Lessoon Nuy as Feed: C'raad hie shiu?
Lesson Twenty-Nine: Where did you go?
nuy as feed (NEE-azz-FEED) - twenty-nine ('nine and twenty')
hie (hy) - went (Say 'high')
hie shiu (HY-shoo) - you went
There is another way of saying 'You went':
ren shiu goll (renn-shoo-GULL) - you went
ren (renn) - did, made
ren shiu (RENN-shoo) - you did, you made
goll (gull) - going
Co-loayrtys (ko-LAWRT-uss)
Ealish: C'raad hie shiu riyr?
Catreeney: Hie shin dys Laksaa.
Ealish: C'red va goll er ayns shen?
Catreeney: Seshoon-kiaullee ayns thie-lhionney.
Ealish: Cre'n sorçh dy chiaulleeaght?
Catreeney: Kiaulleeaght veih Nerin as Mannin.
Ealish: Row eh mie?.
Catreeney: Va. V'eh mie dy-liooar.
Ealish: Bee'm goll dys Purt ny Hinshey oie ny vairagh.
Catreeney: Cre'n fa?
Ealish: Seshoon-kiaullee sy Thie Bane!
riyr (ryr) - last night (Rhymes with 'fire')
hie shin (HY-shinn) - we went
Instead of 'Hie shin', we could say 'Ren shin goll'.
C'red va goll er? (KERR-id-va-gull-ERR) - What was going on?
seshoon-kiaullee (sezh-OON-K'YAWLL-ee) - a music session (a session
of music)
kiaulleeaght (K'YAWLL-ee-akht) - music
Row eh mie? (row-a-MY) - Was it good? ('row' rhymes with 'how')
To answer the last question, we say either 'Va' (vaa), effectively
meaning 'Yes', or 'Cha row' (ha-ROW), effectively meaning 'No'.
'Va' means 'Was' and 'Cha row' means 'Was not'.
v'eh (vay) - it was ('v'eh' comes from 'va eh')
bee'm (BEE-um) - I'll be
bee'm goll (BEE-um-GULL) - I'll be going
oie (ee) - night
oie ny vairagh (EE-na-VAAR-akh) - tomorrow night
sy (sa) - in the (short for 'ayns y')
Cur Baarle orroo shoh:
bee'm goll - I'll be going
oie - night
ren shiu - you did, you made
goll - going
nuy as feed - twenty-nine
hie - went
ren - did, made
hie shiu - you went
riyr - last night
hie shin - we went
C'red va goll er? - What was going on?
seshoon-kiaullee - a music session
kiaulleeaght - music
Row eh mie? - Was it good?
v'eh - it was
bee'm - I'll be
oie ny vairagh - tomorrow night
sy - in the
ren shiu goll - you went
Cur Gaelg orroo shoh:
Where did you go last night? - C'raad hie shiu riyr?
Where did you go in Peel? - C'raad hie shiu ayns Purt ny Hinshey?
We went to Laxey. - Hie shin dys Laksaa.
What was going on there? - C'red va goll er ayns shen?
What was going on in the White House? - C'red va goll er sy Thie Bane.?
Was there a music session in a pub? - Row seshoon-kiaullee ayns thie-lhionney?
Was Catherine in Laxey? - Row Catreeney ayns Laksaa?
What sort of music? - Cre'n sorçh dy chiaulleeaght?
It was music from Ireland and Mann. - V'eh kiaulleeaght veih Nerin
as Mannin.
Was it good in Laxey? - Row eh mie ayns Laksaa?.
It was good enough. Why? - V'eh mie dy-liooar. Cre'n fa?
I'll be going to Peel tomorrow night. - Bee'm goll dys Purt ny Hinshey
oie ny vairagh.
I'll be going in a pub. - Bee'm goll ayns thie-lhionney.
We went to a music session. - Hie shin dys seshoon-kiaullee.
I'll be there. Why? - Bee'm ayns shen. Cre'n fa?
You went to Peel. - Ren shiu goll dys Purt ny Hinshey.
Did Juan go in a pub? - Ren Juan goll ayns thie-lhionney?
Vel fys ayd?
1. Instead of 'Hie shin', what is another way of saying 'You went':
2. To the question 'Were you?' what would you answer in Manx?
3. What Manx words or phrases are these anagrams of?
colder gravel like houses alone