rabbet, jannoo rabbat, kiangley lesh rabbat, rabbat
rabbet joint, olt rabbat
rabbi, rabbi, saggyrt Ewanagh
rabbit, conneeyn, conning
rabbit (sea name), pommit
rabbit farm, ferm conneeyn
rabbit fish, bochilley skeddan
rabbit hole, poyll conning, towl conning
rabbit hutch, croa chonning, thie conning
rabbit pen, paal chonning
rabbit punch, mwannal-vuilley
rabbit snare, lhoob
rabbit warren, oayll conneeyn
rabbiter, shelgeyr conneeyn
rabbitfish, ree yn skeddan
rabbitlike, conningagh
rabble, ny riftanyn, yiarn seiyee
rabelaisian, Rabelaisagh
rabid, er rouyl, lane confey, magh as magh
rabid enemy, jiarg-noid
rabies, chingys ny coyin, confey, gorley ny moddee
raccoon, raccoon
race, area, arey, clash, dooghys, fraue, kynney, ratch, ratchal, reis, roie, roie ratch, sluight, stroo
race, dooghys
race card, caart ratch
race course, coorse ratchal
race goer, ben ratch
race horse, cabbyl roie
race meeting, ratch cabbil
race relations, commeeys kynnee
race through, raipey trooid
raced, ratchit, roit
racegoer, fer ratch
racehorse, eagh
raceme, crouw-vlaaghey
racer, ratcheyder, roieder, roieder
racer (woman), ben ratch
racetrack, coorse
racial, kynneeagh
racialism, kynneeaghys
racialist, kynneeaghee
raciness, cheeroilaght
racing, ratchal
racing of hares, coorsey
rack, carree, cratch, crib, latt, rack, sheeyneyder
rack and pinion, rack as pinnioon
rack railway, raad yiarn feeacklagh
rack rent, ancheesh
rack wheel, queeyl eecklagh
racked, guint
racket, carrane niaghtee, doindyr, kiaullane, moostaneys, racaid
racketeer, obbree cam, raggyrnoilee
racking, guintagh, ooilley-chorpagh
raconteur, skeealeyder
racy, cheeroil
radar, radar
raddle, oker jiarg
radial, lieh-chrantessenagh, raadeeoil
radian, raadjan
radiance, sollyssid
radiant, soilsheanagh
radiant heat, chiass goulragh
radiate, gahagh, gahghey, goulragh, goulraghey
radiating, goulraghey
radiation, gahghey, goulraght
radiator, chiasseyder, feayreyder
radiator cap, farkyl feayreyder
radiator muff, muffey feayreyder
radical, bunneydagh, fraue, fraueoil, fraueoilagh
radicalism, fraueoilaght
radicle, fraue
radio, cur er y radio, radio
radio message, chaghteraght radio
radio operator, obbree radio
radio room, shamyr radio
radio-active, goul-rooragh
radio-activity, goul-roorid
radio-therapy, scell-lheeys
radiogram, radiogram
radiographer, radiograafee
radiographic, radiograafaght
radiological, radio-oaylee
radioscopy, radioscoipaght
radish, rahgyl
radium, raadiu
radius, craue raadeeoil, lieh-chrantessen
radius of plane, fodjeeaght obbree
radix, bun, bun, bun-earroo
raffish, raistylagh
raffle, cronchor, cur ayns cronchor
raft, raftey, sleayd ushtey, snauean
rafter, caabyr, cass chubbyl
raftsman, rafteyr
rag, buiggys clooidagh, clooid, fritlag, garroo-chloie, giubbyl, kiapaghey
rag book, lioar eaddee
rag fair, margey shenn eaddeeyn
rag merchant, marchan shenn eaddeeyn
rag paper, pabyr giubbylagh
rag-and-bone man, fer fritlag
rag-bag, poagey fritlagyn
ragamuffin, brollaghan, riftan
rage, eulys, jymmoose, keoieid, keoiys, ouyl
rage as sea, freayney
rage of pestilence, raipey roish
ragged, clooidagh, fritlagagh, giubbagh, giubbylagh, ribbagagh
ragged robin, lus ny cooag
raggedness, fritlagys, fritlid, giubbylaght, roosteenid
raging, dorrinys, er keagh, er ouyl, fargagh, fergagh, freaynagh, freayney, goll cheagh, goll er ouyl, jiarg-eulyssagh, jymmoosagh
ragman, fer ny fritlagyn, fer ny giubbil
rags and tatters, giubbil
ragstone, spolley
ragworm, jialgane, jialganeagh
ragwort, cushag, cushag vooar, cushag wuigh
raid, jannoo soiagh, soiagh, soiaghey er
raider, cragheyder, soiagher
rail, drean ushtey, raad yiarn, railley, skelf, slat
rail car, carr railley
rail track, raad yiarn, railley
rail-chair, stoyl railley
railhead, kione railley
railings, radling
raillery, aittys floutagh, oltooaney
railway, raad yiarn, railley
railway carriage, carriads traenagh
railway crossing, crossag raad yiarn
railway cutting, giarrey raad yiarn
railway embankment, portagh raad yiarn
railway line, raad yiarn
railway station, stashoon traenagh
railway system, corys raad yiarn
railway track, raad yiarn
railway train, traen
railwayman, obbree raad yiarn
raiment, coamrey
rain, ceau, ceau fliaghey, fliaghey, jeein
rain chart, caart fliaghee
rain cloud, bodjal fliaghee
rain gauge, meddyr lighee
rain pipe, piob liaghee
rainbow, Bhow Ghorree, goal twoaie
rainbow full north, goal twoaie noid
raincoat, cooat fliaghee
raindrop, bine fliaghee
rainfall, fliaghee, fliaghey, fliughey, fluighey, frass
raininess, fliagheeys
rainproof, jeen noi fliaghey
rainstorm, ceau fliaghee
rainwater, ushtey fliaghee
rainy, fliaghagh
rainy day, laa fliaghagh
rainy season, imbagh ny fliaghaghyn, traa ny fliaghaghyn, yn imbagh fliaghee
raise, brishey, carn, cruinnaghey, cur ny hassoo, doostey, jeeragh seose, moostey, prisal, scryssey, thiolley, troggal, yrjaghey
raise the anchor, cur hood
raise up, troggal
raised, ard, croghit, troggit
raisin, raisin
raising, troggalagh
raising troops, troggal armee
raj, ard-chionys
rake, ard-stroailtagh, ceau, cleayney, corlaig, corlaigey, faaney, Raak, raakey, raistyl, ronsaghey
rake in, tayrn stiagh
rake off, foilliu, geddyn folliu
rake out, raakey
rake over, corlaigey, raakey
rake up, tayrn neose
raking, corlaigey
rakish, cleaynit, cleaynt sheear, raistylagh, sheeynt
rakish angle, cam, cleaynt
rakishness, cleaynaght, raistylys
rallentando, neuhiyragh
rally, aachruinnaghey, aahoiagh, aavioghey, bishagh, cruinnaghey, cruinnaght, drease, rallee, roie ayns rallee, troggal
ram, broojey, rea, rea beg
ram (undescended), conrea
ram home, cur dy valley, jingey, pronney
ram's horn, eairk rea
ram-lamb, eayn firryn
ramble, rouail, wagaantagh
rambling, branlaadee, rouaillagh, rouailley, wagaantagh, wagaantys
ramification, stholey
ramified, stholtit
ramify, stholey
rammer, broojer
rammish, rahagh, reagh
ramose, banglaneagh, stholagh
ramp, ardane, ardjaghey, ro-ardjaghey, ughtagh
rampage, er y fergaght
rampant, lieh-ard, ooilley mygeayrt, rank, shassoo
rampart, arragh, carnane, carnane caggee, doon-voalley, glassag
rampion, clageen
ramrod, slat ghunn
ramsey, Rhumsaa
ramshackle, tholtanagh
ramson, craue feie, garleyd feie
ranch, ransh, ranshey, troggal stock er ransh
rancher, ransheyr
rancid, breinn
rancidity, breinnid, gortaght
rancorous, myskidagh, roonagh
rancorousness, myskid, roonid
random, gyn tort
randy, kiaullaneagh, reagh
ranee, benchiarn Injinagh
range, aber, cleeauraght, cur ayns straih, fodjeeaght, reaynal, rheam, rheynn, roie, roie harrish, sheeyney, shooyl harrish, sorn, straih
range boiler, sorn-coirrey
rangefinder, feddyner orraghey
rangefinding, feddyn orraghey
rangeman, oranjagh
ranger, rouailtagh
rank, gort, jiarg-, oardaghey, ooashley, rank, rhenk, strane
rank poison, droghnieu, jiarg nieu, nieu chiart
ranker, rhenkeyr, sidoor cadjin
rankle, farbaghey
rankling, farbagh
rankness, breinnid, gortaght, rankid, rankys
ransack, ronsaghey
ransacked, ronsit
ransacker, ronseyder
ransacking, ronsey
ransom, cur er feaysley, feaysley, leagh feayslee
ransomer, aa-eaysleyder, fer kionnee
rant, jannoo ronneeaght
ranter, fer ronneeaght, Saasilagh
ranting, ronneeaght, ronneegh
ranunculus, farvane
rap, crank, crankal, far-lhieng, polt, poltal, poltey
rap out, lhiggey magh
rapacious, jollyssagh, oaldey
rapaciousness, jollys, jollysid
rape, ben egin, egin, eginaghey, reap
rape of the Sabines, egin ny Sabeenee
rape oil, ooill reap
rapid, bieau, tappee
rapid fire, mair-lauee
rapid-growing, rank
rapidity, bieauid, rankid, tappeeid, tappeeys
rapidness, bieauid, siyrid
rapids, easkey
rapier, cliwe keyl
rapine, cragh
rapist, eginagh, eigneyder
rapper, crankeyder
rapping, crankal
rapscallion, rag-rannee, screb
rapt, dowin, fo druiaght
raptorial, craghagh
rapture, eunys
rapturous, ard-eunyssagh, eunyssagh
rare, braew, do-gheddyn, goan, goaney, gonney, lieh-aw, neuchadjin, thanney, tiark, yindyssagh
rarefaction, thannaghey
rarefied, thannit
rarefy, thannaghey
rarefying, thannaghey
rarely, anvennick, s'anvenkey, stiark keayrt
rareness, awid, goanid, neuchadjinys, thannid, tiarkaght
rarity, red neuchadjin
rascal, mitchoor, mooidjeen, rag-rannee, screb
rascality, mitchooraght, mooidjeenys
rascally, mitchooragh, mooidjeenagh, screbbagh
rash, brooan, dyn tort, joltee, raghtal, siyragh
rash person, siyragh
rash-covered, brooanagh
rasher, slissag
rashly, dy joltee, gyn tort
rashness, raghlid, raghtalid, raghtalys, siyrys
rasp, caignan, caigney, craiughan, craiughey, jeesternee, screebey, shleeuan yiarn
raspberry, breim, soo crouw
raspberry bush, crouw gharagh
raspberry cane, rassan soo-chrou
rasping, jeesternee
rasping sound, scoarnaghys, scoarnaghys
rasure, baarey, lommyrtys
rat, roddan
rat (sea name), fer yn amman vooar, soodragh
rat on, treigeil
rat poison, pyshoon roddan
rat-a-tat, crankal
rat-catcher, roddaneyr
rat-infested, croo lesh roddanyn, lane roddanyn, roddanagh
rat-trap, ribbey roddan
rat-trap pedals, coshallyn feeacklagh
ratchet, rackeen
ratchet wheel, queeyl rackeenagh
rate, cormid, feeuid, keesh valjey, leah, reat, soiaghey reeuid er, troiddey, ys
rate collector, chagleyder keesh
rate of interest, cormid use
ratel, brock molley
ratepayer, eeckeyder keeshyn
rath, raah
rather, dy jarroo, red beg
ratification, shickyraghey
ratified, shickyrit
ratifier, shickyreyder
ratify, shickyraghey
ratifying, shickyraghey
rating, graadaghey, jannoo keeshyn balley, towse
ratio, corrillagh
ratiocinate, resoonaghey
ratiocination, resoonaghey, resooney
ration, co-rheynn, cooid ronney, lowanse, lowansey, rheynn
ration card, lioar lowanse
rational, resoonagh
rationalisation, resoonaghey
rationality, resoon
rationalize, corheynn, resoonaghey
rationer, lowanser, loweyder
rationing, co-rheynn, rheynn lowansey
ratlike, roddanagh, roddanagh
ratline, ratlinney
rattan, rattan
ratter, bwoalley, gluggarnee
rattle, clabberey
rattle off, roie trooid
rattle on, roie roish
rattle snake, aernieu shliggagh
rattle-brained, eddrym
rattler, aernieu shliggagh
rattletrap, shenn-chlabberey, shenn-ghliggyr
rattling, clabberagh
ratty, caulgagh, friogganagh
raucous, peeaghaneagh
ravage, cragh, craghey, ruegys, spooilley, traartys
ravager, cragheyder, spooilleyder
ravaging, craghey, spooilley
rave, railley, rouailley
ravel, cur ayns reddey, reddey
ravel out, neureddey
raven, feeagh, feeagh mooar, hompsal, jannoo cragh
ravenous, accrys mooar (er)
ravenousness, jollys
ravens, fee, fiee
raver, branlaadagh, branlaader
raving, branlaadys, branlaadys, branladee
raving in drink, ronneeaght
raving mad, er merre
ravish, craghey, eiginaghey, goaill er egin
ravisher, cragheyder, eigneyder
ravishing, druaiaghtagh, druaiaghtagh
ravishment, cragh, egin
raw, anoayllagh, aw, garroo, glass, oor
raw drink, jough scoaldagh
raw ivory, iuaagagh glass
raw material, bun, bun-stoo
raw meat, feill aw
raw silk, sheeidey aw, sheeidey aw
raw skin, sheh oor
raw spirits, liggar aw
raw weather, emshyr ghlass
raw winds, geayaghyn fannee, lommanyn
raw wound, lhott bio
raw-boned, lhome-craueagh
rawness, anoayllaght, awid, garrooid, oorid
ray, goull, mair, scarrag
ray from behind cloud, lurgaghyn ny greiney
ray of light, gah sollysh, scell
rayless camomile, lus ny uhlley
raymond, Reaman
rayon, rayon
raze, craghey, lhieggal
razor, rhesar, skynn vaaree
razor blade, blod baaree
razor edge, foyr rhesar, geyre-immyr
razor strop, yeeal shleeuee
razor-backed, geyre-ghrommagh
razor-shell, shuggiloon
razorbill, coltrag, kione breck
re, 'sy chooish, mychione, re
re enact, aachloie
re say, c'red nish?
re-appoint, aaphointeil
re-appointment, aaphointeil
re-arrange, aareaghey
re-ascend, drappal reesht, irree reesht
re-cut, aayiarrey
re-decorate, aayesheenaghey
re-echo, aareggyrt, ceau mactullagh, gra er ash
re-edit, aareaghey
re-elect, aaheiy
re-election, aaheiy, aareihys
re-embark, cur er boayrd reesht, goll er boayrd reesht
re-embarkation, aachur er boayrd, aagholl er boayrd
re-emerge, cheet magh reesht
re-enact, aa-aghtey
re-encounter, aachaggey
re-engage, aafaillaghey, aaghoaill
re-engagement, aalistal
re-enjoy, goaill taitnys noa ass
re-enlist, aalistal
re-enlistment, aalistal
re-enter, goll stiagh reesht (ayns)
re-entry, aa-entreilys, cheet stiagh reesht
re-establish, aavunnaghey, aavunnaghey
re-examination, aascrutaghey
re-examine, aa-eyshtey, aaronsaghey, aascrutaghey
re-excite, aaghreeshaghey
re-export, aa-assphurtaghey, aa-assphurtal
re-lay, cur sheese reesht
re-open, aa-osley
re-opening, aa-osley
re-organization, aareaghey
re-organize, aareaghey
re-paper, cur pabyr noa er
re-papered, pabyrit ass y noa
re-proof, aayeenaghey
re-sole, cur bun noa er, cur trie noa er
re-tin, cur stainney noa er
reabsorb, aahoo
reaccustom, aachliaghtey
reach, reirey, rosh, roshtyn, roshtynys, sheeyney magh
reacher, rosheyder, sheeyneyder
reaching, roshtyn
react, aawoalley, freggyrt, ym-obbraghey
reactance, frasseeaght
reaction, aavuilley, frassaghey, freggyrt, ym-obbraghey
reactionary, aawoalltagh
reactive, aawoalltaagh, frasseeagh, freggyragh, freggyrtagh, ymobbreeagh
reactor, frasseeagh
read, fo laue, lhaih
read out, lhaih er ard
read through, lhaih trooid
readable, lhaihoil
readable, lhaihoil, so-lhiah
readdress, aaloayrt rish, cur enmys noa er
reader, lhaihder
readership, lhiahderaght
readily, dy arryltagh, dy jesh
readiness, aarlooid, appeeid, appeeys, arryltid, arryltys, ullid
reading, lhaih, lhaih
reading book, lioar lhaih
reading desk, boayrd lhaih
reading lamp, lostan lhaih
reading lesson, lessoon lhaih
reading room, shamyr lhaih
readjust, aachiartaghey
readjustment, aachiartaghey
readopt, aareih, reih reesht
readoption, aareih
ready, aarlaghey, aarloo, aarlooid, appee, arryltagh, jesh, kiartaghey, mie, shiaullaghey, ullee
ready cooked, aarlit rolaue
ready money, argid ullee
ready reckoner, lioar earroo
ready reply, jesh-ockle
ready steady go!, rea ullee er oai
ready-made, jeant rolaue
ready-witted, appee
readycooked, coagyrit rolaue
readymade, coagyrit rolaue
reaffirm, aaniartaghey
reaffirmation, aaniartaghey
reafforest, aachuirrey lesh biljyn
reafforestation, aacheyllaghey, aachuirr
reagent, ym-obbree
real, eer, feer, feer, firrinagh, rieugh
real assets, cooid chiart
real estate, cooid hallooin
real image, feer-chaslys
real old nobility, feerhennooashlaght
real silk, sheeidey najooragh
real value, jarroo-leagh
realgar, realgar
realism, firrinaght, rieughid
realist, rieughee
realistic, rieughagh
reality, feerid, rieughid, rieught
realizable, yn-chur er chreck, yn-yannoo
realization, cur gys argid, ennaghtyn, jannoo firrinagh, toiggal
realize, creck son argid, jannoo firrinagh, toiggal
really, dy feer, dy firrinagh
realm, ream
realness, rieughid
ream, ream
reanimate, aavioghey
reanimation, aavioghey
reap, buinn
reaped, buinnit, buint
reaper, beaynee, beayney, buinneyder, folder, greie buinnee, meillagh
reaper's sickle, corran beaynee
reaping, buinn, buinn, buinney, giarrey
reaping hook, corran
reaping machine, jeshaght vuinn, obbraghey jeshaght (er)
reaping time, traa beayney, traa buinney
reappear, cheet er ash
reappearance, aaheet stiagh, cheet er ash
rear, cooyl, troggal
rear (as horse), irree er ny cassyn jerree
rear admiral, shaghardmarragh
rear axle, essyl yerree
rear drive, cooyl-imman, cooyl-imman
rear elevation, cooyl-yalloo
rear light, londeyr jerree, soilshey cooyl, soilshey jerree, sollys jerree, uinnag chooyl
rear wheel, queeyl yerree
reared, troggit
rearer, troggeyder
rearguard, cooyl-ghaardey, cooyl-ghaardey
rearing, irree er ny cassyn jerree
rearing, troggal
rearm, aa-armal
rearmament, aa-armal
rearmost, jerrinagh
rearrangement, aareaghey
rearside, cheu chooylloo
rearward, cheu chooylloo, cooyl arbyl, er-ash, ergooyl
reason, arganey, fa, oyr, resoon, resoonaghey, resooney
reasonable, resoonagh
reasonable price, leagh cooie
reasonableness, resoon, resoonaght
reasoned, resoonit
reasoner, resoonagh, resooneyder
reasoning, resoonaghey, resooney
reassemble, aachruinnaghey, aachruinnaghey, aahaglym, aahroggal
reassert, aahickyraghey
reassertion, aahickyraghey
reassure, aaniartaghey, aayarrooaghey, cur cree da, jannoo aaurraghys er
reassuring, gerjoilagh
reave, craghey, spooilley
reaver, cragheyder, spooilleyder
reawaken, aaghoostey
rebate, aayeeilley
rebel, ard-veeviallagh, irree magh, irreyder magh, meeviallagh, neufreihagh
rebellion, irree magh, meeviallys
rebellious, meeviallagh
rebelliousness, meeviallys, neufreihys, noi-vreihys
rebind, aachiangley
rebirth, aaruggyr
rebless, aavannaghey
rebought, aachionnit
rebound, aachlistal, aachlistey, aavreb
rebuff, cur flout da, flout, floutyragh
rebuild, aahroggal
rebuilder, aahroggeyder
rebuilding, aahroggal
rebuilt, aahroggit
rebuke, cur oghsan da, oghsan
rebuker, oghsanagh
rebuking, oghsanagh
reburn, aalostey
rebut, cur y breag er, floutey, floutyraght
rebuttal, cur y breag er, flout
recalcitrance, kione-daanys, neuwooiys
recalcitrant, kione-daaney, neuwooiagh
recall, aachooinaghtyn, aagherrym, aagherrym (er ash), eamaghey stiagh reesht
recalling, aachooinaghtyn, aagherrym, tayrn gys cooinaghtyn
recapitulate, aacheimnaghey, goll harrish reesht
recapitulation, aacheimnaghey, goll harrish reesht
recapture, aachappeeys, aaghoaill
recast, aahilgey, aareirey
recede, cleayney, goll ergooyl, traie
receding chin, smeg veayl, smeggin meayl
receding forehead, eddin chleaynit
receding tide, tidey traie
receipt, folaue, jannoo folaue er
receivable, ry-gheddyn, ry-ghoaill, yn-ghoaill
receive, cur failt er, geddyn
received with thanks, goit lesh bwooise
receiver, fer goaill, glackeydane, glackeyder, gowaltagh, resowir
receivership, resowirys
receiving, geddyn
receiving order, oardagh resowirys
receiving station, stashoon glackee
recension, aavaght, noa
recent, jeianagh, noa
recently, er y gherrid
recentness, jeinaght, noaid, noanid
receptacle, goweydane
reception, eaishtaght, failtaghey, glackey, oltaghey
reception room, shamyr failt, shamyr failt
receptionist, failteyr, oltagher
receptive, goaillagh
recess, boayl fadanagh, cuilleig, far-uinnag, scart, traa seyr
recessed, cuilleigagh
recession, goll ergooyl
recessional, tra goll ergooyl, tra goll magh
recharge, aalughtey
rechoose, aareih
recidivism, aahuittym, cooyl-skyrraghtyn
recidivist, aahuittymagh, cooyl-skyrraghtagh
recipe, oijys
recipient, fowder
reciprocal, covaylartaght, maylartagh
reciprocate, covuilley, maylartey
reciprocated, maylartit
reciprocating, covuilley, covuilltagh, maylartagh, maylartey
reciprocation, maylartey
reciprocity, maylartys
recital, aaloayrtys, kiaull-chloie
recitation, aaloayrtys
recitative, loayrtagh
recite, aaloayrt
reciter, aaloayreyder, shennaghee
recking, coontey
reckless, meearreydagh
recklessness, meearrey
reckon, coontey
reckon in, cur 'syn earroo
reckon up, coontey
reckonable, coontoil, so-choontey
reckoned, coontit
reclaim, lhiasaghey
reclamation, lhaisaghey
recline, lieh-lhie
reclining, lieh-lhie
reclose, aaghooney
reclosure, aaghooney
reclothe, cur eaddagh noa da
recluse, fadaneagh
reclusion, fadanys
recognition, eney, enn
recognizable, ennee
recognizance, banney
recognize, cur enn er, cur enney er
recognized, er enney
recoil, lheim ergooyl, lheimey ergooyl, lheimyragh ergooyl
recollect, aachooinaghtyn (er), cooinaghtyn (er), tayrn gys cooinaghtyn
recollection, aachooinaghtyn, cooinaghtyn
recollective, cooinaghtagh, cooinidagh
recollector, cooineyder
recolonization, aachloanaghey
recolonize, aachloanaghey
recommence, aahoshiaghey, goaill toshiaght reesht
recommend, coyrlaghey, moylley
recommendable, yn-choyrlaghey
recommendation, moylley
recommender, moylleyder
recommission, aa-armal, cur oikys da reesht
recompense, aayeeilley, cooilleen, cooilleeney, leagh, lhiasagh, lhiasaghey
recompensed, aayeeillit, cooilleenit, lhiasit
recompenser, aayeeilleyder, cooilleeneyder, lhiaseyder
recompensing, aayeeillagh, cooilleenagh
reconcile, aachaarjaghey, aachoardail, cur dy cheilley, cur ry-cheilley
reconciled, aachaarjit, aachoardit, coardit
reconciliation, aachaarjaghey, aachaarjys, aachoardail
recondite, dowin, dowin, keilt
reconditeness, diunid, keiltynys
recondition, aachliaghtey (rish), cur ayns stayd mie
reconnaissance, speeikearys
reconnoitre, jannoo speeikearys er
reconquer, aaghoaill
reconsider, aasmooinaghtyn, jannoo aavriwnys er
reconsideration, aasmooinaghtyn
reconstituent, aahroggalagh
reconstitute, aavunnaghey
reconstitute, aachummey, aavunnaghey, aayannoo
reconstituted, aachummit
reconstitution, aachummey
reconstruct, aahroggal, cur aayannoo er
reconstruction, aahroggal, aayannoo, aayannoo
recopy, jannoo aachoip jeh
record, jannoo recortys jeh, recortey, recortys, recortysey
recorded, recortit, recortyssit
recorder, feddan millish, recortysser
recording, jannoo recortys, recortys, recortyssagh
recount, aachoearroo, aachoontey, insh
recoup, aayeeilley, cheet my laue
recover, aachoodaghey, cheet huggey, cheet my laue, couyral, geddyn reesht, slaanaghey
recoverable, ry-gheddyn reesht
recovered, couyrit, er ny gheddyn reesht, goit reesht, slaanit
recovery, aagheddyn, couyral, slaanaghey
recreant, mettey, metteydagh
recreate, aachroo
recreation, ceau emshir
recreation ground, faaie chloie
recreative, aachrooagh
recriminate, jannoo cassid (er)
recrimination, aachassid, cassid
recriminative, cassidagh
recrudesce, brishey magh reesht
recrudescence, aavrishey magh
recruit, listal, noanee, sidoor noa, troggal sidooryn
recruiter, listeyder, troggeyder sidooryn
recruiting, troggal sidooryn
recruitment, listal
rectangle, kiare-chuilleig
rectangular, kiare-chuilleigagh
rectangular boiler, coirrey kerrinagh, coirrey kerrinagh
rectifiable, kiartoil
rectification, jeeraghey, kiartaghey
rectifier, jeeraghey, kiarteyder
rectifying station, stashoon jeeree
rectilineal, eddyr linnaghyn jeeragh, jeeragh
rectitude, ynrickys
recto, duillag yesh, duillag yesh
rector, pesson, reiltagh
rectorial, pessonagh, reiltagh
rectorship, pessonaght, pessonys, reiltaght
rectory, thie pessonagh
rectress, ben-reiltagh
rectum, thoanney, thoyn
recultivate, aachuirr, aalhiasaghey
recumbent, ny lhie sheeynt
recuperate, slannaghey
recuperate, cheet my laue
recuperation, slaanaghey
recur, aahaghyrt, cheet gys cooinaghtyn
recurrence, aahaghyrt
recurrent, aahaghyrtagh
recurring, aafilltagh, beayn
recurring decimal, jeihoilan aahaghyrt
recussion, soodraght
red, jiarg, jiargey, ruy
Red (Political), er y cheu hoshtal
red admiral, ard-marragh jiarg
red ant, sniengan ruy
red bearberry, lus y vaghauin
red birch, beih yiarg
red campion, blaa ny ferrishyn
red cherry, shillish yiarg
red clover, shamrag ny gabbil
red dead-nettle, ard-firryn jiarg, ard-firryn jiarg
red deer, feeaih ruy
red disease, gorley ny beinney
red dock, cabbag yiarg
Red Ensign, Yn Mergey Jiarg
red ensign, mergey traghtee
red goosefoot, coll mea jiarg
red grouse, kellagh freoaie, kellagh ruy, kiark 'reoaie, kiark freoaie, tarmaghan, tarmaghan
red gurnard, crodane ruy
red headed, ruy
red herring, skeddan jiarg
red hot, jiarg-cheh
red Indian, Injinagh ruy
red ink, doo-jiarg
red iron ore, cray yiarg
red lead, leoaie yiarg
red letter, jiarg-lettyragh
red meat, feill aw
red mullet, mullad ruy
red murrain, mooyn-folley
red oak, darragh ruy
red petticoat, oanrey jiarg
red tape, ro-oikoilys, ro-oikoilys, rybban jiarg
red whortleberry, lus ny gounagh
red wine, feeyn jiarg
red-backed shrike, ushag vuitchooragh
red-blooded, breeoil
red-breasted merganser, thunnag yiarg
red-cheeked, jiarg-lieckanagh
red-eyed, jiarg-hooillagh
red-faced, jiarg ghrooishagh, jiarg neealagh
red-haired, ruy
red-handed, goit as yn laue ayn
red-hot, jiarg loshtee, smarageagh
red-hot poker, rinn yiarg
red-legged partridge, patrag rangagh
red-lipped, beeal-jiarg
red-necked grebe, eean kereen jiarg
red-necked phalarope, ushag ny Sheltyn
red-nosed, stroin yiarg, stroin-jiarg
red-spotted, breck-yiarg
red-throated diver, thummeyder fliaghee, thunnag ny scoarnagh ruy
redan, redane
redbacked shrike, buitchoor beg
redcoat, sidoor jiarg
redcurrant, berrish yiarg
redden, jiargaghey, ruyghey
reddened, jiargit, ruyghit
reddener, jiargeyder
reddening, jiargaghey
reddish, ruagh, ruissagh, ruyagh
reddishness, jiargid, ruissaght, ruyid
redecoration, aayesheenaghey
redeem, aachionnaghey, feaysley, kionnaghey reesht
redeemable, feayslagh, feayslagh, ynchionnagh
redeemed, aachionnit, feayslit
redeemer, feaysleyder, fer kionnee
redeeming, aachionnaghey, feaysley
redemption, aa-eaysley, aachionnaghey, feaysley, kionnaghey reesht, kionneeaght, saultys
redemptorist, Livreydagh
redhead, ben ruy, fer ruy, kione jiarg
redirect, aa-enmys(ey), cur enmys noa er
redirected, aa--enmyssit
rediscover, geddyn magh reesht
redistil, aaheeley
redistribute, aarheynn
redistributed, aarheynnit
redistribution, aarheynn
redness, jiargid, jirgid, ruyid
redolence, soaral jeh
redolent, soaral jeh
redouble, aaghoobley, aavooadaghey
redoubt, doon
redoubtable, gastey, roortagh
redound, cheet er ash, tuittym rish
redpoll, bytermyn cooyl-jiarg, lossan ruy
redraft, aaghreaghtal
redraw, aahayrn, tayrn aa-villey er
redress, couyr, kiartaghey, lhiasagh
redressable, yn-lhiasaghey
redshank, goblan marrey
redstart, kiaulleyder jiarg, kione jiarg
reduce, cur fo chosh, goaill, injillaghey, jee-ocsaidaghey, leodaghey, leodaghey, lhaggaghey, shangaghey, thannaghey
reduced, injillit, leodit, traihit
reducer, jee-ocsaideyr
reducible, yn-leodaghey
reduction, leodaghey, leodaghey, leodys, lhaggaghey, thannaghey
redundancy, neuymmyrch
redundant, neuymmyrchagh
reduplicate, aachoipal
reduplication, aachoipal
redwing, jiargan sniaghtee, treshlen Loghlinagh
redye, aaghaah
reed, cuirtlagh, guilagh
reed bed, immyr ghuilcagh
reed bunting, pompee ny guirtlagh
reed warbler, guilckag
reed-stop, dullane
reedmace, quiggal ny ben-shee
reedy, peeaganeagh
reedy place, guilckagh
reef, coorse, cuishlin, sker
reef knot, sniem choorsagh
reef-point, strengan
reefer, brasnagan
reefy, clettagh, skerragh
reek, ceau jaagh, jaagh, torcan
reeky, torcanagh
reel, clowan, cron-toghrish, crossey, leaystey, loaganey, pern, reel, rollian, togherys
reel in, tayrn stiagh
reeling, leaystagh, leaystey
reeve, ard-er-oik, cur trooid fainey
refashion, aachummey
refasten, aachiangley
refection, ooraghey
refectory, shamyr ooree
refer, cheet er, cur sheese (da)
refer back, cur er ash, cur shaghey, cur shaghey
referee, briw, eddyr-chiartagh, eddyr-chiartaghey, fer reaghys
refereeing, eddyr-chiartys
reference, ogher earroo, screeuyn moyllee
reference book, jesheydane, lioar chur sheese
referendum, refrane
refill, aalhieeney
refilled, aalhieent
refine, aaghlenney, sheelaghey, sheeley
refined, aaghlennit, aaheelit, cooyrtoil, ellynagh, sheelit
refinement, ellyn vie
refiner, aaghlenneyder, sheeleyder
refinery, aaghlenneyder, sheelane, thie sheeley
refining, aaghlenney, sheeley
refit, aa-armal, aayeshaghey
reflect, aahoilshaghey, cohoilshaghey, smooinaghey, smooinaghtyn
reflecting, aahoilshagh, aahoilshaghey, cohoilshagh, cohoilshaghey, smooinaghtyn
reflection, aahoilshaghey, aahoilshey, aasmooinaght, scaan
reflex angle, uillin aailley
reflexive, aa-illaght
refloat, cur er snaue reesht, snaue reesht
reflow, aalhieeney
reflow, aalhieeney
reflown, aalhieent
refoot, cur trie noa ayn
reform, aachroo, aachummey, aachummey
reformation, aachummey
reformatory, scoill smaghtee
reformed, aachrooit, aachummit, caghlaait
reformed spelling, lettraghey lhiasit
reformer, aachrootagh, aachummeyder
refract, aascellaghey
refraction, aascellaght
refractive, aascellagh
refractometer, aascellveihaghyn
refractory, meereiragh, raghtagh
refrain, carr, cummal veih, freayll veih, staayney
refrangible, aarheynnagh
refresh, aaniartaghey, oltaghey, ooraghey
refreshed, oorit
refresher, aanoaghey, coorse ooree, ooreyder
refreshing, ooragh, ooraghey, ooraghtoil, oorey
refreshment, ooridagh, ooriltagh
refreshments, bee as jough
refrigerate, feayraghey
refrigerated, feayrit
refrigerating, feayraghey
refrigeration, feayraghey
refrigerator, feayreyder, rioder, riojeyder
refringent, aascellagh
refuel, lhieeney reesht
refuge, kemmyrk
refugee, kemmyrkagh
refund, aayeeillaghyn, aayeeilley
refundable, aayeeillagh
refurnish, aayesheenaghey
refusal, obbal, obbaltys
refuse, boanlagh, brock, fooillaght, greim mestey, jiooldey, jiooldey, obbal, orch, trustyr
refuse collector, fer trustyr
refuse of grain, baarelagh
refuse of straw, saplagh
refuse tip, clash hrustyr
refuse wagon, caairt hrustyr
refused, jiooldit, obbit
refusing, jiooldey, obbal, obbaltagh
refutable, obballagh
refutation, obbal
refute, obbal, prowal foalsey
refuter, obbeyder
regaelicization, aaghaelgaghey
regaelicize, aaghaelgaghey
regain, cosney reesht, geddyn reesht
regained, cosnit reesht, goit reesht
regal, reeoil
regale, oltaghey
regaling, oltaghey
regality, reeoilid
regard, ammys, arrey, arrym, scansh
regarded, ammyssit
regardful, scanshoil
regarding, mychione, mysh
regardless, gyn scansh, meerioosagh, neugheillagh, neuhastagh
regardlessness, meerioose, neugheillys, neuhastid
regards, bannaghey
regatta, giense marrey, gleck marrey, ratch baatyn
regency, lhiass-reeaght
regenerate, aaghiennaghtyn, aaniartaghey, aavioghey
regenerated, aaghiennit, aaniartit, aavioghit
regenerating, aaghiennaghtagh, foaysagh
regeneration, aaghiennaghtyn, giennaghtyn reesht, stayd noa
regenerator, aaghienneyder
regent, lhiass-ree
regicide, reevarroo, reevarrooder
regime, ream
regimen, ream
regiment, cagnaght, rejiment
regimental, rejimentagh
regimental sergeant, fo-oikagh
regina, rein
region, ard, slyst
regional, ardjynagh, slystagh
regionalism, ardjynagh, ardjynys
register, ream, recortey, recortys, recortyssey, rolley
registered, recortit, recortyssit
registered letter, screeuyn recortit, screeuyn recoyrtit
registered tonnage, thunneydys recortit, trimmid recortit
registrar, recortysser
registration, recortyssey
registration of electors, Recortyssey teihderyn
registration slip, recortys
registry, recortys
registry office, oik recortys
reglet, reillag
regress, cooyllaghey, goll er ash
regression, cooyllaghey, goll er ash
regressive, cooyllagh
regret, arrys
regretful, arryssagh
regrettable, treih
regrow, aa-aase
regular, ben chinjagh, feer, fer kinjagh, kinjagh, kinjagh, reiltagh, sidoor kianglt
regularity, kinjid, reiltaght
regularize, cur reiltagh (er)
regularly, dy kinjagh, dy reiltagh, rea
regulate, curmaghey, curmal, reill, reilley, stiurey
regulation, anney, curmaghey, reilley, reir, slattys, stiurey
regulator, curmeyder, reilleyder, reiltane, stiureyder
regurgitate, tilgey magh reesht
regurgitation, tilgey magh reesht
rehabilitate, aalannaghey
rehabilitation, aalaanaghey
rehear, aa-eaishtagh rish, aachlashtyn, aachluinnaghey
rehearing, aachlashtyn
rehearsal, aa-insh, cliaghtey
rehearse, cliaghtey, gra harrish, imraa
reheat, aahiow
reign, lhing, reill, reilley
reimburse, aa-eeck, aayeeilley
reimburseable, yn-aaeeck
reimbursement, aa-eeck, aayeeilley
rein, cass-streeaney, raigh, streean, streeaney, yeeal streeaney
reincarnation, aaghoaill y chorp
reincorporate, cur er bun reesht
reindeer, feeaih Loghlinagh
reinflate, aahieeney, aahionney, aavolgey
reinflation, aalhieeney, aavolgey
reinforce, aaniartaghey, niartaghey
reinforcement, aaniartaghey, niartaghey
reinforcements, tooilley cooney
reins, aarey, cass-streeaney
reinsert, cur stiagh reesht
reinsertion, cur stiagh reesht
reinstall, cur 'sy chenn ynnyd
reinstate, cur er ash
reinstatement, cur er ash
reinsurance, aaurraghys
reinsure, cur urraghys er reesht
reinter, aa-oanluckey
reinvest, aavaih
reinvestment, aavaih
reinvigorate, aaniartaghey, cur bree noa ayn
reinvigoration, aaniartaghey, bree noa
reinvite, aachuirrey
reinvited, aachuirrit
reissue, aachur magh, cur magh reesht
reiterate, g'aa-raa
reiteration, aaraa
reiterative, aaraagh
reject, jiooldag, jiooldey
rejected, jiooldit
rejection, jiooldaght, jiooldey
rejector, jiooldeyder
rejoice, cur boggey (er), goaill boggey
rejoicing, boggeysagh, giensal, goaill boggey
rejoin, aachiangley, freggyrt
rejoinder, aareggyrt, freggyrt
rejuvenate, aanoaghey
rejuvenated, aanoaghit
rejuvenation, aanoaghey
rekindle, aafoaddey, aaghreeshaghey
relapse, aaghoghan, aahuittym, aaskyrraghtyn
relate, aaloayrt, bentyn da, cur ry-cheilley, insh
related, bentyn da'n cheilley, mooinjerys eddyr oc
relater, insheyder
relation, ben vooinjerey, bentyn da, dooinney mooinjerey, insh
relations, mooinjer, sleih
relationship, cochiangley, cochiangley, kiangley
relationship by marriage, cleuinys
relative, ayns cosoylaght rish, bentyn rish, conastagh
relativity, conastaght, cosoylaght
relax, bogg, lhaggaghey
relaxation, boggaghey, lhaggaghey
relaxed throat, scoarnagh lhaggit
relay, lhiass-chreelaghey, lhiass-chreeley, possan noa, reelay
release, aa-eaysley, feaysley, feaysley, seyrey, skeaylley
releasee, feaysleydagh
releaser, feaysleyder
releasing instrument, greie feayslee
relegate, injillaghey
relegation, injillaghey
relent, meighey
relenting, meighey
relentless, neuhrocairagh, neuvyghinagh
relentlessness, neuhrocairys, neuhrocairys, neuvyghinid
relevance, bentynys
relevant, bentyn da
relevation of St. John, Ashlish Noo Ean
reliability, barrantoilid
reliable, barrantoil
reliance, barrant, barrantys, treishteil
reliant, barrantoil
relic, freiltagh, taaishnys
relict, ben hreoghe
relief, couyr, feaysley, fer coonee, releef
relief, feaysley
relief cook, coageyder coonee
relief supplies, cooid choonee
relieve, cur cour da, feaysley (er), seyrey
reliever, feaysleyder
relight, aafoaddey
religion, craueeaght, credjue
religionism, craueeaghtys
religionist, crauee foalsey
religious, ben reaylt, crauee, fer reaylt
religious bigot, fer crauee foalsey
religious book, lioar chrauee
religious denomination, credjue
religious fanatic, crauee baanrey, fer crauee baanrit
religious fanaticism, craueeaght vaanrey
religious fervour, chiass-chredjue
religious house, mannishter
religious mania, yn gorley crauee
religious minority, mynlagh credjue
religious person, fer crauee
religious vocation, gerrym crauee
religious women, mraane abb
religiously, dy mynchiarailagh
reline, aalinal
relinquish, cur harrish, cur seose, faagail, irree ass, scarrey (rish)
relinquishment, coyrt seose, cur harrish, cur seose, irree ass
reliquary, coodagh taaishnys
relish, aunlyn, blass, blasstey, blasstyn, miandys, oanlyn
reload, aalughtaghey
reloading, aalughtaghey
reloosen, aa-eaysley
reluctance, lhiastid, neuarryltys
reluctant, lhiastey, neuarryltagh, neuwooiagh, no-freihagh, noi-freihagh
rely, cur barrant er
rely on yourself, shass er dty chione hene
remain, marraghtyn, tannaghtyn
remainder, cooid elley, corrilys, fooillagh, stoyr ronney
remainder set, chymsaght yn 'ooillagh
remaining, er mayrn, faagit
remains, brock, brooillagh, corp, fooillagh
remake, jannoo ass y noa
remaking, jannoo ass y noa
remand, aachur, cur er ash
remand home, thie saase
remanent, tannaghtyn
remark, raa
remarkable, cronnalagh, joarree
remarry, aaphoosey
remediable, lheeyssagh, lheihyssagh
remedial, couyragh, foayssagh, saasoil
remedied, lheiyssit, saasit
remedy, couyr, cur lheihys er, cur lheihys er, lheihys, saasaghey
remelt, aalheie, aalheie
remember, cooinaghtyn
remember the dead, imraa
remembered, cooinit, neuyarroodit
rememberer, cooineyder
remembrance, cooinaght, cooinaghtyn
remind, cur gys cooinaghtyn
reminder, cooinaghtane
reminiscence, cooinaght
reminiscent, aachooineeagh, cur cooinaghtyn (er)
remiss, lhiastagh, lhiastey, meerioosagh
remission, leih, leihys, leodaghey, lhiggey, lhiggey lesh, mah, maihys, meerioose, pardoon, pardoonys
remissness, meerioose
remit, leodaghey, lheih, pardooney
remittal, maihnys, maihys
remittance, eeck
remitted, currit, er ny choyrt, lheihit, maihnit, pardoonit
remnant, fooillagh, jeelym cooid, remlad, sluight
remodel, aachummey
remonstrance, ard-resooney
remonstrate, resooney (rish)
remonstrative, arganeagh, resoonagh
remorse, snieh-aigney
remorseful, sneih-aignagh
remorseless, neuhrocairagh
remote, fadaneagh, foddey, foddey jeh, foddey veih, joinagh
remotely, foddey
remoteness, fadanid, foddid, join, jughtee
removability, yn-scughys
removable, yn-arraghey, yn-scughey
removal, arraghey, scughey
remove, arraghey, scughey
removed, arrit, scughit
remover, arragher, scugheyder
remunerate, eeck
remunerative, eekagh
renage, treigeilagh
renaissance, aaruggyr, aavioghey
renal, aaragh, aareydagh
renascent, aaviogheydagh, cheet ayns aavioys
rend, raipey, rassey, scaaney, scelpaghey, scoltey, scranshal, skeiltey, speiltey
render, cooilleeney, cur, eeck, jannoo, lheih, plaastral, raipeyder, rasseyder, scaaneyder, scolteyder, skeilteyder, speilteyder
rendered, cooilleenit, eeckit, jeant, lheihit, plaastrit
rendezvous, boayl quaaltys, thie oayll, ynnyd chruinnee
rending, raipagh, raipey, rassey, skeiltagh
renegade, speiltagh
renege, cloie branglash, keiltyn
renew, aachiaddey, aachummey, aachummey, aanoaghey, jannoo ass y noa, kionnaghey ass y noa
renewable, aarloo dy ve aanoaghit, yn-aanoaghey
renewal, aachiaddey, aanoaghey
rennet, binjey, binjey, binnid, binshey
renounce, cur seose, shaghney
renouncement, jiooldey, shaghney
renovate, aachummey, aanoaghey
renovation, aanoaghey, jesheenaghey
renown, ard-ennym, ard-ghoo, ard-ghoo, foaynoo mooar, tastoilid
renowned, ard-ennymagh, ard-ghooagh, ennymoil, jeh foaynoo mooar
rent, skort
rent, brishey, cummal er mayl, cur er mayl, mayl, raipey, raipit, rassey, rast, scelp, scolt, skort
rent collector, chagleyder mail
rent day, laa mail
rent roll, rolley mail
rent tribunal, bing vail
rent-free, gyn mayl
rental, cheet-stiagh mail, mayl
rented, er mayl
rented grazing, faiyrvaalys, farvaalys, farvaalys
renter, mayleyder
renumeration, faill, leagh
renumerative, leaghagh
renunciation, jiooldaghey, shaghney
rep, asnaid, troailtagh
repaid, aa-eeckit, aayeeillit, cooilleenit
repaint, aapheintal
repair, coamrey, karraghey, lhiasaghey
repair outfit, cullee charree
repaired, karrit, lhiasit
repairer, karreyder, lhiaseyder
reparation, aalhiasaghey, lhiasagh
repartee, beeal-aarlooid, jesh-'ocklaght
repartition, aarheynn
repass, berraghtyn er reesht
repast, lhongey, scobbey
repatriate, cur er ash gys cheer
repatriation, cur er ash gys cheer
repay, aayeeilley, cooilleeney, eeck reesht
repayable, aayeeillagh
repayment, aayeeilley
repeal, aagherrym, neuyannoo
repealer, aagherrymagh
repeat, aacheau, aachreeley, aaloayrt, brooightoil, cheet harrish, gra harrish, imraa, jannoo ass y noa, reesht
repeat mark, cowrey aa-chloie
repeat order, aa-oardagh
repeat signal, cowrey aa-raa
repeated, reesht as reesht
repeated attempts, eabbyn as aa-eabbyn
repeatedly, reesht as reesht
repeater, aacheau, gunn aacheau, ooreyder aavuillagh
repeating, aacheau, beayn
repel, cur grayn er, imman ergooyl
repellent, graynag, graynoil, graynoil, imman ergooyl
repent, goaill arrys
repentance, arrys
repentant, arryssagh
repercussion, aawoalley
repercussion, eiyrtys
repertoire, stoyr
repertory, stoyr
repertory company, stoyr-chompanaght
repetition, aa-obbyr, aaloayrtys, aaraa, aayannoo, arrish, cheet harrish, imraa
replace, cur ayns oik peiagh elley
replace, cur ayns ynnyd jeh, cur er ash ayns ynnyd
replaceable, aanoagh
replacement, cur ayns ynnyd jeh, cur er ash
replacements, sleih noa, sleih noa
replant, aachuirr
replaster, aaphlaastrail
replay, aachloie
replenish, aalhieeney, lhiasaghey
replenished, aalhiasit, aalhiasit, aalhieent
replenishment, aalhieeney, lhiasaghey
replete, lane, saie
repletion, lanid, saieid, saieys
replica, coip, mac-soylley
replicative, freggyrtagh
replied, dreggyr
replough, aahraaue
reply, ansoor, freggyr, freggyrt
reply paid, freggyrt eeckit
replying, freggyrt
repopulate, aachlannaghey, aachlanney
repopulation, aachlanney
report, cur coontey jeh, dy gholl kionefenish, feeam, fou, frap, imraa, insh, insh skeeal er, polt, raah, rooit, sheean, skeeal, tharmane, tuarastyl
reporter, naighteyr
reporting, naighteyraght
repose, cadley, gow saveenys, lhie, saveenys, soiaghey, soit er
repository, stoyr
repossess, goaill aahellooderys
repossession, aahellooderys
reprehensible, oghsanagh
represent, cloie, cowraghey, cur seose, shassoo, soiaghey magh, soilshaghey
representation, chaghterys, cosoylaght, tuarastyl
representative, chaghter, reihdagh, scaanagh, troailtagh, ynnydagh
repress, cur fo chosh, cur fo chosh, cur fo smaght, cur fo smaght, cur haart, streeanaghey
repressed, castit, currit fo smaght, streeanit
repressible, yn-chastey, yn-smaghtey
repression, castey, cur fo chosh, smaghtey
repressive, castagh, smaghtoil
reprieve, livreys, sauail
reprimand, cassid, cur oghsan da, oghsan
reprimander, oghsanagh
reprimanding, oghsanagh
reprint, aachlou, aaphrental
reprisal, lhiasagh
reproach, drogh-ghoo, flout, floutal, floutyraght, oltooan, oltooaney, scammyltey, tallagh
reproachable, oltooanagh
reproached, olrooanit
reproacher, oltooanagh
reproachful, floutagh, lunagh, olrooanagh, scammyltagh
reproaching, oltooanagh
reprobate, mac-imshee, rag-rannee
reprobation, loghtaghey
reproduce, aagymmyrkey magh, aahayrn, g'aa-ymmyrk magh, jannoo coip jeh, jannoo macsoylley jeh
reproduction, aahayrn, mac-soylley
reproductive, bishoil, gientynagh
reproof, oghsan
reprove, cur oghsan da
reproved, smaghtit
reproving, oghsanagh
reptile, beisteig
reptilian, beishteigagh
republic, pobblaght
republican, pobblaghtagh
republicanism, pobblaghtys
republication, aahoilshaghey
republish, aahoilshaghey
repudiate, jiooldey, shaghney, treigeil
repudiation, jiooldey, treigeil
repugnance, meehaitnys, neuwooiys
repugnant, contraartagh (rish), noi (red)
repulse, brishey, cur ergooyl
repulsion, cur ergooyl grayn
repulsive, graynoil
repulsiveness, graynoilid
repunish, aacherraghey
repurchase, aachionnaghey
repurchased, aachionnit
reputable, ard-ghooagh, jeh foaynoo mooar
reputation, ambee, foaynoo, goo
reputedly, rere (rish)
request, aghin, shirrey, yeearree
requiem, fea ny merriu
requiem mass, erin ny merriu
require, shirrey, ymmyrch
required, shirrit
requirement, feme, shirreydys
requisite, feme, femoil
requisition, femoilys, jannoo femoilys (er)
requital, cooilleen
requite, aalhiasaghey, cooilleeney
requited, aalhiasit, cooilleenit
reredeem, aa-eaysley
res, red
res judicata, skeeal harrish
resaddle, cur jeelt noa er
resale, aachreck
rescind, cur gys neunhee
rescission, cur ergooyl
rescue, livrey, livreys, sauail
rescued, livreyit, sauit
rescuer, livreyder, sauaillagh
research, aahirrey, aaronsaghey, aaronsey
research worker, obbree aahirrey
researcher, aahirreyder, aaronseyder
reseat, cur ny hoie ass y noa
resect, giarrey meer jeh
resell, aachreck
resemblance, caslid, caslys, cosoylaght, tuarystal
resemble, gollrish, soylaghey
resembling, casley rish, gollrish, lhiannanagh, soylagh
resent, bee goanlyssagh rish, ve jymmoosagh rish, ve myskidagh rish
resentfulness, myskid
resentment, miskys, myskid, roon
reservation, arrey, boayl er lheh, cooyl-smooinaght, cur gys un cheu, freilltys, thalloo freaylt
reserve, arrey, benoilaght, fastid, fer ynnyd, tasht, thalloo freaylt
reserve fund, cooyl-chishtey
reserve price, bun-leagh, freayll, freaylley, tashtey
reserved, er hene, freaylt, neareydagh, neuloayrtagh, ry-hoi, tostagh, urree hene
reservedly, dy tostagh
reservist, cooyl-'er
reservoir, doour
reset, aachlou, aachur-seose, aahoiaghey, aayeshaghey, cur dys yn traa, cur foyr er, cur foyr er
resettle, aahoiaghey
resettlement, aahoiaghey
resettlement centre, boayl aahoiaghey
resharpen, cur foyr noa er
reship, aachur er boayrd
reshipment, aachur er boayrd
reshoe, cur crouw noa er
reshuffle, aaheiy
reside, cummal (ayn)
residence, aarys, chagh, cummal, ynnyd veaghee
residency, arrys, the
resident, cummaltagh, fer baghee
residential, cummaltagh
residual, jeelymagh
residuary, jeelymagh
residue, fooilliagh, jeelym
residuum, fooilliagh
resign, irree ass
resignation, irree ass, surranse
resilience, aalhiemmaght
resilient, aalhiemmagh
resilver, cur cooyl argid rish
resin, rosin, soo ny juys
resinous, rosinagh
resipiscence, caghlaa gys aigney share
resist, cur noi, shassoo noi
resistance, shassoo noi, sthaagey
resistant, aahassooagh, jeenagh
resister, shassooder noi, sthaageyder
resistless, gyn shassoo noi
resolute, shassooagh, sturneishagh
resoluteness, shassooaght, sturneishid
resolution, aigney jeean, daanys, jeesskeaylley, kiarail, rheynn, skeaylley
resolve, cur jerrey er, kiarail, kiarail red y yannoo, rheynn, skeaylley
resolved, kiarit
resolver, kiareyder
resonance, aavuilley
resonant, aavingyssagh, aavuilltagh
resorb, aahoo
resort, couyr, oayll, taaghey, ynnyd
resort to, jannoo ymmyd jeh
resound, aaheeaney
resounding, aaheeanagh, mooar
resource, couyr, saase, saasoil
resourceful, couyragh
resourcefulness, saasoilid
resow, aachuirrey
resown, aachuirrit
respect, ammys, arrym, leigh
respectability, arrymid
respectable, doaiagh
respected, ammyssit, ooasle
respected friend, carrey ammyssit, carrey ooasle
respectful, ammyssagh, arrymagh
respectfulness, arrymid
respecting, bentyn da
respective, er lheh
respects, corp as slaynt
respiration, tayrn ennal
respirator, aerheelleyder, ennaleyr
respiratory, ennalagh
respire, tayrn ennal, tayrn ennal reesht
respite, daayl, scuirr, traa daayl, traa s'odjey
resplendence, loandyr, sollysid
resplendent, loandyragh, sollys, sullyr
respond, aareggyrt, freggyrt
respondent, ansooragh, freggyrtagh
responibility, currym, freggyrtys
response, freggyrt
responsible, currymagh, freggyrtagh
responsive, freggyragh
responsiveness, feggyraght
rest, aash, aashagh, cagh elley, cur aash da, fea, fieau, goaill fea, scuirr, taggey, yn chooid elley
rest assured, bee shickyr
rest camp, camp aash
rest cure, lheeys aash
rest harrow, camraasagh, feeackle dhone
rest house, thie aash
rest house, thie aash
rest room, shamyr ooree
rest-harrow, streng bow
restart, aahoshiaghey, toshiaghey ass y noa
restarted, aahosheeit
restaurant, oastan, thie bee, thie commee
restaurant car, carbyd bee, carbyd bee
restaurateur, oastaneyr
rester, fieaueyder
restful, feagh, lane fea
restfulness, feaghys
resting, ec fea, goaill aash, goaill fea, scuirrit
resting on, lhie er
resting place, soie, ynnyd fea
restitch, aahaaley
restitution, lhiasaghey
restive, streeuagh
restiveness, streeuaght
restless, graue-aashagh, neuaashagh, neufeagh
restlessness, anveays, graue-aash, neufeaghid
restock, aastoyral, cur sthock noa ayn, cur sthock reesht ayn
restoration, aachouyr, aachroo, coyrt er ash
restorative, aachrooagh, aahroggalagh, aalaanee, aavioghee
restore, aachouyral, cur er ash, cur er bun reesht
restorer, aachouyreyder
restrain, cummal veih, cur streean er, freayll fo, lhiettal, plooghey, smaghtaghey, streeaney
restrain yourself!, Cum ort!
restrained, castit, smaghtit, streeanit
restraining, smaghtagh, streeanagh
restraint, lhiettalys, smaght, streeanaght
restrengthen, aaniartaghey
restrict, lhiettal
restricted, lhiettalit
restricting, anrheamysagh, lhiettalagh
restriction, lhiettalys, smaght, teorey
restrictive, lhiettalagh, smaghtagh
restring, cur streng noa ayn
result, eiyrt er, eiyrtys
resultant, cohoyrtysagh, eiyrtysagh
resume, goaill toshiaght reesht, toshiaghey reesht
resumption, aahoshiaghey
resurgence, aavioghey
resurrect, aahroggal, aavioghey
resurrection, aa-irree, aahroggal, aavioghey
resurrectionist, corp-ghlackeyder
resuscitate, aavioghey
resuscitation, aavioghey
ret, baih
retable, skelloo altaragh
retail, mynchreck
retailer, mynchreckeyder
retain, cummal, freayll, kiangley
retainer, argid kianglee
retake, aaghlackey, goaill reesht
retaliation, jeeltys
retaliatory, jeeltyssagh
retard, cumrail, streeaney
retardation, annoonid aigney, cumrailys, gorley keeaylley, streeaney
retarded, jei-cheeayllagh, lag-hastagh, moal-inchynagh, streeanit
retarded person, lag-hushtagh
retch, bolkey, taaue
retching, taauernee
retell, g'aainsh, insh reesht
retention, freaylley, kiangley, taartys
retentive, cooinaghtagh, cooinidagh, freayllagh, neuyarroodagh
retentiveness, cooinidaght, neuyarroodys
rethink, aasmooinaghtyn
reticence, tostid
reticent, doont, tostagh
reticle, myn-ingagh
reticular, ingaghoil, moggylagh
reticulate, jannoo ingagh jeh, jannoo lhieen jeh, rheynn ayns moggylyn
reticulated, moggylagh
reticulation, jannoo moggylagh, lhieen-obbyr
reticule, poagey moggyllagh
retiform, mogglagh
retina, lhieenag ny sooilley, reteeney, reteeney
retinitis, lostey reteeney
retinue, lught mooinjer
retire, cur seose, faagail, goll dy chadley, goll dy lhie, goll dy lhie, goll ergooyl, goll ergooyl, goll magh, irree ass
retired, aa-, cooyl-raadagh, ny haaue
retired policeman, aaveoir shee
retirement, coyrt seose, scuirr
retiring, goll ass oik, nearildagh
retort, frangane, freggyrt
retouch, mynlhiasaghey
retrace, aachroo, feddyn reesht, filley er ash
retract, tayrn er ash, yrjaghey
retractable, yn-yrjaghey
retractation, tayrn er ash
retractile, yn-chraplagey, yn-hirkaghey
retraction, crappey
retransmission, aachreeley
retread, boyn lhiasit, cur trie noa er
retreat, chea, coyl-ghleashaght, fastee, goll ergooyl, roie er chea, traie
retreating, er chea, traie
retreating chin, smeggin lhag
retrench, giarrey neose
retrenchment, giarrey neose
retribution, aayeeilley, cooilleeney, lhiasagh
retributive, aayeeillagh
retrievable, ry-gheddyn er ash
retrieval, geddyn er ash
retrieve, feddyn er ash, geddyn er ash
retriever, lurgeyder
retrocede, cooyl-ghleashaghey, cooyl-ghleashaghey, cur er ash
retrocession, cooyl-ghleashaght, cur er ash
retroflex, cooyl-chroymmit
retrogradation, goll er ash
retrograde, ergooyl
retrogress, goll ergooyl
retrogression, cooylcheimnaghey, goll ergooyl
retrogressive, cooylcheimnagh
retrospect, cooyl-reayrtys
retrospective, cooyl-reayrtagh, goll er ash
return, aavuilley
return, cheet er ash, chyndaa, cur er ash, cur stiagh, earroo, goll er ash
return fare, tailley fillit
return journey, turrys er ash
return match, cloie er ash
return spring, ash-lhiemaghan
return ticket, tiggad er ash
return trip, turrys ayn as er ash
returnable, laccalit er ash
returned, er-ash, oikoil
reunion, aachruinnaght, aawhaaltys
reunite, aachiangley, aachoardail, cur cooidjagh, cur ry-cheilley reesht
rev, brasnaghey, cassaghyn, cassey
reveal, ashlaghey, giall, soilshaghey magh, taishbyney
revealer, ashleyder, ashleyder, soilsheyder magh, taishbyner
revealing, taishbynagh
reveille, dooishtey
revel, giensal, giense, jannoo ronneeaght, ronneeaght
revelation, ashlish, soilshaghey magh, taishbyney
reveller, fer ronneeaght
revelry, ronneeaght
revenge, cooilleen, cooilleeney, corrym, goaill cooilleeney, venee
revengeful, goanlyssagh, jiooghaltagh, roonagh
revengefulness, goanlys, roonid
revenger, cooilleeneyder, jiooghaltagh
revenue, cheet stiagh
reverberate, aaheeaney, aawoalley, cheet er ash
reverberator, frijean
reverberatory, aavuilltagh
revere, cur arrym da, ooashlaghey
revered, ooashlit
revereence, ammys
reverence, arrym
reverend, arrymagh
reverent, arrymagh
reverential, arrymagh
reverie, jarood
reversal, goll er ash
reverse, contraartaght, contraartaght, cooyl, cooylloo, goll ergooyl, hoal, imman ergooyl
reversed, contraartagh, contraartagh, immanit ergooyl
reversible, yn-obbragh dreeym er ash
reversion, chyndaa yn cheusthie magh, chyndaa yn cheusthie magh
reversion, goll er ash
reversionary, aaghooghyssagh
revert, goll er ash
revetment, boalley marrey
revictual, cur stiagh bee, goaill stiagh bee
review, aareayrtys, aareayrtyssey, baght, barel, earishlioar, jannoo aavriwnys er, tuarym
reviewer, baghteyr
revile, eylaghey, oltooaney
reviler, oltooaney
revise, aaphroofey, jannoo aastudeyrys er, karraghey, lhiasaghey
revised version, lhieggan lhiasit
revision, aastudeyrys, karraghey, lhiasaghey, scrutaghey
revisionary, lhiasagh, lhiasagh, lhiaseyder
revisit, cur shilley elley er
revival, aavioghey
revive, aavioghey, cheet hug, doishtey
revivify, cur bea noa ayn
revocation, tayrn er ash
revoke, tayrnit er ash
revolt, cur grayn er, irree magh
revolting, graney, jiooldagh
revolution, cassey, chyndaa, irree magh
revolutionary, irreyder magh, meeammyssagh
revolve, cassey, chyndaa
revolver, gunnane
revue, revieu
revulsion, jiooldys
reward, cooilleeney, cur leagh da, leagh, toilchin, unnysup
rewarded, eeckit
rewarder, eeckeyder, lhiaseyder
rewarding, cooilleenagh
rewind, aahogherys
rewrite, aascreeu
rexine, liare foalsey
reynard the fox, Ruaree Ruy
rhapsode, rapsoidagh
rhapsodize, rapsoidey
rhapsody, rapsoid
rhea, rheeah
rheostat, reastat
rhetoric, retrick, retrick, so-loayrtagh
rhetorician, rerickee
rheum, carbeig
rheumatic, aacheoidagh, aacheoidaghey
rheumaticky, lane aacheoid
rheumatism, aacheoid, eaghcheoy
rheumatoid, aacheoidagh
rheumy-eyed, lesh sooillyn carbeigagh
rhinelander, Rhineagh
rhinestone, daiman foalsey, rhineclagh
rhinitis, lostey stronney
rhinoceros, stroineairkagh
rhinologist, stroin-oaylee
rhinology, stroin-oaylleeaght
rhinoplasty, aachummey stronney
rhinoscope, rhinascoip
rhizome, raisoam
rhodesia, Yn Rhodeesh
rhodesian, Rhodeeshagh
rhododendron, billey ruissagh
rhumb, rum
rhumb-line, rum-linney
rhyme, cur ayns drane, drane, jannoo drane
rhyming, bardaght, cur ayns drane, draneys, jannoo drane
rhythm, ryddim
rhythmic(al), ryddimagh
rib, asney, cur studdyl ayn, rimmeig, studdyl, thooane, thooaney
ribald, meenearagh, ronneeagh
ribaldry, ronneeaght
riband, rybban
ribbed, rimmeigagh
ribbed hose, oashyryn asnee
ribbed stockings, oashyryn asnagh
ribbon, rybban
ribbonfish, ree yn skeddan
ribwort, slane lus
rice, reise
rice pudding, puiddin reise, reise ayns bainney
rice straw, coonlagh reise, straue reise
rice swamp, boglagh reise
rice water, ushtey reise
rice-paper, reise-phabyr
rich, berchagh, costallagh, dowin, lajer, mea, menoyr, menoyragh
rich soil, thalloo mea
richard, Rickad, Rutchie
richer, berchee
riches, berchys, cowryn
richness, berchid, berchys, costallys, duinid, lajerys, meays, menoyrid
rick, creaghag, eeckey, eek, eekad, ruck, sheeyney, sheeyney mwannallagh
rick cloth, coodagh eekad
rick-yard, uhllin
ricked, eekit, ruckit
ricker, eekeyder
rickets, chenney
rickety, corragh, doghanit lesh yn chenney
rickmaking, geekey
ricochet, aaskinney
rictus, beeal
rid, cur fo chosh, geddyn rey rish, glenney
riddance, seyrey
ridden, markit
riddle, creear, raa dorraghey, reealley, ridlan
riddle, ridlan
riddler, creeareyder, reealleyder
riddling, reealley
ride, cassan markee, markiagh, markiaght, raadey
ride away, markiagh ersooyl
ride back, cheet er ash markiagh
ride behind, markee cooyl
ride by, markee shaghey
ride down, imman neose
ride in, markee stiagh
ride off, markee ersooyl
ride out, markee magh
ride roughshod over, cur fo chass
rider, markiagh
ridge, dreeym, drommey, immyr, jannoo oirragyn, mullagh, oirrag, ooiraghey, rinn, sker
ridge cut at one sweep, oght, ught
ridge-pole, maidjey mullee
ridge-tile, leacag vullee
ridged, ayns oirragyn, dreeymagh
ridgelike, dreeymoil
ridging, jannoo oirragyn, ooirraghey
ridicule, faghid, fannidys, jannoo faghid (jeh)
ridiculous, faghidagh
ridiculously, dy faghidagh, dy faghidoil
ridiculousness, faghidaght, faghidys
riding, markiagh, markiaghey, markiaght
riding boots, bootsyn markee, bootsyn markee
riding breeches, breechyn markee
riding coat, cooat markee
riding dress, eaddagh markee
riding gloves, laueanyn markee
riding habit, coamrey markee
riding hood, cloagey markee
riding horse, agh, agh markiaght, eagh
riding lights, soilshaghyn akeragh
riding master, mainshtyr markiaght
riding school, scoill varkiaght
riding stockings, oashyryn markee
riding whip, kipp varkiaght
rife, cadjin
riff-raff, riftanyn
rifle, gunn laue, raifyl, ronsaghey, roostey
rifle club, club raifyl
rifle club, club raifyl
rifle pit, clash raifyl
rifle range, reayn raifyl
rifle shot, orraghey raifyl
rifle-green, doo-gheayney
rifled, raiflit, ronsit, roosit
rifleman, fer raifyl
rifling, raiflyn
rift, brooighe, bruight, bruightooil, scoltey, skor, skort
rifter, bruightooilagh
rifting, bruightooil
rig, cur ayns farrys, farrys, greighey, riggal, riggin, shiaullaghey
rig out, cullee, cur cullee noa da, cur eaddagh noa da, farrys
rig up, troggal
rigel, Yn Chass
rigger, greigheyder
rigging, cullee lhuingey, riggin
right, cair, cairys, cairysagh, jeerys, kiart, my yesh
right and equal, kiart as corrym
right angle, kern-uillin, kern-uillin
right ascension, kiart-irree
right away, dy jeeragh, kiart nish, kiart nish
right down, jeant
right hand, laue yesh
right hook, lunjean jesh
right of a mother, mayraght
right of light, cairys sollysh, kiart sollysh
right of way, cairys hooyl, cassan foshlit, cassan ny theay
right reverend, feer-arrymagh
right side, yn cheu yesh
right whale, feer-whale
right will prevail!, Cairys vaardee!
right-angled, kern-uillinagh
right-angled triangle, troorane kern-uillinagh
right-hand, yesh
right-minded, jeih-aignagh
right-thinking, jeih-aignagh
right-wing, yn skian yesh
rightaway, chelleeragh, er y chooyl
righteous, cairal, cairoil, ynrick
righteousness, cairys, ynrickys
rightful, cairagh
righthand, jesh
righthand man, guilley geaylin
righthanded, jeshagh
righthandedness, jeshid
righthander, jeshag
rightly, dy cairagh, dy kiart, dy ynrick
rightness, cairys, cormid, kiartid
rights, cair, kiartyn
rightwing, jesh
rigid, gyere, neulhoobagh, reen
rigidity, geyrid, jeerys, neulhoobid, reenid
rigmarole, musthaa
rigor, starkagh, starkaghey
rigor mortis, starkagh yn vaaish
rigorous, gyere
rigour, raghtanys
rigour of the law, creoiys, geyrid, lhome-leigh
rile, cur ferg er
rill, jeeigean
rilly, jeeiganeagh
rim, beeal, feegan, kiarkyl, meill, oirr, rimmey
rim brake, glackan rimmey
rime, barrag, lheeah-rio
rimless, gyn rimmey
rimmed, feeganagh, oirrit
rind, crackan, roost, roostey, scryss, speeineig, speeiney
rinderpost, gorley ny baa
ring, bingys, broo, bwoaillee, bwoalley, clinc, clinckal, clinckeragh, craa, croa, cur fainey er, cur stroineen er, fainey, glingal, kiarkyl, paal, scoodyn
ring bolt, boult fainey
ring dove, calmane keylley
ring down, lhig neose
ring fence, faal fainey
ring finger, mair ny fainey
ring off, scuirr
ring out, clinckal, clingal, cur magh bwoalley clag, frappal
ring ouzel, lhon fainnit, lhon ny greg
ring up, chellvanaghey, chellvaney, yrjee
ring-fort, raah
ringcraft, doarneyrys
ringed plover, feddag 'ainnit
ringer, bwoalleyder cluig, clinckeyder
ringing, bingys, claggintys, clinckal, gling, glingal
ringing in ear, collan bing
ringleader, ard-veereiltagh, kione, leeideilagh
ringlet, cassag kiog, fainey veg, skiog
ringlike, fainagh
ringmaster, mainshtyr (yn phreaban)
ringworm, chenney jee, chingey jee, meeyl chrackan, meeyl chreen
rink, rink
rinn, rinn
rinse, jeenaghey, strull, strulley
rinsed, strullit
rinser, strulleyder
rinsing, jeenagh, strulley
riot, rouan, rouaney
rioter, rouanagh
rioting, rouaney, rouanys
riotous, rouanagh
riotousness, rouanid, rouanys
rip, raipey, rassey
rip cord, coyrd rassee, coyrd skeayllee
rip off, rassey jeh
rip out, rassey magh, tayrn magh
rip up, raipey, rassey
rip-saw, raip-saaue
riparian, broogh-helloder, broogh-hellooagh, broogh-hellooagh
ripe, appee, creen
ripe cheese, caashey appee
ripe fields, magheryn creeney
ripe old age, eash vie
ripen, appaghey, creenaghey
ripened, appeeit, creent
ripeness, appeeid, appeeys, creenid
ripening, appaghey
riposte, freggyrt er ash, seiy er ash
ripped, raipit, rast
ripper, raipeyder, rasseyder
ripping, mie erskyn insh, raipagh, rassagh
ripple, cur freayney brishlagh er
ripple, freayney, ribley, tonnane
ripple mark, immyreen
ripple of corn, mooireerey
rippled, freaynit, riblit
rippler, ribleyder
rippling, freayney, freayney brishlagh, ribley
rise, ard, ardane, att, dronnan, geilley, irree, irree, irree magh, lhieeney, tomman, troggal (er), yrjaghey
rise in price, dy ardjaghey
rise of the day, irree yn laa
risen, irrit
riser, eddin, irreyder, piob neese
risible, aitt
rising, gatt, irree, irree, irree magh, lhieeney, ughtagh, yrjaghey
rising and falling, thooilley as traie
rising damp, tashid thallooin
rising generation, sheeloghe aeg
rising ground, ughtagh
rising of penis, bwoalley
rising up as birds, gooillian
risk, cryggil, cur ayns gaue, gaue
riskiness, cryggilaght, cryggilid, gaueid
risky, cryggilagh, gaueagh
rissole, bluckan foalley
rite, oardagh
ritual, oardagh
ritual book, lioar oardee
ritualism, jesh-ymmyrkey, oardaghys
ritualist, oardagher
ritualistic, jesh-ymmyrkagh
ritually, rere oardagh
rival, braar sooree, coghrialtagh, trughanagh
rivalry, co-streeu, trughanys
rive, scoltey
river, awin
river angler, breckeyder awin
river angling, breckeragh, eeastagh awiney
river bank, broogh awiney, claddagh
river basin, glion awiney
river channel, ammyr awiney
river crossing, crossag
river dweller, awinagh
river fisherman, brackeyder, breckeyder, eeasteyr awiney
river head, geill awiney
river mouth, aber, beeal awiney, cass awiney
river of blood, strooan foalley
river pilot, oayllagh awiney, stiureyder awiney
river police, Poleenyn awiney
river police, Poleenyn awiney
river port, purt awiney
river source, moir ny hushtaghyn
river watcher, awineyr
river-bed, lhiabbee awiney
river-pool, lhing, lhingey
riverain, awinagh
riverhead, moir ny hushtaghyn
riverman, fer awiney
riverside, broogh awiney, claddagh
riverside homestead, Balley ny brooie
riverside inn, thie oast awiney
rivet, broill
rivet punch, donkeyder broillee
riveted, broillit
riveter, broilleyder, jeshaght vroillee
rivulet, alt, glasheen, jeeigane, strooan
roach, roachey
road, bayr, cassey, raad
road bed, fo-raad
road book, lioar raaidey, lioar vayrey
road crossing, crossag raaidey, crossag vayrey
road map, caslys bayrey
road metal, claghyn bayrey
road race, ratch bayrey
road safety, sauchys raaidey
road sense, keeal raaidey
road surveyor, baghteyr raaidey
road traffic, traght bayrey
road transport, ymmyrkey bayrey
road-hog, immanagh keoie
road-sweeper, skeabeyder straiddey
roadhouse, oastan bayrey
roadman, obbree raaidey
roadmender, karreyder bayrey
roads, raaidyn
roadside, cheu raaidey, cheu vayrey
roadstead, poyll akeragh, poyll raadee
roadster, raadee
roadway, bayr, raad
roam, rouailley, shooyl trooid
roamer, rouailtagh
roaming, rouaillagh, rouailley, rouailtagh, shooyllagh
roan, ruy
roar, buirroogh, buirrooghey, garveig, garveigey, rooit, rooital
roar fire, aile lheimmagh
roarer, buirroogheyder, garveigeyder
roaring, buirroogh, buirrooghey, buirrooghid, buirrooghys, freaynagh, garveigagh
roast, greddey, rostey, spongey
roast beef, feill rostit, feill vart rostit
roast chicken, feill chirkey rostit
roast meat, feill rostit
roast pig, feill vuc rostit
roasted, greddanit, rostit, rostit, spongit
roasting, rostagh
roasting, rostagh, rostey
roasting jack, bher
roasting spit, bher
roasting spits, bir
rob, roostey, spooilley
robbed, roostit, spooillit
robber, roosteyr, spooilleyder
robbery, roosteyrys, sladdagh
robbing, jannoo roosteyrys, roosteyragh, roosteyrys, thoreeagh
robe, cur gooyn er, cur mysh, gooyn
robin, cleeau yiarg, spittag yiarg, ushag veg ruy
robing, cur mysh
robot, robot
robust, thollee, tramylt
robustious, kiaullaneagh
rocambole, craue ny greg
rock, carrick, craa, craa-chiaull, creg, kiaull chrauee, leaystey, loaganey
rock (sweetmeat), gallane millish
rock alum, clag-allym
rock bottom, s'inshley, yn undin
rock bun, bonnag charrickagh
rock climber, drappeyder creggey, drappeyder eaynnee
rock climbing, drappal creggey, drappal eaynnee
rock cod, boddagh ruy
rock cress, burley garroo, burley jiarg
rock crystal, clagh-chrystyl
rock dove, calmane creggey, calmane eaynnee
rock in the sea, carrick, cronnag
rock nearer large one, clet
rock oil, ooill ny greg
rock pigeon, calmane creggey
rock pipit, chit-veg, fushag varrey, tweet ny greg
rock plant, rassan creggey
rock pool, kishtey, sloat
rock rose, drine ny greg
rock salt, clagh-hollan, sollan meaniney
rock-bottom, s'injilley, s'injilley
rock-salt, sollan frangagh
rockbound, carrickagh, cregganagh
rocked, craait, leaystit
rocker, leaysteyder
rockery, garey creggey
rocket, irree seose jeeragh, roggad, roggadey
rocket propulsion, roggad-imman
rocket signal, roggad cowree
rocket-propelled, roggad-immanit
rocketry, roggadys
rockface, carrick, eddin, sker
rockfish, ballagh
rockiness, cregganys
rocking, craa, leaystagh, leaystey, lheshagh, loaganagh
rocking chair, caair leaystagh
rocking horse, cabbyl leaystagh, laair vrebbagh
rocking stone, clagh chorragh
rockling, poyllag
rockworm, jargane, jialgane, jialganeagh
rocky, carragh, clettagh, creggagh, cregganagh
rocky ground, screg
rocky place, borrane, corragh, creggan, foltey, loaganagh
rod, maidjey, persh, slat
rod fishing, eeastagh slat
rode, markit
rodent, caigneyder
rodeo, chymsagh vaa, taishbynys guillyn baa
roderick, Ruaree
roe, feeaih ruy, oghyr, oghyragh
roeless, gyn oghyr, neuoghyragh
rogation, rogaid
rogation days, laghyn ny haghinyn, laghyn ny rogaid
roger, Ruaree
rogue, eebyrtagh, mitchoor, rag-rannee, rap
roguery, mitchooraght, mitchoorys
roguish, mitchooragh
roguishness, mitchooraght, mitchoorys, ranneeid
roisterer, kiaullaneagh
roistering, kiaullaneagh
roland, Rolan
role, paart
roll, leaystey, queeyllaghey, rollag, rolley, rowlal, rowley
roll by, goll shaghey, rowlal shaghey
roll in, rowlal stiagh
roll of hair, feoghaig
roll of Honour, Rolley ny fenee
roll of thunder, rooital
roll on, gleayshaghey er oai dy re
roll on, goll harrish, rowlagh
roll on the back, ymmyltey
roll over, ymmylt, ymmyltey
roll shelter, cooylley rollagh
roll up, filley, filley er ash
roll-call, rolley enmyn
rolled, fillit, rollit, rowlit, ymmyltit
rolled gold, airh rollit
rolled iron, yiarn rollit
rolled steel, staillin rollit
roller, faarkey mooar, lhun, mooireerey, reader, rolleyder, rollian, rowleyder
roller bearing, ymmyrkane rolley
roller bird, rolleyder
roller blind, doallan rollianagh
roller chain, geuley rollagh
roller map, caslys rollagh
roller skates, braagyn queeyllagh
roller towel, toval rollagh
roller-skate, skait queeyllagh
rollick, rollick, rollickal
rolling, queeylley, rowlal
rolling of sea, soodraght, yn glog
rolling pin, rollian fuinnee
rolling stock, queeyllarys
rolling-mill, mwyllin rowlee
roman, Raueagh, Romanagh
roman candle, Cainle Romanagh
roman Catholic, Creestee Raueagh, Raueagh
roman number, earroo Romanagh
roman sorrel, shughlaig rangagh
roman type, clou Romanagh
romance, cooish ghraih, far-skeeal, far-skeeal, far-skeealeraght, romanse
romance Language, skeeal reejeragh
romance languages, Ny chengaghyn Romanagh
romance of the sea, druaightys ny marrey
romancer, breagerey, far-skeealleyder
romanesque, Romanoil, Romanoilaght
romania, Yn Roomaain
romanian, Roomainagh
romanicist, romansee
romantic, ashlinagh, druiaghtagh, far-skeealeragh, romansagh
romanticism, romanseeaght
romany, Romanee, Romanish
rome, Yn Raue
romish, Rauanagh, Raueagh
romp, ramsaghey
ronague, Eairy Shynnagh, Ronnag
ronaldsway, Roonysvaie
ronaldsway Airport, Purt Aeragh Roonysvaie
rondavel, thie cruinn
rondel, rondyl
rood, crosh Chreest
rood screen, scaa croshey
rood-loft, lout croshey, lout croshey
roof, clea, coodaghey, cur clea er, cur kione er, cur mullagh er, farvoalley, jeenaghey, kione thie, mullagh thie, sclatal
roof garden, garey clea, garey mullee
roof of mouth, carbad
roof-coupling, cubbyl thie
roof-tree, cubbyl thie, maidjey drommey
roofer, jeeneyderthie
roofing, clea, mullagh
roofing felt, felt jeen
roofless, gyn clea, gyn mullagh
roofless kiln, brebag
rook, cashtal, molley, trogh, troghan, troghan doo
rookery, boayl troghan
rookie, glass-eairkagh, noanagh
room, cur aaght (da), reamys, rooym, shamyr
room heater, chiasseyder shamyr
room-mate, cumraag shamyr
roominess, reamyssid
roomy, feayn, reamyssagh, rooymoil
roost, farrar, goll dy lhie, goll er farrar, goll er y clat chiark
rooster, kellagh, kellagh ny giark
root, bun, bun-noatey, frauaghey, fraue, reuyrey, ronsaghey
root, bunneydys, bunneydys
root cause, ard-oyr, bun, moir-oyr
root hair, fraueen
root ideas, smooinaghtyn bunneydagh
root number, bun-earroo
root of the tongue, bun ny chengey
root out, astyral, astyrt
root sign, cowrey frauee
root word, fraue-ockle
rooted, fraueit
rooted up, reuyrit
rootedness, diunid, fraueid
rooter, reuyreyder
rooter out, astyragh
rooting, cur magh fraueyn, fraueaghey, reuyrey
rootstock, bun-sthock
rooty, fraueoil
rope, coyrd, kiangley lesh teaddyn, tead, teaddey, thow
rope (of beer), reenaghey
rope dancer, daunseyr tead
rope house, thie tead
rope in, cur tead mysh
rope of two strands, tead daa 'illey, tead daa 'illey
rope off, cur tead er
rope stone, bwoid suggane
rope walk, cassan tead
rope's end, kione teaddey
rope-ladder, tead-aarey
rope-maker, teaddeyder
rope-walker, tead-hooylleyder
rope-yarn, kennip
roped, teaddit
ropeman, moareyder
ropes, teaddyn
ropiness, reenid
roping, gaidey
ropy, reen
rorqual, muc varrey
rosaceous, roseagh
rosary, crooin Voirrey, cruineenyn Voirrey, garey rose
rose, rose-uinnag, ruissag, sock
rose bay, lus ny sheillee
rose bed, immyr rose
rose bowl, meilley rose
rose bud, gobbey rose
rose garden, garey rose
rose nail, treiney chione diamanagh
rose of Jericho, lus yn irree seose reesht
rose of Sharon, lus vuigh ny Manninee
rose rash, brooan ruissagh
rose tree, crouw rose
rose water, ushtey rose
rose wine, feeyn ruissagh
rose-coloured, ruissagh
rose-coloured starling, truitlag rangagh
rose-copper, rose-chopuir
rose-laurel, rose-laurys
rose-pink, rose-banejiarg
rose-red, rosejiarg
rose-window, rose-uinnag
roseate, ruissagh
roseate tern, gant eairkagh, gant ruissagh, gant ruy
rosebush, thammag rose
rosela, brooan ruissagh
rosemary, druight ny marrey, rose ny marrey
rosette, cront rybbanagh
rosewood, rose-foiee
rosin, rosin
rosiness, ruissaght
ross, Yn Ross
roster, rolley enmyn
rostrum, crannag
rosy, ruissagh
rosy-fingered, meir yiargey
rot, boghtynid, carrey, loauaghey, loaughey, loauid, loauys, molkey, ommidjys, trouise
rot-gut, spooyteraght
rot-proof, jeen noi loauys
rota, rolley enmyn
rotary, queeyllagh
rotary cutter, queeyl yiarree
rotate, caghlaa, queeyllaghey
rotating, chyndaa, queeyllagh, shall, shayll
rotation, ny yei y cheilley, ny yei y cheilley
rotational, chyndaaee
rotavator, jeshaght reuyrey
rote, aaraa
rothesay, Balley Voaid
rotifer, queellag
rotor, rotor
rotted, loau, molkit
rotten, breinn, graney, guirragh, kercheenagh, lheahree, loau, molkit
rotten cheese, caashey loau
rotten dung, gargane
rotten egg, ooh loau
rotten timber, musthane
rotten wood, musthane
rottenness, loauid
rottenness, loauid, molkid
rottenstone, clagh loau
rotter, kercheen
rotting, loau, loauaghey, molkagh, molkey, mollim
rotund, cruinn, kiarklagh, runt
rotundity, blaaoilid, runtid
rouble, roobyl
rouge, jiarg
rouge et noir, jiarg as doo
rouged, jiargit
rough, barb, barbagh, breckey, carragh, dy garroo, garroo, mollagh, neurea, raghtanagh, rastagh, reeastagh, ruggagh, thalloo garroo
rough (as the hair), ruksal
rough clover, shamrag gharroo
rough copy, aascreeuyn shallidagh
rough of sea, trome
rough rider, brisheyder cabbil
rough sieve, creear garroo
rough uncompleted, lieh-chiart
rough vellum, crackan screeuee garroo
rough weather, drogh earish, earish vooar, emshir garroo, emshir vooar
rough wind, geay gharroo, geay hreanagh
rough wine, feeyn garg, feeyn garg, feyn garroo
rough-and-ready, lieh-chooishag
rough-and-tumble, bea corragh, garroo, ruilley-builley
rough-cast, garroo-hilgit, tilgey dy garroo, tilgey garroo
rough-coated, mollagh
rough-grained, neuvyn
rough-mannered, barbagh, garroo, mollagh
rough-spoken, barbagh, garroo
roughage, garrooid
roughen, cheet dy ve garroo, jannoo garroo
rougher, girroo
roughly made, garroo jeant
roughly speaking, trooid as trooid
roughness, cred, garrooid, gerrooid, gibbaghid, lieh-chiartys, mollid, rastid, reeastaght, reeastid
roulette, queeyl yn taghyrt, rollian
round, bout, cruinn, cruinnaghey, jannoo cruinn, jannoo runt, keayrt, mygeayrt, runt, runtaghey
round (of beef), lheshey 'eill vart
round (of bread), slissag
round dance, daunse fainagh
round dozen, dussan lane
round oath, mynney mooar
round object, runtag
round of ammunition, orraghey
round of applause, shayll bass-voylley
round of drinks, cur joughinyn
round of shots, ratch jeih orraghey
round off, cur jerrey er, jannoo cruinn
round robin, aghin chiarklagh
round shoulders, croym-gheayltyn
round stack, tooran
round stone, bwaag
round table conference, Cochoyrle
round trip, keayrt
round trip, turrys ayn as er ash
round up, chymsaghey, chymsaghey
round voice, coraa bog bing
round-backed, croymlinganagh
round-eyed, lhean-hooillagh
round-headed, kione-chruinn
round-shouldered, croym-lhinganagh
round-shoulderedness, croym-lhinganys
roundabout, chymbyl, chymbyllagh, cruinnag, mygeayrt
rounded, croym, croym, cruinn, runtit, tomanagh
rounded half of scallop, curjeig
roundel, cruinnane
rounders, cloie cruinn
roundhand, lauescreeu cruinn
roundhead, Meaylchione
roundish, lesh y chruinnid, runtagh
roundness, cruinnid, runtid
roundworm, meeyl ghailley
roup, yn spinniag, yn spinnycan
rouse, broddey, dooishtey, dooishtey, doostey, foostyrey, moostey
rouse in, tayrn stiagh
roused, broddit, dooshtit, moostit
rouser, moosteyder
rousing, creeoil, greesee
rout, cur fo hart, scaalhean, scaalheaney, taart, traartys
rout out, cur magh
route, bollagh, coorse, jannoo coorse (da), raad, reaghey yn raad (da)
route map, caslys bollee
route march, cosheeaght, cosheeaght vollee
routine, coorsagh, coorse
rove, raisey, rouail, rouailley
rove beetle, caraig ny merriu, tarroo-deyill
rover, rouailtagh
roving, rouail, rouaillagh, rouailtagh
row, boirey, caggey rish, coorse, jastan, linney, musthaa, rhenk, roa, roaghey, straih, strane, troiddey, ymmyrt
rowan, billey keirn, billey keirn, cuirn, keirn
rowan berries, keirnyn
rowdiness, feiyr
rowdy, feiyral
rowdyism, feiyr
rowed, jastanagh, roait, ymmyrtit
rower, ymmyrtagh
rowing, raue, ymmyrt, ymmyrtagh
rowing boat, baatey ymmyrt
rowing club, club ymmyrt
rowing man, raueder, ymmyrtagh
rowlocks, rollagyn
royal, reeoil
royal family, lught thie reeoil
royal fern, bogrenish
royal yacht, birling reeoil
royalism, reeoilaght, reeoiltys
royalist, reeoilagh, reeoiltagh
royalties, foilliu
royalty, reeoilid
rub, rub, rubbal, rubbey
rub down, rubbal, rubbey
rub in, rubbal stiagh
rub off, rubbal jeh
rub out, scrissey, scryssey
rub up, gloasey, lhiasaghey, rubbal, rubbey
rubbed, rubbit
rubber, garrey, rubbeyder, rubbyr, scryssane
rubber solution, lheieys rubbyr
rubber tree, billey rubbyr
rubber-covered, coodit lesh rubbyr
rubber-tyred, boynn rubbyr
rubberize, rubbyrey
rubbing, rubbal, rubbey
rubbing stake, stob rubbey
rubbing stone, clagh foyr, clagh rubban, clagh shleeuee
rubbish, boanlagh, boghtynid, mollid, trouise, trustyr
rubbish bin, coyr trustyr
rubbish cart, cairt hrustyr
rubbish in net, scran
rubbish tip, clash hrustyr
rubbishy, trustyragh
rubble, boghlaneys, rubbyl
rubefacient, jiarg
rubicund, jiargagh
rubric, rubrick
ruby, roobeen, roobeenagh
ruby lips, meillyn jiargey
ruby silver, argid roobeenagh
ruck, ruckey
ruckle, rockey
rucksack, poagey drommey
ruction, musthaa
rudd, jiargan
rudder, stiur, stiurey
rudder post, pinn stiuree
rudder-bar, mamaidjey stiuree
rudderless, gyn stiur
ruddiness, jirgid, ruissaght
ruddy, jiarg, ruissagh
ruddy-complexioned, jiarg neealagh
rude, barbagh, daaney, drogh-ellynagh, garroo, lunagh, mollagh, neuellynagh
rude person, lunagh
rudeness, barbaght, boddaght, daanys, drogh-ellyn, garrooid, lunaght, neuellynaght
rudiment, bunnydys
rudimentary, bunneydagh
rue, goaill arrys (er son), rue gharagh
rue fern, renniagh ny dhieyn
rueful, arryssagh, treih
ruff, roo, ushag roo
ruffian, brout
ruffianly, broutagh
ruffle, caulg, cur caulg er, freayney, robbee, roo
rug, fleshag
rugby, ruggyr
rugby football, ruggyr
rugged, barbagh, cregganagh, garroo, mollagh, ruggagh
rugged featured, garroo-chummit
ruggedness, barbaght, cregganys, garrooid, mollid, ruggaght
rugger, ruggyr
rugger player, cloieder ruggyr
rugosity, rockaght
ruin, baare, boghlaneagh, brishey, cragh, craghey, craght, craiu, creiu, cur mow, cur naardey, milley, striggaltys, stroiltys, tholtan, tholtanagh
ruination, cragh, craght, uail
ruined, brisht, craiuaigagh, craiuaigagh, creuit, creujit, currit mow, currit naardey, fo haart, millit
ruiner, creiueyder
ruinous, crauaigagh, milltagh, traartagh
rule, linnaghey, ordreil, ordreilagh, reill, reilley, reiltys
rule of the people, theayreill, theayreill
rule out, faagail magh, scryssey magh
ruled, linnit, reillt
ruled writing paper, pabyr-screeuee reillit
ruler, fer reill, oardreilagh, reilleyder, reiltagh
ruling, ard-, briwnys, gurneilagh, linnaghey, reill, reill, reill, reilley, reiltagh
rum, Ellan Rummey, joarree, quaagh, rum
rumble, buirroogh, buirrooghey, rooit, tharmanaghey, tharmane, toiggal
rumbling, tharmane
rumen, gailley keerey
ruminant, aachaignagh, caigneyder keerey
ruminate, aasmooinaghtyn, caigney keerey
ruminative, smooinaghtagh
rummage, mollid, ronsaghey
rummer, gless vooar
rummy, rummee
rumour, fou, skeeal
rump, curp, kease
rump bone, craue thoanney
rump steak, stheg churpey
rumple, craplaghey, rockey, rucksal
rumpus, musthaa
rumpy, stubbinagh
rumpy cat, stubbin
run, aber, cur er (e) hoshiaght, cur ny roie, goll seose, jerrey lhuingey, ratch, roie, roie, roit, sheeley, shelg, straih, turrys
run about, motoreen
run across, haink (er)
run after, roie geiyrt er, roie ny yei
run along, Ersooyl lhiat!, sheeyney rish
run along!, Fow royd!, Immee royd!
run away, chea, chea, roie er chea, roie er chea, roie ersooyl
run down, follym, lhaggit, lhieggal, lhieggey, roie sheese, roit
run in, roie stiagh
run of stairs, roie greeishyn
run of tide, stroo
run off, roie, roie, roie ersooyl, roie jeh, teaumey
run on, goll er, lhiantyn, tannaghtyn
run out, ceau, cur magh, deayrtey, roie magh, skeaylley
run over, deayrtey (harrish), lhieggey, roie harrish
run the gauntlet, roie coorse yn clat
run through, roie trooid, roight
run up, ardjaghey, cur seose, roie seose
run-down, neuvioyr
runagate, wagaantagh
runaway, cheader
rune, roon
rung, tesmad
runic, roonagh
runnel, jeeigean
runner, chaghter coshey, guilley roie, roieder, shliawnane
running, roie, roie, roie, roie, roie, roie
running, roie
running commentary, coontey roie, coontys roie, lioar hoilshee
running jump, lheim roie
running knot, sniem roie
running loop, sneim roie
running noose, lhoob roie
running over, chummalagh, roie harrish
running rope, tead roie
running sore, gangrail
runt, cuttagh, cuttagh, guilley yn ushtey
runty, beg, cuttagh, cuttagh
runway, roievollagh
rupture, brishey, brishey brooinney, ryptar, tuittym magh
ruptured, brishey brooinney er, brisht
rural, cheerey
rural library, lioar-hasht cheerey, lioarlan cheerey
ruse, cluic
rush, driss, leaghyr, ratch, roie, shuin, skiootal
rush bed, lhiabbee leaghyragh
rush candle, cainle shuin
rush mat, breshag leaghyragh
rush of liquid, skioot
rush peelings, speeineigyn leaghyragh
rush pipe, feddan shuinagh
rush up, troggal dy tappee
rush-bottomed, thoyn-leaghyragh
rush-rope, suggane leaghyragh
rushen, Skeerey Rosien
rushen Church, Skylley Chreest Rosien
rushing, tharmaneagh
rushy, leaghyragh, shuinagh
rushy place, leaghyrnee
rushy place, leaghyrnee
rusk, rusk
russet, keeir-lheeah, ooyll ruy, russad
russia, Yn Roosh
russian, Rooshagh, Rooshish
russian leather, liare Rooshagh
russianize, jannoo Roosagh
russophile, graihder ny Roosh, Roosh-ghraihagh
rust, mergaghey, merger, mergey, mergys, smooirane ruy
rust preventer, jeeneyder mergey
rust-causing agent, mergeyder
rust-proof, jeen noi mergey
rusted, mergit
rustic, boddagh, bonkan, fer cheerey
rusticate, cummal er y cheer, eebyrt dy shallidagh
rustication, cummal er y cheer
rusticity, cheeraght
rustiness, mergid, mergys
rustle, craa, farrym, ged (ollee), moostrey
rustless, gyn mergey, neuvergagh
rustling, craa, geid ollagh, geid ollagh, moostrey, tharmaneagh
rusty, fo smooirane ruy, mergagh
rut, cur sclaigyn ayn, rigganey, rigganys, sclaig
ruthless, barbaragh, neuhrocairagh, neuvyghinagh
ruthlessness, barbaraght, neuhrocairys, neuvyghinid
rutting, er boggeeys, peeagheree, reagh, rigganagh, rigganey
ruttish, reagh
rye, shoggyl
rye loaf, bwilleen shoggyl
rye meal, meinn hoggyl
ryebread, arran shoggyl
