'Va pooar ec ny Albinee' translated literally is 'There was power
at the Scots' ('The Scots had power').
ny Sostnee (na-SAWSS-nee) - the English
Lots of nouns ending in '-agh' form plurals by changing '-agh' to
A Scot
Cur Gaelg orroo shoh:
A Scot - Albinagh
a sort of old Welsh - sorçh dy henn Vretnish
after that - lurg shen
before - roish
before Christianity came - roish my daink yn Creestiaght
forty - daeed
history - shennaghys
inhabitants - cummaltee
Irish language - Yernish
it appears that there was - t'eh jeeaghyn dy row
of - jeh
power - pooar
Scots - Albinee
short - giare
the Celts came - haink ny Celtiee
the control of the Scandinavians - smaght ny Loghlynnee
the English - ny Sostnee
the Scots - ny Albinee
thousands of years - thousaneyn dy vleeantyn
We do not know - Cha nel fys ain
Welsh language - Bretnish
Cur Baarle orroo shoh:
Agh ta Mannin foast ayn.
As lurg shen va pooar ec ny Sostnee.
Cha nel fys ain er yn traa haink ny Celtiee dys Mannin.
Haink Mannin fo smaght ny Loghlynnee.
Lurg ny Loghlynnee, va pooar ec ny Albinee.
Lurg shen, haink shenn Yernish dys Mannin.
Roish my daink yn Creestiaght dys Mannin,
Shennaghys giare jeh Mannin
Son shickyrys, t'ad ayns Mannin son thousanenyn dy vleeantyn.
Sy nuyoo cheead.
T'eh jeeaghyn dy row sorçh dy henn Vretnish ec cummaltee Vannin.
Vel fys ayd?
Word for word what is - 'Cha nel fys ain er yn traa' in English?
'Va pooar ec ny Loghlynnee' translated literally would be - ?
Lots of nouns ending in '-agh' form plurals by changing '-agh' to what?