jees as feed (JEESS-azz-FEED) - twenty-two (two and twenty)
goll (gull) - going
shappal (SHAPP-al) - shopping
In Lesson 14, we looked at the way we say we have something in Manx.
For instance:
Ta thie eck (ta-TY-eck) - She has a house (There is a house at
This 'at' construction used to be heard very often in the English
spoken on the Island. Listing most of the 'at' words you need:
aym (emm) - at me
ayd (edd) - at you (speaking to one person)
echey (EGG-a) - at him or at it
eck (eck) - at her or at it
ain (ine) - at us
eu (EH-oo) - at you
(speaking to more than one person or to one person in a polite way:
say 'eh' as in the beginning of 'egg' then say 'oo' quickly)
oc (ock) - at them
Juan: Ta mee goll magh nish. Vel oo laccal red erbee voish ny shappyn?
Ealish: Fuirree ...... vel bainney ain? As vel arran ain?
Juan: Cha nel fys aym.
Ealish: Shen eh. Ta shin laccal bainney as arran
Juan: Mie dy-liooar. Quoid bainney as quoid arran?
Ealish: Daa phynt dy vainney as bwilleen dy arran. Vel argid ayd?
Juan: Cha nel, dy-jarroo.
Ealish: Ta argid aym: shoh eh.
magh (makh) - out
laccal (lall) - wanting, needing
vel oo laccal? (vell-oo-LALL) - do you want?
red (ridd) - a thing
red erbee (ridd-er-BEE) - anything
voish (vush) - from
ny shappyn (na-SHAPP-an) - the shops
fuirree (FURR-ee) - wait!
bainney (BANN-ya) - milk
arran (ARR-an) - bread
shin (shin) - we, us
quoid? (kwudd) - how much? how many?
daa phynt dy vainney (daa-FINT-tha-VANN-ya) - two pints of milk
bwilleen (bwill-YEEN) - a loaf
argid (ERG-id) - money
shoh eh (shawkh-AY) - here it is
Cur Baarle orroo shoh:
goll - going
shappal - shopping
magh - out
laccal - wanting, needing
vel oo laccal? - do you want?
red erbee - anything
voish - from
ny shappyn t - he shops
fuirree - wait!
bainney - milk
arran - bread
shin - we, us
quoid? - how much? how many?
bwilleen - a loaf
argid - money
shoh eh - here it is
Vel fys ayd?
How do we say we have something in Manx?
at her eck
at him echey
at it echey
at me aym
at them oc
at us ain
at you (pl) eu
at you (sing) ayd
Cur Baarle orroo shoh:
Cha nel argid ayd.
Cha nel bainney oc.
Cha nel fys eu.
Cha nel red erbee ayd.
Cha nel thie ain.
Daa phynt dy vainney as bwilleen dy arran.
Fuirree, Ealish.
Quoid bainney eck as quoid arran eu?
Shen eh dy-jarroo.
Shoh Juan.
Ta argid aym.
Ta mee goll magh nish.
Ta shin laccal bainney as arran
Ta shin mie dy-liooar.
Ta thie eck.
Vel argid ayd?
Vel bainney echey?
Vel argid eck?
Vel bwilleen dy arran oc?
Vel Juan laccal red erbee?
Vel oo laccal red erbee voish yn thie?