is the Manx for 'You must'.
Shegin dou goll (SHY-in-dow-GULL) - I must go.
dys ny shappyn (duss-na-SHAPP-an) - to the shops
Cre'n fa? (krinn-FAA) - Why? ('What reason?')
Nagh ren oo goll? (NAKH-renn-oo-GULL) - Didn't you go?
Ren (renn) - Yes ('Did')
ta shin laccal (ta-shinn-LAL) - we want
tooilley (TULL-ya) - more
stoo (stoo) - stuff
Cre'n giense? (KRINN-g'yinss) - What party?
Giense Vreeshey (g'yinss-VREEZH-a) - Breeshey's party.
To show it is Breeshey's party, we change the 'B' to 'V'.
'Giense Vreeshey' means 'The party of Breeshey', or 'Breeshey's party'.
This is like changing the 'M' in 'Mannin' to 'V' when we say 'Ellan
Vannin', which means 'The Isle of Mann'.
bee ish (bee-ish) - she will be
shey bleeaney (SHAY-BLEE-an-a) - six years
mairagh (MAAR-akh) - tomorrow
caarjyn (KER-jan) - friends
caarjyn dy-liooar (KER-jan-tha-L'YOOR) - lots of friends ('friends
As bee caarjyn dy-liooar cheet? (azz-bee-KER-jan-tha-L'YOOR-CHITT)
- And will lots of friends be coming?
Bee (bee) - Yes ('Will be').
ass (ass) - out of
towse (towss) - measure (Rhymes with 'house')
Cur Gaelg orroo shoh:
Breeshey's party. - Giense Vreeshey
Didn't you go? - Nagh ren oo goll?
friends - caarjyn
I must - shegin dou
I must go. - Shegin dou goll
lots of friends - caarjyn dy-liooar
measure - towse
more - tooilley
out of - ass
she will be - bee ish
six years - shey bleeaney
stuff - stoo
the party - y giense
thirty-three - tree-jeig as feed
to the shops - dys ny shappyn
tomorrow - mairagh
we want - ta shin laccal
What party? - Cre'n giense?
Why? ('What reason?') - Cre'n fa?
Yes ('Did') - Ren
Yes ('Will be'). - Bee
Cur Baarle orroo shoh:
Shegin dou goll dys ny shappyn nish.
Bee caarjyn dy-liooar goll dys ny shappyn
Nagh ren oo goll dys ny shappyn?
Bee caarjyn dy-liooar cheet dys y giense
Bee caarjyn ass towse cheet.
Shegin dou goll dys y giense.
Shegin dou cheet dys y giense.
Cre'n fa?
Nagh ren Catreeney goll jea?
Ta shin laccal tooilley stoo son y giense.
Ta Ealish laccal tooilley stoo son Catreeney.
Ta Catreeney laccal tooilley stoo.
Cre'n giense?
Giense Vreeshey as giense Ealish.
Bee ish shey bleeaney dy eash mairagh.
Bee Catreeney shiaght bleeaney dy eash.
Nagh ren oo goll jea? Ren.
Bee caarjyn dy-liooar cheet.
Bee stoo dy-liooar çheet.
Vel fys ayd?
1. 'Shegin dou' - I must can also be translated as -
2. To show it is Breeshey's party, we change the 'B' to '?'.
3. When we say 'The Isle of Man'', we change the 'M' in 'Mannin' to