Yn Keeadoo Blein jeh'n Cheshaght Ghailckagh

Shiaghtin Jelune shoh cheet bee'n Cheshaght Ghailckagh keead blein dy eash as hed jinnair cooinee er cummal yn oie shen ec yn Castle Mona mysh 8 sa (tiggadyn £17.00 voym).

Er yn nah laa as feed Mayrnt, 1899 va'n cheshaght currit er bun dy chummal seose y Ghaelg as shoh eiyrtys jeh turrys gys Mannin liorish Mnr E.E.Fournier (scrudeyr ny Sheshaght Cheltiagh). Va'n bun-haglym reaghit ec William Cubbon as va A.W.Moore pointit dy ve Eaghtyrane as Dr Juan Clague (eshyn va goll mygeayrt y jiass chymsaghey beealeydys), Briw Gill, J.C.Crellin OKF as yn Arrymagh Canoanagh Savage pointit dy ve Lhiass-Eaghtyraneyn. Va bun ny Sheshaght: 1.dy chummal seose y Ghaelg myr chengey ashoonagh Vannin; as 2.dy yannoo studeyrys er as dy chlou lettyraght Ghaelgagh t'ayn as dy lhiasaghey lettyraght noa emshyragh ayns Gaelg.

Veagh ard-vianyn cooie ny Sheshaght cooilleenit liorish cur er bun brastyllyn noa, reaghey leaghtyn as chaglymyn foshlit son greeasaghey as cosney tuarym yn theay son y Ghaelg, greinney Gaelgeyryn dy loayrt Gaelg dy chliaghtagh as cur ee da ny paitchyn oc, streeu dy chur Gaelg ayns ny scoillyn, clou lioaryn as lioaranyn ayns Gaelg, cooney lesh kiaull Vannin as arraneyn ayns Gaelg as chymsaghey beealeydys Vannin.

Ec yn traa v'ayn va bunnys queig thousane loayrtee dooghyssagh shen ny smoo na hoght 'sy cheead, agh va bunnys dy chooilley nane jeu smooinaghtyn nagh row y Ghaelg feeu veg. Dy jarroo dooyrt A.W.Moore ec yn chied chaglym nagh row eh ayns foayr jeh paitchyn gynsaghey Gaelg!

Ta keead blein dy obbyr jeant ec yn Cheshaght Ghailckagh nish as cha nel agh un 'sy cheead jeh ny cummaltee Vannin as Gaelg oc (mysh 700), as cha nel loayrtagh dooghyssagh (tradishoonagh) er mayrn!

Ny yei shen as ooilley ta'n Ghaelg ny stroshey nish na v'ee keead blein er dy henney. Ta tuarym y theay son y Ghaelg nish er lhiam, ta Gaelg ayns ny scoillyn, ta ymmodee sleih goaill arrane 'sy Ghaelg, ta lettyraght noa emshyragh goll er screeu dy jeean ny laghyn shoh as ta ram jeh'n chenn stoo clouit as ta'n earroo dy Ghaelgeyryn ta cosney argid veih'n Ghaelg gaase dagh blein.

Coorse ynsee ayns Delbee

Hed coorse ynsee er cummal Jesarn as Jedoonee yn feedoo as chied laa as feed, Mayrnt, ayns Delbee. Shoh reaghit dauesyn as beggan dy Ghaelg oc hannah as bee ny fir as mraane ynsee jannoo ymmyd jeh saaseyn ynsee noa-emshyragh dy lheanaghey ny tashtyn-fockle jeh studeyryn.

Bee'n chooid smoo dy lessoonyn cummit ‘sy thie-scoill keeill Ghelbee, as bee bee ry-gheddyn ‘sy Vallacallin. Gowee yn coorse toshiaght ec jeih 'sy voghrey Jesarn ayns thie-scoill Ghelbee as hig eh gy kione ec jees 'syn 'astyr er y Doonaght. Bee costys yn chione shiaghtin £25.00 y pheesh, goaill stiagh tree lhongaghyn as tailley ynsee!

Hed seshoon chiaullee er cummal fastyr beg Jesarn ec y Vallacallin as bee cuirrey currit da Gaelgeyryn as kiaulleyderyn dy heet gys shen son seshoon as cooish. Er y Doonaght bee jinnair braew reaghit er nyn son!

Bee shoh caa braew dhyt as paart dy Ghaelg ayd dy ynsaghey ram Gaelg dy tappee! Cur fys da'n Greinneyder, Phillie Gawne, er 834844 my t’ou geearree cheet er y choorse, ny shirrey tooilley fys.

Yn Cheshaght Ghailckagh One Hundred Years Old

A week next Monday yn Cheshaght Ghailckagh will be one hundred years old and a centenary dinner will be held that night at the Castle Mona at 8 pm (tickets £17.00 from me - 834844).

On the twenty second of March, 1899 the society was established to preserve the Manx language following a visit to Man by Mr E.E.Fournier (secretary of the Celtic Association). The founding meeting was arranged by William Cubbon and at this meeting A.W.Moore was appointed president and Dr John Clague (the folklore collector from Castletown), Deemster Gill, J.C.Crellin MHK and the Rev Canon Savage were appointed vice-presidents. The objects of the society were (and still are): 1. to preserve Manx as the national language of the Isle of Man; and study and publish existing Manx Gaelic literature and to cultivate a modern literature in Manx.

The worthy aspirations of the society would be fulfilled by establishing Manx classes, organising public lectures and meetings to stimulate and inform public opinion in favour of Manx, encouraging Manx speakers to speak Manx habitually and to impart it to their young, endeavouring to have Manx taught in the schools, printing books and pamphlets in Manx, helping with Manx music and song and collecting Manx folklore.

At that time there were nearly 5,000 speakers being more than 8% of the population, but nearly every one of them thought Manx was a worthless. Indeed A.W.Moore said at the first meeting that he wasn't in favour of children learning Manx!

Thankfully things have changed since then. One hundred years of work has been completed by Yn Cheshaght Ghailckagh now and only 1% of Manx residents have Manx (about 700), and there are no traditional native speakers left!

However, Manx is stronger now than it was 100 years ago I believe. Public opinion is largely in favour of Manx, Manx is in the schools, many people sing in Manx, modern Manx literature is being produced in earnest and much of the old literature has been reprinted and a growing number of Manx speakers are earning money form their knowledge of Manx.

Manx Language Weekend in Dalby

A course will be held on Saturday and Sunday, the 20th and 21st of March in Dalby. This has been organised for students who have learned a little Manx already and want to learn more. The teachers will be using modern linguistic teaching methods to specifically broaden students' vocabulary..

The lessons will be held in the schoolrooms at the back of Dalby church and food has been organised at the Ballacallin. The course starts at 10 o'clock on Saturday morning at the school rooms and continues until 2 pm on Sunday. The cost of the weekend including tuition fee and three meals will be £25 each.

There will be a music session on Saturday evening at the Ballacallin and musicians, Manx speakers and anyone who fancies are welcome to come along for the music and a 'cooish'. The course finishes on the Sunday with a feed at the Ballacallin.

This will be a marvellous opportunity for people with a basic knowledge of Manx to develop a degree of fluency in Manx relatively quickly! Get in touch with the Greinneyder, Phil Gawne, on 834844 if you want to come on the course, or if you would like some more information.

Phil Gawne