N-quadrat, n-quadree
N.B., G.B., Gow baght
nab, feeacklaghey, greimmey
nabbing, feeacklaghey
nacarat, buigh-yiarg
nacreous, pearlagh
nadir, feer-injillid
naevus, cowrey folley
nag, giarran, troiddey
nagging, sheer-hrtoiddey, troiddey
nagging pain, guin caignee
naiad, caillin ushtey
nail, gow greim (er), ingin, treinaghey, treiney
nail down, treinaghey
nail drawer, pinjooryn-treiney
nail up, dooney lesh treinaghyn
nail varnish, follid ingney, varnish ingney
nail-file, slieeuan ingey
nail-scissors, shuddyryn ingney
nail-set, soiaghey treinaghyn
nailbrush, skeaban ingey
nailed, treinit
nailer, treineyder
naive, credjallagh
naivety, credjallaght
naked, glen-lhome, lhome, lhome-rooisht, rooisht, roosteenagh
naked person, roosteen
naked sword, cliwe lommyrtagh
naked tree, billey lhome, billey lhome
nakedness, aniskeer, rooishtid
namby-pamby, babbanit, thoot, thootagh
name, enmys
name and address, ennym as enmys
name for black animal, Dooag
name for brown cow, donnag
named, enmysit, er ny enmys
nameless, gyn ennym, neuenmysit, neuennymagh
namely, er ennym, ta shen dy ghra
nameplate, ennym-chlaare
namer, enmyser
names, enmyn
namesake, co-ennymagh
naming, enmys, enmys
nan, Nanse
nance, Nanse
nancy, Nanse
nanny, boandyr
nanny goat, minjagh, minjagh
nap, baare, nap, neeal, saveen, snap, snapperaght
napalm, gleiy loshtee
nape, cooyl y wannal
napery, eaddagh buird
naphtha, nafthey
naphthalene, nafthaleen
napkin, naptin
napper, snappeyder
napping, snapperaght
nappy, paggan
narcissism, hene-graih
narcissistic, hene-ghraihaggh
narcissus, lus ny ging croymmey
narcolepsy, gorley cadlee
narcotic, cadlagheen, druggey cadlee
nark, cur ferg er, sleetch
narrate, cur coontey (da), insh
narration, insh, naight
narrative, coontey, naightagh, skeeal, skeeallagh
narrator, insheyder
narrow, beg, coon, coonaghey, keyl, keyllaghey
narrow down, keyllaghey
narrow end, kione keyl
narrow examination, mynscrutaghey
narrow glen, glion choon
narrow road, raad coon
narrow tables, buird cooney
narrow valley, glack
narrow-eyed, keyl-hooillagh
narrow-gauge railway, raad yiarn keyl
narrow-minded, coon, keyl-aignagh
narrow-mindedness, coonid aigney, keylid aigney
narrowing, keyley, keyllaghey
narrowness, chennid, coonid, keylid, neufeoiltys, peajeogys
narrows, Keyllys
narwhal, narwhal, whale feeacklagh
nasal, stroaney
nasal congestion, peeaghane
nasal fistula, sheane stroanney
nasality, stronnaght
nasalization, stronnaghys
nasalize, stronnaghey
nascency, noa-ghientys
nascent, noa-ghient
nastiness, granid, sallghar, trustyr
nasturtium, lus ny spyrryn, storshin
nasty, breinn, broigh, graney, sallagh
nasty accident, drogh-haghyrt graney
nasty corner, corneil chontoyrtagh
nasty person, dooinney graney
nasty!, Cugh!
natality, lheahys ruggyree
natation, snaue
nates, curpyn
nation, ashoon
national, ashoonagh
national anthem, arrane ashoonagh
national assistance, cooney ashoonagh
national bank, banc ashoonagh
national debt, lhiastynys ashoonagh, lhiastynys ny cheerey
national health service, shirveish laynt ashoonagh, shirveish laynt ashoonagh
national insurance, urryssaght ashoonagh
national park, pairk ashoonagh
national service, shirveish ashoonagh
national socialism, soshallys ashoonagh
nationalism, ashoonaghys
nationalist, ashooneyder, ashooneyr, ashooneyragh
nationalistic, ashooneyragh
nationality, ashoonaght
nationalization, ashoonaghey, ashoonaghtys
nationalize, ashoonaghey, ashoonaghtey
nationalized, ashoonaghit, ashoonaghtit
nationally, fud yn ashoon
nationals, ashoonee
nationhood, ashoonys
native, ben ghooie, cheeragh, dooghyssagh, fer dooie
native customs, oashyn ny cheerey
native dress, eaddagh ny cheerey
native language, chengey ny mayrey
native Manxman, Manninagh dooie
native of Ulster, Ultagh
native shore, cheer ghooie
native speaker, loayreyder dooghyssagh, loayreyder dooie
natives, yn dream
nativity, cheet er y theihll, Cheet Nyn Jiarn, ruggyr
natter, cooish, tutleraght
nattering, cooishyraght, tutleraght
natty, jesh
natural, dooghyssagh, dooie, feie, najooragh
natural affection, keainid
natural beauty, aalid dooie, aalid feie
natural creation, yn croo
natural history, tushtey najoor
natural number, earroo dooghyssagh
natural selection, reih najooragh
naturalism, najooraghys
naturalist, najooree
naturalistic, najooragh
naturalization, dooghyssaght, jannoo dooie
naturalize, dooghyssaghey, jannoo dooie
naturalized, jeant dooie
naturally, dy dooghyssagh, son shickyrys
naturalness, dooieid, macainys, najooraght, najoorys
nature, dooghys, najoor, raght, yn dooilliu
naturism, rooishtys
naturopath, slaynt-oayllee
naturopathy, slaynt-oaylleeaght
naught, dyn ymmyd, gyn veg, neuhnee, veg
naughtiness, olk, olkys
naughty, garroo, olkyssagh
nausea, chingys gailley, feohdys, jiooldaght
nauseated, ching, feohdit, jiooldagh
nauseating, feohdagh, jiooldagh
nauseous, feohdagh, jiooldagh, skeayagh
nauseousness, feohdaght, jiooldid, skaugh
nautical, shiaulteyragh
nautical, aer
nautical compass, combaase marrinagh, combaase marrinagh
nautical draughtsman, lhongyallooder
nautical knowledge, ynsagh keayin
nautical mile, meeiley faarkee
nautical mile, meeiley faarkee
nautical mile, meeiley varrey, meeiley varrey
nautical term, fockle marrey
naval, lhuingyssagh
naval architect, ard-obbree lhuingey
naval artillery, gunnaghyn marrey
naval port, purt lhuingys caggee
naval station, purt chaggee
naval strength, cummaght varrey, niart marrey
naval war, caggey marrey
naval warfare, caggey marrey, caggey marrey
navan, Yn Ooive
nave, corp ny killagh, moll, molley
navel, imleig
navel wort, bee ferrish
navel-string, coyrd ny imleig
navelwort, lus y daa phing, wooishlagh
navicert, lhong-hreisht
navicular, jeh cummey baatey
navigability, yn-shiaulltaght
navigable, yn-shiaulley, yn-stiurey
navigate, shiaulley, stiurey
navigation, lhuingysseyraght, mooir-oayllys, shiaulley, stiurey
navigation lights, soilshaghyn shiaullee, soilshaghyn shiaullee
navigator, lhuingysser, maraidagh, stiureyder
navvy, obbrree raad
navvying, naveeaght, obbragh er ny raaidyn
navy, lhuingys chaggee
navy blue, do-ghorrym, doo-ghorrym
nay, cha nee
nazarene, Nasaragh
nazareth, Nasair
naze, gob, stroin
nazi, Natsee, Natseeagh
nazism, Natseeys
ne'er-do-well, rag-rannee
neap tide, contraie, contraie, goll ergooyl, traie
neaped, traieit, trait
neapolitan, Naaplagh
near, aare, cheet er gerrey (da), coair, cruin, er cheau, er gerrey, er gerrey (da), faare, faggys, faggys da, ny coair
near (with money), creoi, peajeogagh
near side, cheu hoshtal
near the church, keeilley
near-sighted, giare-reayrtagh
nearby, er gerrey, faggys, ry laue
nearer, niessey, s'niessey, sniessey
nearly, begnagh, bunnys
nearness, faggysaght, niessid, peajeogys, pitteogys
neat, creoi, jesh, lhome, ollagh, skeoigh, stuitt
neatened, jeshit, skeoighit
neatness, creoiys, jeshid, lhomid, lhomid, skeoighid, stuittid
nebs, gib
nebula, neeal
nebular, neealagh
nebulosity, bodjalaght, neealaght
nebulous, bodjalagh, kayeeagh
necessarily, Shegin da dy
necessary, femoil, ymmyrchagh
necessitate, eignaghey
necessitous, arkyssagh, boght
necessity, egin, feme, ymmyrch
neck, mwannal, nuiddraghey
neck and neck, gob er ghob
neck cloth, carvat, clout mwannalagh
neck deep, dys y wannal
neck of bottle, scroggyl, sluggane
neck of pipe, keyllane
neck ornaments, mwannalaght
neckband, bann mwannalagh
necked, mwannalagh
neckerchief, bussal mwannalagh
necking, mwannalys, nuiddraghys
necklace, jesheen wannalagh
necklet, colliar
neckline, oirrag wannalagh, oirrag wannalagh
necktie, carvat
neckwear, eaddagh mwannalagh
necrology, listey ny merriu
necromancer, marroo-ghruaie
necromancy, marroo-ghruaight
necrophagous, convaart-eeagh
necrophilia, graih kirpey
necrophiliac, graihder kirp
necropolis, ruillick
nectar, naghtyr
nectarine, naghtyreen, peitshag lhome
nectarine tree, billey naghtyreen
nectary, fairag volley
ned, Edard
need, arkys, arkys, boghtynid, feme, lhiass, raghtanys, ymmyrchagh
needful, femoil, ymmyrchagh
needle, guinney, jialg, snaid
needle case, askan snaidey
needle furze, aittin beg
needle gun, gun bwoalltane
needle lace, laatchey snaidey
needle valve, birr-chooylley, snaid-chooylley
needle-like, snaidagh
needleful, lane snaidey
needlemaker, snaideyr
needlemaking, snaideyrys
needless, neuymmychagh
needless ornament, fillosher, fillosher
needlessness, neuymmyrcvhagh
needlewoman, ben whaalee
needlework, obbyr snaidey
needy, anverchagh, arkysagh, boght, eginagh, femoil
needy person, femagh
negate, jiooldey, obbal
negation, cur gys neunhee, jannoo gyn vree, jiooldey, obbal
negative, bun-yalloo, cur noi, jiooldagh, jiooldey, obballagh
negative pole, poull jiooldagh
negative sign, cowrey obballagh
negativism, obballys
negativist, obballagh
negativity, jiooldaght, obballaght
negator, jiooldeyder, obbeyder
neglect, cur shleh (er), jannoo meerioose (er), lhiggey shaghey, meechurrym, meehastey, meerioose, neurioose, neuyeadid, neuyeadys, shleh
neglected, naggyr
neglectful, meechurrymagh, meerioosagh
neglige, gooyn eddrym
negligence, meechurrym, meerioose, neuyeadid, neuyeadys
negligent, meerioosagh, neuyeidagh
negligible, nagh vel feeu cheet er
negotiable, so-hroailt, yn-dellagh
negotiant, barganeagh, dellalagh
negotiate, barganey, dellal, troailt
negotiation, barganey
negotiator, barganeyder
negress, ben ghoo
negro, dooinney doo, dooinney gorrym, fer doo
negroes, fir ghoo
negroid, doo, gollrish fer doo, gorrym
neigh, shutternee
neighbour, naboo
neighbourhood, naboonys, nabooys
neighbouring, er gerrey, faggys, gerroil
neighbourliness, nabooaght
neighbourly, nabooagh
neighbourship, boayl ennagh mygeayrt
neill, Neeyl
neither, chamoo, nagh moo, noadyr
nelly, pedryl mooar
nem con, gyn cur noi, lesh un coraa
nemesis, briwnys cherraghey
nenuphar, duillag vaiht, duillag vaiht (vuigh), duillag vuigh
neo, noa
neo-classicism, noa-chlassicys
neo-colonialism, noa-choloinaghys
neo-Greek, noa-Ghreagish
neo-Latin, noa-Ladjyn
neolithic, noalittagh
neologism, noa-ockle
neon, neon
neon light, soilshey neon
neophyte, noa-chredjaltagh, noa-chredjuagh
neoplasm, aase noa
neoplasticism, noa-phlastaghys
neoteric, noa-emshyragh
nepal, Nepaal
nepalese, Nepaalagh
nepenthe, lus y gheu
nephew, mac braarey, mac shayrey, neear
nephrite, clagh ghlass
nephritic, moonagh
nephritis, gorley aarey
nephrology, tushtey bodjallyn
nepotism, drogh-vooinjerys
nereid, jialgane, jialganeagh
nervate, fehagh
nerve, asney, daanys, eddin, feh, nearag, niartaghey
nerve cell, nearchillag
nerve centre, mean, nearvean
nerve-racking, feer voiragh
nerveless, jee-nearagh, neufehagh, taaueagh
nerviness, jeidid
nervous, er craa, faitchagh, fehagagh, imneagh, nearagagh
nervous breakdown, teaym nearag
nervous system, corys nearag
nervous troubles, chingys nearag
nervousness, faitchys, imnea
nescience, almoraght
ness, gob, stroin
nest, aal, edd, jannoo edd, straih, troggal edd
nest egg, ooh
nest-egg, sproag
nestbox, kishtey edd
nestful, aal, lane edd
nesting, guirragh, jannoo edd, troggal edd
nestle, clooeys, clusaghey
nestled, clusit
nestling, clusaghey, eean idd, scollaghan
nests, idd
net, ceau lieen (er), cur 'syn ingagh, ingagh, jannoo jeebin, jeebin, lieen
net layer, cuirreyder ingagh
net play, cloie ec yn ingagh
net sinker, clysh
net stone, clish
net weight, clagh phohll
net-backing, failleil, failleil
net-bag, poagey moggyllagh
net-sinker, pohll
netball, lieenvluckan
nether, eeghtyragh, heese, inshley
nether millstone, clagh vun
netherlander, Ollanagh
netlike, jeebinagh, lieenagh
nett, glen
nett profit, cosney glen
netted, 'sy lieen, 'syn ingagh, tayrit
netting, cuirr ingagh, jannoo jeebin, lieen, mogglys, snaie, tayrn eeast ayns ingagh
nettle, cur ferg er, undaagagh
nettle rash, yn eeh
nettle tree, lhiouan frangagh
network, greasane, ingagh, jeebinys, moggyl, roddag
networklike, mogglagh
neural, neayragh
neuralgia, chingys chab, nearaljey
neuralgic, nearaljagh
neurasthenia, nearasthene
neurasthenic, nearasthenagh
neuritis, neareitys
neurological, neayr-oaylleeagh
neurologist, neayr-oaylleeaght
neuroma, att neayrag
neuron, neayr-chillag
neuropath, neayrag-doghanagh
neuropathic, neayragh-doghanit
neuropathy, chingys neayrag
neurosis, nearoish
neurotic, nearoishagh
neuter, naeear, neaghtyr, neaghtyragh, shiast, shiastagh, spoiy
neuter bee, shellan hiast
neutered tomcat, kayt spoiyt, rangan-chayt, rangan-chayt
neutral, naeear, neaghtyragh, neuchommeeagh
neutralism, neuchommeeaght
neutrality, naeeraght, neaghtyraght, neuchommeeaght
neutralization, neaghtyragh
neutralize, neaghtyraghey
neutrals, sleih neuchommeeagh, sleih neuchommeeagh
neutron, naeearane
never, chioee, dy bra, dy bragh, rieau
never again!, dyn dy bragh reesht!
never ceasing, sheer-
never mind, s'cummey
never-ceasing complaints, sheer-accanyn
never-failing, gyn traih
nevermass, laa buinn y lieen
nevermore, chioee, dyn dy bragh
nevertheless, ny yei shen, ny yei shen as ooilley, son ooilley
new, naighteragh, noa, oor
new arrival, noa-roshtynagh
new boy, noanee
new cheese, caashey noa
New England, Sostyn Noa
new ground, banejagh
new Guinea, Noa-Ghuinee
new heather, myn-freoagh
new ideas, eieyn oorey, smooinaghtyn oorey
new laid egg, ooh noa-verht
New Moon, Eayst Noa
new resident, cummaltagh noa, neuellanagh
New Ross, Ros Vic Treoin
new wine, feeyn noa
New Year Greetings, Bannaghtyn y Vlein Noa
New Year's Day, Laa Nollick Beg, Laa Ny Bleeaney Noa, Laa Yn Vlein Noa
New Year's Eve, Oie Nollick Veg, Oie Ny Bleeaney Noa
New York, York Noa
New Zealand, Noa Heelan, Yn Teelan Noa
New Zealander, Noa-Heelanagh
new-blown flower, blaa noa my-vlaa
new-born, noa-ruggit, noa-vreyit, noar-verht
new-drawn, noa-hayrnit
new-fallen, noa-cheaut
new-fangled, noanagh
new-fashioned, noa-emshiragh, rere y fassan noa
new-found, noa-feddynit
new-made, noa-yeant
new-style, noa-emshyragh
newcastle, Balley Chashtal Noa
newcomer, Juan Haink Noal, noanee
newel, quailley
newfangled, noa-chiaddit
newfound, noa
newfoundland, Thalloo Yn Eeast
newfoundlander, fer ass Thalloo Yn Eeast
newlaid, noa-verht, noa-vreyit
newlayed, noa-verht
newly, ass-y-noa, dy noa
newly formed, noa-chummit
newly-shaven, noa-vaarit
newness, noaght, noaid, noays, oorid
newry, Yn Euar
news, bun, naight, rick, skeeal, skeet
news boy, guilley pabyr
news bulletin, naight
news reel, naight-rollian, scannane naight
news room, shamyr naight
news stand, bwaane pabyragh
news-bearing, naighteragh
newsagency, jantys naight
newsagent, naightanee, naighter
newscast, naight
newsletter, screeuyn naight
newsmonger, skeealerey, skeealeyder
newsmongering, naighteraght, skeealerys
newspaper, pabyr naight
newspaperman, naighteyr
newsprint, naightphabyr
newsworthy, naightoil
newsy, naigheagh, skeealagh
newt, eairkag
newtown, Balley Noa
newtownards, Balley Aird Ulley
next, by niessey, my niessey, sniessey, yn nah
next door neighbour, naboo-dorrys
next week, Yn chiaghtin shoh cheet
next year, yn vlein ry heet, yn vlein shoh cheet
next-by, my-niessey
nexus, boandey, kiangley
niarbyl Bay, Yn Vaie Vooar
nib, gob
nibbed, gobbagh
nibble, shuilg, shuilgaghey, shuilgey
nibbled, shiulgit
nibbler, shiulgeyder
nibbling, shiulgey
niblick, maidjey trome
nibs, gib
nic(it)ation, meekey
nice, braew, coar, jesh, mie, taitnyssagh
nice man, dooinney coar
nicely, dy jesh, dy mie
nicety, jeshid, skeoghid
niche, cooill
nicholas, Niglus
nick, agg, aggad, beam, cur agg ayn, cur aggad ayn, Niglus
nicked, aggagh, giarrit, goit
nickel, nicklaghey, nickyl
nickel plate, nickylphlaitey
nickel silver, argid nicklagh, argid nickylagh
nickel-bearing, as nickyl ayn
nicking, cur beam ayn
nicking, cur agg ayn, cur aggad ayn, giarrey
nicking, cur beam ayn
nickname, far genmys, far-ennym
nicknamed, far-enmysit
nicotine, nicoteen
nictate, meekey
nictating membrane, scannane sooilley
nidification, troggal idd
niece, inneen shayrey, inneen vraarey
nifty, jesh
nigeria, Yn Naigeer
nigerian, Naigeeragh
niggard, cribbidjagh, fer cribbidjagh, fer sondagh, peajeog, pitteog, prughag
niggardliness, cribbidjys, peajeogys, pitteogys, sondid
niggardly, cribbidjagh, peajeogagh, pitteogagh, sondagh
niggardly woman, scryssag
nigger, niggyr
nigger-brown, doo-ghone, doo-ghone
niggle, boirey (er), flustyrnee
niggling, myn-
niggly, grangagh
niggly person, granganagh
night, oie
night after night, oie er oie
night attire, cullee oie, eaddagh oie
night bird, eean oie
night club, club oie, club oie
night heron, coar ny hoie
night light, soilshey oie
night line, fartiman
night lodgings, oieaght
night nursery, shamyr chadlee chlienney
night patrol, keayrtaghan oie, shiaulley oie
night school, scoill oie
night season, yn oie
night soil, kecklys
night watch, arrey oie
night watchman, arreyder oie
night work, arnane
nightcap, bonnad oie, jough oie
nightdress, gooyn oie
nightfall, beeal ny hoie, keeiraght, keim ny hoie
nightingale, beeal bing, kiaulleyder oie, lhon bane, spittag oie, ushag ny hoie
nightjar, hullad rhennee, screeaghag oie
nightly, dagh oie, er oie, oieoil, oieoil
nightmare, tromlhie
nightshift, garrey oie, lheiney ven, shayll oie
nightshirt, lheiney oie
nighttime, yn oie
nigrescent, dooag, dooal
nihilism, neunheeys
nihilist, neunheeyseyr
nil, neuhnee
nile, Yn Neel
nimble, gastagh, gastey, loor, skibbylt
nimble bird, looran
nimble person, skibbyltagh
nimble-fingered, maireeagh
nimble-footed, gastey, gastey-chassagh
nimble-witted, gastey, geyre-chooishagh
nimbleness, gastid, lheihltys, lhoorid, looraght, skibbyltys
nimbus, bodjal fliaghee
nincompoop, lutchynagh
nine, nuy
ninefold, nuy-cheayrtyn, nuy-filley
ninepin, pinney nuy
nineteen, nuy jeig
nineteenth, nuyoo jeig, yn nuyoo jeig
ninetieth, jeihoo as kiare feed
ninety, kiare feed as jeig
ninny, bleih, lutchynagh
ninth, nuyoo
nip, jeeylag, mingey, mingyraght, minniag, spolg, spolgey, spulg, spulgaig
nip off, goll roish, ming, spolgey
nipped, broojit, mingit, spolgit, spuilgit
nipper, guilley, mingeyder, ordaag pinjoor, pinjooryn, spulgeyder
nipping, lommanagh, mingey, spulgey
nipple, keeagh, kione ny kee, mamm, meilley, pioban kianglee, sheeiney, sheeint
nipplewort, bossan Vreeshey, duillag vie, duillag Vreeshyn, lus ny kee
nipplewort, lus ny kee
nippy, bioyr
nippy, bioyr, fanntagh, feayr, gastey, mingagh, spulgagh
nisi, er conaant, shallidagh
nit, sneig, snieng
nitrate, naitraid, naitraidey
nitrate fertiliser, lhiassaghey naitraid
nitre, neetar
nitric, neetaragh
nitric acid, sharroo neetragh, soorid creg-hollan
nitride, neetreed
nitrite, neetreet
nitro-cellulose, kellaloys neetragh
nitrogen, neetrageen
nitrogenous, neetrageenagh
nitrous, neetroil
nitty, sniegagh, sniengagh
nitwit, flid, kione shoggyl, meecheayllagh
nix, veg
nix(ie), shee ushtey
no, dyn
no admittance, Gyn entreilys
no ball, mee-vluckan
no entry, ny jig stiagh, toshiaghey
no kidding!, Gyn breag erbee!
no more, ny sodjey
no Smoking, Gyn Toghtaney, Ny ceau tombaacey
no thoroughfare, raad dooint
no wonder!, Chan yrrys!
no-ball, cur mee-vluckan (er)
no-load, follym, gyn laad
no-side, jerrey cloie
noah's ark, arg Noah
nob, fer ooasle
nobility, feallagh ooasle, onnoroilid, ooashlid, ooashlys
noble, dooinney ooasle, falgey, feniaghtagh, ooasle
noble sentiments, meiyghid, smooinaghtyn ooasle
noble-minded, ard-chreeoil
nobleman, dooinney mooar, dooinney ooasle, krink
nobleness, ooashlid, ooashlys
nobody, peiagh erbee
nock, agg, aggad
noctambulism, shooyl oie
noctambulist, shooylleyder oie
noctule, craitnag rangagh
nocturnal, oie, oieagh
nocturne, arrane oie
nocuous, skielleydagh
nod, smeid, smeidey, snog, snoggal, snuggal
nodal, uddanagh
nodding, leaystagh, smeidey, snoggal, snuggal
nodding bur-marigold, skeag Voirrey
node, noad, uddan
nodgin, piggin, piggin
nodose, uddanagh
nodosity, uddanys
nodule, cramman
nodule of bladder wrack, costraylyn ferrish
nog, noggaghey
noggin, goggan
noggin Head, Kione ny Giaughyn
nohow, er chor erbee
noise, doindyr, feiyr, feiyraghyn, feiyral, sheean, sheeanal, sheeaney
noise about, cur magh er ard, y feiyral mygeayrt
noise in the ear, kiaullane
noise maker, feiyreyder
noised, feiyrit
noiseless, tostagh
noisiness, feiyralys, tharmaneys
noising, feiyral, gloaral, sheeaney
noisome, breinn, gorley nieuagh
noisome task, obbyr ghraney
noisy, feiyragh, tharmaneagh
nom de guerre, ennym caggee
nom de plume, ennym screeuee
nomad, jurnaaghagh, rouailtagh
nomadic, rouailtagh
nomen agentis, ennym jeantagh
nomenclator, enmysser
nomenclature, enmys
nominal, ennymagh
nominal value, leagh ennymagh
nominalism, ennymaghys
nominate, enmys
nominated, enmyssit
nomination, enmysaght
nominative, ennymagh
nominator, enmyser
nominee, enmyssagh
non, neu-
non commissioned officer, fer oik neuchomishoonit, lhiass 'er oik
non compos mentis, as e keeayl, ass (e) cheeayll, ass (e) cheeayll
non-acceptance, jiooldaghey, shaghney
non-adhesive, neulhiantagh
non-aggression, jiooldey-caggey, neuhoiagh er
non-appearance, neu-heet
non-arrival, neu-heet
non-basis, neuvunnagh
non-belligerent, neuchaggeyder
non-catholic, neuchatoleagh
non-christian, neuchreestee
non-collegiate, neucholaashaght
non-combatant, neughleckagh, neughleckeyder
non-commissioned, neuchomishoonit
non-communicant, gyn goaill y chreestiagh
non-communication, neuchoraa, neuinsh
non-completion, neu-chur jerrey (er), neuchooilleeney
non-compliance, meeviallys, neuchooilleeney
non-condensing, neughlooie
non-conducting, neu-leeideilagh
non-conductor, neu-leeideilagh
non-contagious, neughowaltagh
non-cooperation, neucho-obbraghey
non-cooperative, neucho-obbragh
non-delivery, neulivreys
non-durable, neuveayn
non-dutiable, neucheeshagh
non-essential, neufemoil
non-event, neuhaghyrt
non-executive, neureireydagh
non-existence, neuveays
non-existent, nagh vel ayn
non-explosive, neuvleaystanagh
non-fading, gyn fioghey
non-ferrous, neuyiarnagh
non-flammable, do-lostey
non-freezing, do-riojey
non-fulfilment, neuchooilleeney
non-functional, neuobbragh, neuobbree
non-fundamental, neu-undinagh
non-Gaelic, Goaldaght
non-infectious, neughowaltagh
non-intervention, neueddyrghoaill, neuharmestey, neupharteeaght
non-juring, neuvynney
non-Manx, neuellanagh, neuvanninagh
non-member, neuoltey
non-observance, neuchooilleeney
non-party, neupharteeagh
non-payment, faagail gyn eeck, neueeck, neuyeeilley
non-performance, faagail gun jannoo, neuchloie, neuyannoo
non-political, neupholitickagh
non-residence, neuvaghey
non-resident, neuvaghee
non-resistance, neuhassoo-noi
non-reversible, dochooylagh
non-rigid, neuchreoi
non-rigidity, neuchreoiys
non-rusting, do-vergagh
non-sectarian, neusecktagh
non-skid, neuskyrraghtagh
non-smelling, neuhoaral
non-smoker, neuyaagheyder
non-smoking, gyn jaagh
non-standardized, neustundayrtit
non-starter, keck 'sy phurt, neuroieder
non-stop, gyn scuirr
non-stop rain, neusloateil
non-swimmer, neuammyltagh, neusnaueder
non-terminating, neuchreeaghtagh
non-uniform, spangagh
non-uniformity, sprangaght
non-union, neucheirdchummynagh
non-unionist, neu-unnaneysagh, neucheirdchummynagh, poblaghteyr
non-violent, oayllaashagh
nonage, myneash
nonagenarian, 'sy jeih as kiare feed
nonagon, nuy-uillinagh
nonagonal, nuy-uillinagh
nonchalance, neuchooish
noncommissioned, gyn comishoon
noncommittal, fastagh, neuchiangltagh
nonconformism, anchochredjue
nonconformist, anchochredjuagh
nondescript, gyn coontey jeh
nondescript person, neughooinney
none, veg
nonentity, anvioys, fer gyn scansh, neuhnee
nonpareil, gyn sheshey, nomprayl
nonplus, cur er shaghryn, cur fud y cheilley
nonsense, boghtynid, boghtynid, boiraneys, boiraneys, meecheeayl, neuhappey, ommidjys, sou-cheeayl
nonsense!, Friogganyn!
nonsensical, meecheeayllagh, ommidjagh, sou-cheeayllagh
nonsuch, doo-veddick
nonsuit, cur jee aggyrt er, jee-aggyrt
noodle, bollag, noodyl, ommidan
nook, cooill, cooilleig, cooilley
noon, munlaa
noonday, munlaa
noose, cribbag, cur cribbag er, sniemmey
noosed, sniemmit
nor, chamoo, ny
nordic, Loghlynagh, Nordagh
norm, norm, stundayrt
normal, cadjin, reilt, stundayrtagh
normality, cadjinys, stundartaght
norman, Normanagh
norse, Loghlynagh, Loghlynish
norseman, Loghlynagh
north, my hwoaie, twoaie
north Africa, Yn Affrick Hwoaie
north by east, twoaie gys yn shiar
north by west, twoaie gys sheeary
north by west half west, twoaie gys y sheear lieh
north north east, twoaie shiar hwoaie, twoaie shiar hwoaie
north north west, twoaie sheear hwoaie
north of, cheu hwoaie (jeh)
north Pole, ard ny twoaie, ard ny twoaie, ard y twoaie
north Uist, Ooisht Hwoaie
north wind, geay hwoaie
north-east, niar hwoaie, shiar hwoaie, yn shiar hwoaie
north-easter, geay niar hwoaie
north-easterly, niar hwoaie, shiar hwoaie
north-eastern, shiar hwoaie
north-eastwardly, shiar hwoaie
north-north-east, my hwoaie shiar hwoaie
north-west, my heear hwoaie, neear hwoaie, sheear hwoaie, yn sheear hwoaie
north-wester, geay neear hwoaie
north-westerly, geay neear hwoaie, sheear hwoaie
north-western, neear hwoaie, sheear hwoaie
northerliness, twoaieaght, twoaieaght
northerly, my hwoaie, twoaie
northern, twoaie
northern Ireland, Nerin Hwoaie, Ny Shey Coonteeyn
northern lights, lossan ny twoaie
northern person, twoaieagh
northerner, twoaieagh
northing, goll gour y twoaie, goll lesh y twoaie, twoaie-linney
northsider, twoaieagh
northward, lesh y twoaie, my hwoaie, twoaie
northwardly, my hwoaie, twoaie
norton, Balley Twoaie
norway, Loghlyn, Norlann
norway haddock, addag Norlannagh
norway pine, juys Loghlinagh
norway pout, giare-chutt, Loghlynagh
norwegian, Loghlynagh, Loghlynish, Norlannagh, Norlannish
norwegian topknot, liehbage Norlaanagh
nose, gob, sock, stroaney, stroin, stroin, stroinaghey, stroinney
nose about, stroinaghey
nose cone, cughlin stroaney, cughlin stroaney
nose ring, fainey stroaney
nose wheel, queeyl hick, queeyl hick
nose-band, cryss stroaney
nose-dive, sock-hummey, tummey gour y ghib
nose-piece, stroin
nose-ring, stroineen
nosebag, poagey stroaney
nosebleed(ing), fuill stroaney
nosegay, posee
nosepiece, feddan, gob
noser, geay nyn 'oi
nosey, fysseragh, peeikearagh, scrialtagh, skeetagh
nostalgia, foddeeaght
nostalgic, foddeeagh
nostomania, oayll-vaanrey
nostopathy, oayll-aggle
nostril, stroan, towl stroaney
nostrum, lheeys folliaghtagh
not, cha, nagh, ny
not let, cha blhig
not level, neuchiart
not long, Cha voddey
not negotiable, do-varganagh, neuvarganagh
not poisonous, meenieunagh
not uncommonly, mennick dy liooar
not working, ass ymmyd
notability, cronnalys, dooinney cronnal
notable, cronnal, ladoosagh
notary, noteyr
notary public, noteyr theayagh
notation, noteyraght
notch, agg, aggad, croa, cur agg ayn, cur aggad ayn, tailley
notched, as aggad ayn, taillit
note, baghtag, cowraghey, cowrey kiaull, folaue, goaill baght jeh, goaill tastey jeh, notey, screeuyn
note paper, pabyr screeuee, pabyr screeuyn, pabyr-lettyragh
notebook, lioar screeuee
notecase, askan screeuyn
noted, cronnal
notedness, cronnalid, cronnalid
notes, imraaghyn, screeuyn
noteworthy, feeu baght
nothing, neuhnee, veg
nothing loath, gyn lhiastid erbee
nothingness, neuhnee
notice, baght, cur scansh da, cur tastey (da), fogrey, fogrey scuirr, fys, geill, geill, goaill baght jeh, goaill tastey jeh, raaue, tastal, tastey
notice of sale by auction, foghrey cant
noticeable, baghtal, cronnal, scanshoil
noticeboard, claare fogrey
notifiable, ry-hoilshaghey
notification, fogrey, fys
notify, cur fys da, soilshaghey
notion, conrieught, eie, smooinaght, teaym
notional, conrieugh, sheiltynagh, smooinaghtagh, teaymagh
notoriety, imraaghys
notorious, er fys, imraagh
notorious woman, ben yiarg
notwithstanding, agh son shen as ooilley, er son shen, foast, kione harrish shen, lurg ooilley, ny yei shen
nougat, noogar
noun, ennym, ennymockle
nourish, beagh, beaghey, jiole
nourishment, beaghey, bee, bee bealloo
nous, inchyn
nova, rollage loshtee, rollage noa
nova Scotia, Nalbin Noa, Yn Albin Noa
nova Scotian, dooinney ass Nalbin Noa, jeh Nalbin noa
novel, anoayshagh, naighteragh, noa, noaskeeal, oor
novelette, noaskeeal beg
novelist, noaskeealagh
novelize, jannoo noaskeeal jeh
novelty, anoaysh, noaght, noaid, noanid, noays, red noa
november, Y chied vee jeh'n Gheurey
november, Mee Houney, Sauin, Sounaghyn, Souney, Toshiaght Gheuree
november Moon, Rehollys Vooar Cooyl Thie
novena, padjer nuy laa
novicate, prindeays
novice, lieh-oayllagh, noanee, novishagh
noviciate, novishaght
now, chelleeragh, nish, nishtagh
now and then, nish as reesht
now or never, nish ny dyn dy bragh
now then!, nish myr ta!, Shen nish!
nowadays, 'sy traa t'ayn, jiu
noways-nowise, er aght erbee, er chor erbee
nowhere, boayl erbee
nozzle, sock
nuance, anchaslys beg
nub, bun, cramman
nubile, yn-phoosey, yn-phoosey
nubility, yn-phooseydys
nubilous, bodjallagh
nuclear, cheshveanagh
nuclear fission, scoltey chesh-veanagh, scoltey chesh-veanagh
nuclear power, bree chesh-veanagh
nucleonics, chesh-veanys
nucleus, chesh-vean
nude, lhome, rooisht
nude person, roosteen
nudge, brod, cur uillin (da), uilin
nudge with nose, broddey, sonkal
nudism, rooishtid, roosteenys
nudist, roosteen, roosteenagh
nudity, rooishtid, roosteenys
nugget, cramman
nuisance, boirey, boireyder
null, ass bree, er neunhee, gyn jerrey
null and void, ass bree, gyn jerrey
nullah, strooan
nullify, cur er neunhee, cur gys veg, neunhaghey
nullity, neughooinney, neunheeaghey, neuvree
numb, kyrloghe, kyrloghey, lhejagh, lhejaghey, magganeagh, stioyrey
number, cooid vooar, coontey, cur earroo (er), cur earroo (er), dreaght, dreeaght, earroo, earrooaghey, figgyr, meer, scuitch
number plate, earroo-chlaare
numbered, earrit, earrooit
numbering, co-earrooaghey, earrooaghey
numbering machine, jeshaght choearrooee
numberless, erskyn earroo, gyn earroo
numbing, jannoo magganeagh, kyrloghee, magganeagh, stioyrey
numbness, kyrloghid, lhejid, maggane, magganeys, magganid, neuloghtys, stioyr
numbskull, bolvane, kione shoggyl, kione teayst
numerable, earrooagh
numeral, earroo
numerate, earooagh
numeration, earroo
numerator, earooder
numerical, earrooagh
numerology, earroo-aaishnys
numerous, earrooagh, lhieenar
numerous people, sleih mooar
numismatic, cooinnagh
numismatics, cooinney-oaylleeaght, cooinnys
numismatist, cooinney-oayllee, cooinneyder
nun, ben austeyr, ben reillt, caillagh ghoo, cailliagh ghoo
nunciate, nuntyssagh, nuntyssys
nunciature, nuntyssaght
nuncio, chaghter yn phaab, nuntys
nunnery, thie cailleeyn dooey
nuptial mass, erin banshey
nuptial song, carr y phoosee
nurse, boanderey, boandyr, boandyrys, cur keeagh (da), jiole
nursed, boandyrit
nurseling, oikan
nursemaid, boandyr
nursery, garey troggal, shamyr chlienney
nursery for fish, guirrlan eeast
nursery gardener, gareyder troggee
nursery governess, benainshtyr clienney
nursery of trees, ymmyr viljyn
nursery school, scoill phaitchyn
nursery tale, skeeal paitchey
nurseryman, gareyder troggal
nursing, boandyragh, boandyrys
nursing home, thie cour shenn sleih, thie lheeys privaajagh
nurture, beaghey, beeaghey, troggal
nut, chionneyder, cro
nut coal, crammanyn-geayll
nut tree, billey cro
nut-brown, cro-ghone
nutation, snoggal, snuggal
nutcase, fer y veggan cheeaylley, lhag-hushtagh, ommidan
nutcracker, scolteyder croiyn
nutcracker chin, smeggin corrinagh, smeggyl corranagh
nuthatch, scolteyder croiyn
nutmeg, cro kytchinagh
nutria, fynney
nutriment, beaghey
nutrition, beaghey, beeaghey
nutritious, beaghee
nutritive, beeoil, meansalagh
nuts, ass (e) cheeayll, meecheeayllagh
nutshell, bleayst chro
nutting, chymsagh croiyn
nutty, croagh
nux vomica, musk-chro
nyctalope, fer doal 'syn oie
nyctalopia, dellid oie
nyctophobia, oie-aggle
nylon, neelane
nylon stockings, oashyryn nailyn
nymph, nymphagh
nymphomaniac, ben chadjin, ben er cannoo