Lessoon Shey as Daeed: Cre'n Skeet!

Lesson Forty-Six: What a Skeet!

shey as daeed (KWEGG-azz-DY-eed) - forty-six ('six and forty')
skeet (skeet) - sneaky person/gossip

In his dictionary, Cregeen gives 'skeet' as 'a creeping, sneaking fellow'. 'Skeet' can also mean 'gossip'.


Peddyr: Ta'n thie ayd creckit, ta mee credjal.
Ean: Kevys dhyt?
Peddyr: Oh, va fys aym mie dy liooar.
Ean: T'ou dty skeet! She skeet uss, ghooinney!

yn thie (in-TY) - the house
ayd (edd) - at you
yn thie ayd (in-TY-edd) - your house

To say 'Your house', we can say 'Yn thie ayd' ('The house at you') or we can say 'Dty hie' (the-HY). 'Dty', meaning 'your', changes 'th' in 'thie' to 'h'.

creckit (KRECK-it) - sold
credjal KREDJ-al) - believing
ta mee credjal (tamm-ee-KREDJ-al) - I believe
Kevys dhyt? (KEVV-iss-DUT) - How do you know?
va (vaa) - there was
Va fys aym (va-FISS-imm) - I knew

Word for word, 'Va fys aym' means 'There was knowledge at me' -
'I had knowledge' ('I knew').

T'ou dty skeet! (tow-the-SKEET) - You are a skeet!

This expression literally means 'You are in your skeet'. That is,
'You are in your state of being a skeet'. Another way of saying the same thing is:

She skeet uss! (shay-SKEET-uss) - You are a skeet!

This last expression literally means 'It's a skeet you (are)'.
A less 'Gaelic' way of saying this is: 'T'ou skeet'.

Ghooinney! (WUNN-ya) - Man! ('Yessa')