h-beam, h-gharmin
H.P. agreement, conaant maillee, conaant maillee
habeas corpus, cur yn corp, screeuyn leigh y chorp
haberdasher, creckeyder myn-chooid
haberdashery, myn-chooid, myn-eaddagh
habit, cliaghtey, coamrey, oash
habit-forming, so-chliaghtey
habitable, cooie dy chummal ayn, yn-vaghey ayn
habitat, oayll
habitation, cummal, lann, teagh, thie, thie, ynnyd vaghee
habitual, cliaghtagh, lhiantyn, oashagh, oayllagh
habituate, cliaghtey (rish)
habituated, cliaghtey, cliaghtit (rish)
habitue, cummaltagh, taagheyder
hachure, cur scaa-linnaghyn er, scaalinney
hack, breb 'sy lurgey, broilley, cabbyl markee, garran, giarrey, goll er cabbyl faillit, jannoo brock jeh, speiy
hack-work, obbyr faillee
hacker, speiyder
hackle, breddal, dossan, heckyl, kerey
hackler, breddeyder, kereyder
hackling, breddey, kerey
hackney, cabbyl faillee, eagh faillee, gleashtan faillee, jannoo cadjinchliaghtit
hackney carriage, carriads faillee
hackneyed, cadjinchliaghtit
hacksaw, saaue giarreymagh
haddock, addag
hade, uillin loghtagh
haematuria, moon folley
haemophilia, ym-roie folley
haemophiliac, roieder folley
haemorrhage, roie folley
haemorrhoid, bleayn, gorley thoanney
haemorrhoidal, bleaynagh
haemostat, casteyder folley
haft, cass, cur cass ayn, cur doarnane ayn, doarnane
hag, caillagh, caillagh ny gueshag, lhagg
hag (ghost), rught
hagfish, caillagh varrey
haggard, treih, uhllin
haggardness, treihid, treihys
haggis, haggish
haggle, jannoo margeeys
haggler, lhiastagh
hagiographer, noo-hennaghys, noo-screeuder
hagiography, noo-hennaghys, noo-screeuderys
hagiological, noo-oaylleeaght, noo-oayllys
hail, ceau sniaghtey garroo; dy bannee dhyt, failt ort; sniaghtey garroo
Hail Mary, Dy Bannee Dhyt Y Voirrey, Failt Yn Ainle
hail shower, frass claghyn sniaghtee, frass sniaghtee
hailing from, ass
hailstorm, sterrym claghyn sniaghtee
hailstorm, ceau sniaghtee garroo
hair, folt, gruag, renaig
hair (of animals), fynney, geaysh
hair cloth, eaddagh geayshteenagh
hair drier, cheereyder fuilt
hair fishing line, scrabane
hair in ringlets, folt skeogagh, folt skiogagh
hair lace, foltan
hair mattress, matras geaysh
hair net, ingagh fuilt, lhieenag fuilt
hair restorer, aachouyreyder fuilt
hair shirt, lheiney gheayshteenagh, lheiney gheayshteenagh
hair slide, greimmag
hair trigger, fo ghlass
hair wash, oonley fuilt
hair's breadth, lheead renaig
hair-breadth, cheeid renaig
hair-curler, casseyder fuilt
hair-raising, atchimagh, craaynagh
hair-space, reayms renaig
hair-splitting, myn-ronsaghey
hair-spring, lheimaghan renaig
hair-trigger lock, glass dooblit
hairbrained, ommidjagh
hairbrush, skeaban folt, skeaban fuilt
hairclip, chionneen fuilt
haircut, baarey fuilt
hairdresser, folteyr
hairdressing, folteyraght
hairiness, foltaght, geayshteenid
hairless, gyn folt, gyn fynney, gyn gruag, meayl
hairless face, eddin lhome
hairless hide, sheh fannit
hairline, keyl, linney cheyl
hairpiece, mwashag
hairpin, birran gruaig, jialg fuilt
hairpin bend, lhoob geyre
hairs, mollid, renaigyn, renaigyn, renaigyn
hairstyle, oash fuilt
hairy, foltagh, fynnagh, garroo, geayshteenagh, gruagagh, renaigagh
hairy caterpillar, praddag
hairy place, mollaghan, mollaghan
hairy rock cress, burley garroo
hairy vetch, pishyr gharroo, pishyr yn arroo
hake, hake
halcyon, aalican
halcyon days, kiune, meein
hale, follan
hale and hearty, follan sunt
haleness, follanid, follanys
half, lieh, lieh, liehid
half a dozen, lieh ghussan, lieh ghussan
half a sec!, Tannee shallid!
half a second, thootchey
half a ton, lieh hunney
half back, lieh-chooyllee
half bleached, lieh-yiallit
half castrated tup, faase rea
half crown, lieh-chrooin
half ebb tide, lieh-hraie
half grown girl, heishan, inney, stuggey
half lie, breageen
half measure, lieh-howse
half moon, lieh-eayst
half pay, lieh-faill
half-baked, lieh fuinnit
half-belt, lieh-chryss
half-binding, lieh-chiangle
half-blind, lieh chyagh, lieh-ghoal
half-boot, giare-vootys
half-bottle, lieh-voteil
half-bred, mestit
half-breed, meshtagh
half-brother, lieh-vraar
half-caste, mestagh
half-castrated ram, riggyl
half-closed, lieh-ghoont
half-cock, lieh-chockit, lieh-hroggit
half-day, lieh-laa
half-dead, lieh-varroo
half-door, cooylley veg, lieh-ghorrys
half-dozen, lieh ghussan
half-dressed, lieh-coamrit
half-empty, lieh-follym
half-fare, lieh-leagh
half-grown pig, boannoo
half-hearted, feayr-chooishagh
half-holiday, lieh laa seyr
half-hour, lieh-oor
half-hourly, gagh lieh-oor
half-length, lieh-liauyr
half-mast, ec lieh-chroan, lieh heose
half-monthly, gagh lieh-vee, lieh veeoil
half-moon, lieh-eayst
half-mourning, lieh-eddagh-dobberan
half-naked, lieh-rooisht
half-open, lieh oshlit
half-page, lieh-heu
half-price, lieh-leagh
half-seas-over, lieh er-mestey, lieh-scooyrit
half-shut, lieh-ghoont
half-sister, lhiass-huyr, lieh-huyr
half-term, lieh-imbagh, lieh-term
half-tide, lieh lane marrey, lieh-hraie
half-tint, lieh-ghaa
half-title, lieh-ardennym
half-tone, lieh-hone
half-track, lieh-hrack
half-turn, lieh-chassey
half-turn, lieh-hyndaa
half-witted, meecheeayllagh, moal-hushtagh
half-year, lieh-vlein
half-yearly, gagh lieh vlein, lieh-vleinoil
halfling, bleih
halfpenny, lheng, lhieng
halftime, lieh-hraa
halfway, 'sy vean
halfwit, giare-cheeayllagh, meecheayllagh, moal-hustagh
halfwitted, giare-cheeayllagh
halibut, liehbage chasherick
halitosis, drogh-ennal, ennal vreinn
hall, far-hamyr, halley, thie mooar
hallelujah, moyll y Chiarn!
hallmark, cowrey creck, cur cowrey-creck er
hallow, casherickey, cur ammys da, cur arrym (da), jannoo chasherick
hallowe'en, Oie Houney
hallowed, bannee, casherick, noo, sheeant
hallowed (of days), feailley
hallstand, croghane
hallucinate, branlaadee, cur shaghrynys er, cur shaghrynys er
hallucination, branlaadys, shaghrynys
hallway, far-hamyr
halo, bwoaillee, fainey noo, fainey sollys
halogen, hallageen
halt, baccagh, cur stadd er, cur sthap er, hault, scuirr, scuirr, shassoo, stadd
halt!, Shass!
halter, eiystyr, holter, mwing-jeear, opsag
halve, co-rheynnit, liehaghey, rheynn ayns jees, rheynn lieh my lieh
halved, rheynnit, rheynnit
halyard, halleyr, tead troggee
hame, baain
hamlet, balley beg, claghan
hammer, bwoalley, cur da, oard, obbraghey oard er
hammer (of gun), casoor
hammer down, broilley, bwoalley sheese, lheanaghey (meain)
hammer in, bwoalley stiagh lesh oard
hammer out, bwoalley magh, lheanaghey
hammerer, bwoailtagh
hammerhead, kione oard
hammerhead shark, sharkagh kione oard
hammering, bwoalley, tasterys
hammerman, oardeyr
hammock, lhiabbee leaystey, lhiabbee lhiungey
hamper, jannoo lhiettrimys (er), lhiebeidjaghey, murlhin
hamster, roddan puissagh
hamstring, feh ny hyskid, giarrey feh ny hyskid
hand, cloie, laue, mair, obbree, sheeyney
hand (of bananas), doss
hand (of barometer), snaid
hand (of clock), mair, spaag
hand (writing), screeu
hand barrow, barrey
hand barrow (two wheeled), cairt daa laue
hand basket, bascad laue
hand brake, glackan laue
hand brush, skeaban laue
hand camera, shamraig laue
hand clasp, craa laue
hand down, faagail
hand feed, foddraghey
hand grenade, grnaid laue
hand grip, doarnane
hand guard, doarnagh, doarnaig, scaa laue
hand loom, coigee laue
hand mirror, scaane laue
hand on, aa-insh, faagail ny yei
hand out, coyrt magh, cur magh, rheynn
hand over, coyrt, cur seose
hand pick, femblal
hand quern, braain-laue
hand round, cur mygeayrt
hand saw, saaue laue
hand towel, aanrit laue
hand worker, obbree laue
hand-breadth, lheead bassey
hand-pick, teiy dy jeean
hand-steel, ferrish
handbag, poagey laue, spagey
handball, bluckan laue
handbarrow, barrey laue
handbell, kiaullane
handbill, duillag laue
handbook, laue-lioar
handcart, cairt laue
handcuff, cur glish laue er
handcuffs, glish laue
handful, croaglagh, glackaid, gleih, lane doarn, laue
handful of corn, beam
handful of flax, skabbag
handhold, greim, greimane
handicap, bac, cur lhiettrimys er, lhiettrimys
handicapped, lhiettrimit
handicapper, lhiettalagh
handicraft, laue-cheird, obbyr laue
handicraftsman, laue-cheirdagh
handiness, faggysid, jeshlaueys
handiwork, obbyr
handkerchief, bussal (laue)
handle, cass doarnane, cleaysh, freayll rick er, illish, obbraghey, shout, stiurey
handle (of door), cramman, doarnane
handle (of flail), laueraghan, loaghrane, loaghtrane
handle (of spade), crossag
handle (with hands), loaghtey
handle lever, dell laue
handle of beetle, cass
handlebars, laueyn (daawheeyl)
handler, loaghteyder, obbree
handling, obbraghey, stiurey
handling charge, costys obbree
handmaiden, inney vaayl, inney veyl
handrail, skelf laue
hands, skimmee
handsel, cur er bun, cur yeearlys da, eearlys, goaill toshiaght er, jannoo ymmyd toshiaght, yeearlys
handsewn, laue-whaalit
handshake, craa laue, greim laue
handsome, aalin, braew, breagh, bwaagh, bwoyagh
handsomeness, aalid, braewid, breaghid, bwaaghid, bwoyid
handspike, groe laue
handspring, lheim laue
handsuit, laue my height
handwork, obbyr laue
handwoven, laue-feeit
handwoven, laue-feeit
handwriting, laue scrieuee, lauescreeuee
handwritten, laue-screeuit
handy, ec laue, faggys, jesh-laueagh, lauee, ymmydoil
handy-dandy, bassag er vassag
handyman, dooinney yeshlaueagh, fer lauee, laue-cheirdagh
hang, ceau, croghey, cur seose, lhie
hang about, clowaney
hang back, feiyal, tannaghtyn ergooyl
hang down, croghey neose, croghey sheese
hang on, goaill greim
hang on!, Cum ort!, Fuirree!
hang out, croghey magh, taaghey
hang together, roie ry-cheilley, tannaghtyn ry-cheilley
hang up, croghey, cur seose, lhiettrimys
hang-dog, sleetchagh
hangar, thie etlan
hanged, croghit
hanger, cosh-vooinjer, crogheyder, fer groghee
hanger on, clowanagh
hanging, croghey
hanging crime, loght croghee
hanging judge, briw croghee
hanging lamp, lampey croghit
hanging wall, kione-voalley
hanging-post (of gate), leaystan
hangman, crogheyder, fer croghee
hangover, jough-hingys
hank, hanck, lhoob, yarnaig
hank-winder, croshlane
hanker, goaill foddeeaght ny yei, mianey
hankering, foddeeaght, mianey
hanky-panky, cluigid
haphazard, neureilt
haphazardness, kiontoyrtys, neureiltaght
hapless, donney, neuspeeideilagh
happen, taghyr, taghyrt
happening, taghyrt, taghyrt
happiness, maynrys
happy, gerjoilagh, maynrey, sonney
happy New Year!, Blein Vaynrey Noa!, Blein Vie Noa!
happy-go-lucky, gyn boirey
hara-kiri, bolg-yiarrey
harangue, ard-loayrtys, cur ard-loayrtys da
haranguer, ard-loayrtagh, oraidagh
harass, clowaney, tranlaasey
harassed, clowanit, throng, tranlaasit
harassment, boiraneys, boiraneys, tranlaase
harbinger, chaghter rolaue
harbour, camys, cur aaght (da), keiltyn, purt
harbour dues, taillaghyn purtey
harbour entrance, beeal purtey
harbour rates, keeshyn purtey
harbour station, stashoon purt(ey)
harbour-master, mainshtyr purt(ey)
harbourage, fastee, keiltynys, lhiabbee akerys
harbours, puirt
hard, creoi, doccar(agh), doillee, dy creoi, dy lajer, dy trome, geyre, lajer, reen, trome
hard and fast, so-lhoobey, soit dy chionn
hard case, dooinney creoi, gadderagh
hard cheese!, B'olk eh!
hard fern, craueyn skeddan, renniagh chreoi
hard frost, rio creoi
hard knock, labb
hard labour, deyr-obbyr
hard of hearing, bouyran
hard taskmaster, mainshtyr geyre
hard to see, comleayrtagh
hard-and-fast, reen
hard-bitten, reen
hard-boiled, creoi, reen
hard-headed, creeney
hard-heads, lus ny gramman
hard-hearted, cree cloaie
hard-heartedness, neuerreeish
hard-hitter, labbeyder
hard-mouthed, creoi-veallagh
hard-pressed, chionn, throng
hard-set, creoi, reen, reen
hard-solder, creoi-haah, creoi-haahghey
hard-stemmed, pundaigagh
hard-won, cosnit dy mie
hard-working, sheer-obbragh
hardboard, far-voayrd
hardboiled, creoi-vroiet
harden, creoiaghey, staayney (noi)
hardened, creoighit, creoit, reereen, sheer-chliaghtit
hardener, creoigheyder
hardening, creoiaghey, lhejagh
hardfaced, creoi-eddinagh, creoi-ghruaiagh
hardfought, creoi-gheyre
hardheartedness, creoiys cree
hardihood, creoidys, reenid
hardly, s'goan
hardness, creoidys, creoighys
hardness (of sound), geyrid
hardness (of work), trimmid
hardship, arkys, doccarys, doilleeid, doilleeys
hardware, yiarnrey
hardwearing, beayn
hardwood, foiee creoi
hardy, ree
hardy, chionn, creoi, tramylt
hare, cleaysh liauyr, fer ny cleaysh mooar, loaghtyn beg, mwaagh
hare's ear, cleaysh woie
hare's foot, lus ny mwoie
hare's tail, cannagh
hare-brained, lhag-cheayllagh
harebell, mairane (ferrish)
harebrained, ommidjagh
harelip, barney veill
hares, mwaaee, mwoie
haricot, poanrey frangagh
haricot mutton, feill cheyrragh phoanragh
hark, eaisht!
hark away!, Hulloa!
harken, eaishtagh(ey)
harkener, eaishteyder
harlequin duck, thunnag vreck
harlot, ben oainjyr(agh), colhiabbagh, streebagh, strumpag
harlotry, streebeeys
harm, assee, jannoo assee da, jannoo skielley (da), skielley
harmful, jeeylagh, lane assee, lane skielley
harmfulness, jeeyl
harmless, meenieunagh, neuskeilleydagh, oney
harmlessness, meenieunaght, neuskielleydys, onid
harmonic, bingyssagh, co-heean, co-heeanagh
harmonica, harmoan
harmonious, bing, co-heeanagh, cordailagh
harmonize, cur rere y cheilley, freggyrt ry-cheilley, jannoo bingysagh
harmony, co-vingys, coardailys, cochiaull
harness, cullee chabbil, greienys
harness maker, greigheyder
harness room, thie greienys
Harold, Harral
harp, claasagh, cloie er claasagh, cloie er cruitch, cruitch
harp music, kiaull chlaasee
harping, claaseyraght, cloie er y chlaasagh, cloie er y cruitch, cruitcheraght
harpist, claaseyr, cruitcheragh
harpoon, cur shleiy marrey ayn, shleiy varrey
harpooner, shleiyder marrey
harpsichord, cruitchchoardey
harpy eagle, urley raipagh
harridan, shenn-chaillagh
harrier, moddey mwoie, roider (tessen cheerey)
harris, Ny Harrey
harris tweed, clo Harragh
harrow, clea, cleain, cleiee
harrowed, cleieet
harrower, cleaieeder
harrowing, cleiee, feer hrimsagh, feer voiragh
harry, craghey, Inry, kiappal
harsh, barbagh, garg, garroo, raghtanagh, ruggagh, trome
harsh noise, raip
harshness, barbaght, garrooid, raghtanaght, ruggaght
harshness (of punishment), trimmid
harshness (of wine), gargid
hart, dow, feeaih firryn
hart's tongue, renniagh feeaih
harum-scarum, gyn thort, peiagh gyn thort
harvest, buinn, cleiy, cur stiagh, fouyr, traa fouyir, troggal
harvest bug, meeyl fouyir
harvest festival, shirveish yn ouyir
harvest home, meailley
harvest Moon, Rehollys Vooar yn Ouyir, Rehollys Vooar yn Ouyir, Rehollys Vooar yn Ouyir
harvest moon, eayst yn ouyir
harvest spider, dooan fouyir
harvester, beaynee, buinneyder, labree fouyir
harvestlike, fouyroil
has-been, ben cheauit, fer ceauit
hash, brock, mynvroo, mynyiarrey
hash up, aachummey
hash-up, bee-vrisht
hashish, kennip
hasp, clesp, hesp
hassock, clooishag ghlioon
hastate, shleiyagh
haste, driss, glistyr, siyr
hasten, kirtagh, kirtaghey, siyraghey
hastened, siyrit
hastening, goll dy gribbeydey, kirtagh, siyragh, siyraghey
hastily, beeal freayn, dy gribbeydey, dy jeean, dy joltee, dy siyragh
hastiness, siyrid
hasty, gaskeydagh, joltee, siyragh, tappee
hasty pudding, puiddin hanney
hat, edd, edd
hat peg, pinn edd
hat shop, shapp edd
hat strap, yeeal edd
hat string, streng edd
hat-block, kiap edd
hatband, boandey edd
hatbox, kishteig edd, kishtey edd
hatch, aalagh, cooylley, grainney, guirr, hatch
hatch cover, coodagh, scaa-ghorrys
hatched, guirt
hatchery, guirrlan
hatchet, teigh
hatchet-faced, keyl-oaieagh
hatching, guirr, guirragh
hate, cur dwoaie (da), feohdaghey
hated, feohdit
hateful, dwoaieagh, eajee, feohdagh, feohdoil
hatefulness, dwoaieid, dwoaieys, eajeeys, feohdoilid, feohdoilys
hater, dwoaieagh, feohder
hatless, gyn-edd, kione-rooisht
hatpin, birran edd
hatred, dwoaie, feoh
hats, idd
hatstand, crogheydane edd
hatter, eddeyder
haughtiness, ard-oaie, ard-wannalys, kione-ardys, mooaralaght, mooaralys, sonaase, stroineeishid, sturd
haughty, moyrn vooaralagh
haughty, ard-wannalagh, ard-wannalagh, kione-ard, mooaralagh, sonaasagh, stroineeishagh
haughty, stroineeishagh
haughty person, ard-wannalagh, mooaralagh
haughty pride, moyrn vooaralagh
haul, cur er boayrd, driaghyr, tayrn
haulage, costys ymmyrkee, tayrn, thowal, ymmyrkey
haulage contractor, ymmyrkagh
hauler, thowder
haulier, carreyr, ymmyrkagh
hauling, cur er boayrd
haulm, cass, coonlagh, stubbyl
haunch, curp, kerroo (foalley), lheshey, shleayst
haunch bone, craue lheshey
haunt, dhole, oayll, taaghey, uyll
haunter, fer taaghee, lhiannan, taagheyder
haunting, do-yarrood, goaill, lhiantynagh, taaghey
have, aym, ec
have out, tayrnit
have up, hug y leigh er
haversack, poagey drommey
having glens, glionnagh
having weapons, wappinagh
havoc, cragh, jeeyl, traartys
haw, skeag
hawfinch, corkan skeag, gobbagh
hawk, shawkeragh
hawk, creck, cur neese, jannoo cadjerys, shawk, stannair
hawk moth, lhemeen shawkagh
hawk-eyed, geyre-hooillagh
hawk-nosed, croym-stronnagh
hawker, cadjer, shawkeyr
hawking, jannoo cadjerys, shawkeyragh
hawklike, shawkoil
hawkweed, lus ny shawkyn
hawse, geaylin (lhong), geaylin (lhong), towl caabyl
hawser, caabyl, tead staillin, tead yiarn
hawser pipe, feddan caabyl
hawthorn, drine, drine skeag
hawthorn hedge, cleigh drineagh
hay, traagh
hay fever, streighyraght houree
hay fork, gollage
hay-ricker, ruckeyder
hay-rope, suggane corrag
haycock, ruck
hayloft, lout traagh
haymaker, greie traagh, traaghanagh
haymaking, jannoo traagh
hayseed, sheel faiyr
haystack, creagh hraagh
hazard, builley barriaght, cur ayns gaue, lhiettrimys
hazardous, danjeyragh, gaueagh
haze, kay
hazel, coull, dhone
hazel nut, cro coull
hazel twig, slattag choull
haziness, kayeeaght, neuchruinnid
hazy, kayeeagh, neuchruinn
he, bock, collagh, eh, ehshen, eshyn, firryn, firrynagh
he is, t'eh
he is entitled to, cairys ec da
he is ruined!, Mullagh er!
he is undone!, Mullagh er!
he-goat, bock goayr
he-lamb, eayn fyrrin
he-man, treanagh
head, ard-chione, cruinnaghey, cur kione da, enmys, kionaghey, kione, lhieeney
head (intellect), inchyn
head (of grain), tar my resh
head clerk, ard-chleragh
head cold, feayraght ching
head off, cur lhiettrimys er, cur ry-lhiattee
head on, eddin ry eddin
head sores, screb y ching
head teacher, ard-er-ynsee, ard-ven-ynsee, ard-ynseyder
head wind, geay noi, geay oaie
head-cloth, clout king
head-rope, steir
head-sea, faarkey toshee
head-shrinker, cribbeyder king
head-splitting, kione scoltagh
head-stall, kioneragh
head-work, cloie king, cloie king, obbyr ching
headache, chingys king, kione-ching
headcold, mughane king, peeaghanid
headdress, eaddagh king
header, builley king, clagh chianglee
headgear, coodagh king, queeyllyn-mullee
headiness, lajerys, thollaneys
headlamp, kione sollys, kione-soilshey
headland, gob, immyr, kione, rourey, stroin
headline, kione-linney
headlong, gour y ching, gour y ghib, gyn thort, kione my laaee, kiontoyrtagh
headman, ard-er
headmaster, ard-vainshtyr
headmastership, ard-vainshtyrys
headmistress, ard-venainshtyr
headmistress-ship, ard-venainshtyraght
headphone, cleayshane
headpiece, kione-streeaney, kione-yalloo
headquarters, ard-oik, kione-cherroo
headrace, arey
headrest, thackish king
heads, king
heads and tails, oaieyn as cooylyn
headshawl, filleig ching
headship, ard-cheimaght
headsman, jee-chioneyder
headstone, clagh chorneilagh, clagh oaye, clagh vun, leac, ogher
headstrong, creoi-veeallagh, gyn thort, kione-lajeragh, raghtanagh
headstrong person, raghtane
headway, gleashagh er oaie, yrjid
heady, lajer, meshtoil, thollaneagh
heal, lheihys, slanaghey
heal-all, slane lus
healed, couyrit, slane, slane, slaneit
healer, slaneyder
healing, couyragh, lheihys, lheihysagh, slanaghey, slanee
health, slaynt
health service, shirveish ny slaynt
healthfulness, follanid, slayntoilid
healthiness, follanid, follanys, slayntoilid, suntid
healthy, follan, slayntoil, sunt
heap, butt, carn, carnanaghey, carnane, chummal, crannag, dash
heap of dung, pollag
heap of seaweed, thorran amlee
heaped, carnaneagh, chummit
heaped measure, towse chummit
heaps of times, dy mennick
hear, clasht, clashtyn, cluinaghtyn, eaishtagh
hear! Hear!, Abbyr eh!
heard, Cheayll, clinnit, cluinit
heard?, Geayll
hearer, clinneyder, cluineyder
hearing, clashtyn, clashtyn, eaishtaghaght, eaishtaght
hearing aid, clashtagan
hearken, cur cleaysh da, eaishtagh
hearsay, fou
hearse, carbyd, carr oanluckee
hearse cloth, curleid charbid
heart, att, cree
heart attack, teaym chree
heart disease, gorley cree
heart failure, failleilys cree
heart patients, lught y ghorley cree
heart specialist, sur-oayllee cree
heart strain, chennid chree
heart transplant, aachuirrey cree
heart valve, cooylley-chree
heart's ease, braag chooag
heart-ache, pian cree
heart-breaking, seaghnagh
heart-piercing, cree-howlagh
heart-searching, cree-scrutagh, ronsaghey cree
heart-shaped, cree-chrooagh
heart-strings, strengyn y chree
heart-to-heart, veih'n chree
heart-whole, jeelys, nagh vel ayns graih, ynrick
heartache, boirey
heartbreak, brishey cree
heartbroken, ching-chreeagh, cree brisht
heartburn, daa cree
hearted, -chreeagh
hearten, cur craa da
heartening, cur cree da
heartening (up), aachreeaghey
heartfelt, voish y chree, ynrick
hearth, chiollagh, clean aile
hearth rug, breshag hiollee
hearthside, keeil chiollee
hearthstone, clagh scooiree, leac y chiollee
heartily, dy fondagh, dy-creeoil
heartiness, creeilys, creeoilaght, creeoilid, follanid
heartless, creoi, creoi-chreeagh, gyn cree
heartlessness, creoiys cree
hearts, Creeghyn
heartsick, ching-chreeagh
heartwood, cree creoi
hearty, creeoil, follan
hearty eater, eeder soogh
hearty goodnight, Oie vie my chree
hearty meal, lhongey braew
heat, chiass, chiow, dreays, ferg, gred, greddal, greddey, gree
heat apoplexy, yn builley-hiass
heat barrier, lhiettrimys chiass
heat engine, jeshaght hiass
heat insulator, chiass-jeeneyder
heat rash, brooan chiass
heat-producing, chiass-ghiennaghtyn
heat-proof, jeen noi chiass
heat-resisting, do-hiow
heat-wave, tonn hiass
heated, cheh, chiowit
heatedly, dy chaulgagh
heater, chiasseyder
heath, reeastane
heath milkwort, lus y vainney
heath pea, pishyr sleitagh
heath stitchwort, lus y toar villish
heathen, anchreestee, paganagh
heathenism, anchreesteeaght, paganaght
heather, conney freoaie, freoagh
heather honey, mill freoaie
heather mixture, eaddagh freoagh-ghaait
heather rope, gaid
heather tick, carthan
heather-rope, suggane freoaie
heathery, freoaghagh
heatstroke, builley chiass
heatwave, skallane chiass
heave, irree, lhiggey (osney), tayrn
heave (as shoulders), troggal
heave (of horse), tayrn ennal vrisht
heave (of sea), freayney, mooireerey
heave of sea, mooireerey
heave to, lhie hug, scuirr
heaven, flaunys, niau
heaven-born, ass niau
heaven-sent, voish Jee
heavenly, flaunyssagh, niauagh, niauoil
heavenly body, corpane speyr, corpane speyrey
heavenwards, lesh niau, seose
heavier, strimmer, trimmey
heavily, dy trome
heaviness, trimmid
heaviness (of heart), trommys chree
heaviness (of spirit), trommys
heaving line, tead tayrn, tead tayrnee
heavy, chiu, laadagh, lajer, mooar, roauyr, torragh, trean, trome, trome-horragh, tromey
heavy (of weather), breenagh
heavy (sorrowful), trimshagh
heavy (unwieldy), lheibeidjagh
heavy artillery, gunnaghyn mooarey
heavy breathing, ennal ard, ennal hrome
heavy browed, trome-volleeagh
heavy catch, loundyr
heavy features, oaie ghroamagh
heavy flannel, kialter
heavy fleeced sheep, keyrrey vollagh
heavy gun, gunn mooar
heavy industry, chynskyl eddrym
heavy jawed, tromecheeillagh
heavy load, loundyr
heavy meal, scoltey
heavy plant, farrys trome
heavy rain, trome-liaghee
heavy shower, frass garroo
heavy silence, tostid dowin
heavy sleep, cadley trome
heavy swell, trome-leaystey
heavy weight, clagh niart
heavy work, tooilleilagh
heavy-duty, mooar-chummaghtagh
heavy-eyed, marroo-hooillagh
heavy-handed, kuittagh, smaghtoil
heavy-hearted, trome-chreagh
heavyish, tromlagh
heavyweight, fer trome, trome
hebrew, Ew, Ewagh, Ewnish
hebrides, Inshyn Goal
heckberry, shillish ny eeanlee
heckle, cur stiagh (er), trasnaghey
heckler, trasneyder, trasneyder
heckling, trasnaght
hectic, corragh
hector, Eghan, postyrey, troggal kiaullane
hectoring, kiaullaneagh, kionyssagh, postyragh
heddle, eallym
hederacious, hibbinagh
hedge, cleigh, cleiy, cur gial er gagh cheu
hedge (in arguement), keiltyn
hedge hyssop, lurgeydish chleiee
hedge in, cur cleigh mysh, faalaghey
hedge mustard, burley cleiyee, mustart cleiyee
hedge parsley, lus ny claghyn fuail
hedge school, scoill chleiee
hedge sparrow, boght keeir, buntee gorrym, jallyn keylley
hedge woundwort, lus y lhott
hedge-hop, skeab yn thalloo, skeabey yn thalloo
hedge-spade, keibbey cleiyee
hedgehog, arkan sonney, graynoge
hedger, cleighder
hedging, cleiy
hee-haw, graag, lhiggey graaag ass
heed, cur geill (da), cur tastey (da), cur twoaie (da), geill, tastal, tastey, tastey (da), tort
heeded, tastit
heeder, tasteyder
heedful, frioosagh, geyre-hastagh
heedfulness, frioose, geill
heedless, antortagh, gyn tort, meehastagh
heedlessness, antort, meehastid
heel, boyn, cur lhong er e cheu, leaystey, saayl
heel (of person), injillaghey, injillaghey
heel in, saayltrey
heel of shoe, breban, breban, cur breban er
heel strap, boynnagh
heel tap, boynnag
hegemony, kioneys
heifer, colbagh, gounagh
height, ard, ardys, challaghan, yrjid
heighten, yrjaghey
heinous, eajee
heinousness, eajeeys
heir, eirey
heiress, eirey-neen
heirloom, corb
heirship, eiraght
helebore, blaa ny Nollick
helen, Eaylee
helicopter, bennaltagh, coptyr, etlan cassee
helidrome, boayl coptyragh
heliotrope, clagh folley, lus veg ny greiney
heliport, purt vennaltagh
helix, shlig chassee
hell, iurin, yn iurin
hell fire, aile niurin
hell-fire, lostey lhome
hell-hound, mac imshee, mac mollaght
hellene, Greagagh
hellenic, Greagagh
hellish, iurinagh
hellishness, iurinys
hello, hello!, hoi!, Kys t'ou?, Ta shiu cheet!
helm, stiurey
helmet, bayrn caggee, bayrn coadee, claigaid, sallet
helmsman, fer stiuree, stiureyder
help, cooinee, cooney, cooney lesh, cooneyder, couyr
help!, Cooin lhiam!
helper, cooneyder, fer coonee, fer cooyl duirn
helpful, coonee
helping, cooid, cooney, cooney
helping hand, laue vastee
helpless, anheiltagh, drollaneagh, er troggloo, gyn cooney
helplessness, anheiltys
helpmate, sheshey coonee
helter-skelter, er mooin y cheilley, lane shilleyree
hem, chemmal, cur chemmal er, lent, voylt
hem (cough), cred
hem (in throat), credyragh
hem in, cruinnaghey stiagh
hem stitch, whaaley chemmal er
hemicycle, lieh-chiarkyl
hemisphere, lieh-chruinney
hemispherical, lieh-chruinnagh
hemlock, aghaue, emloge
hemlock fir, juys emlogeagh
hemlock wort, emloge ushtey, ming-varre
hemmed, chemmit
hemmed in, cruinnit stiagh
hemp, kennip, snaie kennipey
hemp agrimony, jeshal
hemp cloth, eaddagh kennipey
hemp field, magher kennip
hemp nettle, gah buigh
hemp seed, rass kennipey
hempen rope, taed kennipey
hemstitch, greim chemmalagh
hen, kiark
hen *, kiark calmane
hen bird, kirk, yn woirrinagh
hen coop, paal chirkey
hen egg, ooh chiark, ooh chirkey, ooh kiark
hen harrier, shirragh ny giark
hen house, thie kiark, thie ny giark
hen lobster, gimmagh bwoirrin
hen party, cooish caillagh
hen-head, kione kirkey
henbane, connagh ny giark, lus ny meisht
hence, hoal, noal, noon, shen y fa, veih shoh, veih shoh magh, veih'n traa shoh
hence and thence, noon as noal
henceforth, maghey shoh, veih shoh magh
henchman, guilley, kercheen
henhead knot, cront kione kirkey
henlike, kiarkoil
henna, henney
hennoil, dy hennoil
henpecked, fo ordaag
henry, Inry
hepatic, aaneagh
hepatitis, chingys aane, yn ouw
heptagon, shiaght-lhiatteean
heptagonal, shiaght-lhiatteeagh
her, e, eck, ecksh, ee, ee hene, ish
her ladyship, yn ven chiarn
herald, chaghter, fograghey, fogrey
heraldic, heraldagh
heraldry, heraldys
herb, losserey, lus, luss
herb beer, lhune losserey
herb garden, garey lossreeyn
herb paris, lus ny kiare duillagyn
herb robert, crouw yiarg, lus yn rose
herb-gathering, lusseragh
herbaceous, lussagh
herbaceous border, chemmal lussagh
herbage, glasseraght, glassyrid
herbal, lioar lossreeyn, lussagh
herbalist, lusseyr
herbarium, lusslann
herbivora, ny gyndyree, ny luss-eederyn
herbivorous, gyndyragh, luss-eeagh
herby, lussagh
herculean, feer danjeyragh, feer doccaragh, feer doillee
herd, bochillagh(ey), bochillaght, cheet ry-cheilley, cruinnaghey, griaght, grih, shelloo
herd boy, bochilley
herd of cattle, troddan
herd of swine, griaght muickey
herding, bochillaght
herdsman, bochilley
here, ayns shoh, aynshoh
here it is, Er hoh eh
hereabouts, mygeayrt ayns shoh
hereafter, 'sy traa ry-heet, foast, heese, lurg shoh, ny yei shoh
hereat, ec shoh
hereby, er shoh, lesh shoh
hereditament, eiraghtys
hereditary, cooie, dooghyssagh, eiraghtagh
heredity, dooghys
herein, 'sy chooish shoh, 'sy lioar shoh, 'sy screeuin shoh, ayns shoh
heresy, farchredjue, shaghrynys credjue
heretic, farchredjaltagh, shaghrynagh veih credjue
heretical, farchredjaltagh
hereto, dys shoh, er shoh, gys shoh
heretofore, roish nish
hereupon, lesh shoh, ny yei shoh
herewith, lesh shoh
heritable, 'sy dooghys, dooghyssagh, yn-eiraghtagh
heritage, eiraght
hermaphrodite, daa-ghoogyssagh
hermit, bwaaghagh, fer lomarcan
hermit crab, dolpaw, mwatlag-maaigagh
hermitage, bwaaghaght
hernia, brishey brooinney
herniated, brisht-magh
hernshaw, coar ny hastan
hero, feniagh, gastagh, treanagh
hero-worship, ooashley feniagh
heroic, dunnal, feniaghtagh, trean
heroics, treanid
heroine, ben-eniagh
heroism, dunnallys, feniaghtys
heron, coar ny hastan
heronry, oayll coar ny hastan
herring, guiy Manninagh, ree ny marrey, skeddan
herring bone, craue skeddan
herring broth, broit skeddan
herring ground, grunt skeddan
herring hog, perkin vooar
herring moth, lhemeen y skeddan
herring spawn, oghyr skeddan
herring vessel, baatey skeddan
herring-bone stitch, whaaley frangagh
hers, e, eck, jeeish, lheeish
herself, ee hene, ish, ish
hertzian waves, tonyn hertz
hesitancy, leaystaght, moandid, moandys
hesitant, leaystagh, moandagh
hesitate, leaystey
hesitating, leaystey, moandagh, thittagh
hesitation, leaystey, thittys
hesperus, Rollage yn Astyr
hessian, heshane
heteroclite, neureiltagh
heterodox, sou-chredjuagh
heterodoxy, sou-chredjue
heterodyne, hetradeen, hetradeenagh
heterogeneous, yl-cheintagh, yl-chynnoil
heterosexual, hetracheintyssagh
hew, giarrey, lhieggey, scoltey, speiy
hew out, y chummey, y yiarrey
hewer, scolteyder, speiyder
hewn, cummit, giarrit, lhieggit, scoltit
hexagon, shey-lhiattaghan
hexagonal, shey-lhiatteeagh
hexagonal nut, cro shey-lhiatteeagh
hexangular, shey-uillinagh
heyday, ard-laa, blaa
hiatus, barney, hiatys
hibernate, cadley yn geurey, ceau yn geurey, geuraghey
hibernation, cadley geuree, ceau yn geurey
hibernator, cadlag
hibernian, Yernagh
hibernianism, Gaelgaghys ('sy Vaarle), Yernaghys
hibernicism, Gaelgaghys
hiccough, ellag, jannoo ellag
hid(den), follit, keillit
hide, crackan, follaghey, follaghtyn, keiltyn, oayll, sheh
hide merchant, marchan sheh
hide rope, tead crackan
hide sandal, carrane
hide-and-seek, follaghyn as feddyn
hidebound, chionn-chraitnagh, coon-enneeynagh, coon-inchyn, creoi-chrackanagh, kianglt 'sy cheh
hideous, eajee, feer-ghraney, graney
hideousness, eajeeys, granid
hideout, oayll
hider, follagher, folleyder, keilleyder
hiding, follaghey, keiltynys, yeealley
hiding place, boayl keiltynys, chagh, follaght
hidingplace, cooill
hie, dy chirtagh, dy hiyraghey, gys boayl
hierarch, ard-saggyrt
hierarchic(al), ard-chleragh, ard-saggyrtagh
hierarchy, ard-chlere, keimoilaght, reiltys ny hagglish, reiltys ny haspickyn
hieroglyph, jalloo-ockle
hieroglyphical, jalloo-ocklagh
hieroglyphics, jalloo-screeueyrys
higgle, jannoo margeeys
higgledy-piggledy, fud y cheilley, hurley-burley
high, ard, ardey, dy ard
high (as game), gart, gort
high altar, ard-altyr
high and mighty, ard-wannalagh
high Bailiff, Ard-Vaylee
high blood pressure, ard-vroo folley
high boots, bootsyn ardey
high browed, gruaie-lhean
high church, ard-agglish, ard-agglishagh
high Council, ard-choyrle
high estate, ooasle
high explosive, trean-vleaystagh
high explosive shell, shliggan trean-vleaystagh
high feeding, beaghey souyr
high finance, ard-argidys, ard-argidys
high frequency, ard-venkidagh
high intelligence, ard-cheim
high jinks, ard-chloie
high jump, lheim ard, lheim ard
high mass, erin mooar, erin mooar
high noon, ard-vunlaa, oor y vunlaa
high place, alt, ard, boayl ard
high pressure, ard, ard-vroo, traastey mooar, trome
high price, ard-leagh, deyrid, deyrsnys, leagh mooar, leagh trome, prios mooar, prios trome
high priced, ard ayns leagh
high priest, ard-saggyrt
high promontary in sea, mooirveinn
high road, bayr mooar, raad mooar
high school, ard-schoill, ard-schoill
high sea, faarkey trome
high session, kione soie
high speed, bieau
high tariff walls, ard-choadey keeshagh
high tea, jinnair beg
high tension, ard-voltys
high thoughts, smooinaghtyn ooasle
high tide, lane marrey, mullagh ny marrey, roayrt ec y vullagh, roayrt lhieent
high voltage, ard-voltys, ard-voltys
high water, lane marrey, lane marrey
high water mark, barre y lane
high wind, geay vooar
high-born, oaasle, ooashley
high-bred, ooasle
high-church service, shirveish ard-cheeill
high-class, jeh'n chied rheynn
high-coloured, jiarg neealagh
high-faluting, ard-, ard-wannalagh, ard-wannalagh
high-fed, ard-veeit
high-flavour, rah
high-grade, teiyt
high-handed, kioneysagh
high-heeled, ard-voynnagh
high-minded, mooar-aggindagh
high-necked, ard-wannalagh, mwannal ard (er)
high-peaked hat, edd birragh
high-pitched, ard, geyre, ughtagh
high-power(ed), lajer
high-powered, mooar-chummaghtagh
high-priced, ard-leaghoil, deyr
high-principled, jeh ard prinsabyl
high-ranking, ard-, mooar
high-sounding, mooar-ocklagh
high-speed, tappee
high-spirited, ard-spyrrydagh, bioyral
high-strung, drogh-ghreainagh
highborn, ard-cheimnagh
highbred, ard-heelrit
highbrow, ard-ennymagh, ard-inchynagh
higher, syrjey, yrjey
higher octave, shiaull s'bingey
highest, b'yrjey, s'yrjey
highflown, ard, ard-wannalagh
highland, sleitagh, sleitoil, thalloo sleitoil, thalloo sleitoil
highland Clearances, Skeaylley ny Gaeil
highland people, Gaelgagh
highland plaid, breckan Albinagh
highlander, fer slieau, Gael Albinagh
highlight, teiy
highly sexed, er cannoo
highly strung, Naeragogh
highminded, ard-aggindagh
highminded, ard-aignagh
highmindedness, ard-aigney, ard-aigney
highness, ardjys, arjid, deyrid, ooaslid, trimmid, yrjid
highroad, raad mooar
highstrung, nerveishagh
highwater mark, baare y lane
highway, ard-raad, raad mooar
highway Board, Boayrd Raaidyn Mooarey
highway robbery, thoreeagh, thoreeaght
highwayman, fochleader, rueg, thoree
hijack, goaill er egin
hike, troagyraght
hiked, troagyrit
hiker, troagyrey
hiking, troagyraght
hiking, troagyraght
hilarious, feer aitt
hilarity, ard-aittys, ard-ghennalys
hilary Term, Imbagh Feaill' Vreeshey
hill, cronk, knock, ughtagh
hill brow, broogh
hill climb, drappal
hill climber, drappeyder
hill country, cheer sleitagh
hill pasture, eairee
hill road, bayr crink
hillfarm, balley crink
hillfolk, lught ny crink
hilliness, cronkanaght
hillock, crongan, cronkan
hills, cruink
hillside, dreeym, lhargagh, slieau, ughtagh
hilt, cass, doarane
hilum, cron
him, eh, eshyn
himself, e hene, eh hene, eshyn
hind, bochilley, boddagh, cooylloo, feeaih bwoirryn, jerree
hinder, cumrail, feiyal, lhiettal, lhiettrimagh
hinder-part, cooyl
hindered, cumrit
hinderer, cumrailagh, lhiettalagh
hinderpart, jerrey
hindersome, cumrailagh, lhiettrimysagh
hindmost, jerree, jerrinagh
hindquarter, kerroo jerree
hindrance, cumrail, lhiettalys, lhiettrimys
hinge, cur dorrys er joushanyn, jeushan
hinge (as story), croghey
hinge (of story), cree
hinge-pin, kibbin jeushan
hinged, jeushanit
hinny, cabbyl assylagh
hint, cowrey, coyrle, cur faaue da, faaue, fou, sannish
hinterland, cheer chooylloo
hip, bugogne, drughaig, garmin goal-eddin, lhesh
hip bone, craue lheshey
hip disease, gorley lheshey
hip joint, olt ny lheshey
hip-pocket, poagey thoanney
hip-roof, clea ghoaleddinagh
hipflask, flask poagey
hippodrome, preaban
hippopotamus, cabbyl awin
hippy, drughaigagh, tuitteyder-magh
hircine, goayroil
hire, failley
hire car, carr faillee
hire purchase, kionnaghey maillee
hired, er maill, failt
hired assassin, dunver failt
hired killer, dunver failt
hired labourer, fer failt, fer ny faillee, obbree failt
hired servant, fer failt, fer ny faillee, fer ny faillee
hireling, fer ny faillee, jiuleanagh
hirsute, geayshteenagh, mollagh
his, da, e, echey, lesh
His Lordship, E Hiarnys
His Worship the Mayor, E Onnor y Meoir
Hispanic, Spaainagh
Hispanicism, Spaainaghys
hiss, jannoo thassane, thassane, thassaney
hissing, sheeane thassane, thassaney
histology, histoaylleeaght
historian, screeudeyr shennaghys
historic(al), imraagh, shendeeagh, skeealeydagh
historical work, lioar hennaghys
history, shennaghys, skeeal, skeealaght, skeealeydys
hit, ard-speeideilys, builley, bwoalley, cur da, labbal
hit back, aavuilley, builley er builley
hit off, coardail rish, jannoo arrish (er), jannoo arrish (jeh), mooar (lesh)
hitch, castey, kiangley da, lhiettalys, tayrn
hitch-hike, goll er yn ordaag
hitch-hiking, goll er yn ordaag
hitchhike, carr-hroagyraght
hitchhiker, carr-hroagyrey
hitchhiking, carr-hroagyraght
hither, dys shoh, gys shoh, noal
hither and thither, huggey as veih, noon as noal
hitherto, derrey nish, gys shoh
hitter, builtagh, bwoalleyder, bwoalteyr
hitting, bwoalley, labbal
hive, goll ayns shelleig, kishan shellan, kishaney, shelleig
hive (of persons), cruinnaghey (ry-cheilley)
hives, yn eeh
hoar frost, lheeah-rio, lheeah-rio
hoard, prug, pruggal, stoyr, stoyral, stoyrey, tasht, tashtey
hoarded, pruggit, stoyrit, tashtit
hoarder, prughag
hoarding, boalley claare, boayrd fogree, chymsagh, pruggal, stoyral, stoyrey, tashtagh
hoarinees, lheeaghys
hoarse, peeaghaneagh
hoarseness, feoght, peeaghane, peeaghaneid, yn spinniag
hoary, lheeah
hoary ragwort, bossan mollagh, cushag vollagh
hoary willow-herb, lus ny shellee
hoax, cluic, jannoo cluic (er)
hob, hub
hobble, cur langeid (er), doilleeid, hobbyl, langeid, shooyl croobagh
hobble-skirt, rumbyl coon
hobbling, baccagh, shooyl dy baccagh, staagagh
hobby, cabbyl beg, cabbyleen, ceau traa, shirragh corranagh
hobby horse, cabbyl maidjey
hobgoblin, buggane
hobnail, treiney chrou, treiney vraag
hobnailed, treinit
hobnob, mooar (lesh)
hobo, fer shooyl, obbree shooyl
hock, feeyn gial Germaanagh, speir
hockey, cammag, hockee
hockey ball, crig
hockey stick, cammag, maidjey hockee
hocus, molley
hocus-pocus, cur doalgaanee (er), doalgaanee
hod, tubbag vortaragh
hodman, fer tubbag
hodometer, foddid-veih
hoe, sceebane, speiy
hog, collagh muc spoiyt, muc
hog mane, mwing vaarit
hogback, druin
hoggerel, thannid
hoggish, mucoil
hoggishness, mucoilid
hogmanay, Oie Hop Tu Naa, Oie ny bleeaney noa, yn vlein noa
hogwash, drow
hogweed, farrain
hoi polloi, yn theay
hoist, heise, troggal, troggeyder, yrjaghey
hoisting engine, jeshaght hroggalagh
hoisting shaft, towl teroggee
hoistman, fer troggalagh
hoity-toity, ard-wannalagh
hold, brein (lhuingey), cummal, greim, greimmey, shassoo
hold (of buckle), chengey
hold back, cummal er ash, keiltyn, mooghey
hold down, croymmey, cummal ny lhie, cummal sheese, freayll smaght (er)
hold forth, cur barel (da)
hold in, cummal stiagh
hold off, cummal jeh, cummal magh (voish)
hold on, cummal er, cummal rish
hold out, cummal magh, shassoo, sheeyney magh
hold over, cummal er ash
hold sway, reill
hold up, cooylchlea, cummal seose, lhiettrimys, shassoo, tannaghtyn (ny hassoo), troggal seose
hold up, tannaghtyn (ny hassoo)
hold with, coardail rish, dy ve ass lheh
hold your peace!, Bee dty host!
hold your tongue!, Cum dty hengey!
hold!, Cum ort!, Fark ort!, Fuirree!, s'liooar!
holder, cummalagh, cummeyder, greimmeyder, saagh, shellooder
holdfast, cloughey, glackey, greimaghan
holding, cummal, greim, greimmaghey
holding (of farm), gowaltys
holding (of land), shelloo
hole, poyll, towl, towley
hole (of strap), sooill
holes, tuill
holiday, feailley, laa seyr
holiday resort, ynnyd seyrey
holiday season, imbagh ny laghyn seyrey
holiday time, imbagh seyrey
holiday-maker, skibbyltagh boght, turrysagh
holiness, casherickys
holland, Yn Ollynn
hollander, Ollynnagh
hollands, jeneeve
hollandtide Eve, Oie Houney
hollantide, Sauin
hollantide Day, Laa Sauiney, Laa Souney
hollow, clash, follym, folmaghey, jeeigey, lagg, laggan, sloc, slogh, sloghan, towl
hollow (as friendship), breagagh, thanney
hollow (as voice), mooghit
hollow (in hills), coirrey
hollow (of hand), glack
hollow (of hip), lhoob yn yskid
hollow (of victory), foalsey
hollow eyes, sooillyn slocagh
hollow road, bayr lhaggagh
hollow tube, feddan follym
hollow-cheeked, lagg-lieckanagh
hollow-eyed, lagg-hooillagh
hollowness, foalsaght, folmid, laggid
hollows, lig
hollows (of the hand), glick
holly, cullyn, hollyn
holly fern, renniagh chullynagh
holly tree, billey cullyn, billey hollin
hollyhock, lus chasherick
holm oak, darragh scarleod
holocaust, deherree
holster, currey
holy, bannee, casherick, casherick, noo
holy Communion, Shibber y Chiarn
holy communion, Yn Chreestiaght, Yn Chummyn
holy day, feaill, feailley, laa casherick, laa feailley
holy God!, Yee Chasherick!
holy matrimony, Poosey Casherick
holy orders, oardagh bannit
holy rood, crosh casherick Chreest
holy sacrament, Corp Chreest, Yn Chreestiaght, yn sacrament
holy stone, clagh scooiree, clagh-scooirey
holy Thursday, Jerdein Casherick
holy Thursday, Jerein Chorp Chreest
holy Week, Shiaghtyn ny Caisht
holy writ, NY Scriptyryn Noo, scriptyr noo
homage, ammys, fomys
home, balley, cheer, dy valley, oayll, thie
home address, enmys thie
home bird, fer chiollee
home circle, chaaghlagh
home counties, Coondaeghyn Lunnin
home farm, gowaltys balley
home folks, mooinjer y valley
home for the blind, thie ny doail
home handyman, coamreyder thie
home of rest, thie aash
home produce, jantys thie, troaryn ny cheerey
home Rule, Reill Thie
home Secretary, Screeudeyr Cooishyn Thie
home side, skimmee balley
home town, balley dooghys
home trade, cochionneeaght thie
home work, roortys
home-brewed ale, lhune thie
home-made, jeant 'sy thie, thie-jeant
homebred, dooghyssagh, dooie, ellanagh
homeless, gyn thie
homelike, gollrish y thie
homeliness, cheeroilaght, thieoilid
homely, cheeroil, thieoil
homer, calmane thie
homesick, foddeeagh
homesickness, foddeeaght
homespun, eaddagh balley, keeir-lheeah
homestead, balley beg, thie balley
homeward, dy valley, thie
homeward bound, er y raad dy valley, er y raad thie
homewards, dy valley, noal
homework, arnane, obbyr hie, obbyr hiollee
homicidal, dunveragh
homicide, dunverys, fuillaghtagh, marrooder
homily, sharmane
homogeneity, co-cheintys
homogeneous, co-cheintagh
homologous, coreggyragh
homology, coreggyraght
homonym, co-ennym
homonymous, co-ennymagh
homophonic, co-heeanagh
homosexual, homocheintagh, homocheintysagh
homosexuality, homocheintys
hone, clagh 'oyr, clagh hleeuee, cur foyr er, foyraghey
honed, foyrit
honest, firrinagh, jeeragh, oney, onneragh, ynrick
honestly, dy jeeragh, dy ynrick
honesty, jeerid, lus luna, onnerid, ynrickys
honey, mill, myrneen
honey bee, shellan molley, shellan molley, shellan thie
honey buzzard, shirragh molley
honey cake, berreen volley
honey hill, Cronk Connee
honeybag, collane volley
honeycomb, jannoo creear (jeh), kere volley
honeycomb weave, fee chereagh
honeycombed, ceearit, foutagh
honeydew, druight molley, millchay, tombaacey millish
honeyed, millish
honeyed words, focklyn millish, focklyn milljey
honeymoon, mee ny molley, mee phoosee, mee phoosee
honeysac, collane molley
honeysuckle, lus ny molley, ullaagagh
honk, feiyr, feiyral, sheidey
honorarium, argid laue
honorary, onnoragh
honorific, arrymagh, onnoragh
honour, arrym, cur arrym (da), cur onnor (da), onnerey, onnor, onnoraghey
honour (a cheque), eeck, eeck
honourable, onnoroil, ooasle, ynrick
honourableness, onnoroilid
honoured, onnorit
hood, bayrn bussallagh, bayrn willey, coghal, hud, scaa
hood (as face), breidaghey
hooded, bayn bussallagh er
hooded cloak, cloagey bayrnagh
hooded crow, fannag charragh, fannag charragh, fannag ghlass, fannag ghlass
hoodlum, postyr straaidey
hoodoo, buitcheraght
hoodwink, molley
hooey, boghtynid
hoof, crub, cur braag (da), ingin, spaag
hoofed, crubbagh, inginagh
hoofed animal, crubbagh
hook, cor-vuilley, cor-vuilley, croagane, dooan, gob, rinn
hook (as finger), cammey
hook (of person), breigey
hook (of thing afloat), cur clep ayn
hook and eye, dooan as croae
hook-nose, croymmag
hook-nosed, croym-stronnagh
hooked, croymm, dooanagh
hooked nose, croymmag
hooker, hooker, streebagh
hooligan, riftan
hooliganism, riftanys
hoop, cur figgan (er), figgan, kiarkley, lhoob
hoop iron, yiarn figganagh
hooped, kiarklit, lhoobit
hoopoe, ushag ny thorran
hoot, plou, screeagh, screeaghey
hooter, cayrn
hooter (of mill), feddag
hop, corlheim, corlheimyraght, daunse beg, lheim, lheimmey, lheimyragh, lus y ghargid, lus y lhionney, ob
hop (of mill), oabbyr, warrag wyllin
hop field, magher lus y lhiooney
hop garden, garey lus y lhionney
hop grower, troggeyder lus y lhionney
hop kiln, aiee lus y lhionney
hop picker, beaynee lus y lhiooney
hop skip and jump, corlheim skibbag as lheim
hop trefoil, shamrag wuigh
hop tu Naa, Oie Houney
hop tu Naa song, yn vannag
hope, doghys, jerkallys, treisht
hopeful, doghyssagh, gialdynagh, jerkallagh, treisteilagh
hopeful sign, jeih-chowrey
hopefulness, gialdynys, jerkallaght, treishteilaght
hopeless, gyn doghys, meehreishteilagh, neufeeu
hopelessly, dy meehreishteilagh
hopelessness, meehreisteilys
hopper, skibbag
hopping, corlheimyraght, skibbagh
hopping mad, sproght (er)
horary, ooroil
horde, sheshaght hroailt, ymmodee sleih
horehound, nep vane
horizon, bun ny speyrey, oirr ny cruinney
horizontal, co-ard, co-chruinnagh, feayn, rea
horizontal axis, essylys cochruinnagh
hormone, broddag
horn, cayrn, eairk
horn (of anvil), sock
horn of anvil, soc inganagh
horn-handled, cass-eairkagh
horn-rimmed, eairk-oirragh
hornbeam, lhiouan bog
hornbill, gob eairkagh
horned, eairkagh
horned beetle, deyll eairkagh, kiornane
horned owl, kione kiyt
horned poppy, barrag wuigh
horned saddle, jeelt eairkagh
hornet, shellan mooar, shellan mooar
horniness, eairkaght, er cannooid
hornless, meayl
hornless bull, tarroo meayll
hornless cow, booa veayll, meayllee
horny, eairkagh, er cannoo
horologe, ooreyder
horolology, oor-oaylleeaght
horrible, agglagh, atchimagh
horrible, graynoil, graynoil
horribleness, atchimid
horrid, feohdoil, graynoil
horrific, craaynagh
horrify, cur scoagh (er)
horror, grayn, scoagh
horror-stricken, goaill scoagh
hors d'oeuvre, shleeuag
horse, cabbyl, marksleih
horse block, ardane markee
horse breeder, troggeyder cabbil
horse butcher, buitchoor feill-chabbil
horse chestnut, billey cro-cabbyl, castan, castan ny gabbil, castan ny gabbil, cro cabbyl, cro souney
horse cloth, curleid chabbil
horse collar, berreman, eiystyr
horse dealer, delleyder cabbil
horse doctor, fer lhee baagh
horse flesh, feill chabbil
horse leech, guillag (chabbil), jiollag chabbil
horse louse, meeyl ny gabbil
horse mackerel, breck frangagh, lheimmeyder
horse mint, mynthey ny gabbil
horse mushroom, shalmane ny gabbil
horse mussel, gob dhone
horse pannier, murlhin chabbyl
horse play, ronneeaght
horse pond, loghan cabbil
horse race, ratch cabbil, ratch cabbyl
horse racing, ratchal cabbil
horse radish, raghyl feie
horse rider, markiagh
horse riding, markiaght
horse show, taishbynys cabbil
horse tail, famman cabbil
horse thief, gaddee cabbil
horse towel, toval chabbil
horse trough, ammyr cabbil
horse's tail hair, geaysh, geaysht
horse-block, tarlheiman
horse-box, kishtey cabbil
horse-breaker, meeineyder cabbil
horse-breeder, grihder
horse-hide, sheh chabbil
horse-laugh, shutternee
horse-trainer, meeineyder cabbil
horse-trappings, cullee chabbil
horsedrawn coach, fainagh cabbil
horsedung, eoylley chabbyl
horsefly, clegg, croagan, croagan
horsehair, geaysh chabbil, geaysh fammanagh
horseman, mark-sleih, markiagh
horsemanship, markiaght
horsepower, eagh-chummaght
horses, cabbil
horseshoe, crou chabbil
horseshoe nail, treiney chrou
horsetail, gollianagh
horsewhip, cur kip cabbyl (da), kip cabbyl
horsewoman, ben-varkee
horsing, colleeys, er aghree, er eaghree
horsy, cabbylagh, mooar er ny cabbil
horticultural, gareydagh
horticulturalist, gareyder
horticulture, gareydagh
hose, oashyryn, pioban ushtey
hose reel, clowan pioban, clowan pioban
hosepipe, pioban ushtey
hosier, oashyragh
hosiery, oashyraght
hosiery work, obbyr oashyragh
hospice, spittal
hospitable, failtagh, feoiltagh, fial, oastagh, oltagh
hospitably, dy feoiltagh, mooar as maddin
hospital, spittal, thie lheihys
hospital ship, lhong lheihys
hospitality, feoiltys, goaldeeaght, oltaghey
hospitalize, cur 'sy thie lheihys
host, chionnal mooar, cuirreyder, oalan, olteyr, ram, sheshaght chaggee
host (inn keeper), oasteyder, oasteyr
hostage, raane
hostel, oastys
hostelry, oasteyraght
hostess, ben oast
hostile, noidagh
hostile concentration, cohionnal noidagh
hostilities, caggey
hostility, asschaarjys, noidaght, noidanys, noidys
hostler, osleyr
hot, bio, cheh
hot and bitter, garg
hot ash, greesagh
hot bath, oonley cheh
hot dog, braghtan pronnag
hot drink, jough heh
hot iron, mennee hiollee, mennee hiollee
hot press, faastan cheh
hot smell, soar greddee
hot spring, geill ushtey cheh
hot water bottle, boteil cheh
hot wind, fowan loshtee
hot-brained, baanrey
hot-tempered, fergagh
hotbed, lhiabbee cheh, ooig
hotch-potch, spranglane
hotel, thie goaldee, thie oast
hotelier, freilleyder thie goaldee
hotelier, oasteyr
hotelkeeper, oasteyr
hothead, eulyssagh, fer mollee
hotheaded, eulyssagh
hothouse, blah-hie, thie gless
hotness, chiass, chiassid
hotplate, plait cheh
hotpot, sooslagh feill-volt
hottentot, fer buigh
hotter, choe, choe, ny s'choe
hough, eaynin, yskid
hound, coo
hound's tongue, chengey ny moddee
houndlike, cooagh
hour, oor
hour-hand, spaag ny hooryn
hourglass, gless gheinnee, gless-oor
hourly, er yn oor, ooragh, ooroil
house, cabbane, chaagh, cur aaght (da), cur stiagh, lught eaishtagh, thie
house agency, jantaght thie
house arrest, lhiettalys thie
house breaker, brisheyder thie
house cricket, griaran chiollee
house dog, moddey arrey, moddey thie
house flag, brattagh colught
house fly, quaillag hie
house for beggars, beechaagh
house martin, gollan thie
House of Assembly, quaiyl
House of Commons, Quaiyl Hostyn
House of God, Thie Yee
House of Lords, Quaiyl Ny Chiarnyn
house of mourning, thie baaish
house party, giense, goaldys
house physician, lught-lhee
house porter, dorryseyr
house surgeon, laue-lhee thie
house to let, thie ry-hoiaghey
house-breaking, spooilley thie
house-coat, sliman
house-proud, moyrnagh ass (e) thie
houseboat, thie-vaatey
housebreaker, maarliagh thie
housebreaking, brishey thie
housefly, quaillag
houseful, lane thie
household, chaaghlagh, lught thie, mooinjer thielagh
household affairs, cooishyn thie
household chores, kiartagyn
household expenses, costys thie
household goods, cooid thie
household members, lught thie
householder, fer thie, kione thie, shellooder thie
housekeeper, ben thie, caillin, fer thie, thieysagh
housekeeping, argid thie, thieys, thieysaght
housemaid, ben harvaant, caillin thie
housemaid's knee, glioonjys
housetop, mullagh thie
housewarming, giense thie noa
housewife, ben thie, cullee whaalee
housewifery, banisthie, farrysthieys
housework, obbyr yn thie
housing, coodagh, thieys
housing (of crop), ballaghey
housing estate, stayd baghee, steat-thie
housing scheme, cummey thieys
hove to, ny lhie ec acker, ny lhie huggey, scuirrit
hovel, bwaane, shenn thie
hover, crowal, crowal
hovercraft, lhong chrowal, saagh crowal
hoverfly, crowaltagh garagh, crwaltagh
hovering, crowal, crowal
how, Cre'n aght
how are you?, Cre'n aght ta shiu?, kanys ta shiu?, Kyns
how big?, Cre wheesh
how charming!, S'cleaynoil!, S'taitnyssagh!
how far?, Cre choud
how long?, Caid?, Cre choud
how many?, C'woad, C'woad?, Cre whilleen, Cwooad?, Quoid?, Quoid?
how much?, C'Woad?, C'wooad, Cre wooad?, Quoid?
how often?, Cre vennick?
how perfect!, S'fondagh!
how soon?, Cre cha leah?
how wide?, Cre'n lheead
how would I know?, Kevys dou?
how?, kanys?, Kys?
how? (for what reason), cammah?
howbeit, ny yei
however, ansherbee, kied echey, my ta, ny yei
howl, gull, gullal, gullarnee, gullyrnee
howler, ard-aittys, gullarnagh
howling, gullagh, gullal, gullarnee, nullarnee
hoyden, heishan
hub, cree, imleig
hubbub, tharmaneys
hubcap, cappan queeyllagh
huckster, cadjer, jannoo cadjerys
huckstering, cadjeragh, cadjerys
huddle, cruinnaghey, moll
hue, cullyr, daah
hue and cry, yllagh as eam
huff, curneein, smoraig
huff, smull, smull
huffiness, curneeinys
huffy, curneeinagh, smorigagh, smullagh
hug, clame, clamey
huge, foawraght, mooadys
huge meal, scoltey, scompse
huge woman, doagh
hugging, clamey
hugh, Eashdyn
hulk, creadlagh, foawr
hulking, foawragh
hulking boy, glashtin
hull, bleayst, corp, roostey
hullabaloo, musthaa
hullo everybody, She nyn mea diu ooilley
hullo(a), Hoigh
hum, cronnane, cronnaney, soar, thassane
human, deiney, dooinney, dooinnoil, peccagh, peiagh
human being, peccah, peiagh, sheelnaue
human frailty, neuhassooaght gheiney
human louse, dreeym-lheeah, meeyl
human nature, dooghys deiney, dooinnalys
human race, kynney deiney
human rights, kiartyn deiney, kiartyn deiney
human voice, coraa deiney
humane, dooie, dooinnidagh, mial, mialagh, troccairagh
humaneness, dooieid, dooinnidaght, mialaght, mialys, troccairys
humanism, sheelnauederys
humanist, sheelnaueder
humanitarian, deinchaarjoil, deincharrey
humanity, dooieaght, dooieys, dooinnalys, sheelnaue, troccairys
humanize, jannoo dooinnidagh
humankind, kynney deiney
humankind, sheelnaue
humble, anooasle, cur imleeid (er), imlagh(ey), imlee
humble hearted, imlee ayns cree
humbled, imlit, injillit
humbleness, imleeid, imlid
humbling, imlagh
humbling defeat, guiy boght
humbug, ben myr yien, boghtynid, dooinney myr yien
humdrum, dree
humeral, geaylinagh
humerus, craue geaylin
humid, fliugh, tash
humidity, fliughys, tashid
humiliate, injillaghey
humiliating, injillagh
humiliation, injillaghey
humility, imleeid, imlid, injillid
humming, cronnaney, stronneragh
humming and hawing, thittal
humming bird, eean bing, ushag ving
humming fly, carchuillag
humming top, casslag cronnaneagh
hummock, crongan, tomman
humorist, warrag
humour, aittys, gien, lheun, lhiggey lesh
humoursome, teaymagh
hump, croobey, cruitch, drone, droyn, druin
humpback, cruittagh
humpbacked, cruittagh
humpbackedness, cruittid, dronnid
humped, croobit, crottag, cruittagh, dronnagh
Humphrey, Aulee
humpy, dronnagh
hunch, cruitt, lhoobey
hunchback, crottagh, cruittag
hunchbacked, crottagh, cruittagh
hundred, keead
hundred percent, keead 'sy cheead
hundredfold, keead filley
hundredth, keeadoo, Yn keeadoo
hung, croghit
hungarian, Ungaaragh, Ungaarish
hungary, Yn Ungaar
hunger, accrys
hunger for, mian
hunger strike, sthalk accrys
hunger weed, lus y phlaggad
hungering, accrys
hungry, accrysagh
hungry (as eye), sayntagh
hungry person, accrysagh, shanglaneagh
hunk, glout
hunkers, cosaayl
hunt, feieaght, lught y chelg, shelg
hunt (after riches), shegin
hunt the Wren, Shelg yn Drean
hunt up, feddyn
hunt-master, mainshtyr shelg
hunted, shelgit
hunter, feieyssagh, shelgeyr
hunter (horse), cabbyl feieys
hunter's net, lhieen shelgeyragh
hunter's staff, lorg shelgeyragh
hunting, shelg, shelg, shelgagh, shelgeraght, shelgeyragh
hunting box, bwaane shelgeyragh
hunting dog, moddey shelg
hunting ground, boayl shelg
hunting horn, cayrn shelg
hunting season, imbagh y chelg
huntsman, shelgeyr
huntsmanship, shelgeyrys
hurdle, cleea
hurdler, cleeader
hurl, ceau, tilgey
hurl down, ceau sheese
hurler, immanee
hurley, immanaght
hurley stick, cammag
hurly-burly, cheet as goll, huggey as veih
hurrah, aboo!, choo, horaa, lhiggey horaa
hurricane, gaal-baarnee, gaardey, geay vooar
hurricane lamp, londeyr sterrym
hurried, siyragh
hurry, driss, glistyr, jannoo siyr, quishan, siyr, siyraghey
hurry along, kirtagh, siyraghey
hurry back, kirtagh er ash
hurry up then!, Jean siyr myr te!
hurry up!, Jean siyr!
hurrying, driss, goll er mullagh ching, jannoo siyr, siyr
hurt, assee, creaut, gort, gortagh, gortaghey, gortey, gortit, lheamysit, lhottey, lhottit, skielley
hurt seriously, creaughey
hurter, gorteyder
hurtful, gortagh
hurting, gortaghey
husband, dooinney, dooinney poost, sheshey, sheshey poost
husband (as land), lhiasaghey
husband (as money), sauail
husband and wife, cubbyl poost
husbandman, eirinagh, erroo, jiulean, labree thallooin
husbandry, eirinys, obbyr hallooin
hush, cheet dy ve tost, cheet dy ve tostagh, kiuney, tostid, whush!
hush (as child), kiunaghey
hush (listen), eaisht!
hush money, argid tostid
hush up, mooghey, oanluckey
Hush!, Bee dty host!, Bee-jee nyn dost!
hush-hush, follit
husk, crottal, fynneig, lhiannag
husked, bleaystagh, skillt
husker, skilleyder
huskiness, garrooid, looyrid
husky, garroo, looyr, moddey rio
hussy, beeataig
hustle, driss, kirtaghey, siyraghey
hustler, gaskeydagh
hut, bwaane
hut-dweller, bwaagagh
hutch, carnane, kishtey conning
hyacinth, lus ny folley
hybrid, crosh-sheelragh
hybridize, mestey
hydrant, dull roie
hydrate, co-vrooid ushtey
hydraulic, ushtey-obbragh
hydraulic engineering, jeshaghtys ushtey-obbragh
hydraulics, nse ushtey, oayllys ushtey, sheanse ushtey, ushtey-obbraghys
hydrocephalus, ushtey king
hydrochloric acid, geayr hiddracloaragh, spyrryd buigh
hydrodynamics, ushtey-ghleashaght
hydroelectric, ushtey-lectragh
hydroelectric power, niart ny glionteenyn, niart ushtey-lectragh, pooar ushtey-lectragh
hydrofoil, skian ushtey
hydrogen, hiddragien
hydrogen peroxide, sarocseed heedrageen
hydrogenate, hiddragiennaghtyn
hydrographic(al), mooir-chaslyssagh, mooir-chaslyssagh
hydrography, mooir-chaslyssaght, mooir-chaslyssaght
hydrometer, ushtey-howsheyder
hydrometry, ushtey-howse
hydropathic, ushtey-lheihyssagh
hydropathy, ushtey-lheihys
hydrophobia, aggle ushtey
hydrophone, cleayshag ushtey
hydroplane, etlan ushtey
hydroscope, ushtey-hooill
hydroscopic, ushtey-hooillagh
hydrosphere, ushtey yn chruinney
hydrostatic, ushtey-hassooagh
hydrostatics, ushtey-hassooaght
hydrotherapeutic, ushtey-lheihyssagh
hydrotheraphy, ushtey-lheihys
hyena, beisht convaayrtagh, moddey garaghtee
hygiene, glennid, slaynt-oayllys, slayntaghys
hygienic, glen, slayntagh
hygienist, slaynt-oayllee
hygrometer, towsheyder tashid
hygrometry, tashid-howse
hygroscope, tash-veih
hymen, dollane, moidynys
hymn, hymn
hymnal, lioar dy hymnyn
hyperbolic(al), ard-vooadagh, cughlin-chruillagh
hypercritical, jiarg-vaghteyryssagh, ro-vriwnyssagh
hypermetropia, foddey-shilley
hypersonic, harrish-sheeanagh
hyphen, sniemmag
hypnosis, hippnoish
hypnotic, hippnoishagh
hypnotism, hippnoishaght
hypnotist, hippnoisheyder
hypnotize, cur fo hippnoish
hypochlorite, fo-chloreet
hypocrisy, craueeaght foalsey, foalsaght, kialgeyrys
hypocrite, fer crauee foalsey, foalserey, kialgeyr
hypocritical, beeal-chrauee, foalsey
hypodermic, fochrackanagh
hypodermic injection, tilgey fochrackanagh
hypodermic needle, snaid fo-chrackanagh
hypodermic syringe, gunn fo-chrackanagh
hypotenuse, cheuagan
hypothesis, barel, sheiltynys
hypothetic(al), sheinyssagh
hysteria, drogh-ghuill, gorley breinney
hysterical, drogh-ghuillag, jiarg-eulyssagh