o, kiarkyl, Y
O God, O Yee!
O John, Y Yuan
O to be, Dy ve
O!, Oh!
o'clock, er y chlag
oaf, awaneagh, thoot
oafish, awaneagh, thootagh
oafishness, awaneaght, thootid, thootys
oak, darragh, darree, darree, Ree ny keylley
oak apple, cro darree
oak fern, renniagh gharee
oak grove, darragh, keyll gharree
oak mast, croan darree
oak tree, billey darragh
oak wood, darragh, darragh, fuygh darree
oak-apple, cro darree
oaken, darragh, darragh, dy gharree
oakhill, Cronk Darree
oakum, calcys, shenn chennip
oar, maidjey raue, ymmyrt
oar weed, slattag varrey
oarblade, bass
oared, maidjyn, maidjyn
oarfish, ree yn skeddan
oarsman, ymmyrtagh
oarsmanship, ymmyrtys
oasis, taauenagh
oast house, aiee obb
oat, corkey, grine corkey
oat bread, arran corkey
oat field, magher corkey, magher plaggad
oat grass, faiyr corkey
oat grist, grine
oatcake, berreen corkey
oatcake in milk, broish
oaten loaf, bwilleen chorkey
oath, looee
oath book, lioar looee
oath malt, braih chorkey
oath taker, breearreyder
oath taking, guee
oath-book, mynney
oath-breaking, loo-oaiaght
oath-taker, looder
oathmeal, meinn chorkey
oatmeal, lhongey, meinn chorkey
oats, sheel
oats in ear, plaggad
oban, Yn Oban
obduracy, creoighid, creoighys, kione-lajerys
obdurate, creoi, kione-lajeragh
obedience, biallys
obedient, biall, biallagh
obedient person, biallagh
obeisance, ammys, croymmey, fomys
obeisant, ammyssagh
obeisant person, ammyssagh
obelisk, obeel, obelisk
obese, keish, roauyr
obese person, roauyragh
obese pig, muc cheish
obeseness, keishid, reurid, riurid, roauyrid
obey, cur biallys (da)
obfuscate, dorraghey
obituary column, colloo ny merriu
obituary list, rolley ny merriu
obituary notice, fogrey baaish
object, cass, nhee, red, shassoo noi
object lesson, lessoon sambyllagh, lessoon sampleyr
object of pity, oyr erreeish
object of sentence, cass y raa
object-slide, shliawane sambyl
objection, bac, plaiynt, shassoo noi
objectionable, graney, meehaitnyssagh, plaiyntagh
objective, cassagh, dean, er cheu mooie
objectivity, cheu-mooieys
objector, plaiyntagh, shassooder noi
objurgate, fanney, troiddey
objurgation, fanney beill, troiddey
oblate, oblaidagh, oblaidagh
oblation, oural
obligated, fo lhiastynys, fo-chiangley, fo-churrym
obligation, currym, kiangley
obligatory, boandagh, eginagh, eignagh, kianglagh
oblige, chionney (er), cur er, cur fo booise, eginaghey, eignaghey
obliged, booisal, booisal, eiginit, eignit
obliging, coar, keainal, kenjal
obligingness, coarid, keainallys, kenjallys
oblique, cam, cleaynt, lieh-scoadey, stramlagh
obliqueness, cammid, scoidey, stramlaght, tessenid
obliterate, dolley, scryssey magh
obliteration, dolley magh, scryssey magh
oblivion, jarrood, neuchooinaghtyn, neugheillid, neuimraa
oblivious, neugheillagh, neuhastagh
oblong, dronuillag, lieh-'oddey
obmutescence, fastid
obmutescent, fastagh
obnoxious, graney
oboe, obo
oboist, cloieder obo
obscene, awane
obscenity, awanid
obscurant, anhoilsheyder
obscurantism, anhoilsheydys
obscurantist, anhoilshagh
obscuration, doorey
obscure, do-hoiggal, dorraghey, neureayrtagh, neuvaghtallagh, ooignyssagh
obscurity, doorey, dorraghys, ooignys
obsequies, marroonys
obsequious, ammyssagh
obsequious person, ammyssagh
obsequiousness, ammyssaght
observable, baghtagh, cronnalagh, ry-akin, tastoil
observance, cooilleeiney, geill, tastey
observant, baghtagh, currit da cooilleeiney, tastagh
observation, baght, cooilleeiney, sooillaght, tastey, trow
observatory, thie rollageydys
observe, cooilleeiney, cronnaghey, goaill tastey jeh, tastal, tastey
observed, cooilleeinit, cronnit, fakinit, tastit
observer, baghtallagh, cronneyder, fakider, geilltagh
obsess, lhiantyn (hug)
obsession, baght kianglt, lhiantynys aigney
obsessive, lhiantynagh
obsidian, creg glessagh
obsolescent, goll ass cliaghtey, goll ass oash, goll ass ymmyd
obsolete, ass cliaghtey, ass oash, ass ymmyd, jeh'n chenn yannoo
obstacle, bac, clet, lhiettrimys
obstacle race, bac-ratch
obstetric(al), reayltagh
obstetrician, reaylteyr
obstetrics, reaylteyrys, reaylteyrys
obstinacy, camlaagys, kione-lajerid, kione-lajerys, roon, roonid, sthurneish
obstinate, camlaagagh, creoi-aignagh, frassyrtagh, kione-eairkagh, kione-lajeragh, raghtal, raghtanagh, roonagh, sthurneishagh
obstreperous, feiyragh
obstruct, lhiettal
obstruction, cumrail, lhiettalys
obstructionism, cumrailys
obstructionist, cumraileyder
obstructive, lhiettalagh, lhiettrimagh
obstructor, lhiettalagh
obtain, feddyn, geddyn
obtainable, ry-gheddyn
obtrude, seiy er oaie
obtrusive, seiyragh
obtrusiveness, seiyraght
obturate, sthoppal seose, sthoppal seose
obturation, sthoppal seose, sthoppal seose
obturator, sthoppeyder seose
obturator, sthoppeyder seose
obtuse, meayl
obtuse angle, uillin veayl, uillin veayl
obtuse-angled, meayl-uillinagh
obverse, yn cheu elley
obviate, shaghney
obvious, baghtal, cronnal, leayr
obviousness, baghtallys, cronnalid, cronnalys
occasion, oyr
occasional, oyragh
occasionally, nish as reesht
occasioning, oyragh
occassion, caa, keayrt, traa
occassional, keayrtagh
occassionally, ny cheayrtyn
occident, y neear
occidental, sheear
occlude, dooney
occluded front, breid vestit, toshiaght dooint
occlusion, dooney
occult, druaightagh, follaghey, kyaghtey
occultation, follaghey, kyaghtey
occulting, kyaghtagh
occultism, druaiaghtys, obbeeys, roonid
occupancy, cummaltaght
occupation, aght baghee, cummaltys, keird
occupational, keirdey
occupier, cummaltagh
occupy, cummal
occur, taghyrt
occurrence, taghyrt
ocean, faarkey, faarkey mooar
ocean lane, bollagh lhuingey, bollagh marrey
oceanarium, faarkeylan
oceania, Yn Faarkeydys
oceanography, mooir-oaylleeaght
ocellus, far hooill, sooill, sooill
ocelot, kayt Americaanagh
ochlophobia, chionnal-aggle
ochre, oghyr, oghyrey
octagon, hoght-lhiatteeane
octagonal, hoght lhiatteeagh
octahedral, oghtaheedragh
octahedron, oghtaheedrane
octangular, hoght-uillinagh
octave, shiaull
octennial, hoght-bleeanagh
octet(te), oghtread
october, Jerrey Fouyir, Mee s'jerree yn ouyir
october Moon, Rehollys Vooar Ny Gabbil
octogenarian, ayns eash y chiare feed
octonocular, hoght-hooillagh
octopus, hoght-choshagh, oghtapus
octosyllabic, hoght-heelagh
octuple, hoght
ocular, sooillagh
oculist, lhee sooilley
odd, aitt, cor, joarree, lieh-chiart, neuchadjin, neuchorrym, quaagh
odd and even, cor as corrym
odd jobs, kiartaghyn
odd lot, corchooid
odd number, corearroo, earroo neurea
odd one, 'nane cor
odd or even, cor ny corrym
oddity, fer quaagh, red quaagh
oddments, fooillagh
oddness, lieh-chiartys, neuchormid, quaaghys
odds, corrillagh
odds and ends, fooillagh
ode, ode
odious, eajee
odiousness, eajeeys
odium, eajeeys, feoh
odometer, odomeih
odoriferous, soaralagh
odorous, soaral
odour, soar
odourless, gyn soar, neusoaral
oecumenical, ooilley-chadjin
oecumenicalism, ooilley-chadjinys
oestrogen, broddag woirryn
oestrum, agheree, bockeeys, boggeeys, deeah, er eaghree, er reays, er rigganey, gadyree, gadyrey, gasseree, gassree, gliee, peeagheree, reays, rigganey, strauenyn
of, dy, jeh, jeh, ny, voish
of a beard, faasaagey
of a bed, lhiabbagh
of a brood, aail
of a brother, braarey
of a candle, cainley
of a church, killagh, killey
of a churchyard, ruillickey
of a claw, ingney
of a corner, corneilagh
of a court, cooyrtey
of a dish, jystey
of a division, ronney, ronney
of a door, dorrysh
of a father, ayrey
of a field, magheragh, magheragh
of a flail, sooisht, sooishtey
of a floor, laarey
of a giant, foawir
of a glen, glionney, glionney
of a goat, goayrey
of a hand, lauey
of a hen, kirkey
of a herb, losseree
of a hip, lheshey
of a jury, bingey
of a lie, breagey, breagey
of a mill, mwyljey
of a mire, laaghey
of a needle, snaidey
of a palm, bassey
of a peak, beinney
of a pig, muickey, muickey, muigey
of a pool, lhuingey
of a port, purtey
of a reaper, beayney
of a river, awiney
of a road, bayrey
of a rock, carrickey, creggey
of a sheep, keyrragh
of a ship, lhuingey
of a shoe, braagey
of a sister, shayrey
of a slope, lhargee
of a son, mic
of a soul, anmey
of a street, straiddey
of a stripper-cow, gounee, gounee
of a vow, breearrey
of a wedding, banshey, banshey
of a well, chibbyragh
of a woman, mreih, mreih
of a wood, keyljey
of a year, bleeaney
of ale, lhionney
of an ear of corn, jeish, jeish
of an eye, sooilley
of an instant, tullee
of an old woman, caillee
of anchor, gob
of ash, leoh, leoiey
of autumn, fouyir
of blessing, bannee
of blood, folley
of butter, eemey
of cloth, eaddee
of coal, geayil
of course!, myrchaagh
of death, baaish
of dinner, jinnairagh
of dust, ooirey
of earth, ooirey, thallooin
of fire, ailey
of flesh, foalley, foalley
of food, bee
of glory, gloyrey
of good standing, fondagh
of hair, fuilt
of harvest, fouyir
of hemp, kennipey
of her, j'ee
of high rank, ard-cheimnagh, keim
of him, jeh
of his own volition, jeh e yoin hene
of late, dy jeianagh, er y gherrit
of lime, eayil, eayil
of May, Boaldyney
of me, jeem
of meal, meinney
of moss, keynnee, keynnee
of mother, mayrey
of no value, gyn feeuid
of noble race, D'uill ooasle
of November, Souney
of ore, meainey
of paper, pabyrey
of paramount importance, kiondeeagh
of people, mooinjerey
of primary importance, s'trimmey
of rent, mail, mail, maillee
of sand, geinnee
of sea, keayin, marrey
of seed, resh
of sense, keilley
of small value, anchlaghtagh
of stone, cloaie
of sun, greiney
of Sunday, doonee
of supper, shibberagh
of the barn, soailt
of the beginning, toshee
of the breech, toanney
of the Calf (of Mann), Cylloo
of the family, jeh'n cheel
of the market, margee
of the nose, stroanney
of the pits, ny hooigey
of the road, raidjey
of the Romish faith, jeh'n chredjue Raueagh
of the sea, keayin
of the stackyard, uhlley
of the summit, mullee, mullee
of the throat, scoarnee
of the world, seihill
of them, jeu
of thunder, taarnee
of trade, keirdey
of turf, moaney
of turf, moaney
of us, jin
of wgiallaghey,
of wind, geayee
of wine, feeyney, feeyney
of winter, geuree, geuree
of wool, olley
of you, jeed, jiu
off, ersooyl, jeh, magh ass, neufollan
off (of street), fo
off shore, magh 'syn aarkey
off the hook, ass boirey
off the ration, seyr veih'n lowanse
off the record, gyn dy ve scruit sheese, neuoikoil
off thee, jeed
off-centre, neuveanagh
off-colour, reearagh
off-print, shagh-chlou
offal, bee brisht, jerrey, meslin
offence, comys, frioggan, snee, sneih
offend, cur comys (hug), frioggan (er), maghlaghey, snee (er)
offended, crosht, friogganagh
offender, foiljagh, kimmagh, olkeyr
offending, loghtagh
offensive, breinn, comyssagh, loghtanagh
offer, arral, chebbal, sheb
offer up, ouraley
offered, arrit, chebbit
offerer, arralagh, chebbeyder
offering, chebbal, garral, oural, ourallagh, toyrtys
offertory, oural, ourallagh
offertory plate, curjeig
offhand, gyn aarlaghey, neu-ullee, neuchooishagh
offhandedness, neuchooishaght
office, offish, oik, shamyr chleree, shirveish
office boy, guilley offish
office of priesthood, oioik y taggyrtys
office work, obbyr offish
officer, cur fir oik er, fer oik, offishear, oikagh
officer of high rank, ard-er-oik
official, fer oik, oikagh, oikoil
official status, staydys oikoil
officialdom, oikoilaghys
officialese, oikoilish
officially, dy hoikoil
officiate, shirveish
officiator, shirveishagh
officious, perkinagh
officiousness, perkinaght, perkinys
offing, yn aarkey vooar
offset, ashchlou, buinnag, jalloo-phrental, leodaghey, sprangan, toshiagh
offshoot, banglane
offshore, er yn aarkey vooar
offshore wind, geay veih'n traie
offspring, maccan, sheel, sluight
oft, dy mennick, mennick
often, dy mennick, menkey, mennick
oftenest, by venkey, smenkey, smenkey, smennickey
oftenest, smennickey
oftentimes, keayrtyn ny ghaa
ofttimes, dy mennick
ogham, ogham
ogle, blakey (er)
ogler, blakeyder
ogling, blakey
ogre, gruagagh
oh dear!, Shee bannee mee!
oh!, ah!, aw!, O!, ugh!
ohmmeter, ohmveih
oil, ooill, ooillaghey
oil cake, keeak ooill
oil can, curneen ooill
oil cloth, linnoil
oil colour, ooill-yalloo
oil engine, jeshaght ooill
oil field, magher ooill
oil groove, clash ooill
oil guage, arreyder ooill
oil merchant, delleyder ooill
oil paint, peint ooill
oil painting, caslys ooill
oil rig, croan ooill
oil shop, shapp ooill
oil stove, sorn ooill
oil tank, doagh ooill
oil tanker, lhong ooill, lorree ooill
oil well, chibbyr ooill
oil-bearing, as ooill ayn
oil-fired, ooill-lostit
oil-fuel boiler, coirrey ooill
oil-hole, towl ooill
oil-lamp, cressad
oil-linseed cake, keeak ooill, keeak rass-lhieen
oil-producing, ooill-ymmyrkagh
oil-ring, fainey ooill
oil-works, thie grease ooill
oilbath, tobbyr ooill
oilcloth, ooill-eaddagh
oiled, er meshtey, ooillit, scooyrit
oiled silk, sheeidey ooillit
oiler, ooilleyder
oiliness, meays, ooillaght
oiling, ooillaghey
oilskin, cullee fliaghee, eaddagh ooill
oilstone, clagh ooill, clagh shleeuee, cur foyr er
oily, ooillagh
ointment, saue, shelliu
OK, coardail rish, mie dy liooar, ooilley kiart
Olaf, Auley, Olave
old, shann, shenn, yn chenn
old age, eash, eash, sheeloghe, shenn eash, shenn eash, shenndiaght, shenneraght
old age (female), caillaghys
old age pension, penshyn shenneraght, shenn phenshyn
old boy, mainshtyr
old buffer, shenn 'er
old chap!, Y vac!
old comrade, shenn ainjyssagh, shenn chumraag
old crock, shenn chretoor, shenn chrockan
old dame, shenn ven
old female, gueshag
old flame, shenn vyrneen
old Glory, Brattagh America
old Harry, Yn Jouyll
old love, shenn vyrneen
old maid, shenn voidyn, shenn voidyn, shenn-chaillin
old man, boddagh, shenn dooinney
old man, shenn dooinney
old man's beard, moidyn-vreeshey
old Manx sheep dog, cummeydagh
old mare, bonnee
old Nick, Yn Shenn Er, Yn Shenn Ghuilley
old people, shenn sleih
old salt, shenn varrinagh, shenn varrinagh
old saying, shennockle, shennockle
old sea dog, shenn varrinagh
old soldier, shenn hiddor
old stager, shenn-chompanagh
Old Testament, ass yn Chenn Chonaant, Shenn Chonaantagh, Shenn Chonaantagh
old times, shenn traaghyn
old trooper, shenn sidoor
old tub, shenn hubbag
old warhorse, shenn sidoor
old wife, caillagh
old wife, carroo doo
old wives' tales, taggloo ny cailleeyn
old woman, caillagh, shenn ven
old woman, caillagh, shenn ven
old wool (on sheep), cass olley
old world, jeh'n chenn sheihll
old-age pensioner, shenn phenshyneyr
old-clothes man, fer shenn-eaddeeyn
old-clothes shop, shapp shenn eaddeeyn
old-established, shenn
old-fashioned, shenn-emshyragh
old-maidish, shenn-chaillinagh, shenn-voidynagh
old-world, shenn-emshyragh
olden, shenn
older, ny shinney, shinney, shinney
oldest, by hinney, shinney
oldish, eashagh, eashit, red beg shenn
oldness, eash, shenndiaght, shennid
oleaginous, ooilloil
oleander, thammag shleiyagh
oleic acid, soorid ooill
olfactive, soaralagh
olive, olive
olive oil, ooill olive
Olympian, Olympagh
Olympic, Olympagh
Omagh, Yn Omee
ombudsman, neuaashideyr
omelet(te), oohagan
omen, faih, monney
ominous, baggyrtagh, baggyrtagh, drogh-aaishnagh, drogh-vonneydagh, faihal
omission, jarroodys, meerioose, shlee, shleh
omission, jarroodys
omit, cur shlee (er), cur shleh (er), lhiggey shaghey
omnibus, barroose, bus
omniform, ooilley-chrootagh
omnipotent, ooilley-niartal
omnipresent, ooilley-ynnydagh
omniscience, ooilley-fysseraght, ooilley-toiggaltys, ooilley-toiggalys
omniscient, ooilley-creenagh, ooilley-fysseragh, ooilley-toiggalagh
omnivorous, ooiley-eeagh, ooilley-jeeillagh
on, er, er, Foshlit, mychione
on (forward), er hoshiaght, er oaie
on a large scale, dy mooar
on a rope, er louyn, er louyn
on a small scale, er beggan
on account of, ass-lieh, er coontey, er son
on an average, er mean
on and off, nish as reesht
on arrival, lurg roshtyn
on average, er mean
on call, er eam
on edge, er jeid
on fire, er-aile
on high, ayns flaunys, ayns niau, er ardjey
on him, er
on horseback, er mooin cabbyl
on loan, er eeasaght
on location, er ynnyd mooie
on Monday, Jelune
on mortgage, cur er gioaldeeaght, er gioaldeeaght
on my account, er my hons
on my behalf, ass my lieh
on occasion, nish as reesht
on occassion, cur er
on penalty of death, fo kerraghys baaish
on probation, er prowalys
on sale, ry chreck
on several occassions, dy mennick, keayrt ny ghaa
on shipboard, er lhuingey
on shore, er cheer
on short time, er paart-hraa
on site, er y laaragh
on spec, Er caa
on station, Er e hynnyd
on tap, er tayrn
on that day, er y laa shid
on that score, er coontey shen, er e hon shen
on the brink, er broogh
on the dark side, er y cheu ghroamey
on the Greek Calends, Gys Laa Boaldyn Sniaghtee
on the level, er yn rea
on the look out, twoaieagh
on the morrow, laa ny vairagh, laa y vairagh
on the point of, er chee, mysh
on the q.t., dy feagh, gyn yss
on the road, er y cheayrt, er y raad, fo-raad
on the run, scaipail
on the skyline, er yn annys
on the slant, er sceau
on the slips, er ny sthockyn
on the sly, gyn yss
on the south, er y cheu yiass
on the strength, 'sy choearroo
on the thigh, ry lheayst
on the trot, chelleeragh, dy trick, er y chooyl
on the west, er yn cheu heear
on the whole, trooid as trooid
on the wrong track, er shaghryn
on tick, er daayl
on tour, dy ve er turrys, er y raad
on trust, er daill
on you, erriu
on your oath, Er dt'ockle
onager, assyl feie
once, keayrt
once again, reesht
once in a while, nish as reesht
once more, keayrt elley
once more!, reesht!
once only, un cheayrt ynrican
Onchan, Connaghyn, Kione Droghad
oncome, cheet
oncoming, ta cheet
oncoming tide, roayrt
one, 'nane, fer, un, unnane
one and all, cagh, dagh ooilley pheiagh
one by one, fer as fer
one day, laa dy row, un laa
one horse town, balley beg cheerey
one of a pair, lieh-chione
one of the days, laa jeh ny laghyn
one of two things, lieh
one or other of you, peccagh j'iu
one price, un-leagh
one thing with another, eddyr meein as garroo
one way, unhrawagh
one who lies down, lhiaghteyder, lhieder
one who pays respect, arrymidagh
one whom respect is due, arrymagh, arrymider
one-armed, lieh-laueagh
one-celled, un-chillagagh
one-cylinder, un-rollian
one-directional, un-hrawagh
one-eared, lieh-chleayshagh
one-eyed, lieh-hooillagh
one-footed, lieh-chassagh
one-sided, cleaynit, lieh-cheuagh, lieh-chioneagh, mee-chiart
one-storied, un-laaragh
one-to-one, 'nane rish unnane
oneness, unnaneys
oner, lomarcan
onerous, laadagh, trome
ones, feallagh
onion, unnish
onion sauce, soolagh unnish
onion shaped, unnishagh
onion skin, crackan unnish
onlooker, fer jeeaghyn er
only, agh, unrick, ynrican
only for, myrragh
only one, unnane ny lomarcan
onomatopoeia, arrish-ockleeaght
onomatopoeic, arrish-ockleeagh
onrush, thooilley
onset, cheet toshiaght, soiagh-er
onshore (wind), veih'n aarkey
onto, er
ontogenesis, ontogheinnaghtyn
ontological, ontoaylleeagh
ontology, ontoaylleeaght
onus, currym, errey
onward(s), er oaie
ooill juys, nointed
ooill ny hagglish, ooiloil, unction
ooillit, chrism
oorpentine, turpentine
ooze, bolgys, sheeley magh
ooze away, traih
ooziness, bolgys
oozing, sheeley
oozy, lappagh, slappagh
opacity, dullyraght
opah, ree ny haddaghyn
opal, opal
opal glass, glenney opalagh
opalescence, opalaght
opalescent, opalagh
opaque, dullyr, moal-inchynagh
opaqueness, dullyragh
open, feayn foshlit, foshil, foshlit, fosley, gyn eirkey, gyn kiangle, reurit
open (as affair), gyn reaghys
open ballot, teiy foshlit
open cheque, sheck gyn crossey
open furrow, clash
open out, cur bieauid fo, fosley, lheeanaghey
open sea, reamys marrey
open season, imbagh lowit
open up, cur er bun, cur er bun, fosley, jannoo toshiaght er, lheanaghey, reurey
open-air, mooie fo'n aer, mooie fo'n speyr
open-eyed, dooisht, geyre-chooishagh, sooill-foshlit
open-faced, ynrick
open-handed, feoilt
open-handedness, feoiltys
open-hearted, jeelys, jeeragh, seyr-chreeagh, ynrick
open-minded, neuchleaynt, seyraggindagh
open-mindedness, neuchleaynys, seyraggindys
open-mouthed, beeal-oshlit
open-necked, foshlit
open-plan, oaie gys cooyl
open-work stockings, oashyryn moggyllagh
opener, fosleyder
opening, beeal, doarlish, fosley, fosley, toshiaght
opening price, leagh toshee
openly, er ard
opera, kiaulldramey
opera cloak, cloagey fastyr
opera glasses, glennaghyn kiaulldramey
opera hat, edd ard, edd ard
opera house, thie kiaulldramey
operable, yn-obraidagh
operate, cur fo skynn, gobbyr, obbraghey
operated, obbrit
operatic, kiaulldrameydagh
operating lever, dell obbree
operating table, boayrd obbraidee
operating theatre, obraidlan, shamyr obbraidee
operation, obbraid, obbreeaght, obbyr
operational, aarloo, obbraidagh, ullee
operative, obbragh, obbree
operator, caillin chellvane, guilley chellvane, obbraidee, obbreyder
operculum, lonnagh
operetta, kiaull-chloie
ophidian, offidagh
ophtalmia, lostey sooilley
ophthalmic, greieyn sooilley
ophthalmics, sooill-oayllys
ophthalmologist, sooill-oayllee
ophthalmology, sooill-oaylleeaght
ophthalmoscope, ophthalmoscoip
opiate, cadleenag, cur cadley er, lheeys cadlee
opinion, barel, coyrle, smooinaght, tuarym
opinionated, kione-daaney
opinionated talk, slatterys
opinionist, raghtaner
opium, cadleen, fraue cadlee, fraue cadleen, soo chadlee
opium den, guag chadlee
opponent, asscharrey, condaigagh, staayneyder, streeuailtagh
opportune, caaoil, cooie, emshiroil, traaoil
opportuneness, caaoilid, cooieid, emshiroilaght
opportunism, emshiroilys
opportunist, emshiroilagh
opportunity, caa, caaoileyder, caaoileyder, caaoileyder
oppose, goaill noi, staayney
opposed, controllee, crosht, staaynit noi
opposer, condaigagh, staayneyder
opposing, condaigagh, contraartagh, noi y cheilley
opposite, hoal, hoal noi
opposition, condaigys, contraartys, noiys, oiys, staanys
oppress, jannnoo tranlaase er, tranlaasagh, tranlaasey
oppressed, laadit, tranlaasit, tromit
oppression, drogh-chorrym, laue-lajerys, tranlaase
oppressive, breen, breenagh, tranlaasagh
oppressiveness, breenid, tranlaasagh
oppressor, chenjagh, tranlaasagh
opprobrious, floutagh
opprobrium, flout, nearey
opt, reih
optative, reihagh
optic, reayrtoil, shilleydagh, sooillag
optical, reayrtoil, shilleydagh
optical illusion, cluic hooilley, conrieught-hooilley
optical square, kern-reayrtan
optician, lhee sooilley, reayrt-oayllee, speckleyreyder
optics, reayrt-oaylleeaght
optimism, giol-aignaght, jerkallys, lane-yerkallys
optimist, jerkallagh, jerkeyder, lane-yerkallagh
optimistic, jerkallagh, lane-yerkallagh, sullyraignagh
option, reih
optional, reihyssagh
opulence, berchid, berchys
opulent, berchagh
opus, obbyr
opuscule, myn-obbyr
or, ny
or else, er nonney
orache, cabbash veein, mooyngoair
oracle, oracle, ynnyd faishnagh
oracular, dorraghey
oral, beill, focklagh, loayrit
oral sex, keintys beill
oral tradition, beeal-arrish, beealleydys
orang-utan, apey jiarg
orange, oranje, oranje-vuigh
orange blossom, blaa oranje
orange house, thie oranje
orange lily, lilee oranje
orange skin, crackan oranje
orange squash, milljag oranje
orange stick, kibbin ingney
orange tree, billey oranje
orange-flowered hawkweed, lus ny shynee
orangeade, milljag oranje
orangery, thie oranje
orangism, oranjaghys
orate, jannoo oraid
oration, oraataght, oraid, raatys
orator, coraatagh, oraatagh, raatagh
oratorial, oraatagh
oratorio, oraatoir
oratory, agglish, keeill, oraaidaght, raatys
orb, cruinnag
orbicular, cruinn, cruinnagagh
orbit, cruinlagh, cruinlaghey
orbital speed, bieauid cruinlagh
orc, ork
orcaidian, Orkagh
orchard, garey mess, garey ooyll, messghart, ooylagh
orchestra, kiaullane
orchestral, kiaullaneagh
orchestral suite, straih
orchestration, kiaullaneydys
orchis, bwoid saggyrt
ordain, oardaghey
ordained, oarderit, oardit
ordeal, piantaghys
order, ayns shayll, cur ayns oardagh, cur sarey (da), dy lieragh, foaynoo, oardagh, oardaghey, oardreilys, oardyr, reaghey, reajid, reajys, reill, reir, reirey, rere, rick
order about, reirey
order book, lioar oardagh
order in, kionnaghey stiagh, oardaghey stiagh
order of the Thistle, Oardyr ny Honnane
order off, oardaghey jeh
order out, oardaghey magh
ordered, oarderit, oardit
ordering, reiragh, saragh
orderliness, doaie, modoilid
orderly, modoil, oardoil, reajagh, sharvaant
ordinal, oardoil, reajyssagh, reiltagh
ordinal number, earroo reajyssagh
ordinance, anney, oardagh
ordinand, fo-haggyrt, oardreilagh
ordinarily, cadjinagh, dy cadjin
ordinary, cadjin
ordinary share, ayrn cadjin, ronney cadjin
ordinate, oardinaid
ordination, oardrail
ordnance, gunn mooar
ordure, eoylley, gaerr, keck
ore, meain, meainagh
ore body, ard-chuishlin
ore shoot, feddan meainey
organ, olt, organe
organ builder, troggeyder organe
organ grinder, cloieder organe
organ of hearing, olt eaishtaghys
organ pipe, feddan organe
organ screen, scaalane organe
organ-blower, sheideyder organe
organ-case, kishtey organe
organ-grinder, organeyder, organeyr straiddey
organ-loft, lout organe
organ-stop, scuirrag organe
organdi(e), organdee
organic, organagh
organic chemistry, kemmig orgaanagh, kemmig organagh
organism, organe bioag
organist, organeyr
organization, commyn, reagheydys
organize, cur er bun, reaghey
organizer, reagheyder
organizing, cur er bun, reaghey
organizing committee, bing reaghee
orgasm, attys, raght
orgasmic, attagh, raghtagh
orient, Yn Niar
oriental, shiar
orientate, fys yn raad y ghoaill
orientation, ard
orifice, beeal, fosley
origin, brenn, bun, bunneydys, toshiaght
original, bun, bunneydagh, fraueagh, noa
original intention, bun as bree
originality, noaid
originate, cur er bun, goaill toshiaght
origination, bun, goaill toshiaght
originator, bunneyder, noader
orion, Yn shelgeyr mooar
orison, padjer
orlop, coodagh
ormolu, airhaghys
ornament, jesheen, jesheeney, ornaid
ornamental, jesheenagh
ornamentation, jesheenys, ornaidys
ornamenter, jeshenneyder
ornate, jesheenagh, ornaidagh
ornithological, eean-oaylleeagh, eeanagh
ornithologist, eean-oayllee, fer eeanlee
ornithology, eean-oaylleeaght
orotlan bunting, pompee Loghlynagh
orotund, mooar-ocklagh
orphan, treoghan
orphanage, thie treoghan
orphaned, treoghe
orpine, arpin
orry, Gorree, Gorry
ortho, cair-
orthocentre, chesh-vean
orthochromatic, cair-chroamagh
orthocousins, cair-vooinjer
orthodox, cair-chredjuagh, follan, kiart
orthodoxy, cair-chredjue, follanid
orthography, cairscreeu
orthopaedic, orthopeedagh, ushylagh-oaylleeagh
orthopaedist, orthopeedee, ushylagh-oayllee
orthopaedy, lhiannoo-lheeys, orthopeedee, ushylagh-oaylleeaght
orts, brock, brock coonlee, orch
oscillate, cur er leaystey, leaystey
oscillating, leaystagh
oscillation, leaystey
oscillator, leaysteyder
oscillatory, leaystagh
osculant, paagagh
osculate, paagey
osculation, paagey
osculatory, paagagh
osier, shellagh ushtey, slat hellee
osier bed, boayl shellee
osmosis, trooid-heeltaght
osmotic, trooid-heelagh
osseous, craueagh
ossian, Oshin
ossianic, Oshinagh
ossicle, craueen
ossification, craueaghey
ossify, craueaghey
ossuary, shamyr chraueyn, thie craueyn
ostensible, myr yein
ostentation, erreayrt, mooaralys
ostentatious, erreayrtagh, mooaralagh
osteology, craue-oaylleeaght
osteomyelitis, lostey ny graue
osteopath, laue-lheeyseyr
osteopathy, laue-lheeys
ostler, guilley cabbil, guilley eagh
ostracism, dooney magh
ostracize, dooney magh
ostrich, eean roie, ostrich
ostrich feather, fedjag ostrich
other, elley, fer elley
others besides, sleih elley harrish
otherwise, er aght elley, er nonney, ny yei
otherworldly, neuheiltaght
otter, dooarchoo, moddey ushtey
ottoman, Turkagh
ought, lhis, lhisagh, S'cair (da)
ounce, awnse, lepard sniaghtee
ounce avoirdupois, unns mooar
our, ain, ar, nar, nyn
our heavenly father, Nyn Ayr t'ayns Niau
our Lady, Yn Ven Seyr ain
our Lord, Nar Jiarn, Nyn Jiarn
our predecessors, nyn shennayraghyn
our relations, nyn mooinjer
ours, ain, dooin, lhien, nyn
ourself, shin hene
ourselves, shinyn
oust, cur magh
ousted, currit magh (ass)
out, magh, mooie
out and out, ass, ass as ass, ooilley as ass
out of, ass
out of condition, ayns drogh challin
out of date, ass date, ass date, ass fashan, shenn-emshiragh
out of earshot, ass eaishtagh
out of flower, ass blaa
out of gunshot, ass orraghey
out of her, assjee
out of him, ass
out of malice, lesh roon
out of phase, as cophaase
out of place, ass ynnyd, meehraaoil, neuchooie
out of plumb, ass y jeerid
out of proportion, gyn reir rish y cheilley
out of range, ass orraghey
out of square, sa-uillinagh
out of station, ass ynnyd
out of the way, cooyl raaidjey, cooyl-raadagh, fadaneagh, neuchadjin
out of them, assdaue
out of us, assdooin
out of you, assdiu, assyd
out-patient, mooie-hurransagh
out-worker, obbree mooie
outbid, ardjaghey (er)
outboard, cheumooie, harrish boayrd, magh, mooie
outbound, er y raad magh
outbreak, brishey magh, irree magh
outburst, brishey magh
outcast, eebyrtagh, mooidjeen
outclass, jannoo ny share (na)
outcome, eiyrtys
outcrop, freggyrt
outcry, gerrym, shillaa, yllagh as eam
outdistance, berraghtyn (er), faagail ny yei
outdo, geddyn laue yn eaghtyr er
outdoors, fo'n aer, magh, mooie
outer, mooie
outer cover, coodagh mooie
outer ear, cleaysh vooie
outer edge, oirr mooie
outer garments, eaddagh mooie
outer Hebrides, Inshyn Goal
outer space, yn feaynid mooar
outface, cur eddin ny share (da)
outfall, beeal, tuitttym harrish, tuittym harrish
outfit, cullee
outfitter, culleeder
outfitting, culleedys
outflank, cheet roish
outflow, roie harrish
outgoing, faagail, goll ass oik, goll magh
outgoing mail, screeunyn magh
outgoing tide, tidey traih
outgrow, aase ro vooar (da)
outgrowth, gaase ro vooar
outhouse, boalane, bwaane, thie mooie
outing, turrys
outlander, joarree
outlandish, frangagh, joarree
outlast, tannaghtyn ny sodjey jeh
outlaw, jannoo mooidjeen (jeh), jeebyrtagh, kern keylley, mooidjeen
outlawry, mooidjeenys, roosteenys
outlay, costys
outlet, beeal, cass, kessagh
outline, cummey, feegan, jannoo cummey jeh
outlive, beaghey ny s'odjey (na)
outlook, reayrt
outlying, foddey ersooyl
outmanoeuvre, jannoo ny share (da)
outmarch, shooyl ny s'odjey (na)
outmode, faagail ny yei
outnumber, ve ny s'earrooee (na)
outpace, berraghtyn ayns cosheeagh
outpaced, berrit (er)
outpost, noa-phost
outpouring, deayrtey magh
output, coayrt magh, troar
outrage, drogh-ghellal, farg, jannoo drogh-ghellal er
outrageous, drogh-ghellal, ro-ghaaney
outrageousness, drogh-ghellalid, ro-ghaanid
outrange, lhiggey ny share na
outride, markiagh ny sodjey
outrider, markiagh mooie
outright, ass yn eddin, er ard, jeeragh, ynrick
outrun, roie ny sodjey
outsail, berraghtyn (er), shiaulley ny share na
outset, toshiaght
outshine, geddyn ybn varriaght er
outside, cheumooie
outside (of bus), mullagh foshlit
outside seat, soieag vooie
outside worker, obbree mooie
outsider, cabbyl gyn caa, joarree
outsize, cullimagh
outsize, cullimagh, mooar-howshanagh
outsize person, cullimer
outsize person, cullimer
outskirts, brooinyn
outspan, campal, skeaylley
outspoken, brynt
outspokenness, bruntid, bruntys
outspread, spreiht
outstanding, ard-yindyssagh, gyn eeck, mooie
outstare, aavlakey, blakey ny share (na)
outstay, tannaghtyn ny sodjey (na)
outstretched, sheeynt
outstrip, berraghtyn (er)
outvie, geddyn laue yn eaghtyr er
outward, cadjin-foshlit, magh, mooie
outward bound, goll magh
outwardly, er y cheu mooie
outwards, lieh mooie, magh
outwear, ceau ny share (na), ceau ny sodjey (na)
outweigh, s'trimmey (na)
outwit, mooie-cheeaylley
outwitting, mooie-cheeaylley
outwork, obbyr vooie
oval, oohchroo, oohchrooagh, runtaght
ovalize, oohchrooaghey
ovarious, oohagh
ovary, sheelane oohrey
ovate, oohagh
ovation, ard-vass-moylley, ard-vass-moylley
oven, oghe
ovenette, oghe veg
over, breish, coar, ec kione, erskyn, harrish, noal, noon, snaie daa cheayrt
over and above that, harrish as erskyn shen
over and over, harrish as tarrish
over her, harree
over here, ayns shoh wass, wass
over him, harrish
over me, harrym
over the summer, car y touree
over them, harroo
over us, harrin
over yonder, ayns shid hoal
over you, harriu, harryd
over-abundant, ro-phalchagh
over-arm, erskyn laue
over-confidence, ro-ghaanys, ro-hickyrys
over-confident, ro-ghaaney, ro-hickyr
over-elaborate, jannoo rour jeh, jannoo rour jeh, ro-yesheenagh
over-estimate, ro-ooley, ro-phriseil
over-excite, ro-ghreeaghey
over-exertion, ro-streppey
over-expose, ro-roostey
over-exposure, ro-roostey
over-familiar, ro-ainjyssagh
over-fatigue, jannoo ro-skee, ro-skeeys
over-fatigued, jeant ro-skee
over-fond, ro ghraihagh er
over-free, ro-feoiltagh
over-insure, cur rour urryssaght er
over-nice, ro-choar
over-officious, ro-yeidagh
over-populated, rour cummaltee (ayns)
over-powered, ro-lajer
over-powering, ro-lajer
over-proof, harrish proof
over-wound, ro-hogherit
over-zealous, ro-yeean
overact, jannoo ro-acteyrys (er), ro-reggyrt
overall, er fud
overalls, eaddagh obbree
overbalance, coayl y cormid, lhieggey, tuittym
overbear, cur y laue lajer da, dy ve stronaasagh rish
overbearing, stronaasagh
overbearingness, stronaasaght
overbid, ardjaghey
overboard, harrish boayrd
overbold, ro-ghaaney
overburden, cur rour er, eaghtyr, ooir
overbuy, kionnaghey rour
overcapitalization, rochapitlaghey
overcast, bodjallagh, mooirjeenagh
overcast stitch, greim harwhaalit
overcharge, leagh ro ard, rolught, rolughtey
overcoat, cooat mooar, cooat mooar, cooat s'jerree
overcoat loop, loobane cooat vooar
overcome, castit, cur fo haart, fo chosh, geaylt, jargit (er)
overcome with heat, marroo ec yn chiass
overcome with smoke, plooghit
overcrowd, pronnit, ro-lhieent
overcrowding, pronney, ro-lhieeney
overdevelop, ro-anchoodaghey
overdevelopment, ro-anchoodaghey
overdo, broie, fuinn, jannoo rour jeh, jannoo rour jeh, rost, rour
overdone, broieit, fuinnit, jeant rour, ro-uinnit, rostit, rostit, rour
overdose, anlught
overdraft, eeasaght roie
overdraw, goaill eeasaght roie
overdress, cur rour (mysh)
overdrive, ard-imman, imman rour
overdue, anmagh, harrish yn traa, moal
overeat, ee rour
overeating, ee rour
overfed, ro veeit
overfeed, ro-veaghey
overfeeding, ro-veaghey
overfill, lhieeney rour
overflow, freayn, freayney, jeeley, lhieggey, roie harrish, thooillaghey
overflowing, freaynagh, lhieent harrish
overfond, coontey rour (jeh)
overgarment, eaddagh mooie
overgo, goll harrish
overgrow, coodaghey
overgrown, coodit, lane sarkil, ro vooar da'n eash (ec)
overgrowth, brat, coodagh
overhang, croghey harrish, sceau
overhaste, rour siyr
overhastiness, rour siyrid
overhaul, berraghtyn (er), karraghey
overhead, 'sy speyr
overhead cable, caabyl erskyn, caabyl heose
overhead expenses, costys roie
overhead lighting, soilshey neose
overhead valves, cooyllaghyn king
overheat, jannoo ro heh, ro-hiow
overheated, ro-heh
overjoy, cur ard voggey er
overjoyed, ard-voggey er
overladen, ro-laadit
overland, har cheer
overlap, lhie harrish y cheilley
overlapping, goll harrish y cheilley
overlay, coodaghey (lesh), quilt lhiabbagh
overleaf, er y nah lheanagh, hoal
overlie, lhie neose er
overload, laadey rour, rolaad
overloading, laadey rour, lughtaghey rour, rolaadey
overlong, ro 'oddey, roud
overlook, jarrood, jeeaghyn neose er
overlord, ard-hiarn, chiarnaghey harrish
overlordship, ard-hiarnys
overmantel, ard-skelloo
overmastering, chiarnyssagh, neustreeanagh
overmuch, roud
overnight, fud ny hoie
overpaid, eeckit rour
overpaint, slaa harrish
overpass, goll harrish, raad-ghroghad
overpay, eeck rour (da)
overpayment, rour eeck
overplus, corrillagh
overpower, goaill er niart
overpowered, goit er niart
overpowering, marrooagh
overpraise, ard-voylley
overprint, cloughey harrish, farchloughey
overproduction, ro-obbragh
overrate, cur coontey ro vooar da
override, markiagh harrish
overripe, ro-appee
overrule, reill noi
overrun, craghey, lhieent, lome lane, ruegit
oversea, har mooir
oversee, freayll rick er, jeeaghyn harrish, oaseiraghey
overseer, curmeyder, meoir, oaseir
oversew, har-whaaley
overshade, ceau scaa er
overshadow, ceau scaa er, ceau scadoo harrish, scaaghey
overshadowed, scaait
overshoe, far-vraag
overshoot, ceau erskyn, roie ass
oversight, marranys, meehastid
oversize, mooar-howshagh
oversleep, cadley ro anmagh
oversleeve, farwuinneel
overspend, ceau rour
overspent, ceaut rour
overspread, lhieeney er
overstalled, ro veeit, ro veeit, trartagh
overstate, janoo rour jeh
overstatement, ro-raa
overstay, tannaghyn ny sodjey
overstep, immee harrish
overstock, cur rour er, lhieeney rour, lhieeney rour
overstrain, cur harrish e niart
overstress, faregin, fareignaghey, lhie ro vooar er
overstrung, crosh-teaddagh, er jeid
overstudy, jannoo rour studeyrys, rour studeyrys
overt, foshlit
overtake, berraghtyn (er)
overtaken, berrit (er)
overtaker, berreyder
overtaking, berraghtyn
overtax, cur rour keesh er, cur rour obbyr (er)
overthrow, cleddal, coyrt mow, cur haart, taartys, toyrt mow
overthrown, fo haart
overtight, ro hionn
overtime, arnane, rag-obbyr
overtone, armoanagh, blass
overture, fosley
overturn, ceau harrish, cleddal, tuittym harrish, tuittym harrish
overvalue, cur leagh ro ard (er)
overvoltage, sarvoltys
overweak, ro-lhag
overweight, riurid, ro-hrome, roauyr
overwhelm, cur fo chosh
overwhelming, lane niartal
overwork, cur rour obbyr (er), rour obbyr
overwrought, toghtit
oviduct, feddan ooh
oviform, oohchrooagh
ovine, keyrragh
oviparous, ooh-vreyagh, oohagh, oohbertagh
ovoid, oohchrooagh
ovule, oohag
ovum, ooh, oohag
owe, fo lhiastynys, lhiastyn
owing, lhiastyn, lhiastynagh, mooie
owing to, kyndagh rish
owing to that, kyndagh rish shen
owing to that, trooid shen
owl, hullad
owlet, eean hullad
owlet moth, lhemyn hulladagh
owlish, gollrish hullad, hulladagh
own, eer, hene, ta ( ) lesh
owner, caireyder, onnar, shellooder
ownership, caireydys, shellooderaght
owning, by lesh, my lesh
ox, dow
ox cart, caayrt dew
ox tongue, boglus, chengey vaa
ox-eye, neaynin mooar
ox-hide, sheh ghow
oxalate, ocsaleit
oxen, dew
oxford, Aah Yn Ollee
oxidation, ocsaidaghey
oxide, ocsaid
oxidizable, ocsaidagh
oxidize, ocsaidaghey
oxidizer, ocsaideyder
oxtail, arbyl dow, famman dow
oxygen, ocsajeen
oxygenate, ocsajeeneaghey
oxyhydrogen, ocsaheedreenagh
oxytone, ocsatoain
oyez!, Eaisht-jee!
oyster, ooastyr
oyster bed, behrtagh ooastyragh
oyster breeding, troggal ooaystyragh
oyster leaf, lus ny shillee
oyster-knife, skynn ooastyragh
oyster-shell, shlig ooastyragh
oysterbreeder, troggeyder ooaystyragh
oystercatcher, bridjeen, garee breck
ozone, osoan
ozonization, osoanaghey,