament, jee-armal
disarming, jee-armal, milljaghey
disarrange, cur trooid y cheilley, neureaghey
disarrangement, cur trooid y cheilley, neureaghey
disarray, cur fud y cheilley, cur meeoardagh er, meeoardagh, roagh
disarticulate, cur ass olt
disaster, cragh, craght, drogh-haghyrt, traartys
disaster on disaster, cragh er mooin cragh
disastrous, traartyssagh
disavow, jiooldey, obbal
disavowal, jiooldey, obbal
disband, scaalheaney, skeaylley
disbanded, scaalheanit, skeaylt
disbar, brishey (leigher)
disbelief, meechredjue
disbelieve, meechredjal
disbeliever, meechredjuagh
disbelive, meechredjal
disbeliver, meechredjuagh
disburden, folmaghey, goaill yn currym jeh, goaill yn errey jeh
disburse, ceau argid
disbursement, ceau, eeck
disc, disk, eddin, kereneen
discaled, lhome-choshagh
discard, ceau ersooyl
discarder, jiooldeyr
discern, cronnaghey
discerned, cronnit
discernible, cronnal, fakinagh, leayr
discerning, geyre, tastagh
discernment, baght, geyrid, tastid
discharge, cooilleeney, cur ersooyl, cur magh, cur sheese, eeck, eeck glenney, feaysley, folmaghey, glenney, glenney magh, jee-lughtaghey, jee-lughtey, lhiggey, lhiggey magh, neulaadey, neulughtaghey, neulughtey, orraghey, seyrey, sheeley, skeaylley, tilgey
discharge cock, bwoid lhiggee
discharge pipe, piob lhiggee
dischargeable, cooilleenagh, yn-eeck
disciple, ostyl, ynseydagh
disciplinarian, smaghtagh, smaghteyr
disciplinary, smaghtoil
discipline, biallys, cur fo smaght, custhey, smaght, smaghtaghey, smaghtey
disciplined, fo biallys, smaghtit
disclaim, cur seose, jiooldey, obbal
disclaimer, jiooldeyder
disclose, anchoodaghey, brah, fosley
disclosure, anchoodaghey, brah
discolour, milley yn daah jeh, neughaaghey
discolouration, neughaaghey
discomfort, meegherjagh, neuaash, neugherjagh
discommend, jeh-voylley
discompose, anveaghey, boirey
discomposure, anvea, boirey
disconcert, boirey (er), cur fud y cheilley
disconcerting, boiragh
disconnect, giarrey, jeh-chiangley, scarrey
disconnected, giarrit, jeh-chianglt, scarrit, skeaylt
disconnectedness, scoltaght
disconnection, giarrey, jeh-chiangley
disconsolate, meegherjagh, meegherjoilagh, neugherjoil
disconsolateness, meegherjoilid, neugherjoilid, trimmid cree
discontent, anwooiys, meegherjoilys, neuaash
discontented, anwooiagh, neuaashagh, neuwooiagh
discontentedness, neuaashid
discontentment, anwooiys, neuwooiys
discontinuance, brishey jeh, scuirr
discontinue, brishey jeh, cur jerrey er, scuirr
discontinuity, barney, brishey, neulhiantynys
discontinuous, barnagh, brisht, neulhiantagh
discord, anshee, anvea, boiraneys, jee-choardey, mee-vingys, meechoardailys, streeu
discordant, anveagh, mee-ving, meechoardailagh, streeuailtagh
discount, argid brishee, cur dooraght er, dooraght, jannoo beg jeh
discount bank, banc dooraght
discount price, leagh brishee, leagh dooraght
discountenance, shassoo noi
discourage, cur ass cree, lhiettal
discouraged, ass cree, lhiettalit
discouragement, lhiettalys, tarmestey
discourager, lhiettalagh
discouraging, lhiettalagh
discourse, loayrt, taggloo
discourteous, mee-chooyrtoil
discourtesy, mee-chooyrtoilid
discover, feddyn magh
discovered, feddynit magh
discovery, feddyn magh
discredit, anghoo, ceau anghoo (er), meechredjal
discreditable, anghooagh
discreet, feeudagh, reajagh
discreetly, dy reajagh
discrepancy, anchaslys, neureggyrtys
discrepant, neureggyragh
discrete, discreajagh
discretion, creenaght, feeudys, reajid, reajys
discretionary, teiyagh
discriminate, jannoo lhiettrimys (er)
discriminating, geyre-chooishagh, lhiettrimagh, teiyagh
discrimination, foayr, geyre-chooishaght, reih, teiy
discuss, resooney magh
discuss (as bottle), iu
discussion, resoonaght
discussor, resooneyder
disdain, conaase, connys
disdainful, conaasagh
disdainfulness, connysid
disease, asslaynt, chingys, doghan, doghaney, gorley
disease (congenital), dourin
disease (fast developing), jeean-ghorley
diseased, asslayntagh, ching, doghanagh, doghanit, dourinagh, gorlagh
diseased person, asslayntagh
disembark, cur er cheer, cur er thalloo, faagail, goll
disembarkation, cur er cheer, goll er cheer, jee-lughtaghey
disembarrass, goaill yn boirey jeh, seyrey
disembodied, jeh-chorpey, neuchorpoil, seyrey, seyrit
disembowel, giarrey y minnagh ass
disenchantment, neu-ghrualtys
disencumber, eddrymaghey, eeck ny feeaghyn jeh, feaysley, seyrey
disengage, feaysley, scarrey, seyrey
disengaged, follym, scarrit, seyr
disentangle, neufee, reaghey
disentanglement, neufee, reaghey, reddaghey
disestablish, jee-vunnaghey
disestablishment, jee-vunnaghey
disestablishmentarian, jee-vunneydagh
disestablishmentarianism, jee-vunneydaght
disesteem, neuscansh
disfavour, mee-foayr
disfigure, jannoo graney, milley
disfigurement, jannoo graney, milley, mitheraght
disfranchise, goaill cair teihys jeh
disfrock, cur ass y taggyrtys
disgorge, aayiooldey, cur er ash, skeeahrey, tilgey
disgrace, anghoo, cur anghoo er, cur nearey er, nearaghey, nearey, oltooan, oltooaney
disgrace, oltooan
disgraced, fo nearey
disgraceful, anghooagh, nearagh, oltooanagh
disgracefully, dy nearagh
disgracefulness, nearey
disgruntled, tallagh
disgruntled person, talleyder
disguise, cur farchoamrey er, farchoamrey, follaghey, follaghtyn, keiltyn
disgust, cur feoh er, feoh, taaraght
disgusting, feodagh, feohdoil, tahagh
dish, bee, jyst, skalley
dish water, ushtey saagh
dish-washer, nieeder jyst, strulleyder jyst
dishabille, coamrey thie
disharmony, mee-vingys, neuchoardailys
dishcloth, clooid jyst
dishcover, coodagh jyst
dishearten, cur ass cree
dishevel, neuskioghey
dishevelled, fud y cheilley, neuskiogh
dishonest, braddagh, meeonnoragh, meeynrick
dishonest person, meeonnoragh
dishonesty, meeonnorid
dishonour, cur meeonnor er, cur nearey er, jeh-voylley, meeonnor, meeonnoragh
dishonourable, meeonnoragh, nearagh
dishonourableness, meeonnoroilid
dishonourableness, meeonnoroilid
dishonoured, obbit
dishwasher, 'neen ny jystyn
disillusion, fosley, fosley sooilley, keeayl chionnit
disincentive, neu-ghreinnagh
disinclination, lhiastid
disincline, cur lhiastit (er)
disinclined, lhiastey, neuwooiagh
disinfect, jee-ghorlaghey
disinfectant, jee-ghorleyragh, jee-ghorleyrane
disinfection, jee-ghorlaghey
disingenuous, mee-ynrick, sleetchaght, slydagh
disingenuousness, mee-ynricks, sleetchaght, slydaght
disinherit, cur ass eiraght
disinter, cleiy neese, jee-oanluckey, troggal ass yn oaye
disinterest, neufoays, neuhuim
disinterest, neufoays
disinterested, gyn sym
disintergrate, brishey, tuittym veih my cheilley
disintergration, tuittym veih my cheilley
disinterment, jee-oanluckey
disjoin, neuyuntal, scarrey
disjoined, neuyuntit, scarrit, scart
disjoint, brishey, cur ass olt
disjointed, currit ass olt, neuyuntit, shaghrynagh
disjunction, scarrey
disjunctive, scartagh
dislike, leodaghey, meehaitnys
disliked, leodit
dislocate, cur ass olt, cur fud y cheilley
dislocation, cur ass olt, cur fud y cheilley
dislodge, arraghey, scughey
dislodgement, arraghey, scughey
dislodger, scugheyder
disloyal, anleighalagh
disloyalty, anleighalaght, meereiltys
dismal, doolagh, grouw, meevaynrey, trimshagh
dismantle, neupheeshey
dismast, cur y croan ass
dismay, contaart(ys), cur contaart(ys) er, faasid chree
dismayed, lane contaart
dismaying, contaartagh
dismember, neuoltaghey, rheynn, tayrn veih my cheilley
dismemberment, giarrey veih my cheilley, rheynn, tayrn veih my cheilley
dismiss, brishey, ceau magh, cur ersooyl, jiooldey, lhiggey ersooyl, seyrey, skeaylley
dismiss!, Scape-jee!
dismissal, brishey, ceau magh, seyrey
dismount, cur neose, lhieggal, lhieggey (neose), tarlheimmey
disobedience, meeviallys
disobedient, meeviallagh, neuviallagh
disobey, neureggyrt
disoblige, seyrey
disobliging, meearryltagh
disobligingness, meearryltys
disorder, asslaynt, bun ry baare, bun ry-skyn, chingys, cur bun ry-baare, cur bun ry-skyn, cur fud y cheilley, doghan, fud y cheilley, jannoo asslayntagh, meeoardyr, meereiltys
disordered, baanrit, bun ry-baare, bun ry-skyn, ching, doghanagh, doghanit, fud y cheilley, neureajagh
disorderliness, boirey, meeoardreilys, neureajid, neureajys
disorderly, meereiltagh, neureajagh
disorderly house, thie streebee
disorganization, cur fud y cheilley, neureajys
disorganize, cur fud y cheilley
disorientate, cur er shaghryn
disown, jiooldey, obbal
disparage, jannoo beg jeh, leodaghey, tayrn drogh ghoo er, tayrn jee-voylley er
disparagement, jannoo beg jeh, jee-voylley, leodaghey
disparager, leodagher
disparaging, jee-voyllee, leodee
disparate, meereggyragh, neuchorrym
disparity, anchaslys, meereggyraght, neuchormid, neureggyraght
dispassionate, feayr-aignagh, neuchleaynt
dispassionately, dy neuchleaynagh, lesh aigney feayr
dispatch, chaghteraght, cooilleeney, cooilleeney dy tappee, cur gy baase, cur magh, marroo
dispatch boat, baatey chaghteraght
dispatch box, bocs chaghteraght
dispatch rider, chaghter
dispel, imman ersooyl, skeaylley
dispelled, immanit ersooyl, skeaylt
dispensary, lheelann, shapp potecaree
dispensation, cur magh, feaysley, oardagh, rheynn, seyrey
dispense, cur magh, mestey, oardaghey, rheynn
dispenser, potecaree, rheynneyder
disperse, scaalheaney, skeaylley
dispersion, scaalhean, skeayl
dispirit, cur ass cree
dispirited, trome-chreeagh
dispirited, lhag-chreeagh
displace, cur magh, goaill yn ynnyd jeh, scughey
displaced person, fer gyn cheer
displacement, arraghey, scughey, toilleeaght, uillinagh
display, musthaa, taishbyney, taishbynys
displease, cur corree er, cur mee-haitnys er
displeased, corree, jymmoosagh, meehaitnyssagh
displeasing, meehaitnyssagh, neuhaitnyssagh
displeasure, jymmoose, meehaitnys, neuhaitnys
disport, cur taitnys (da)
disposal, ceau ersooyl, cur ersooyl, cur kione er, reaghys
dispose, cleayney, creck, ee, feddyn rey rish, geddyn rey rish
disposition, dooghys, soiaghey magh
dispossess, cur ass shellooderys
dispraise, jeh-voylley
disproof, prowaltys noi
disproportion, neuchormid
disproportionate, neuchorrym, sprangagh
disprove, prow noi
disputable, feeu arganeys, ouryssagh
disputant, arganeagh, arganeyder, jengleyr, streeuailtagh
disputation, arganeys, jengleyrys, streeu
disputatious, arganeagh, jengleyragh
dispute, argane
disqualification, bac, jee-aarlaghey, lhiettrimys
disqualify, cur bac er, cur lhiettrimys er, jee-aarlaghey
disqualify, cur lhiettrimys er
disquiet, anaashagh, anvea, imnea, imneagh, neuaash
disquieten, boirey (er), cur imnea (er)
disquieting, boiragh
disquietude, anaash, bea, boirey, imnea
disquisition, leeaght, traghtys
disrate, jee-ghraidaghey
disregard, jannoo beggan jeh, neuarrym, neuscansh
disregardful, neuscanshoil jeh
disrepair, drogh oardrailys
disreputable, drogh-ennymagh, giubbylagh, nearagh, scammyltagh
disrepute, drogh-ghoo
disrespect, leodaghey, meearrym
disrespected, leodit
disrespectful, meeammysagh, meearrymagh
disrobe, cur jeh, goaill y gooyn jeh, neuchoamraghey
disrupt, boirey (er)
disruption, boirey
dissatisfaction, anwooiys, neuchooilleen
dissatisfied, meewooiagh
dissatisfy, cur anwooiys er, cur neuchooilleen er, jannoo meewooiagh
dissect, giarrey, mynscrutaghey, rheynn veih my cheilley
dissection, corp-yiarrey, mynscrutaghey, rheynn
dissemble, follaghey (imnea)
dissembler, fer foalsey
disseminate, cuirr, skeaylley
dissemination, cuirr, skeaylley
dissent, jiooldaghey, jiooldey, meechoardail, meechoardailys
dissenter, jiooldeyder, neuchoardailagh
dissentient, cremeyder, jiooldagh
dissertate, taggloo, traaghtey
dissertation, taggloo, traaghtys
disservice, uail
dissidence, ass-unnaneys
dissident, ass-unnaneagh, ass-unnaneyder, jiooldagh
dissimilar, anchasley
dissimilarity, anchaslys, neu-gholl ry cheillid
dissimulate, follaghey, keiltyn, lhiggey er
dissimulation, follaghey, keiltyn, lhiggey er
dissipate, jummal, lheie, skeaylley, stroie
dissipation, jummal, lheie, skeaylley, stroie
dissociate, jee-chumraagey, jee-hymsaghey, scarrey
dissociation, jee-chumraagey, jee-hymsaghey, scarrey
dissolute, raistylagh
dissoluteness, raistylagh
dissolution, lheie, skeaylley
dissolve, boggaghey, cur ass bree, lheie, skeaylley
dissonance, neuvingys
dissonant, neuving
dissuade, coyrlaghey noi
dissuasion, anchoyrle, coyrle noi
dissuasive, anchoyrlagh
distaff, cheu ny mraane, mooinjer nt mraane, mooinjer ny mraane, quiggal
distain, faghid
distainful, faghidagh, floutagh
distal, foddey veih my cheilley
distance, foddeeaght, foddey, foddid, fojeeaght, join
distance (in manner), feayrid
distant, ersooyl, foddey jeh
distant (of person), feayr
distaste, amvlass, meevian
distasteful, meechaitnyssagh, meevianagh, meevlaystal
distemper, doghan, doghaney, dourinaghey, gorley ny moddee
distempered, dourinagh
distend, att, sheeyney magh
distended, attit, sheeynt magh
distention, att, sheeyney magh, sheidey
distil, drigey, sheeley
distillate, driggys
distillation, drigey, sheeley, shilley
distilled, drigit, sheelit
distilled water, ushtey drigit
distiller, fer sheelee, sheeleyder
distillery, thie sheelee
distinct, anchasley (rish), baghtal, cronnal, er lheih (voish), leayr
distinct as preference, lajer
distinction, anchaslys, ooashley
distinctive, anchasley, er lheh, ooasle
distinctness, anchaslys, baghtallys, cronnalys, leayraght
distinguish, eddyraghey, scarrey
distinguishable, yn-chronnaghey, yn-scarrey
distinguished, ooasle, scarrit
distort, cammaghey, cammey, cassey, cleayney, cur ass cummey
distorted, cammit, cassit, cleaynit, currit ass cummey, gammagh
distortion, cammaghey, cammey, cassey, cleayney
distract, baanraghey, boirey (er)
distracted, baanrit, crankit, currit fud y cheilley
distracting, baanragh, boiragh
distraction, baanrys, boirey, ceau yn traa
distrain, goaill (cooid jatter)
distrainable, yn-ghoaill
distraint, aaghoaill
distress, arkys, chennid, cur trimshey er, gaue, meegherjagh, seaghnaghey
distressed, arkyssagh, arkyssagh, meegherjoilagh, seaghnit
distressed person, arkyssagh
distressed person, arkyssagh
distressing, creoi, seaghnagh, smeihagh
distribute, rheynn
distribution, rheynn, scaalhean
distributive, rheynnagh
distributive law, leigh scarree
distributor, fer ronney, rheynneyder, ronneyder
district, ard, slyst, slystagh, ynnydoil
district committee, bing slystagh
distrust, meehreisteil, ourys
distrustful, meehreisteilagh, ouryssagh
disturb, anveaghey, boirey
disturbance, anshee, anveays, boiraneys, rouan
disturbed, anaashagh, anveaghit, baanrit, boirit
disturber, boirane, boireyder
disturbing, boiragh
disulphide, daa-hulphide
disunion, mee-unnaneys, scarrey, scoltey
disunite, cur mee-unnaneys er, scarrey
disunited, mee-unnaneyssit, scarrit
disuniting, mee-unnaneyssagh
disunity, mee-unnaneys, neu-unnaneys
disuse, neu-ymyd
disused, ass ymmyd, naggyr
disyllabic, daa-heelagh
disyllable, daa-heeley
ditch, ceau ersooyl, cur 'sy cheayn, faagail, jeeg, jeeig, jeeigey
ditch water, ushtey jeeigey
ditched, ceaut 'sy jeeig, ceaut ersooyl, currit 'sy cheayn, faagit, jeeigagh, jeeigit, treigit
ditcher, jeeigeyder
ditching, jeeigey
dither, craa
dithering, craa, craayn
dittany, lus y phibbyr
ditto, cheddin, yn red cheddin, yn un' red
ditty, ronneeaght
ditty-bag, poagey whaalee
diuretic, brasneyder moon, moon-vrasnagh
diurnal, laaoil
divagate, goll er shaghryn, rouailley
divagation, rouailley, shaghrynys
divan, jivane
dive, shebeen, thummey
diver, arrag vooar, thummeyder
diverge, scarrey
divergence, scarrey
divergent, goallagh, scartagh
divers, ny ghaa
diverse, anchasley, neuchasley
diversify, jannoo anchasley
diversion, ceau traa, cleayney
diversity, anchaslys, caghlaays
divert, chyndaa ersooyl, cleayney
divest, goaill (eaddagh) jeh, lhomey
divide, charvaal, rheynn, scarrey
divide up, rheynn
divided, rheynnit
dividend, cooid ronney, meer ronney
divider, rheynneyder
dividers, goblaghyn
dividing, scarree
dividing wall, boalley scarree
divination, faaishnagh, fallogys
divine, agglishagh, flaunyssagh, jeeoil, jeeoilagh, mie er bashtal, niauoil
divine Law, jannoo faaishnys
divine law, Leigh Yee
divine service, shirveish chillagh
divine Worship, Ooashley Yee
divinelaw, jannoo magh, towse
diviner, faaishneyder, fallogyssagh
diving, thummey
diving bell, clag thummee
diving board, boayrd hummee
diving suit, cullee hummee
divinity, jeeaght, jeeoilys
divisibility, rheynnoilid
divisible, rheynnoil, so-rheynn, yn-rheynn
division, ayrn, rheynn, ronnane, ronney, scarran, teiy
division (of rank), rann
division lobby, cassan votal
division of land, joarey
division(strife), anvea
divisor, rheynneyder
divorce, scarrey poosee
divorce, jannoo scarrey poosee, jannoo scarrey poosee, scarrey
divorce papers, screeuyn-scarree
divorced, scarrit
divorcee, ben scarrit, dooinney scarrit
divot, scraa
divulgation, bloberaght, insh, kiaullanaghey
divulge, bloberaght, insh, kiaullanaghey
dixie, coirrey campey
dizziness, thollaneys
dizzy, agglagh, cur thollaneys er, jannoo thollaneys er, thollaneagh
do, giense, jannoo, jean, nee
do not, Nagh, Nar, Ny
do not trouble me!, Ahlah!
do up, jeshaghey, kiangley, niee
docile, biallagh, feagh
docility, biallys, feaghid
dock, cabbag, crannag, cur da'n cheiy, cur lhong 'sy loghan, goll 'sy loghan, loghan
dockage, loaghanys
docked, 'sy loghan, cuttagh, cuttagh, ec y cheiy
docker, loghaneyr
docket, duilleen, scree er duilleen
dockyard, lhonglann
doctor, ben lhee, cur druggey da, fer lhee, foalsaghey, jannoo lheeys er, karragher, lhee, olloo, trullaghey
doctor of Divinity, Olloo Jeeoilys
doctoral, ollooagh
doctorate, ollooaght
doctrinaire, aaraueagh
doctrinarian, aaraueagh
doctrine, aaraue, ynsagh (crauee)
document, docamad, docamad, niartaghey lesh docamad, screeu, screeuyn
documentary, docmadagh, fillym feanishagh, scannane feanishagh, scruit
documentation, doamadys, niartaghey (myr feanish), screeu (myr feanish)
dodder, craa, lus y snaie, lus y snaie
dodderer, shenn chraader
doddering, er creau
dodecagon, daa-uillin-jeig
dodge, cluge, clysht (gys yn cheu), clyshtey, shaghney
dodger, carmeish, chea ny hobbyr, cheader obbyr, clinkeyder, clyshteyder
dodgy, cluigagh
doe, bwoirrinagh, conning bwoirrin, feeaih bwoirrin, mwaagh bwoirrin
doe rabbit, conning woirryn
doer, jantagh, jeantagh
doeskin, crackan bwoirrin
doeskin, crackan mwaagh bwoirrin
dog, coill, coo, moddey
dog biscuit, brishtag voddee
dog breeding, troggal moddee
dog cart, cairt voddee
dog clutch, crouw-chraag
dog collar, colliar moddey, colliar saggyrt
dog daisy, bastag vane, neaynin mooar
dog days, laghyn ny moddee
dog dung, keck moddee
dog handler, obbree moddee
dog kennel, foyll
dog Latin, Ladjin vaccagh, Ladjyn vaccagh
dog louse, meeyl voddee
dog rose, drine drughaig, drughaig
dog show, taishbynys moddee
dog tired, feer skee
dog violet, bossan feeackle
dog watch, yn arrey giare
dog's breakfast, mestey-vestey
dog's camomile, fennel ny moddee
dog's meat, bee moddee, feill chabbil
dog's mercury, craayn-voddee, lus ny glionney
dog's-tail grass, faiyr chione mollagh
dog-fox, shynnagh firryn
dog-headed, conchionagh
dog-tired, er troggloo
dog-wolf, filliu firryn, moddey oaldey firryn
dogberry, blaa ny moddee, tramman ushtey
dogfight, aer-chaggey, caggey moddee
dogfish, caillagh vreck, gobbag, gobbag
dogfish eggcases, biol Ferrish
dogfood, bee moddee
dogged, kione-daaney, reen, shassooagh
doggedness, kione-daanys, reenid, shassooaght
doggerel, ronneeaght
doggie, moddey beg
doggish, moddeeagh, moddoil
doggishness, moddeeaght
doggo, dy follit
doggy, moddagh
dogma, bun-chredjue, dogmey
dogmatic, bun-chredjuagh, dogmagh
dogwood, billey ny coyin
doily, doylee
doing, jannoo, jannoo
doing violence to, jannoo niart er
doing without, spaarail
doldrums, ard ny guinaghyn
dole, cooney, jee-chosnee
doleful, dobbranagh, sou-aignagh, treih-hrimsagh
doleful song, bardoon
doll, babban
doll's house, thie babban
dollar, crooin, dollar
dollop, glout
dolly, bwoid niaghyn, bwoid niaghyn, maidjey mestee
dolly tub, tobbyr-niaghan
dolman, dolmane
dolorous, seaghnagh, trome-chreeagh
dolour, pian, seaghyn, trimshey
dolphin, doraid, perkin
dolt, donnan
doltish, bolvaneagh, doltaneagh, donnanagh
domain, chiarnys, stayd
dome, cruinnaghan
dome of head, claigin
domed, cruinnaghaneagh
domestic, mooinjerey, mooinjey, thie, thieoil, thieoilagh
domestic chicken, eean kirkey
domestic economy, banisthie, farys-thie
domestic female, caillin thie, inney vaayl
domestic goose, guiy thie
domestic servant, thieoilagh
domestic service, mooinjerys, shirveishaght
domesticate, meeinaghey
domesticated woman, ben vie thie
domestication, meeinaghey, thieoilys
domesticity, thieoilid
domicile, cur ayns ynnyd vaghee, ynnyd vaghee
domiciled, cummal
domiciliary, er ny dhieyn
dominance, kioneys
dominant, ard-, kionyssagh
dominate, jannoo chiarnys er, jannoo kioneys er
dominating, chiarnyssagh, kioneysagh
domination, ard-reiltys, chiarnys, cummaght, kioneys
domineer, chiarnyssagh, kioneysagh
domineering, chiarnyssagh, mainshtyragh
dominical letter, lettyr yn Doonee
dominical year, blein yn chiarn
dominican, Dominicagh
dominie, mainshtyr scoill, shirveishag Africaanagh, shirveishag Albinagh
dominion, ard-chioneys, ard-rheam, chiarnys
domino, cloagey, dooreydane
don, cur er, cur mysh, Don, fer-ooasle Spaainagh, olloo
don't fret!, Ny gow ort!
don't worry!, Ny bee imnea ort!, Ny jean boirey, Ny jean boirey
donal, Dollin, Donal
donate, coyrt, cur
donation, toyrtys
donator, fer toyrt, toyrtyssagh
done to a T, coagyrit dy bollagh
donee, ben geddyn gioot, fer geddyn gioot, giootalagh
donegal, cheer Chonnal, Doon ny Ghoal
donk, thummey
donkey, assyl, ommidan
donkey (female), laair assyl
donkey cart, cairt assyl
donkey colt, lhiy assyl
donkey engine, lhiass-innyl
donkey-boiler, lhiass-choirrey
donkey-driver, immanagh assyl
donkey-foal, sharragh assyl
donkey-work, tooilleil
donkeyman, guilley lhiass-innyl
donor, giooteyder, toyrtyssagh
doodle, breckeydys, jannoo breckeydys
doom, briwnys, cragh, deyrey
doomed man, dooinney deyrit
doomsday, Laa ny Briwnys
door, dorrys
door bell, clageen dorrysh
door frame, fraamey dorrysh
door handle, cramman dorrysh
door jamb, keeil dorrysh
door nail, treiney ghorrysh
door panel, kerrin dorrysh
door sill, fo-ghorrysh
door-scraper, screebane braagey
doorhandle, laue ghorrysh
doorkeeper, dorryser
doorkey, ogher ghorrys
doorknob, cramman dorrysh
doorknocker, builteen dorrysh
doorman, dorryser, fer dorrysh, guilley dorrysh
doormat, breshag laagh
doorpost, essyn
doorsill, fo-dorrys
doorstep, leac ghorrysh
doorway, dorrys
dope, bonkan, bun, cur druggey ayn, cur druggey da, dope, dopey, druggey, fys, lutchynagh, oayllys, ommidan
dope addict, fer currit da druggaghyn
doped, fo druggaghyn
dorado, braddan airhey, doraid
dorian, Doaragh, Dorianagh
doric, Doaragh
dormant, ny cadley
dormer window, uinnag chlea
dormitory, boayl cadlee
dormouse, cadlag (geuree), doallag, lugh vagheragh
dorsal, drommey
dorse, boiddagh boght, Juan Boght
dorser, rassag
dory, breck airhey, Juan Joarree
dose, cur jough lheeys da, dourin, jough lheeys, towse
doss, feddyn thie lhiabbagh
doss house, thie lhiabbagh
dossier, docmadeen
dot, breckey lesh ponkyn, cur ponk er, floag, ponk, ponkey, poynt
dotage, branlaadys, lambaanid, lambaanys, shenn-chaillaghys
dotard, branlaader, fer 'sy chenn lambaanid
dote, 'sy chenn-lhiannooaght, feer ghraihagh er
doting, lambaanagh
dots and dashes, ponkyn as skilleigyn
dotted, floagagh, ponkagh
dotted line, linney ponkagh
dotterel, feddag volvaneagh, ommidan
dottle, dottyl
dotty, ass (e) cheeayll, breck, breckit, harrish ny sleityn
double, lhannoon
double, cassey, dooblaghey, dooble, doobley, dooblit, dy goll mygeayrt, filley, kink, lappal, lhannoon, mooadaghey daa cheayrt, scaan
double back, casey er ash
double back, filley er ash
double bar, barrey dooblit
double bass, biol injil
double breasted jacket, jaggad ghooblit
double cablestitch, cassey kirkey, lapp ny kirkey
double callipers, combaaseyn dooblit
double catastrophe, cragh er mooin cragh
double chin, aasmeggylagh
double dealing, kialgeyrys, meekeraght
double door, dorrys daa-chooylley
double down, filley sheese
double Dutch, boghtynid
double entendre, raa daa foyragh
double handful, basslagh, mam
double knot, cront dooblit
double lens, lensey dooblit
double lock, glass dooblit
double over, casey er ash, croymmey, filley er ash, lhoobey
double quick, feer happee
double reins, streean ghooblit
double scull, baatey da jees
double up, croymmey, dooblaghey, doobley, filley, jannoo lhoobag jeh, lhoobey
double vision, aareayrtys, doalghaanee
double-acting, dooble-obbragh
double-barrelled, daa-ayrn, daa-varryl
double-bedded, daa-lhiabbee
double-breasted, cooat dooblit
double-convex, daa-ghronnagh
double-cross, molley
double-dealer, kialgeyr, lhoobeyr, meekeyr
double-decker, daa laare
double-dyed, daa-ghaait
double-dyed rogue, jiarg-vitchoor
double-dyed rogue, jiarg-vitchoor
double-edged, daa foyr, daa-foyragh
double-faced, daa-oaiagh, foalsey, molteyragh
double-headed, daa-chioneagh
double-ply, daa-filley
double-pole switch, slattag ghaaphoullagh
double-quick, chelleeragh
double-tongued, chengey lhiam lhiat, daa-hengagh
double-vowel, daaghooaght
double-width, daa-lheead
doubled up, croymmit sheese, fillit, lappit
doublet, dooblag, doobleid
doubloon, dubloon
doubly, daa cheayrt, daa wheesh
doubt, dooyt, ourys
doubted, dooytit, ourysit
doubter, dooyteilagh, ouryssagh
doubtful, dooyteilagh, ourysagh
doubtfulness, dooyteilys, ourys
doubting, ourysagh
doubtless, gyn dooyt, gyn ourys
douceur, milljid
douche, strulley
dough, argid, prash, teayst, yiarn
doughnut, cro teayst, fainey teayst, teastag
doughtiness, treanid
doughty, trean
doughy, teaystagh, treih
douglas, Doolish
douglas fir, juys Ghoolish
douglas person, Buttee, Doolishagh
douglas river, Awin Ghoolish, Yn Doolaish
dour, groamagh, kione-daaney
douse, bashlaghey, lhieggey shiaull, mooghey, thummey
dove, calmane, colmane
dove's foot, lus ny freenaghyn mooarey
dove's foot, lus ny h-ashlish
dover, Yn Douvyr
dover sole, liehbage-chiare
dovetail, feeackle, jeddylt, lhie (ry-cheilley)
dowager, bentreoghe toghyragh
dowdiness, trouisid
dowdy, slobbagh, trouisagh, trouise
dowel, stang
dowelled, stangit
dower, cur toghyr da, toghyr
dowerless, gyn toghyr
dowlas, aanrit, aanrit barree
down, branchlooie, clooie, clooie chayt, cloonagh, dooagh, dreeym, fynney, heese, neose, sheese, Yn Doon
down grade, lhiargagh
down stroke, builley neose, linney neose
down the hatch, sheese lesh
down-and-out, kercheen, kercheenagh
down-at-heel, giubbylagh, saayl-cheaut
down-draught, sheidey neose
down-draught carburettor, carbreyder tayrn neose
down-hearted, groamagh, lhag-chreeagh, tilgit sheese
down-trodden, fo smaght
down-wind, rish y gheay
downcast, croym-hooillagh, doolagh
downed, currit neose, currit sheese, er thalloo, lhieggit
downfall, lhieggey, thooilley
downhill, heese, neose yn ughtagh, sheese ny lhiargagh
downiness, clooieaght
downmost, s'injley, s'inshley, s'odjey sheese
downpatrick, Doon Pherick
downpipe, pioban neose, pioban sheese
downpour, thooilley
downright, foshlit, glen, jeeragh, magh as magh, ny hrooid as ny hrooid, ny hrooid as ny hrooid
downright lie, lhei vreag, lhie-vreag
downright no, jiooldey glen
downrightness, ynrickys
downstage, gys oaie yn ardane
downstairs, heese-greeishyn
downstream, lesh y trooan, sheese yn awin
downtrodden, broojit fo-chosh
downward, neose, sheese
downward gradient, lhargagh
downwards, neose, sheese
downy, clooieagh
downy birch, beih yiarg
dowry, toghyr
dowse, cocouylley
dowser, couylleyder
dowsing rod, slat chouyllagh
doxology, gloyr da'n Ayr
doxy, ben chadjin
doze, saveen, saveeney
dozen, dussan
dozens of times, dy mennick as dy mennick, ymmodee keayrtyn
dozy, lhag-inchynagh, saveenagh
drab, dree, neughaahagh, streel, stritlag
drachm, draghmey, dram
draconian, Draganagh, Draganeagh
draff, drou, drow
draft, cur ayns jiormey, cur jiormey er bun, draght, draghtey, jiormey, tayrn seose
drafter, draghteyr
drag, carriads kiare cabbil, cumrail, gobbragh lhieen screebee, gobbragh sleayd varrey, goll dy dree, goll dy moal, lhiettrimys, sleayd (screebee), sleaydey, sthroogey
drag along, tayrn lesh
drag away, tayrn ersooyl
drag bar, barr tayrnee
drag down, tayrn neose, tayrn sheese
drag in, tayrn stiagh
drag net, lhieen screebee
drag on, goll dy dree, goll dy moal
drag out, tayrn magh
drag up, tayrn neese
drag-link, stholt
dragged, sleaydit, tayrnit
dragging, dree
draggle, feiyal, sleaydey
draggle-tail, sluht
draggled, draghagh, jeelagh
draggy, breen, sthroogagh
dragon, dragan, dragane
dragonet, dragan traie
dragonfly, snaid vooar
dragoon, dragoon, sidoor cabbil
drain, chirmaghey, folmaghey, jeeig, jeeiganey, jeeigey, piob-heelee, sheeley, sornaig, teaumey
drain plug, dhull
drainage, piobyn teaumee
drainage tube, feddan sheelee
drained, chirmit, jeeigit, sheelit
drained off, strigit
drainer, jeeigeydey
drainer board, sheelane
draining, chirmaghey, jeeiganeagh, jeeigey, sornaigey, teaumey
drainpipe, piob heaumee, piob sornaig
drake, kellagh (thunnag), thunnag irryn
dram, bolgum, dram, jourym
dram shop, shapp ushtey-bea, thie oast
drama, drama
dramatic, ard-chooishagh, dramadagh
dramatic poem, daan cloie
dramatically, erskyn insh
dramatics, dramadys
dramatis personae, cloideryn
dramatist, dramadeyr
dramatize, cur ayns cummey drama, jannoo ard-chooish
drape, coamrey, croghey (eaddagh)
draper, creckeyder eaddee
draper's shop, shapp eaddee
drapery, eaddagh, shapp eaddee
drastic, barb, feer feayslee, feer-phurgaidagh, niart
drat!, Drogh er!
dratted, cushtey
draught, blest, bolgum, correy, driaghtyr, slug, stroolane
draught (ale), roie
draught ale, lhune 'sy toandey, lhune roie
draught board, claare tawlish-beg
draught hook, dooan toshee
draught horse, cabbyl tayrnee
draught of air, sheidag
draught of medicine, jough lheeys
draught of ship, duinid snauee
draught screen, scaa stroolane
draughts, tawlish (beg)
draughtsman, babban tawlish, draghteyr, fer tawlish beg, linneyder
draughtsmanship, linneydeyrys
draughty, fannee
draw, cleayney
draw, camtayrn, cleayney, cloie cormey, cloie corrym, cron, cronchur, dooney, jallooaghey, jiole, kelkal, sluggey, stig, striggey, taaley, tayrn, yrjaghey
draw, tayrn
draw (as fowl), glenney
draw (as sword), lhomey
draw about, tayrn mygeayrt
draw along, sleaydey
draw apart, scarrey, skeayley, tayrn veih my cheilley
draw aside, goll gys un cheu, tayrn gys un cheu
draw away, tayrn ersooyl
draw back, goll back, goll er ash, tayrn er ash
draw down, tayrn neose
draw in, cur er boayrd, giarrey neose, tayrn stiagh
draw near, tar er gerrey, tayrn faggys
draw off, cleayney, gow jeh, sheeley, tayrn er ash, tayrn jeh, tayrn sheear, teaumey
draw on, cheet gy kione, cur mysh
draw out, tayrn magh
draw to, dooney
draw together, tayrn ry-cheilley
draw up, cummey, cur ayns straneyn, draghtey, tayrn neese
draw-hook, croagane tayrn
drawback, bac, lhiettrimys
drawbridge, droghad troggee
drawer, kishteig hayrn, linneyder, tayrnag, tayrneyder
drawer up, draghteyr
drawer-pull, tayrneen
drawers, fo-hroosyn, fo-vreechyn
drawing, caslys, jalloo, jallooaght, linneeaght, tayrn, tayrn, tayrn
drawing board, claare linneeaght
drawing book, lioar linneeaght
drawing in, conghorraghey, goll ny s'girrey
drawing knife, skynn stoandey
drawing master, fer-ynsee linneeaght
drawing off, goaill (jeh), goaill (jeh), striggey, tayrn sheear, teaumey
drawing paper, pabyr linneeaght
drawing pen, penn linneeaght
drawing pin, taggad ordaag
drawing room, cuillee, shamyr soie
drawl, caayney, sleadey-focklyn
drawling, caayney
drawn, lommyrtagh, tayrnit, treih, treih, yrjit
drawn out, keyl, liauyr, sheeynt, tayrnit magh
drawn sword, cliwe lommyrtagh
dray, drug
dray horse, cabbyl drug
drayman, immanagh drug
dread, aggle, atchim, owan, scoagh
dreadful, agglagh, atchimagh
dreadfully, ass myghin
dreadfulness, atchimid
dreadnought, lhong chaggee
dream, ashlish, brann, dreamal, slamm
dreamer, ashleyder
dreaminess, branlaadys
dreamland, cheer ny h-oie
dreamy, ashlishagh, branlaadagh
dreamy person, branlaadagh
dreariness, bugganeys, dreeid
dreary, bugganeagh, dree
dredge, dredjal, duinaghey, sleayd, sleaydey
dredge net, lhieen screebee
dredged, dredjit, duinit
dredger, baatey duinee, duineyder, sleaydeyder
dredging, duinaghey, sleaydey
dreg, drow, drow, drundin
dreggy, drowagh, drundinagh
dregs of humanity, boanlagh ny theayee
drench, baih, cur purgaid da, fliughey, purgaid
drenching rain, fliaghey fliugh, fliugh-liaghee
dress, baarey, coamrey, cur eaddagh er, eaddagh, gooyn, jannoo coamrey da, jashaghey, jesheenaghey, kiangley, lhiasaghey, pollal, screebey, skeoghey, stoamey, stolkey
dress circle, ard-chiarkyl
dress coat, cooat fastyr, jaggad arbyllagh
dress down, fanney, troiddey
dress length, peesh gooyn
dress shield, scape ollish
dress shirt, lheiney chreoi, lheiney fastyr
dress suit, cullee fastyr, cullee share
dress up, coamrey, cur mysh
dress-length, lhiurid ghooyn
dressed up, coamrit seose
dresser, coamreyder, skelloo vooar
dresser-up, stooameydagh
dressiness, fashanaght
dressing, aarlaghey, coamrey, cur mysh, kiangley, lhiasaghey
dressing (salad), aunlyn glassan
dressing down, fanney, troiddey
dressing gown, cooat shamyragh
dressing jacket, jaggad hamyr
dressing room, shanyr choamree, shanyr choamree
dressing station, stashoon kianglee
dressing table, boayrd scaane
dressing up, cur mysh
dressmaker, ben eaddeyder, eaddeyder, gooneyder
dressmaking, gooyneydys
dressy, fashanagh, jesheenagh
dribble, jibraght, jibrey, sheeleen, sheeley
dribbler, sheeleyder
dried, cheerit, chirmit
dried bull's penis, staaue
dried fruit, mess chirmit
dried up, chirmit, chirrym, shirgit
drier, cheereyder, chirmeyder
drift, aah, beoyn, bree, cleay-heebey, gleashaght, goll lesh y gheay, goll lesh y tidey, goll lesh y troa, immeeaght, obbyr rea, raagh, sheeb, sheebey, sheid, sheid, skeabey (lesh), troa
drift ice, rio marrey
drift net, lhieen troa
drift sand, geinnagh sheebit
drifter, drifter, shaghrynagh
driftwood, fuygh marrey, mooirchooraghyn, mooirchoorey
driftwood, mooirchoorey
drill, cliaghtey, drillal, drilley, drilleyder, fanneyder, oirragh, tarrar, tarrarey
drill hall, halley sidooragh
drill plough, keeaght ghrilley
drill sergeant, sarjant drilley
drilled, drillit, tarrarit, towlit
drilling, drillal, tarrarey, towley
drink, bine, jough, oyl
drink down, sluggey
drink in, sluggey, soo-seose
drink money (tip), eearlys
drink off, sluggey sheese
drink up, folmaghey
drinkable, iuoil, yn-iu
drinkableness, iuoilid
drinker, iuder
drinking, giu, iu, iu
drinking (in pub), pynteragh
drinking bout, iuderaght
drinking fountain, farrane
drinking glass, gless, glonney, glonney
drinking pal, co-iuder, sheshey iu
drinking pool, logh oyl, logh uyll
drinking song, arrane iuderagh
drinking trough, trogh ushtey, trogh ushtey
drinking vessel, saagh iu
drip, cur er sheeley, drig, drigey, faarney, sheeley
drip stone, clagh heelee
drip-cock, fyseid sheelee
drip-feed, drigeyder
dripping, drigagh, drigey, faarnagh, faarney, geirr, sheeley
dripping tub, tubbag lhiggee, tubbag sheelee
dripping tube, pipaid
drippings, dridlagh
drippy, drigagh, faarnagh
drive, bayr, chennid, co-chloie, eiyr, gimman, greesaghey, imman, lorgaghey, markiaght, ruightey, sheebey, shiaulley roish y gheay
drive along, cloh, eiyrt, imman, lorgaghey
drive away, imman ersooyl, immee roish
drive back, imman er ash
drive in, cur stiagh, goll stiagh, imman stiagh
drive out, eebyrt (magh), imman magh, imman magh ass, ruightey
drive over, imman harrish, imman noal, imman noal, imman noon
drive through, imman ny hrooid
drivel, boghtynid, roie shelley, roie stronney
driveller, meecheeayllagh, roieder stronney, shelley stronney
driven snow, sniaghtey sheebit
driver, immanagh
driving, deiyragh, eiyrt, imman, immanagh, sheebane
driving axle, essyl immanagh
driving belt, cryss immanagh
driving chain, geuley immanagh
driving gear, cullee immanagh
driving iron, immanagh, yiarn immanagh
driving licence, kied immanagh, kiedoonys immanagh
driving pulley, ullag immanagh
driving school, scoill imman
driving test, prowal imman
driving wheel, queeyl immanagh
drizzle, dramane, joanlagh
drizzly, dramaneagh, joanlee
drogheda, Droghad Aah
drogue, oashyr gheayee
droll, aitt, gamsgoge, gamshogagh
drollery, aittys, gamshogeys
drollness, aittys
dromedary, drommeyder, dronnag
dromore, Dreeym Mooar
drone, cronnane, cronnaney, doss, drollane, litcher, shellan firryn, shellan litcheragh
dronish, drollaneagh, lhiastey, litcheragh
droop, croymmey, goll my-laaee, lhiggey neose, lhiggey sheese, shymley, tuittym
drooped, croym, my-laaee, shymlit
drooping end, kione my laaee
droopy, croymmagh
drop, bine, brey, cliejeen, cliejeen, cooylley, cur stiagh, drig, drigey, drishlagh, faarney, jeeigane, jolt, leodaghey, lhiargagh, lhieggey, lhiggey neose, sheeley, skyrraghtyn (fockle), tuiitym
drop away, lhaggaghey, skeaylley
drop behind, tuittym gys y jerrey
drop by drop, bine er bine
drop curtain, curtan toshee
drop it!, Faag eh!
drop off, cooyl-skyrraghtagh, cur seose, faagail magh, irree ass, riftan, tuittym ergooyl, tuittym ergooyl, tuittym magh
drop shutter, cooylley huittymagh
drop stitch, loob er laar
drop-head, kione yn-filley
drop-valve, tuitt-chooylley
dropgoal, drop-ghean
dropkick, drop-chick
droplet, bineen
dropped axle, essyl lhieggit
dropped thread, snaie lhieggit
dropper, drigeyder, pipaid, quaillag hoshee, tuitteyder
droppings, drigyn, eoylley, keck
droppy, bineagh, drigagh
dropsical, ushlagh
dropsy, gorley brooinney
dropwort, lus ny binjey, lus ny binshey
drosera, lus ny graih
dross, boanlagh, saill, trustyr
drought, chirmid
drove, bochillaght, griaght, imman
drover, eiyreyder, griaghter, guilley n'ollee, immanagh
drown, baighey, baih, baihaghey, mooghey
drowned, baiht, mooghit
drowned lands, thalloo baiht
drowner, baihder, fer goll er vaih
drowning, baih
drowse, ceau saveeney
drowsiness, saveenys
drowsy, cadlagh, dromm, saveenagh
drudge, dreih, tooilleil
drudgery, doccarys, dreihys, tooilleil
drug, cur druggey da, druggey, stoo lheeys, stoo lheeys
drug addict, fer currit da druggaghyn
drug store, shapp potecaree
drugget, druggaid
druggist, druggeyder, potecaree
drugstore, drugglann
druid, druaight, druaightagh, druaightys
druidess, ben-druaight
druidic(al), druaightagh
druidism, driualtys, druaightys
drum, dollan, drum, drummeragh, stoandey
drum major, drummey-veoir, meoir drummey
drumhead, eddin ghrummey, kione king
drummer, drummeyder
drummer boy, guilley drum
drummond, Drummin
drumnadrochit, Dreeym Ny Droghad
drumstick, lurgey ein, maidjey drum
drunk, er meshtey, iuit, iut, meshtallagh, scooyrit
drunkard, sheer-veshtallagh
drunken, meshtoil
drunkeness, mestallys, scooyr
drunkenly, dy mestoil
drupe, droop
dry, chirmaghey, chirrym, creeney, creoi, cuckley, dree, jeen, shiast, shiastey, sloateil
dry cow, booa hiast
dry dock, lhonglann chirrym
dry land, thalloo chirrym
dry nurse, boandyr shiast, trog er voteil
dry off, chirmaghey, cuckley
dry period, fowan
dry plate, plaait chirrym
dry rot, froghid
dry snot, brabban
dry spell, chiarrey
dry up, chirmaghey, creenaghey, cuckley, kuckley, shirgaghey, spongey
dry wall, boalley chirrym, boalley feayr
dry weather, charrey, chiarrey
dry wine, feeyn neuvillish
dry-bulb, chirrym
dry-clean, chirrym-ghlenney
dry-cleaned, chirrym-ghlent
dry-cleaning, chirrym-ghlenney
dry-eyed, chirrym-hooillagh
dry-footed, chirrym-choshagh
dry-rotten, frogh
dry-snotty, brabbanagh
dryad, keyllagh
dryad's saddle, jeelt ferrish, jeelt ny ferishyn
dryer, chirmeyder
dryer (electric), cheereyder
drying, cheerey, chirmaghey, sloateil, sloateilys
drying floor, laare heeree
drying line, streng niaghan
drying machine, greie cheeree
drying room, shamyr heeree
dryness, chirmid, dreeid, shiastid
dual, daagh, dooblit
dual carriageway, bollagh dooblit
dualism, daaghys
duart, Jooart
dub, cur chengey er (fillym), cur kiaull er (fillym), dubbey, reejerey y yannoo jeh, slaa
dubiety, dooyt, ourys
dubin, smarrey
dubious, ouryssagh
dubiousness, neuhickyrys
dublin, Balley Aah Cleeah, Divlin
dubliner, Divlynagh
ducal, diucagh
duchess, ben ooasle, bendiuic, yn chenn-caillin
duchy, diucaght
duck, aanrit garroo, croymmey, cur fo ushtey, gleashtan snauee, laagh, thummey, thunnag, veg
duck boards, claareyn-shooyl
duck gun, gunney laagh
duck's foot, cass hunnag, lus y nieu
duck-shoot, lhiggey laagh, lhiggey laagh
duck-shooting, lhggey laaghyn
duckbill, kione-thunnag
ducking, fliughey, thummey
ducklike, laaghagh, thunnagagh
duckling, eean thunnag
duckpond, poyll thunnag
duckshot, grine laagh
duckweed, gleiy hunnag
ducky, my ghraih, my vyrneen
duct, duct, feddyn, pioban
ductile, so-ghleashagh, yn-sheeyney
ductility, so-ghleashaght, yn-sheeyney
ductless glands, fairaigyn gyn duct
dud, dyn ymmyd, foalsey, gyn y vie, gyn ymmyd, marroo, pollan
dudgeon, ferg
duds, pollanyn
due, kyndagh rish
due, appee, cair, cooie, jeeragh, kiart, ry-heet, yn-eeck
due east, shiar yeeragh
due north, twoaie yeeragh
due south, jiass jeeragh
duel, caggey fer rish fer, co-lane
duellist, caggeyder, co-chaggeyder, co-laneyder
duenna, ben arree
dues, feeaghyn
duet, jeesaid
duettist, jeesaidee
duffel, duffyl
duffel coat, cooat duffyl
duffer, bleih, shenn vleih dy ghooinney
dug, cleiyit, ooh, reuyrit, sheeiney, sheeint
dug-out, towl fastee
dugong, booa varrey
dugout, billey snauee, finneig
duke, diuic, duic
dukedom, diucdaght, keim ghuic
dulcet, bing, millish
dulcify, jannoo millish (bing)
dulcimer, kishtey bing
dull, bolvaneagh, dree, dromm, jannoo moandagh, leodaghey, marroo, moal, mooghey, neughloassey
dull, marroo
dull (as edge), neugheyre
dull as day, dullyr, mooirjeenagh
dull as edge, moandagh
dull grey, keeir
dull of colour, ouyragh
dull of hearing, moandagh
dull of pain, marroo
dull-eyed, marroo-hooillagh
dullard, bolvane
dullness, dreeid, drommid, dullyraght, mellid, moandid, moandys, mooirjeenid, neugloasid
dulse, dullish
dulse leaf, ribbag
duly, ayns traa, dy cooie, myr s'cair
dumb, amloayrtagh, balloo
dumb and dumb, bouyr balloo
dumb cake, soddag valloo
dumb craft, saagh gyn croan
dumb person, balloo
dumb River, Yn Awin Valloo
dumb waiter, boayrd queeyllagh
dumb-bell, tromman
dumbarton, Doon Bretyn
dumbfound, jannoo bolvane jeh
dumbness, amloayrtys, ballooid
dummy, bolvane, breagag, bullad kyagh, corp foalsey, diddee, foalsey
dump, carnane, ceau magh, tasht, tashtey
dumping, ceau magh, tashtey
dumpling, teaystag
dumps, muc ghoo (er)
dumpy, puttagagh
dun, clowaney, croaganaghey, doon, dorraghey, dullyr, ouar, ouyr
dun horse, cabbyl buigh
duncan, Doncan
dunce, bollag hiu, bolvane, donnan
duncelike, donnanagh
Dundalk, Doon Jialgan
dunderhead, poltag
dune, dreeym geinnee, mooiragh
dung, cugh, eoyllaghey, eoylley, gaerr, jannoo keck, keck, keckey, lhiasaghey, taa, taarey, toarey, toarrey, toarrey
dung beetle, deyll eoylley
dung cart, cairt eoylley
dung fork, gollage, grep
dung of ants, ooir hallooin
dung-pit, grape, grepp, gribbey
dung-pit, grepp
Dungannon, Doon Gannan
dungaree, breechyn dungaree
dunged, lhiasit
dungeon, dein
dunger, eoylleyder
dungfly, cobblyr caa
dunghill, thorran
dunging, broighey, geoyllaghey, keckey, lhiasaghey, taarey
dunlin, breckag hraie
dunnage, fuygh eeghtyragh, scudlagh (ny marrinee)
dunner, clowanagh, crowaltagh
dunnish, ouyragh
dunnock, boght keeir, buntee gorrym, jallyn cleigh
dunvegan, Doon Veagan
duodecimal, daa-yeihoilagh
duodecimo, daa-yeig-mo
duodenal, joodeenagh
duodenal ulcer, askaid chollaneagh
duodenum, beeal y chollane, joodeenym
dupe, bleb, marranagh, molley, molleydagh
duped, mollit
duper, molleyder, molteyr
dupery, molteyrys
duple, daa-vuillagh
duplex, dooblit
duplicate, dooblagh, dooblaghey, doobyl, jannoo coip jeh, jannoo maclioar, mac-, maclioar, macscreeuyn
duplicating machine, coip-ghreie
duplication, dooblaghey, jannoo coipyn
duplicator, coipeyder
duplicity, far-ghellal, kialg, molteyrys
dura mater, moir chreoi
durability, ceau, farraghtyn
durability, beaynid
durable, beayn, beayn-hassooagh, do-cheau, foddey-heilltagh
durably, dy beayn
duralumin, olymin creoi
duramen, cree creoi
durance, pryssoonys
duration, sheerid, traa
duress, egin, pryssoonys
during, car, er, er feiy, er fud, feiy, fud, rish, trooid
during Yuletide, er y Nollick
dusk, coleayrtys, comleayrtys, dorraghey, keeirid
duskiness, dhoanid, keerid
dusky, dhoan-wuigh, dorraghey, dullyr, keeir
dust, stoor
dust, gamylt 'sy joan, glenney, joan, joaney, poodyral, stoor
dust cap, bayrn joan, clabbeen joan
dust pan, sleayst leoirey
dust sheet, brelleein joan
dust shot, myn-ghrine
dust up, caggey
dust-proof, jeen noi joan
dustbin, coyr trustyr
duster, clooid
dustman, dooinney trustyr
duststorm, sterrym joan
dusty, joanagh, joanlagh, leoiragh
dusty miller, lus ny benrein
Dutch, Germaanish, Ollanagh, Ollanish
Dutch auction, cant Frangagh
Dutch clover, shamrag vane
Dutch courage, creeaght yn jough
Dutch rush, birrag
Dutchman, Ollanagh
dutiable, fo-keesh
dutiful, ammysagh, bial, biallagh, currymagh
dutiful son, mac ammyssagh
dutifulness, ammys, biallys, currymid
duty, curmal, currym, jiootee, keesh, obbyr, tailley
duty free, seyr veih keesh
duvet, curleid rangagh
dwarf, beg, crivassan, cur ass aase, cur cummey feer veg (er), dooinneen, trollag
dwarf birch, beih veg
dwarf conifer, myn-vearkanagh
dwarf cornel, billey coyin
dwarf sun, myn-ghrian
dwarf tree, crouw, myn-villey
dwarf willow, shellagh ushtey, tuig y yeeigey
dwarfish, crivassanagh
dwell, baghey, cummal, tannaghtyn
dweller, cummaltagh, fer baghee
dwelling, cummal, thie baghee, thie mooar
dwelling place, caayr, cummal, ynnyd vaghee
dwindle, lheie ersooyl
dye, cullyr, daaghey, daah
dye-pool, poyll daah
dye-works, thie daah, thie daahderys
dyeable, yn-ghaaghey
dyed, daahit
dyeing, daaghey
dyeing trade, daahderys
dyer, daahder
dyer's greenwood, lus y wuigh wooar
dyer's mignonette, lus y wuigh, wullee wuss
dying, geddyn baase, jannoo yn jerrey (jeh), paartail, parail, raad y vaaish
dyke, boalley, cleigh marrey, kione
dyked, boallit
dyker, boalleyder, cleighder
dynamic, breeoil
dynamics, dynamickyn
dynamite, bleaystey (lesh poodyr), dynamite, poodyr, sheidey (lesh poodyr)
dynamiter, fer poodyr
dynamo, dynamo
dynamo-electric, dynamo-lectragh
dynamometer, niartveih
dynamotor, dynamotor
dynastic, reeraghtagh
dynasty, reeraghtys
dysenteric, y ghiarrey
dysentery, buinnagh (mooar), chingys mooar y yiarrey, yn giarrey folley, yn gorley gastey, yn keckey shooyl
dyslexia, neulhaihderys
dyslexic, neulhaihagh
dyspepsia, lhag-ghaillagh
dyspeptic, lhag-ghaillagh
dyspnoea, peeaghane, toghtey
