Lessoon Jees: Moghrey mie, kys t'ou?

Lesson Two: Good morning, how are you?

lessoon jees (lezz-OON-JEESS) - lesson two
moghrey (MORR-a) - morning
mie (my) - good

Moghrey mie (MORR-a MY) - Good morning.

Notice that the word for 'good' comes after the word for 'morning'.

fastyr (FASS-ter) - afternoon / evening
Fastyr mie (FASS-ter MY) - Good afternoon / evening.

oie (ee) - night
Oie vie (ee-vy) - Goodnight.

The 'm' in 'mie' changes to 'v' after 'oie'. Letter changes like this are very characteristic of Celtic languages.

kys? (kiss) - how?
ta (taa) - are
oo (oo) - you
(You use 'oo' when speaking to someone you know well or when speaking to children)

shiu (shoo) - you
(You use 'shiu' when speaking to more than one person or when speaking to one person politely)

Kys t'ou? (kiss-TOW) - How are you?
('Kys ta oo?' compresses to 'Kys t'ou?)

Kys ta shiu? (kiss-TA-shoo) - How are you?

A form which quite a lot of people know is 'Kyns ta shiu?'

braew (brow) - fine
dy liooar (tha-L'YOOR) - enough / plenty
mie dy liooar (MY-tha-L'YOOR) - well enough
castreycair (KASS-tra-KAYR) - middling

gura mie ayd (gurr-a-MY-edd) - thank you ( Familiar, one person form)
gura mie eu (gurr-a-MY-yow) - thank you (Polite, one person / more than one person)

slane lhiat (slenn-L'YATT) - goodbye (Familiar, one person form)
slane lhiu (slenn-L'YOO) - goodbye (Polite, one person / more than one person)

Cur Gaelg orroo shoh:

afternoon fastyr
are, is ta
enough dy liooar
evening fastyr
fine braew
good mie
Good afternoon Fastyr mie
Good evening. Fastyr mie
Good morning. Moghrey mie
Goodnight. Oie vie
how? kys?
How are you? (plur) Kys ta shiu?
How are you? (sing) Kys t'ou?
lesson two lessoon jees
middling castreycair
morning moghrey
night oie
plenty dy liooar
thank you (plur) gura mie eu
well enough mie dy liooar

Vel fys ayd?

1. What word is used for 'you' when speaking to someone you know well or when speaking to children?
2. What word is used for 'you' when speaking to more than one person or when speaking to one person politely?
3. What does 'm' in 'mie' change to after 'oie'?
4. What is the familiar, one person form of 'thank you'?
5. What is the polite, one person / more than one person form of 'thank you'?
6. What is the familiar, one person form of goodbye?
7. What is the polite, one person / more than one person form of 'goodbye'?
8. What is the form of "How are you?" which quite a lot of people know?

Cur Baarle orroo shoh:
1. Kys t'ou? Castreycair How are you? Middling.
2. Fastyr braew. Fine evening.
3. Moghrey mie. Good morning.
4. Fastyr mie, kys ta shiu? Good afternoon, how are you?
5. Mie dy liooar gura mie ayd Well enough thank you.
6. Kys ta lessoon jees? Braew. How is lesson two? Fine.
7. Fastyr castreycair. Middling evening.
8. Failt. Welcome
9. Oie doo A black night.
10. Failt erriu dys lesson jees. Welcome to lesson two
11. Cree dy liooar. Enough heart
12. Ta moddey doo cur failt erriu. A black dog welcomes you.
13. Ta fastyr mie dy liooar. An afternoon is good enough
14. Gura mie eu, slane lhiu. Thank you, goodbye.