jab, brod, broddey
jabbed, broddit
jabber, cabbaraght, chengleyragh, chengleyrys
jabbering, cabbaraght, chengleyragh, chengleyrys
jabbing, broddagh, broddey
jack, brattagh croan spreih, Eoineen, fieaumanagh, guilley
jack (bowls), dean guilley
jack boot, bootys ard
Jack Frost, Eean y ghob jiarg
Jack of all trades, ylcheirdagh
jack plane, locker garroo
jack snipe, coar veg
jack tar, marrinagh
jack up, croghey (er jack)
Jack-in-the-box, Eoineen 'sy chishtey
jack-knife, skynn foshlee
jack-staff, slat vrattagh
jackal, coo conveyrt
jackanapes, apag
jackass, assyl fyrryn, ommidan
jackdaw, caaig doo-chassagh
jacket, beggon, jaggad
jacket (of book), far-choodagh
jacket potatoes, praaseyn gyn lhoamey
jacketing, cassyl, coodagh
jackknife, filley
jackpot, dubbyr argid
Jacob's ladder, aarey Yacob
Jacobean, Jamyssagh
Jacobite, Jamyssagh
Jacobitism, Jamyssaght
jade, beeataig, clagh ghlass, jaid, stridlag
jade-green, jaid-glass
jaded, ceaut, moandagh
jadish, beeataigagh
jag, agg, cur agg ayn, feeackle
jagged, aggagh, feeacklagh, garroo
jail, carchyr, cur ayns pryssoon, pryssoon
jailbird, kimmagh, shenn-phryssoonagh
jailed, ayns pryssoon
jailer, wardoor
jam, chionnal, gloo, glooid, greimmey, jingey, lhiettrimys, mooghey, soo
jam dish, jyst soo
jam jar, costrayl soo
jam puff, soophoogh
jam roll, rollag hoo
jamaica, Yn Yamaicey
jamaican, Jamaicagh
jamb, essyn, keeil
jamboree, jamboree
James, Jamys
Jameston, Balley Hamysh
jammed, greimmit, jingit, mooghit
jane, Jinn, Jinnee
janet, Jinnag
jangle, jingleyragh
jangling, jingleyrys
jangly, ganglaneagh, jingleyragh
janitor, dorryser
janitrix, ben-dorryser
January, Jerrey Geuree, Mee s'jerree y gheuree
japan, Yn Chapaan
japanese, Shapaanagh, Shapaanish
japonica, billey shapaanagh, quinsey shapaanagh, thammag shapaanagh
jar, costrayl, craa, crock, crockan
jargon, boghtynid, chengey vrisht
jarring, brasnee, crieagh, jeesternee
jaundice, buighagh, yn buighaghey, yn buighey
jaundiced, buigh
jaunt, turrys
jauntiness, aeroilid
jaunting car, carr cleeahnagh
jaunty, aeragh, aeroil
javelin, barb, mannys shleiy
jaw, cab, cabberaght, keeil
jaw (scold), cur da
jaw (scolding), troiddey
jaw of flail, cab sooist
jaw-breaker, carrick (d'ockle)
jawbone, craue keeilley
jawtooth, feeackle cheeilley
jay, screeaghag cheylley
jay walker, coshee neuarreydagh
jazz, snagchiaull, snaggey
jazz band, snagvanney
jealous, eadagh, eadaghey, eadoil, eadoilagh
jealous person, eadagh
jealousy, ead, eadoilys
jean, breechyn jeeney, jeen
jeer, arrish, craid, craidey mysh, jannoo gannidys (er), jannoo jannidys (er)
jeerer, arrishagh, craideyder
jeering, craidagh, craidey, garrish, jannoo gannidys (er)
Jehovah, Yahvey
Jehovah's Witness, Feanish Yahvey
jejune, goan, gortagh
jejuneness, goanid, gortagh, neuvessoilid
jellied, ayns gleihagh
jelly, gleighaghey, gleihagh, jannoo gleihagh, jannoo gleihagh jeh, slumm, slumm millish
jelly-bag, poagey gleihagh
jelly-like, slummagh
jellyfish, skeeah ny muc varrey, skeeah rauney, slouree, slumm, smug rauney
jellylike, gleihagh
jemmey, sparrey
jennet, cabbyl spaainagh
Jenny, Jinnag
jenny nettles, undaagagh
jenny wren, drean bwoirrin
jenny-ass, laair assyl
jeopardize, cur ayns danjeyr, cur ayns gaue
jeopardous, danjeyragh, gaueagh
jeopardy, danjeyr, gaue
jerboa, roddan geinnee
jeremiah, fer groamey
jerk, baic, clistal, clistey
jerked, clistit, shirgit
jerkin, jerkyn
jerky, clistagh, snaggagh
Jerry, Dermod
jerry builder, bleih (dy hroggeyder)
jerry-built, corragh
jersey, gansee, Jersee
Jerusalem artichoke, blaa greiney, praase frangagh, praase greiney, praase rangagh
jest, spotch, spotchal, spotcheraght
jester, gamshoge, spotcheyder
jesting, feideraght, gamshogeys, spotcheraght
jestingly, dy spotchagh
jesuit, Yeeseynagh
jesus, Yeesey
jesus Christ, Yeesey Chreest
jet, clagh ghoo, gob, scuit, scuital, skioot, skiootal, skiootane, sock
jet black, deyll-ghoo
jet engine, jeshaght skiootagh
jet plane, etlan skiootagh, skioot etlan
jet propulsion, skioot imman
jet stream, skioot-stroo
jetsam, cooid hraie, mooirchooraghyn
jettison, ceau 'sy aarkey, ceau harrish boayrd, ceau magh
jetty, keiy
jetty-head, kione keiy
Jew, Ew
Jew's harp, trumpey
Jewdom, Ewaght
jewel, cliejeen
jewel stand, shasstane cliejeen
jewelcase, coodagh cliejeen
jewelled, cliejeenagh
jeweller, cliejeeneyder
jeweller's rouge, jirg-phoodyr
jewelry, cliejeeneydys, cliejeenys
jewess, ben ewagh
jewish, Ewagh
Jewry, Ny hewnyn
Jezebel, shenn-chaillagh ghaait
jib, geag, obbal, shiaull spreie
jib boom, croan spreie
jib-sheet, scoid yn shiaull spreie
jibbing, obbagh
jiffy, thootchey
jig, daunsey purt, jeerag, jiggyr, purt, skibbylt(ey), skibbyltagh
jigger, jiggyr, shiaulleen
jiggered, er troggloo
jigging, daunsey seose as sheese, skibbyltagh
jigsaw, saaue jeeragh
jilt, flid, stritlag, treigeil
Jim, Jamys
Jjimmy, Jamys
jingle, clink, clinkal, clinkeragh, gliggin, gligginaght, glingal
jingling, clinkal, clinkeragh, gligginaght, glingal
jingo, cheer ghraihder, impiroil
jingoism, impiroilys Sostynagh
jink, clinkal
jinnee, jinn
joan, Joan, Jonee
job, kiartag, kiartagh, kiartey, obbyr, startey, thurn
job lot, cron
job master, keesheyr
job work, obbyr er y pheesh
job-lot, lott
job-work, startey er y pheesh
jobber, jurneilee, starteyder
jobbery, branglash
jobbing, jannoo startaghyn, starteydagh
jockey, lhigeyder, markiagh
jocose, spotchagh
jocoseness, spotchaght
jocular, cloieagh, gennal
jocularity, cloieaght, gennallys
jocund, reagh
jodhpurs, troosyn markee
jog, craa, sonk, sonkal
joggle, craa, cur feeackle (er), cur sonk beg (da), feeackle
jogtrot, drid
John, Ean, Eoin, Juan
John Barleycorn, soo ny braih, soo ny hoarn
John Dory, Juan Gorree, juan joarree
John son of Paul, Juan y Phaiyl
John the Baptist, Ean Bashtey
John the Baptist's Day, Feaill' Eoin
John the Evangelist, Ean Sushtallagh
Johnnie, Eoineen
Johnson, Kewin, Mac Eoin
join, cochiangley, coventyn, coyrt ry cheilley, cur cooidjagh, cur coyrt, joynal, juntaghey, juntee, kiangle, kiangle ry cheilley, sniemmey ry-cheilley
join in, goaill ayrn (ayn)
join together, cooidjaghey
join up, goll 'syn armee, kiangley ry-cheilley, listal
joined, cochianglt, dy cheilley, joynit, sniemmit
joiner, joyneyder, seyir, seyr thie
joiner's shop, shamyr heyir
joinery, joyneyderys, juntaghys, seyirsnys thie
joining, joynal, juntaghey, juntys, sniemmey
joint, collagh, copharteeagh, glioon, juntaghey, juntal, juntey, olt, perteeasagh
joint committee, co-ving
joint heir, co-eirey
joint liability, coreggyraght
joint secretary, coscreeudeyr
joint secretaryship, coscreeudeyrys
joint stock, co-sthock
jointed, glioonagh, oltagh
jointed rush, gollianagh
jointer, junteyder
jointing, juntaghey, juntal, juntey, juntys
jointly, boodee, cooidjagh
jointure, naishtaght
joist, jeays, jeayst, myn-gharmin
joke, spotch, spotchal, spotcheraght, springeragh
joker, gamshoge, spotcheyder
joking, spotchagh, spotcheraght, springeragh
jokingly, dy gammanagh, dy spotchagh
jollification, reaid
jollity, gennallys
jolly, gennal
jolly boat, baatey lhuingey
jolly good show!, Awatta!, Ouwatta!
jolt, craa, jonse, jonseragh
jonah, jedd
Joseph, Josee, Joseph
joss, jalloo
joss house, chiamble Sheenagh
joss-stick, kibbin thooishey
josser, bock
jostle, puhttey, rucksal, uillinaghey
jostler, puhteyder, uilliner
jostling, puhttagh, puhttey, uillinagh
jot, floag, rap
jotting, breckey
jottings, noteyn
journal, earishlioar, jurnyl, jurnyl, laa-lioar, lioar choontys, lioar laa, pabyr naight (laaoil)
journalese, earishlioaraghys, naightaneaghys
journalism, earisheraght, naighteyraght
journalist, earisheyr, naighteyr
journey, jurnaa, jurnaaghey, treeal, treealley, troailt, troailtys, troalaghey, turrys, turrysagh
journeying, jurnaaghey, jurnaahys, treealley, turrysagh
journeyman, eabee, fer er faill
journeyman joiner, seyr er faill
joust, joost, joostey
jousting, joostey
jovial, gennal
joviality, gennallys
jowl, cab, lhieckan, puiss
joy, boggey, eunys
joyce, Shoynagh
joyful, boggoil
joyfulness, boggeeaght, boggey, boggoilid, gerjoilid, gerjoilys, taitnyssid
joyless, groamey, gyn boggey
joylessness, groamid, neuvoggoilid
joyous, boggoil, suntee
joyousness, boggoilid, eunys
joyride, markiaght vraddagh
jubilant, boggoil
jubilantly, dy boggoil
jubilate, goaill boggey
jubilation, ard-voggey
jubilee, blein feayslee, jubilee, traa ardvoggey
Judaic(al), Ewagh
Judaism, Ewaghys
Judas, Yuaase
judder, craa
jude, Yood
judge, briw, jannoo briwnys
judgement, briwnys, reaylt, tushtey
judgement bench, bink ny briwnys
judgement seat, stoyl briwnys
judging by that, rere shen
judicial, briwagh, briwnagh, briwnyssagh
judicious, keeayllagh, resoonagh, toiggalagh
judiciousness, creenaght, keeayllaght, resoonaght, toiggalaght
judiciture, reill quaiyllagh, rerey cooyrtey
Judith, Jonee
jug, podjal
juggle, jannoo cleasaght, jannoo cluickys (lesh)
juggler, doalgaanagh, laue-chleasee, laue-chluickeyder
jugglery, laue-chluickys
juggling, laue-chluickagh
jugoslav, Yugoslaavagh
jugoslavia, Yn Yugoslaavey
jugular, cuishlin scoarnee
jugulate, giarrey yn scoarnagh, toghey
juice, pedryl, soolagh, stroo lectragh
juiceless, neusoo-oil
juiciness, sooid, soolaght
juicy, lane soo, sooagh, soolagh
jujube, soolane
juke box, kishtey kiaullee
Julia, Sheeley
Julian Year, Blein Yool
Julius, Jool
July, Jerrey Souree, Mee s'jerree yn touree, Mee Vuigh
jumble, cur fud y cheilley, mestey, mollid, orchal
jumble sale, cant mollid, creck mollid
jumbled, currit fud y cheilley, mestit, orchit
jumbo, feer vooar, foawragh
jump, lheim
jump (out of sleep), moostaghyn
jump about, lheim mygeayrt
jump across, lheim harrish
jump in, lheim stiagh
jump out, lheim ny hassoo, lheim seose
jumped up, ass y jeeig
jumper, gansee, lheimmeyder, staillin
jumpiness, jeengaght
jumping, lheim, lheim, lheimmey, lheimyragh
jumping (as fish), flipperaght
jumping bar, barr lheimmey
jumping bean, poanrey lheimeragh
jumping off place, ynnyd toshee
jumping pole, lorg lheimmey
jumpy, jeengagh
junction, goal
juncture, kiangley
June, Mean Souree, Mee veanagh y touree
jungle, doofyr
junior, fer saa, fo, ny saa
junior clerk, fo-chleragh, myn-chleragh
junior pupils, scoillaryn beggey
juniper, euar ny greg
juniper berry, berrish euar ny greg
junk, molid, trustyr
junket, binjean, giense, jannoo giense, lhejag, pinjean
junta, hoontey
Jurby, Jorby
Jurby Head, Kione Yorby
juridical, briwnagh, cooyrtagh
jurisdiction, briwnys, reillys
jurisprudence, leigh-oaylleeaght
jurist, leigh-oayllee
juror, dooinney bingagh
jury, bing, bingagh, daa ghooinney yeig
jury box, bink ny bingey
jury list, rolley bingey
jury mast, croan shallidagh
jurywoman, ben vingagh
just, cair, cairal, corrym-chiart, dy kiart, jeeragh, kiart, ynrick
Just as you please!, Dty choyrle hene!, Kiart my sailiu!
just like, cadjoor
just now, vaidjyn
just then, veih vean
justice, cairys, corrym, corrymid, corrymys, jeerys
justice (of the peace), briw
justifiable, cairagh, lowallagh, lowaltagh, seyragh
justification, lowaltys, seyrey
justify, cairyssaghey, firrinaghey, lowal, seyrey
justly, dy jeeragh, dy kiart
justness, cairys, kiartys
jut, deamey (magh), gob, gobbey magh
jute, juit
jutted, deamit
jutting out, deamey
juvenile, aeg, aeglagh
juvenile delinquency, kyndagh aeglagh, loghtynid aegid
juvenile delinquent, kyndagh aeg
juvenile delinquent, drogh-eean
juvenile delinquents, loghtee aegey
juvenility, aegid
