Lessoon Queig-Jeig: Lhig dooin coontey.

Lesson Fifteen: Let's count.

queig-jeig         	(KWEGG-jegg)      	- 15
lhig dooin        	(l'yigg-dunn)     	- let us
coontey           	(COON-da)         	- counting

In Manx, there are two words for 'one' and two words for 'two':

nane     	(naan)  	- one  	jees   	(jeess)  	- two

un      	(unn)  	- one   	daa    	(daa)    	- two

We use 'nane' and 'jees' when we are talking about numbers only, such as giving a 
telephone number:

Shey, jees, nane, tree, nane, hoght         	- 621318.

But if we want to say things like 'One house' or 'Two days', we use 'un' and 'daa':

Un thie     	(unn-ty)     	- One house.
Daa laa     	(daa-laa)      	- Two days.

Notice that we say 'Two day', 'Two penny' and so on.

As in other Celtic languages (and in French), we count in twenties in Manx:

feed               	(feed)              	- 20
jeih as feed      	(JY-azz-FEED)        	- 30 (ten and twenty)
daeed             	(DY-eed)            	- 40
jeih as daeed     	(JY-azz-DY-eed)     	- 50
tree feed           	(TREE-feed)         	- 60 (three twenties)
jeih as tree feed 	(JY-azz-TREE-feed)  	- 70 
kiare feed         	(KAYR-feed)         	- 80 (four twenties)
jeih as kiare feed 	(JY-azz-KAYR-feed)  	- 90
keead               	(KEE-ud)            	- 100
shey feed           	(SHAY-feed)         	- 120
thousane            	(tow-ZAAN)          	- 1,000

Some 'in between' numbers:

nane as feed      	(NAAN-azz-FEED)     	- 21 (one and twenty)
nane-jeig as feed 	(NAAN-jegg-azz-FEED) 	- 31 (eleven and twenty)
daa-yeig as kiare feed  	(DAA-yegg-azz-KAYR-feed) 	- 92 

Cur Baarle orroo shoh:

coontey	count
daa	two
daa laa	two days.
daa-yeig as kiare feed	92 
daeed	40
feed	20
jees	two
jeih as daeed	50
jeih as feed	30
jeih as kiare feed	90
jeih as tree feed	70 
keead	100
kiare feed	80 
lhig dooin	let us
nane	one 
nane as feed	21
nane-jeig as feed	31
queig-jeig	15
shey feed	120
shey, nane, jees	612
thousane	1,000
tree feed	60 
tree, hoght nane	381.
un	one
un thie	one house.

Cur Gaelg orroo shoh:

Let's count two days.	Lhig dooin coontey daa laa.
Let's sell one.	Lhig dooin creck nane.
Let's buy one house.	Lhig dooin kionnaghey un thie.
Let's count two.	Lhig dooin coontey jees.
Catherine does not have three houses.	Cha nel tree thieyn ec Catreeney.
Finlo is not selling one house.	Cha nel Finlo creck un thie.
Ealish is buyng one or two	Ta Ealish kionnaghey nane ny jees.
Has he got one house?	Vel un thie echey?
Has she got two houses?	Vel daa thie eck?

Vel fys ayd?

1. In Manx, there are two words for 'one' and two words for 'two,' what are they?

2. When giving a telephone number what do we use for one and two?

3. If we want to say things like 'One house' or 'Two days', what do we use for one 
and two?

4. When saying 'Two days, 'Two houses' and so on what do we need to remember?

5. As in other Celtic languages (and in French), in Manx we count in - ?