Lessoon Kiare as Feed: Goll Mygeayrt
Lesson Twenty-Four: Going Around
kiare as feed (KAYR-azz-FEED) - twenty-four ('four and twenty')
goll (gull) - going
mygeayrt (ma-GEERT) - around
Let's look as some ways of getting around:
shooyl (SHOO-al) - walking
gimman (GIMM-an) - driving
shiaulley (SHAWL-a) - sailing
getlagh (GETT-lakh) - flying
'Shooyl' features in a longer word you'll see on some notices round
the Island:
shooylaghan (SHOOL-akh-an) - promenade
Now for some things we use in getting round:
cassyn (KAZZ-an) - feet
gleashtan (GLAYSH-chan) - car
baatey (BAAD-a) - boat
etlan (ETT-lan) - plane
And companies which get us around:
Colught Paggad Gaal Ellan Vannin (koh-lukht-PAGG-ad-GAAL-ELL-yan-VANN-in)
- Isle of Man Steam Packet Company
Skianyn Vannin (SKEE-an-an-VANN-in) - Manx Airlines
Disecting these titles:
colught (koh-lukht) - company
paggad (PAGG-ad) - packet
gaal (gaal) -steam
Ellan Vannin (ELL-yan-VANN-in) - Isle of Man
Note the word order. Passing to Manx Airlines, the Manx name actually
means 'Wings of Mannin'. We change 'Mannin' to 'Vannin' to express 'of
Mannin' - just as in 'Ellan Vannin'. Another example of this is:
Tree Cassyn Vannin (TREE-KAZZ-an-VANN-in) - The Three Legs of Mann.
In Manx, we say 'The Three Feet of Mann'.
Cur Baarle orroo shoh:
baatey - boat
cassyn - feet
colught - company
etlan - plane
gaal - steam
getlagh - flying
gimman - driving
gleashtan - car
goll - going
kiare as feed - twenty-four
mygeayrt - around
paggad - packet
shiaulley - sailing
shooyl - walking
shooylaghan - promenade
Cur Gaelg orroo shoh:
The Three Legs of Mann. - Tree Cassyn Vannin
Isle of Man Steam Packet Company - Colught Paggad Gaal Ellan Vannin
Manx Airlines - Skianyn Vannin
Isle of Man - Ellan Vannin
I'd like a boat. - By vie lhiam baatey.
I'd like a plane - By vie lhiam etlan.
I'd like a company. - By vie lhiam colught.
I want a car. - Ta mee laccal gleashtan.
I want Manx Airlines. - Ta mee laccal Skianyn Vannin.
We have a promenade. - Ta shooylaghan ain.
We have a packet. - Ta paggad ain.
We have twenty-four. - Ta kiare as feed ain.
Here are twenty-four. - Shoh kiare as feed.
Where are Three Legs of Mann. - C'raad ta Tree Cassyn Vannin?
Where is steam? - C'raad ta gaal?
That is the Isle of Man. - Shen Ellan Vannin
I am sailing. - Ta mee shiaulley .
I am walking. - Ta mee shooyl.
I am flying. - Ta mee getlagh.
I am driving around. - Ta mee gimman mygeayrt.
Do you have two pounds? - Vel daa phunt ayd?
Do you have fifty pence change? - Vel ayd lieh phunt ayd?
Do you have a car? - Vel gleashtan ayd?
Vel fys ayd?
1. In Skianyn Vannin, what does the Manx name actually mean?
2. To express 'of Mannin' we change 'Mannin' to what?
3. 'Shooyl' features in a longer word you'll see on some notices.
Which word and what does it mean?
4. In Manx, we don't say 'The Three Legs of Mann'. What do we say?