Yn Greinneyder
Balla Humman, Creneash

29oo 30oo as 3led Luanistyn

Ta Eiraght Ashoonagh Vannin as Yn Greinneyder er reaghey diu strane dy loayrtyssyn as lessoonyn er cultoor Vannin.
Shoh ayrn jeh Cruinnaght Chregneash ta goll er cummal dy ghoaill rish 60 blein dy obbyr jeans ec yn Thie Tashtee ayns Creneash!

Jesarn 2900 Luanistyn

12.00 sv - Lessoon Gaelgagh liorish Phil Kelly
1.00 sa - Morrison as Roeder: Chengeyy as Culture liorish Breesha Maddrell
2.00 sa - Focklyn Gaelgagh liorish Robert Thomson
3.00 sa - Cooinaghtyn Gaelgagh liorish Juan Crellin
4.00 sa - Loayrtee Dooghyssagh liorish Walter Clarke

Jedoonee 3000 Luanistyn

12.00 sv - Lessoon Gaelgagh liorish Brian Stowell
1.00 sa - Shennaghys Mylecharaine liorish Fenella Bazin
2.00 sa - Gaelg ayns Baarle Vannin liorish Jennifer Kewley Draskau
3.00 sa - Draneyn Gaelg Vannin liorish Dorothy Leece
4.00 sa - Beealeydys Vannin liorish Bernard Caine

Jelune 31ed Luanistyn

12.00 sv - Lessoon Gaelgagh liorish Phil Gawne
1.00 sa - Cree Vaarle Vannin lionsh Roy Kennaugh
2.00 sa - Kiaull Vannin liorish Colin Jerry
3.00 sa - T.E.Brown liorish Dollin Kelly
4.00 sa - 'Cooish ny ghaa' liorish Bob Carswell

Bee ny loayrtee loayrt rish mysh jeih minnid as feed as bee traa ny yei son feyshtyn as cooish.

Tar as fow magh mychione cultoor ny sheen chummaltee Chreneash!

Thie Vaddrell Cregneash Mannin IM9 5PT
Chellvane 01624 834844 Post-L [email protected]


A series of talks and workshops on Mann Culture to celebrate 60 years of Manx Museum involvement at Cregneash!

Church Farm, Cregneash
29th 30th as 31st of August
Saturday 29th August

12.00 am - An introduction to Manx Gaelic by Phil Kelly
1.00 pm - Morrison and Roeder: Lore and Language by Breesha Maddrell
2.00 pm - Manx Gaelic Vocabulary by Robert Thomson
3.00 pm - Manx reminiscences by Juan Crellin
4.00 pm - The native speakers by Walter Clarke

Sunday 30th August

12.00 am - An introduction to Manx Gaelic by Brian Stowell
1.00 pm - The Development of the Mylecharaine ballad by Fenella Bazin
2.00 pm - Gaelic Features in Manx English by Jennifer Kewley Draskau
3.00 pm - Manx Dialect Poetry by Dorothy Leece
4.00 pm - Manx Folklore by Bernard Caine

Monday 3lst August

12.00 am - An introduction to Manx Gaelic by Phil Gawne
1.00 pm - Boundaries in Manx English by Roy Kennaugh
2.00 pm - Manx Music by Colin Jerry
3.00 pm - T.E.Brown by Dollin Kelly
4.00 pm - 'This and that' by Bob Carswell

The talks are expected to last about 30 minutes each after which questions and discussion will be welcome. Come along and discover the culture of the people who made Cregneash!