T section, yiarn T
T square, croshvaccart
T union, junt T
t'is, She
T-shaped, jeh cummey T
tabard, tabard
tabbed, as fooag er, as lipaid er
tabby cat, kayt breck
taber, caayney
tabernacle, cabbane, cabbane agglish, cabbaney, tent agglish
table, boayrd, leac varmyr, taabyl
table (list), claare
table cloth, aanrit buird
table d'hote, boayrd goaldee, boayrd y fer thie
table fork, aall
table knife, skynn voayrd
table lamp, cressad buird
table land, ard-halloo
table linen, aanrit buird, eaddagh kirpey
table mat, feegan buird, feegan coonlee
table salt, sollan meein, sollan meen
table spoon, spein buird
table talk, taggloo buird
table tennis, ladjag vuird
table water, ushtey meainagh
table-flap, cooylley vuird
table-knife, skynn vuird
table-turning, chyndaa buird
tableau, tablow
tablecloth, aanrit (buird)
tableland, thalloo ard
tables, buird
tables of the law, leacyn y leigh
tablespoonful, lane spein buird
tablet, lhiackag, milljan
tablet (of soap), block sheeabinagh
tabletop, claare buird
tabloid, baghtagh, milljan, pabyr-naight baghtagh
taboo, cur fo guess, guess, tarmestey
tabor, dollan
tabular, taablagh
tabulate, taablaghey
tabulation, taablaghey
tacheometer, foddid-veih
tacit, tostagh
tacitness, tostid
taciturn, fastagh, tostagh
taciturnity, fastid, tostid
tack, taggadey
tack (food), bee
tack (nautical), burrey
tack (needlework), greim
tack (small nail), taggad
tacked, burrit, taggit
tackle, cullee
tackle (as job), cur laue rish
tackle (person about), cur fo
tackle-fall, tead troggee
tacky, gleiynagh
tact, fys loayrt
tactful, fys loyrt (ec)
tactical, bartagh
tactician, bartee
tactics, barteeaght, croutyn caggee
tactile, bentynagh
tactless, kiuttagh, thootagh
tadpole, frog aeg, rannag aeg, torbane
taenia, beishteig rybbanagh
taffeta, sheeidey thanney, taffeta
taffrail, taffyl
tag (on clothes), lipaid
tag (on shoe), cleaysheen
tag (saying), raa cadjin
tail, arbyl, eiyrt er, famman
tail coverts, coodagh eaghtyr drommey
tail end, famman, fammanagh, jerrey
tail lamp, soilshey jerree
tail net, lhieen fammanagh
tail slide, cooyl-shliawiney
tail-buoy, mollag ammanagh
tail-paring (of net), famman scryss
tail-stock, sthock jerree
tailboard, claare jerree
tailcoat, cooat arbyllagh
tailed, arbyllagh, fammanagh
tailless, gyn famman
taillike, arbyllagh, fammanagh
tailor, jannoo cullee, thalhear
tailor's dummy, jalloo thalhearagh
tailor's goose, guiy thalhearagh
tailor-made suit, cullee halhearagh
tailored dress, gooyn thalearagh
tailoress, ben-thalhear
tailoring, thalhearagh, thalhearaght, thalhearys
tailpiece, arbylane
tailplane, plaaney jerree
taint, breinnaghey, breinnid
tainted, breinnit, breinnit
tainted meat, feill neufollan
take, goaill, gow, troggal
take (hold), cummal
take (of fish), eeastagh
take (of money), goaill
take a seat!, Bee dty hoie!
take about, gow mygeayrt, shooyl magh (marish)
take after, lhiantyn (huggey)
take away, goaill ersooyl
take back, goaill er ash
take care!, er dhyt!, Gow arrey!
take courage, gow cree
take down, goaill neose, keim sheese
take down (as engine), gow veih my cheilley
take down (as letter), screeu sheese
take in, goaill stiagh
take in (as dress), coonee
take in (deceive), molley
take in (of boat), jannoo ushtey
take in a reef, kiangle coorse
take into confidence, folliaght y lhiggey da
take off, irree jeh'n thalloo
take off (as plane), irree
take off (clothes), gow eaddagh (jeh)
take off (mimic), arrish
take on, goaill (obbyr) er hene
take out, goaill magh
take over, goaill harrish
take rest!, Gow fea!
take sense, goaill keayl
take that, gow shen
take the wheel, dy gholl er yn stiur
take to, dy gholl (er), dy gholl (gys)
take to the woods, dy gholl gys ny keylljyn
take up, troggal (jeh'n thalloo)
take upon, goaill er hene
take your seats, soie-jee
taken, goit, gowit
taken (as fish), taarit
taken (of seat), goit
taken all round, trooid as trooid
taken as a whole, 'sy clane
taker, glackeyder, goweyder
taking, goaill, goaill, taitnyssagh, tayrnagh
taking in, goaill stiagh, goaill stiagh
taking in turns, eddyraghey
taking it easy, goaill fea
taking pains, goaill triorys
talc, talck
talcum powder, talck-phoodyr
tale, breag, naight, rick, skeeal
tale-bearer, skeealeragh, skeealerey, tutler
tale-bearing, naigheagh, skealeraght, tutleraght, tutlerys
tale-teller, skeealerey
tale-telling, tutlerys
talent, schlei, talent
talented, schleioil
talisman, rhusag
talk, caaynt, loayrt, pleateil
talk (between two), cooish
talk (by speaker), loayrtys
talk (chatter), beealeraght
talk (conversation), pleat, taggloo
talk at, cur loayrtys (da)
talk away, ceau yn laa lesh caaynt, loayr (roish)
talk on, loayrt roish
talk over, cur arraghey aigney (er), cur feysht fud y cheilley
talk over, cur arraghey aigney (er)
talk over, loayr mychione echey
talk round, cur arraghey aigney (er)
talkative, chengleyragh
talkative person, beealerey, chengleyr, gob-rollian, perkin, pleateyder, pleateyr
talkativeness, beealeraght, chengleyrys, tultleraght
talker, loayreyder, tagglooder
talkies, ny-goo-yallooyn
talking, taggloo
talking round, loayrt runt mygeayrt
tall, ard, liauyr, mooar
tall (of story), do-chredjal
tallboy, coyr ard
tallied, taillit
tallness, ardjid, lhiurid
tallow, cur geirr er, geirr
tallow candle, cainle gheirr, cainle gheirragh, cainle gheirrey
tallowy, geirrey
tally, cheet ry-cheilley, corrym, tailley
tally-man, tailleyder
tally-stick, tailley
talon (of animal), ingin
talon (of bird), croag
tam o'shanter, bayrn bobbyleen
tambour, dollan
tambourine, dollan beg
tame, beasaghey, dree, meeinaghey, neuvioyr
tame (not wild), meein
tame down, meeinaghey
tameable, meeinagh, smaghtagh
tamed, beasit, meeinit
tameness, meeinid, meenys
tamer, meineyder
taming, meeinaghey, smaghtaghey
tamp, plooghey
tamper, bentyn rish
tampon, stupaid
tan, buigh, daah ny greiney, ruy, ruyid
tan, buigh
tan (by sun), dhoanaghey, ruyghey
tan (leather), cart darree, cartaghey
tan bark, cart darree
tan yard, close cartee
tandem, lurg y cheilley, tandym
tandem bicycle, daawheeyl da jees
tang, blass, blayst
tang (as bell), clingeraght
tang (of bell), cling
tangency, bentynys
tangent, bentynagh, tanjent
tangent of an angle, tanjent ullin
tangential, tanjentagh (rish)
tangerine, tanjereen
tangible, loaghtagh
tangle, cassey, cur fud y cheilley, fam
tangled, fud y cheilley, tramman
tangled (as hair), keshaghagh
tango, tango
tanist, tanishtey
tanistry, tanishtagh
tank, doagh, loghan, tank
tank engine, greie doagh
tankard, kankeen, tancard
tanker, doagh troailt, lhong ooill, tankeyr
tanned (by sun), daahit 'sy ghrian
tannedness, dhoanid, ruyghid
tanner, carteyder, carteyr
tanner's bark, cart
tannery, thie cartee
tannic, tannagh
tannin, tanneen
tanning, cartey, cooilleeney, custhey
tanning (with sun), dhoaney, ruyghey
tansy, duillag argid, lus ny Frank
tantalization, torchaghey
tantalize, torchaghey
tantalizing, torchagh
tantamount, corrym (rish)
tantarum, sproght
tap (as barrel), broatcheil, tayrn
tap (knock), crank, crankal
tap (on barrel), spiggad
tap (water), forsaid, fosaid, fyseid
tap room, shamyr lhionney
tap water, ushtey fyseidagh
tap-washer, sealan fyseid
tape, jannoo recortys jeh, rybban
tape machine, telegraf rybbanagh
tape measure, rybban towsh
tape recorder, recortysser rybbanagh
tape recording, jannoo recortys rybbanagh
tape recording, recortys rybbanagh
tape worm, beishteig rybbanagh
taper, battyr, battyrail, birraghey, cainle volley, keylaghey
tapered, birragh, keyl
tapered end, kione keyl
tapestried, fo hapeish
tapestry, tapeish
tapestry work, obbyr snaidey
tapeworm, martlan ghailley
tapir, tapeer
tapped, ass (e) cheeayll, broatchit
tapped (as door), crankit
tapper, crankeyder
tappet, tappad
tappet rod, croan tappad
tapping, broatchey, crankal
taproot, bun-fraue
tapster, guilley lhionney
tar, terr, terral, terrey
tar (nautical), marrinagh
tar brush, skeaban terrey
tar-spraying, spreih terrey
tarantella, tarrantelle
tarantula, tarantool
tardigrade, lhiastagh, moal-cheimagh
tardiness, anmys
tardy, anmagh, moal
tare, coggyl, pishyr chabbil, tare, trimmid glen
target, braaid, dean, targad, targad
target (shield), scape cruinn
target practice, cliaghtey targaid
tariff, claare leaghyn, custym
tariff reform, lhiasaghey custym
tariff war, caggey custym
tarmacadam, terrvacadam
tarn, loghan slieau
tarnish, mill, milley, smull
tarpaulin, carmeish
tarragon, dragane
tarrier, fuirreyder
tarry, fuirraghtyn, tannaghtyn, terragh
tart, geyre, gyere, pie mess, sharroo, sooan, strumpag
tartan, breck, breckan, breckanagh
tartar, scrysslagh, tartar, Tartaragh
tartaric, tartragh
tartness, gargid, geayrid, sherruid
tartrate, tartrait
task, arnane, currym, kiartag, kiartey
taskmaster, mainshtyr, meoir
tasmania, Yn Tasmaan
tasmanian, Tasmaanagh
tassel, babban
tassellated, babbanagh
tasselled, babbanagh
taste, blass, blasstyn, blayst, blayster, blaystyn
tasteful, blassagh, blasstal, cooie
tasteless, gyn blass, neuvlaystal
tasteless (as dress), meechooieid
taster, blaysteyr
tastiness, blasstaght, blasstalys
tasty, blasstal
tat, tattal
tatt00 (on skin), tattoo
tatter, fritlag, giubbyl
tatterdemalion, fritlag dy 'er
tattered, fritlagagh, giubbylagh
tattered cloth, fritlag
tatting, tattal
tattle, skeealeraght, tutlerys
tattler, skeealeragh, skeealeyer, tutler
tattling, beealeragh, beealeraght, skeealeragh, skeealeraght, tutleragh
tattoo, dollan ny hoie, taishbynys oie, tattoo
tattoo (on skin), crackan-yalloo
taught, ynsit
taunt, ceau flout(yn) er, ceau floutyn, conaasagh, conaasid, connysid, flout, flouteragh, grinderaght
taunter, conaasagh, flouteyr, grinder
taunting, floutagh, grinderagh
taunting person, conaasagh
taut, chionn
tauten, chionney
tautness, chionnid
tautology, aaraa
tavern, thie oast
tavern-keeper, oasteyr
taverner, oasteyr
tawdriness, meillid
tawdry, moal
tawny, cartagh, ouyr
tawny owl, hullad ghoan, hullad ouyr
tax, cur keesh er, keesh, tack, troggal keesh er
tax (as strength), teaumey
tax collector, chagleyder keesh
tax free, gyn keesh
tax payer, tackeydagh
taxable, keshagh
taxation, keeshyn
taxed (as strength), teaumit
taxer, keesheyder
taxi, taksee
taxi (of aircraft), gleashagh er y thalloo
taxi rank, stad cab
taxi rank, stad taksee
taxi-driver, immanagh taksee
taxidermist, pronneyder sheh
taxidermy, pronney (shehghyn)
taximeter, takseemeadar
taxman, fer keesh, fer keesh, tackeyder
taxpayer, eeckeyder keesh
te, tee
tea, tey
tea basket, bascad hey
tea blender, blassteyder tey
tea caddy, kishteen tey
tea cake, keeak tey
tea cloth, eaddagh buird, eaddagh tey
tea cosy, bayrn tey
tea cup, cappan tey
tea garden, garey tey
tea infuser, sheeleyder tey
tea merchant, marchan tey
tea party, cooish hey
tea plant, rassan tey
tea planter, correyder tey
tea rose, tey-rose
tea service, fwirran tey
tea set, fwirran tey
tea strainer, scageyr tey
tea table, boayrd tey
tea things, siyn tey
tea urn, tey-choirrey
tea-blender, mesteyder tey
tea-caddy, curn tey
tea-trolley, rollag hey
teach, ynsaghey
teachable, ynsoil
teacher, ynseyder
teachest, coyr hey
teaching, ynsagh
teacloth, clout saagh
teak, teak
teal, laaghag
tealeaf, duillag tey
team, fwirran
team (of oxen), quing
team driver, immanagh shesheree
team games, sleih-ghammanyn
teamwork, cur ry-cheilley
teapot, pash hey, poht earkagh
tear, rassey, skelpey
tear (drop), jeir
tear (rip), raipey, rassey, skelp
tear away, raipey jeh
tear down, raipey neose
tear duct, towl jeir
tear off, raipey neose
tear out, raipey magh ass
tear up, raipey ayns peeshyn
tear-gas, jeir-ghas
tear-off calendar, feaillere duillagagh
tear-stained, jeir-'liugh
teardrop, jeir
tearer, raipeyder
tearful, jeiragh
tearing, raipey, rassey, skelpey
tearing rage, jiarg-chorree
tease, boireyder
tease (as wool), kerey
tease (worry), boirey
tease out, speeiney
teased, kereit, speeint
teased (as person), boirit
teasel, kerey, leaddan
teaser, boireyder
teaser (of wool), kereyder
teashop, thie tey
teasing, kerey, speeiney
teasing (of persons), boirey
teaspoon, spein tey
teaspoonful, lane spein
teat, sheeiney
teat (of animal), sheeiney, sheeint
teat (of bottle), diddee
teat (of woman), keeagh
teat screw, scrod sheeiney
teated, sheeinagh
teatime, traa tey
teazle, kerey, leaddan
technical school, keird scoill, keird scoill, scoill cheirdee
technicality, chaghnid
technician, chaghnysseyr
technicolour, chaghney-ghaa
technics, chaghnys
technique, chaghnys, keirdeeaght
technological, chaghnoaylleeagh
technologist, chaghnoayllee
technology, chaghnoaylleeaght
tectrices, fedjagyn coodee
ted, skeaylley
tedder, skeaylleyder traagh
teddy, Yeaman
teddy bear, beareen lhiannoo
teddy boy, bockeen straiddey
tedious, dree
tedious and grievous, feiyjagh
tedious person, cumrailagh
tedium, dreeid
tee (golf), tee, teeal
teeing ground, boayl teeal
teel, staillin
teem, bio, teaum
teem (abound), bishaghey
teem (of female), ve torragh
teemed, teaumit
teemer, teaumeyder
teeming, deayrtey, er croo lesh, plooghit, teaumey
teeming (as sow), arkagh
teeming crowd, chionnal mooar dy 'leih
teeming streets, straiddey lome lane
teen, jeig
teenager, jeigeyr
teens, jeigyn
teeny-weeny, feer veg
teeth, feeacklyn, giarrey (ny feeacklyn)
teething, giarrey feeacklyn
teetotal, slane obbaltagh
teetotalism, slane obbaltys
teetotaller, slane obbaltagh
tegument, coodagh, crackan
telecommunication, chellechoraa
telegony, chellegonys
telegram, chellegram, streng-skeeal, streng-skeeal
telegraph, chellegraf, chellegrafey
telegraph boy, guilley chellegraf
telegraph office, oik hellegraf
telegraph operator, chellegrafee
telegraph pole, croan chellegraf
telegraph wires, strengyn telegraaf
telegraphese, Baarle hellegraf
telegraphic, chellegrafagh
telegraphist, chellegrafee
telegraphy, chellegrafeeaght
telelens, chella-leensey
telelens, chella-leensey
telemechanics, chellamaghnys, chellamaghnys
telemeter, chellameader
teleological, chella-oaylleeagh
teleology, chella-oaylleeaght
telepathic, chellapattagh, co-inchynagh
telepathy, chellapattys, co-inchynys
telephone, chellvane, chellvaney
telephone bell, claggan chellvane
telephone book, lioar hellvane
telephone box, bwaane chellvane
telephone directory, lioar chellvane
telephone exchange, thie chellvane
telephone girl, caillin chellvane
telephone kiosk, bwaane chellvane
telephone line, streng chellvane
telephone mechanic, obbrinagh chellvane
telephone operator, chellvanee, obbree chellvane
telephone receiver, glackeyder chellvane
telephone wires, strengyn chellvane
telephonic, chellvaneagh
telephonist, chellvanee
telephony, chellvaneys
telephotography, chellafotografeeaght
teleprint, chellapattys
teleprint, chellascreeu, chellascreeu
teleprinter, chellascreeuder, chellascreeuder
telescope, cur stiagh er y cheilley, fodreayrtan
telescopic, fodreayrtanagh
telescopic leg, lurgey yn-sheeynt
televiewer, chellveeishee
televise, chellveeishey
televising, chellooish, chellveeishey
television, chellveeish
television aerial, aerag hellveeish
television play, cloie chellveeish
television set, chellooishan, chellveeishan, chelveeishan
televisor, chellveeisher
telewriter, chellascreeudeyr
tell, ginsh, insh
tell a lie, flipperagh, insh breag
tell off, troiddey
tell off (count), coontey
tell on, insh er
tell-tale, chengey lhag, cleaysh chooag, inshagh
teller (bank), argheyder
teller (of story), insheyder
telling, co-earroo, insh, insh
telling off, troiddey
telling yarns, cooisheraght, ginsh skeealyn
telluric, telluragh
temerity, daanys, eddin
temper, covestey, dooghys, tempreil
temper (of person), tappey
tempera, temperey
temperament, dooghys, dooghys, reajaght
temperamental, so-ghleashagh
temperance, sheeltys, sonderaght
temperate, sheelt, sheeltagh
temperate zone, Cryss tempreilagh
temperateness, sheeltys
temperateness (climate), sonderaght
temperateness (person), sheeltaght
temperature, chiassid
temperature (of air), tempreilys
temperature gauge, towseyder tempreilys
tempered, creoit, tempreit
tempering, tempreilagh
tempest, dorrin
tempestuous, dewil-ghorrinagh, dorrinagh, sterrymagh
tempestuousness, dorrinys
templar, Chiamblagh
template, feeree
temple, baaish, chiamble, gruaie
templet, feeree
tempo, bieauid, traa
temporal, baaishagh, cherraghtagh, seihllt
temporary, neuveayn, shallidagh, tammyltagh
temporary resident, jiulean
temporization, cosney traa
temporize, cosney traa
temporizer, cosneyder traa
tempt, miolaghey
temptation, miolagh, miolaght
tempted, miolit
tempter, cleaynagh, cleayneyder, mioleyder
tempting, cleaynagh, miolagh
temptress, ben violagh
ten, jeih, jeihaght
ten-fold, jeih filley
tenable, fendeilagh, ny lhie rish resoon
tenace, pinjoor
tenacious, greimmaltagh
tenacity, greimmaltys
tenancy, tannystys
tenant, goaill er tannystys, tannys
tenant farmer, eirinagh maillee
tenant farmer (small), cotler
tenantry, tannystys
tench, curmane
tend, freayll arrey er, shirveish er
tend (as garden), cleayney, jeaghyn ny yei
tendancy, currit da
tendency, beoyn
tendency (of price), cleayney
tendency (of price), cleayney
tendential, cheuagh
tender, baatey frastyl, carr geayil, cheb, fiosagh, meigh, meiygh, meiyghagh
tender (as meat), bog
tender (of child), mettey
tender (of memory), foayroil, keain
tender (of years), aeg
tender (person), guilley
tender care, arrey ny folley
tender-hearted, meiygh
tender-heartedness, keainid, meiyghid chree
tenderer, chebbeyder
tenderness, meiyghys
tenderness (of health), fiosaght, metteeys
tenderness (of heart), keainid, meiyghid
tenderness (of meat), buiggys, buiggys
tenderness (of memory), foayroilid, keainid
tendon, feh
tendril, chionnag
tenement, chenmynt
tenet, crea
tennis, leddoge, tennys
tennis court, cooyrt leddoge, cooyrt tennys
tennis racket, baghyl
tenon, kiangley lesh tennalt, tennalt
tenor, bree, coip jeelys, coorse, shiaull, tennor, tennoragh
tenor drum, drum liauyr
tense, chionn, emshir
tense (of moment), sheeynt
tense (of voice), toghtit
tenseness, chionnid
tensile, yn-roie, yn-sheeyney
tension, chennid, chionnid, sheeyney
tensor, tensoor
tent, booage, bwaag, paalan, ynragh, ynragh
tentacle, eairkan
tentacular, chionnagagh, eairkanagh
tentative, shallidagh, treealagh
tenth, jeihoo
tenuity, thannid
tenuous, thanney
tenure, cummaltys
tepid, blahagh
tepidity, blahaght
teratological, anchaght, anchroo-oaylleeagh
teratology, anchroo-oaylleeaght
terce, tert
tercel, shawk firryn
tercentenary, feailley tree cheead
tercet, troor dy linnaghyn
teredo, beishteig lhuingey
terence, Treelagh
teresa, Tressa
tergiveration, chengey lhiam lhiat, treigeilys
tergiversate, treigeil
tergiversation, goll ergooyl
term, cheorey, enmys, joarrey, oirrag
term (expression), ennym, fockle
term (time), imbagh
term of endearment, ennym ennoilid
termagant, joushag, postyr dy ven, Tarmaneagh, troiddeyder
termagent, ben veealeragh
terminable, yn-chreaghney
terminal, fail y vaaish, gyn lheihys, jerree, terminal, toshee
terminate, cur jerrey er, jannoo jerrey
termination, creeagh, jerrey, kione
terminator, creeaghneyder
terminological, enmyssagh
terminology, enmys, termeeaght
terminus, kione-stashoon, stad jerree
termitary, thie sniengan
termite, sniengan bane
terms cash, eeck er y treiney
terms of surrender, conaantyn cur seose
termtime, traa ny himbee
tern, gant Arctagh
ternary, trooragh
terra firma, thalloo chirrym
terrace, ardane, cur ayns ardaneyn, dreeym
terraced, fo ardaneyn
terracotta, cray vroit
terrain, thalloo
terrapin, shligganagh awin
terrestrial, dowanagh, ooirragh, seihllt, siehlltagh
terrible, atchimagh
terrible rage, jiarg-eulys
terribly, atchimagh
terrier, brockeyr, terree
terrific, atchyssagh, yindyssagh
terrified, agglit ass
terrify, agglaghey
terrifying, agglagh
territorial, sidoor cheerey, sidoor ynnydagh
territorial limit, cagliagh marrey
territory, cheer, thalloo
terror, atchim, scoagh
terror-stricken, fo aggle, fo atchim
terrorism, atchimys, ymagglaghey
terrorist, atchimeyr, ymaggleydagh, ymaggleyder
terrorize, cur aggle er
terry, lhoobagh
tertiary, trassagh, trassagh
terylene, teryleen
tessellated, mosaicagh
tessellation, mosaic
test, bleayst, prowal, prowallagh
test bar, barr prowallagh
test match, testchloie
test paper, pabyr prowal, pabyr scrutaght
test piece, peesh phrowaltys
test pilot, stiureyder prowaltys
test-tube, proweydane
testacean, shliggeragh
testaceous, shliggagh, shligganagh
testacy, chymnaght
testament (will), chymney
testamentary, chymnagh
testate, chymnagh
testator, chymneyder
testatory, chymnagh
testatrix, ben hymnee
testbench, bink prowallagh
tested, prowit
tester, shey pingyn, tester
testicle, clagh, maggle
testicle-like, magglagh
testifier, ymmyrkagh feanish
testify, ymmrkey feanish
testimonial, screeuyn recortys
testimony, feanish, recortys
testiness, caulg
testy, caulgagh
tetanus, glassey keeilley, tetanus
tetchy, caulgagh
tete-a-tete, cowag
tether, cribban, cur er eiystyr, eiystyr, kiangley, langeid
tether-post, stob eiystyr
tethered, eiystgrit
tetrachloride, tetrachloraid
tetrachord, tetrachoardey
tetragon, tetragane
tetragonal, tetraganeagh
tetrahedron, tetraheedran
tetrasyllabic, kiare-fioosagh
tetravalent, kiare-fioosagh
tetrode, tetroid
teugmalm's owl, hullad Loghlynnagh
teuton, Teutonagh
teutonic, Teutonagh
text, teks
textbook, tekslioar
textile, feeit
textile industry, chynskyl ny feederaght
textual, teksagh
texture, co-yannoo, fidderaght
thames, Yn Thaimish
than, na
thank, cur bwooise da
thank goodness!, Booise da Jee!
thank offering, oural wooise
thank you (sing), Gura mie ayd
thank-offering, oural-bwooise
thankful, booisal, bwooisagh, bwooisal
thankfulness, booise
thankless, neuvooisal, neuwooisal
thankless task, obbyr gyn wooise
thanklessness, neuwooise
thanks, booise, Gura mie ayd
thanks, booise
thanks be to God, Booise da Jee
thanksgiving, toyrt booise
thankworthy, feeu bwooise
that, shen, shid
that is why, shen y fa
that's a pity!, S'bastagh shen!
that's famous!, S'braew shen!
that's right!, Shen eh!
that's tough, S'creoi shen
thatch, cur thoo er, thoo
thatched, thooit
thatched roof, mullagh thooee
thatcher, thooder
thatching, thoo, thoo
thaumaturgy, mirril-obbraghey
thaw, theinniu
thawed, theinniuit
thawing, theinniu, theinniuagh
the, ny, y, yn
the Absolute, Yn Absaloid
the active voice, yn fwee jantagh
the Acts of the Apostles, Jannoo ny h-Ostyllyn
the afflicted, lught yn teaghyn
the African veld(t), Magher ny h-Africk(ey)
the alligation method, yn saase driaghtagh
the Alps, Ny Beinnyn Alpagh
the ancients, mooinjey yn chenn seihll, Yn chennstyr
the Andes, Ny h-Andeeyn
the Annunciation, Chaghter Yn Ainle, Laa'l Moirrey 'Syn Arree, Laa'l Moirrey Arree, Laa'l Moirrey ny Sannish
the Antarctic, Kione Jiass y Theihill, Yn Antarctagh
the Antic Goat, Yn Goayr Heddagh
the Apostles' Creed, Crea Ny Hostyllyn
the Arctic, Kione Twoaie yn Theihll, Yn Arctagh
the Arctic Regions, Ny Hardyn Arctagh
the Arctic Sea, Yn Vooir Arctagh
the Ark of the Covenant, Arg Yn Eanish, Ark Y Chonaant
the arms of Mann, Cullee Vannin
the art of war, yn ellyn chaggee
the art of writing, keird y screeudeyrys
the arts, ny h-ellynyn
the Attorney General, Yn Turneyr Theayagh
the audience, ny clashtynee
the Australians, Ny h-Australee
the authorities, lught yn chioneys, yn lught eaghtyragh, yn lught reill
the Azores, Ny Hellanyn Asoar
the Aztecs, Ny h-Asteckee
the back, shlingan
the back of beyond, cooyl yn eayst
the Balearic Islands, Ny h-Ellanyn Balearagh
the Balkans, Ny Cheeraghyn Balkanagh
the Baltic Sea, Yn Faarkey Baltagh, Yn Vooir Valtagh
the Baptist Church, Yn Agglish Vashtee
the bare necessaries, yn vunchooid
the Bay of Biscay, Baaie ny Biscaayn, Baie Ny Spaainey
the Benedictus, Arrane Hacharius
the Benjamin, Biggin yn lught thie
the bereaved, mooinjer y varroo
the Beyond, cheu hoal jeh'n theihll
the Big Sound, Yn Keyllys Mooar
the Bishop of Rome, Aspick ny Raue
the bishop's palace, thie yn aspick
the black art, yn ellyn ghoo
the black arts, Ny doo-chliaghtaghyn, Ny doo-ellynyn
the Black Death, Yn Gorley Doo
the Black Market, Yn Margey Doo
the black-coated workers, Lught ny h-oikyn
the Blessed, Ny Beayntee
the blessed isle, yn ellan sheeant
the Blessed Sacrament, Corp Chreest
the Blessed Trinity, Yn Trinaid Noo
the Blessed Virgin, Yn Voidyn Moirrey, Yn Voidyn Vannee
the blunt fact, yn irriney lhome
the boards, Yn ardan
the body politic, Yn stait
the Boer War, Y Caggey Boeragh
the Boundary Chief, Yn Toshiagh Joaree
the Braaid, Yn Braaid
the brass, yn phrash
the bride and groom, yn cubbyl noa-phoost
the British, Ny Goaldee, Ny Sostynee
the British Parliament, Ard-whaiyl Hostyn
the British Parliament, Ard-whaiyl Hostyn
the British Raj, Yn Ard-chionys
the Bronze Age, Yn Eash Ooha
the Bull, Yn Tarroo
the bus route, yn bollagh bus
the Caledonian Canal, Ammyr y Ghlion Vooar
the Calf, Yn Cholloo
the Canaries, Ny Hellanyn Canaaragh
the canopy of Heaven, mullagh yn aer
the cardinal points, ny bun-ardjyn, Ny kiare airdyn, Ny kiare airdyn
the Catholic Church, Yn Agglish Chatoleagh, Yn Agglish Raueagh
the Celtic Congress, Yn Chohionnal Cheltiagh, Yn Chohionnal Cheltiagh
the Celtic League, Yn Commeeys Celtiagh
the Celtic Sea, Yn Vooir Cheltiagh
the Central Court, Yn Ard-whaiyl, Yn Ard-whaiyl
the Champions, Ny Fenee
the Channel Islands, Ellanyn Vooir Eeaght
the Chasms, Ny Skauryn, Ny Skortyn
the chief mourners, mooinjer y varroo
the choice part, yn tharrey
the cinema, yn kinemey, yn scannaneaght
the civil service, yn staitshirveish
the clap, yn chiass
the classics, ny shenn ughtaryn
the clod, thalloo, yn chray
the Cloth, Yn Chlere
the come-overs, adsyn haink noal, Ny Sostynee
the commander in chief, yn ard-anneyder
the common good, lhiasagh yn phobble
the common people, yn theay
the Conservative Party, Yn Partee Cumaadagh
the Continent, Yn Europey
the Continental Shelf, Yn Ymmyr Vooarheeragh
the Cooill, Yn Chooill
the cool of the night, cumm ny hoie
the Coroner, Yn Toshiagh Joaree
the corpse, yn marroo
the corridors of power, corradoyryn yn phooar
the cosmos, yn dowan, yn feaynid mooar
the cotton lords, Deiney mooarey y chadysh
the Creator, Crootagh, Jee, Yn Fer Croo
the Creed, Yn Chrea
the Crimea, Yn Chrimeea
the Crucifix, Yn Chrosh
the crusades, caggaghyn ny croshey, jannoo croshaid
the cursed English!, Ny Sostnee custhey
the damned, ny Deyrit
the Davidsons, Clein Ghavy
the dead, Ny merriu
the dead of winter, yn doo-gheurey
the Dead Sea, Yn Vooir Varroo
the deaf, ny beuyr
the departed, yn marroo
the Devil, Yn Drogh 'Er
the Devil, Drogh 'Er, Noid Ny h-Anmey, Yn Drogh 'Er, Yn Jouyl
the Dipper, Yn Cheeaght
the disabled, ny baccee, ny h-anlheiltee, ny martaryn
the Dog Star, Rollage y Voddee
the Doo, Yn Awin Doo
the Dorian Mode, Yn saase Doaragh
the drums, Ny drummyn
the dull boys, Ny guillyn moaldey
the dumb, Ny beilloo
the dumb animals, Ny beiyn
the Dutch, Ny h-Ollanee
the East Indies, Ny hInjyn Shiar, Yn Injin Hiar
the east side of, kione-har jeh
the east wind, Y gheay niar
the edge of the wood, oirr ny keylley
the editorial staff, yn lught screeuee, yn skimmee reaghee
the Elect, Yn Cloan Reiht
the elite, yn sleih mullee
the Elysian Fields, Cheer ny Aeg
the Emerald Isle, Ellan Sheer-ghlass Erin
the end of night, kinoie
the English, Ny Sostynee
the English Channel, Mooir yn Eeaght
the English tongue, Yn Vaarle
the Episcopal Church, Yn Agglish Aspickagh
the Eskimos, Ny h-Eskimee
the established church, agglish y stait
the Establishment, Yn Lught Ooasle, Yn lught Reill
the eternal verities, Ny feeridyn beayn
the Eucharist, Corp Chreest, erin, Shibbyr Y Chiarn, Yn Chreesteeagh, yn oalan chasherick
the Evil One, Noid Ny h-Anmey, Yn Drogh Spyrryd
the Executive Council, Cooinseil Chiannoortagh
the fair sex, ny mraane, yn dooghys aalin
the Fairy Riders, Ny Markee Shee
the Faithful, Ny Credjuee, Pobble Yee
the Fallen, Ny Merriu (caggee)
the family circle, yn cloan, yn vooinjer
the family crest, Armys y chleinn, Armys y lught thie
the Far East, Y Niar Foddey
the Faroes, Ellanyn ny Geyrragh
the Fates, Mraane-jee ny h-erreeyn
the Fenians, Ny Fenee
the Fens, Curreeyn Mooarey Hostyn
the Fiery Cross, Yn Chrosh Losht, Yn Chrosh Vustyr
the fine arts, ny h-ellynyn ooasle
the First Deemster, Briwnyssey
the first principle, yn ard-vanglane, yn chied vanglane
the first prize, yn ard-aundyr
the Fish(es), Ny Eeastyn, Ny Yeeastyn
the five senses, ny queig keeallyn
the Flesh, Yn Eill
the following day, laa er giyn, laa ny lurg, laa ny vairagh, laa ny yei
the Foreign Office, Rheynn Chooishyn Joarree
the Forestry Board, Boayrd ny Keylljin
the Free Church, Yn Agglish Heyr
the French tongue, Yn Rangish, Yn Rangish
the Front Bench, Yn Vink Hoshee
the Frost Giant, Yn Foawr Rioee
the froward ones, Ny camlaagee
the Fuzz, Poleenyn, Poleenyn
the Galaxy, Raad Mooar Ree Gorree
the Gapes (in poultry), ny blakeyn
the General Post Office, Ard-oik yn phost
the Gentiles, Ny ashoonyn quaagh
the gentility, yn myn-ooashlid
the gentle sex, ny mraane
the Godhead, Yn Jeeaght
the Golden Fleece, Yn Loamrey Airhey
the Gordons, Ny Gordonee
the governing principle, banglane
the Graces, Ny Grayseyn
the Gravel, gorley moon
the gravel, clagh uaill
the Great Bear, Yn Cheeaght
the great cats, ny kiyt vooarey
the Great Enquest, Yn Ving Vooar
the great powers, ny hashoonyn mooarey
the grid, Yn Ingagh Lectragh
the Gunpowder Plot, Cochialg Yn Phoodyr
the guv'nor, yn ard-er
the Hague, Yn Haag
the halt, ny baccee
the happy pair, Yn lannoon aeg
the heathen, Ny ashoonyn quaagh
the Heaves, brishey ennal
the Hebrews, Ny Hewnyn
the hereafter, yn seihll ry-heet
the Herring Pond, Yn Atlantagh
the High Command, Yn ard-chioneys
the high seas, faarkey mooar, yn vooar-vooir
the Highland Clearances, Skeayley ny Gaeil
the Highlands, Cheer ny Gaeil, Gaeltaght ny h-Albey, Y Ghaeltaght
the Highway Code, Reill ny Raaidyn Mooar
the Hill, Yn nab
the Holy Bible, Yn Vible Chasherick
the Holy Communion, Yn Creesteeaght
the Holy Ghost, Fer ny Gerjagh, Yn Spyrryd Noo
the Holy Innocents, Ny Maccan, Ny Neufoiljee Casherick
the Holy Land, Yn Cheer Vannee
the Holy Spirit, Yn Spyrryd Noo
the Home Office, Rheynn Chooishyn Thie
the House of Commons, Quaiyl Hostyn
the House of Keys, Yn Kiare as Feed
the human factor, yn cheu deiney
the humble, ny himlee
the Ice Age, Yn Eash Rioee
the imperative, yn oardreilagh
the imperfect tense, yn emshyr chaie
the Imperial Eagle, Yn Urley Impiroil
the Indicative Mood, Yn mod jeeragh
the Indies, Ny hInjyn
the influence of the, coyrle ny hagglish
the initiative, yn cheim hoshee
the Inns of Court, Oastyn ny Cooyrtey
the insides, Ny fir laare
the interim, yn eddyr-hraa
the interrogative, yn cummey feshtagh
the Iron Curtain, Yn Curtan Yiarn
the Islanders, Ny hellanee
the isles, Ny hellanyn
the Jews, Ny Hewnyn
the Joker, Fer ny grub, yn guilley mooar
the Jolly Roger, Yn brattagh doo
the justices of the peace, Ny briwnyn beggey
the Kirk, Yn Agglish Albinagh
the Kirk Andreas Belt, Cryss Skyll Andreas
the Kyles of Bute, Keeylys Boadagh
the Labour Party, partee yn lught obbyr, Yn Partee Obbraghys
the Laird, Chiarn ny cheerey
the Lamb of Delight, Yn Eayn Eunyssagh
the Lamb of God, Eayn Yee
the lambs, ny heayin
the lame fellow, yn fer croobagh
the Landed Interest, Ny Chiarnyn Thallooin
the larger part, yn fardail
the larger part, yn fardail
the Last Judgement, Yn Vriwnys Yerrinagh
the last post, yn gerrym s'jerree
the last stook, sthook y vrimmin
the Last Supper, Yn Shibber Jerrinagh
the late Mr Kelly, Mnr Kelly marroo
the latter days, Ny Heashyn Jerrinagh
the laws of nature, leighyn yn najoor
the lean meat, yn trooah
the least, y chooid sloo
the least thing, yn red sloo
the left hand, yn laue chlee
the legal mind, aigney yn leigh
the Legislative Council, Yn Choonseil Slattyssagh
the Lesser Bear, Yn Cheeaght Veg
the liberal arts, ny seyr-ellynyn
the Libyan Desert, Faasagh Ny Libya
the Licensing Act, Yn Slattys Oastey
the like, yn lhied
the Line, Yn Meanchiarkyl
the little ones, yn myn-chyrl
the little people, Ny deiney veggey, Ny deiney veggey, Yn mooinjey veggey
the littoral zone, cryss y chladdee
the livelong day, voish madran dys yn astyr
the livelong day, Yn laa bane
the long and short of it, bun as baare jeh
the Lord Chamberlain, Yn Ard-hamyrder
the Lord God, Yn Chiarn Jee
the Lord's Day, Laa Yn Chiarn, Yn Doonaght, Yn Doonaght
the Lord's Prayer, Padjer Yn Chiarn
the lower deck, ny marrinee
the majority, yn vooar chooid
the Maker, Yn Fer Croo
the Manx, Ny Manninee
the Manx language, Yn glare Vanninagh
the many, yn vonney
the marvel is that, Shyrrys eh dy
the masses, pobble, sleih, yn chadjinaght
the means of grace, saaseyn y ghraysh
the middle ground, yn mean-ynnyd
the minister's pulpit, crannag y chirveishagh
the Mint, Mwyllin Yn Argid
the missing link, yn barney
the missis, ee hene
the mob, ny riftanyn, yn chionnal, yn mob beg
the Mooragh, Yn Vooiragh
the morning before, yn moghrey roish shen
the Morse alphabet, yn abyrlit Morsagh
the mother tongue, chengey ny mayrey
the movies, Ny jallooyn, Ny scannaneyn
the mowers, foldyryn
the Nab, Yn nab
the native tongue, yn ghlare ghooie
the near side, yn cheu wass
the necessaries of life, cooid yn vea
the nether regions, Niurin
the Netherlands, Cheer y Vagheragh, Yn Ollan
the New Testament, Yn Conaant Noa
the New Year, Nollick Veg, yn vlein noa
the newly rich, jeirkee er mooin cabbyl
the next morning, moghrey laa ny vairagh
the next week, yn chiaghtin er giyn
the Niarbyl, Purt Masooyl, Yn Arbyl
the Nightman, Yn Dooinney Oie
the Nobility, Lught ny Ooashlys, Yn Krinkys, Yn Ooashlaght
the noble art, doarneyrys
the North cape, Yn Rheynn Hwoaie
the North Channel, Ammyr Ny Halbey
the North of England, Twoaie Hostyn
the North of Ireland, Twoaie Nerin, Twoaie ny hErin, Twoaie ny hErin
the North of Mann, Twoaie Vooar, Yn Twoaie
the North Quay, Cheu hwoaie ny purt
the North Sea, Mooir Hostyn, Yn Keayn Twoaie
the North Star, rollage ny twoaie
the Northern Lights, lossan y twoaie
the nth power, yn n-oo pooar
the Occult, Yn fyssaght
the odd pence, ny pinginyn cor
the off season, yn traa moal
the off side, yn cheu yesh
the old country, my heer ghooie
the old folks, yn chenndiaght, yn shenn sleih
the Old Testament, Yn Shenn Chonaant, Yn Shenn Chonaant
the onlookers, yn lught fakin
the Orkneys, Ny h-Inshyn Ork, Orkaidagh, Yn Orkaid
the other week, yn shiaghtin chaie
the others, feallagh elley, ny reddyn elley
the outer gates, ny giattyn mooie
the Pacific Ocean, Yn Keayn Sheealtagh
the pack, Ny toshee
the Paps of Jura, Sheeinaghyn Yurey
the Passion of Our Lord, Paish Nyn Jiarn
the Paupers' Grave, ruillick ny moght
the peerage, Ny chiarnyn
the people, yn theay
the peoples, Ny hashoonee
the perfect ones, feallagh ny firrinys
the perfect tense, yn emshir chaie
the Persian Gulf, Giau Vooar ny Pershey
the Philippines, Ny Hellanyn Philippeenagh
the pictures, jannoo caslys jeh, Ny jallooyn, Ny scannaneyn
the pierhead, kione y cheay
the Pipe, piobberaght, Yn Phiob
the place of the sheep, Boayl ny gerragh
the Plank Road, Bayr ny Claairey
the Plantation of Ulster, Plandail Ulley
the plebs, yn theay
the Pleiad, Yn Trilleen
the Plough, Arc Ny Twoaie, Yn Arc Mooar
the Poet Laureate, Ard-vardoonagh yn Ree, Ard-vardoonagh yn ree
the Pointers, Ny Coltaryn
the Pole Star, rollage ny twoaie, Yn gahlin, Yn rontage hwoaie
the Polish Corridor, Bollagh Ny Polann
the poorer classes, yn sleih boghtey
the Pope of Rome, Paab ny Raue, Paab y Raue
the pot, Yn kishtey
the powers of darkness, cummaght yn jouyll
the preceding day, yn laa roie
the presbytery, thie yn saggyrt
the present tense, yn emshyr aaragh
the Press, Ny Pabyryn Naight
the press, Yn Cloudeyrys
the prevailing cold, yn feayraght shoh
the priesthood, yn chlere
the priests, ny saggyrtyn, yn chlere
the primeval world, yn bun-seihll
the prince of darkness, ainle yn dorraghys
the princes of the world, ooashlaght yn theihill
the principals, yn ard-wooinjey
the priviledged few, yn beggan as ard chied oc
the priviledged few, yn beggan as foayr oc
the Privy Council, Yn Ree Choyrle
the prodigal son, yn mac stroialtagh
the profession, lught yn keirdey
the professional classes, lught ny gerrymyn
the pros and cons, yn daa heu jeh'n skeeal
the Prosecution, Yn Shualtys
the Provisionals, Ny Shallidee
the public purse, kishtey yn staait
the public way, yn bayr mooar, yn raad mooar
the purples, chingys ny mucyn
the Pyrenees, Ny Sleityn Pyreanagh
the Quality, Yn Ooashlaght
the quarterdeck, Ny fir oik
the Rains, Imbagh ny fliaghaghyn
the rank and file, ny sidooryn cadjin
the ratings, ny marrinee
the real value, yn feer leagh
the Reaper, Yn Baase
the Receiver General, Resowir Vannin
the Recording Angel, Ainle Yn Recortys
the Red Cross, Yn Chrosh Yiarg
the Red Sea, Yn Vooir Ruy
the Reds, Ny Jiargyn
the Reef, Yn Chuishlin Airhey, Yn Witwatersand
the regular army, yn armee hassooagh
the Reproaches, Ny holtooanyn
the reserve, Yn cooyl-sleih
the Resurrection, Yn Irree Seose Reesht
the Rhine, Yn Rhine
the Rhineland, Cheer ny Rhiney
the rich, argidagh, lught yn argid, ny berchee
the Ring (Stock Exchange), yn margey oikoil
the River Glass, Yn Glass
the River Neb, Yn Neb
the Rocky Mountains, Ny Sleityn Cregganagh, Ny Sleityn Skerragh
the Roman Eagles, mergaghyn ny Rauee
the Romans, Ny Creesteenyn Raueagh, Ny Rauee
the ropes, ny teaddyn
the Round Table, Yn Boayrd Cruinn
the round top, yn chronnag
the Round Tower, Cleiyagh Yn Chastal, Cleiyagh Yn Chastal, Yn Cleiyagh
the Royal Navy, lhuingys chaggee Hostyn
the rush hour, yn oor tarroogh
the Sacraments, Ny Sacramentyn
the Sacred Heart, Yn Chree Noo
the Salvation army, Armee yn Taualtys
the same here!, Mih lhiat!
the Sargasso Sea, Mooir yn Amlee
the Scales, Yn Meih
the Scares, Skeryn Mooarey Golliu
the scholastic profession, yn lught ynsee
the scholastic year, yn vlein scoill
the science of sound, feeam-oaylleeaght
the Scilly Isles, Ny Skillee
the scissors, builley shuddyragh
the Scottish Border, Slyst ny Halbey
the Scriptures, Goo Yee, Ny Scriptyryn
the Sea of Azov, Mooir Azov
the Second Deemsteer, Y Nah Vriw
the second in command, Yn tanishtey
the second prize, yn nah aundyr
the Secret Service, Yn Chirveish Folliaghtagh
the self same man, yn dooinney ennee
the senior clerk, yn ard-chleragh
the Services, Ny shirveishyn
the Shades, Niurin
the shakes, ny craayn
the Shannon, Yn Channon
the shekels, ny pingyn, yn argid
the sheltered side, cheu yn astee
the shipping interest, lught traghtee marrey
the shooting season, yn imbagh lhiggee
the shore, cheer, thalloo
the sick, Ny hasslayntee
the sin of pride, peccah ny moyrn
the Skerries, Ny Skeryn
the slack season, yn imbagh feagh
the small fry, ny myn-gheiney, ny reddyn beggey
the smart set, lught y bryntys
the Society of Friends, Sheshaght Ny Gaarjyn
the Solar System, Corys ny greiney
the souls in Heaven, Ny Beayntee, Ny Flaunyssee
the South Sea, Yn Vooir Yiass
the South Sea Islands, Ellanyn Ny Marrey Jiass
the Southern Cross, Crosh Yn Jiass
the sovereign good, yn mie share
the sovereign pontiff, Yn Phaab
the Soviets, Ny Soveidjyn
the spare, yn brash
the spoken word, caaynt
the Stanleys, Ny Stanleeyn
the steed, y niagh
the stinking stinkard, yn breimen breinn
the stone age, eash ny claghyn
the Stone of Scone, Yn Lhiaght Fail
the strangers, ny quaine, ny quoie
the subjective case, yn ennymagh
the Summer Isles, Ny Hellanyn Souree
the sumner's sheaf, bunney sunderagh, bunney yn voddey
the sun at noon, grian y vunlaa
the Sword of Orion, Slatt yn Ree
the teaching profession, yn lught ynsee
the team spirit, yn parteeys
the Ten Commandments, ny Jeih Annaghyn
the theatre, yn draamey
the Three Magi, Ny Tree Reeaghyn
the three of them, ad nyn dree
the three R's, lhaih screeu as earrooagh
the three R's, ny tree bun-ynsaghyn, ny tree bunoyryn
the Tiber, Yn Tiber
the timid, Ny faitee
the toddlers, Yn chloan veggey
the top notes, ny noteyn ardey
the top of her head, mullagh e king
the top of his head, mullagh e ching
the top stair, ny greeish s'ardjey
the top stones, ny claghyn king
the total, ard-sym, yn clane
the trade, lught yn traght
the tricks of the trade, ellyn ny keirdey
the Tricolour, Bratagh ny Tree Daaghyn
the Triple Alliance, Yn Treepharteeaght
the tropic of Cancer, Chyndaa Yn Phartan
the Turf, Yn lught ratchal
the Twelfth, Yn nah laa jeig
the Twelve, Yn Daa Ostyl Jeig
the twins, cubbylagh, Ny lannoonyn
the under gardener, yn fo-ghareyder
the underside, yn cheu heese
the United Nations, Ny Hashoonyn Unnaneysit
the upper circle, y nah halley
the upper class, ynsleih ooasle
the upper crust, yn sleih mullee
the useful arts, ny keirdyn ymmydoil
the value of time, ymmydoilid hraa
the van of the army, toshiaght yn armee
the Vatican City, Ard-Valley yn Phaab
the vault of heaven, ooig ny speyr
the very best, yn share
the very bottom, yn eer-vun
the very man, yn dooinney cheddin, yn dooinney shen-ennee
the very next day, yn kiart laa er giyn
the very same, jeeragh myr y cheilley, jeeragh myr y cheilley
the very top, eer-vullagh
the very truth, yn firrinys glen
the very word!, yn 'eer ockle
the verytop, yn feer vaare
the vials of wrath, ny siyn dy ymmoose
the vicarage, thie yn taggyrt
the vicissitudes of life, caghlaaghyn y theihill, carryn creoi y theihll, neuhickyrys y theihll
the violin, yn viol
the visitors, Ny skibbyltee boghtey
the visual nerve, nearoo yn shilley
the vital thread, snaie resh, snaie resh
the vocal cords, teaddyn yn ghoo
the vocal hills, Sleityn yn vactullagh
the vocal organs, oltyn yn ghoo
the Void, yn feaynid mooar
the vulgar tongue, chengey ny cheerey
the wandering Jew, Yn Ew rouaillagh
the wash, ny giubblyn
the waves, yn vooir
the wealthy, lught yn argid, lught yn argid, ny berchys
the Weather Bureau, Oik ny h-Emshir
the weed, thombaacey
the well-to-do, lught yn argid
the Welsh, Ny Bretnee
the West Indians, Ny Heear-Injinee
the West Indies, Ny hInjyn Sheear
the west side, sheear, yn cheu heear
the Westerners, Ny heearee
the wet season, yn imbagh fliaghee, yn imbagh fliugh
the wheel, stiur
the White Mare, Yn Laair Vane
the White Sea, Yn Vooir Vane
the whole, ooilley, yn clane
the whole bag of tricks, yn clane job-lot
the whole hog, y slane raad
the whole length, yn slane lhiurid
the whole story, ooilley yn skeeal
the wife, ee hene
the Wild West, Y Neear Feie
the wind (instruments), Ny geay-ghreienyn
the wings, Ny binn
the winter festival, Feailley geul
the wood, stoandey, Yn barril
the workers, Ny h-Obbreeyn
the working class, lught ny hobbyr, ny obbreeyn
the working classes, lught yn obbyr
the world title, crouw yn dowan
the worse, yn red s'messey
the Worshipful Master, Yn Mainshtyr Arrymagh
the writings of St. Paul, Screeunyn Phaayl Noo
the written word, goan scruit
the yellow promontory, tryn troin wuigh
the Yellow Sea, Yn Vooir Vuigh
the young, yn aegid
the young (of animals), yn aal, yn aalagh
the young ones, slieh aegey, yn aegid, yn aeglagh, yn aeglagh
the Zenith, Yn Ard-niau
the zenith of prosperity, ard-raah
theatre, theater, thie cloie
theatre of war, laaragh yn chaggee
theatre-goer, taagheyder theater
theatrical, theateragh
theatrical performance, cloie
theatricals, taishbynys draamey
thee, oo
thee (emph), uss
theft, gaddeeaght, maarleeys, maarliaght, maarlys, sladdagh
their, nyn, oc
theirs, an, lhieu, lhieusyn, nyn, oc
theism, jeeaghys
them, ad, adsyn
theme, cooish
theme song, cooish-arrane
themselves, adhene, adsyn
then, eisht
then (emph), eishtagh
thence, veih shen, veih shid, veih'n traa shen
thenceforth, maghey shen, veih shen magh, veih'n traa shen magh
theocracy, jeelaghys
theocratic, jeelagh
theodolite, uillin towsheyder
theologian, jeeaghteyr, jeeoilagh
theological, jeeaghtagh
theological college, Ollooscoil yeeaghtagh
theology, jeeghtys, jeeoilys
theorem, choarym
theoretic(al), sheiltynagh
theorist, sheiltynagh
theorize, sheiltyn
theory, sheiltynys, sheinys
theosophist, jeesoo
theosophy, jeesonaght
therapeutic(al), therapagh
therapeuticist, therapee
therapeutics, therapick
therapy, therapey
there, ayns shen
there, ayns shen, ayns shid, ayns shid, er hen
there now!, Shen nish!
there was nothing, Cha row jalloo
thereabouts, faggys da shen
thereafter, ny lurg shen, ny yei shen, veih shen magh
thereat, lesh shen
thereby, liorish shen
therefore, er y fa shen, myr shen, shen y fa
therefrom, veih shen
therein, ayns shen, ayns shen
thereof, jeh shen
thereon, er shen, er shid
thereout, ass shen
thereto, gys shen, lesh shen
thereunto, da shen
thereupon, er shen, lesh shen
therewith, lesh shen, marish shen
therewithal, chelleeragh ny yei, harrish as erskyn shen, lesh shen, marish shen as ooilley
therm, cherm
thermal, cheh, chermagh
thermal spring, chibbyr heh
thermionic, chermeeanagh
thermo-cautery, chermey-lostey, chiass-lostey
thermo-couple, chiass-cubbyl
thermo-dynamic, chiass-niartal
thermo-dynamics, chiass-niartalagh
thermo-electric(al), chiass-lectragh
thermo-electricity, chiass-lectraghys
thermo-electronic, chiass-lectraneagh
thermochemistry, chiass-chemmig
thermoelectric(al), chiassmeadragh
thermogenic, chiass-gheintynagh
thermometer, chiassveih, gless chiass
thermos, chermys
thermostat, chermostad, chiass-reilleyder
thermostatic, chermostaddagh
thesaurus, fockleyr, lioar-hastee
these, ad shoh
thesis, kione argane
thesis (written), traaght
thews, fehghyn
they, ad
they (emphatic), adsyn
they are, t'ad, t'ad
thick, chiu, er cheeid, mea, neuhoiggaltagh, roauyr, vooar rish y cheilley
thick (as cream), clannit, glubbagh
thick (as fog), gloo
thick (as forest), gloo
thick (as voice), plooghit
thick (bulky), roauyr, thummidagh
thick (of foot), cheeid, riurid (ny coshey)
thick (of milk), chiulagh
thick and fast, mooin y cheilley
thick cake, soddag
thick darkness, dorraghys doo
thick of the fight, mean y streeu
thick porridge, poddash hiu
thick skinned (of person), reen
thick soup, awree chiu
thick-headed, moal-inchnagh
thick-leaved, roauyr-ghuillagagh
thick-lipped, beealagh, brooasagh
thick-set (of hedge), chiu
thick-skinned (of fruit), chiu-chrackanagh, chiu-chrackanagh, speeineigagh
thick-skinned (of person), pollan, reen
thick-skulled, doal-inchynagh, kione-roauyr
thick-stroke, chiu-linney
thicken, chiughey
thicken (as liquid), clannaghey, clanney
thicken (as wool), roauyraghey
thicken (of plot), cheet dy ve ny s'cast
thickener, clanneyder
thickening, chiughey, clannaghey, clanneyder, roauyraghey, stoo clannee
thicker, chee, cheey, ny s'chee
thickest, S'chee
thicket, croanane, garee, thammag
thickety, thammagagh
thickly populated, feer chlannit
thickness, cheeid, riurid
thickness (stupidness), neuhoiggaltys
thickset (of hedge), gloo
thief, braddee, maarliagh
thieve, geid
thievery, gaddeeys, geid
thieving, braddagh, gaddeeaght, gaddeeys, geid, myngyragh
thievish, braddagh, bredagh, myngyragh
thievish cow, booa vraddagh
thievishness, braddaght, braddid, bredid
thigh, maaish, shleayst, shleeast
thigh boots, bootsyn marrey, bootsyn mooarey
thighbone, craue lheshey, craue y cleeasid
thill, lhoo, lhuir
thill horse, cabbyl lhiurey
thimble, mairane
thimble case, askan mairane
thimbleful, lane mairane, lane phitt ushag
thimblelike, mairaneagh
thin, keylagh, keyley, thannaghey
thin (as paper), thanney
thin (in build), feiosagh, shang, thanney
thin (of body), shangaghey
thin (of hair), goan
thin (of liquid), keyl, thanney
thin (of mud), bog
thin (of voice), keyl
thin cake, keeak
thin spread, reeayllagh
thin stroke, keyl-linney
thin-faced, neuphussagh
thin-lipped, keyl-veillagh
thin-skinned, lag-chrackanagh
thin-soiled, reeallagh
thine, ayd, ayds, dty, lhiat
thing, nhee, red
thingummy, yn gliggey (shen), yn red shen elley
think, smooinagh, smooinaghey, smooinaght, smooinaghtyn
think (suppose), sheiltyn, shein
think of (about), smooinaghtyn er
think out, jannoo magh, obbraghey magh
think over, aasmooinaghtyn er, smooinaghtyn er
thinkable, feeu smooinaght er, sheiltynagh, smooinaghtoil
thinker, smooineyder
thinking, smooinaghtagh, smooinaghtyn
thinking (supposition), sheiltyn
thinly, dy goan, dy keyl, dy thanney
thinly clad, fo beggan eadddagh
thinly growing corn, shibbelagh
thinned, keylit, shangit, thannit
thinner, ny s'theinney, theinney
thinner (agent), thanneyder
thinness, feiosid, keylid, thannid
thinnest, s'theinney
thinning, keylagh, shangaghey, thannaghey
thinnish, lesh y cheylid, lesh y thannid
thinnish (of voice), keyl
third, trass, treen, treeoo
third (fractional), treen
third class, jeh'n treeoo brastyl
third course, threshtee
third crop, tressad, tressad
third oar, maidjey lhierrym
third party insurance, urrysaght da'n treeoo fer
third party insurance, urraghys treeoo persoon
third rate, jeh'n treeoo brastyl
third-hand information, fys skeeallagh
thirdly, 'sy trass ynnyd, as tree
thirds, scaa
thirst, paa
thirst, droogh, paays, taart
thirst (for knowledge), saynt
thirstiness, paays
thirsty, paa, paagh
thirsty (of earth), taartagh
thirteen, tree-jeig, treeoo-jeig
thirteenth, treeoo-jeig
thirtieth, jeihoo as feed
thirty, jeih as feed
this, ee shoh, eh shoh, shoh
this far, choud's shoh
this here, shoh
this itself, shoh hene
this morning, moghrey jiu
this one, y cheh shoh, y fer shoh, y jeh shoh, yn fer shoh
this or that, shoh ny shen
this side, wass ayns shoh
this very day, jiu hene
this very night, oie night, oie noght hene
this year, mleeaney
thistle, onnane
thistledown, clooie onnane
thistly, onnaneagh
thither, dys sheh, dys shid, gour shen, gour shid, gys shen, gys shid, huggey shen, huggey shid
thither (from speaker), noon
thole(pin), thiolley
thomas, Thomaase
thomism, Thomaghys
thomist, Thomagh
thong, point, synnin, yeeal
thoracic, thoracksagh
thorax, thoracks
thorite, thoreeit
thorium, thoriu
thorn, drine, jialg
thorn apple, ooyl y Jouyll
thorn bush, drine, drine skeag
thorn hedge, paal skeag
thorn in the flesh, birrag sy vio
thorn tree, billey skeag, drine
thornback( ray), scarrag gharroo
thornback(ray), peegagh
thorns, jilg
thorny (as briar), dressagh
thorny (as fruit), jialgagh
thorny (as tree), drineagh
thorny place, drineagh
thorough, cruinn, dowin, magh as magh, slane
thorough rogue, jiarg-vitchoor
thorough rogue, jiarg-vitchoor
thorough-paced, kiart
thoroughbred, fuilloil, fuilloilagh
thoroughfare, bollagh, cassan
thoroughgoing, creaghnoil, cruinn
thoroughly, dy bollagh, dy dowin, dy slane
thoroughness, creaghnoilaght, glennid, slaneid
those, ad shen, ad shid
those here, ad shoh
thou, oo, uss
though, ga, myr
thought, smooinaght, smooinaghtyn
thought (inclination), aigney
thoughtful, frioosagh, smooinaghtagh
thoughtfulness, frioose, smooinaghtaght
thoughtless, meerioosagh
thoughtless person, meerioosagh, persooon gyn tort
thoughtlessly, dy meehastagh, dyn smooinaght, dyn tort
thoughtlessness, antort, meehastid, meerioose
thousand, jeih keead, milley, thousane
thousands upon thousands, millaghyn er millaghyn
thousandth, jeih cheeadoo, millioo, thousaneoo
thraldom, bondiaght, breihys, deyrsnys, sleabaght
thrall, bondagh, breih, deyrsnagh, sleab
thrash, bwoalley, cur da
thrash out, kerey magh
thrashing, tasterys
thrashing (act of), tasteragh
thread, snaie
thread (as beads), cur er snaie, strengaghey
thread (as needle), cur snaie ayn
thread (as screw), cur snaie er
thread of life, snaie resh, snaie yn vea
thread of tow, cuishley, snaie barree
thread-cutter, giarreyder snaa
thread-like, snaieagh
threadbare, ceaut lhome
threadworm, beishteig snaieagh
threat, baggyrtys
threaten, baggyr, mooirjeenagh
threaten, baggyrt er, baggyrt er
threatener, baggyrtagh
threatener, baggyrtagh
threatening, baggyrt, baggyrtagh, baggyrtagh, baggyrtys
three, tree
three bushels, whyndyl
three by three, troor as troor
three cornered hat, edd tree binn
three persons, troor
three women, tree mraane, troor dy vraane
three year old sheep, aahannid
three-act, tree-actagh
three-ball match, cloie troor
three-coloured, tree-ghaagh
three-cornered, tree corneilagh, trooraneagh
three-decker, lhong tree lout
three-dimensional, tree towshanagh, tree-howshanagh
three-engined, tree jeshaghtagh
three-footed, tree cassagh
three-four, tree-kiare
three-handed, da troor
three-leaved, tree-ghuillagagh
three-legged, tree cassagh
three-masted, tree cruin
three-master, tree cruin
three-phase, tree-phaasagh
three-piece suit, cullee tree peesh
three-ply (of wood), tree straihagh
three-ply (of wool), tree filley, tree illit
three-pronged, tree goullanagh
three-quarter, tree kerroo
three-quarter back, tree kerroonagh
three-speed, tree bieauidyn
three-toed, tree meir, tree-vairagh
three-way, tree vollagh
three-wheeled, tree queeyllagh
threefold, tree filley
threepence, tree pingyn
threepenny, tree pingyn
threescore, tree feed
threesome, cloie trooragh, troor
threnody, bardoon
thresh, bwoalley, tasteraght
threshed, bwoaillit, bwoaillit
thresher, bwoalleyder, shynnagh marrey, taster
threshing, bwoalley, tasterys
threshing floor, laare voaillee, laare vooie
threshing machine, mwyllin bwoallee
threshing mill, mwyllin bwoallee
threshold (of pain etc), toshiaght
thrice, tree keayrtyn
thrift, frioose, ladoose
thriftiness, frioose, ladoose
thriftless, jummallagh
thriftlessness, jummallys
thrifty, cummyragh, ladoosagh, tarroogh
thrifty person, tarroosagh
thrill, ard-taitnys, cur er creau
thriller (book), lioar ta cur er creau
thrilling, creauagh
thrive, bishaghey
thriver, bisheyder
thriving, bishagh
throat, scoarnagh, troat
throat-clearing, creddaghey
throatiness, peeaghaneys
throaty, peeaghaneagh
throb, bwoalley
throbbing, bwoalley
throes, guinnyn
thrombus, thrombus
throne, stoyl reeoil, troyn
throng, chionnal, jingey
thronged, jingit
thronging, chionnagh, jingey
throstle, greie sneeuee, treshlen
throttle, pioban, scoig, scoigey, toghtey
throttle valve, scoig-chooylley
throttling, toghtaghey, toghtey
throttlling, scoigey
through, trooid
through anger, ass ferg
through her, ny trooid
through him, ny hrooid
through me, my hrooid
through others, fo my cheilley, fud y cheilley, kione y cheilley
through the day, feie'n laa
through the night, fud ny hoie
through the summer, car y touree
through them, nyn drooid, nyn drooid
through you, dty hrooid
throughout, car, er feie, er fud, trooid magh
throughout the globe, er feie ny cruinney
throughstone, clagh chianglee, clagh oaye
throw, ceau, lhieggey, orraghey, straih-fout, tilgey
throw about, ceau mygeayrt
throw away, ceau ersooyl, ceau voish
throw back, ceau er ash, ceau ergooyl, cur ergooyl
throw down, ceau neose, ceau sheese
throw in, ceu stiagh
throw off, ceau jeh
throw off (as person), cur jeh
throw out, ceau magh
throw out (as gear), skeaylley
throw out (reject), jiooldey
throw outs, fooillaght
throw over, treigeil
throw over, faagail
throw up, ceau
throw up, ceau 'syn aer, ceau seose
throw up (as hands), ardjaghey
throw up (vomit), tilgey
throwback, aaghooghys
throwback (of breed), filley er ash
thrower, ceaueyder, tilgeyder
throwing, ceau, lhieggey, tilgey
throwing stones, castey, claghey, lhieggal
thrown, ceaut, lhieggit, tilgit
thrum, fooag, whaig
thrush, gailley, treshlen, trush
thrust, saih, seiy
thrust aside, seiy ry lhiattee
thrust back, seiy ergooyl
thrust forward, seiy er oaie, seiy roish
thrust off, seiy jeh
thrust out, deamey, seiy magh
thruster, seiyder
thug, thug
thuggee, dunverys Injinagh, thuggaght
thuggery, thuggaght
thumb, mairaghey, ordaag
thumb stall, fine ordaag
thumb-rope, suggane corrag
thumb-screw, vise ordaag
thumbnail, ingin ordaag
thumbnail groove, clash ingney
thumbs up!, feer vie dy liooar!, t'eh lhien!
thumbscrew, scrod skianagh
thump, builley, donk, donkal, donkey, labb, labbal, losh, polt, poltal, poltey
thumped, donkit, labbit, poltit
thumper, donkeyder, labbeyder, polteyr
thumping, builley, donkal, donkey, labbal
thunder, taarnagh, taarnaghey
thunder cloud, bodjal taarnee
thunder flash, chenney taarnee
thunder shower, frass taarnee
thunder-clap, rooit haarnee
thunderbolt, chenney taarnee
thundering, taarnagh, taarnaghey
thundering (of sea), buirrooghey
thunderous, taarnoil
thunderstorm, sterrym taarnee
thunderstruck, bwoallit ec y taarnagh, thanvannit
thundery, taarnoil
thurible, thooishtane
thurifer, thooisheyder
thursday, Jardain, Jerdein
thus, myr shen, myr shoh
thus far, derrey shoh, foast
thus worded, ayns ny focklyn shoh
thwack, flip, flipperaght
thwart, beck, cheet tessen (er), crossey, tarmestey, tessen, thowt
thwarted, crosht, crost
thwarting, cheet tessen (er), croshagh, crossey
thy, dt', dty
thyme, teim
thymol, teimyl
thymus, Yn teimys
thyroid, cheeroydjagh
thyroid gland, trellag cheeroydjagh
thyroidism, cheeroydjaght
thyself, oo hene
tiara, tiara
tibet, Tibet
tibetan, Tibetagh
tibia, craue ny lurgey
tic, breban
tick, carthan, tick
tick (of clock), grig, griggeraght
tick (space of time), thootchey
tick infestation, plaih chartan
tick off, cur tick rish, troiddey
tick out, bwoalley magh
tick over, cassey
ticker, cree, ooreyder, rybban telegraafagh
ticket, cur tiggad er, tiggad
ticket barrier, giat tiggadyn
ticket collector, chagleyder tiggad, fer tiggad
ticket inspector, baghteyr tiggad
ticket punch, towleyder tiggad
ticket-holder, tiggadee
tickle, kickil, kicklal, kickley
tickle (in throat), cred
tickle up, greesaghey
tickled, kicklit
tickler, feysht creoi, greeseyder
tickler (person), kickleyder
tickling, doarn-eeastagh, kickilagh
tickling (of person), kickley
ticklish, cast, doillee, kicklagh
ticklishness, castid, doilleeid, kicklaght
tid-bit, goblagh
tidal flow, stroo
tidal mouth, beeal tidee, cass tidee
tidal prediction, faaishnys tidee
tidal river, awin hidee
tidal rock, bowe, cronnag
tidal wave, tonn hidee
tiddler, snaid varrey
tide, cur lesh, imbagh, raiee, tidey, ymmyrkey
tide ebb (time of), shayll varrey
tide flow (time of), shayll varrey
tide gate, giat tidee
tide guage, towsheyder tidee
tide over, cur harrish ynvaarney
tide rip, tonney tidee
tide-race, stroo
tide-waiter, ronseyder lhuingey
tideless, gyn tidey
tidemark (on neck), scoodyn
tidemark (on shore), baare tidee, cowrey tidee
tidetable, earroo tidee
tideway, stroo
tidiness, jeadid, jeadys, jeshid, skeoighid
tidings, naight, skeeal
tidy, cumir, cumiragh, cur reaghys er, jannoo skeoigh, jeadagh, jesh, jeshaghey, resoonagh, skeoigh
tie, cheet corrym, cloie corrym, cur eiystyr er, kiangley, maidjey kianglee
tie (as knot), sniemmey
tie (bond), kiangley
tie (for animal), eiystyr
tie (of shoe), yeeall
tie (on forelegs), iyn, iyn
tie down, kiangley
tie up, kiangley, moaral, staikey
tie-beam, maidjey kianglee
tie-rod, slat chianglee
tie-wig, mwaashag leighderagh, mwaashag yiare
tieclip, fasteen carvat
tied, kianglt, sniemmit
tied up, kianglt
tied up (busy), throng
tied up (to stake), staikit
tiepin, birran carvat
tier, straih
tierce, tiert
tiered, straihagh
tiff, tuittym magh
tig, cloie tig, cur tig er, tig
tiger, cheegyr, guilley cabbil, teigyr
tiger cat, kayt feie
tiger lily, lilee vreck
tiger-eye, sooill chayt
tigher, chenney
tighnabruich, Thie ny Brooie
tight, chionn, neughiastyllagh, peajeogagh
tight (as ship), jeen
tight (as weave), gloo
tight (drunk), er meshtey, scoorit
tight (of breath), reenagh
tight (of money), goan, sondagh, tiark
tight-fisted, cribbidjagh, peajeogagh
tight-fitting, chionn, coon
tight-laced, keyl-aignagh
tight-lipped, fastagh
tighten, chionney
tightened, chionnit
tightener, chionneyder
tightening, chionney
tighter, ny s'chenney
tighter (of money), ny s'goan
tightest, s'chenney
tightness, chennid
tightness (in money), neughiastyllys, peajeogys
tightness (of breath), reean
tightness (of money), gennid, tiarkid
tightrope, tead chionn
tightrope walker, tead-hooylleyder
tightrope walking, tead-hooyl
tights, oashyryn bouinagh, troosyn
tightwad, sonderey
tigress, cheegyr bwoirrin
tike, moddey
tile, cheel, cheeley, cur leacanyn, cur leacanyn er, cur sclateyn er, leacan
tile (roof), sclate
tiled, cheelit, leacanagh, sclate
tiler, cheeleyder, jeeneyder thie, sclateyr
tiling, cheeley, cheelyn, cur sclateyn er, leacanyn
till, derrey, dys, gys, tayrnag argid, traue
till then, choud's shen
tillable, errooagh
tillage, errooid
tillage plot, keppagh
tilled, traueit
tilled field, magher traueit, maghey reuyrey
tiller, cur reuyreyder er, greie traauee, pinn stiuree, reureyder
tiller (of land), erroo
tiller wheel, queeyl stiuree
tiller-lines, teaddyn stiuree
tiller-lines, teaddyn stiuree
tiller-rope, tead stiuree
tilling, traaue
tilt, cleayney, jeeigey, seiy
tilted, cleaynit, jeeigit, listit
tilth, lhiasaght
tilting, cleayney, listal, listey, seiy
timber, aamaid, asney, cur foiee rish, fuygh, maidjagh
timber cart, cairt aamaid
timber mill, mwyllin aamaid
timber tree, billey keylley
timber-hitch, sneim aamaid
timber-toes, cass vaidjagh
timber-work, obbyr aamaid
timbered, aamaid, foieet, maidjagh
timbered (of land), biljagh
timberyard, stoyr aamaid
timbre, toan-daah
timbrel, dollan beg
time, am, am, emshir, lhing, tammylt, towse, traa
time (season), imbagh
time allowance, lowanse traa
time ball, bluckan traa
time bargain, bargane traa
time belt, cryss hraa
time clause, olt hraa
time exposure, traa-roostey
time fuse, fioose traa
time lag, anchaslys traa
time limit, cagliagh traa
time past, join
time server, fer faillee
time sheet, duillag hraa
time signal, cowrey traa
time switch, slattag hraa
time trial, eab traa
time-honoured, ta rieau ayn
time-lag, eddyr-lhing
time-serving, chengey lhiam lhiat
time-work, obbyr rere ny hooryn
time-worn, ceaut, shenn
timebomb, bleaystan traa
timekeeper, meoir traa
timeless, beayn, sheer-
timeliness, emshiroilid
timely, ammoil, anugh, ayns traa, caaoil, caaoil, cooie, emshiroil, moghey, traaoil
timepiece, ooreyder
timetable, earroo traa
timewarp, jelliu traa
timid, aggleydagh, faitagh, fashagh, scaagh
timid person, faitagh
timidity, aggle, faitys, scaa
timidly, dy faitagh
timing, combaase, coreilaght, towse traa, traa-earroo
timorous, agglagh, aggleydagh, faitagh, fashagh
timothy, Taig
timothy (Bot), famman chiyt
tin, cur brat stainnagh er, stainnaghey, stainney
tin (as food), cur ayns stainnaghyn
tin (container), stainney
tin (money), argid, pinginyn, yiarn
tin hat, edd caggee
tin plate, plait stainnagh
tin tack, taggad stainney
tin ware, cooid stainnagh
tin whistle, feddan kiaullee, feddan stainnagh
tin works, caardee stainney
tin-bearing, stainnagh
tin-miner, stainneyder
tin-opener, stainn-oshleyder
tin-plate, cur plait stainney er, stainnaghey, stainney
tin-plated, stainnit
tin-work, obbyr stainnagh
tincture, daah, daahghey, tinshur
tincture of steel, tinshoor staillinagh
tinder, creenlagh, musthane, sponk
tinder box, kishtey sponk
tine, feeackle
tine (of deer), beinn
tinfoil, scroggyl stainnagh
ting, cling, clingal
ting-a-ling, cling cling
tinge, blass, cur daah ayn, cur daah da, daaheen, mynghaah, mynghaahghey
tinge, cullyral, cullyral
tingle, clinkeraght
tingle (of ears), clinkeraght
tingle (on skin), gleayshaght yialgagh
tingling, clinkeraght
tinker, tingleyr, tingleyragh
tinkering, tingleyrys
tinkle, claggyraght, clinck, clinckal, clinkeragh, feiyral
tinned, stainnit
tinned beef, feill vart stainnit
tinned food, bee stainnit
tinned fruit, mess stainnit
tinner, gaaue stainney
tinniness, stainnaght
tinniness (of sound), cling-stainnagh, keyl-chling
tinning, stainnaghey
tinny (of earth), stainnagh
tinpot, beg
tinsel, cur tinsyl er, foalsey, tinsyl
tinsmith, gauue stainney
tint, bane-ghaah, mynghaah, mynghaahaghey, scaavreckey
tinted, mynghaahit
tintinnabulation, aavuilley
tintinnabulation, claggintys
tiny, feer veg, minniagagh, peeogeagh
tiny thing, peeoge
tip, baare, cur faaue da, cur saayl er, cur yiarn er, irree, tig, yiarn
tip (as lorry), teaumey
tip (for rubbish), clash
tip (gratuity), dooragh, dooraght
tip (hint), faaue
tip (on stick), saayl
tip cart, cairt chroghit
tip out, ceau magh
tip over, ceau harrish, croymmey, lhieggal, lhieggey, tuittym, tuittym harrish
tip tilted, kione-chroghit
tip up, croymmey
tip-tilted, baare-chroghit
tip-top, eer-vullagh, mie er bashtal
tip-truck, truck croghit
tipped, jeh foaynoo mooar
tipped (as cart), teaumit
tipper, teaumeyder
tipperary, Chybbyrt Aarey
tipping, cur dooraght
tipple, iu, jough, soo
tippler, iuder, sooder
tippling, iu, iuderagh, soo
tipsiness, meshtallid
tipstaff, guilley glaish
tipster, faaueder
tipsy, meshtal
tiptoe, baare ny hoardaagyn-chass
tiptop, feer vullagh
tirade, fanney
tire, jannoo skee, tooilleil
tired, skee, skeeagh
tired person, skeeder
tiredness, skeeys
tiree, Cheer Ee
tireless, gyn skeeys
tiresome, boiragh, skeeagh, tooilleilagh
tiresomeness, boirey, tooilleil
tiring, skeeagh, tooilleilagh
tis too much!, Reajagh shen!
tissue, eaddagh, kelleenys, obbyr ghress
tissue of lies, glout dy vreagyn
tissue paper, pabyr sheeidey
tit (of gold), towse
tit for tat, builley er builley, corrym
tit-bit, goblagh, greim blassal
tit-bit (of news), bun
titanic, gloutagh
titbit, naightee
titbit (of news), naight
tithe, cur jaghee er, eeck yn jaghee, jaghee
tithe rock, Creg Jaghee
titheable, jaghagh
tithed, fo yaghee, jagheeit, jaghit
tithing, jaghanys, jagheenys
titillate, kickley
titillated, kicklit
titillation, kickley
titivate, jesheenaghey
title, ard-ennym, enmys, kiart
title (named), enmyssit
title (of book), ennym, kione-ghraue
title deed, bargane screeuee
title page, duillag ennymagh
title part, ard-phaart
titled, ard-ennymagh, ooasle
titrate, titraidey
titration, titraidey
titter, smooirey, smooirooil
tittering, smooirey
tittle, floag
tittle tattle, cabbaraght
tittle-tattle, tutleraght, tutlerys
titular (of bishop), tityllagh
titular (of function), ayns ennym
to, da, da, rish
to (motion), dy, dys, gys, hug
to a T, cruinn jeeragh, glen
to and fro, hoal as wass, huggey as veih, noon as noal
to answer in writing, freggyrt y screeu
to appear in a vision, ashlaghey
to be, dy ve, traa ry-heet
to be continued, ry-hannaghtyn, tooilley ry-heet
to be had, ry-gheddyn
to be in operation, dy ve fo raad, dy ve gobbragh
to be in season, dy ve imbaghoil
to be learned, ry ynsaghey
to be on the safe side, er aggle ny haggle
to be out of work, dy ve gyn obbyr
to be sold, ry chreck
to become solid, dy hooaltey
to boot, brebbal, myrgeddin
to break wind, dy vreimeragh
to bring up wind, brooighe, dy vrooightoil
to come, dy heet
to come loose, dy skeaylley
to cross one's t's, Ny t-ghyn y chrossey, obbyr y yannoo dy cruinn
to crown all!, Dy chur baare er y donnys
to crown all!, Myr baare er y donnys!
to do, dy yannoo
to drift, dy skyrraghtyn
to extremes, gys y chooid s'odjey
to flop, dy flapperagh
to follow, dy heet ny yei, dyheet ny lurg
to frequent, dy heer-lhiantyn
to gad about, dy chartagey mygeayrt, er rouyl
to gain weight, dy chosney trimmid, dy roauyraghey
to get, dy gheddyn
to get by, faarjey
to get the wind of, dy hoaral feieys
to give, dy chur
to give a pull, dy chur tayrn
to give offence, dy chur comys
to give tongue, dy eamagh
to go, dy gholl
to go pop, dy frappal, frappal
to go round, dy gholl mygeayrt
to grill (person), dy cheishtey
to have a wet, jough y 'luggey
to hear, dy chlashtyn
to her, huic, huick, jee, r'ee
to him, da, huggey, rish
to issue (forth), dy gholl magh, dy heet magh, dy heet magh
to jig, dy clistey, dy vaical
to jog along, dy halkal (roish), dy vroddal roish
to land a prize, aundyr y chosney
to laze, dy yannoo litcherys
to lead, dy ve er toshiaght
to lease, goaill er bargane soiagh
to lease out, cur er bargane soiagh
to let down a net, dy chuirr
to lie waste, dy lhie bane
to loaf about, dy yannoo veg
to lord it, dy vooaralagh
to lumber along, dy stravaagey, dy vroddey roish
to make tracks, dy gholl roish
to make water, Dy jannoo mooin
to mark, y varkal
to me, hym, rhym
to moon about, dy rouail mygeayrt
to nick in, dy yiarrey stiagh
to number off, dy choearrooaghey
to pair off, piyryn y yannoo
to pass away, dy gheddyn baase, dy phaartail
to paw the ground, thalloo y scrabey, yn thalloo y scrabey
to permeate, dy gholl er fud
to pile up, carnanaghey, chummal (seose)
to port arms, armyn y haishbyney
to present a play, cloie y choyrt
to present arms, armyn y haishbyney
to pride oneself upon, dy ghoaill moyrn ass, dy ve mooaralagh ass
to prize, y phrisal, y yingey neese
to ream out, dy lheanaghey
to record a vote, teiy y cheau
to sally forth, dy goll gys y vayr, dy irree magh
to say, dy ghra, dy ghra
to see, dy akin
to seek, dy yeearree
to set the pace, yn vieauid y hayrn
to sew, dy whuailley
to show itself, dy heet er ash
to slow down, dy gholl ny s'melley
to snuggle, dy vabbaney
to span in, dy chur 'sy whing
to span out, dy seyrey
to table a bill, billey y chur er y voayrd
to take, dy ghoaill
to take a bath, Oo hene y oonlaghey
to take a degree, keim y ghoaill
to take a fence, cleigh y lheimmey
to take a meal, lhongey y ee
to take a trick, cluic y ghoaill
to take a walk, dy hooyl
to take a wife, ben y phoosey
to take advice, coyrle y gheddyn (voish)
to take an angle, uillin y howse
to take breath, ennal y hayrn
to take examinations, dy gholl fo scrutaghyn
to take fire, dy lossey
to take place, dy ve ayn
to take the service, yn shirveish y hassoo
to the eastward, lesh y niar, shiar
to the full, magh as magh, tuckal, walkal
to the full, giallaghey, giallaghey
to the west, sheear
to them, daue, huc, roo
to thin down, dy cheylagh(ey)
to throw violently, bransal, bransey
to tone in, dy heet rish toan
to trice a sail, shiaull y chrappey seose
to turn over, dy yiargaghey
to turn round, dy chassey mygeayrt, dy hyndaa er ash
to turn turtle, dy gholl bun ry skyn
to underpay, dy eeck giare
to undo the harm, dy lheihys yn assee, yn assee y chur gys veg, yn assee y chur gys veg
to us, dooin, hooin, rooin
to value on, dy hayrn er
to victory!, Aboo!
to visit, dy chur keayrt er, dy chur shilley er, dy yeeaghyn
to vote a sum, sym y votal
to vote by proxy, shagh-votal y yannoo
to war together, dy chochaggey
to well (up out), dy vrooightey neese
to wend, dy gholl roish, dy jannoo yn raad (ec)
to wet the tea, yn tey y 'liughey
to wire to, streng-skeeal y chur, telegrafal
to work westwards, dy woalley sheear
to worm out, dy vreigey magh
to wound seriously, dy creaughey
to you, dhyt, diu, hiu, hood, rhyt, riu
to your utmost, fo dty reir
to-do, musthaa
toad, beayf, rannag ghoo
toad (of person), beisht
toad flax, lhieen frangagh
toad in the hole, beayf ayns towl
toad-spit, shelley chooaig
toadstone, beayf-chlagh
toadstool, moon moddee
toast, arran greddan, arran greddanit, greddan, greddey
toast (drink), iulaynt, jough laynt, slaynt
toast (pledge), iu slaynt
toast rack, cratch greddan
toast-list, earroo slaynt
toasted, greddan, greddanit
toaster (for bread), greddaner
toaster (person), iuder slaynt
toasting, greddaney, greddey
toasting fork, gollage greddan
toastmaster, mainshtyr slaynt
tobacco, tombagey
tobacco jar, cruishtin tombagey
tobacco pouch, poagey tombagey
tobacconist, tombageyder
tobacconist's shop, shapp tombagey
tobermory, Chibbyr Voirrey
toboggan, sleayd
toby-frill, robbee muinneel
tocher, toghyr
tocsin, clag raauee
today, jiu, yn laa jiu
today week, shiaghtin jiu, shiaghtyn er dy henney
today week, shiaghtyn er dy henney
toddle, talkal
toddler, talkeyder
toddy, toddee
toe, baare, baare-woalley, cur baare coshey da, mair chass, mair choshey, sock, toshiagh
toe (of shoe), baare
toe (of stocking), stroin oashyr
toe-clip, greimagvraagey
toecap, baarbeen
toed (of shoe), as barbeen er
toenail, ingin choshey
toff, bock mooar, jesheenaghey
toffee, taffee, turkee
together, cooidjagh, dy cheilley, lesh y cheilley, my cheilley, ry-cheilley
together with, myrane lesh
togetherness, cooidjaghtys
toggle, skor
toggle joint, glioon-olt
toggle-pin, skorran
togs, cullee
toil, laboraght, obbraghey dy jeean, obbraghey dy jeean, toolleil
toil and struggle, doccar, doccarys
toil-worn, ceaut ec yn obbyr
toiler, obbree, tooilleyder
toilet, jeshaghey, premee, thie-veg
toilet case, askan jeshee
toilet paper, pabyr premmee, pabyr thoanney
toilet roll, rolley premmee
toilet set, fwirran jeshee
toilet soap, sheeabin oonlee
toilet table, boayrd jeshee
toils, lhieen, ribbey
toilsome, doccaragh, tooilleilagh
toilsomeness, doccarys, tooilleilid
token, cooinag, cowrey, ennymagh
token money, far-argid
tolerable, fuillaghtagh, fuilleeagh, surransagh
tolerable, fuillaghtagh
tolerable (middling), castreycair, cossyllagh
tolerableness, cossyllid
tolerably well, castreycair
tolerance, fuillaghtys, lowaltys
tolerant, surrallagh, surransagh, surransoil
tolerate, fuillagh, fuillaghtyn, surral
tolerated, surrit
toleration, fuillaghtys, surransoilid
toll, bwoalley, clingeraght, keesh
toll (of bell), cling, kiaullane
toll bar, barney chustam
toll bridge, droghad keesh
toll collector, chagleyder keesh
toll gate, giat custam
toll house, thie custam
toll-keeper, freaylleyder keesh
tolling, bwoalley cluig, cling cluig, kiaullane
tom, Thomaase
tom cat, kayt firryn
tomahawk, teigh caggee, teiy
tomato, ooyl ghraih, tomato, traase
tomato sauce, soolagh traase
tomato soup, anvroie traase, lhiaght
tomboy, caillin ayns breetchyn, inneen firryn
tombstone, clagh oaye, leac oaye
tomcat, collagh kayt
tome, lioar, lioar vooar
tomfool, jannoo ommidys, ommidan, ommidjagh
tomfoolery, blebbinys, ommidjys
tommy, Thomaaseen
tommy nut, cro towlit, croiyn towlit
tommy-gun, fo-vasheengunn
tommy-rot, boghtnid, ommidjys
tommybar, barrey rinse
tomorrow, mairagh
tomorrow morning, moghrey mairagh, moghrey ny mairagh
tomorrow night, oie ny vairagh
tomorrow week, shiaghtin mairagh
tomtit, drean mollagh
ton, thunney
tonal, tonoil
tonality, tonoilaght
tone, baill, cur ayns toan, sheean, toan, toanaghey
tone (of market), cummey
tone down, boggaghey
tone poem, kiaulldane
tone up, birraghey
tone-arm, tonn-ghaaig
tone-deaf, kiaull vouyr
toneless, lagvreeagh, meayll
tongs, cloughyn
tongue, chengaghey, chengey, cur chengey er
tongue full of venom, chengey nieuagh
tongue-tied, balloo, moandagh
tongue-twister, cass-ockle
tongued, chengagh
tonic, aaghleaysheyder, aavreeagh, jough laynt, lough lheeys, reenagh, reeneyder, thoannagh
tonight, noght, yn oie noght
toning, toanaghey
toning bath, faarkey toanee
tonnage, thunneydys
tons of it, palchey ayn, ram ayn
tons of times, ymmoddee keayrtyn
tonsil, keshleen
tonsilitis, keshleentys, keshleenys
tonsorial, keird yn vaareyder
tonsure, baarys
tonsured, baarit
tontine, tonteen
tony, Antoin, fashanagh
too, foast, myrgeddin, neesht, ro
too completely, ro vollagh
too deep, sayntagh
too difficult, ro-ghoillee
too good, ro vie
too hot, ro-heh
too little, cooid veggan, ro veg
too long, ro 'oddey, ro 'oddey, roud
too many, rour
too much, roud, rour
too much money, rour argid
too near, ro aggys
too salt, ro hailjey
too small, ro veg
took, Ghow
tool, bwoid, grainnaghey, greie, guilley, yiarn
tool sharpener, greie foyragh
toolbag, poagey greieyn
toot, fed, skoll, skoll
toot (on horn), builley, sheidey
tooth, cur kere er, feeackle
tooth powder, poodyr feeackle
toothache, ny beishtyn
toothache, chingys 'eeackle, criu 'eeackle, jeidey
toothbrush, skeaban feeackle
toothed, feeacklagh
toothed wheel, queeyl eeacklagh
toothful, bolgum
toothing, feeacklyn
toothless, gyn feeackle
toothlike, feeacklagh
toothpaste, sooslagh feeackle
toothpick, birrag eeackle, birrag eeackle
toothsome, blasstal
toothsome morsel, greim millish
toothwort, lus ny feeacklyn
tootle, kiaull y chassey
top, baare, baarelagh, cur baare er, kione, mullagh
top (as trees), giarrey yn vaare jeh
top (golf), bwoalley baare y vluckan
top (of flower), kione
top (of milk), kay, yn chiulagh
top (toy), casslag, tapp
top boots, bootsyn ard
top coat, cooat fastee, cooat mooar
top coat (paint), brat s'jerree
top corner of net, cleaysh
top dressing, baare-lhiasaghey
top end, eaghtyragh, kione heose
top garment, garmad mooie
top gear, ard-ghear
top gear, ard-ghear
top grain, grine mullee
top hat, edd ard
top hole, ard-haitnyssagh, feer vie
top note, ard-note
top of the head, claigin
top of water, eaghtyr
top rail, maidjey mullee
top ribs (of beef), baare-asnaghyn
top storey, laare vullee
top up, aahionney, lhieeney gys y veeal
top-end, kione
top-full, lane gys y chrossag, lane gys y veeal, lung-lane
top-gear, riggyn eaghtyragh
top-hamper, riggyn eaghtyragh
top-hatted, as edd ard er, fo edd ard
top-heavy, kione-hrome
top-level, eaghtyragh
top-price, lane-leagh
tope, coo glass, gobbag vooar, gobbagh rangagh, goll er y scooyr
toper, floddan
topgallant, shiaull croan mullee
topheavy, baare-hrome
topic, bun-chooish
topical, bun-chooishagh, traaoil
topknot, cront mullee, kereen
topman, shiaulteyr mullee
topmast, croan mullee
topmost, s'ardjey
topnotch, jeh'n vullagh
topographer, boayl-oayllee
topography, boayl-oaylleeaght
toponym, boayl-ennym
topped (as trees), baarit
topping, baarelagh, yindyssagh
topple, lhieggal, lhieggey, tuittym
tops, bir
topsail, shiaull mullee
topsail sheet, scoid yn shiauill mullee
topsail tack, cleaysh yn shiaull mullee
topside, eaghtyr
topsides, troggal eaghtyragh
topsy-turvy, kione y vreimmey 'syn aer
topsy-turvy, bun ry baare, bun ry skyn, fud y cheilley
toque, bonnadeen
tor, creg, cronk
torch, brasnag, doagan, torch
torch-bearer, ymmyrkagh doagan
torchlight, soilshey brasnag, soilshey doagan
torchlight procession, mooar-hooyl fo doaganyn
toreador, caggeyder terriu, tarrooder
torment, angaaish, pianjys, torchagh, torchaghey
tormented, torchit
tormentil, crammelt beg, skeag leeanagh
tormenting, torchagh, torchaghey
tormentor, pianeyder, torcheyder
torn, raipit
tornado, geay chassee, sterrym cassee
tornado lamp, londeyr sterrym
torpedo, lhieggey torpaid er, rock, torpaid, torpaidaghey
torpedo boat, baatey torpaid
torpedo net, lhieen torpaid
torpedo plane, etlan torpaid
torpedo tube, feddan torpaid
torpid, dromm, gyn vree, kyrloghe, magganeagh
torpidity, drommid, kyrloghid, magganeys
torpor, kyrloghid, magganeys, magganid
torque, tork
torrefaction, cheerey
torrefy, cheerey
torrent, spooyt
torrential, thooilleydagh
torrid, cheh
torrid zone, cryss cheh, cryss cheh
torsade, torsaid
torsion, torshyn
torsion balance, torshyn-veih
torsion electrometer, lectromeadar torshynagh
torsional, torshynagh
torso, callin, cashtal y corp, colb, colbey
tort, tort
torticollis, mwannal cam
tortious, tortagh
tortoise, shligganagh
tortoise shell, bleayst shligganagh
tortoise-shell butterfly, foillycan breck
tortoise-shell cat, kayt breck
tortoise-shell limpet, barnagh vreck
tortoiseshell butterfly, folican shligganagh
tortuous, cam, cam, cam-jeeragh, cam-jeeragh, cast, lhoobagh
torture, torchagh, torchaghey
tortured, angaaishagh, torchit
torturer, torcheyder
torturing, angaaishagh, torchagh, torchaghey
torus, torys
tory, Thoree
toryism, Thoreeys
tosh, boghtnid
toss, tilgey
toss (a fall), lhieggey
toss (as ball), ceau 'syn aer, tilgey
toss (as bull), troggal jeh'n thalloo
toss (as head), craa
toss (as ship), thummey as leaystey
toss (of head), snog, snug
toss (of waves), surley
toss off, bwoailley y crackan, cur laue chooilleeney
toss off (as writing), raipey sheese er pabyr
toss off (clothes), ceau jeh
toss up (coin), feysht ouryssagh, tilgey
tossed, surlit
tossing, ceau, tilgey
tossing (on sea), surlaghey, surley
tossing about, rollal mygeayrt
tosspot, meshtallagh
tot, colloon earrooyn
tot (child), lhiannoo, oikan
tot (of spirits), bolgum
tot up, ceau seose, dy jannoo
total, lane, slane, slaneid
total abstainer, slane obbaltagh, slane obbaltagh
total abstinence, slane obbaltys
total loss, juail, juailys
total tonnage, thunneydys slane, trimmid slane
total wreck, lhongvrishey, slane mooirchoor
totalitarian, ooilley smaghtagh
totalitarianism, ooilley smaghtys
totality, slaneid
totalize, ceau seose
totalizer, earroo gioal
totally, dy slane
tote, earrooder gioal
totem, totem
totter, loagan, loaganagh
totterer, loaganagh
tottering, corragh, corraghid, corraghys, loaganagh, loaganey, tuittymagh
tottery, corragh, loaganagh
toucan, parrad stronnagh
touch, bentyn da, bentyn rish, cheulinney
touch (emotionally), gleashagh seose
touch (feel), bentyn
touch (of flavouring), blass, blayst
touch (of pen), scrabage
touch (sense of), mioyr
touch hole, towl aile
touch judge, meoir cheulinney
touch of (amount), beggan
touch off, bleaystey
touch stone, clagh phrowal airh
touch up, aavreckey
touch-and-go, dobbyr da
touch-me-not, balsym buigh
touch-paper, pabyr aile
touchdown, thallooaghey
touched, ass (e) cheeayll
toucher, benneyder
touchiness, friogganys, smorig
touching, bentyn, gleashagh
touching (point), mychione
touchline, cheulinney
touchstone, jarroo-chlagh
touchwood, sponk
touchy, friogganagh, smorigagh
tough, creoi, rag-rannee
tough cup, cappan neuvrishlagh
tough meat, feill reen
tough work, obbyr ghoillee
toughen, creoighey, reenaghey
toughened, creoighit, creoit, reenit
toughener, creoigheyder, reeneyder
toughening, creoighey, reenaghey
toughish, reenagh
toughish (task), red beg doillee
toughman, dooinney creoi
toughman, reen, reen
toughness, creoiys, doilleeid, reenid
toupee, far folt
tour, chyrrys, turrys
tour of inspection, keayrt
tourism, turrysagh
tourist, turrysagh
tourist (in Mann), skibbylt boght
tourist Board, Boayrd Failt
tourist ticket, tiggad turrysagh
touristic, keayrtagh
tournament, tournamint, yl-chloie
tourniquet, spank
tousle, rucksal
tousled, rucksit
tout, tout, toutal
tow, tayrn, tayrn, tead tayrnee, thowal
tow (shorts of lint), barragh
tow bar, barr tayrn
tow boat, baatey tayrn
tow path, cassan tayrnee
tow-headed, fynn-vane
toward, cour, dy, er dys, gour, gys, hug, lesh
towards, coair
towards her, ny quaiyl
towards him, ny whaiyl
towards me, chum, my choair, my whaiyl
towards noon, tayrn er vunlaa
towards the precipice, lesh yn eaynee
towards the surface, neealloo
towards them, nyn guaiyl
towards you, dty whaiyl, faare, nyn gour
towel, aanrit, annrit, tovalley, tovel
towel horse, cleeah toval
towel rail, railley toval
towelling, eaddagh toval, tovalley
tower, peeley, toor
tower (person), thowder
tower of Babel, Toor Vabel
towered, tooragh
towering, ard
towerlike, tooragh
towing, tayrn
town, balley
town clerk, cleragh baljey, cleragh y valley
town Council, Coyrle Valjagh
town council, coyrle valjey
town councillor, coyrlagh baljey
town crier, fer ny giaullane, guilley gerrym, kaiullaneyder
town hall, halley baljey
town plan, soiaghey magh balley
town planning, soiaghey magh baljyn
town residence, thie 'sy valley
town rope, tead tayrn
town toll, keesh valjagh
town-dweller, cummaltagh baljey
townland, balley eirinagh
township, baljys
townsman, baljagh, fer baljagh
townspeople, covaljee, mooinjer yn valley
tows, barree
toxaemia, nieu, trullee folley
toxic, nieu, nieunagh, nieunagh
toxicology, nieu-oaylleeaght
toxin, tomaine
toy, beg, gaih, goog
toy, didee, didee
toy army, armee maidjey
toy dog, maddey beg, moddey glioon, moddey ught
toy shop, shapp gaih
toy train, traen beg
toy with food, crimmey
toying with, cloie lesh, cloie lesh
toyish, gaihagh
toylike, beg, gaihagh
trace, cowrey, lorg, lorgey, tayrnal
trace back, lorgey er ash
trace back, lorgey er ash
trace horse, cabbyl toshee
traceable, lorgagh
tracer, bullad lorgagh
tracery, ingagh
trachea, ahjioogh, readan
tracheal, ahjiooghagh, readanagh
tracheotomy, giarrey readanagh
tracing, lorgey, tayrn
tracing cloth, eaddagh lorgey
tracing paper, pabyr lorgagh
track, cassan, lorg, lorgey, lorgey, raad, rane, shelg er
track (of ship), marroo-stroo
track (of snail), snaue
track guage, towsheyder railley
track racing, rane-ratchal
tracker, lorgeyr
trackless, anchassanagh, neuchassanagh
tracklessness, anchassanaght
tract, ard, bollagh, lioran, traghtys beg
tractability, so-choyrlit, so-ghleashit, so-obbraghys
tractile, so-choyrlit, so-ghleashit, so-obbraghys
traction engine, jeshaght tayrn
tractive, tayrnagh
tractor, tayrneyder
trade, cochionnaghey, cochionnaght, dellal, keird, keirdey, margeeaght, mergeeys, traght, traghtal, traghtee, traghtey, truckal
trade agreement, coardailys traghtee
trade allowance, lowanse traghtee
trade area, covargey, eaghtyr traghtee
trade route, bollagh traghtee
trade union, keird-chummyn, keird-heshaght, sheshaght keirdee
trade wind, geay-hraghtee
trade-unionism, keird-chummynys, keird-heshaghtys
trade-unionist, keird-heshaghtagh
trademark, cowrey keirdey
trader, delleyder, traghtalagh
tradesfolk, delleyderyn, lught yn traght
tradesman, delleyder, fe keirdey, keirdagh, traghtalagh
tradesmanship, keirdaght
trading, dellal, traghtal, traghtey
trading post, stashoon
trading stamp, clouag chionnee
tradition, shaghadey, shennaghys
tradition (oral), beealeydys, tradishoon
traditional, tradishoonagh
traditionally, dy shagheydagh, dy tradishoonagh, rere shennaghys, rere tradishoon
traduce, caartrey
traduced, caartrit
traducement, caartrey, cooyl-chassid
traducer, caartreyder
traducing, caartragh, caartrey
traffic, dellal, kionneeaght
traffic (rail), traaght raad yiarn
traffic (road), traaght
traffic accident, drogh-haghyrt raad
traffic artery, ard-raad mooar
traffic congestion, gloo traght
traffic flow, stroo traaght
traffic jam, cront kiarkyllaght, glooid traaght, jingey traaght
traffic light, soilshey traaght
traffic manager, reireyder traaght
traffic policeman, meoir traghtey
traffic signals, soilshaghyn traaght
trafficator, cowrey troa, meekeyder
trafficker, delleyder
tragectory, cassan
tragedian, ughtar branchloie
tragedienne, ben-ughtar vranchloie
tragedy, branchloie, doo-skeeal
tragi-comedy, doo-aittys
tragi-comic(al), doo-aitt
tragical, doo-skeealagh
tragical poet, bardoonagh
tragical poetry, bardoonys
trail, cassan, farbyl, lorg, raad, sleayd, sleaydey
trail (feet), stroogey
trail (of plant), drappal
trail arms, armyn y ardjaghey
trail net, lhieen screebey
trailed, lorgit, sleaydit
trailer, lorgeyder, lorgeyder, sleayd, traileyr
trailing, lorgey, sleaydagh, sleayder
trailing loiseleuria, lus ny h-Albey
train, aarlaghey, cliaghtey, traenal, ynsaghey
train (as child), troggal
train (as gun), jeeraghey
train (of dress), arbyl, farbyl
train (of nets), ingagh
train (of personage), lught, mooinjer
train (of thought), snaie smooinaght
train (rail), traen
train conductor, guilley tiggad
train oil, ooil vuc varrey
train-bearer, paitchey farbil
trained, troggit, ynsit
trainee, fer traenal
trainer, ynseyder
training, ynsaghey
training college, colleish ynsee
training ship, lhong ynsee
trait, tro
traitor, brahder, braheyder, traitoor
traitorous, brahagh, traitooragh
traitress, ben hraitooragh
tralee, Traie Lee
tram, tram, trammal, trammey
tram conductor, guilley tram
tram-driver, immanagh tram
tram-track, raad tram, raailley tram
trammel, trammyl
tramming, trammal, trammey
tramp, riblas, shaghrane, shooyl dy trome, sthampey, troaghyraght, troaghyraght
tramp (of feet), sthampey
tramp (walk), troagyraght
tramp steamer, lhong hraghtee
tramped, sthampit, troagyrit
tramper, troagyrey
trample, sthampey
trampled, sthampit
trampling, saayltrey, sthampey
tramway, tram-vollagh
trance, taaue-neeal
tranquil, kiune
tranquillity, kiunys
tranquillization, kiunaghey
tranquillize, kiunaghey, taaueghey
tranquillized, kiunit
tranquillizer, kiuneyder, taaueder
trans, cheu elley jeh, harrish
trans-ship, caghlaa dys lhong elley
trans-ship (passenger), maylartey lhong
trans-shipment, caghlaa gys lhong elley
transact, dellal rish, jannoo
transaction, jannoo
transactions, dellal, jannoo
transalpine, harrish ny h-alpyn
transatlantic, harrish yn atlantagh
transcend, tarcheimnaghey
transcendence, tarcheimneeaght
transcendent, tarcheimneeagh
transcendental, tarcheimneeoil
transcribe, aascreeu, mac-screeu, screeu coip
transcriber, aascreeuder
transcript, aascreeuyn, mac-screeu
transducer, tessen-leeideilagh
transept, croshlane
transfer, astreeaghey, livreys harrish
transfer (needlework), astreeagh
transfer ticket, tiggad yl-linney
transfer-paper, pabyr-astreeagh
transferable, yn-astreeaghey
transferee, astree
transference, astraghey, livrey harrish
transferor, astreeagh
transfiguration, caghlaa cummey
transfigure, caghlaa cummey, ceaghley cummey
transfix, seiy, towley
transform, caghlaa, ceaghley
transformable, ceaghlagh
transformation, caghlaa
transformed, caghlaait
transformer, caghlaader
transforming, caghlaa, ceaghley
transfuse, caghlaa fuill
transfusion, caghlaa folley
transgress, brishey, cur rish peccah
transgression, loght
transgressor, peccagh
transience, neuveayntys
transient, neuveayn, shallidagh
transire, kied, livreys harrish
transistor, transistagh
transistor radio, radio laue, transistane
transit (of goods), trasnaghey, ymmyrkey
transit (of planet), turrys
transition, arraghey, caghlaays, ceaghlid
transitional, shallidagh
transitive, aistragh
transitory, marvanagh, neuveayn
translatable, yn-chyndaa
translate, chyndaa
translate (as bishop), arraghey
translated, arrit, chyndaait
translation, arraghey, chyndaa
translator, chyndaader, glareyder
translucence, trooid-hoilshaghey
translucent, trooid-hoilshagh
transmarine, harrish y cheayn
transmissible, so-chur
transmission, pooar-hoyrt, toyrt, ymskeaylley
transmit, creealey, sheeyney hug, ymskeaylley
transmittal, toyrt
transmitter, tarchuirreyder, toyrtagh
transmitting, tarchoyrt
transmogrification, ceaghley
transmogrify, ceaghley
transmutation, ceaghley
transmute, ceaghley
transom, trasnane
transom window, uinnag far-ghorrys, uinnag hrasnane
transparency, sollysid, tarhoilshan
transparency (of picture), tarhoilshaght
transparency (of water), glennid
transparent, sollys, tarhoilshagh
transpierce, saih voish cheu dy heu
transpire, haghyr
transplant, aachuirrey
transplant (of people), arraghey
transplant (organ), aachuirrey
transplantation, aachuirrey, arraghey
transport, eebyrt, geebyrt, lhong ymmyrkey, ymmyrkey
transport (of joy etc), raght
transport worker, obbree ymmyrkey
transportation, ymmyrkey
transported, eebrit, ymmyrkit
transporter, ymmyrkagh
transporter bridge, droghad ymmyrkey
transposable, yn-vaylartey, yn-vaylartey
transpose, maylartey
transposing, maylartey
transposition, maylartys
transsubstantiation, caghlaa sthoo, transubstanshaghey
transversal, tessanagh, tessen
transverse, tessen
transversely, tessanagh
transvestite, caghlaader eaddee
trap, bac, goaill ayns ribbey, gow fo chosh, ribbey lugh, shelg lesh ribbaghyn, trap
trap valve, bac-chooylley
trapdoor, cooylley aer, cooylley hroggee
trape(s), troagyraght lurg, troagyraght ny yei
trapeze, leaystane etlagh, maidjey leaystey
trapezium, boayrdeen
trapezoid, far-voayrdeen
trapped, goit ayns ribbey
trapper, ribbeyder
trapping, goaill ayns ribbey, ribbey, soie ribbaghyn
trappings, cullee
trappist, trappagh
traps, scudlagh
trash (of person), trouise
trash (rubbish), mollid, orch, trustyr
trashy, trouisagh, trustyragh
trauma, lhott, skeilley
traumatic, lhottagh, skeilleydagh
travail, tooilleil
travail (birth), chingys chlienney, lhie hoalley
travailing, er troailt, lhie hoalley
travel, coorse, jurnaaghey, jurnaahys, troailt, troailtys
travel agency, jantys troailt
travelled, troailtit
traveller, troailtagh
traveller's cheque, sheck troailtee
travelling, jurnaaghey, troailt, troailt, troailtagh
travelling companion, co-hroailtagh
travelling people, Ny Jinnyn
travelling rug, fleshag hroailt
travelling salesman, troailtagh
traverse, cheufort, goll harrish, goll tessyn, jannoo tessenid, jiooldey, joltaghey, shooyl, tesmad, tessenid, troailt, troailtagh(ey)
traversed, immeeit harrish, troailtit
traversing, goll harrish, goll tessen, jiooldey, joltagh, shooyl
travesty, cam-arrish, jannoo cam-arrish
travis board, boayrd tessen
trawl, tayrn, trawlal
trawl (for mines), lhieen screebey
trawl net, traal
trawling, trawlal
tray, dollan, trenshoor
tray cloth, eaddagh trenshooragh
treacherous, cluggagh, cluigagh, foalsey, kialgagh, molteyragh, neuhreisteilagh, neuhreisteilagh, traitooragh
treachery, kialg, kialgeyrys, traitoorys
treacle, treegyl
treacle mustard, lus y vinnagh
tread, cass-cheim, cur y chass er, keimnaghey, shooyl, sthampey
tread (of rooster), cleeaghey
tread (of shoe), boyn
tread (of stair), keim
tread (of tyre), traaght
tread (with heel), saayltraghey
tread on, sthampey (er)
tread on (with heel), cur y chass er, saayltraghey
treader, sthampeyder
treading, saayltrey, shooyl, sthampey
treadle, codjal, coshal, tromman
treadle lathe, deill coshey
treadmill, mwyllin coshey
treason, traitoorys
treasonable, traitooragh
treasure, tashtee stoyr, tashtey
treasure chest, coir hashtee
treasure house, thie tashtee
treasure ship, lhong hashtee
treasure trove, cair y chrooin
treasured, tashtit
treasureer, fer y sporran, tashteyder
treasurer, fer tashtee, kishteyr, mac sporran
treasureship, kishteyraght, tashteyderys
treasury, kishtey yn staait, thie tashtee
treasury bill, billey yn stait
treasury note, noatey staaitchishtey
treat, oltaghey
treat (hospitality), cuirrey
treat (negotiate), dellal
treat (pleasure), taitnys
treat (ply), cur lheeys da, cur lheeys da, goaill ayns laue
treatise, traghtys
treatment, corrym, dellal, lheeys, lheiys
treaty, conaant, margey
treble, mooadaghey tree filley, trebbyl, tree illit
treble clef, ogher trebbyl
trebly, tree fillit, tree keayrtyn
tree, billagh, billey, saayl
tree (wide spreading), crouw
tree doctor, billeyder
tree fern, renniagh chrouwagh
tree house, thie billagh
tree mallow, lus vooar ny moyl mooarey
tree of heaven, billey niau
tree pipit, tweet ny miljyn
tree sparrow, jallyn ny miljyn, sperriu ny miljyn
tree surgery, lheeys billagh
tree-calf, crackan lheiy crouwagh
tree-creeper, snaueyder billagh
tree-dwelling, cummal billagh
tree-feller, giarreyder keylley, lhieggeyder biljyn
tree-feller, giarreyder keylley
tree-frog, rannag villagh
tree-stump, kiap
treeless, gyn billey
treenail, pinney foiee
treestump, bwon
treetrunk, bun billagh, bun billey
trefoil, shamrag
trek, troailt, troailtys
trekker, troailtagh
trekking, troailt
trellis, cur moggyl maidjagh er, moggyl maidjagh
tremble, craa, er creau
trembler, craader
trembling, craa, craa, craayn, er creau
trembling with chill, lhejagh
tremelo, craayn
tremendous, atchimagh
tremolo, crie-chiaull
tremor, craa
tremulous, craaynagh, er creau
trench, clash, clashal, jeeg, jeeig, lhen, trensh
trench coat, cooat trensh
trench foot, cass volkit
trench mortar, mortar trensh
trenchant, geyre
trencher, tranjoor, trenshoor
trencherman, trenshooragh
trend, beoyn, troa
trend (towards), cleayney (hug)
trendy, beoynagh
trepan, trepan, trepanal
trepidation, aggle, faitys
trespass, assee, loght, trespass
trespasser, kyndagh, trespasseyr
trespassing, jannoo assee, jannoo loght
tress, kiog, skeog, skiog
trestle, stellyn
trestle bridge, droghad stellyn
trestle table, boayrd stellyn
trestle-bed, lhiabbee stellyn
trews, troosyn
trey, tree, troor
tri-weekly, tree laghyn 'sy chiaghtyn
tri-weekly, gagh tree shiaghteeyn, tree-hiaghtinoil
triad, troor
trial, cooish leigh, prowallagh
trial (attempt), eab, prowal, tryal
trial (of strength), roortys
trial balance, cormid prowallagh
triangle, trooane, troorane
triangular, tree-uillinagh, trooaneagh, trooraneagh
triangular cake, strauan
triangular piece of land, buttag
triangulation, trooranaghey, trooraneys
triassic, tryassagh
tribal, eggyssagh
tribasic, tree-vunnagh
tribe, cleinn, eggys, mooinjer
tribesman, dooinney clienney
tribulation, arkys
tribunal, bing, binsh, quaiyl
tribune, ardane, crannag, kione, tribune
tributary, fo cheesh, keeshagh
tributary (of river), crouw, crouw-awin, fo-hrooan, mair
tributary (person), fer fo cheesh
tribute, keesh, moylley, onnor, tack
trichina, trickeen
trichromatic, tree-chroamatagh
trick, cleays, click, clink, cluic, crout, garrey, geayshteig, molley, shayll, sponnag
trick (cards), trick
trickery, cluigys, kialg cleaysaght
trickiness, cluigid cluge
trickle, sheeley
trickle-charger, lughteyder sheeley
trickling, sheelagh, sheeley
trickster, cluigeyr, kiagleyr, lhoobeyr
tricky, cleaysagh, clickagh, clinkagh, cluigagh, croutagh, kialgagh
tricolo(u)r, treeghaagh
tricuspid, tree-chuspagh
tricycle, tree-queeyllagh
tridactyl(ous), tree-mairagh, tree-meir
trident, trooreen
triduum, tree laghyn
tried, prowit
tried (tempted), miolit
triennial, tree bleeanagh, treebleeantag
triennially, gagh treeoo blein
trier, eabbeyder
trier on, tryeyder eaddee
trifle, beggan beg, fooillagh millish, mynred, taaree, traifyl
trifler, bleih, frit, kione tap
trifling, begganagh, creen, fardailagh, fooilleragh, fooilleraght, fooilleyragh, fooilleyraght, frittagh, myn-, speilleigagh
trifling matter, myn-chooish
trig, bac, cur bac da, cur jeenys da, jeenys
trigger, glass
trigger finger, corrag
trigger guard, gard glish
trigonometric(al), trooaneaghtagh
trigonometry, trooaneaght
trigraph, treescreeu
trigynous, tree-phistylagh
trihedral, tree-heedragh
trilateral, tree-lhiatteeagh
trill, craa, cur craa rish, rowlal
trillion, trillioon
trilogy, treeskeealag
trim, arraghey, baarey, baarey beg, cormaghey, giarrey beg, jesh, jeshaghey, jeshey, skeiogh, stuitt
trim (of ship), cohrimmid
trimeter, tree-veadar, tree-veadragh
trimmed, baarit, giarrit, skeoighit
trimmer, baareyder, cormeyder
trimmings, jesheenys
trimness, jeshid, skeoighid
tringle, tringyl
trinidad, Ellan Ny Trinaid
trinity, treeaght, troor
trinity Sunday, Doonaght Trinaid
trinket, jesheen
trinomial, tree-ennymagh, tree-hearmagh
trio, troor
trio (of herrings), warp
triode, treeoid
trip, jurnaa, snapperal, trip, trippal, turrys
trip gear, cor-ghear
tripe, boghtynid, gailley
tripe (honeycomb), gailley ritlagh
tripe (ragged), gailley ritlagh
triphase, tree-phaasagh
triplane, etlan tree-skianagh
triple, mooadaghey tree filley, tree filley
triple decker, tree laare, tree-lout
triplet, tree reddyn, triplaid, troor
triplicate, jannoo tree filley, tree filley, tree reddyn, trooragh
tripod, treechoshagh
tripper, keayrtagh, turrysagh
tripper (stumbler), kiappalagh
tripping (stumbling), snapperal
tripping wire, streng snapperal
trisect, tree-rheynn
trisecting, tree-rheynnagh
triskele, tree cassyn
trisyllabic, treeheelagh
trisyllable, treeheeley
trite, ceaut, shenn-cheaut
triteness, cadjinys, ceautid
triumph, ard-varriaght, booie
triumphal, ard-varriaghtagh
triumphal arch, aah ardvarriaghtagh
triumphant, ard-varriaghtagh, barriaghtagh, barrialtagh, booie
triumphant (in nasty way), boggysagh
triumvir, trooree
triumvirate, trooraght
triune, tree 'sy nane, trinaidagh
trivial, fardailagh, gyn foaynoo, jeh beggan scansh, neuscanshoil
triviality, fardailys
troat, buirroogh, buirrooghey
trochlea, ullag
trochoid, ullagagh
trodden, sthampit
troglodyte, ooigagh
troika, trooraght
troll, eeastagh(ey) lesh rollian, eeastagh(ey) lesh speinag
troll, eeastagh(ey) lesh slat, eeastagh(ey) lesh troal, goaill arrane, rollian, speinag, troal, trollag
trolley, barrey scudlee, trollee, ullag electraghys
trolley bus, bus trollee
trolley pole, trollee
trolling spoon, rollian eeastee, speinag
trollop, streebagh, stritlag, trouise, trussyl
trombone, trombone
troop, cruinnaghey
troop (of cavalry), sheshaght varkee
troop (of people), possan
troop train, traen sidooragh
trooper, sidoor cabbil
trooping, cruinnaghey, ymmyrkey sidooryn
troops, sidooryn
troopship, lhong hidooragh
trophy, aundyr
tropic, chyndaa ny greiney, grianchryss
tropic of Capricorn, Chyndaa Yn Ghoayr, Chyndaa Yn Ghoayr
tropical, grianchryssagh
trot, drid, dridal, troytal
trot out, cur magh
trot out (as horse), dridal, dridey
troth, breearrey, gialtagh
trotted, dridit, troytit
trotter, crubbane, troytteyder
trotting, dridey, troytal
trotting horse, cabbyl drid
troubadour, troobadoor
trouble, boiraghey, boirey, boirey (er), jannoo er, seaghnaghey, trubbyl
trouble (bereavement), seaghney, seaghyn, trimshey
troubled (as person), boirit, fo voirey, fo voirey, imneagh, seaghnagh, seaghnit
troubled (of period), corragh
troubled (of water), seiyt
troubler, boireyder, seghneyder
troublesome, anveagh, boiragh
troublesome person, boirane, seaghnagh, seaghynagh
troublesomeness, boiraneys
troubling, boiragh, boireydagh
troublous, boiragh, corragh
trough, ammyr, doagh, lhagg, saagh, trogh
troupe, companaght
trouser, troosyn
trouser belt, cryss
trouser pocket, poggaid vreetchyn
trouser-clip, fasteen queeylleragh
trouser-press, faastan breechyn
trouser-stretcher, sheeyneyder breechyn
trousers, breetchyn
trousseau, cullee phoosee
trout, breck, brick
trout fishing, breckeragh, breckeraght
trout fry, breck fiddyr, fiddyr
trout rod, slatt vreck
trout spawm, oghyr vrick
trout-brown, breck ghone
trout-coloured, breck
trout-filled, breckagh, lane brick
troutfly, far-whaillag, quaillag Voaldyn, quaillag vreagagh
trowel, traval
truancy, shaghrynys, trugg, trugganys
truant, shaghraneagh, shaghrynagh, truggan, trugganagh, trugganeyr
truantship, chingys scoill
truce, scuirr caggee
truce breaker, brisheyder scuirr caggee
truce-bearer, chaghter shee
trucheon, bad, smaghteen
truck, coonrey, maylart, truck
trucker, coonreyder
truckful, lane barrey, lane truck
truckle, kercheenagh (da)
truckle-bed, lhiabbee hruckle
truckler, puckler
truculence, caulg, olk
truculent, caulgagh
trudge, troagyr, troagyraght
trudged, troagyrit
trudgen, trudjen
trudgen stroke, builley trudjen
trudger, troagyrey
true, dy feer, dy firrinagh, dy jeeragh, feer, firrinagh, jeeragh, kiartaghey
true (of voice), cruinn, feer
true (real), cruinn, kiart, rieugh
true love, graih firrinagh
true Manxman, Manninagh dooie
true north, twoaie chiart, twoaie firrinagh
true to type, firrinagh, rere yn chynney
true!, S'feer shen!
true-born, dooie
true-hearted, firrinagh, jeelys, ynrick
trueness, feerid
truffle, struffyl
truffled, strufflit
truism, firrinys
truly, dy feer, dy firrinagh, jeer
truly holy, feer noo
trump, cayrn, cur kaart mooar er, Maaue, yn kaart mooar
trump it, cur maaue er
trumpery, trouise
trumpet, cayrn, cayrnal, cur buirroogh ass
trumpet call, yllagh cayrn
trumpet fish, collagh-sniper
trumpet major, meoir cayrn
trumpet-shell, shlig chayrnagh
trumpeter, cayrneyder, fer cayrnee
trumpeting, cayrnal
trumpeting (of elephant), buirroogh
truncated, giarrit
trundle, saih
trunk, ard-linney, colb, coyr, kishtey
trunk (of bush), cliu
trunk (of elephant), strooh
trunk (of tree), corp, kiap
trunk call, yllagh ardlinney
trunk line, ard-linney
trunk road, ard-raad, raad mooar
trunks, kip
truss, bart, jannoo bart jeh, kiangley ayns bart, kibbiney, paagey, thruss, thrussal
truss, kiangley ayns bart
truss bridge, droghad thruss
truss-hoop, far-chiarkyl
trusser, bundeilagh
trust, barrantys, currym, daill, jerkallys, treisht, treishteil
trust bank, Banc Barrantys
trust fund, tashtey barrantys
trust house, thie barrantys
trust in, cur treisht (ayn)
trusted, treishtit
trustee, treishteilagh
trusteeship, treishteilaght
truster, treishteyder
trustful, neuouryssagh, treishteilagh
trustfulness, neuourys, treishteilid
trustiness, treishteilys, ynrickys
trusting, treishtagh
trustworthiness, barrantys, surdremid, surdremys, treishteilys
trustworthy, barrantagh, surdremagh, treishteilagh
trusty, treishteilagh
truth, feerid, firrin, firriney, firrinys, jerriud, ynrickys
truthful, feer, firrinagh, ynrick
truthfulness, firriney
truthfulness, firrinaght, firriney, ynrickys
try, eab, eabbey, fidraghtyn, prowal, tryal
try on, cluick, prowal, prowallys
try out, prowal
try out (as metal), glenney
try over (as music), cur eab er
try-square, baccart
trying, doillee eabbey, prowal fidraghtyn
trying plane, locker rea
trying-plane, rea-locker
trysail, shiaull geayee
tryst, reaghys
trysting place, boayl reaghit
tsar, Tsar
tsarevitch, Mac yn Tsar
tsarina, Ben Tsar
tsetse, setsee
tu-whit tu-whoo, screeagh screeagh
tub, buckad, doagh, oonlaghey, tubbag
tub seat, soieag hubbyr
tub thumper, blaader
tuba, tioobey
tubby, beg roauyr
tube, choob, cur feddan ayn, feddan, pioban, raad yiarn fo-halloo, traen fo-halloo
tube (conduit), cuishley
tube railway, raad yiarn fo-halloo
tube station, stashoon fo-halloo
tuber, moyl
tubercle, goodin, gurrin, moyl beg
tubercular, bentyn da gorley shymlee
tuberculate, moylagh
tuberculosis, chngys y cleeau, gorley shymlee
tuberosity, moylid
tuberous, moylagh
tubing, feddan, feddanyn
tublike, tubbagagh
tubular, feddanagh, feddanoil, piobanagh
tubular boiler, coirrey feddanagh
tuck, be naightee, cryslagh, cryslaghey, walkal, walkey
tuck in, filley stiagh, gow dty vee dy fondagh, lhongey, scoltey
tuck into, lhiggey stiagh er
tuck mill, mwyllin walkee
tuck up, filley neese
tuckbox, kishteig lhongee
tucked, walkit
tucker, eaddagh braaid, walker, walkeyder
tucket, cayrnal
tucking, cryslaghey, walkey
tuckshop, shapp bee niaghtee
tudor, Tiudaragh, Tiudaragh, Tiudaragh, Tiudaragh
tuesday, Jemayrt, Mayrt, Yn Vayrt
tuffet, crongan, soieag
tuft, dossan, tapp
tuft (of feathers), stappag, tappag
tufted, tappagagh, tappagh
tufted duck, thunnag happag
tug, strepey, streppey, tayrn
tug the heartstrings, corrid cree
tug-of-war, tayrn teaddey
tugboat, baatey tayrnee, tug
tugging, strepey, tayrn
tuition, ynsagh
tulip, laayl, laayl, tulip
tullamore, Yn Tullagh Vooar
tulle, feeal-sheeidey
tumble, lhieggal, lhieggey, surlaghey, surlley, tuittym, ymmylt
tumble drier, ymmyltagh cheeree
tumble-down, tholtanagh
tumbled, lhieggit, surllit
tumbledown (as hedge), boghlaneagh
tumbler, lheimmeyder, ymmyltagh
tumbler (glass), gless, glonney
tumbler pigeon, colmane ymmyltagh
tumbrel, cairt eoylley, tumbryl
tumefaction, att
tumefy, att
tumeric, poodyr turmerick, turmerick
tumescence, att, chionnid, shassoo
tumescent, attit, chionn
tumid, attit
tummy, bolg, chiolg, gailley
tumour, aase
tumult, boiraneys, musthaa, tharmane
tumult (of the mind), meereiltys
tumultuous, tharmaneagh
tumulus, carnane, creaghage, crongan, tullagh
tun, doagh, thunney, tunney
tunable, bingyssagh
tundish, tundish
tundra, tundrey
tune, carr
tune (as engine), shiaullaghey
tune up, chioonaghey, shiaullaghey
tuneful, arraneagh, bing
tuneless, garg, meeving
tuner, chiooneyder, shiaullyder
tungsten, tungsten
tungsten steel, staillin tungsten
tunic, cassag
tuning, chioonaghey, shiaullaghey
tuning fork, gollage chiaullee
tuning in, co-ghlassey
tunned, tunnit
tunnel, thiollane, thiollaney
tunneler, thiollaneyder
tunnelling, thiollaney
tunning, tunney
tunny, tunnee, tunneen
tup, comyssey, lheim, rea
tup (undescended), conrea
tup-lamb, eayn firryn
tuppence, daa phing
tuppeny, daa phing
tupping, comyssey, er reays
turban, kione-eaddagh, turban
turbary, cair voaney, kiart moaney, moanee
turbid, chiu
turbidness, chiuid
turbine, turbeen
turbine-driven, turbeen-ghleashit
turbot, liehbage runt, liehbage yioogh, turbeid
turbulence, anvea, freayn, meereiltys
turbulent, boiraneagh, freaynagh, meereiltagh
turbulent person, meereiltagh
turcoman, Turcomanish, Yn Turcoman
tureen, tooreen
turf, cur scraa er, fank, moain, scraa, scrah
turf accountant, gial-glackeyder
turf ashes, greesagh voaney
turf bank, lagg moaney, slogh moaney
turf cutter, buinneyder moaney
turf cutting, buinn moain, giarrey foaidyn, giarrey moain
turf rick, eek voaney, eekad moaney
turf-rick, creagh voaney
turfcutter, faayl, faayleyder
turfed, fo scraa
turfspade, faayl
turfstack, creagh voaney
turfy, moainagh, moaintagh
turfy (grassy), foainagh, foynagh
turfy ground, grunt moaney
turgescence, att
turgescent, attit
turgid, attit
turgid (of style), mooar-ocklagh
turgidity, att, mooarocklaght
turk, Turkagh
turk's Head, cront Turkagh
turkey, kellagh frangagh, Yn Turkee
turkey (female), kiark rangagh
turkey cock, kellagh frangagh
turkey-hen, kiark rangagh
turkish, Turkagh, Yn Turkish
turkish bath, doagh ollish, tobbyr ollish
turkish Cypriot, Kypragh Turkagh
turkish delight, miljan Turkagh
turmoil, boirey, corvaal
turn, cassey, chyndaa, garrey, shayll
turn (act), cor, thurn
turn (as edge of tool), broillaghey, broilley
turn (as rope), kestal
turn (of tide), lhiggin
turn (of work), grash
turn (opinion), ceaghley
turn (twist), car
turn about, chyndaa mygeayrt
turn aside, chyndaa ry lhiattee
turn away, chyndaa ersooyl, shaghney
turn back, filley seose
turn back (as persons), cassey er ash, chyndaa er ash
turn down, filley neose
turn down (as candidate), jiooldey
turn down (as collar), fillit neose
turn down (as gas), ininjillaghey
turn down (refuse), jiooldey, obbal
turn in, cass stiagh
turn off, castey, crouw-raad, mooghey
turn off (as animal), cur ersooyl
turn off (as road), cassey er clee, cassey er jesh, cassey veih'n raad
turn off (as workmen), cur yn bayr da
turn on, cur er, cur er roie
turn on the vision, cur bree da'n chilley
turn out, cur magh, irree, irree magh, stholk, yllaghey magh
turn out (as crew), doostey
turn out (as pockets), folmaghey
turn out (as room), glen magh
turn out (as workmen), dy gholl er stholk, dy gholl er stholk
turn out (of people), chionnal, cruinnaghey
turn out (of soldiers), taishbynys
turn over, broilley, bun-ry-skyn, cassey (harrish), chyndaa (harrish), lauejaghys argid
turn over (as sleeve), filley er ash
turn round, cassey mygeayrt, chyndaa mygeayrt
turn round (in opinion), jannoo aigney elley
turn to, goll da'n staartey
turn up, ardjaghey, chyndaa seose, filley, filley er ash
turn up (as dress), filley seose
turncoat, lhiam-lhiat
turned, deillit
turned (as land), jiarg
turned (as metal), broillagh, broillit
turner, deilleyder, rolteyr
turnery, deilleyderaght
turning, cassey, chyndaa, corneil, fooillagh deill
turning (of wheel), chyndaa
turning (trade), deilleydeyraght
turning point, cassey
turnip, napin, turmyr
turnip (swede), napin Sulannagh
turnip cabbage, cabbash nappinagh
turnip ridge, oirrag napin
turnip tops, duillagyn napin
turniplike, napinagh
turnkey, fer ogher, glasseyder
turnpike, giat cassee
turnspit (person), guilley behr
turnstile, giat cassee, keim hyndaaee
turnstone, chyndaader clagh, goblaghan
turntable, claare cassee
turpentine, ooill juys, pick vane
turpitude, dwoaieaght
turps, ooll juys
turquoise, turcaid
turquoise blue, gorrym turcaid, turcaid-ghorrym
turret, tooraghan, tooran
turret lathe, deill tooreenagh
turret ship, lhong hooran
turreted, tooranagh
turtle, shligganagh marrey, turtyl
turtle dove, calmane coe, turtur
turtle soup, anvroie turtyl
tusan, Tuscaanagh
tuscany, Yn Tuscaan
tush!, tut!, twish!
tusk, feeackle, tusk
tusker, feeacklagh
tussle, gleck, gleckey, strepey
tussock, doss, tom
tut!, shoh! shoh!
tutelage, coodagh
tutor, ynsaghey, ynseyder
tutor (book), lioar ynsee
tutoress, ben ynsee
tutorial, co-ynsagh
tutorial room, shamyr ynsee
tutsan, duillag villish
tuxedo, jaggad jinnairagh
tuyere, feddan
twaddle, boghtynid, loayrt boghtynid, loayrt raalish, raalish
twain, ghaa, jees
twang (intonation), stronnaght
twang (of bow), bwoalley plang ass, jannoo plang, plang
twang (of person), loayrt dy stronnag
twayblade, lusy daa ghuillag
tweak, cassey
tweed, eaddagh olley
tweeds, cullee cloh mooar, cullee eaddagh olley
tweet, tweet, tweetal
tweezers, pijooryn beggey
twelfth, daa-yeigoo, yn ghaa yeigoo
twelfth Day, Laa yn Ghiense
twelfth Night, Oie y Nah Laa Jeig, Oie yn Ghiense
twelve, daa yeig
twelve inches, trie
twelvemo, daayeigmo
twelvemonth, blein
twentieth, yn feedoo
twenty, feed
twenty-first, yn chied as feed
twice, daa cheayrt
twice as much, ghaa wheesh
twice over, daa cheayrt
twiddle, cassey
twig, slattag, toiggal
twig basket, clean
twiglike, slattagagh, tuigagh
twilight, coleayrtys, comleayrtys, glassyntee, keeiragh, keeiraght, keirid, tooillagh
twilight sleep, cadley hoalley
twilit sky, speyr yn choleayrtys
twin, lannoon
twin brother, braar lannoonagh
twin engine, daa ghreie
twin flower, lus lannoonagh
twin lamb, eayn lannoonagh
twin sister, shuyr lannoonagh
twin-birth, ruggyr lannoonagh
twin-blade, daa-vlod
twin-cylinder, rollian-cubbylagh
twin-screw, daa scrod
twine, carral, cassey, lhoobey, snaie cast
twine (of snake), lhoob
twine (turn), car
twined, carrit
twinge, minniag
twinging, geyre
twining, cast, lane dy chassaghyn
twinkle, meek, meekey
twinkling, cheabane, meekagh, meekey
twinkling (of time), shallid
twinkling star, rollage veekyragh
twinship, lannoonys
twirl, car, carral, cassey, chyndaa, cor, feogh, lhoob
twirled, carrit, cassit, corrit
twirling, cassey, chyndaa
twist, baic, cammaghey, car, carral, cassey, clinkal, clinkey, kessey, slew
twist (in road), kest
twist (running), clink
twist (tobacco), tombaagey cast
twist (wring), faast, faastey
twist bit, beeal-veer, meer chassee
twist of tobacco, feddan tombaacey
twisted, carrit, cassit, cast, chyndaait, trooragh
twisted cord, coyrd cast
twisted straw rope, suggane
twister, casseyder, kialgeyr, lhoobeyr
twister (for rope), coar, trooar
twister (rogue), rannee
twisting, cam, cassee, cassey, cast, jannoo lhoobagh, kessey, kestal, lhoobagh
twisting and turning, lhoobey
twit, ommidan
twitch, breban, brebbal, brebbal, craplag feh, faiyr voddee, tayrn veg
twitching, brebbal
twite, bytermyn slieau, Phillip ny sleityn
twitter, jannoo thassane, thassane, thassaney
twittering, thassane, thassaney
two, daa, ghaa, jees
two by two, jees as jees
two horse swingle tree, breadagh whing
two o'clock, jees er y chlag
two year female goat, minjagh
two year old sheep, thannid
two-dimensional, daa howshanagh
two-edged, daa foyr, daa-foyragh
two-edged blade, blod daa foyr
two-ended, daa-chioneagh
two-eyed, daa-hooillagh
two-faced, foalsey, lhiam-lhiat
two-footed, daa-chassagh, daa-choshagh
two-handed, daa-laueagh
two-horned, daa-eairkagh
two-leaved table, boayrd daa ghuillag
two-legged, daa-chassagh, daa-choshagh
two-masted, daa chroan
two-master, lhong daa chroan
two-phase, da-phaasagh
two-piece, daa veer
two-ply, daa-'illit
two-pole, daa-phoalagh
two-seater, da jees
two-speed, daa vieauid
two-step, ghaa cheim
two-storey, daa lout
two-stroke, daa-vuillagh
two-thirds, daa hreen
two-toed, daa vair, daa-vairagh
two-way, daa hroagh, daa vollagh
two-way (as cock etc), dooblit
twofold, daa-illey, dooblit
twopence, daa phing
twopenny, daa phing
twyer, sheid-phiob
tycoon, ard-ghelleyder
tying, kianglagh, kiangley, sniemmey
tyke, moddey
tyle, tylal
tyler, dorryser, tyler
Tynwald, Tinvaal
Tynwald Court, Quaiyl Tinvaal
Tynwald Day, Laa Tinvaal, Laa'l Eoin
Tynwald Fair, Margey Keeill Eoin
Tynwald Hill, Cronk Keeill Eoin
type, clou, sorch
type (example), clouscreeu, sampleyr
type metal, clouveayn
type-setter, soieder clou
type-setting, cur seose clou, soiaghey clou, soiaghey clou
typecaster, tilgeyr clou
typescript, clou-screeuyn
typewrite, clouscreeu
typewriter, clouscreeuder, greie screeuee
typewriting, clouscreeu
typewritten, clouscreeuit
typhoid fever, yn chiassaghey breck, yn typhoid
typhoon, taiphoon
typhus, taiphys
typical, sampleyragh
typically, rere sampleyr, sampleyragh
typify, soylaghey
typist, clouscreeudeyr
typographer, clougrafeyr
typographic(al), clougraafagh
typography, clougraafeeaght
tyrannical, tranlaasagh
tyrannize, tranlaasagh, tranlaasey
tyrannized, tranlaasit
tyrannous, tranlaasagh
tyranny, ard-tranlaase, tranlaase
tyrant, chenjagh, tranlaasagh
tyre, crou, cur crou er
tyre cover, coodagh crou
tyre gauge, broo-veih
tyre lever, dell crou
tyre mastic, boynvasthag
Tyrol, Yn Cheeroyl