I, mee, mish
I am, ta mee
I am sorry, S'doogh lhiam, S'olk lhiam, S'treih lhiam
I dare, S'lhoys dou
I dare say, Credjym (dy vel)
I did prefer, Bare lhiam
I don't agree with you., Yiow kied!
I don't give a damn, S'cummey yn jouyl lhiam
I had well nigh, Dobbyr dou, Hioll mee
I imagine, Stroo hene, Strooys
I like, S'aittin lhiam, S'mie lhiam, saillym
I love it, Shynney lhiam eh
I prefer, Share lhiam
I presume, Er lhiam
I remain yours truly, Mish lesh ammys
I remember, S'cooin lhiam
I say!, Hoigh!
I suppose, Er lhiam, Stroo hene, Strooys hene
I think, Er jeeym, Er lhiam
I think well of him, Ta ammys aym er
I warrant, var a mish, varrey mish
I was sorry, By hreih lhiam
I would be, veign
I would come, harrin
I would do, yinnin
I would find, yioin
I would give, verrin
I would go, raghin, roin
I would hear, cluinnin
I would prefer, Bare lhiam
I would say, yiarrin
I would see, heein
I would take, ghoin, ghowin
iberia, Yn Ibeir
iberian, Ibeiragh
ibex, goar sleitagh
ibis, crottag Ejiptagh, eebis
ice, cur rio (ayn), cur rio-hugyr (er), cur rioeeaght (er), rio, riojag, riojaghey
ice axe, speih rio
ice bank, broogh rioee
ice breaker, brisheyder rio
ice cream, key riojey, key riojit, riojag
ice field, magher rioee
ice hockey, crammag rio
ice period, amm rioee
ice pudding, puttage rio
ice up, riojey
ice-bag, poagey rio
ice-pack, rio goll lesh y troa, rio-phaggey
ice-plant, rio-phlandey
ice-rink, rio-rinck
iceberg, beinn rioee, burroo rioee, cronk rioee
icebound, fest 'sy rio, riojit
icebox, coyr rio
iced, riojit
icefloe, floddan rioee
iceland, Yn Eeslynn
iceland lolly, kibbin millish
iceland pack, broogh rioee, poagey rio
iceland watercress, burley frangagh
icelander, Eeslynnagh
icelandic, Eeslynnagh, Eeslynnish
icelandic gull, foillan loghlinagh
ichor, ingyr, ingyr ghial
ichorous, ingyragh
ichthyol, eeastal
ichthyologic(al), eeast-oaylleeagh
ichthyology, eeast-oaylleeaght
ichthyophagous, eeast-eeagh
ichthyophagy, eeast-ee, gee eeast
icicle, bwoid rioee, kibbin rioee, rioghar
icing, riojaghey, riojey
icing sugar, shugyr riojee
icon, jalloo
iconclasm, jalloo-vrishey
iconclast, brsheyder jallooyn
icy, feayr, rioeeagh
idea, eie
ideal, ard-smooinaght, slanjeant
idealism, ard-smooinaghtyn
idealistic, ard-smooinagh
idealize, jannoo ardsmooinaght
ideally, dy slanjeant
idealness, slanjeantys
idee fixe, smooinaght chianglt
identical, cheddin, ennee, jarroo, myr y cheilley, unnane
identically, myr y cheilley
identifiable, yn-enneydagh
identification, eer-enney, enneydys
identification papers, pabyryn enney
identified, as enney currit (er), jarrooit
identify, cur enney er
identikit, cullee enney
identity, cheddinaght, enney, persoonaght, unnaneys
identity card, caart enney
ideogram, eie-yalloo, jalloo-ockle
ideologic(al), eie-oaylleeagh
ideologist, eie-oayllee
ideology, eie-oaylleeaght
idiocy, meecheealaght, meecheeayllid, ommidys
idiom, abbyrtys, corghlare
idiomatic(al), abbyrtagh, corghlaragh, dooghyssagh, rere yn chengey
idiosyncrasy, liehaghys
idiot, bleb, bolvane, lag-hushtagh, meecheeayllagh, moal-hushtagh, thoot
idiotic, moal-hushtagh, ommidjagh, thootagh
idiotism, lag-hushtid, moal-hushtid, ommidjys, thootid
idle, jannoo veg, lag-lauee, lhiastagh, lhiastey, litcheragh, naggyr, rea-chassey, soailchaghey, speilleigagh
idle (out of work), taaue
idle pulley, ullag hreoragh
idle story, skeeal breagagh
idleness, lag-laueys, lhiastid, litcheraght, litcherys, soaillaght
idler, chea ny hobbyr, lhiasteyr, litcher, queeyl chocianglee, taauanagh, ullag hreoragh
idling, flusternee, litcheragh, neuharroogh, soailchaghey
idly, ny haaue
idol, jalloo, jee-jalloo
idolator, jallooder, jalloonagh
idolatress, ben-yallooder
idolatrous, jallooagh, jalloonagh
idolatry, jalloonys
idolize, jallooagh, jannoo jee beg
if, dy, fo-my, my
if not, mannagh, mannagh vel, ny slooid
If you please!, My bailliu!, My sailliu, My sailliu
igloo, bwaane rioee, bwaane sniaghtee
ignatius, Ignaid
igneous, aileagh, chentagh, chentagh, loshtee
igneous rock, creg aileagh
ignis fatuus, chenney cheabane, foaddan curree
ignitable, so-lostey
ignite, foaddey
igniter, losteyder
ignition, foaddey, lossey
ignition coil, caslagh lossee
ignition key, ogher lossee
ignoble, anooasle, meeooasle, neuooasle
ignominious, nearagh, neareydagh, scammyltagh
ignominy, nearey, scammylt
ignoramous, almoragh, bock bouyran, meehushtagh, meehushtagh
ignorance, almoraght, almorys, anoayllys, dellidys, drogh-ynsagh, meehushtey, neufys, neuhoiggaltys
ignorant, almoragh, anoayllagh, lag-hastagh, lag-hushtagh, meehushtagh, meehushtagh, neuhoiggalagh, neuhoiggaltagh, neuynsit
ignorant person, fer er drogh ynsagh
ignore, ceau neu-hastey (da), lhiggey (harrish)
iguana, iguaan
ilex, darragh scarleod
ilk, clein, keint
ill, aslane, aslayntagh, ching, doghanagh, doogh, drogh, lag, moal, olk, sie
ill fame, drogh-ennym, drogh-ghoo
ill feeling, drogh-ennaghtyn, drogh-inchyn
ill fortune, lag-haghyrt
ill health, drogh-laynt, lag-laynt
ill intentioned, roonagh
ill luck, donnys, drogh-aigh, mee-aigh
ill manners, drogh-ellyn, drogh-ynsagh
ill nature, drogh aigney, drogh-chree
ill omen, drogh vonney
ill report, drogh-ghoo
ill repute, drgh-ennym
ill success, drogh-rah
ill temper, granganid, groamid
ill treatment, drogh-ghellal
ill usage, drogh, drogh-ghellal
ill will, camman, drogh aigney, myskid
ill word, drogh-ockle
ill-advised, donney, neuchreeney
ill-assorted, anvestit
ill-baked, mee-uinnit, teaystagh
ill-balanced, meechorrym
ill-behaviour, drogh-aghytys
ill-bred, drogh-ellynagh, mee-veaysagh, neuellynagh
ill-breeding, drogh-ellyn, mee-veays
ill-considered, neu-vriwnyssit
ill-deserved, neuhoilchit
ill-designed, mee-chiarailit, mee-chummit
ill-disposed, drogh-inchynagh
ill-doer, drogh-yantagh
ill-doing, drogh-obbyr
ill-famed, drogh-ennymagh, drogh-ghooagh
ill-fated, meechronneydagh, meefortanagh
ill-favoured, graney, meefoayragh
ill-founded, gyn bun mie
ill-humoured, granganagh
ill-intentioned, mee-roonagh
ill-judged, meevriwnyssit
ill-management, drogh reirey
ill-mannered, drogh-ellynagh, garroo, mee-ellynagh, neuchooyrtoil, neuellynagh
ill-mannerliness, drogh-ellyn, neuchooyrtoilid
ill-matched, meereggyragh, neuchorrym
ill-nature, drogh-yien
ill-natured, beeataigagh, drogh aignagh, granganagh, neuchenjal
ill-natured person, scryss
ill-natured woman, beeataig
ill-naturedness, drogh aigney, granganid, neuchenjallys
ill-omened, drogh-vonneydagh
ill-pleased, meehaitnyssagh
ill-qualified, meeaarlit
ill-reputed, drogh ennymagh, jeh drogh ennym
ill-sounding, mee-ving
ill-spoken, mee-loayrit
ill-starred, mee-aighoil, mee-fortanagh
ill-success, mee-rah
ill-tempered, granganagh, groamagh, groamey
ill-thriven, mee-aasit
ill-timed, neuemshyragh
ill-times, drogh oor, traaghyn olk
ill-treat, cur drogh-chorrym (da), drogh-ghellal (rish)
ill-treatment, drogh-chorrym, drogh-chorrym
ill-use, jannoo drogh ghellal rish
illegal, anleighalagh, meelowal
illegality, anleighalaght, meelowalys
illegible, do-lhaihagh, neulhaihagh
illegitimacy, oainjyrys
illegitimate, neuleighalagh, oainjyragh
illegitimate child, lhiannoo oainjyragh, lhiannoo sooree, paitchey oainjyragh, paitchey sooree
illeniency, neuvyghinid
illenient, neuvyghinagh
illgotten, drogh, loghtagh
illiberal, gortagh, neiviallagh, neughiastyllagh, pitteogagh
illiberality, gortid, neufeoiltys, neughiastyllid, neughiastyllys, pitteogys
illicit, anleighalagh, camlaagagh, neuslattysagh
illimitable, do-chreaghnagh, neuchreaghnagh
illiteracy, drogh-ynsagh, neulettyraght, neuynsagh
illiterate, anlettyragh, neulettyragh, neuynsit
illness, aslaynt, asslaynt, doghan
illogical, meeresoonagh, neuresoonagh
illogicality, meeresoon, neuresoon
illuminant, soilshagh, soilshean, soilshey
illuminate, ceau sollys (er), cur baght er, jannoo sollys, jeshaghey lesh daahghyn, soilshaghey
illuminated sign, fogrey soilshit
illumination, baght, jeshagh, soilshaghey
illuminative, soilshagh
illuminator, jesheyder, soilsheyder
illusion, ashlish, conrieught
illusionist, drualtagh, kialgeyr
illusive, breagagh, conrieugh, kialgagh, molleydagh
illusiveness, breagaght, kialgaght
illustrate, jeshaghey lesh caslyssagh
illustrate, soilshaghey
illustration, caslys, sollyssid, sollyssid, tayrneyraght
illustrative, soilshee
illustrator, tayrneyder caslyssyn
illustrious, ard-ghooagh, erreartagh, erroortagh, ooasle
illustriousness, ard-ghoo, erroortys, ooashlid
image, jalloo, soyley
imagery, jalloonys, soylaghey
imaginable, gientynagh, sheiltynagh, smooinaghtagh
imaginary, conrieugh, far-smooinaghtagh, neurieugh, sheiltynagh
imagination, conrieught, sheiltnys, smooinaghtyn
imaginative, kiaddagh, sheiltynagh
imagine, sheiltyn, shein
imbalance, meechorrymid, neuveihaghey
imbecile, anlheiltagh, jei-hushtagh, meecheeayllagh, moal-hushtagh, ommidan, ommidjagh
imbecility, anlheil, annooinid aigney, jei-hushtaght, meecheeayl, meecheeayllid, ommidjys
imbibe, iu, soo
imbricate(d), scart er y cheilley
imbroglio, mestey-vestey
imbrown, dhoanaghey
imcompact, neughloo
imcompatibility, meechoardailys, neureggyraght
imcompatible, meechoardailagh, neureggyragh
imitate, arrish
imitation, arrish, arrishagh, breagagh, caslys, maclioar
imitative, arrishagh, lhiannagh
imitator, arrishagh, eiyrtysagh, lurgeyr
immaculate, gyn cron, neulheamysagh, ree-glen
immanence, immeanaght
immanent, immeanagh
immaterial, neuchorpoil, neuheihltagh
immateriality, neuchorpoilid, neuheihltys, neuventynys
immature, aeg, anappee, neuappee, neuappee
immature cormorant, hulp, hulpin
immature deer, minjeig
immature eel, snigg
immature guillemot, gyubb
immature gull, gubb, gubbon, gyubb
immature hairless rat, jarganagh
immature lobster, parick
immaturity, aegid, anappeeid, anappeeys, neuapeeys, neuappeeid
immaturity, neuappee
immeasurable, erskyn towse, neuhowshanagh
immediacy, chelleerid
immediate, chelleeragh
immediately, ass laue, chelleeragh, drasteyn, dy jeeragh, er y chooyl
immediately after, dy jeeragh ny yei
immemorial, anchooinaghtagh, erskyn cooinaghtyn
immense, mooar ass towse
immensely, dy mooar ass towse
immensity, ard-vooadys
immerse, thummey
immerser, thummeyder
immersion, thummey
immersion heater, thum-hiasseyder
immigrant, arreydagh, Juan haink noal, sthie-arragh
immigrate, arraghey stiagh, inymmyrkey, inymmyrkey
imminence, gerrey, gerrid
imminent, baggyrtagh, er gerrey
immiscible, neuchoveshtagh
immitagable, do-voggagh
immixture, covestey
immobile, neuchorragh, neughleashagh
immobility, neughleashaght, shassooaght
immobilize, jannoo neughleashagh
immoderate, jollysagh, neuhaieagh
immoderation, jollys, jollysid, neuhaieys
immodest, awane, meenearagh, neuvoidynagh
immodesty, awaneys, awanid, meenearey
immolate, jannoo oural (jeh)
immolation, oural
immoral, drogh-veaysagh, maarderagh, rouanagh
immorality, drogh-veaysaght, drogh-ymmyrkey, rouanys
immortal, beayn, bragh bio, neuvaasoil, neuvarvaanagh
immortality, beaynid, beaynid, neuvarvaanys, sheerid
immortalize, beaynaghey
immortelle, blaa beayn
immovable, anchorragh, neughleashagh, neuscughee
immune, coadit, seyr
immunity, coadey, seyrsnys
immunization, coadey, jeeney
immunize, jeenaghey
immure, boallaghey stiagh, cur ayns pryssoon
immutability, neuchaghlaays
immutable, neuchaghlaaee
imp, flaiee, imshee, jouylleen
impact, builley
impair, leodaghey, milley
impairment, leodaghey, milley
impale, boallaghey, cur paayl (er), roighey, saih, sthaikal (stiagh)
impaled, roight
impalement, saih
impalpable, do-hoiggal, neuloaghtagh
impart, cur
impartial, cairagh, corrym, neuchleaynit, neuvaiagh
impartiality, corrymid, neuchleaynys, neuvaiaght
impassable, meecheimagh, neuchassanagh
impassableness, meecheimneeaght, neuchassanid
impassion, cur ferg er
impassioned, cheh, fergagh, lossanagh
impassive, feayr-chooishagh
impassiveness, feayr-chooish
impassivity, feayr-chooish
impatience, meehurransaght, meehurranse, siyrid
impatient, meehurransagh, neuhurrallagh, neuhurransagh, neuvurriagh, raghtal
impeach, cassid, ceau ourys (er), jannoo cassid (er)
impeachable, cassidagh, ouryssagh
impeacher, cassider
impeachment, cassid, jannoo cassid (er)
impeccability, neuloghtaght, neupheccoilid
impeccable, gyn cron, gyn loght, neuloghtagh, neupheccoil
impecuniosity, anverchaght, boghtynid, jeirkaght, neuargidaght
impecunious, anverchagh, gyn ping, jeirkagh
impecunious person, anverchagh
impedance, castid, castys, lhiettalys
impedance coil, caslag chastys
impede, castey, lhiettal
impediment, baccid, kiap snapperal, lhiettrim, lhiettrimys
impediment of speech, cabbid, moandid, moandys, thittys
impedimentia, scudlagh
impedimentia of war, eillaghyn-caggee
impel, imman
impelling, immanagh
impend, baggyrt, croghey erskyn
impending, baggyrtagh
impenetrability, do-feayshlaght, neuchassanid
impenetrable, neuchassanagh, neufeayshlagh
impenitence, meearrys
impenitent, meearrysagh
impenitent person, creoi-wannalagh, meearrysagh
imperative, oardreilagh
imperceptible, do-chronnaghey, dooaragh, neuchronnal, neuvaghtal, neuvakinagh
imperfect, chaie, lheamyssagh, lieh-chiart, neuglen, neuslane, neuslanjeant
imperfect swarm of bees, lhuan, looan
imperfection, asslaanid, faaseyannoo, foill, lheamys, lieh-chiartys, loght, meeynrickys, neufoays, neufoays, neuynrickys
imperial, ard-reeoil, ard-rheamagh, impiroil
imperialism, impiroilaghys
imperialist, impiroilagh
imperil, cur ayns danjeyr, cur ayns gaue
imperious, ard-aignagh, ard-chreeagh, ard-vooaralagh, mooaralagh, sareydagh
imperious person, mooaralagh, mooarlagh
imperiousness, ard-aigney, ard-aigney, ard-vooaralys, chiarnoilid, mooaralys
imperishable, beayn-hassooagh, do-cheaut
impermanence, neuveaynid
impermanent, neuveayn
impermeability, jeenaght
impermeable, jeen, jeenagh
impersonal, gyn persoonaght, neuphersoonagh
impersonal verb, breear neuphersoonagh
impersonate, jannoo arrish (jeh)
impersonation, arrish
impertinence, brunt, meearrym, perkinys
impertinent person, perkin
imperturbability, do-chorreeaght, feayr-aignys, feayr-chooish
imperturbable, do-chorree, feayr-aignagh, feayr-chooishagh
imperturbed, gyn boirey, neuvoirit
impervious, anchassagh, jeen noi
imperviousness, anchassanaght, jeenaght
impetous, brash
impetuosity, raghalid, raghtalys
impetuous, raghtal, siyragh
impetus, garrey
impiety, anchasherickys, meearrym, meechraueeaght
impinge, bwoailley, bwoalley, bwoalley noi, goll stiagh (er), imman
impingement, bwoalley noi
impious, anchasherick, meechrauee, neuyeeaghtagh
impish, flaieeagh
impishness, flaieeaght
implacability, myskid, neuveeinid
implacable, neuveeinagh
implant, cuirr, cuirr 'sy thalloo, soiaghey
implement, cooilleen, cur rish, greie
implicate, cur ass lheh
implication, bree, cur ass lheh, keeayllaghey
implicit, baghtal, trooid as trooid
implicit faith, credjue veih'n chree
implicitly, trooid as trooid, veih'n chree
implied, fillit, in-hoggit, in-hoggit
implore, jannoo aghin, jeean-geearree (er)
imploring, aghinagh
implosion, stiagh-scoltey, stiagh-vleaystey
imply, cowraghey, cur keeayl (er), filley stiagh, keeayllaghey
impolite, mee-chooyrtoil, neuellynagh, neuveasagh
impoliteness, mee-chooyrtoilid, neuellynaght, neuveasaght
impolitic, anchreeney, neuchreeney
imponderable, neuveihagh
import, bree, cooid kionnit stiagh, cur lesh stiagh, foaynoo, keeayll, keeayllaghey, kionnaghey stiagh, scansh, ymmyrkey stiagh
import duty, keesh er chooid kionnit
importable, so-chionnaghey stiagh
importance, bree, foaynoo, frioose, scansh
important, mooar-chooishagh, scanshoil, trome-chooishagh
importation, kionnaghey stiagh, red currit stiagh
importer, ymmyrkagh stiagh
importing, cur lesh stiagh, ymmyrkey stiagh
importunate, aghinagh, croaganagh, sheer-yeearreydagh, yeearreeagh
importunate person, lhiannan, sheer-voireyder
importune, clowaney, sheer-yeearree, yeearree
importuning, jeean-aghin, sheer-geearree
importunity, sheer-yeearreeaght
impose, cur er, cur fo jaghee, cur fo keesh, curmaghey, curmal, molley
imposing, moylleydagh
imposition, cur er, errey, molley, obbyr cherree
impossibility, neuyantaght, neuyantys, neuyargaght
impossible, neuchredjallagh, neuyannooagh, neuyantagh
impost, baare-choorsey, tailley
impostor, molteyr
imposture, kialgeyrys, molteyrys
impotence, lhaggid bree, neuvree
impotent, annoon, gyn lheihll, gyn vree, jeh lhag stayd, lag-vreagh, neuvreeoil
impotent person, annoonagh
impound, cummal, goaill (ollagh), pundailey
impounded, cummit, goit, pundailit
impounder, gowder, pundaileyder
impoverish, boghtaghey, jannoo boght
impoverished, boght, kercheenagh
impoverishing, boghtaghey, jannoo boght, kercheenagh
impoverishment, boghtaghey, boghtynid
impracticability, neuchooilleentagh, neuchooilleentaght, ro-ghoilleeid
impracticable, do-yeant, neuchooilleentagh, ro-ghoillee
imprecate, gwee mollaght er
imprecation, mollaght, mynney
imprecatory, mollaghtagh, mollaghtagh
impregnable, fondagh, neughowallagh, shickyr
impregnaion, jannoo torragh, torraghey
impregnate, faagail torragh, jannoo torragh
impress, broo neose, cur neose (er), ynnyd cowrey
impression, clou, smooinaght, ynnyd cowrey
impressionable, so-chleayney
impressionism, impressionaghys
impressionist, impressionagh
impressive, cowreydagh, scanshoil
imprest, eearlys
imprint, clou, cur cowrey er, ynnyd cowrey
imprison, cur ayns pryssoon, pryssoonaghey, pryssooney
imprisoner, pryssooneyder
imprisonment, carchyr, dooney, pryssonaght, pryssoonagh, pryssoonys
improbability, neuchosoylaght
improbable, neuchosoylagh
improbity, aggairys, meechairys, neuynrickys
impromptu, cheuraght, gyn aarlaghey
improper, aggairagh, anchooie, anoyral, meechiart, neuchairagh, neuyesh
improper fraction, lhiass-chorrillagh
improperly castrated ram, faase rea, riggyl
improperness, aggairys, anchooieid, meechiartys, neuchairys, neuyeshid
impropriate, jee-agglishaghey
impropriety, anoyr, meechiartys, neughoaieys, neuyeshid
improve, cheet my laue, couyral, jannoo foays (da), lhiassaghey, sharaghey
improvement, foays, lhiasaghey, shareaghey
improvements, foayssyn, foayssyn
improver, lhiaseyder
improvidence, jummallys, lag-chairail, neuchairailys, neufarrysthie
improvident, jummallagh, meechairailagh, neuchiarailagh, neuchreeney
improvisation, cheu-chummey, cummeydeyraght
improvise, cummey gyn aarlaghey
imprudence, baaish, daanys, eddin, meenearey, mwannal, neuchreenaght, neufeeudid, neufeeudys, neughoaieys
imprudent, anchreeney, baaishagh, beealagh, daaney, meenearagh, meeneareydagh, mwannalagh, neneuchreeney, neughoaieagh
impugn, ceau ourys (er)
impugnment, ceau ourys (er)
impulse, bree aigney, thollane
impulsive, breeoil, gyn thort
impunity, seyrsnys (veih) kerraghey
impure, neughlen, sallagh
impurity, neughlennid, sallaghys
imputable, lhiasee
imputation, lhiasaghey
impute, aggyrt, cur gys lieh, cur sheese (da), gaggyrts
in, ayns
in (of fruit), appee
in a body together, cosh ry cholbey
in a dilemma, eddyr daa aile Boayldyn
in a distant country, 'sy yughtee
in a faint, annooiney, my-nealloo
in a fluster, fud y cheilley
in a great degree, feer
in a high position, ayns ard cheim, ayns ard phost
in a low degree, ass cooid y veggan
in a moment, ayns shallid, er y chooyl
in a parallel direction, ayns co hroa (rish)
in a rage, er ouyl
in a trance, my neealoo
in a trice, ayns meekey-sooilley
in a whisper, myr hannish
in abeyance, currit ry-lhiattee, faagit rish tammylt, ny lhie
in all probability, s'cosoylagh eh
in an awful tear, ayns musthaa agglagh
in another connection, er aght elley
in any way so ever, er chor erbee
in breadth, er lheead
in buff, lhome
in bulk, ayns mooar-chooid
in camera, ayns quaiyl ghooint, ayns shamyr ghooint, dy follit
in cold blood, dy feayr-chooishagh
in commission, ayns ymmyd
in concealment, cleaght, cooyl chlea, keiltynys
in conclusion, dy cur jerrey er, fy yerrey
in condition, ayns callin vie
in contiguity, sheeyney lesh (rish)
in ear, jeeassagh, my yeish
in embryo, mwanagh
in every respect, er dagh ooilley chor
in fetters, fo gheulaghyn
in flocks, shioltaneagh
in flower, my vlaa
in general, son y chooid smoo
in good time, dy traaoil
in her, aynjee
in hiding, cooyl chlea
in his presence, ny choar
in its pride, my vlaa
in leaf, fo ghuillag
in length, erliurid
in lieu of, ayns ynnyd jeh
in like manner, er aght cosoylagh, myrchaagh
in limbo, 'sy phryssoon
in locks, skeogagh
in many respects, ayns ymmoddee aghtyn
in me, aynym
in motion, fo-raad
in my opinion, Er jeeym, Er lhiam
in narrow strips, skilleigagh
in number, er earroo
in olden days, 'sy chenn earish
in order, er mod
in order that, do
in order to, dys, gys
in pairs, cubbyl, jees as jees
in parenthesis, eddyr lhoobeenyn
in parts, oltallagh
in perpetuity, son dy bragh
in person, dy persoonagh
in pig, arkagh
in place of, ayns ynnyd jeh
in preference to me, roym
in private, fo chlea
in proportion as, reir myr
in pursuit of knowledge, geearree fys
in quod, fo ghlass
in rags, clooidagh
in respect of that, er y cheu shen
in return for this, er son shoh
in safe custody, fo coadey sauchey
in season, 'syn amm
in secret, gyn yss
in seed, my rass, my resh
in series, ayns straih, ny yei ry cheilley, rere straih
in short, gyn arragh y raa
in stock, sthie
in summer, 'sy tourey
in suspension, snaue
in that even, Er y chor shen
in that manner, myr shen
in that respect, 'sy chooish shen
in the, 'sy
in the bud, 'syn ooh
in the country, er y cheer
in the daytime, 'sy laa
in the east, hiar
in the first place, 'sy chied cheayrt, 'sy chied ynnyd, hoshiaght
in the forenoon, 'sy voghrey
in the future, 'sy traa ta ry-heet
in the interim, sunlighteddyr y daa lhing
in the least, er ny sloo
in the main, son y chooid smoo, trooid as trooid
in the morning, 'sy voghrey, roish munlaa
in the nick of time, ayns caa, ec yn am
in the open plain, er y trah follym
in the opposite direction, yn raad noi shen, 'sy troa elley
in the presence of, kionefenish, kiongoyrt rish
in the rear, ergooyl
in the same manner, Myr'naght
in the shit, 'sy check
in the south, 'sy jiass
in the sun, fo'n ghrian
in the sunshine, fo'n ghrian
in the van, er hoshiaght
in the vicinity, faggys (da)
in the vocative, 'sy gherrymagh
in the west, heear, sheear
in the wilderness, 'Syn aasagh
in the wilderness (Pol), ass oik
in the year of our Lord, Ayns blein nyn Jiarn
in them, ayndaue
in this manner, myr shoh
in transit, fo-raad
in true perspective, dy kiart
in truth, dy firrinagh focklagh
in turns, fy shaghey, ry-shaghey
in twelvemonth future, blein voish nish
in twelvemonth past, blein er dy henney
in us, ayndooin
in what manner?, Cre myr?
in width, er lheead
in you, ayndiu, aynyd
in-centre, yn-laare
in-going, entreilys, goll stiagh
in-patient, cummaltagh, surransagh
in-plain, leayr
inability, neuablid
inaccessibility, neuroshtynid, neuventynys
inaccessible, neuroshtynagh, neuvashtynagh, neuventynagh
inaccuracy, meechruinnys, neuchiartys, neuchruinnys
inaccurate, meechruinn, neuchiart, neuchruinn
inaction, lhiastid, taaueid
inactive, gyn lheihll, lhiastagh, lhiastey, neughastey, neuharroogh, neuvioyr, neuvioyral
inactive person, drollane
inactivity, lhiastid, neuharrooghid, neuharrooghys, neuvioyrid
inadaptability, do-lhoobaght
inadequacy, neuchormid, neufeeuid
inadequate, neuchorrym, neufeeu
inadmissibility, neuentreilaght
inadmissible, neuentreilagh
inadvertence, meerioose, neuhastid, neuhwoaie, neurioose
inadvertent, neuhastagh, neurioosagh
inadvisability, jee-cheeaylley, jee-choyrle
inaffable, sthoagh
inalienable, neuchaghlaaee, neughioltagh
inane, follym, ommidjagh
inanimate, anvio, gyn annym, marroo, neuannymagh
inanimation, anvioys, neuannymaght
inanition, shangid
inanity, fardail, folmid
inappeasable, neuchiuneydagh
inappetency, meeaccrys, meevian
inapplicable, neuchooie, neuyesh
inappreciable, do-leaghagh
inappropriate, neuchooie
inapt, neuabyl, neuchooie
inaptitude, meehraaoilid, neuablid, neuchooieid
inarticulate, fastagh, moandid, neuoltagh
inarticulate masses, pobbyl balloo
inarticulate word, fockle do-hoiggal, fockle do-hoiggal, fockle plooghit
inarticulateness, cabbid, moandid
inartistic, neuellynagh
inasmuch, ayns wheesh as
inattention, antort, meehastey, meehastid, meerioose, neuarrey, neugheill, neuhastid
inattentive, antortagh, meehastagh, meerioosagh, neuarreydagh, neuchurrymagh, neughlie, neuhastagh
inattentive person, meerioosagh
inaudible, neuchlastynagh, neuchluinagh
inaugural, bunnee
inauguration, cur bun, cur er bun
inauspicious, donney
inbed, ynsheelrit
inborn, dooghyssagh, dooie
inbred, coruggyragh, dooghyssagh
inbreeding, ynsheelraghey
incalculable, erskyn earroo
incandescence, chiass bane
incandescent, bane heh
incant, druightaghey, jannoo pishag
incantation, druiaght, obbeeys, pishag
incantatory, pishagagh
incapability, neuablid, neufondid
incapable, neuchummeydagh, neufondagh
incapacious, neuchummalagh
incapacitate, anlheiltaghey, jannoo gyn bree
incapacity, neuablid
incarcerate, cur ayns pryssoon, prysoonaghey, pryssooney
incarceration, pryssoonaght
incarnate, 'syn eill, corpagh
incarnation, goaill dooghys ny foalley
incarnation, goaill foalley
incaution, neuhastid, neuhwoaie
incautious, meechairailagh, neuhwoaieagh
incendiarism, foaddey, lostey joinagh, lostey oolee
incendiarist, foaddeyder, lostagh, losteyder, losteyr
incense, brasnaghey, brasney, fargaghey, thooish, thooishey
incense bearer, cleragh thooishey
incense boat, thooish-vaatey
incensed, brasnit, fergit, thooishit
incentive, greesaghey, oyr
inception, bunaghey, toshiaght
incessant, beayn, farraghtagh, kinjagh, kinjagh
incessantly, dy kinjagh, gyn kione
incest, croiaght
incestuous, croiaghtagh
incestuous marriage, poosey croiagh
incestuous sin, peccah croiagh
incestuousness, croiaghtys
inch, oarlagh
incidence, mennickaght, tuittym
incident, taghyrt
incidental, taghyrtagh
incidental expenses, fo feeaghyn, fo feeaghyn, fo-red
incidentally, dy taghyrtagh
incinerate, doo-lostey, jannoo leoie (jeh), lostey
incinerator, losteyder
incipient signs, cowraghyn toshee
incircumspection, gyn-tort
incise, cur giarrey (ayn), giarrey, grainey, grainnaghey
incision, giarrey
incisive, foyragh, foyral, geyre
incisiveness, geyrid
incisor, claare-eeackle, feeackle cheu veealloo
incite, brasnaghey, greesaghey, greinnaghey
incitement, brasnaghey, greesaght, greinnaght
inciter, brasneyder, greeseyder, greinneyder
incivility, mee-veays, meeveasaght
inclemency, dewilid, dewilys, neuerreeish, sterrymaght
inclement, dewil, fliugh, meehroccairagh, sterrymagh
inclinable, cleaynagh, croymmeydagh
inclination, aigney, bai, cleayn, cleoyn, croymmey, faaney, lhiasraght, mianagh, treeal
incline, ard, cleayney, croymmey, faaney
inclined, cleaynt
inclined plane, plaaney liargee
inclined towards fire, aignagh da
inclinometer, cleayn-veih
include, goaill stiagh
inclusion, goaill stiagh
inclusive, cummalagh
inclusive terms, tailley ymlane
incoagulable, neughlubbagh
incognito, ass enney
incognito, ass enney
incoherence, meeresoonaght, rouailley
incoherent, meeresoonagh, rouaillagh
incombustible, neuvoaddagh
income, cheet stiagh
income tax, keesh cheet stiagh
incomer, dooinney ta cheet stiagh
incomings, cheet stiagh
incommensurable, do-chohowshanagh
incommensurate, nagh vel co-reir (rish)
incommode, cur stiagh (er)
incommodious, coon, neurheamysagh
incommodiousness, coonid, neurheamysaght
incommunicable, neupharteeasagh, neurheynneydagh, neuronney
incommunicado, gyn enney
incommunicative, tostagh
incommunicativeness, tostid
incomparable, neuchosoylagh
incompassionate, neuerreeishagh
incompetence, neuchummeydys
incompetency, neuchooieid
incompetent, neuchummeydagh
incomplete, neuaarloo, neuchreaghnit, neuslane, neuyeant
incompleteness, neuchreaghnys, neuslanid
incomprehensibility, do-hoiggalys, neuhoiggalaght
incomprehensible, do-hoiggal, erskyn tushtey, harrish tushtey, neuhoiggalagh
incompressible, neufaastagh
inconceivable, neuheiltynagh
inconclusive, neuhickyragh
incongruity, meereggyraght, neuchooieid, neuyeshid
incongruous, meehraaoil, meereggyragh, neuchooie, neuyesh
inconscionable, neuchooinsheansagh
inconsequence, neueiyrtysaght
inconsequent, neueiyrtysagh
inconsiderable, jeh beggan scansh
inconsiderate, gyn thort, neufrioosagh, neusmooinaghtagh
inconsiderateness, neufrioose
inconsideration, gyn thort
inconsistency, neuhassooaght
inconsistent, neuhassooagh
inconsistent person, lhiam-lhiat
inconsolable, neugherjoilaghtagh
inconspicuous, neuchronnal, neuvaghtal
inconspicuousness, neuchronnalys, neuvaghtallys
inconstancy, anchadjinaght, kirkinys, loaganys, neuveayntys
inconstant, anchadjinagh, anhickyr, frittagh, kirkinagh, neuhaanagh, treigeilagh
inconstant person, flid anhickyragh, kirkin, lhiam-lhiat
incontestable, neuchaggeeagh
incontinence, neuyeeinymaght
incontinent, neuyeeinymnee
incontrovertibility, neuchaghlaays
incontrovertible, neuchaghlaaee, neureggyrtagh
inconvenience, cur ass, deinys, jannoo deinys er, meechaays, neuchooieid
inconvenient, doccaragh, meechaaoil, neuchooie
incorporal, neuheihltagh
incorporate, cochorpaghey, covestey, cur ry-cheilley
incorporated, cochorpit, covestit
incorporation, cochorpaghey
incorporeal, neuchallinagh
incorrect, anchiart, neuchiart, neureajagh, neuyesh
incorrectness, anchiartys, neuchiartys, neureajaght, neuyeshid
incorrigible, neuchastey, neucherree, neulhiassee, neusmaghtagh
incorrodible, dochrimmit
incorrupt, follan
incorruptible, neuherraghtagh, neuloauagh, neuvarvaanagh, neuvilleydagh
incorruption, meeloauys, neuhallaghey, neuloauid, neuloauys
increase, aase, aavooadaghey, ardjaghey, bishaghey, brash, cur seose, mooadaghey, mooadys, sheeyney
increase (of stock), berhys, brehys, ingan
increaser, bisheyder
incredibility, anchredjallaght, neuchredjallaght
incredible, anchredjallagh, neuchredjallagh
incredibly, erskyn credjue
incredulity, meechredjue
incredulous, anchredjallagh, anchredjuagh, meechredjallagh
increment, brash, mooadaghey
incremental, brashagh
incriminate, cur ass lieh, kyndaghey
incrimination, cooishaghey, kyndaghey
incrustation, scroig, scroigaghey
incubatation (of birds), aalagh
incubate, guirr
incubation, guirr
incubator, guirreyder
incubus, tromlhie
inculcate, cur smooinaght ayns kione
inculcate, broo stiagh ayns kione
inculpability, meechyndid, neuloghtynid
inculpable, meechyndagh
inculpable person, meechyndagh
inculpableness, meechyndid
inculpate, kyndaghey
inculpation, kyndaghey
incumbency, currym, lhie er
incumbent, boandagh, currymagh (er), kianglagh, saggyrt skeerey
incur, roie stiagh (ayn)
incurable, gyn lheihys, neuchouyralagh, neulheihysagh
incurableness, neulheihys, neulheihysaght
incurious, neupheeikearagh
incursion, soiaghey
incurvate, cammey, lhoobey
incurvation, cammey
indebted, fo feeaghyn, fo lhiastynys, lhiastynagh
indebtedness, lhiastynaght
indecency, anchooieys, neufeeudid
indecent, neuchooie, neufeeudagh
indecent exposure, anchoodaghey neu-ghlen, rooishtid anchooie, roostey neughlen
indecesion, neureagheydys
indecipherable, do-lhaih, neulhaihagh
indecisive, neureaghee
indeclinable, do-yeechleayney
indecorous, meeveasagh, neuchooieid
indeed, dy jarroo, jeer, lioar t'eh
indeed!, Dy ghra!, Lioar Moirrey!
indefatigable, neuchastagh, neuskeeagh
indefensible, neuchoadagh
indefinable, do-ennymagh, do-heoragh, doillee cur ennym er, neuenmyssagh
indefinite, neuchagliee, neuchinjagh, neuhickyr, neuhoilshaghey
indefinite article, art neuhoilshaghey
indefinitely, dy neuyerrinagh
indelible, do-scryst, neuastyragh, neunaardagh, neuvooghee
indelible pencil, pensyl doscryssit
indelicacy, meenearey, meeveasaght
indelicate, meeveasnagh
indemnify, slaanaghey
indemnity, aa-eeck, urrys
indent, aggaghey, cur boayl (ayn), oardaghey
indentation, boayl, jingey
indented, aggagh, boaylagh, branlaigagh
indented (as leaf), feeacklagh
indention, ingan
indenture, cur fo prindeisaght, jannoo prindeis (jeh), screeuyn prindeisagh
independence, neuchommeeys, neuchrogheydys, seyrsnys
independent, neuchroghee
independent, gyn eie, gyn oaie, neuchroghagh, neuchroghee, neuchrogheydagh, neuchrogheydagh, seyr
indescribable, do-insh, erskyn glare, neufocklagh
indescribably, erskyn insh
indestructibility, neuhraartaght
indestructible, neuhraartagh
indeterminable, neuhoiaghagh
indeterminate, anhickyr, neuvaghtallagh
indetermination, anhickyrys, neuvaghtallaght
indetermined, anhickyrit
index, ayndagh, claaraghey, deyrchlaare, jannoo ayndagh (jeh), shean, snaid
index (finger), corrag
index card, kaart ayndagh
india, Yn Injey
indiaman, lhong hraghtee Injinagh
indian, Injinagh
indian summer, sourey beg
indicate, cowraghey magh
indication, cowrey
indicative, cowreydagh
indicator, meekeyder, snaid
indict, cassid (noi)
indictable, cassidagh, shualtagh
indictableness, cassidys, shualtaght
indicted by grand jury, faagit mooie
indictment, cassid
indifference, feayr-chooish, neuhym
indifferent, feayr-chooishagh, neufoaysagh, neuhymoil
indifferent health, lhag-laynt
indigence, anverchys, arkys, arkys, boghtynid, raghtanys
indigenous, dooghyssagh
indigent, anverchagh, boght, eginagh, jeirkagh, raghtanagh, ymmyrchagh
indigestible, neulheieagh
indigestion, lag-ghailley
indignant, eulyssagh, fargagh, fergagh, jymmoosagh
indignation, eulys, jymmoose, sonnaase
indigo, plooreen
indigo-blue, plooreenagh
indirect, neuyeeragh
indirect speech, insh neuyeeragh
indirect taxes, keeshyn neuyeeragh
indirectness, neuyeerid
indiscernible, ass shilley, do-akin, neuchronnal, neuvaghtal
indiscipline, ansmaght
indiscreet, neufeeudagh, neughlie, neughoaieagh, neureajagh, neuyeidagh
indiscretion, neufeeudid, neufeeudys, neughoaieys, neureajid, neureajys, neuyeidys
indiscriminable, do-enneeagh
indiscriminate, hoal as wass, neulhiettrimagh
indiscriminating, gyn tushtey, meevriwnyssagh
indiscrimination, neulhiettrimaght
indispensable, femoil, slane ymmyrchagh
indispersable, anskeayltagh
indispose, cur chingys er, jannoo ching
indisposed, aslane, lag-layntagh
indisposed, lag-layntagh
indisposition, lag-layntagh
indisposition, aslaynt, lag-laynt, lhiastid
indisputable, neuarganeagh
indissoluble, neulheieagh, neuscarreydagh
indistinct, neuchronnal, neuvaghtal
indistinctness, neuchronnalys, neuvaghtalid
indistinguishable, do-akin, dorheynnagh, neuchronnal
indistributable, neurheynnagh
indite, cummey, screeu
individual, cagh, er lheh, fer, neurheynnagh, persoon, reggyr
individuality, fer as fer
indivisibility, anscartaght, do-rheynnaght, neurheynnaght
indivisible, anscartagh, neughiarragh, neurheynneydagh, neuronney, neuscartagh
indo-China, Yn Injey-Sheen
indo-Chinese, Injey-Sheenagh
indo-European, Ind-Europagh
indocile, neuveein
indocility, neuveeinid
indolence, lhiastid, lhiggey shaghey, litcheraght, litcherys, neuvree, soaillaght
indolent, drollaneagh, lhiastagh, lhiastey, soailchagh, soaill, speilleigagh
indolent person, cadlag, drammag, drollane, lhiggey my hraa, skeeder
indomitable, neuchastagh
indonesia, Yn Indonees
indonesian, Indoneesagh
indoor, cheusthie, thie, thie
indoors, fo chlea, sthie, stiagh
indraft, lhieeney
indubitable, jarroo, neuouryssagh
indubitably, dy jarroo firrinagh, gyn ourys
induce, cleaynaghey, cleayney, cur er, greinnaghey, indughtaghey, miolaghey, tayrn
induced, cleaynit, indughit, miolit
inducement, cleayn, greinnaghey, miolagh, miolaght
inducer, cleayneyder, mioleyder
induct, ynshellooaghey
inductance, indughtys
inductance coil, caslag indughtysh
induction, entreilys, indughtaghey, leeideil stiagh, ynshellooaghey
induction coil, caslag indughtee
induction pipe, piob ynsooeeagh
inductive, indughtagh
inductive reasoning, resoonaght indughtagh
inductor, indughteyr, ynshellooeyr
indulge, babbaney, cur eiyrt da, lhiggey lesh, soailchaghey
indulged, babbanit
indulgence, babbaney, cliagtey, lhaggey, lhiggey lesh, soylley
indulgent, bog, coar, meiygh, ro-chenjal
indulgently, dy bog, dy meiygh
indulging, soylleysagh
indurate, creoighey
induration, creoighey
industrial, chynskylagh, tarrooghyssagh
industrial espionage, peeikearys chynskylagh
industrial estate, steat chynskylagh
industrial injuries, gortyn-keirdey
industrial merger, covestey chynskylagh
industrial relations, mooinjerys chynskylagh
industrial school, scoill cheirdey
industrial town, balley keirdee
industrial unrest, boirey chynskylagh
industrialism, chynskylaght
industrialist, chynskyleyr
industrialize, chynskylaghey
industries, chynskyl, greasyn
industrious, gressagh, ladoosagh, tarroogh
industry, chynskyl, grease, tarrooghid, tarrooghys
industry (speed), jeid, laueys
inebriate, cur er mestey, meshtallagh
inebriated, er meshtey, scooyrit
inebriation, meshtallys, scooyr
inebriety, anheeltys, meshtallys, meshtey, neuheeltys
inedibility, neufollanid
inedible, neufollan
inedible fish, scran
ineducable, do-ynsagh, neuynsagh
ineffability, neufocklaght, neuloayrtagh
ineffable, erskyn insh, neufocklagh, neughooagh, neuloayrtagh, neuraagh
ineffaceable, do-scryssey
ineffective, gyn vree, lhag, neufondagh, neuobbragh, neuvreeoil
ineffectiveness, neufondaght, neufondid, neuobbraght, neuvreeoilid
ineffectual, gyn vree, neuchlaghtagh, neufondagh
ineffectualness, neufondid
inefficacious, neuvreeagh
inefficacy, neuvree
inefficiency, neufondaght
inefficient, neufondagh
inelastic, neuheeynagh, neuspinneydagh
inelasticity, neuheeyneydys, neuspinney
inelegance, neuchummeydys, neuyeshid
inelegant, neuchummeydagh, neuyesh
ineligible, neuchooie (da)
ineluctable, neuscaapoil
inept, meehraaoil, ommidagh
ineptitude, meehraaoilaght
inequality, anchiartys, anchorrymid, neuchormid, neuchorrymid
inequitable, meechiart, meechorrym
ineradicable, do-scryssey
inert, neughleashagh, neulheiltagh, taaue
inertia, litcherys, neughleashaght, taaueid
inertial navigation, stiureydys taaueagh
inertness, anvioys, taaueid
inescapable, doshaghaghtagh, nagh vel goll ass, neuchosneydagh, neuscapailagh
inessential, neuymmyrchagh
inestimable, erskyn leagh, erskyn prios
inevident, neuchronnal, neuvaghtal
inevitability, neuhaghtnaght
inevitable, neuhaghnagh
inexact, neuchiart, neuchruinn
inexactitude, neuchiartys, neuchruinnid
inexchangeable, neuchaghlaaee
inexcusable, neuleshtallagh, neulheihagh, neuvaihagh
inexhaustible, neufolmagh, neuhraieagh, neuleodagh, neuyeeigagh
inexorable, neuhroccairagh
inexorable, neuveeinagh, neuvyghinagh
inexorable, neuhroccairagh
inexpedience, meehraaoilaght
inexpensive, neuchostallagh, seyr
inexpensiveness, neuchostallaght, seyrsnys
inexperience, anchliaghtey, anoayllys, neuchliaghtys
inexperienced, anchliaghtit (rish), neuchliaghtit rish
inexpert, neughastey, neuschleioil
inexpiable, doveiyghagh
inexplicable, neuhoilsheydagh, neureaghee
inexplorable, neuronsoilagh
inexpressible, neufocklagh, neuloayrtagh
inexpugnable, do-ghoaillagh
inextinguishable, dovooghee, neuvooghee
inextricable, neueayslee, neureaghee
infallibility, neufaillailys, neushaghrynys, neuvarranaght, neuvarranys, neuvolley
infallible, neufailleilagh, neushaghrynagh, neuvarranagh, neuvolleydagh
infamous, anghooagh, scammyltagh
infamy, anghoo, drogh-imraa
infancy, lambaanid, lambaanys, lhiannooaght, oikanys
infant, lhiannoo, oikan
infant prodigy, paitchey yindyssagh
infant school, scoill oikanagh
infant welfare, currym paitchyn
infanticide, dunverys cleinney, oikan-varroo
infantile, lambaanagh, lhiannooagh, oikanagh
infantile paralysis, neulheiltys lhiannooagh, neulheiltys oikanagh
infantry, sidooryn coshey, sleih coshey
infantryman, kearnagh, sidoor coshey
infatuate, cur doal-ghraih (er)
infatuated, er cannoo lurg
infatuation, doal-ghraih, sou-ghraih
infect, doghaney, dourinaghey, foutaghey
infected, doghanit
infection, doghan
infectious, dourinagh, foutagh, goaillagh, gorlagh, gowallagh, gowaltagh, rheynneydagh, skeayllee, troggalagh, trullee
infectious disease, gorley gowaltagh
infectiousness, gowaltaght, troggalaght
infecundity, neuvessoilid
infelicitous, meehraaoil, meevaynrey
infelicity, ansheean, meehraaoilid, neuvaynrys
infer, cheet er, infearaghey, tayrn veih
inference, fou, infearys
inferential, fouagh, infearagh
inferior, fo-ghooinney, neuchosan, neuchosanagh, ny s'inshley
inferiority, injillid, injillid, slooid
infernal, niurinagh
infernal spirit, niurinagh
inferno, niurin
infertile, neuchroaragh
infertile egg, ooh lhearee
infertility, neuhroaraght, neuvessoilid
infest, thooilley stiagh (ayn)
infested, er chroo (lesh)
infestivity, anghennallys
infidel, anchredjaltagh, anchredjuagh, anchreestee, meechredjuagh
infidelity, anchredjuaght, jee-chredjue, mee-yeelysaght, neuhreishteilys
infiltrate, shliawney stiagh, ynheeley
infiltration, shliawney stiagh, ynheeley
infinite, beayn, bragh farraghtyn, erskyn earroo, neuchaghlit, neuchreaghnagh, neuearrooagh, neuyerrinagh, ymmodagh
infinitesimal, ree-veg
infinitive, infinnidagh
infinity, anchaglys, beaynid, beayntys, neuchreaghnys, neuyerinaght
infirm, asslayntagh, corragh, lag-layntagh, neufondagh, neuhickyr
infirmary, thie errey
infirmity, asslaynt, meillid, neufondid
inflame, cur er lossey, farbaghey
inflamed, farbit, lossanagh
inflammability, aileaght, lossanys
inflammable, aileagh, loshtagh, lossanagh, so-greashaghey, so-lostey
inflammation, aalossey, ard-lossey, chymsaght, farbagh, loshtaght, yngyraght
inflammatory words, goan greesaghey
inflate, att, bolgey, chionnaghey, sheidey seose
inflated, bolgit, chionn, chionnit, sheidit seose
inflater, bolgeyder, chionneyder
inflation, ardjaghey, bolgey, chionney
inflect, aachassey, cammaghey, lhoobey, ynfilley
inflexibility, do-lhoobaght, neulhoobid, reenid, starkid
inflexible, neuchassagh, neulhoobagh, stark
inflexion, anchassey, lhoobey, ynfilley
inflexional, aachasseydagh, lhoobagh, ynfilleydagh, ynfillit
inflict, cur er
infliction, craa, giarrey, pianys
inflorescence, blaaghey
inflow pipe, piob soo stiagh
influence, cleayney, cummaght, kiangley, obbragh, obbraghey, pooar
influential, cummaghtagh, pooaragh, pooaral, pooaroil
influenza, floo, murran, Yn floo
influx, cheet stiagh, lhieeney
infoliate, duillaghey
inform, cur fys da, insh er, y vrah
informal, neuformoil
informality, neuformoilid
informant, faishnyeyr, insheyder
information, fys, fysseree, oayllys
informative, oayllysagh, ynsee
informing, brah, cur fys
infra, fo
infra dig, jannoo beg jeh hene
infra-red, fo-yiarg
infraction, brishey
infrastructure, sthie-hroggalys
infrequency, anchliaghtey, anoayll, anvenkid, neuchadjinys
infrequent, anchliaghtagh, anoayllagh, anvennick, neuchadjin
infringe, brishey, cur stiagh (er)
infringement, brishey, cur stiagh (er)
infringer, brisheyder
infuriate, cur farg er, cur farg er
infuriated, feer chorree, lane corree, lane fargagh, sproghit
infuriating, sproghtagh
infuse, cur er tayrn
infuser, ynsheelteyr
infusible, do-lheie, neulheiagh
infusion, yn-sheeley
ingathering, ballaghey, goaill stiagh
ingenious, aghtal, schleial, schleioil
ingeniousness, fiallid, foshlid, jeerid, neucheiltynys, seyr-chreeaght
ingle, chiollagh
inglorious, neughloyroil
ingoing tenant, tannys noa
ingot, caag
ingot of gold, caag airh
ingrained, 'syn 'uill, dooghyssagh, feeit stiagh
ingratiating, foayr-hirrey
ingratitude, anwooise, neuwooise
ingredient, mynayrn
ingress, goll stiagh, kied stiagh
ingression, goll stiagh
ingrowing, 'sy 'eill, goll 'syn 'eill, yn-aase
inhabit, baghey (ayn), cummal (ayn)
inhabitable, baghagh, cummallagh
inhabitant, baghagh, cummaltagh, fer baghee
inhabitant of heaven, flaunyssagh
inhabitant of hell, iurinagh
inhabitants, dream, fir vaghee, mmooinjer, sleih
inhalation, tayrn stiagh ennal
inhale, tayrn stiagh
inhaler, tayrneyder stiagh, ynennalleyr
inharmonious, gyn cheet ry-cheilley, meeving
inherent, 'sy ghooghys, dooghyssagh, dooie
inherit, eiraghey
inheritable, eiraghtoil
inheritance, eiraght, eirys
inherited, eirit
inherited land, thalloo chymnee
inheritor, eirey
inhibit, castey, lhiettal
inhibited, castit, lhiettalit, lhiettit
inhibiter, lhiettalagh
inhibiting, castagh, lhiettalagh, neulhiggalagh
inhibition, castey, lhiettalys, neulhiggalys
inhospitable, anoltagh, neuaaghtagh, neuchuirree, neuoastagh, neuoastagh
inhospitality, neneufeoiltys, neughiastyllys, neughoaldeeaght, neuoastys, pitteogys
inhuman, barbaragh, neughooinoil
inhumanation, oanluckey thallooin
inhumane, oanluckey 'sy thalloo
inhumanity, barbaraght, neughooinallys
inimical, meefoayragh, neuchaarjoil, noidagh
inimitable, neuarrishagh
iniquitous, anchiart, loghtagh, meechairagh, meechairysagh, olkyssagh
iniquity, aggair, loght, meechairys, neuyeerys, olkys
initial, ceaghley toshee
initial, cur kione-lettyryn rish, yn chied
initial letter, kione-lettyr
initials, kione-lettyryn
initiate, cur leagh er, doltanagh, doltey, lhiggey stiagh, toshiaghey
initiation, doltey, lhiggey stiagh, toshiaght
initiative, bree
initiator, bunneyder
injector, tilgeyder stiagh
injudicious, meehushtagh, neuvriwnyssagh
injunction, anney, anney, lhiettrimys, sarey
injure, gortey, jannoo aggair (da), jannoo skielley (da), lhottey
injured, gortit, guint, lhottit
injured (tone of voice), snieeagh
injurious, aggairagh, gortagh, loghtalagh, skiellagh, skielleydagh
injuriousness, aggairaght, gortaght, skiellaght, skielleydys
injury, aggair, assee, comys, gortey, jeeyl, lhott, olk, skielley, uail
injustice, aggair, anchiartys, anleigh, meechairys, neuyeerys
ink, cur doo er, daa screeuee, doo, dooaghey, dooghey
ink bottle, boteil doo
ink in, goll sheear er lesh doo
ink-bag, poagey doo
ink-feed, feddan doo
ink-horn, eairk screeuee
inking, dooaghey
inkle, cryss
inkling, fou, sonnish
inkpad, kiap doo
inkpot, saagh doo
inkwell, tobbyr ghoo
inky, doo, dooagh
inlaid, grainnit
inland, antraie, antraieagh, cheerey, cheusthie
inlay, grainnaghey, grainney
inlet, branlaig, folsey, giau, gullad
inlier, creg ynlhieagh
inmate, cummaltagh
inmost, sodjey stiagh
inn, thie oast
innards, muinney, mynnagh
innate, coruggyragh, dooghyssagh, dooie
innateness, coruggyraght, dooghyssaght, dooieid, dooieys
innavigable, neuhiaullagh
inner, cheusthie, sodjey stiagh, sthie
inner cover, coodagh sthie
inner ear, cleaysh sthie
inner edge, oirr sthie
innersole, far-voyn
innings, shoyll (sthie)
innkeeper, ben oast, fer oast, oasteyder, oasteyr
innocence, gyn loghtynid, macainid, macainys, neuchyndid, neuloghtynid, neuloghtynys, onid
innocent, gyn loght, mecaintagh, neuchyndagh, neufoiljagh, neuloghtagh, oney
innocuity, onid
innocuous, oney
innocuousness, onid
innoffensive, coar
innovate, jannoo ass y noa
innovation, noaid
innovator, noader
innuendo, leih-ockle, raa daa foyragh
innumerable, dyn earroo, erskyn earroo, neuearrooagh
innumerate, gyn tushtey er earrooyn
inobservance, meegheill, neuchooilleeney
inoculate, soiaghey stiagh, ynklaghey
inoculation, ynoklaghey
inodorous, gyn soar
inoffensive, neuaggairagh, neufoiljagh, neuskielleydagh
inoffensiveness, neufoiljid, neuloghtynid, neuskielleydys
inoperative, gyn vree, neuobbragh
inoperative, neuobbragh
inopportune, meehraaoil
inopportuneness, memeehraaoilaght
inordinate, neuchooie
inordinateness, neuchooieid
inorganic, neuorgaanagh
inorganic chemistry, kemmig neuorgaanagh
inoxidizable, do-ocseedagh
inoxious, neuskielleydagh
input, cur stiagh, glackey, troggal
inquest, bing vaaish
inquietude, anaash, anshee, neaash
inquire, briaght, fenaght(yn)
inquire within, gagh oayllys ayns shoh
inquirer, brialtagh
inquiring, briaghtagh, shirreyder
inquiry, brialtys
inquisition, ard-vrialtys
inquisitive, cooishagh, fysseragh, skeetagh
inquisitive person, feyshteyder
inquisitiveness, cooishaght, fysseraght, peeikearys, scrialtagh, skeetaght
inquisitor, ard-eyshteyder
inquisitorial, ard-eyshtagh
inroad, baarney, cur stiagh (er)
inrush, brooightey stiagh
insane, ass (e) cheeayll, baanrit, keoie
insanitariness, neuslayntoilid
insanitary, neuslayntoil
insanity, baanrys
insatiability, jollyssid
insatiable, jioogh, jollyssagh
inscribe, grainnaghey, grainney, screeu
inscription, cowrey grainnit, screeuyn
inscrutability, neuronsoilid, neuscrialtagh
inscrutable, neuronsoilagh, neuscrialtagh
insect, beisteig, meeyl
insect bite, gonnag
insect eater, beishteig-eeder
insect eggs, guirrane
insect pest, crooag viltagh, crooag viltagh
insect powder, poodyr beishteig
insecticidal, beishteig-nieu, marrooder beishteig
insectivorous, beishteig-eeagh, meeyl-eeagh
insectlike, beishteigagh, meeyllagh
insecure, anshickyr, contoyrtagh, neuhickyr
insecurity, anshickyrys, contoyrtys, neuhickyrys
insemination, sheeley
insensate, meecheayllagh, neuennaghtagh
insensibility, kyrloghid, neuennaghtyn, neuhastid, neuloaghtys, neuvioyraght
insensibility, neuvioyrid, neuvioyrid
insensible, kyrloghe, neuennaghtagh, neuhastagh, neuloaghtagh
insensitised, kyrloghit
insensitive, neuennaghtagh
inseparable, anscarree, neuscarreydagh, neuscartagh
insert, cur stiagh
insertion, cur stiagh, soieaghey stiagh
inset, cur intlys (ayn), cur stiagh (duillag), ingan, intlys, lhieeney (ny marrey)
inshore, faggys da'n traie, faggys da'n traie
inside, cheu asstan, cheusthie, cheusthie, sthie, stiagh
inside corner, cooilleig
inside of a bend, coib, coob
inside of bend, coob
inside of circle, laare ainey
inside of curve, cooib, cooib
insidious, kialgagh, molteyragh, shliawin
insidiousness, kialg, molteyrys, shliawinid
insight (into), fys er
insignia, cowraghyn
insignificance, fardailys
insignificant, fardailagh, fardailagh
insincere, neufeer, neufirrinagh, neuynrick
insincerity, meeynrickys, neufeerid, neufirrinid, neuynrickys
insinuate, cheet er, skyrraghtyn stiagh
insinuating, shliawinagh
insinuation, lieh-ockle
insinuative, leeidagh
insipid, dyn blayst, neuvlaystal
insipidity, eighid, neuvlayst, neuvlaystallys
insist, shassoo er
insistence, shassooaght
insistent, shassooagh
insobriety, anheeltys, neuheeltys
insociable, neuchooidjaghtoil
insolation, grianaghey
insole, boyn sthie
insolence, neuarrym, neuyeeillaght
insolent, daaney, mooaralagh, neuyeeillagh
insolicitous, neuimneagh
insolicitude, neuimneays
insolubility, neulheieys
insoluble, neulheieagh
insolvency, neufondaght, neuhooghid
insolvent, brisht, neufondagh, neuhoogh
insomnia, dooishtaght, dooishtys, neuchadlaght, neuchadley, neuchadlys
insomniac, neuchadlagh
insouciance, neuchurrym
insouciant, neuchurrymagh
inspect, scrutaghey
inspection, scrutaght
inspection pit, slogh ronsee
inspector, scruteyr
inspectorship, scruteyraght
inspectress, ben scrutaght
inspire, breaghey, cur ardsmooinaght (da), tayrn stiagh ennal
inspired, ard-smooinaghtagh
inspiring, breeagh
inspirit, bioghey
inspiriting, annymoil, creeoil
instability, corrid, neuhassooaght, teaymid
install, cur ayns oik, cur stiagh
installation, cur ayns oik, cur stiagh, soiaghey
instalment, eeckys, rheynn-chooid
instance, cosoyley, dy chur myr sampleyr, mac-soylley, myr trow, sampleyr, trow
instant, chelleeragh, choyl, shallid, skell, tullagh, tullaghagh, tullaghtagh
instantaneous, tullaghtagh
instantly, er y chooyl, nish hene
instead, ayns ymmyd (jeh)
instep, dreeym (braagey), dreeym (choshey)
instigate, cur er bun, greesaghey
instigation, greesaghey, greesaght
instigator, greeseyder
instil, cur stiagh, sheeley
instillation, cur smooinaght ayns kione
instillation, sheeley
instinct, baan, beoyn, dooghys, dooghyssagh, najoor, oalys
instinctive, dooghyssagh
institute, commyn, cur er chosh
institution, bunnaghey, cliaghtey, commyn, cur er chosh, forys
instruct, sarey, ynsagh, ynsaghey
instructive, ynseydagh
instructor, ynseyder
instrument, greie, jeshaght, wappin
instrumental, cooneydagh, greienagh
instrumentalist, cloieder greienyn
instrumentality, jantys
instrumentation, jeshaghtys, reaghys greienyn
instruments, cullee
insubmersible, do-hummey, do-vaih, do-vaih
insubordinate, neuchurmeydagh
insubordination, neuchurmeydys
insubstantial, neufondagh
insuccess, anspeeideilys, meerah
insufferable, neufuillaghtagh, neuhurransagh
insufficiency, neufondid, neuhaieid, neuhaieys
insufficient, neufondagh, neuhaieagh
insular, ellanagh, innysagh
insular mind, aigney coon
insularity, ellanaght, ellanys, innysaght
insulate, chiassyeenaghey, inslaghey, jannoo ellan
insulated, chiassyeenit, inslit
insulation, chiassjeenaght, insalaght
insulator, inseleyr
insult, faghid, jannoo faghid (er)
insult added to injury, faghid er skielley
insulting, brasnee, faghidagh
insuperability, neuhaartyssaght, neuvarriaghtys
insuperable, neuhaartyssagh, neuvarriaghtagh
insurable, urryssaghtoil
insurance, urryssaght
insurance agent, jantagh urryssaght
insurance company, colught urryssaght
insurance policy, polaase urraghys
insurance premium, tailley urryssaght
insurance rate, tailley urraghys
insured, fo urryssaght
insurer, urryssaghteyr
insurgent, irree magh, irreyder magh, kione-eairkagh
insurrection, irree magh
insurrectionist, irreyder magh
intact, slane
intaglio, yn-yiarrey
intake, goaill stiagh, troggal stiagh
intangibilty, neuventynys
intangible, neuloaghtagh, neuventynagh
integer, slane, slane-earroo
integral, co-hym
integral calculus, calghoolys, co-hymagh
integral value, mooadys slane earrooagh
integrate, co-hymey, mestey stiagh, slaanaghey, ym-lanaghey
integration, chooraght, co-hymey, mestey stiagh, slaanaghey, ymlaanid, ynrickys
integument, jaggeen
intellect, inchynaght, keeal, tastid, toiggaltys
intellectual, lught yn tushtey, toiggaltagh
intellectual endowment, keeal vayrey
intelligence, chyrrysid, fys, inchynaght, naight, rick, tushtagh, tushtaght
intelligent, fysseragh, inchynagh, kioot, tushtagh
intelligentsia, lught yn tushtey
intelligibility, so-hoiggalys
intelligible, so-hoiggal
intemperance, anheeltys, neuheeltys
intemperate, anheelt, neuheelt
intend, kiarail, treeal, treill
intendant, fieaumanagh
intended, kiarit
intense, chiu, jeean, mooar, trome
intenseness, chiuid, jeeanid, mooarid, trimmid
intensify, geyraghey, niartaghey
intensity, geyrid
intensive, jeean, trean
intensive care unit, boayl kiarail yeean
intent, soit er
intention, join, kiarail, shalee
intentional, joinagh
intentionally, jeh yoin
intentness, ard-aignys, dooraght
inter, eddyr-, oanluckey
inter-Celtic, eddyr-Cheltiagh
interact, eddyr-obbraghey
interaction, eddyr-obbraghey
interbreed, crosh-heelraghey, geddyn eddyr-luight
interbreeding, crosh-heelraghey
intercede, jannoo accan (er son), jannoo stiagh, sheealtaghey, sheer loayrt
intercellular, eddyr-chillaneagh
intercept, lhiettal
interception, lhiettalys
interceptor, lhiettalagh
intercession, jannoo accan, sheealtaght, sheer loayrt
intercessor, eddyr-ghueeder, fer loayrt ass lieh, sheealtagh
interchange, cochaghlaa, cocheaghley, eddyr-cheaghley, maylartey
interchangeable, maylartagh
intercommunicate, coloayrtys ry-cheilley, coreggyrt (ry cheilley)
intercommunication, bollagh eddyr (thieyn), goll eddyr
interconnected, eddyr-chianglt
intercostal, eddyr-asnagh
intercourse, coainjys
intercross, crosh heelraghey, cur tessen er y cheilley
interdenominational, eddyrchraueeaghtagh
interdependence, eddyrchrogheydys
interdependent, croghey er y cheilley
interdict, neulhiggal, tarmestey
interdiction, crossey, neulhiggal, tarmestey
interest, cur parteeas (da), foayr, sym, use
interest payer, bishagh, okyr, parteeas, tack, useree
interest to date, use derrey yn laa t'ayn
interested party, fer as parteeas ayn
interestedly, lesh sym
interestedparty, fer as parteeas ayn
interesting, symoil
interfere, cur eie er
interference, cur eie er, cur stiagh (er), perkinaght, perkinys, tarmestey
interfering, perkinagh, rochurrymagh
intergalactic, eddyr-cohollyssagh
intergalactic space, yn feaynid mooar
intergalactical, eddyr-awin-rioeeagh
interim, eddyr daa lhing, shallidagh
interior, antraieagh, cheusthie, cree, mean, sthie
interior angle, uillin sthie
interior decorator, jesheeneyder shamyr
interior of country, antraie
interjacent, eddyr-lhie
interject, ceau stiagh, cur stiagh
interjected, as
interjection, eddyr-ockle, ughan
interlace, chionnaghey crossagh er, fee, mestey (rish)
interlard, mestey
interleaf, eddyr-ghuillag
interleave, eddyr-ghuillaghey
interline, screeu eddyr-linnaghyn
interlinear, eddyr-linnagh
interlink, nastey lesh lhoobaghyn
interlinked, as ny laueyn ry-cheilley
interlinking, nastey
interlock, coghlassey
interlocking, coghlassey
interlocutor, coloayrtagh
interlocutory, coloayrtagh
interlocutress, benloayrtagh
interloper, brisheyder stiagh, mwatlag vaaigagh
interlude, baarney, eddyrchloie
intermarriage, eddyr-phoosey, poosey mooinjerey
intermarry, eddyr-phosey, poosey vooinjey hene
intermediary, eddyr-ghoaillagh, eddyr-ghoaillee
intermediate, meanagh
intermediate course, mean-choorse
intermediateness, meanaght
interment, oanluckey
intermezzo, eddyr-chiaull, eddyrchloie
interminable, beayn, gyn jerrey, sheer-
interminate, eddyr-sleitagh
intermingle, covestey
intermission, scuirr, stad
intermit, girree ass, scuirr
intermittence, scuirr
intermittent, anchinjagh, nish as reesht, voish traa dy hraa
intern, cur ayns pryssoon
internal, sthie
internally, er cheusthie
international, eddyr-ashoonagh
internationalism, eddyr-ashoonaghys
internationalist, eddyr-ashoonagh, eddyr-ashoonagheyr
internecine, eddyr-chynneydagh, marrooagh
internee, pryssoonagh, pryssoonagh
internment, carchyr, pryssoonys
interphone, chellvane thie
interplanetary, eddyr-phlannadagh
interplay, aghtey er y cheilley
interpolate, cur stiagh (fockle), cur stiagh (screeuyn)
interpolation, cur stiagh (fockle), eddyr-hoiaghey
interpose, cheet eddyr, cur eddyr
interposition, eddyr-chur, eddyr-ghoaill
interpret, caghlaa, cur baght er, cur bun er, eddyr-hengaghey, soilshaghey
interpretation, bree, bun, eddyr-hengaghey, soilshaghey
interpreter, chengeyr chyndaader, soilsheyder
interred, 'sy thie coon, fo'n oaid, oanluckit
interregnum, eddyr-reill
interrelagation, covooinjerys
interrelated, covooinjeragh
interrogate, cur feyshtyn er, keishtey
interrogation, feyshtaghey, keishtey
interrogative, feyshtagh, keishtagh
interrogator, keishteyder
interrogatory, feyshnagh, feyshtagh, keishtagh, keishtagh
interrupt, brishey, cur stiagh (er)
interrupted cadence, dooney brisht
interrupter, tesseneyr
interruption, brishey, cur stiagh
intersect, crossey, giarrey, tessen er y cheilley
intersected, crost, giarrit
intersection, crossag
interspace, faag reayms eddyr, scarrey veih my cheilley
intersperse, cur ny hrooid, cur ny mastey
interstellar, eddyr-rollageagh
interstellar travel, rollage-hroailtys
interstice, baarney, scaaney, scoltey
intertwine, fee, fee er y cheilley
intertwining, feeit er y cheilley
interurban, eddyrvaljagh
interval, baare, eddyrcheim, scuirr
intervene, cheet eddyr, cur stiagh (er)
intervention, cheet eddyr, cur stiagh
interview, co-akin, co-akinagh, co-yeeaghyn, quaaltys
interviewee, co-akinagh
interviewer, co-akiner
intervocalic, eddyrghooagh
intervolving, eddyr-filley
interweave, cochassey, fee ry cheilley
interwoven, cochast feeit ry-cheilley
interzonal, eddyrchryssagh
intestacy, neuhymnaght
intestate, gyn chymney, neuhymnagh
intestate estate, steat neuhymnagh
intestate person, neuhymnagh
intestinal, collaneagh
intestine, collane, minnagh
intimacy, ainjys, caarjys, comys, cumraagys, ehlley
intimate, ainjyssagh, caarjagh, coardit, cur er fys (da), curtheet, mooar
intimately acquainted, mynoayllagh (rish), oayllagh (rish)
intimation, cowrey, fys
intimidate, agglaghey, scoaghey
intimidated, agglit
intimidating, bagyrtagh
intimidation, agglaghys, aggleydys
intimidator, aggleyder, scoagheyder
into, stiagh (ayns)
intolerable, neufuillaghtaght, neuhurrallagh, neuhurransagh
intolerance, neufuillaghtaght, neuhurrallaght, neuhurransaght
intolerant, meefuillaghtagh
intonation, bingys
intone, kiaulleeagh
intoxicant, jough vestallagh, mestallagh
intoxicate, jannoo er meshtey
intoxicated, er meshtey, scooyrit
intoxicating, mestallagh
intoxication, meshtallys, scooyr
intractability, neulhoobid, neusmaghtid
intractable, do-smaghtey, gyn smaght, neulhoobagh, neusmaghtagh
intramural, sthie jeh ny boallaghyn
intransigency, neu-aachaarjaght
intransigent, neu-aachaarjagh
intransitive, neuchaghlaaee
intransitive verb, breear neuchaghlaaee
intreat, yeearree (er)
intrepid, anatchimagh, dunnal, neuagglit
intrepidity, anatchim, dunnalys
intricacy, camlaagys, crampid, crontys, pohlley, roagan
intricate, cam, camlaaghagh, cast, cramp
intricate affair, cooish cham
intrigue, cluge
intriguer, clugeyder
intrinsic, undinagh, ynrick
introduce, cur enney (da), cur lesh stiagh
introducer, fer ta cur lesh stiagh
introduction, cur er enney, fosley, goan foslee
introductory words, goan toshee
introspection, sthie-akin
introspective, sthie-akinagh
introvert, fer chyndaait cheusthie
introvertion, sthie-hyndaays
introvertive, sthie-hyndaagh
intrude, brishey stiagh er
intruder, brisheyder stiagh, fer brishee stiagh, imlagh
intruder, brisheyder stiagh
intrusion, brishey stiagh, imlaght
intrusive, imlagh
intrusiveness, seiyaght
intuition, foddey-oayllys, keeayll ghooghyssagh
intuitive, dooghyssagh, foddey-oayllagh
intumescence, att
intumescent, gatt
inundate, baih, plooghey, thooillaghey
inundated, baiht, plooghit, thooillit
inundation, baih, plooghey, thooilley, thooilleym
inure, cliaghtaghey (rish), cliaghtey (rish), kinjaghey
inure, kinjaghey
inured, cliaghtit (rish)
inurement, cliaghtey
inutility, neufoaynnoo, neufoays, neuvondeish, neuymmyd
invade, cur stiagh (er), ruegey
invader, rueg, ruegeyder
invading, ruegagh
invalid, annoonagh, asslayntagh, gyn vree, lag-layntagh, lag-layntagh
invalidate, jannoo gyn vree
invalidation, jannoo gyn vree
invaluable, erskyn leagh, erskyn prios, gyn leagh
invariability, kinjaght, neuchaghlaaid, shassooaght
invariable, kinjagh, neuchaghlaaee, shassooagh
invasion, cur stiagh (er), ruegys
invective, flout
inveigle, breigey, cleaynaghey, cleayney, cologaghey
inveiglement, breigey, cleaynaghey, colagaghey
inveigler, cleayneyder, cologeyder
invent, cooiney, croo
invent, feddyn magh
invented, cooinit, crooit
invention, breag, cleays, cummey, cummeyderaght, feddyn magh
inventive, cummeydagh, feddynagh
inventiveness, cummeydaght, feddynaght
inventor, cummeyder, feddynagh
inverse, ynvaartey
inverse, contraartagh, ynvaartey
inverse ratio, coymmys ynvaartit
inversion, ynvaartey
invert, chyndaa, cur bun ry-skyn
invertebrate, gyn craue drommey
inverted, bun ry skyn, ynvaartit
inverted commas, heose-chammogeyn
invest, baighey, baihaghey, curmaghey, soie
invested, baih argid, baiht, curmaghey, currymit, soie argid, soit
investigate, ronsaghey
investigation, ronsaght
investigator, roneyder
investiture, curmaghey
investment, argid baiht
investment trust, treisht argidagh
investor, baiheyder argid, soieder argid
inveterate, oayllagh, shenn, shenn-chliaghtit
inveterate gambler, sheer-charrooagh
invidious, feohdoil, troggal eadolys
invidiousness, feohdoilid
invigilate, jannoo arrey
invigilation, arrey
invigorate, breeaghey, cur bree (ayn), niartaghey
invigorating, breeoilagh
invigoration, breeaghys
invincibility, neuvainshtyraght
invincible, neuvainshtyragh
inviolability, neuvrisheydaght
inviolable, neuvrisheydagh
inviolate, neuhrulleeit, slane
invisibility, neuakinaght
invisible, do-akin, gyn-fakin, neuakinagh
invitation, cuirrey
invite, cuirr, cuirrey
invited, cuirrit
inviter, cuirreyder
inviting, cuirrey, tayrnagh
invocation, aghin
invoice, sonraghey, sonrey
invoke, guee (er), troggal
invoker, aghinagh
involuntary, neuarryltagh
involute, fillit, rowlit stiagh, ynvloidagh
involution, castaght, ynfilley, ynvloid
involve, cassey (ayn)
involved, cast, dowin
involvement, cassey, kiangley
invulnerable, neughortagh, neughuintagh
inward, cheusthie, sthie
inwardly, er cheusthie
inwardness, bree, najoor
inwards, lieh-sthie, sthie, stiagh
iodide, eedaid
iodine, eedean
iodize, eedeanaghey
ionic, eeaneagh
ionization, eeaneaghey
ionize, eeaneaghey
iran, Yn Eeraane
iranian, Eeraanagh
iraq, Yn Earack
iraqi, Eerackagh
irascibility, elgys
irate, corree, fergagh, jymmoosagh
ire, corree, ferg, jymmoose
Ireland, Nerin
iridescence, daaghyn y ghoal-twoaie
iridescent, daaghyn y ghoal-twoaie
iris, clagh ny sooilley, cliogagh, daaghyn y ghoal-twoaie, Eerish
irisation, yldaaghey
Irish, Erinagh, Yernagh, Yernish
Irish bagpipes, yn phiob Yernagh
Irish disease, yn chingys Yernagh
Irish heather, freoagh Yernagh
Irish mile, meeiley Yernagh
Irish moss, carrickeen
Irish Sea, Mooir Vannin, Mooir Vannin
Irish speaker, Yernisheyr
Irish stew, anvroie Yernagh
Irish yew, euar Yernagh
Irishism, Yernaghys
Irishize, jannoo Yernagh
Irishman, Erinagh, Gael (Yernagh), Yernagh
Irishwoman, ben Yernagh, Yernagh
irk, cur deinys (er)
irksome, deinagh, dree
irksomeness, deinid, deinys, doccarys, lheibeidjys
iron, glass, smoodal, yiarn, yiarnal
iron Age, eash Yiarn
iron band, boandey yiarn
iron filings, joan yiarn, myn-yiarn
iron foundry, tilgchaardee yiarn
iron lung, scowan yiarn
iron mould, cron yiarn
iron ore, mianagh yiarn
iron paling, radling yiarn
iron pot, pash yiarn, pash yiarn
iron ration, lowanse eginagh
iron-bound, kianglt lesh yiarn, skerragh
iron-clad, coodit lesh yiarn, yiarnit
iron-grey, glass yn yiarn, yiarnghlass
iron-master, mainshtyr caardee yiarn
iron-mine, meain yiarn
iron-shod, yiarnit
iron-worker, seyr yiarn
ironbound, creggagh, do-lhoobit
ironclad, lhong plaitit
ironed, smoodit
ironic(al), amlagh
ironically, dy hamlagh
ironing, yiarnal
ironing board, claare smoodee, claare yiarnal
ironmonger, yiarneyder
ironmongery, yiarneydys
ironwork, obbyr yiarn
irony, amlaght, craid, gamlagh
irradiant, gahagh, goulagh
irradiate, gahaghey, goulraghey, soilshaghey
irradiation, gahaghey, goulraghey, soilshaghey
irrational, neuresoonagh
irrationality, neuresoon
irreclaimable, neuheyragh
irrecognizable, ass enney, ass enney
irreconcilable, neureaghagh
irreconcilable hatred, jiarg-ghrayn
irrecoverable, ass roshtyn, caillt (dy slane), dogheddyn
irredeemable, dofoshlit, dolheeysagh
irreducible, dolhaggit
irreformable, dochiartit, dolhiassit
irrefutable, neuarganeagh
irregular, meereiltagh, neuchinjagh, shallidagh, sprangagh
irregular breeze, fan-gheay, fannan, flan
irregularity, meereiltys, neuchinjaght, neureaid, sprangaght
irrelevance, neuventynys
irrelevant, neuventynagh (rish)
irreligious, meechrauee
irremediable, gyn couyr, gyn lheeys, gyn saase, neulheeysagh
irremissible, neuphardoonagh
irremovable, neuarraghtagh, neuastyrtagh
irreparable, neulhiassee
irreprehensibility, neufoiljid, neuloghtynid
irreprehensible, neufoiljagh, neuloghtagh
irrepressible, neuchastagh, neusmaghtagh, raghtoil
irreproachable, gyn cron, neuchyndagh, neuoltooanagh
irresistible, erskyn smaght, neuhassooagh-noi
irresolute, corragh, faitagh
irresolution, corrid, faitys
irresolvable, neufeayslagh, neulheieagh
irrespective, gyn scansh (da)
irresponsibility, meereggyraght
irresponsible, meereggyragh
irresponsive, feayr-chooishagh
irresponsiveness, feayr-chooish
irretrievable, dogheddyn er ash
irreverence, meeammys, neuammys
irreverent, meeammysagh, neammysagh
irreversible, neuyantagh dy chur er ash
irreversible, neuyantagh cur ergooyl
irrevocability, neuchaghlaays
irrevocable, neuchaghlaaee
irridiance, gahghey, goulaghey
irrigable, ynushtaghey
irrigate, ushtaghey
irrigation, ushtaghey
irritability, colgys
irritable, colgagh
irritably sick, nash-ching
irritant, farbeyder
irritate, brasnaghey, farbaghey
irritated, brasnit
irritating, brasnee, farbagh
irritation, colg, farbys
irruption, brishey stiagh
is not, cha nel
is not?, nagh vel
is?, vel, vel
isaac, Ysaig
Isabella, Ysbal
Isaiah, Isaiah
Islamic, Islamagh
Islamism, Islamaghys
Islamist, Islamagh
island, ellan, innis, innys, insh
island (in street), purt
island woman, ben ellanagh
islander, ellanagh
isle, ellan
Isle of Coll, Ellan Colley
Isle of Eigg, Eggey, Ellan Eiggey
Isle of Lewis, Ellan Lioas
Isle of Mann, Ellan Vannin, Innis Falgey, Mannin
Isle of Mann Cabbage, cabbag Vanninagh
Isle of Muck, Ellan Ny Muc, Ellan Ny Muc, Ellan Ny Muic
Isle of Muck, Ellan Ny Muic
Isle of Skye, Ellan Skianagh
Isle of Uist, Cheer y Shaslagh, Ellan Ooist
Isle of Ulva, Ellan Ulvey
Isle of Wight, Ellan Eeaght
islet, ellaneen, innis, insheen
ism, aghys
isobar, linney covroo
isobaric, isobaragh
Isobel, Ysbal
isochromatic, un-chullyragh
isochronal, co-hraagh
isoclinal, co-chleaynagh
isocline, cochleaynys
isogon, co-uillin, cochleaynys
isohel, linney coghrianagh
isolate, aneraghey, cur liorish hene
isolated, currit liorish hene, fadaneagh
isolation, cur liorish hene, fadanid, lhehlys, unraghey
isolation hospital, thie lhehlysh
isolationism, lhehlysaghys
isolationist, lhehlysee, lhehlyssagh
isolator, unreyder
isosceles, cochoshanagh
isosceles triangle, troorane cochassagh
Israel, Israel
Israeli, Israelagh
Israelite, Israeliteagh
issue, behrt, cooish, cur magh, ingan, mess, roie magh, sheel, sheeltaght, sliught, toar
issue (of fluids), roie, sheeley
issue (of gas), spreih
issue (of law), keisht
issue (of loan), cur magh, yeeasaght
issue (of milk), cur magh, taaley
issueless, gyn cloan, gyn sluight
issuing, cheet magh, cur magh, goll magh, roie magh, sheeley, taalid
isthmus, quing hallooin
it, ee, eh
it seems to me, Er lhiam
it was the least, By loo eh
it went by the board, Hie ny mucyn ny hrooid
it's good for nothing, Chan 'eeagh eh veg
it's the truth!, N'irrin eh!
Italian, Iddaalagh, Iddaalish
italic, iddaalagh
italicize, ayns lettyryn idaalagh
Italy, Iddaal
itch, screebane, screebey, taghys
itchiness, taghys
itchy, taghyssagh
item, meer, myrgeddyn, nhee, red
iterate, aainish
iteration, aainsh, aaraa
iterative, aaraagh
itineracy, jurnaaghys, troailtaght
itinerant, fer troailt, rouaillagh, rouailtagh, shaghrane, shooyl, troailtagh
itinerary, cummey, turrys
itinerate, troailt, troailtagh
its, e, echey, echeysyn, eck, ecksh
itself, ee hene, eh hene
ivied, hibbinagh
ivory, feeackle, iuaagagh, ogher pianney
ivory gull, foillan bane
ivory-black, doo yn iuaagagh
ivy, hibbin