gab, cabberaght
gabble, cabaraght
gabbler, cabberey
gabbling, cabbaragh
gaberdine, gaberdeen
gable, gaabyl
gable board, claare gaabyl
gable end, kione-gaabyl
gable top, peek
gabled, gaabylagh
gad, kibbin
gadabout, cartage
gadding, cartagey, roie er rouyl
gadding, roie er rouyl
gadfly, croagan
gadget, gliggyr
gadroon, gadroon
gadwall, thunnag hwoaie
Gael, Gael
Gaeldom, Cheer Ny Gaeil
Gaelic, Gaelg, Gaelgagh, Gailck, Gailckagh
Gaelic football, bluckaneyrys, bluckaneyrys Gaelgagh
Gaelic speaker, Gaelgeyr, lught ny Gaelgey, mooinjer ny Gaelgey
Gaelic speaking area, Gaeltaght
Gaelic type, clou Gaelgagh
Gaelicism, Gaelgaghys
Gaelicization, Gaelgaghey
Gaelicize, jannoo Gael jeh, jannoo Gaelgagh
gaff, clep, cleppal, croagane, slatt y shiaull ard
gaff sail, shiaull ard
gaff-hook, croagane
gaffe, marran, shaghrynys
gag, cur gobbane er, gobbane
gage, cur ayns gioal, gioal
gaggle, possan, scoylgarnee
gaiety, reaid
gaily, dy reagh, dy reagh
gain, cheet er e hoshiaght, cosney, mooadaghey, vondeish
gainer, cosneyder
gainful, cosnee, vondeishagh
gainless, neuvondeishagh
gains, cosney
gait, cosheeaght, shooyl
gaiter, gaiter
gala, feailley
gala day, laa mooar
galactic, bainnagh, bluight, galactagh
galaxy, ard-chruinnaght, co-hollys rollageagh
gale, gaal, gaaley, roddagagh
gale cone, cughlin geayee
galena, galee
gall, brasney, buighid, cro, cur galverg er, daanys, daanys, gall, galvarg, galverg
gall bladder, eddryman buighid
gallant, ard-voyrnagh, cooyrteyr, gastoil, gialtagh
gallantry, gastoilid, gialteeys
galleon, galleon
gallery, lout foshlit
gallery grave, oaye loutagh
gallery rifle, lught raifyl, raifyl cliaghtey
gallet, spulley
galley, birling, gallee, shamyr aarlee, thie coagyrey
galley slave, sleab birling
galley-proof, prowal liauyr
galleyworm, ymmyrtagh ruy
gallfly, shellan darree
gallic, Frangagh, Gallagh
gallicism, Frangaghys
gallinaceae, kiarkyn
gallinaceous, kiarkagh
galling, brasnee, galvergagh
gallium, galliam
gallivant, cartaghey mygeayrt
gallivanting, cartaghey mygeayrt
gallon, galloon
gallop, garrey, lhigey
galloper, lhigeyder
galloping, garrey, lhigey
Galloway, Yn Ghallioo
gallowglass, goal-aeglagh, sidoor goaldagh
gallows, criy
gallows bird, fer aarloo da'n chriy
gallows tree, criy, criy
gallstone, kelkaghys buighid
galop, daunse lhigee
galore, dy liooar
galosh, far-vraag
galvanic, galvaanagh
galvanism, galvaanys
galvanization, galvaanaghey, galvaanaghys
galvanize, cur annym ayns, galvaanaghey
galvanometer, galvaanveih
Galway, Galliu
gambit, arral
gamble, carrooagh
gambler, carrooagh
gambling, carrooagh, cloieoil
gambol, clistal, clistey
game, cloie, gamman
game (food), feieys
game (of leg), baccagh
game egg, sped chellee
game hunting, feieaghey
game license, kiedoonys shelg
game net, doll, doll
game park, pairk feieys
game-bag, poagey feieys
game-legged, baccagh
gamecock, kellagh caggee
gamekeeper, meoir feiys
gamesmanship, spoyrtoilid
gaming house, thie cronchor
gaming table, boayrd carrooagh
gammer, mwarree, shenn caillagh
gammon, kease vuickey jaaghit
gamp, fascaidagh, scaaliaghee
gamut, rheam, scaaley
gamys, lajer
gander, kellagh guiy
gang, commeeys, geng, skimmee
gang plough, yl-cheeaght
gang up, gengal
gang-board, daayl coshey, daayl coshey
ganged, co-ghlooit
ganger, meoir
ganglion, cree, gangleen
gangplank, daayl coshey, daayl coshey
gangrene, gangrail, loau, loauaghey
gangrenous, gangrailagh, loau
gangster, gengeyr
gangsterdom, gengeyrys
gangway, droghad coshey, droghad coshey
gannet, gant
Gansey, Yn Eenaugh
Gansey, Bun Roauyr
Gansey Bay, Baie Ny Carrickey, Baie Yn Eenaugh
gantry, droghad, droghad, gantree
gaol, carchyr, cur ayns carchyr, cur ayns pryssoon, pryssoon, pryssoonaghey
gaol delivery, folmaghey pryssoon
gaolbird, carchyragh, shenn-phryssoonagh
gaoler, geuleyder, pryssooneyder, wardoor
gap, anchaslys, baarney, bollagh, doarlish, doarlish, faanys
gap lathe, deill gaaigey, deill gaaigey
gap-toothed, feeacklyn baarnagh
gape, blakail, blake, blakey, foshlit, scart, thoaganey
gaper, blakeyder, thoaganagh
gaping, blakey, feayn-foshlit, lhean-foslit, lhean-foslit, thoaganagh, thoaganey
garage, cur stiagh 'sy gharreish, garaashtey, garreish
garb, coamrey
garbage, fooillagh, trustyr
garble, mestey
garbled, cam, mestit
garbled, neuchronnal, neuchronnal
garbler, daahder (skeeal), daahder (skeeal), foalseyrey (teks)
garden, garey, jannoo gareydys
garden cabbage, cabbash vane
garden chickweed, flig
garden cress, cresh
garden elder, tramman gharagh
garden fork, gollage, grep
garden hose, pioban garagh
garden mint, mynthey
garden party, chaglym garagh, giense garagh
garden produce, troar garagh
garden sage, creaghlagh
garden seat, soieag gharagh
garden shed, bwaag gharagh
garden spade, kiebbey garagh
garden tools, greienyn garagh
garden warbler, kiaulleyder garagh
gardener, gareyder
gardening, garagh, gareydys
garfish, snaid varrey
garganey, thunnag houree
gargantuan, buillvollee, feer vooar, foawragh
gargle, gargley, gargyl
gargoyle, kione bugganeagh
garish, dallagh, dallagh
garland, attey blaa, slongan
garlic, garleid
garlic mustard, garleid cheylley, yn lus gharroo
garment, coamrey, garmad
garment maker, garmadeyr
garner, cur stiagh, stoyral
garnet, garnaid
garnish, jesheenaghey
garnisher, jesheeneyder
garret, garrad
garret window, uinnag gharrad
garrison, garrastan, sidooryn
garron, garran
garrotte, garrotte, toghtey
garrotter, toghteyder
garrulity, cabberaght, focklaght
garrulous, cabberagh, focklagh, glib
garter, cribbyl, gliooneen
garter stitch, whaaley chribbylagh
gas, cur gas da, gas, gassaghey, mooghey lesh gas, skeaylley gas caggee
gas attack, soiagh gas
gas bag, cabberey
gas burner, losteyr gas
gas carbon, carboan-gas
gas chamber, shamyr ghas
gas company, colught gas
gas cooker, sorn gas
gas engine, greie gas, innyl gas
gas fire, aile gas
gas fitter, kiarteyder gas
gas fittings, gliggyryn gas
gas generator, gas-gheinneyder
gas industry, chynskyl yn ghas
gas lamp, lostan gas
gas main, ard-phiob
gas mantle, lossag gas
gas meter, gas-veih
gas oven, oghe ghas
gas pipe, pioban gas
gas pressure, chionnid gas
gas producer, gas-ghienteyder
gas ring, fainey ghas
gas shell, bleaystan gas
gas-filled, gas-lhieent
gas-holder, tasheydane gas
gas-proof, jeen noi gas
gas-works, thie gas
gasbag, poagey gas
gaseous, gassagh
gash, beam, giarrey, lhott, loggyr
gasify, jannoo gas jeh
gasket, gasgad
gaslight, soilshey gas
gasman, dooinney gas, dooinney gas
gasmask, far-eddin gas
gasogene, gas-gheinneyder
gasolene, gasaleen, pedryl
gasp, scred, scredey
gassy, gassagh
gasteropod, gastreypod
gastric, gastragh
gastric troubles, chingys gailley
gate, giattey
gate, giat
gate (of people), sleih
gate crash, brishey stiagh ayn
gate crashing, brishey stiagh
gate house, thie giat
gate money, argid giat
gatecrasher, brisheyder stiagh
gatekeeper, fer giat
gatepost, essyn
gather, chaglym, chymsagh, chymsaghey, cruinnaghey, ingyraght, teiy
gather together, cooidjaghey
gather up, troggal
gatherer, chagleyder, chymseyder, teiyder
gathering, chaglym, chionnal, cruinnaght, ingyraght, mod
gathering (of sheep), shioltane
gathering sore, chysagh
gathers, fillaghyn
gauche, kittagh, thootagh
gaudy, ard-ghaaoil, ard-voyrnagh
gauge, towse
gaul, Goal, goal
gaunt, shang, shirgit
gauntlet, doolane, doolane, lauean liauyr, lauean yiarn
gauze, stroll
gave, Hug
gave?, Dug
gawk, gammyl
gawkiness, gammylys
gawky, gammylagh
gay, gennal, reagh
gaze, blakey, lheeartaghey
gazelle, gaselle
gazer, blakeyder
gazette, earishlioar naight, earishlioar oikoil
gazetteer, earisheyr (oikoil), screeudeyr naight
gazing, blakey
gazump, mooadaghey dy croutagh
gean, shillish feie
gear, cullee, geear, greie, greieghey
gear lever, maidjey geer
gear ratio, geer-ronney
gear wheel, geer-wheeyl
gearbox, geear-vocs
gearcase, coodagh geear
gearing, geerys
gee, ha-magh!, Hup!
gee-gaw, moyrneen
gee-gee, cabbyleen
geezer, shenn-chaillagh, shenn-ghuilley
gel, gloagh, gloaghey
gelatine, gleiyan, gloagh, poodyr
gelatinous, gleiynagh
geld, spoiy
gelded cock, caboon
gelder, spoiyder
gelding, bock, garran, giarran, spoiy, spoiyaght
gelignite, geligneet, poodyr
gell, Geill, Geill
gelling, Gellin
gem, clagh ooasle, cliejeen
gem brooch, cliejeen vroghil
geminate, cubbylagh
gemmed, jesheenit lesh cliejeenyn
gender, keintys
genealogical, caardyssagh
genealogist, caardyssagh, sheelogheyder
genealogy, caardys, sheelogheydys
general, ard-, cadjin, cadjinys, kionfenee
general election, ard-reihys, ard-reihys
general expenses, feeaghyn cadjin
general ledger, lioar choontee chadjin
general manager, ard-reireyder
general practice, cliaghtey cadjin
general practitioner, fer lhee cadjin, fer lhee obbragh
general public, sleih, yn theay
general store, yl-stoyr
generalissimo, ard-chionfenee
generality, cadjinaght, cadjinys, keisht chadjin
generalization, co-chadjinys
generalize, goll er hoshiaght veih, goll roish veih
generally, cadjinagh, cliaghtey, dy cadjin
generally speaking, loayrt trooid as trooid
generalship, kionfeneeys
generate, giennaghtyn, gientyn
generation, giennaghtyn, gientyn, lhing, sheeloghe
generation of power, giennaghtyn cummaght
generative, gientynagh
generator, ayr, gienneyder, moir
generic name, ennym keintagh
generic(al), keintagh
generous, feoilt, feoiltagh
generous (of colour), creeoil
generous meal, scoltey
genesis, giennaghtyn, toshiaght
genetics, gie-oaylleeaght
genial, follan, gennal, lossanagh, slayntoil
geniality, follanid, gennallys, lossanaght, slayntoilid
genie, jinnee
genital, comyssagh
genitals, comyssyn
genitive, gienneydagh
genius, ard-cheeayllagh
genocide, kynney-ghunverys
genteel, ooashley, ooasle
gentian, jenshyn
Gentile, ashoonagh, chymmyltagh
gentilitial, ennym ooasle
gentilitial name, sliennoo
gentility, ooashlid
gentle, crooag, meein, mial
gentle sleep, cadley kiune
gentle tap, shibbag
gentle trot, drid bog, drid bog
gentle wind, geay veeley
gentlefolk, sleih ooasley
gentleman, dooinney ooasle, dooinney ooasle, dooinney seyr, dooinney seyr, fer
gentlemanliness, jeih-ellynys
gentlemanly, ellynagh, ooasle
gentleness, meeinid, mialys
gentlewoman, ben ooasle, ben seyr
gently, dy mial, dy miallagh
gently does it, Dy rea, Dy rea
gentry, yn sleih ooasley
gents, ny gheiney, ny vir, premmee deiney
genuflect, croymmey y ghlioon, glioon-lhoobey
genuflection, croymmey gliooney, glioon-lhoobey
genuine, jeelys, ynrick
genus, kynney
geodesist, geodesee
geodesy, geodeseeaght
geodetic(al), geodesagh
Geoffrey, Jeff
geographer, cheer-oayllee
geographic(al), cheer-oaylleeagh
geography, cheer-oaylleeaght
geological, creg-oaylleeaght
geological time, traa creg-oaylleeagh
geologist, creg-oayllee
geology, creg-oaylleeaght
geomagnetism, magnaidys thallooin
geometer, geometer, towse-oayllee
geometric(al), towse-oaylleeagh
geometry, towse-oaylleeaght
geopolitics, politickagh ny cruinney
george, Shorys
georgina, Shoryseen
gerald, Gerrylt
geraldine, Gerryltagh
geranium, lus ny h-ashlish
gerard, Gerrard
gerbe, bunney aileagh
gerfalcon, shawk Greenlaagh, urley bane
germ, bunniag, foghan, giennag
germ carrier, ymmyrkagh bunniag
German, Carmane, Garmane, Germaanagh, Germaanish, lane
germander, foillycan, oillycan
Germanic, Germaanagh
Germany, Yn Ghermaan
germicidal, bunniag-nieunagh
germicide, buinniag-nieu
germinate, foghaney
germinated, foghanit
germination, foghaney
gerrymander, cleayn-rheynn, jannoo cleayn-rheynn
gerund, ennym breearagh
gerundive, ennym breearagh
gestation, ymmyrkey
gesticulate, obbraghey ny laueyn
gesticulation, obbraghey ny laueyn
gesture, cowraghey, cowrey
get, feddyn, fow, fow, geddyn
get about, goll mygeayrt
get across, cur tessyn, goll tessyn
get along, ersooyl lhiat!, goll er oaie, goll er y hoshiaght
get back, geddyn er ash, goaill cooilleeney, goaill lhiasagh, goll er ash, goll ergooyl
get beyond, goll harrish, goll shaghey
get by, reirey, shaghney
get done, goll er jannoo
get down, cheet neose, geddyn neose, lhieggal, lhieggey, sleaghtey, tarlheimey
Get home!, Fow thie!
get in, cheet stiagh, faarney
get off, cur jeh, geddyn (jeh), irree
get out, aarlaghey, geddyn magh, tayrn
get over, cur harrish
get rid of, y eebyrt
get through, geddyn ny hrooid, goll ny hrooid
get together, cruinnaght, giense
get under, cur fo chosh, goll fo
get up, Irree!, Seose lhiat!
get up!, Trog ort!
get well card, kaart slaynt
getaway, toshiaght
getter, fowder
getter-up, dooishteyder, dooishteyder
getting, feddyn, feddyn, geddyn
getting better, cheet my laue, shareaghey
getting hungry, shanglaney
getting in a rage, goll cheagh, goll er ouyl
getting up, gatt, girree, gyrjaghey, irree, scolbey, troggal
gewgaw, fillosher, moyrneen
geyser, geeser
Ghana, Yn Gharney
Ghanaian, Garnagh
ghastliness, eajeeys, grouwid, scaanid
ghastly, eajee, grouw, scaanagh
gherkin, gerkyn
ghost, scaa, scaa goanlyssagh, scaan, scaanjoon, spyrryd
ghost ship, jannoo scaan, lhong shee
ghost story, skeeal scaanjoon(agh)
ghosting, jannoo scaan
ghostlike, scaanagh, scaanjoonagh
ghostliness, scaanaght, scaanjoonaght
ghostly, quaagh, scaanagh, scaanjoonagh
ghoul, gowl
ghoulish, gowlagh
giant, buillvollee, feer vooar, foawr, foawragh
giant fennel, finnal feie
giant hogweed, farrane vooar
giantess, caillagh foawragh
giantlike, foawragh
giants, foawir
Giarloch, Yn Logh Ghiare
gib staff, geu
gibber, cabbarey
gibbering, cabbaragh, cabbarey
gibbet, criy, crogh
gibbosity, crottaght, dronnid, dronnid
gibbous, crottagh, dronnagh, dronnagh
gibcat, an-chayt, kayt spoiyt, rang
gibe, flout
giber, craidoilagh, flouteyr
gibing, connyssagh, connysson, craidoil, floutaght, flouteraght
gibingly, craidoilagh
giblets, bee brisht, jiblassyn, yn scrobbane
Gibraltar, Jibraltey
giddiness, eddrymid, thollaneys
giddy, cur thollaneys er, thollaneagh
giddy person, thollane
gift, gioot, giootal (da), giootey, nastey, tortys
gifter, giooteyder, toyragh
gig, carriads daa-wheeyllagh, curraghan
gigantic, buillvollee, feer vooar, foawragh
giggle, giggleragh, giggyl
Gigha, Ellan Geeah, Ellan Geegey
gigot, kerroo eayn
gild, airhey, coodaghey lesh airh
gilded, airhit
gilder, airheyder
gill, duillag, duillag, grooane, sproghan
gilled, asnagh, duillagagh, duillagagh, grooaneagh, sproghanagh
gilliflower, blaa yn 'Eaill Eoin, lus y touree
gilmour, Mac 'Ill Voirrey
gilt, airh, airhey, airhey
gilt edges, oirryn airhey
gilt-edged, airh-oirrit, airhey
gimbal, gimbyl
gimlet, gimlad
gimlet eyes, sooillyn birragh
gimmick, gimmick
gimp, galloon
gin, jeneeve
gin trap, ribbey
ginger, annymoilaght, cur jinshar ayn, fynn-ruy, jinshar, ruy
ginger ale, lhune jinshar
ginger beer, lhune keyl jinshar
gingerbread, arran jinshar
gingerly, dy-kiarailagh, dy-kiarailagh
gingernut, brishtag jinshar, cro jinshar
gingham, jingane, scaa-greiney cadysh
gingiva, drunt, drunt
gingival, druntagh, druntagh
gingivitis, lostey druntyn
gipsy, shingaarey
gipsywort, nep churree
giraffe, mwannalagh
gird, cryssey
girder, garmin yiarn
girdle, cryss tarragh, cur cryss er, cur tarragh er
girdle cake, berreen ghryle
girl, 'neen, ben aeg, bwoirrinagh, caillag, caillin, doodee, doodee, inneen, yah
girl friend, doodee, doodee
girl guide, benaeglagh
girlhood, caillinys
girlie, doodee, doodee
girlish, caillinagh
girlish male, soailtaght
girth, chymbyllaght, tarragh
gist, bree
give, coyrt, cur, sheeyney, toyr
give away, cur ersooyl
give back, cur er ash
give forth, cur magh
give in, cur sheese, cur stiagh
give off, cur jeh
give out, cur magh
give over, cur da, irree ass
give permission, cur kied (da)
give up, cur seose, faagail
give way, raadey
give-and-take, lhiggey as goaill
given to kissing, paaghagh
giver, fer toyrt, giootalagh, giooteyder, toyrtagh, toyrtagh, toyrtyssagh
giving, coyrt, cur, toyrt, toyrt
giving fealty, ammyssaghey
gizzard, scoarnagh
gizzard, scoarnagh, scrobbag
glabrous, gyn clooie
glace, gloasagh, shugyrit
glacial, fanntagh, glonnoil, rioee
glaciation, roijey
glacier, awin rioee, rio-stroo
glacis, cleanfort
glad, boggoil
gladden, cur boggey da
gladdening, boggoil
gladdon, cliogagh glioonagh, lus y vooyn
glade, lhiondaig
gladiator, caggeyder
gladiatorial, caggee, caggeydagh
gladiolus, cliogagh garagh
gladness, boggey eunys, taitnys
glair, giallican
glamorous, drualtagh, drualtagh
glamour, drualtys, drualtys
glampus, caddym
glance, ceau shilley bieau er, shilley bieau, skyrraghtyn, sooilleragh
glancing (as blow), skyrraghtagh
gland, fairaig, gland, trellag
glandered, trelleenagh
glanders, trelleen
glandular, fairaigagh
glans penis, kione y woid
glare, ard-sollys, blakey, blakey (fargagh), gleamey
glare (as light), dallaghey, dallaghey, londyrnee
glare (of person), ceau sooill fargagh er
glare (of person), ceau sooill fargagh er
glaring, cronnal, dallagh, dallagh, leayr
glaring (of injustice), meenearagh
glaringness, ard-sollyssid, dallid, dallid, leayrid, meenearey
glasgow, Glaschu
glass, glenney, gless, glonney
glass blowing, sheidey glonney
glass cabinet, cabnaid glenney
glass case, askan glonney
glass furnace, furnish glonney
glass house, thie glonney
glass paper, pabyr glonney
glass partition, boalley glonney
glass rod, slatt ghlonney
glass roofing, kione glonney
glass ware, cooid ghlonney
glass wool, snaie glonney
glass worker, obbree glonney
glass works, caardee glonney
glass-blower, sheideyder glonney
glass-lined, glonney-linnit
glass-work, obbyr ghlonney
glasscutter, giarreyder glonney, giarreyder glonney
glasses, glessyn-sooilley, speckleyryn
glassful, lane glonney
glasshouse, pryssoon
glassman, glesseyder
glasswork, glonney, keirdagh ny glonney
glasswort, cabbash varrey
glassy, glonnoil
glassy (as look), marroo
Glastonbury thorn, drine Yoseph
glaucous, glass-ghorrym, lheeah-ghorrym
glaucous gull, caillagh, foillan glass, foillan glass
glaze, cur gloas (er), cur glonney ayn, gloas, gloasey, scannaney
glazed, fo glonney, gloasit, glonnit
glazed frost, fliugh-rio, fliugh-rio
glazed-in light, londeyr, lostan fo glonney
glazer, gloaseyder, greie gloasee
glazier, glessar
glaziery, glessarys
glazing, cur glonney ayn
glazing, gloasey
gleam, falleaysagh, skell, skelley
gleaming, falleaysagh, skelley, soilsheanagh
glean, jeeasseyder
gleaning, jeeasserey, jeeassyragh
gleanings, jeelym
glebe, thalloo lhannee
glee, cronnane, gennallys, gien, gleeghyn, reaid
gleeful, gennal, lane ghennalys, lane reaid, reagh
gleet, sheeley
glen, glion
glen Chass, Glion Shiast
glen Darragh, Glion Dorraghey
glen Helen, Glion Nellan, Glion Rheynn Eas
glen in mountains, alt
glen Mooar, Glion Shuin
glen Rushen, Glion Rosien
glengarry, bonnad Albinagh
gless partition, skiart glenney
glib, glib
glibness, glibeeys
glide, foilleyraght, gooillian, shliawinane, snaue
glider, foilleyr
gliding, foilleyraght, snaue
glimmer, falleays
glimpse, falleays, feddyn shilley beg jeh, geddyn shilley beg jeh, glynt, skell
glissade, skyrraght
glisten, glistral, glistree, lonraghey
glistening, glistragh, lonragh, soilsheanagh
gloaming, coleayrtys, keeiragh
gloat, gloatal
gloating, gloatagh
globe, cruinnag, cruinney, glonney
globe artichoke, blissane
globe flower, lus ny gruinnag
globefish, pandoogheyder marrey
globetrotter, troailtagh cruinney
globular, bluckanagh, cruinn, runt
globule, cruinneen, runtag
glockenspiel, cluigane
glomerule, bluckaneen
gloom, burgeeaght, dullyr, dullyr, groamid, groamid, grooid, grouwid
gloominess, burgeeaght, dullyr, dullyr, groaish, groamaght, groamid, grooid, grouwid, mooirjeenys
gloomy, dool, dool, dorraghey, dorraghey, dullyr, dullyr, groamagh, grouw, moorjeenagh
glorification, gloyraghey
glorified, gloyrit
glorifier, gloyreyder
glorify, gloyraghey
glorious, gloyroil
glorious greenness, eayney gloyroil
gloriousness, gloyroilid
glory, gloyr, stoamid
glory hole, towl mullee
gloss, gloas, gloasaghey, gloasey, sollyssid
glossarist, fockleyreyder
glossary, fockleyr beg
glossed, gloasit
glossiness, gloasid
glossy, gloasagh
glottal, sluggidagh
glottis, sluggid
glove, cur laueanyn er, lauean
glove factory, thie jantys laueanyn
glove fastener, dooneyder lauean, dooneyder lauean
glove-stretcher, maidjey lauean
glovemaker, laueaneyr
glovemaking, laueaneyrys
glow, bree, jiargaghey, jirgid, lonraghey, soilshean
glow worm, crooag yial, lamprag
glow-lamp, lostan
glower, dy ve ferg-hooillagh, dy ve ferg-hooillagh
glowering, fergagh
glowing, jiarg, lonragh, smarageagh, soilsheanagh
glowing heat, gred-hiass
gloxinia, shinneen
gloze, jannoo beggan jeh
glue, gleiy, gleiyaghey, gleiyghey, glooaghey, glooie
glue-pot, poht glooie
glued, festit, gleiyit, glooit
gluey, gleiyagh, glooieagh
glug glug, gluggal
glum, groamagh, grouw
glume, gloomey
glumness, groamid, grouwid
glut, plooghey, plooghey (margee), saieid
gluten, gleiyane
glutinous, gleiyagh, gleiyaneagh
glutted, lane dy vee, lum-lane, plooghit
glutton, glutterey
gluttonous, jioogh
gluttonous dogs, moddee yiooghey
glycerine, glisreen
glyph, glyff
gnarl, cramman
gnarled, crammanagh
gnash, snaggeragh, snaggeral
gnasher, snaggeyder
gnashing, snaggeraght
gnat, meeyl, quill
gnaw, caigney
gnawer, caigneyder
gnawing, caignagh, caignee, caigney
gnawing care, boirey craiu
gnome, trollag
gnomon, snaid (clag-greiney)
go, goll, gow, immee, immee
go about, cur harrish, goll mygeayrt
go across, goll noon, goll tessen
go after, roie ny yei, shirrey
go against, goll noi, obbal
go ahead, breeoil, goaill toshiaght er, goll roish
go ahead!, Immee royd!
go and prosper, aigh vie
go away, Ersooyl lhiat!, Fow royd!, goll ersooyl
go back, goll er ash
go before, goll hoshiaght, goll roish
go behind, goll cooyl
go by, goll shaghey
go down, goll sheese, traih, tuittym
go forward, goll er oaie
go in, entreil, goll stiagh
go into, goll stiagh
go off, bleaystey, cheet gys jerrey schlei, faagail yn ardan, fioghey, goll eig, goll roish, lhiggey, loauaghey, traih
go off (as milk), breinnaghey, coayl miljid
go off (as pain), meeinaghey
Go on!, Ersoyl lhiat!
go out, goll magh, Hraih, immee magh, mooghey
go out!, Magh lhiat!
go over, goll harrish, goll tessyn, Gow noon
go over (in mind), aasmooinaght
go past, immee shaghey
go round, cassey, goll mygeayrt
go through, goll ny hrooid
Go to pot!, Immee gys Niurin, Immee gys yn jouyll!
go together, goll ry-cheilley, souree
go under, goll fo
go up, goll seose, yrjaghey
go with, goll lesh, goll marish
go without, jannoo fegooish
go-as-you-please, myr sailliu
go-between, chaghter, dooinney moyllee, dooinney moyllee
go-kart, cairteen
goad, brod, brod, brod immanagh, broddey, greinnaghey, lorg immanagh, sleean, sleeanag, sleeaney
goal, dean, dean, deayneyder, deayneyder
goal power, niart dean
goalpost, maidjey dean
goat, goayr
goat's milk, bainney goair
goat-hair, geaysh ghoair
goatee, faasaag ghoair
goatherd, bochilley goair
goatish, goayragh
goats, goair
goatskin, crackan goair, sheh ghoair
gobbet, greim
gobble, sluggey sheese
gobble (of turkey), glockernee
gobbler, kellagh frangagh, sluggeyder
gobbling, glockernee, sluggey
goblet, corn, glonney chassagh
goblin, glashtin
goby, kione tramman
God, Jee
God be praised, Moylley lesh Jee
God of Hosts, Jee Ny Hoie
God speed, cair vie
God the father, Jee yn Ayr
God wot, Ta fys ec Jee
God's acre, yn rhuillick, yn rhuillick
god-child, lhiannee bashtee
god-daughter, inneen vashtee
god-forsaken, foddey feayn, treigit liorish Jee
goddess, ben-jee
godetia, lus y chorn
godfather, ayr bashtee, gedjey, goshtiu
Godfrey, Gorree
Godhead, Jee
godless, anjeeagh
godlessness, anjeeys
godlike, jeeoil
godliness, craueeaght
godly, crauee, jeeoil
godmother, mimmey, moir vashtee
godown, thie stoyr
godparent, ayr bashtee, gedjey, mimmey
Godred, Gorree
Godsend, toyrtys Yee
godship, jeeys
godson, mac bashtee
goer, golleyder, immeeaghtagh
goggle-eyed, bolg-hooillagh
goggles, speckleyryn coadee
going, goll, goll, immeeaght
going away, immeeaght
going back, brishey, gol sheear, goll er ash
going headlong, goll er mullagh ching
going north, goll my hwoaie
going northwards, goll lesh y twoaie, goll my hwoaie
going out, goll magh
going queer, quaaghey
going to be wet, mooirjeenagh
goings on, jannoo
goitre, anglysh
goitrous, anglyshagh
gold, airh, oar
gold beater, bwoaltyr airh
gold braid, claight airhey
gold dust, joan airhey
gold fever, builley yn airh
gold field, laaragh airh
gold foil, duillag airhey
gold leaf, duillag airhey
gold like, airhoil
gold plate, plait airhey
gold ring, fainey airh
gold thread, snaie airhey
gold work, obyr airhey
gold-cased, airh-choodit
gold-digger, reuyreyder airh, toghailteyr
gold-laced, airh-laatchit
gold-mine, meain airh
gold-nibbed, airh-ghobbagh
gold-plated, fo brat airh
gold-rimmed, airh-oirrit
gold-tipped, kione airhey
gold-washer, nieeder airh
goldcrest, drean buigh, drean buigh, ushag y juys
golden, airhey, buigh-airhey
golden eagle, urley buigh
golden eye, thunnag sooill airhey
golden mullet, mullad airhey
golden number, earroo airhey
golden opportunity, caa yindysagh
golden oriole, ushag airhey
golden plover, feddag, ushag reaisht
golden ring, fainey airhey
golden rod, sladdan airhey
golden samphire, lus airhey ny greg
golden stonecrop, lus ny lheiyee
golden wedding, bannish airhey
golden-crested, kione-wuigh
goldfinch, kiark my ven seyr, lossey ny keylley
goldfish, eeast airhey
goldsmith, gaaue airh
golf, cloie golf
golf club, maidjey golf, sheshaght golf
golf course, foain golf, magher golf
golfer, golfeyr
golfing, cloie golf
Golly!, Shee bannee mee!
gonad, gonad
gondola, gondola
gondolier, gondoleyr
gone out of use, naggyr
goner, corp
gong, bwoalley clag raauee, bwoalley gong, gong
goniometer, towsheyder uiljyn
gonorrhoea, yn chiass, yn gorley scoaldee
good, mie, mienys, mieys
good afternoon, Fastyr mie
good afternoon (depart), slane ayd
good beyond everything, mie er bashtal
good bye, slane, slane ayd, slane lhiat
good citizenship, jeih-heyraanaght
good class, jeh sorch mie
good deed, jeih-yannoo
good faith, aigney mie
good feeling, jeih-choardailys
good fellowship, jeih-chommeeys
Good Friday, Jeheiney Caisht
Good King Henry, orragh feie
good lad, brod-ghuilley
good listener, cleaysh liauyr
good looker, ben stoamey
good looks, aalid, bwoyid, jeeaghyn, stoamid
good luck, aigh vie, aigh vie, raah, rah, rah, sonys
Good luck to you, Noorey vie ort, Oorey vie ort
good management, ladoose, tarmaynys
good manners, ellyn vie
Good morning!, Baill veih Jee dhyt!, Maddin vie!, Moghrey dhyt!, Moghrey mie!
Good morning! (answer), Baill veih Jee hood!
Good morrow!, Moghrey dhyt!
good name, ennym mie, goo mie
good nature, coarid, doaieid, doaieid, mialys
good news, naight vie
Good night, Oie vie
good omen, jeih-vonney
Good on you!, Noorey vie ort
good order, mayn, rick, smaght
good quantity, brash
good resolutions, kiarailyn mie
good riddance to him!, blein vie ny yei!
good round sum, sym mie
good sort of woman, ben jeih-chreeagh, jeih-ven
good state of plumpness, ayns callin vie
good tidings, naightyn mie
good visibility, fakinaght vie, leayrid mie
good way, doaie mie er, doaie mie er
good weather, emshir vie
good works, jeih-obbraghyn, obbraghyn miey
good-class, mie-hroggit, ooasle
good-feeling, jeih-ennaghtyn
good-for-nothing, gyn y vie, kecksee, rag-rannee, riftan
good-hearted, mie-chreeagh
good-heartedness, mieys cree
good-humoured, doaieagh, doaieagh, gennal, gyn myskid
good-liver, jeih yantagh
good-looking, stoamey
good-natured, coar, doaieagh, doaieagh, dooie, dooie, mial(agh), soccaragh
good-sized, lieh-vooar
good-tempered, soccaragh
goodies, miljanyn
goodish, lesh y vie, mie dy liooar
goodliness, menoyrid, mienys
goodlooking, aalin, braew
goodly, aalin, menoyr, menoyragh, mie, mieyssagh
goodman, eh hene
goodness, foays, mie, mienys, mieys
goodness (of food), soo
goods, cooid
goods train, traen cooid
goods yard, stoyr chooid
goodwife, ben thie
goodwill, aigney mie, jeih-aigney
goody-goody, ben gyn cron, dooinney gyn cron, dooinney gyn cron
goosander, thunnag cheylley, thunnag eeacklagh
goose, guiy, yiarn thalleyragh
goose flesh, crackan kirkey
goose foot, crub guoiee
goose giblets, yn guiy beg
goose girl, caillin guoiee
goose greese, smarrey guoiee
goose pimples, crackan kirkey
goose quill, fedjag ghuoiee
goose step, kesmad kellagh-guiy
goose wing, skian guiy
goose-wing, skian yuiy
gooseberry, berrish (ghlass)
gooseberry bush, drine berrish, drine berrish
goosefoot, coll maa, coll mea
goosegrass, faiyr ghuoiee
gooseherd, bochilley guoiee
gorbellied, pringjeillgagh
gorbelly, prinjeig vooar
gordian, Gordagh
gordon, Gordonagh, Gourdon
gore, buttag, condeil, fuilltaght, gussad
gore (of bull), raip, raipey, seiy
gorge, bollagh, braaid, clash, keyl, scoarnagh
gorge (as food), ee dy jollysagh, sluggey
gorgeous, stoamagh, stoamey
gorgeous (of food), ard-vlastal
gorgeousness, stoamid
gorgeousness (of food), ard-vlastallys
gorger, eeder jollyssagh
gorget, scoarnane
gorging, sluggagh, sluggee, sluggey
gorilla, gorilley
goring, raipagh, seiyagh
gormandizer, glutterey
gorse, aadjin, aittin, conney, conney frangagh, conney Manninagh, conney mooar, gaittinaghey
gorse bush, crouw chonnee
gorse fence, aittinagh
gorse stick, bwon, maidjey connee
gorse stick (fire wood), bwon
gorse stump, aaitnaghey, bwon
gorse-pick, speiy connee
gorsebush, thammag chonnee
gorsing, gaittinagh(ey)
gorsy, aittinagh, connee
gory, fuilltagh
goshawk, shawk ny sperriu
gosling, eean guiy
gospel, sushtal, sushtalagh
gospeller, sushtallagh
gossamer, sneeuane
gossip, goshtiuagh, skeealeragh, skeealeragh, skeealerey, tutler, tutleragh, tutlerys
gossip, skeealerey
gossiping, tutleraght
gossipy, naightagh, tutleragh
got, Hooar
got up, jesheenit
got?, Dooar
Goth, Gothagh
Gothic, Gothagh
gotten, feddynit
gouge, gilb cruinn, gilbey
gourd, goord, gord
gourmand, gaillagh
gourmet, bee-oayllee,
gout, goot
gouty, gootagh
govern, cur smaght er, gurneil, reill, smaghtaghey
governable, so-ghurneil, so-smaghtaghey
governance, reiltys
governed, reillit, smaghtit
governess, ben reill, ben ynsee
governing principle, ard-leeideilagh
government, kiannoortys, reiltys
government chaplain, saggyrt yn reiltys
government committee, bing reiltys
government messenger, chaghter reiltys
government office(s), Offis Yn Reiltys
government stocks, sthock steat
governmental, reiltysagh
governor, kiannoort, reilleyder
governor general, ard-chiannoort
governorship, kiannoortys
gown, cur gooyn er, gooyn
gownsman, oltey ollooscoil
grab, goaill greim er, greim, greimmey, greimmeyder
grabber, greimmeyder
grabble, raisey
grace, cur onnor (da), Grainney, grayse, jeshaghey, maihnys, pardoon
grace (before food), oltaghey
graceful, graysoil, stoamey
gracefulness, graysoilid, stoamid
graceless, gyn grayse, meeghraysoil
gracile, keyl, shang
grade, keim, rheynn
gradient, graddane
grading, rheynn
gradual, gradual, keimagh, moal
gradually, beggan er veggan, ny veggan as ny veggan
graduate, geddyn keim, keimee, rheynn
graduation, geddyn keim, rheynn
graft, banglane noadit, cooyl-chliaghtey, graftal, noadaghey
graft, obbraghey dy jeean, obbraghey dy jeean
grafter, cooyl-chliaghtey, noadagher, obbree jeean
grafting knife, skynn noadee
grain, arroo, cur daah snaieagh er, freih, grinaghey, grine
grain (small piece), beggan
grain merchant, marchan grine
grain of wheat, grine curnee
grained, grineagh, grineenagh, snaieagh
grains of corn, birk
grainy, grineenagh
graminaceous, faiyragh
graminivorous, faiyr-eeagh
grammar, grammar, grammeydys, Lioar ghrammeydys
grammar school, ard-schoill, scoill grammar
grammarian, grammeydeyr
grammatical, grammeydagh
gramme, gramme
gramme-calory, gramme-chalrey
gramophone, gramafone
gramophone record, kereneen
grampus, perkyn vooar
granary, skibbalt, soalt, thie arroo
grand, ard-, braew, mooar
grand jury, bing vooar
grand opera, kiaulldramey mooar
grand organ, organe mooar
grand piano, mooarphianney
grand-nephew, oe braarey, oe shayrey
grand-niece, oe shayrey, oe vraarey
grandchild, cloan ny clienney, oe
granddad, jishag mooar
granddaughter, oe 'neen
grandee, dooinney ooasle, dooinney ooasle
grandeur, ardys, ooaslaght, stoamid
grandfather, jed mooar, jishag mooar, shaner, shennayr
grandfatherly, shennayroil
grandiose, ard-voyrnagh
grandma, mummig vooar, mwarree
grandmother, grannee, mwarree, shenn voir
grandmotherly, mwarreeoil, shenn voiroil
grandpa, jishag mooar
grandparent, shenn voir, shennayr
grandson, oe
grandstand, ardan soie
grange, thie cheerey, thie eirinagh
granite, clagh hryal
granitic, tryalagh
granny, mwarree
granny knot, cront kuittagh, cront ny gailleeyn
grant, gialdin, gialdyn, gialdynys, gioot, giootal, giootey, toyrtys
granter, giooteyder
granular, grineagh, grineenagh
granular ice, rio grineagh
granulate, grineenaghey
granulated, grineenagh
granulation, grineenaghey
granule, grineen
granulous, grineenagh
grape, berrish feeyney
grape hyacinth, gleiy vuc feeyney
grape sugar, shugyr feeyney
grape-treader, sthampeyder feeyney
grapefruit, shaddoge
grapeshot, grine
grapevine, billey feeyney
graph, graaf
graphic, bioyr, graafagh, leayr
graphical representation, tuarastyl kern-yallooagh
graphically, dy bioyr, dy bioyr, lesh graaf
graphite, graphite
grapnel, clep, graplyn
grapple, clep, gleckney, strepey
grappling, gleckey, strepey
grappling iron, yiarn greimmee
grasp, greim, greimmey
grasp (clumsily), clamey
grasp (of oar), laue
grasper, ben sayntagh, dooinney sayntagh, dooinney sayntagh, greimmeyder
grasping, clamey, greimmagh, greimmey, sayntagh
grass, cur lhieen er y thoar, cur thalloo fo faiyr, faiyr
grass plot, lhiondaig
grass rent, faiyr-vaaylys
grass roots, bun ny cheerey
grass snake, ardnieu Sostynagh
grass widow, breck-ventreoghe
grass widower, breck-ghooinney treoghe
grass-fed, yndyrit
grass-green, glass
grass-grown, fo faiyr
grasshopper, folleyder, lhiemmeyder faiyr, lhiemmeyder glass
grasshopper warbler, reeleyder
grassiness, faiyraght, glasseraght
grassland, banjagh
grassy, faiyragh
grassy road verge, oirr faiyragh y raad
grate, clean aile, cleeah, cur cleeah er, jeestyrnee, screebey
grate polish, smarrey clean-aile
grated, screebit
grateful, booisal
grateful, booisal, kianglt booise, taitnyssagh
gratefulness, booise, bwooise
grater, scribider
gratification, cooilleen-aigney, eunys
gratify, cur eunys da, cur taitnys (da)
grating, cleeah, jeesternagh, jeesternee, screebey
gratis, nastee, seyr
gratitude, booise, bwooisal
gratuitous, nastee, seyr
gratuitously, nasteeagh
gratuity, dooraght, dooraght, nastey, toyrtys scarree
grave, fastagh, feeudagh, grainnaghey, oaie, oaye, trome, trome-chooishagh
grave accent, sheenane ghowin, slattag hrome
grave-clothes, eaddeeyn-vaaish
grave-digger, ruillickeyr
grave-digging, reuyrey oayaghyn, ruillickeyraght
gravel, cur garvel er, cur shillee er, garvel, geinnagh gharroo, shillee, treicknane
gravel bank, broogh shillee
gravel path, cassan garvel
gravel pit, poyll shillee
gravelly, garvelagh, shilleeagh
graven, grainnit
graveness, trimmid, trme-chooishaght
graver, grainneyder
gravestone, clagh oaie, leac oaie
graveyard, ruillick
gravid, lane, torragh
gravimetric, gravimeadragh, gravimeadragh, trimmid-howshagh
graving, grainnaghey, grainnee, obbyr grainnit
graving dock, loghan grainnee
gravitate, cleaynaghey, cleayney, sheeley
gravitation, ym-hayrn
gravity, fastaght, feeydys, trimmid, tromaghys
gravy, ownee, soo foalley
gray, glass, lheeah
grayling, eeast lheeah, foillican lheeah
graze, fassaghey, gyndyr, pastyral, screebey, yndyr
grazier, fasseyder, yndyragh
grazing, fassaghey, gyndyr
grazing rights, farvaalys
grease, sahll, saill, smarrey
grease band, bann smarree
grease box, bocs smarrey
grease cap, cappan smarrey
grease gun, gunney smarrey
grease nipple, sheeiney smarrey
grease paint, daah smarree, daah smarree
grease with tallow, geirrey
grease-cock, fyseid smarrey
greased, smarrit
greaseproof, jeen noi smarrey
greaser, ooilleyder, smarreyder
greasiness, smarreeys
greasiness of sheep wool, sholl
greasing, smarree, smarrey
greasy, smarree
greasy (as broth), meayllyssagh
greasy (as slug), maa
great, ard-, mooar, urrymagh
great antiquity, feer shenn
Great Barrier Reef, Yn Rinn Vooar
great blast of wind, gaard, gaarder
great Britain, Yn Vretyn Vooar
great calm, aalican
great circle, keayrt vooar
Great Circle Route, Bollagh mooar kiarklagh
great coat, cooat mooar, cooat sidooragh
great Dane, moddey Danvargagh
great deal, lansh, mooarane, ram
great effort, staagey
great grand daughter, aa-oe 'neen
great grandchild, aa-oe
great grandson, aa-oe
great gust of wind, gardar
great love, ard-ennoilys
great majority, tromlagh mooar
great many, ymmodee mooar
great many people, niart mooinjer
great masterwort, flee vooar
great mullein, cainle Woirrey
great mussel, gob mooar
great niece, inneen vic shayrey, inneen vic vraarey
great northern diver, arrag vooar, thummeyder mooar
great sin, ard-pheccah
great skua, foillan stronnagh, maarliagh marrey
great snipe, coar heddagh vooar
great spearwort, lus ny binjey
Great Spotted Woodpecker, snoggeyder mooar
great starwort, lhieen ny ferrishyn
great toe, ordaag chass
great willow, shellagh vooar
great willow-herb, lus y Trinaid
great woodrush, leaghyr cheylley
great-aunt, shenn naunt
great-grandfather, shenn shaner, shenn shenn-ayr
great-grandmother, mwarree vooar, shenn shenn voir, shenn warree
great-great-grandfather, shenn shenn shaner
great-great-grandmother, shenn shenn warree
great-hearted, feoiltagh, mooar-chreeagh
great-nephew, mac vic shayrey, mac vic vraarey
great-uncle, shenn naim
greater, ny s'moo, ny s'yrjey, s'moo
greater fleabane, lus y tagh y taghys
greater fleabane, bossan jargan, lus y chartan, lus y taghys
greater plantain, cabbag Pherick
greater reedmace, bossan doo, quiggal ny ben-shee
greater salad-burnet, lus vooar yn aile
greater sand eel, gibbin mooar
greater stitchwort, lhieen ny ferrishyn
greater weaver, caulgagh vooar
greatest, s'moo, s'yrjey
greatest preoccupation, currym s'messey (ec)
greatly, dy mooar, dy mooar
greatly honoured, mooar-ooasle
greatness, ardys, mooadys, mooarid
greave, boadrym
greaves, grein-aadjyn
greaves of tallow, cranshyn
grebe, eean kereen
Grecian, Greagagh
Greeba, Greebey
Greece, Yn Ghreag
greed, jollys, jollysid, jollyssid, jooid
greedily, dy jioogh, dy jioogh, dy jollyssagh, dy jollyssagh
greedy, jioogh, jollyssagh, sondagh
greedy eater, eeder jollyssagh
greedy for gain, sonderey
greek, Greagagh, Greagish
greek Cypriot, Kypragh Greagagh
green, eayney, faaie, foain, geayney
green (of nature), glass
green bacon, bagoon gyn lhiasaghey
green belt, cryss ghlass
green bottle, carwhaillag ghlass
green fern, renniagh ghlass
green figs, figgyn glassey, figgyn oor
green food, bee glass, glassreeyn
green fruit, mess glass(ey)
green fuel, conney noa
green ink, doo geayney, doo geayney
green pasture, pastyr glass
green pea, pishyr ghlass
green peas, pishyryn glassey
green plot, lhondaig
green ray, soilshey bio
green room, shamyr aash
green rush, leaghyr ghlass
green sandpiper, looyran mooar
green shoot, foghan glass, slat ghlass
green sod, scraa, scrah
green stalk of corn, cuirrag
green stone, clagh ghlass
green winter, geurey bog
Green Woodpecker, snoggeyder glass
green wrasse, collee
green-eyed, glass-hooillagh
greenbottle, quaillag ghlass
greenery, duillagys, duillagys, glassreeyn
greenfinch, corkan keylley glass, glassag gharagh
greenfly, meeyl ghlass
greengage, billey plumbis glass, plumbis glass
greengrocer, ben glassreeyn, delleyder glassreeyn, delleyder glassreeyn, fer glassreeyn
greengrocer's shop, shapp glassreeyn
greenhorn, noa, noanagh, noanee
greenhouse, thie gless, thie glonney
greenish, glassoil, lesh y gheayney, lesh y ghlass
Greenland, Cheer y Sniaghtey, Greenlyn
Greenland falcon, shawk Loghlynagh
Greenland laver, sluggane
Greenlander, Greenlynagh
greenness, geayney, geaynid, glassid
greenock, Grianaig
greens, glassreeyn
greenshank, gollane marrey ghlass
greenstick, lieh-vrishey
greensward, foain, foyn
greenwood, keyll
greet, bannaghey, cur corp as slaynt (da), cur failt da, keayney
greeter, bannaghtagh, keayneyder
gregarious, griaghtagh, sheshaghtaght
gregariousness, griaghtys, sheshaghtagh
gregorian, Gregoiragh
gregorian chant, kiaulleeaght ny h-Agglish
gregory, Gregoir
grenade, grenaid, grenaid
grenadier, grenaidagh, grenaidagh
grenadine, grenadeen
grey, glassyntee, keerid, lheeah
grey (of animal), glass
grey gurnard, captan glass, crdane glass, crodane, crodane glass, crodane glass, noud, saggyrt
grey hen, kiark lheeah
grey horse, cabbyl glass
grey lichen, scryss lheeah
grey matter, inchyn
grey mullet, lunnag, mullad glass
grey plover, feddag ghlass
grey seal, raun ghlass
grey wagtail, skibbag ghlass, skibbag ny mulleeyn, ushag voltee
grey willow, shellagh ghlass
grey-eyed, glass-hooillagh
grey-haired, lheeah
grey-headed, lheeah
greyback, fannag charragh, fannag ghlass
greybeard, shenn dooinney lheeah
greyhound, coo glass, coo liauyr
greying, glassaghey, lheeaghey
greyish, breck-lheeah, glass-lheeah, lieh-lheeah
greylag, guiy glass
greyness, glassid, lheeaghid, lheeaghys, moorjeenys
grid, cleeah, grylley, moggyl
grid (on map), ingagh
grid leak, skeiy ghreilley
gridded, creearit
griddle, gryle
gridiron, croe, garran yiarn
grief, graue, guiy boght, seaghyn
grief-stricken, seaghnit
grievance, neuaashid
grieve, cur seaghyn da, seaghnaghey
grieved, boirit, seaghnit
griever, coeyder
grieving, seaghnagh, seaghyn
grievous, feiyjagh, mooar, seaghnagh, trimshagh, trome
griffin, greeu
griffon, griffag
grigyn arganey noi,
grill, feill ghreddanit, greddag, greddaney, greddey
grill room, shamyr ghreddaney
grille, grill
grilled, greddanit, greddit, keishtit
griller, feyshteyder, greddaneyr
grilling, greddey
grilse, bannag, braddan noa
grim, groaishagh, groamagh, grouw
grim countenance, gruaie
grimace, cur sceau er yn eddin, sceau
grimacer, sceauder
grimalkin, shenn chayt
grime, broid, scoig, scoodyn, sollaghey
grimness, groamid, groashid, grouwid
grimy, sollagh
grin, feeacklaghey, grangan, gyrn, gyrnal, scryss, scryssey
grind, beihll, bleih, broo, ceau carr ass, cur foyr er, jeesternee, jibbag, scranshal, shleeu
grinder, beihlleyder, beihllinder, bleihder, cooyl-eeackle, greie shleeuee, shleeuee
grinding, beihll, bleih, cranshal, scranshal, shleeu, snaggeral
grinding wheel, queeyl shleeuee
grindstone, clagh shleeuee, clagh vleihveayn
grinner, gyrneder
grinning, gyrnal, scryssey
grip, cummal, doarn, doarn, goaill greim (jeh), greim, greimman, greimmey
gripe, cur greim-collane da
gripes, greim-collane
gripping, greimmagh, greimmey
griskin, greesgin
grisliness, eajeeys, feohdoilid
grisly, eajee, feodoil
grist, bleih
gristle, lieh-chraue
gristly, lieh-chrauagh
grit, chionney, creeaght, daanys, daanys, grineen
gritstone, clagh ghrineenagh
grittiness, creeaght, daanys, daanys, grineenid
gritty, grineenagh
grizzle, lheeaghey
grizzly bear, maghauin lheeah
groan, osney, sogh, soghal
groaner, sogheyder
groaning, soghal
groats, garveinn
grocer, groseyr
groceries, cooid, cooid, cooid ghroseyragh
grocery, shapp groseyragh
grog, grog
grog blossom, jirgid stronney
groggy, corragh, lieh-scooyrit
groin, blean, bleayn-asney
groined, bleaynit
groom, aarlaghey, fer ny gabbil, fer y phoosee, fieaumanagh, guilley cabbil, kerey
groomed, aarlit, jesh, kerit
groomsman, fer banshey
groove, clash, giarrey clash ayn
grooved, clashagh
groover, groobin
grope, raisey
groper, cregganagh, raiseyder
groping, loaganagh, loaganey, raisey
grosbeak, corkan skaig, gobbagh mooar
gross, daa ghussan yeig, daa ghussan yeig, gross, jiarg-, mooar, slane
gross indecency, ard-neuchooieid
grossness, chiuid, garrooid, jiargid, mooadys, riurid
grotesque, arraghtagh
grotto, ooig
grotty, boght, moal, sollagh
ground, bleihit, cheet neose, fondaghey, grunt, gruntey, shleeuit, soiaghey er y ghrunt, thalloo
ground, soiaghey er y ghrunt
ground almonds, almonyn bleiht
ground colour, chied-daah, chied-daah
ground control, stiurey thallooin
ground controller, stiureyder thallooin
ground flour, laare hallooin
ground frost, lheeah-rio
ground game, feieys er chosh
ground glass, gless veihlt, glonney rioeeagh
ground ivy, ard-losserey, ayr-losserey
ground landlord, chiarn thallooin
ground light, soilshey thallooin
ground line, fartiman, gorstag
ground noise, bun-sheean
ground nut, cro thallooin
ground plan, cummey thallooin, linneeaght hallooin
ground plot, preban thie
ground rent, keesh hallooin
ground speed, bieauid thallooin
ground tier, straih-grunt
ground zero, neunhee thallooin
ground-bait, solley
groundage, tailley akeragh
groundcoat, yn chied vrat
grounded, gruntit, lhiettrimit er y thalloo
grounding, bun-oayllys, gruntey, lhiettrimys er y thalloo
groundless, gyn oyr, gyn vun
groundnut, pishyr hallooin
grounds, drundin, drundin, faaieaghyn, thallooyn
grounds (for complaint), oyr
grounds (Of park), faaieaghyn
groundsel, grunlus, grunsyl
groundsheet, brelleein hallooin
groundsman, guilley faaie
groundswell, mooireerey
groundwork, bunneydys, bunneydys, cooylrey, obbyr undinagh
group, cruinnaghey, griaght, possan, possanaghey
group therapy, co-obbraghey lheeysagh
grouping, cruinnaghey, possan, possanaghey
grouse, accan
grouser, accanagh
grousing, gaccan
grout, cur lhieeney mortyragh er, cur lhieeney mortyragh er
grout, lheeney mortyragh
grove, keyll
grovel, sleaghtaghey
grovelling, sleaghtagh, sleaghtaghey
grow, aase, aase, cuirr, mooadaghey
grower, correyder
growing, aasagh, aase, aasoil, cuirr, gaase
growing a beard, faasaagey
growing green, glassraghey
growing pains, guinyn-aase
growing weak, annoonaghey, gannoonaghey
growl, buirroogh, buirrooghey, gurr, gyrn, gyrnal, rooit, scryss, scryssey
growler, scryss, scrysseyder
growling, buirrooghey, scryssey
grown, aasit
grown up, aasit
grown-up, eashit
growth, aase, bishaghey
groyne, groyne
grub, bee, crooag, glenney, lhongey
grub up, reuyrer
grubby, sallagh, sollagh
grudge, camman, drogh aigney, drogh aigney, mooaraghey, troo, trooaghey
grudged, mooarit, trooit
grudger, mooareyder, trooder
grudging, gortagh
gruel, broghan
gruelling, trome
gruesome, arraghtagh, graney
gruff, groamagh
gruffness, groamaght
grumble, accan, grinderagh, grinderey, tallagh, trughane, trughaney
grumbler, accanagh, talleyder, trughanagh
grumbling, accanagh, gaccan, tallagh, trughaneagh, trughaneys
grume, goorlagh
grummet, fainey, sooillag
grummet, sooillag
grumpiness, granganys
grumpy, granganagh
grunt, cred, credal, credyragh, groaish, groaishal, stronnal
grunter, groaishagh, muc, soghaller, sogheyder
grunting, credal, creddagh, credyragh, groaisheraght
gruntling, bannoo, muc aeg
guano, eoylley varrey
guarantee, barrantys, cur raane (son), raane
guaranteed, barrantit
guarantor, barrantagh, raanteeneyder
guard, arrey, cur scaa er, freayll arrey, gard, gardey, gardey
guard house, thie arrey
guard post, arrey
guard ship, lhong arrey
guarded, arreydagh
guardedly, dy h-arreydagh, dy h-arreydagh
guardian, arreyder, ben choadee, fer coadee, gedjey, mimmey
guardianship, arrey, coadey, currym
guardpost, stob coadee
guardrail, skelf coadee
guardroom, shamyr arrey
guardsman, gard
gudgeon, gudjyn, kione tramman, stang
guelder rose, thramman sniaghtee, tramman ushtey
guerdon, dooraght, dooraght, leagh
guerilla, sidoor keylley
guerilla war, caggey cheerey, caggey cheerey, caggey keylley
guess, cheb, cur cheb er, feaysley, sheiltyn, shein, tuarym, tuarymey
guesswork, tuarym
guest, aoi, cuirreydagh, ei, goaldagh
guest room, shamyr ny goaldee, shamyr ny goaldee, shamyr ny heiyn
guesthouse, thie goaldee
guffaw, ard-gharaghtee, jannoo ard-gharaghtee
guidance, coyrle, leeideilys, oayllys
guide, cur coyrle da, oayllagh, stiurag, stiurey
guide book, lioar-oayllys
guide-rope, tead laue
guided, stiurit
guided missile, tilgane stiurit
guidelines, linnaghyn stiuree
guider, ard-venaeglagh
guiding, bentyn rish ny benaeglee
guiding star, rollage oayllys, rollage stiurey
guild, gild, quaiyl
guilder, guilder
guildhall, gild-halley, halley baljagh
guile, kialg
guileful, kialgagh
guileless, neuchialgagh, ynrick
guilelessness, ynrickys
guillemot, caillagh varrey, chennel, stronnag
guilt, kyndid, loght
guiltless, gyn loght, neuchyndagh
guiltlessness, gyn loghtynys, neuchyndid, neuloghtynid, neuloghtynys
guilty, kyndagh, oolagh, oolee
guinea, guinea
Guinea, Yn Ghuinea
guinea cock, kellagh Injinagh
guinea fowl, eeanlee injinagh, ginnee, kiark injinagh
guinea pig, muc rangagh
guinness, bainney ny baa doo, lhune doo
guise, scaa
guitar, gitar
gulch, coan, couan
gules, jiarg
gulf, charvaal, diunid, diunid, gulf, lhoob
Gulf of Mexico, Lhoob Vexico
Gulf Stream, Stroo Yn Eearvooir
gull, foillan, foilleig, fooilleig, moylley
gullet, ahjioogh, crossag, giuag, gullad
gullibility, blebbinaght
gullible, blebbinagh
gully, altan, gullad, jeeig
gully-hole, towl sluggee
gulp, sluggag, sluggey
gulp back, mooghey
gulping, sluggey
gum, drunt, drunt, gleighey, gleih, gleiy, gum (millish)
gum (of eye), goorlagh
gum arabic, gum arabagh, gum arabagh
gum boots, bootsyn rubbyr
gum sandarac, rosin sandarac
gum tree, billey gum
gumboil, askaid druntagh, askaid feeackle
gummy, goorlagh
gumption, creenaght
gun, gunn
gun carriage, carriads gunn(ey)
gun cotton, cadee gunney
gun metal, meain ghunney
gun room, shamyr ny myn-oikee
gun-running, smuggleragh gunnaghyn
gunboat, baatey gunn
gunfire, lauagh
gunman, gunneyder
gunnel, cadlag
gunner, gunneyder
gunnery, gunneraght
gunpowder, poodyr (chentagh)
gunshot, orraghey gunney
gunsmith, gaaue gunney
gunwale, boayrd yn ushtey
gurgle, glug, glugal, glugeraght, glugernee
gurgling, glugagh, glugal, glugeragh, glugeraght, glugernee
gurnard, crodane
gush, brooight, brooightey, geill, skioot, skiootal
gush (spray), spreie
gusher, chibbyr ooill, skiooteyder ooill
gushing, blaaderagh, bruightagh, skiootagh
gusset, bhuttag, condeil, gussad
gust, blest, clabbin, sheebey, sheidey
gust of anger, ferg, raght
gustative, blassagh
gustiness, clabbinid, rastid
gusto, bioyrid, bree
gusty, clabbinagh, rastagh
gut, collane, minnagh, scoltey
gutted, folmit, glennit, scoltit
gutter, cur guttyr ayn, cur jeeg ayn, glenneyder, guttyr, jeeg, scolteyder
gutter (of candle), sheeley
gutter press, pabyr naight laaghagh
gutter-snipe, paitchey straiddey
gutteral, scoarnoil
gutterally, 'sy scoarnagh
gutteralness, scoarnoilid
guttering, guttyrn
gutting, glenney, scoltey
guttpock herring, skeddan gailley
guv'nor, mainshtyr
guy, cur tead er, fer, jalloo
guy rope, tead stiuree
guzzle, glutteraght, sluggey
guzzler, glutterey, sluggeyder
guzzling, glutteraght, sluggey
gybe, cheet mygeayrt, cur mygeayrt
gym shoe, braag lheiltys
gymnasium, boayl lheiltys, thie lheiltys
gymnast, lheiltagh
gymnastic, lheiltagh
gymnastics, lheiltys
gymslip, gooyn lheiltys
gynaecological, ben-oaylleeagh
gynaecologist, ben-oayllee, lhee mraane
gynaecology, ben-oayllys
gypsum, cur gypsum er, gypsum
gypsum quarry, quarral gypsum
gyrate, cassey
gyration, cassey
gyratory, cassee
gyro-compass, combaase gyroscope
gyroplane, gyroplane
gyroscope, gyroscope
gyroscopic, gyroscopagh