ignorant, almoragh
la-di-da, ard-wannalagh
label, cur lipaid er, lipaid
labial, meillagh
labio-dental, meill-eeacklagh
laboratory, seyrlan
laborious, deinagh, doccaragh, trome
laborious, doccaragh
laboriousness, deinys, doccar, doccarys, tooileilys, tooilleil
labour, doccar, doccarys, laboragh, laboraght, labraghey, labreeyn, lhie hoalley, lught obbyr, obbyr, tooilleil, troailt
labour (of ship), traaue roish
laboured, creddagh, labrit
labourer, labree, obbree
labouring, labraghey
labouring man, fer labree
labourite, fer obbraghys
labyrinth, cartage
lace, laatchaghey, laatchey, point, pouint, yeeal
lace pillow, pillagh laatchey
lace-covered, laatchagh
lace-up shoes, braagyn yeeallagh
laced boots, bootsyn laatchit
lacemaker, laatcheyder
lacemaking, laatcheydys
lacerat-work, obbyr laatchey
lacerate, raipey, scelpaghey, speiltey
lacerated, raipit, scelpit, speilt
lacerating, raipagh, scelpagh
laceration, raipey, scelpey, speiltey
lachrymal, jeir, jeiragh
lachrymatory, jeir, jeir-gheintynagh
lachrymose, jeirnagh, keaynagh
lacing up, dooney (braagyn), kiangley braagyn
lack, dolley
lack of concentration, rouailtys aigney
lack of contrition, meearrys
lack of decency, neughoaieys
lack of practice, anchliaghtey
lack of precision, neuchruionnys
lack of understanding, neuhoiggaltys
lackadaisical, meerioosagh
lackey, fieaumanagh, guilley
laconic, giare
lacquer, cur lacyr er, lacyr
lactation, bluightys, taaley
lacteal, bainnoil, bluight
lactescence, bluightys
lactic, bainnagh
lactiferous, bluight
lactose, shugyr bainney
lacuna, baarney
lad, guilley, scollag, stuggey
ladder, aarey, roie
ladder of locks, strane
lade, laadey, lughtey
laden, laadit, lughtit
ladies, mraane, premmee mraane
ladies' man, myrneen mreih
ladified, ooasle
lading, laadey, lughtaghey
ladle, lheegh
ladle out, lheeghey
ladleful, lane lheegh
ladling, lheeghey
lady, ben, ben chiarn, ben ooasle, ben seyr
lady Almoner (hospital), ben yeirkeydagh
lady chairman, ben chaairliagh
lady chapel, cabbal ny moidyn
Lady day, Laa'l Moirrey Arree
lady fern, renniagh Voirrey
lady of the house, ben y thie, eehene
lady's bedstraw, lus ny binjey mooar, lus y volley
lady's mantle, cappan y druight, cass hunnag
lady's smock, lheiney Voirrey, losserey ny Boaldyn, lus ny Boaldyn
lady's watch, ooreyder mreih, ooreyder ven
lady-killer, myrneen ny mreih
ladybird, deyllag vreck
ladylike, benoil, bwoirrin, ooasle
lag, cumrail, shenn-phrysoonagh, soailley
lagavullin, Lag y Wyllin
lager, lhune freillagh
laggard, faagailagh, moal
lagged pipes, piobyn soailit
lagging, soailley
lagoon, mooirlagh
laicization, jee-agglishey, theayaghey
laicize, jee-agglishey, theayaghey
laid, asnagh, bert, breyit, laiyt, lhiaghtit
laid out, aarloo da'n oaye, sheeynt
lair, lhiaght
laird, chiarn
laity, yn theay
lake, lake, logh
lake (arm of the sea), logh hailjey
lake dwelling, crannog, thie loghey
lake fishing, eeastagh loghey
lakelet, loghan
Lallans, Baarle Albinagh
lam into, bwoalley
lama, laamey
lamb, brey eayn, eayn, feill eayn
lamb (castrated), eayn spoiyt
lamb (fattened), luan
lamb-producing, eaynagh
lambent, shlieeagh
lambkin, eayn aeg, eayneen
lamblike, eaynagh
lambs, eayin
lambskin, crackan eayin, sheh eayin
lame, baccagh, croobagh, jannoo baccagh, martarey, staagagh
lame fellow, martar
lame story, skeeal gyn dash
lamed, baccagh, martarit
lamella, lhiannag
lamellar, lhiannagagh
lamellate, lhiannagagh
lameness, baccid, croobid
lament, dobberan, goaill er, keayney
lamentable, dobberanagh, dobbranagh, keaynoil, treih-hrimshagh
lamentation, accan, cronneeaght, dobberan, jeirnys, keayney, trimshagh
lamenter, dobberanagh, dobbranagh, keayneyder
lamenting, dobberan, keaynagh, keayney
lamina, duillag, lhiann
laminar, duillagagh, lhiannagh
laminate, jannoo duillag (jeh), lhiannagh, lhiannaghey
laminated, lhiannagagh, lhiannagh
lamination, lhiannaghey
lamlash, Loght yn Ellan Arranagh
lammas, Luanistyn
lammas Day, Laa Luanistyn, Laa Luanys
lammergeyer, shirragh faasaagagh
lamp, lampey, lostan, sollys
lamp black, smooreyvane
lamp bracket, brack lampey
lamp bulb, bolgan lectragh
lamp man, dooinney lampey
lamp oil, ooill lampey
lamp post, post lampey
lamp-holder, croae volgan
lampblack, doo sooie
lamplight, soilshey lampey
lamplighter, lostaneyr
lampoon, lampoon, lampooney
lampooner, arraneyder floutagh, lampooneyder
lampoonery, lampooneydys
lamprey, beisht yn daa hooill yeig
lamprey, lamprey
lampshade, scaa lostan, scaalane
lanarkshire, Lannraig
lance, giarrey, sleean, sleeaney
lance corporal, lhiass-chorpryl
lanced, giarrit, sleeanit
lanceolate, sleeanagh
lancer, shleiyder, sleeaneyr
lancet, cuishloge, skynn 'oalley
lancinating, geyre
land, cheer, cheet gys y thalloo, cur er cheer, cur er thalloo, farran, goaill cheer, goll er cheer, goll er thalloo, thalloo, thallooin
land act, slattys thallooin
land agency, jantys thallooin
land agent, jantagh thallooin
land between a fork, injeig
land breeze, geay cheerey, geay veih'n thalloo
land by a river, claddagh
land forces, sidooryn magheragh
land girl, caillin eirinagh, caillin thallooin
land mine, mianagh thallooin
land mist, bree thallooin, frough thallooin
land of Youth, Cheer Ny Aeg
land surveyor, towsheyder thallooin
land tax, keesh er thalloo
land two years ploughed, ceabbagh
land work, obbyr hallooin
land-grabber, sluggeyder thallooin
land-rover, rouailtagh thallooin
land-surveying, towsheydys thallooin
landed property, gowaltys eirinagh
landfall, reayrt thallooin
landing, goll er y cheer, mullagh ny greeishyn, tarlheim
landing beam, goull tarlheimagh
landing ground, ynnyd tarlheimagh
landing light, soilshey tarlheimagh
landing net, kipp
landing place, callee, ynnyd traieagh
landing speed, bieauid tarlheimagh
landing stage, calloo
landing strip, pairk etlan
landing wheels, queeylyn thallooin
landlady, ben oast, ben thie, benaaghtagh, benainshtyr, benchiarn thallooin
landlocked, thallooinit
landlord, chiarn thallooin, fer aaghtagh, fer oast, fer thie, oasteyder, oasteyr
landlubber, anoayllee marrey
landmark, cowrey thallooin, laa er lheh
landowner, cummalagh thallooin, shellooder thallooin
landrail, eean raip
landscape, cheer yalloo, jannoo reayrt cheerey, reayrt cheerey
landscape garden, garey cheer-yallooagh
landscape gardener, gareyder cheer-yalloagh
landscape painter, peinteyr reayrtyn cheerey
landslide, skyrrey thallooin, skyrrey-hallooin
landslip, skyrrey thallooin
landsman, fer thallooin
landward(s), lesh y thalloo
landwork, eirinys
lane, bayr, beyr, bollagh
lane (in ice field), bollagh, fosley
lane (in town), laaney
lang syne, fodey er dy henney, ny shenn laghyn
Langness, Langlish
language, chengey, glare
language laboratory, chengeylan
language of the country, chengey ny cheerey
languid, feayr-chooishagh, lambaneagh, lhiastagh, lhiastey
languid person, lambane
languidness, feayr-chooish, lambaneid, lhiastid
languish, shirgaghey, shymley
languisher, shirgeyder, shymleyder
languishing, shymley
languishment, shymlid
languor, annoonid, lag-vree, laggid, lhiastid, meillid, shymlid
languorous, annooin, lag-vreeagh, lhiastey, moal, shymlagh
lank, shang, thanney
lanket, crooban, cur langeid (er), hopsag, langeid, langeidaghey
lankiness, shangid
lanky, keyl, shang, thanney
lanolin, ooill olley
lantern, jeenlys, londeyr
lantern lecture, leaght londeyragh
lantern slide, tarhoishan
lantern-jawed, lhome-lheicknagh
lanternlike, londeyragh
lanyard, lanyarn
lap, bolgym, filley, garrey, keayrt, lant, sliee, ught
lap dog, moddey glioon, moddey ught
lap-joint, junt filltagh
lap-jointed, fillit
lapel, filltag
lapful, skyrtlagh
lapland, Laplan, Yn Laplan
lapland bunting, pompee Laplannagh, pompee Loghlinagh
laplander, Laplannagh
lapp, Laplannish
lapped up, sleeit
lappet, cleaysh, cleayshag
lappeted, cleashagh
lapping, shliee, sliee
lapse, cooyl-skyrraghtyn, skirraghtyn, tuittym
lapwing, eairkan
lar, jee magheragh, laar
larboard, cheu chiare, cheu hoshtal, cheu lheirrym
larceny, gaddeeaght, gaddeeys, geid
larch, juys Albinagh, larsh
larch wood, fuygh larshagh
lard, blennick, blennick vuickey, blonnag, cur blennick (er), cur blonnag er, smarrey muc
lard jug, podjal smarree
larder, buttee, shamyr vee
lardy, blonnagagh
large, mooadagh, mooar
large brood, scuitch mooar
large grain powder, poodyr garroo
large grey lichen, cleaysh lheeah
large in circumference, riurid
large number, lab, lansh
large piece of timber, bolk
large quantity, lansh, loundyr
large salient eyes, boghooillyn mooarey
large sized, feer vooar
large slice, scon
large snowball, muc niaghtee, thummid sniaghtee
large snowflake, keshag
large wave, faarkey
large-breasted, sheeinagh, stoamey
large-calibred, mooar-howshanagh
large-eared, cleayshagh
large-hearted, mooar-chreeagh
large-minded, lhean-aignagh
large-mindedness, lheead aigney
large-sized, mooar
large-thighed, shleayshtagh
largeness, mooads, mooadys
larger, moo, ny s'moo
largesse, feoiltys, jeirk
largest, s'moo
largs, Ny Lhargeeyn Goaldagh
lariat, lassoo
lark, ushag happagh, ushag y tappee
larkspur, lus yn arroo
larky, cloieagh
larne, Laarney
larva, laarvey
larva of cabbage moth, braddag chaayl, durrag
larval, laarvagh
laryngeal, aahjiooghagh, laaraingagh
laryngitis, gorley aahjioogh, lostey goolag, lostey scoarnee
lascar, lascar, shiaulteyr Injinagh
lascivious, maarderagh
lasciviousness, cannid, cannys, maarderys, rouanys
lash, cur da, custhey, scelp, scelpaghey, scuitch, scuitchal, scuitchey, slashal, slashey, yeeal, yeealley
lashed, scelpit, scuitchit, slashit, yeealt
lasher, fer ny gipp, rimmeigeyder, yeealleyder
lashing, custhey, yeealley
lass, bwoirrinagh, caillag, caillin, Yagh!, yah!
lassitude, lhiastid, meillid, skeeys
lasso, berraghtyn lesh lassoo, lassoo
last, ceau, cummal magh, cummal rish, jeianagh, jerrinagh, kiap (greasee), y brimman, yn fer s'jerree
last night, arroo y riyr, riyr
last out, cummal magh
last Quarter, kerroo s'jerree ny heayst
last stretch, spret
last Sunday, Jedoonee chaie
last week, yn chiaghtyn s'jerree, yn chiaghtyn shoh chaie
last year, nurree, nurree
last-ditcher, fer slane kiarit
lasting, beayn
lastingly, sheer-
lastingness, beaynid, beayntys, foddey beayntys
lastly, er jerrey, fy yerrey, lurg ooilley
latch, pinn clickee, sneg, sneggal, snig
latchet, jialg ghorrys
latchkey, ogher hie
late, anmagh, dy anmagh, jeianagh, roud
late (of fruit), jerrinagh, moal
late blackberry, scraaney, smeyr ghreiney
late born lamb, loirran
late in the day, dy fastyragh, fastyragh
late Latin, Ladjyn yeianagh, Ladjyn yerrinagh
late season, jerrey yn imbagh
late spring, arragh souree
latecomer, lhiastagh, litcher
lately, er y gherrid, er y gherrit
latency, folleydys, keiltynys
lateness, anmys
latent, follit, keiltynagh
latent heat, chiass follit
later, ny s'anmey
later on, ny s'anmey
lateral, cheual, cheualagh, lhiattagh
laterally, dy lhiattagh
latest, by yerree, s'jerree
lath, cur riblass er, cur thooane er, latt, riblass, skeiltan, speilt, thooane, thooaney
lathe, deill
lathe centre, laare gheilley
lathe-bed, lhiabbee gheilley
lathe-head, kione deilley
lathe-turned, deillit
lather, custhey, kesh, kesh heeabin, keshal, sheeabinagh(ey)
latherer, barrageyr, custheyder, kesheyder
lathering, custhey, keshal
lathery, barragagh, keshagh, keshalagh, sheeabinagh
latin, Ladjyn, Ladjynagh
latin characters, lettyryn Romanagh
latinise, Ladjynaghey
latinising, Ladjynagh, Ladjynaghey
latinist, Ladjynagh, Ladjyner
latinity, Ladjynaght
latish, gour yn anmys, lieh anmagh, lieh yeinagh
latitude, dowan-lheead, seyrsnys
latitudinal, dowan-lheeadagh, lheeadoil
latrines, premeeyn
latter, jerrinagh, yn derrey lieh, yn fer jerrinagh
latter end, jerrey
latterday, noa-emshyragh
latterly, dy jeianagh, er y gherrid
lattice, cleeah, cleeah-uinnag, cur cleeah (er)
lattice window, uinnag chleeah
Latvia, Yn Latvey
Latvian, Latvagh, Latvish
laud, Lauds, moyllaghyn, moylley
laudable, moylleydagh
laudanum, laudane
lauder, fer moyllee, moylleyder
laugh, gearey
laughable, aitt, garaghtagh
laugher, geareyder
laughing, garaghtagh
laughing gas, gas gearey
laughing jackass, snoggeyder mooar
laughing stock, blebban, blebbin, bock bouyran, cooish gharaghtee, sthowran
laughter, arraght, gearey
launch, baatey liauyr, ceau, launshey, lhunnaghey, lhunney, tilgey
launched, ceaut, cur er bun, lhunysit, tilgit
launcher, ceauder, fer cur er bun, lhunneyder, tilgeyder
launching, lhunney
launder, niee
laundering, niaghyn
laundering iron, yiarn
laundry, eaddagh nieet, niaghyn, thie niaghyn, thie nieeaghyn
laundry basket, bascad niaghan, bastag niaghyn
laundry room, shamyr niaghyn
laundryman, nieeder
lauraceous, laurysagh
laureate, fo laurys
laurel, billey laurys, billey laurys, laurys
laurel bank, Balley ny Hawin, Cronk Ny Keeilley
laurence, Laurys
lava, leavey
lavation, oonley
lavatory, premmee, thie beg, thie premmee, thie-veg
lavatory pan, saagh premmee
lave, oonlaghey
laved, oonlit
lavender, lavander, lus lheeah
lavender water, ushtey lavander
lavish, ceau dy skeayltagh er, ceautagh, feoiltagh, skeayltagh
lavisher, jummaltagh
lavishing, ceau dy skeayltagh, jummaltagh, jummalys
lavishness, feoiltaght, skeayltaght
law, leigh, slattys
law breaker, brisheyder leigh
law court, quaiyl, quaiylagh
law of nature, leigh y teihill
law of the land, leigh ny cheerey
law-abiding, biallagh da'n leigh
law-giver, slattyssagh
law-making, coyrt yn leigh, slattysey
lawful, leighoil, lowal, rere yn leigh
lawfulness, leighoilid, leighoilys, lowallys
lawgiver, fer leigh, leigh-hoyrtagh, leigh-loayrtagh
lawless, meereiltagh, neusmaghtagh
lawlessness, meereiltys
lawn, aanrit keyl, faaie, londaig
lawn mower, buinneyder faaie, lommeyder faaie
lawn tennis, laddoge
lawrence, Laurys
laws of the game, reillyn gamman
lawsuit, accan, cooish leigh
lawyer, leighder
lawyer's fee, leagh leighder
lawyership, leighderys
lax, feayshlit, neuchurrymagh
laxative, feyslagh, purgaidagh, stoo feayslee
laxey, Aah ny mraddan, Baaie ny Mraddan, Laksey
laxford, Aah ny mraddan, Camys Braddan
laxity, feayslaght, neuchurrymaght
lay, breh, brey, cur, cur sheese, jibbag, laiyal, lhie, neuagglishagh, theayagh
lay (as concrete), lhiaghtey
lay (as floor), laaraghey
lay (guns), pointal
lay (of tide), cassey
lay (poetry), caayn, rane
lay (rope), cassey
lay (the table), jeshee
lay a complaint, accan y chur stiagh, accan y yannoo
lay a wager, cur gial er
lay aside, ceau jeh, cur dy lieh, cur ry-lhiattee, cur voish, treigeil
lay away, cur ry-lhiattee
lay brother, braar theayagh
lay by, cur ry-lhiattee, tashtey
lay clerk, theay-chleragh
lay down, cur sheese, lhie sheese, lhie voish
lay evens, cur lieh er lieh
lay hold of, geddyn greim er, glackey
lay low, lhieggal
lay out, aarlaghey da'n oaye, baarail, ceau, cummey, cur magh, cur tarnoal da, lhie magh
lay sister, shuyr heayagh
lay to, ceau gys y gheay, cur ny lhie huggey, lhie rish y gheay
lay up, carnanaghey, cur ny haaue, cur stiagh, stoyral, tashtey, tayrn ass yn aarkey
layabout, lhiasteyr
layby, boayl aash, boayl scuirr
layed, berht, bert, laiyt
layer, brat, breyder, fer y chur sheese, jannoo jastan jeh, jastan
layer out, cummeyder, fer lhie magh
layered, currit 'sy thalloo, jastanagh
laying, breyagh
layman, theayagh, yn theay
layshaft, eddyr-shaaftey
laziness, aacheoid Vanninagh, drollaneys, lhiastid, litcheraght lhome, Yn shenn red
lazy, drollaneagh, lhiastey, litcheragh
lazybones, litcher
lburnum, billey frangagh
lea, banejagh, banjagh
lea field, magher bane, magher banjee, shenn thalloo glass
leach, laistey, leetchey, sheeley
lead, ard-ayrn, caabyl, coyrt, cur, cur er, leeideil, leoaie, lhomey (laue), sampleyr, scair, shiaullee, stiurey, streir, toshiaght, yeeal
lead acetate, shugyr leoaie
lead away, cur shaghey, leeideil ersooyl
lead back, leeid er ash
lead beater, bwoalteyr leoaie
lead colic, chingys leoaie
lead foil, scroggyl leoaie
lead in, leeid stiagh, streng leeideilagh, streng neose
lead in tube, feddan stiagh
lead line, tead suntal
lead off, leeideil ersooyl, toshiaghey
lead on, y volley
Lead on!, Er oaie!
lead out, leeideil magh
lead oxide, leoaie yiarg, leoaie yiarg
lead poisoning, pyshoonaght leoaie
lead shot, grine leoaie, grine leoaie
lead up, goll seose, leeideil seose
lead worker, obbree leoaie
lead works, mwyllin leoaie
lead-covered, fo vrat leoaie
lead-mine, meain leoaie
leaden, jeh daah ny leoaie, leoaie, marroo-hooillagh, trome-choshagh
leader, ard-art, ard-reiltagh, fer toshee, kione toshee, kione-fenee, leeideilagh, leeideiltagh, oayllagh, toshiagh
leaderless, gyn leeideilagh
leadership, leeideiltys, leeideilys
leading, leeideil
leading edge, foyr toshee
leading horse, yn whingjeear
leading question, fifeysht leeideilagh
leading shop, ard-happ
leading strings, streeanteeyn, streeanyn
leadless, neuleoaieoil
leadsman, feiyeyder, fer leoaie
leaf, cheet fo ghuillag, duillag, duillag lioaragh, duillaghey, duilley
leaf insect, meeyl ghuillag
leaf mould, lheeahid duillag
leaf of dulse, ribbag
leaf of table, cooylley, far-ghuillag
leaf of two sides, duillag
leaf sprays, slattagyn-duillag
leaf-bearing, duillag-hoyrtagh
leafless, gyn duillag, lhome, neughuillagagh
leaflet, duillag, duillageen
leafy, duillag, duillagagh
league, cochiangley, cologue, commeeys, leeg
leak, drigey, faarn, faarney, lhiggey magh, lhiggey stiagh, towl
leak out, drigey, faarney, lhiggey magh
leakage, faarney, lhiggey magh, lhiggey stiagh, skeaylley
leakage detector, brahder skeayllee
leakiness, drogh-yeenid, faarnaght, neuyeenid
leaky, faarnagh, jannoo ushtey, neuyeen
leaky shoes, braaghyn brisht
leal, jeelys, ynrick
lean, keyl, list, scoidey, shang, thanney
lean dogs, moddee shangey
lean foward, croymmey
lean meat, feill neuhahllagh
lean on, croghey (er), cur barrantys (er), lieh-lhie (er)
lean out, croymmey magh, deamey, lhie magh
lean to, jeen rish boalley
lean-to, cleayn-hroggal
leaning, lieh-lhie, lieh-lhie, listal, paartnagh, scoidey
leanness, shangid, shangys, thannid, trooys
leap, flipperaght, lheim, lheimmey, lheimyragh, soutaghey
leap about, corlheimyraght
leap year, blein vishee
leap-frog, mooin cabbyl
leaper, lheimmeyder
leaper-forward, ratcheyder
leapfrog, lheimyraght ghrommey
leaping, flipperaght, lheim, lheimyraght
learn, ynsaghey
learn by heart, ynsee er dty hengey
learned, mie ynsit, ynsit
learned man, dooinney ynsit
learnedly, dy ynsit
learnedness, lioaraght, ynsagh
learner, ynseydagh
learner of trade, eabee
learning, lioaraght, scoill, ynsagh
lease, bargane soiagh
leasehold, shelloo er bargane soiagh
leasehold, er bargane soiagh
leaseholder, shellooder er bargane
leash, cur er yeeal, streir, yeeal
leashed hounds, coyin yeealit
leasing, cur er bargane soiagh
leasing powers, pooaraghyn maylee
least, s'beg, s'loo
least common multiple, bishan sloo
leastways, er chor erbee
leather, cur liare (er), lhiareagh, liare, liareagh
leather bag, poagey liareagh
leather bootlace, yeeal vraagey
leather bottle, costrayl
leather equipment, liare
leather jacket, jaggad liareagh
leather upholstery, coodagh liareagh, coodagh liarey
leather-lace, point
leatherettee, far-liare
leathern, liareagh
leatherwork, obbyr lhiareagh
leave, faagail, kied
leave (as door), daa-chooyllagh
leave (will), chymney
leave about, faagail mygeayrt
leave behind, faagail ny yei
leave off, ceau jeh, scuirr, scuirr (jeh)
leave off!, Irree ass!
leave out, faagail ass yn earroo, faagail magh, faagail mooie, jarrood, jarrood
leaved, duillagagh
leaven, cur jiastyn ayn, jastee, jiastyn, sooraghey, soorid
leavened, soor, soorit
leavened bread, arran soorit
leaver, faageyder, faageyder
leaving, brock, faagail, scarrey
leaving (of fodder), orch
leavings, boanlagh, brooillagh, fooillagh
lebanese, Livaanagh
lebanon, Yn Livaan
lebensraum, reamys beaghee
lecher, gimman, maarder, maarderagh
lecherous, cannooagh, er boggeeys, raistylagh, reagh
lecherousness, cannooaght, raistylaght, reaghid, reaid
lechery, bockeeys, boggeeys, cannid, cannooid, cannys, gimmanys, reaid, saynt ny foalley
lectern, shasstan lioaragh
lector, lhaihder
lecture, leaghtey
lecture hall, halley leaght
lecturer, leaghteyr
lectureship, leaghteyrys
led, leeidit
ledge, leod, oirr, rimmey
ledger, lioar choontee
ledger (in sea), sker
ledger line, linney ghiare
ledger stone, clagh oaie
lee, cheu yn astee
lee shore, traie rish y gheay
lee side, cheu yn astee
leeboard, boayrd cheu fastee
leech, fer lhee, guillag, jiollag, oirr shiaull
leechcraft, lheeaght
leek, lus y thie
leek, lus, lus leayshagh, lus thie, lus y thie
leer, slydagh, slydaghey, slydaght, sooilleragh, sooilleraght
lees, drundin
leeward, cheu yn astee, fasteeagh, lesh y gheay, lheish
leeway, reamys marrey
left, er chlee, er hostal, kiare, toshtal
left hand, kiuttag
left hand, clee, laue hoshtal, yn chuittag
left handedness, cleeid, kiuttaght, toshtalaght
left hook, lunjean toshtal
left over, fooillagh
left side, cheu chiare, cheu hoshtal
left wheel!, Clee cass-jee!
left-handed, toshtalagh
left-over, faagit er mayrn
left-wing, yn skian clee
lefthand turn, cassey toshtal
lefthanded, kiuttagh, kyttagh
lefthander, builley kiuttagh, kiuttagh
lefthander (blow), kiuttag builley
leftist, clee, fer clee
leftwards, my hoshtal
leftwing, yn cheu chlee
leg, cass, lurgagh, lurgey
leg (of lamb), kerroo
leg armour, boadrym
leg iron, yiarn coshey
leg of chicken, cass chirkey
leg of contest, bangan
leg of mutton sail, shiaull tree ghib
leg of mutton sleeve, bolgvuinneel
leg of stocking, cass
leg show, taishbynys lurgey
leg-pull, breag
legacy, leggad, sheckteraght
legacy duty, keesh leggad
legacy hunter, eeasteyr eiraghtyn
legal, leighagh, leighoil, rere yn leigh
legal action, cooish leigh
legal argument, pleadeyraght
legal injury, anleigh
legal practitioner, fer leigh, leighder
legal proceedings, accan, immeeaghtyn leigh
legal profession, lught yn leigh
legal terms, focklyn leighagh
legality, leighoilid, leighoilys
legalize, jannoo leigh jeh, jean leighoil
legally, dy leighoil
legate, chaghter yn phaab
legatee, eirey
legation, chaghteraght
legend, ogher, screeuyn, shenn-skeeal, skeeal
legendary, shenn-skeealagh, skeealagh
legerdemain, laue-chleasaght, laue-chluickys
legged, cassit
legginess, sprangaght
leggings, lurgnaneyn
leggy, sprangagh
legibility, lhaihaght
legible, lhaihagh, lhaihoil
legion, leejoon
legionary, leejoonagh
legislate, aghtaghey, cur leigh, jannoo slattys
legislation, leighyn, slattyssyn
legislative, leighoil, slattyssagh
legislative body, coyrle slattyssagh
legislator, leigh-hoyrtagh
legislature, quaiyl, Tinvaal
legist, leigh-oayllee
legitimacy, leighoilid, leighoilys, neuoainjeragh
legitimate, leighoil, lowal, lowallagh, neuoainjeragh
legitimation, jannoo leighoil
legless, gyn chassyn
legpuller, breageyder
legshield, boadrym
legume, losserey, poanrey
leguminous, losseragh, poanragh
leighlin, Liehghlion
leinster, Lion
leisure, corsoie, soccar
leisure hours, traaghyn seyrey
leisured, as corsoie (ec), traaue
leisureliness, corsoieys, soccarid
leisurely, aashagh, soccaragh
Leith, Yn Leetey
Leitrim, Lheeahtrim
leix, Leesh
lemon, limon, limonagh
lemon cheese, groo limon
lemon curd, groo limon
lemon sole, liehbaig gheinnee, liehbaig veein
lemon squash, jough limon, soo-limon
lemon squeezer, faasteyder limon
lemon tree, billey limon
lemon tree, billey limon
lemon-drop, jeir limon
lemonade, limonaid, milljag limon
lemur, scaanjoon keylley
lend, cur er eeasaght, eeassaghey, yeeassaghey
lender, eeasseyder
lending, eeasaght, eeassee, yeeasaght, yeeassee
lending library, lioar-hasht eeassee, lioarlan-eeassee
length, liurid
length (of thread), peesh
length of service, foddid shirveish
length of the thigh, lhiurid y cleeasid
lengthen, beaynaghey, cheet ny s'liurey, liauyrey, liuraghey, sheeyney, sheeyney magh
lengthener, sheeyneyder
lengthening, liuraghey, sheeyney
lengthiness, liurid
lengthways, er liurid
lengthy, liauyr
leniency, trocairys, trocairys, trochoilys
lenient, keainal, mial, mialagh, trocairagh, trochoil
leninism, Leninaght
lenity, meiyghys, mialys
lens, sooillag
lens (of glasses), speckleyr
lens hood, bayrnagh hooillag
Lent, Trostey yn Chargys, yeeassit, Yn Kargys
Lenten, Chargysh, Kargyssagh
lenticular, daa-ghronnagh
lentil, pishyr lughag
Leo, Leon, Yn Corran
leonine, lionagh
leopard, lepard
leopard cat, lepard-chayt
leopardess, leapard bwoirrin, leapard bwoirrin
leper, lourane
leporine, mwaaghagh
leprosy, loihrey, lorey, louraanys, louraneys, louraneys
leprous, louraanagh, louranagh, louraneagh, louraneagh
leprousness, loihraght
lesbian, lesbeeagh
lesbianism, lesbeeaght
lesion, lhott
less, agh, beg, gyn bree, gyn kiarail, gyn shalee, looid, ny sloo, s'loo
lessee, gowaltagh
lessee farmer, gowaltagh
lessen, jannoo ny sloo, leodaghey
lessening, leodaghey
lesser, beg, loo, myn-, s'loo, yn chooid sloo, yn fer sloo
lesser black backed gull, saggyrt
lesser burdock, boghan-doa, doa
lesser duckweed, mac-gyn-ayr
lesser forkbeard, goayrag
lesser reed mace, bossan
lesser sand eel, gibbin, gibbin
lesser spotted dogfish, gogobbag ghoal
lesser Spotted Woodpecker, snoggeyder breck
lesser weaver, caulgagh
lesser weever, colgagh, gibbin kialgerey
lesser whitethroat, fynnag veg, fynnag veg, scoarnagh vane veg, scoarnagh vane veg
lesson, lessoon, ynsaghey lessoon da
lessor, barganeyder soiagh, leeseyder
lest, er aggle
let, lhiettal, lhiettalys, lhig (da), lhiggal (da), lhiggey, soiaghey
let ball, neuchoyrt
let down, cuirr, cur fo, lhig neose, lhig sheese, lhiggal, lhiggey, molley, tayrn neose
let go, lhiggey'n raad (da)
Let go!, Lhig ass!
let in, cur peesh ayn, jingey, lhiggey stiagh, ushtey y yannoo
let loose, feaysley
let off, ceau, lhiggey, maihaghey, setrey
let off, maihaghey
let on, insh
let out, lhiggey ass, lhiggey magh
let up, scuirr
lethal, marrooagh
lethal blow, builley baaish
lethal chamber, shamyr vaaish
lethargic(al), lhiastagh, lhiastey
lethargy, chingys cadlee, eer-saveenys, gorley cadlee, saveenys
lett, Latvagh, Latvish
letter, cur lettyryn er, lettyr, screeuyn
letter balance, meighaghan screeunyn
letter card, caart lettyragh
letter case, kishteen screeunyn
letter file, coadan screeunyn
letter of credit, screeuyn daayl
letter of recommendation, screeuyn moyllee
letter paper, pabyr screeuyn
letter perfect, fockle er fockle
letter press, clou-woailley, tecks
letter writer, screeuder screeunyn
letter-opener, skynn screeunyn
letterbox, kishtey screeunyn
lettered, as lettyryn er, lettyroil, lioaragh
lettering, lettyrys, screeuyn
letterkenny, Littyr Kennain
letterpress, faastan coipagh
letters, lettyraght
letting, lhiggey, soiaghey
lettuce, glassyr
leukaemia, baneaghey foalley
levant, Levaantagh, Yn Levaant
levantine, Levaantagh
levee, failtaghey reeoil, irree (yn ree)
level, co-ard (rish), corrym, cur er corrym (rish), gob er gob (rish), jannoo rea, jeeraghey, jeeraghey, kiart, laare, leval, lhieggal, lhiggey, rea, rea, ynrick
level down, lhieggal, lhieggey
level up, ardjaghey (gys), cormaghey, jannoo rea
level valley, strah
level-headed, creeney corrym
level-headedness, creenaght corrymid
leveller, lhieggeyder, scrysseyder
levelling, cormaghey, jeeraghey, lhieggey
lever, craiu, dell, maidjey, prisal
lever watch, ooreyder dell
leverage, prisal
leveret, quaillan mwaagh
leviable, yn-haglym, yn-yiarrey
leviathan, leviathan, lhong vooar
levitation, floaddey 'syn aer
levity, eddrymid, eddrymys
levy, cocheesh, giarrey, possan, troggal sleih
lewd, neughlen, rouanagh
lewd woman, gaddee
lewdly jocular, floutagh
lewdness, neughlennid, rouanys
lewis, Ellan Lioas, Mac masoonagh
lewis gun, leuys-gunn
lewis gunner, leuys-ghunneyder
lexicographer, fockleyreyder
lexicographic, fockleyragh
lexicography, fockleyrys
lexicology, fockleyr-oaylleeaght
lexicon, fockleyr
leys, drundin
liability, beoyn, cleayney, feeagh, freggyraght
liable, foshlit (roish), freggyragh
liaison, kiangle
liaison officer, fer oik kiangle
liar, breagerey
libation, jough ourallagh
libel, caartrey ayns screeuyn, caartrey screeuit
libelled, caartrit
libeller, caartreyder
libellous, caartragh
liberal, feoiltagh, libraalagh
liberal arts, ny h-ellynyn ooasley
liberalism, feoiltys, fialys, giastyllid, giastyllys
liberally, dy feoiltagh
liberate, feaysley, lhiggey yn raad da, livrey, seyrey, soaghey ec reamys, soie ec reamys
liberation, feasley, seyrey
liberator, feaysleyder, fer livreyee, livreyder
liberia, Yn Laibeer
liberian, Laibeeragh
libertine, maarder, maarderagh, raistyl
liberty, feayslid, reamys, seyrsnys
liberty boat, baatey seyrey
liberty-man, dooinney er seyrey
libra, Ny Meihaghyn
librarian, fer lioar-hasht, lioarlannee
library, lioar-hasht, lioarlan, shamyr lioaragh, thie lioaragh
librettist, screeuder levreag
libretto, livreag
libya, Yn Libya
licence, kied, kiedoonys
licence holder, shellooder kiedoonys
licence to trade, kied dellal, kied dellal
licence-holder, kiedoonee
license, cur fo kiedoonys, cur kied (da)
licensed dealer, delleyder as kiedoonys, delleyder kiedoonit
licensed house, thie oast
licensed victualler, lught ny thieyn oast, oasteyder, oasteyr
licensee, kiedoonee
licensing, kieddagh, oastey
licensor, kiedooneyr
licentiate, curmallagh
licentious, neusmaghtagh
licentiousness, neusmaght
lich gate, giat ny merriu, giat ruillickey
lichen, crottal, scryss ny greg
licientious, rouanagh
licientiousness, anstreeanaght, rouanys
lick, cur fo chosh
lick, shliee
licked, currit fo cosh, currit fo cosh
licker, shlieeder
licking, cooilleeney, shliee
lid, farkyl, skall
lie, breag, flip, lhiaght, lhiaghtey, lhie, lhie, lhie
lie about, lhie mygeayrt
lie back, sheeyney er ash
lie by, currit gys un cheu
lie detector, brahder breagyn, cronneyder breagyn
lie down, lhie, lhie sheese
lie in wait, fo-lhie, sheginey
lie off, scuirr, tannaghtyn er yn raad
lie over, tannaghtyn gyn jannoo
lie to, lhie 'sy lhiabbee, lhie hug
lie up, dy ve 'sy loghan, tannee 'sy lhiabbee
lieh-chassagh, one-footed
lieutenancy, aachaptanys, ynnydaght
lieutenant, aachaptan
lieutenant colonel, aachernyl
lieutenant commander, aachionard
lieutenant general, aaghineraal
lieutenant governor, fo-chiannoort, lhiass-chiannoort, lhiass-chiannoort
life, bea, bioys, seihll
life assurance, urryssaght seihill
life belt, cryss hauaillagh
life blood, fuill chree
life estate, shellooderys seihll
life expectancy, jerkallys-vea
life form, bea-chroo
life insurance, urrysaght heihill
life interest, paart seihill
life member, beayn-oltey, oltey bea, oltey bea
life sentence, briwnys vea, briwnys vioys, deyrey seihill, prysoon seihill
life-buoy, snauean sauchys
life-jacket, jaggad sauchys
life-membership, olteynys bea
life-preserver, cuirtlagh trome
life-saver, fer bioys
life-saving, bioys, sauail bea
life-size, er towse dooghyssagh
lifeboat, baatey lhuingey, baatey sauaillagh, baatey sauchys
lifeboat station, stashoon baatey sauailagh
lifebuoy, boaie sauchys
lifeguard, gardey corp
lifeguardsman, sidoor jeh'n ghardey corp
lifeless, gyn vioys
lifelike, bio
lifeline, corys chaghteragh, tead chaghteragh
lifelong, beayn, seihill
lifespan, bea
lifetime, bioys, earish, lhing, seihll
lifetimes, seihill
liffey, Yn Liffey
lift, ardjaghey, ardjeyder, buinn, cummaght ardjee, geid, irree, markiaght, troggal, troggeyder
lifted, troggit
lifter, ardjeyder, troggeyder
lifting, ardjaghey, troggal
lifting gear, cullee hroggal
lifting magnet, magnaid hroggal
ligament, kiangley craue
ligature, spank
light, bane, cressad, eddrym, eddrymee, foaddey, gillid, glonney, lampey, leayrtys, londeyr, lonnyr, lossan, lossey, soilshagh, soilshaghey, soilshey, sollys, tarlheimey, uinnag
light (of hair), fynn
light (rag candle), cainle-slutt
light ale, lhune gial
light blue, bane-ghorrym
light breeze, sheidan geayee
light brown hair, gruag wuigh ouyr
light car, motor beg
light dew, druighteen
light filter, sheeleyder sollysh
light grey, bane-lheeah, lheeah-ghlass
light horse, marksleih eddrym
light railway, raad yiarn keyl
light red, bane-yiarg, raugh
light shower, sksiyrdeig
light sleep, cadley corragh
light spot, boayl sollysh
light verse, ronniaght eddrym
light wave, tonn hollysh, tonn hollysh
light weight, meih giare
light wine, feeyn eddrym
light-coloured, daah-eddrym, gial
light-fingered, corragagh, laue-eddrym, myngyragh, mynvraddagh
light-footed, gastey, skibbylt
light-footedness, gastid, skibbyltys
light-headed, eddrym, kione-earkanagh, kione-eddrym
light-headed person, kione eairkanagh
light-hearted, eddrym 'sy chree, eddrym-chreeagh
light-heartedness, eddrymid cree
light-lodged corn, spattan
light-minded, frittagh
light-reflecting, cohoilshagh
light-year, sollys-vlein, sollys-vlein
lighten, ceau soilshey er, eddrymaghey, soilshaghey
lightened, eddrymit, jeant ny s'gilley
lightening, eddrymaghey
lighter, baatey lughtee, eddrymmey, losseyder, lughteyder
lighterage, costys jeelughtey, jee-lughtaghey
lighterman, lughteyder
lightfooted, bioyr-chassagh
lightfootedness, bioyr-chassaght
lightheaded, cridlagh
lighthouse, thie soilshee, thie sollysh
lighthouse keeper, freaylleyder thie sollysh, freilleyder thie soilshey
lightness, baneid, eddrymid, eddrymys, soilshaght, sollysid
lightning, chenney, tendreil
lightning arrester, bac tendreil
lightning conductor, leeideilagh tendreil
lightning-rod, slat hendreil
lightninglike, chentagh
lights, scowanyn
lightship, lhong hoilshee, lhong hollysh
lightsome, aeragh, eddrym
lightweight, eddrym, eddrym-veihaghan
ligneous, fuyghagh, fuyghoil
lignite, geayl dhoan
lignum vitae, billey ny bea, fuygh ny bea
like, -oil, casley rish, lhied, myr, saggytoil
likeable, doaieagh, taitnyssagh
likelihood, cosoylaght
likely, cosoylagh, s'cosoylagh
liken, cosoylaghey, soylaghey
likened, cosoylit, soylit
likeness, caslys, cochaslys, cummey, tuarystal
likewise, er yn aght cheddin, myrchaagh, myrgeddin, neesht
liking, liaee
lilac, laylac
lilt, carr, irree, jannoo carr er
lilting, jannoo carr
liltingly, lesh bwoalley eddrym
lily, lilee
lily of the valley, blaa Boaldyn, lilee ny glionney, lilee y choan
lily white, jeh gillid ny lilee
lily-livered, bane-aaneagh
lily-white, lileeagh
limavaddy, Lhiem y Voddee
limb, bangan, olt
limbed, oltagh
limber, cur limbyr fo, feiosagh, jannoo feiosagh, lhoobagh, limbyr
limbless, gyn olt, neuoltagh
limbo, limbo
lime, cur eayl er, cur gleiy glass er, eayil, eayl, eayllaghey, theiley
lime juice, soolagh theiley
lime kiln, aiee eayil
lime pit, slogh eayil
lime plaster, plaastyr eayil
lime tree, billey theiley
lime twig, slat ghleiy glass
lime wash, giallaghey
lime water, ushtey eayil
lime-burner, losteyder eayil
lime-light, roish yn phobble, sollys eayil
lime-wash, eayllaghey
limed, eayllit
limer, eaylleyder
limestone, clagh eayil
limey, fer theiley, Sostnagh
liming, eayllaghey
limit, cagliagh, cur cagliagh er, jeoraghey, jeoraght, jeorey, lowaltys
limit gauge, towse lowaltys
limit of time, tearmey
limitation, cagliagh
limited, cagleeit, coon, jeorit, oirrit, teorit
limited company, colught cheorantey
limitless, gyn cagliagh, gyn jeorey, gyn kione, gyn teorey, neuchaglee
limitrophe, co-heoragh (rish)
limp, baccid, bog, croobid, lheim, shooyl dy baccagh, shooyl dy croobagh
limpet, baarnagh, barnagh, bayrnagh
limpet-shell, shlig vaarnagh
limpid, sullyr
limpidity, sullyraght
limpingly, dy baccagh
limpness, buggys
limy, eaylagh, theillagh
linchpin, caag, kibbin, yiarn essyl
linden tree, billey theiley
line, colught, coyrd, craplag, keird, lineal, linney, raad yiarn, rann, rimmeigey, scheimmeig, scheimmeigey, sheeynag, sliught, snaie, strane, strap, streng, tead, thow
line drawing, linneeaght
line engraving, grainney linnagh
line fishing, eeastagh lesh balk
line of ascent, crouw hennayraght
line of force, troa-linney
line on the skin, rimmeig, scheim
line spacer, scarthane
line up, cur ayns linney, famman y yannoo, jannoo linney, jannoo linney, roaghey
line-drawer, scheimmeigeyder
line-space, spoar linney
lineage, clein, fuilleeaght, kynney, linneeaght, sheel, sluight
lineal, jeeragh, sluightoil
lineament, cowrey eddin
linear, linnagh
lined, craplit, rimmeigagh, roagagh, scheimmeigit
lineman, fer linney
linen, aanrit lieen, lieen
linen cupboard, cubbyrt aanrit
linen draper, lieeneyr
linen room, shamyr aanrit
linen sheets, brelleeinyn lhieen
linen thread, snaie lieen
linen-press, faastan lieen
linenette, lieeneen
liner, laineyr, linneyder, schimmeigeyder
lines, linnaghyn, raad yiarn
linesman, cheu-veoir
ling, freoagh, lhing
ling (immature), donnag
ling-hook, croagane chonnee, croagane freoaie
linger, feiyal, tannaghtyn foddey, tannaghtyn foddey
linger (as smell), smoghaney
lingerer, feiyeyder, lhiggey my hraa, tanneyder
lingerie, fo-eaddagh (ben)
lingering, feiyagh, feiyal, foddey-hannaghtyn, smaghanagh, smoghaney, tanaghtyn foddey, tannaghtagh
lingo, chengey, ghlare
lingua franca, eddyr-hengey, ghlare chadjin
lingual, chengagh
linguiform, chengey-chrooagh
linguist, chengeyder, glareydagh
linguistic, chengagh, glare-oaylleeagh, glareydagh
linguistics, chengoaylleeaght
liniment, ooill lheeys, shelliu
lining, coodagh cheusthie, eaddagh asstan, liehneen, linal
lining of eggshell, lheiney veg
link, boandey, kiangley, lhoob, slat chianglee
link pin, pinney geuley
link-lever, lauraghan kianglee
linkman, guilley
links, magheryn, magheryn golf
linnet, bytermyn, Phillip ny kennipey, ushag y lhieen
linoleum, lainoil
linotype, greie linneychlou
linotype operator, clouscreeudeyr, linneychlouder
linseed, rass lieen
linseed meal, meinn rass
linseed oil, ooill rass lieen
linsey-woolsey, eglhinolley
lint, cadee lieen, lieen
lintel, lindeyr, linteyr
lion, leion, lion
lion cub, quallian leion
lion's mane, loshtagh, loshtan, slumm gullarnagh
lion-hearted, feer ghunnal
lion-tamer, meeineyder beiyn
lioness, leion bwoirrin
lionize, jannoo mooar jeh
lip, daanys, meil, meill, meillagh
lip (projection), buinney
lip of cup, foyr
lip of jug, gob
lip salve, shelliu veill
lip service, beeal-ghraih
lip-deep, breagagh
lip-read, lhaih meillyn
lip-reading, lhaih meillyn, lhaih meillyn
lip-religious, beeal-chrauee
lipped (as jug), gobbagh
lipstick, beeal-daah, birrag veill
liquefaction, lheie, theinniu
liquefiable, yn-lheie
liquefied, lheieit
liquefy, lheie, thannaghey, theinniu
liqueur, liggoor, liggoor
liquid, fliughane, fliughid, so-eaysley, thanney, ushlagh
liquidate, glen (feeaghyn), marroo, skeaylley (colught)
liquidation, glenney skeaylley, marroo, marroo
liquidator, fer skeayllee
liquidity, eeckaght, fliughid, thannid, ushlaght
liquor, jough lajer, jough lajer, liggar, sooane
liquor licence, kiedoonys liggar
liquorice, ligrys, shugyr dhoo
liquorice stick, maidjey liggrys, maidjey millish
lisburn, Lis ny Garvagh
lisle, laial
lismore, Lis Mooar
lisp, loayrt dy moandagh, loayrt dy thittagh, thit, thittagh
lisping, dy moandagh, loayrt dy thittagh, moandagh, thittagh
lissom(e), gastey
list, cleayney, coontey, cur er rolley, earroo rolley, lhie er un cheu, listal, scoidey
listen, cur cleaysh, eaisht!, eaishtagh(ey)
listen in, eaishtagh(ey), sheegeragh
listener, clashtynagh, eaishteyder, lught eaishtagh
listening, eaishtaght
listening post, boayl eaishtaght
listening station, post eaishtaght
listless, moal, neuvioyr
listlessness, meillid, neuvioyrid
lit, foaddit
lit up, er meshtey, er meshtey, scooyrit, scooyrit, soilsheanagh
litany, litane
literacy, lettyraght
literal, fockle er fockle, fockle son fockle, lettyroil
literary, focklymagh
literary garbage, trouise
literary language, chengey ard ynsee, lioar-ghlare
literate, focklymagh, lettyragh
literature, focklym, lettyraght, screeuaght
litharge, clagh argid
lithe, feiosagh
litheness, feiosid
lithothamnia, scrablag
litigant, cassidagh, fer ec y leigh
litigate, goll gys y leigh, leighderaght
litigious, accanagh, currit da'n leigh, leighagh, streeuagh
litigiousness, leighaghtaght, leighderys, streeuaght
litmus, litmys
litotes, fo-raa
litre, leetyr
litter, aailagh, aal, aalagh, boanlagh, brey, carbyd, coonlagh lhiabbagh, cur fud y cheilley, faiyragh, lhiabbee, orchal, ortch, seiy, skeaylley boanlagh (er)
litterateur, fer lettyragh
littered, as boanlagh skeaylt er, orchit
little, kuse veg
little, beg, beggan, cooid y veggan, loo, myn-
little auk, alk beg, awk veg, coltrag veg
little block, kiappag
little by little, beggan er veggan, ny veggan as ny veggan
little cares, myn-chyrl
little crowd, butt
little Cumbrae, Cumrey Beg
little drop, bineen
little finger, mair veg
little fry, myneeast veggey
little grebe, eean kereen beg
little gull, foillan beg, foillan veg, foilleig
little height, crongan, tullagh
little kick, brban
little marsh, loddyn
little more (a), beggan elley
little ones, mooinjey veggey, myn-vooinjer, myn-vooinjerey
little or nothing, beggan beg
little owl, hullad veg
little people, feallagh veggey
Little Red Riding Hood, Cloagey Jiarg
little reef, skerrane
little road, giat
little rock, cregeen
little stitch, whaalag
little sup, lane pihtt-ushag
little tern, gant beg
little thanks, beggan ny booise
little toe, mair choshey veg, mair veg ny coshey
little tongue, chengey veg, keeagh ny scoarnagh
littleness, begganid, beggid, looid
littler, loo, sloo
littoral, claddagh
liturgical, liturgagh
liturgy, liturgey, shirveish ny hagglish
live, baghey, beaghey, bio, cummal, jiarg, ve boi
live bait, bite bio
live coal, smarage, smarage
live coal, geayllaghey, geayllaghey
live dissolutely, raistylley
live oak, darrag heerghlass
live part of horn, slock
live person, bioagh, boi
live together, cummal cooidjagh
livelihood, beaghey, saase beaghee
liveliness, annymoilid, bioid, bioyrid
lively, annymagh, bioyr, gastey, looragh, mioyral
lively spark, biogheyder
liven, bioghey
liver, aane, aaneagh
liver colour, dorraghey-yiarg
liver disease, chingys aaney, gorley aaney
liverish, aaneagh, friogganagh
liverishness, aanid, friogganys
liverpool, Lerphoyll
liverwort, aane ushtey, lus ny haane
livery, eaddagh shirveishagh
livery company, keird-cholught
livestock, sthock
livid, lheeah-ghorrym, sproght (er)
lividity, lheeah-gorrymid, minniag verriu
living, mayrnagh
living, er mayrn
living creature, bioagh, cretoor bio
living wage, faill vioghee
lizard, jialgheer, jiolgan leaghyr
lizzie, Lisaid, Liss
llama, laamey
lo, cur my ner, veih shen
lo and behold!, yindys ny yindyssyn!
lo!, jeeagh!, veih hen!
loach, caillagh ruy, carroo ruy
load, bart, cur orraghey (ayn), dy lughtaghey, errey, laad, laadey, lhieeney, lught, lughtey
load line, linney lughtee
loaded, croymmit, laadit, lane, lughtit, tromit
loader, laadeyder, lughteyder
loading, laadey, lughtaghey, lughtey
loading in bulk, lughtaghey er y vooarchur
loads of, lane Vannin jeh
loadstone, clagh yiarn
loaf, bwilleen
loaf of cheese, caabaig
loaf sugar, shugyr kerrinagh
loafer, chea ny hobbyr
loam, maarley, mhollmys
loan, cur er eeasaght, eeasaghey, eeasaght, yeeasaght
loan bank, banc eeassee
loan on mortgage, eeassaght er gioaldeeaght
loan society, sheshaght eeassee
loan without security, eeasaght gyn raanteenys
loan-word, eeasaght
loath, lhiastagh, lhiastey
loathe, cur feoh (da), feodaghey
loathing, dwoaie, feoh, grayn, tah
loathing of food, feoh bee
loathsome, breinn, eajee, feohdoil, graynoil, tahagh
loathsomeness, eajeeys, feohdid
lob, lobb, lobbal
lobate, babbagh, lobbagh
lobby, cur shilley er, far-hamyr, shamyr ghorys
lobe, bab, babban
lobe of the ear, babban ny gleaysh
lobed, babbagh, babbanagh
lobelia, lus y ghormid
lobster, gimmagh
lobster fishing, eeastagh gimmee
lobster pot, poht gimmee
lobster-eyed, bolg-hooillagh
lobsterlike, gimmaghoil
lobule, bab beg
lobworm, lugg
local, ellanagh, thie oast ny ynnyd, ynnydagh, ynnydoil
local anaesthetic, sthoo kyrloghee
local authorities, Reiltyssyn ynnydagh
local automomy, hene reiltys ynnydagh, Reiltys hene ynnydagh
local colour, blass ny cheerey
local government, gurneilys ynnydagh
local railways, Raad yiarn ynnydoil
local road, cheu-vayr
local showers, frassyn ynnydoil
local time, traa ny greiney, traa ynnydagh
locale, ynnyd
locality, ynnyd, ynnydys
locate, cheet er, feddyn
locating, cheet er, feddynagh
location, boayl, ynnyd, ynnyd mooie
location (at sea), aahley, aajey
locative, ynnydagh
loch, logh
Loch Gilphead, Kione Loch Gilp
Loch Leven, Logh Lhiouan
Loch Ness, Logh Nesh
Loch Ness Monster, Yn Neshag
Lochboisdale, Logh Baastyl
Lochindaal, Logh yn Daaley
Lochmaddy, Logh ny Moddee
lock, cur glass er, glass, glassey, kiangley, lock, scabbag, skeog
lock gate, cooylley lock, cooylley ushtey
lock in, cur fo ghlass, cur yn glass er, greimmey, kiangley
lock nut, glass-chro
lock out, Doon ny giattyn er, glassey magh
lock up, cur fo glass, cur yn glass er, glassey, pryssoon
lock-keeper, freaylleyder lock
lock-up, thie glish
locked, glast, glast ry cheilley, kianglt
locked out, jeight mooie
locked up, fo ghlass
locker, glassagh
locker-up, glasseyder
locket, lockad
locking, cur baatey trooid lock, glassey, goll ayns greim, greimmey, kiangley
locking up, glassagh
lockjaw, glass feeackle
lockman, fer y clat, guilley glaish, guilley glass, guilley glesh
lockout, aaghooney
locks, glish
locksmith, gaaue glish
lockstitch, greim glish
locomotion, gleashaght
locomotive, gleashagh, jeshaght, traen
locum tenens, ynnydee
locus, loggys
locust, locust, poanrey locust
locust tree, billey locust
locution, loayrtaght
lode, ard-chuishlin, cuishlin
lodestar, rollage ny twoaie
lodestone, clagh hayrn, clagh yiarn
lodge, aaghtaghey, cassid, cur aaght (da), goaill aaght, lhiabbaghey, lhiaghtey, tannaghtyn, thie giattey
lodge-keeper, fer giattey
lodged, aaghtit, lhiaghit
lodgement, tashtey
lodger, aaghtee, goaldagh
lodger for short time, jiulean
lodging, aaght, jiuleanys
lodging house, thie aaght, thie aaght, thie lhiabbee
lodging place, lhiaght
loft, croghey (bluckan), lout, loutey
lofted, croghit, loutit, troggit
lofter, louteyder
loftiness, ardjid, froaishaght
lofty, aignagh, ard-, froaishagh, ooasle
log, block, cowraghey, cowraghey, gleash-veih, kiap, lioar lhuingey
log book, lioar hurrys
log cabin, thie fuygh
log-jam, plooghey darragyn
log-line, tead gleash-veih
logan(stone), clagh leaystey
loganberry, smeyr loaganagh
logarithm, loggard
logarithmic, loggardagh
logbook, lioar lhuingey
loggerheads, bollagys
loggia, arcaid foshlit
logic, resoon
logical, resoonagh
logician, resooneyder
logistics, resoonaght
loin, blean, grens, luan, mee
loin chop, slissag luan
loincloth, breid ghoal
loiter, cumrail, streeley
loiterer, cumrailagh, streel, streeleyder
loiterer (with intent), sleetch
loitering, cumrail, sleetchal, streelagh, streeley
loll, leaystey
lolling, leaystey, sheeley magh
lollipop, maidjey millish, maidjey shugyr
london, Lunnin
london pride, cabbag y shynnee
londoner, Lunninagh
lone, lomarcan, neuheshaghtagh
lone wolf, fer lomarcan
lone woman, ben lomarcan
loneliness, fadanaght, lomarcanys
lonely, fadanagh, lomarcan
lonely place, fadanys, fardane
long, choud, er lhiurid, foddey, liauyr, mianey
long ago, foddey er-dy-henney
long clothes, eaddagh lhiennoo
long haired, liauyr-foltagh, liauyr-fynnagh
long hundred, keead liauyr, keead mooar
long jump, lheim foddey, lheim liauyr, lheimmey, lheimyragh
long lasting, farraghtagh, foddey beayn, foddey farraghtyn
long life, bea veayn
long line, bolk
long line (from shore), fartiman
long measure, towse liauyr
long oar, loogh
long odds, corrillagh trome
long plane, locker liauyr
long price, corrillagh trome
long since, foddey dy hraa, foddey er-dy-henney, rish foddey
long strong hair, geashteen
long suffering, foddey-hurransagh
long term, traa liauyr
long ton, thunney liauyr
long trousers, troosyn liauyrey
long wave, tonn liauyr
long waves, tonnyn liauyrey
long-armed, laue-'oddey
long-bearded oats, corkey taghyrt
long-dated, foddey-roieagh
long-distance, foddey-hannaghtyn, liauyr
long-drawn, liauyr
long-eared, cleaysh liauyr, earkagh, liauyr-chleayshagh
long-eared bat, craitnag eairkagh
long-eared owl, hullad eairkagh, kione kiyt
long-hand, liauyr-screeu
long-headed, kione-liauyr
long-legged, lurgagh
long-line (from shore), gorshtag
long-lived, beayn, foddey beayn, foddey seihllagh
long-nailed, liauyr-ingnit
long-necked, mwannalagh
long-playing, foddey-chloie
long-playing record, kereneen liauyr
long-range forecast, faaishnys foddey
long-sighted, foddey-reayrtagh
long-sightedness, foddey-hilley, foddey-reayrtaght
long-standing, ayn rish foddey, shenn
long-stemmed, cass-liauyr, do
long-suffering, surranse foddey
long-tailed, arbylagh, fammanagh, peegagh
long-tailed duck, thunnag ammanagh
long-tailed skate, peegagh
long-tailed titmouse, caillagh veg yn arbyl, caillagh veg yn arbyl
long-tailed wig, mwashag fammanagh
long-waisted, bouinagh
long-waisted person, bouinagh
long-winded, foddey-ennalagh, foddey-ennalagh, liauyr, veih Sauin gys Boaldyn
longanimity, surranse foddey
longboat, baatey liauyr
longbow, bow liauyr
longer, lhiurey, liurey, odjey, sliurey, sodjey
longest, s'liurey, s'odjey
longevity, eash liauyr, foddey-heiltys
longford, Lhongfort
longing, foddeeagh, foddeeaght, mian, miandid
longingly, dy foddeeagh, dy miandagh
longish, lesh y liurid, lesh yn 'oddid, red beg liauyr
longitude, dowan-liurid, keim ny cruinney
longitudinal, dowan-liurid
longitudinal section, fodyiarrey, giarrey liauyr, liauyr-yiarrey
longline, baulk
longship, birling, lhong liauyr
longshoreman, fer y chladdee
longstanding, beayn
longtailed titmouse, eean beg yn amman, eean beg yn amman
longterm, foddey
longways, er liurid
loo, premmee, thie beg, thie-veg
loofah, loofagh
look, geeck, jeeagh, jeeaghyn, shilley
look after, bochillaght, goaill kiarail (jeh), jeeaghyn mysh
look alive!, Jean siyr!
look at, jeeaghyn (er)
look away, jeeaghyn ersooyl
look back, jeeagh ny yei er, jeeaghyn er ash
look down, jeeaghyn sheese
look for, shirrey son
look for fish, goll er y vriaght
look forward, jeeaghyn (roish)
look here, eaisht rhym!
look in, cur shilley er, jeeagh stiagh er, shilley
look into, ronsaghey
look on, jeeaghyn er
look out, arrey, arreyder, boayl arrey, crannag, post arrey, trow
look over, ceau sooill (er)
look round, jeeaghyn harrish
look sharp!, Jean siyr!
look sideways, jeeaghyn ny yei lieckan
look slippy!, Jean siyr!
look through, jeeaghyn ny hrooid
look to, jeeaghyn ny yei
look up, cur shilley er, jeeaghyn seose
look upon, jeeaghyn (er)
look!, jeeagh!, veih hen!
looked after, bochillit, jeeaghit mysh
looker, jeeagheyder
looker on, jeeagheyder
looking, jeeaghyn, jeeaghyn
looking glass, gless huarastyl
looking like gold, airhoil
looks like rain, curthooillaghey, mooirjeenagh
loom, coigee, shoal
loom frame, bart
looming, baggyrtagh
loony, ass (e) cheeayll, ommidan
loop, cassey, cribbag, lhoobey, loob
loop in edge of sail, crinkyl
loop line, loob-vayr
loophole, sooill barney, sooillag, towl lauee
looping, lhoobey
loose, anshickyr, ceau, cochianglee, feasley, feayshlit, feayslit, gyn kiangley, lag, lhiggey, my reir, neuhickyr, skeaylley, skeaylt
loose (in bowels), buinntagh, feayslit
loose (of cough), bog
loose (slack), bog
loose cash, myn-argid
loose connection, kiangley loghtagh
loose end, kione skeaylt
loose goods, cooid gyn chiangley, cooid gyn chiangley
loose morals, drogh-veasagh
loose piece, peesh scart
loose rope, tead
loose stool, toarrey bog, toarrey bog
loose woman, ben vaarderagh
loose-fitting, mooar
loose-jointed, skeaylt
loose-leaf, scarr-ghuillagagh
looseleaf album, albym duillag-skeaylt
loosen, feaysley, laggaghey, lhiggey lesh, lhiggey my reir
loosened, feayslit, laggit
looseness, anhickyrys, buinnaght, feayslaght, feaysley, feaysley builg, laggid, neuhickyrys, scooirey, skeaylley, skeayltagh, skittyr
loosening, feaysley, laggaghey, lhiggey lesh
loosestrife, lus ny shee
loot, cragh, craght, craghtey, griu, spooilley
looted, craghit, spooillit
looter, cragheyder, griuder, spooilleyder
looting, craghey, griuagh, griuaghey, spooilley, spooilleydagh
lop, baarey
lop-eared, loob-chleayshagh
lope, lheim
lopped, baarit, giarrit, neuvanglanagh
lopper, baareyder, girreyder
lopsided, cam, scoidagh
lopsidedness, cammid, scoidaght
loquacious, caayntagh, chengagh, chengleyragh, focklagh, gooagh, perkinagh, tagglooagh, tutleragh
loquacious person, perkin
loquaciousness, chengleyraght, focklaght, perkinaght, perkinys, tagglooaght
lord, chiarn
Lord bless me!, Shee bannee mee!, Sheean mie orrym!
Lord Chancellor, Hiarn Shansyleyr
Lord God, Hiarn Yee, Hiarn Yee
Lord Mayor, ard-veoir, ard-veoir, ard-veoir, chiarn-veoir
lord of the manor, chiarn ny cheerey
Lord's day, Doonaght yn Chiarn
Lord's prayer, Padjer Yn Chiarn
Lord's supper, Shibber y Chiarn, Yn Creesteeaght
Lord-mayorship, ard-veoirsnys
lordlike, chiarnoil
lordliness, chiarnid
lordling, chiarneen
lordly, chiarnagh, ooasle, staydoil
lordship, chiarnaght, chiarnys
lore, oayllys, ynsagh
lorn, treigit
lorne, Laarney
lorry, carr laadee, lorree
lose, caill, coayl
loser, cailjeyder, cailleyder
losing, cailljagh, coayl
loss, coayl, coayl uail, famman scryss, juail, juailys
loss of feeling, kyrloghid, merriuid
loss of memory, coayl y chooinaghtyn, neuchooinaghtyn
loss-leader, cailjeyder beg
lost, cailjey, caillit, caillt, caillt, er coayl, er shaghryn
lost object, cailjagh
lost property, cooid chailjey
lot, cron, cronchor, cronney, cuht, lane, ram, rheynn, ronney, skyoll
lot (a), lansh
lot (a), lab, mooarane
lot of people (a), ram sleih
lotion, loish, ynlagh
lottery, cron tayrn, cronchor
lotus, lotus
lotus-eater, guilley ny litcherys
loubber, lutchynagh
loubbering, lutchey
loubberliness, lutchynaght, lutchynys
loubberly, lutchynagh
loud, ard, kiaullaneagh, tharmaneagh
loud conversation, cowag
loud laughter, ard-gharaghtee
loud voice, ard-choraa
loud-mouthed, kiaullaneagh, mooar-veallagh
loud-voiced, ard-choraagh
loudness, ardjid, tharmanid
loudspeaker, kiaulleyr
lough, logh
lough Anure, Logh yn Euar
lough Neagh, Logh Nay
louis the twelfth, Louisagh yn daa yeig
lounge, cuillee
lounge, cuillee, haley, shamyr hoie, streeley
lounge bar, joughlan, shamyr lhionney
lounge suit, cullee laaoil
lounger, streel, streeleyder
lounging, streeley
louse, dreeym-lheeah, meeyl
louse egg, snieg, snieng
lousewort, lus ny meeyllyn
lousiness, meeyllaghys, olkys
lousy, drogh, graney, lane meeyllyn, meeyllagh, olk
lout, gowran, lutchey
loutish, gowranagh
louvre, uinnag lattagh
lovable, graihagh
lovableness, graihaght
lovage, sunnish
love, cur graih (da), ennoilid, ennoilys, goal, graih, kynn, veg
love philter, jough ghraih
love song, arrane sooree
love story, skeeal graih
love token, cowrey graih
love-bird, parrad graih
love-child, paitchey sooree
love-in-a-mist, lus yn eebyrtys
love-letter, screeuyn sooree
love-lock, sheog chleayshey
love-lorn, treigit
love-making, comyssey, sooree
love-match, sheshey graih
loved, ennoil
loveknot, cront sooree
loveliness, aalid, bwoyid, graihoilaght, graihoilid, graihoilys
lovelorn, ayns pian y ghraih
lovely, aalin, bwaagh, bwoyagh
lovemaking, jannoo graih
lover, gliminagh, graih, graihaltagh, graihder, lhiannan
lovers, gliminee
lovesick, ching lesh graih
lovesome, graihagh
loving, canjel, cur graih (da), graihagh, graihoil, jannoo graih
loving kindness, kenjallys graihagh, kenjallys graihagh
lovingly, dy graihagh, dy graihoil, graihoilagh
low, buirroogh, buirrooghey, donney, dowin, eam, garroo, injil, ishil, keercheenagh
low born, anooasle
low class, suaragh
low cloud, mooirjeenys
low down, eeghtyragh, injil, suaragh
low dress, gooyn sheeinagh
low hill, grammey, toman, tullagh
low Latin, Ladjyn ny Mean Eashyn
low Latin, Ladjin veaneashagh
low mass, erin injil
low pressure, lhag-vrooit
low tide, mooir-hraie, mooir-hraie
low water, mooir-hraie, traih, traih varrey
low water slack, liggin traih, liggin traih
low-bred, gyn ynsagh
low-built, eeghtyragh, injil
low-class people, scran
low-down, bun
low-grade, injil
low-level, injil
low-lying, injil
low-necked, injil
low-pitched, dowin, injil, sheeynt
low-powered, beg-chummaghtagh
low-principled, gyn prinsabyl
low-spirited, lhag-chreeagh, trome-chreeagh
lowbrow, cadjin
lower, cur neose, cur sheese, curthooillaghey, injillaghey, inshley, inshley, lhieggal, lhiggey sheese, mooirjeenaghey
lower case, case beg
lower edge, oirr heese
lower end, eeghtyragh, heese, kione heese
lower lip, meill sinshley
lower mast, croan beg
lower octave, shiaull s'duiney
lowering, curthooillid, dullyr, ginjillaghey, mooirjeenys
lowest, s'inshley
lowest part, bun
lowing, buirroogh, eam, eamagh
lowland, cheer injil, goaldagh
lowlander, goal, magheragh
lowlands of Scotland, Goaltaght ny halbey
lowliness, imleeid, imlid
lowly, imlee
lowness, injillid, inshlid
loyal, leighalagh
loyalist, leighaltagh
loyalty, leighaltys
lozenge, lossain, scape lossainagh
lubber, dreih, thoot
lubberly, thootagh
lubricant, shliawinag, smarreyder
lubricate, cur ooill (er), jannoo shliawin, smarrey
lubricated, shliawin, smarrit
lubricating oil, ooill smarree
lubrication, smarrey
lubricator, smarreyder
lubricity, shliawinid
lucency, soilshaght
lucent, soilshagh
lucerne, alfalfey
lucid, keeayllagh, soilshagh
lucidity, keeayllaght, soilshaght
luck, aigh, baill
luck penny, dooraght
luck-penny, ping vrishee
luckily, dy-aighoil
luckiness, aigh vie, aigharaght, aighoilid, fortanaght, sonnys
luckless, gyn aigh, gyn rah
lucky, aighar, aigharagh, aighoil, sonney
lucky charm, rhusag
lucky dip, tubbag yn aigh
lucrative, vondeishagh
lucre, argid, cooid heihllt
lucubration, studeyrys anmagh
ludicrous, gannidagh
ludicrousness, gannidaght
luff, cheu ny geayee, cur gys y gheay, luffal, shiaulley er y gheay
luffing, luffal
lug, cleaysh, lug, sleayder, tayrn mygeayrt
luggage, mollid, scudlagh
luggage barrow, barrey scudlee
luggage carrier, cleeah scudlee
luggage label, lipaid scudlee
luggage porter, guilley scudlee
luggage rack, clean scudlee, cratch scudlee, latt scudlee
luggage ticket, tiggad scudlee
luggage van, carr scudlagh
lugged, cleayshagh
lugger, luggyr
lugsail, shiaull lug
lugubrious, trimshagh
lugworm, lugg
luke, Lukys
lukewarm, blah, blah heh, feayr-chooishagh
lukewarmth, blah hiass, feayr-chooishaght
lull, kiunaghey, kiuney, tostid
lullaby, arrane cadlee
lullbago, chingys drommey
lulled, kiunit
lumber, boanlagh, cur myr errey (er), fuygh lhieggit, mollid
lumber jacket, cooat keylley
lumber mill, mwyllin fuygh
lumber room, shamyr voanlagh
lumbering, staaghagh
lumberjack, lhieggeyder biljyn, lhieggeyder fuygh
lumbersome, lhiettrimagh, thummidagh
luminary, cop sollysh, croan sollysh
luminescence, soilshaght
luminescent, soilshagh
luminosity, lossanaght, soilsheanaght, sollysid
luminous, lossanagh, soilsheanagh, sollysagh
luminous dial, eddin hoilsheanagh, eddin hollysagh
lump, carnanaghey, ceab, cramman, crammaney, glout, jannoo ceabyn, kionnan, stuggey, uddan
lump sticking to rear, keshlagh
lump sugar, kiap-hugyr, shugyr crammanagh
lump together, cur ry-cheilley
lumper, stuggey
lumper (female), heshian
lumpish, crammanagh
lumpishness, crammanaght
lumpsucker, kiark varrey, muc ny greg
lumpy, ceabbagh, crammanagh, gloutagh, neurea, uddanagh
lumpy sea, faarkey brisht
lunacy, ard-ommidjys, chingys ny heayst, doghan ny heayst
lunar, eayst, ny heayst
lunar month, mee ny heayst, Mee ny re
lunar new year, Blein Noa ny h-Eayst
lunar probe, scutag eayst
lunar year, blein ny heayst
lunate, corranagh
lunatic, baanrit, doghanagh ny heayst, eayst-ghoghanagh, keoie
lunatic asylum, thie baanrit
lunatic fringe, lught yn ommidjys
lunch, goaill kirbyl, goaill kirbyl, kirbil, kirbyl, mrastyr beg
luncheon voucher, tiggad kirbyl
lunches, kirbil
lune, corran
lung, scowan, scowanagh
lung cancer, kanghyr scowanagh
lung trouble, gorley scowanagh
lunge, eiystyr, seiy, thummey
lungwort, lus ny scowanyn, lus ny skiart, lus y chleeu
luniform, corranagh
lunula, corran ingney
lunular, corranagh
lunulate, corranagh
lunule, corran
lupin, lupeen
lure, bite, breigey, cleayn, cleaynaghey, cleayney, miolagh, miolaghey, tayrn
Lurgan, Yn Lurgain
lurk, lhie cooyl chlea (er son)
lurk, lhie gyn yss, shegin, sheygin, sleetchal
lurker, cooyl-chleader, sleetch
lurking, shegin, sheygin, sheyginagh, sleetchagh, sleetchal
lurking place, boayl keiltynys
luscious, menoyr, millish
lusciousness, menoyrid, milljid
lush, rank
lushness, rankid
lust, cannoo, er cannoo lurg, glieemian, mian, mianey, rouanys, saynt, sayntaghey, yeearree ny foalley
luster, mianeyder
lustful, cannooagh, er cannoo, glieemianagh, miandagh, sayntagh, sayntoil, sayntoilagh
lustfulness, cannooid, foalliaght, sayntoilaght, sayntoilid
lustiness, cummeydys, loorid
lustre, sollyssid
lustre, gillid, skell, soilsheanys
lustre ware, pash hoilsheanagh
lustreless, gyn sollyssid, neuhoilsheanagh
lustrine, sheeidey soilsheanagh
lustrous, soilsheanagh, sollyssagh
lusty, lajer, loor
lute, loot
lutheran, lutheragh
luxation, cur ass olt, cur ass ymmyd
luxembourg, Lucsemburg
luxuriance, rankid, rankys, soylleysaght
luxuriant, maa, mea, rank, soylleysagh
luxuriate, aase dy rank, goaill sollys, goaill sollys
luxurious, rank, soaill, soylleysagh
luxuriousness, rankid, rankys, soylleysaght
luxury, soailleeaght, soaillid, soyllys
lych gate, giat rellickey
lye, yn booag
lying, breagagh, breageraght, breagerys
lying in, lhie hoalley
lying place, lhiaght
lyme grass, shashlagh frangagh, thaiane
lymph, limfey
lymphatic, limfagh
lynch, lynshall
lynching, lynshall
lynx, lynks
lyre, lyre
lyre bird, lyrane
lyric, arrane, lyreagh
lyrical poetry, cronnaneys