Lessoon Daa-Yeig as Daeed: Blein Vie Noa

Lesson Fifty-Two: Happy New Year

daa-yeig as daeed (DAA-yegg-azz-DY-eed) - fifty-two ('twelve and forty')
blein (blayn) - a year
mie (my) - good
noa (no) - new

Since 'blein' is feminine, the 'm' in 'mie' changes to a 'v':

Blein Vie Noa (blayn-vy-no) - Happy New Year


Ealish: Bee shiu goll magh er y Whaaltagh Oie ny Nollick Beg?
Catreeney: Bee, son shickyrys.
Ealish: As c'raad vees shiu goll?
Catreeney: Mygeayrt y nabooys.
Ealish: Quoi vees y Quaaltagh eu?
Catreeney: Cha s'ayms. Ta shin laccal fer as folt doo echey!
Ealish: Bee shiu skee Laa ny Nollick Beg.

Quaaltagh (KWAAL-takh) - First Foot, or first person met on New Year's Day.

When you go round the houses on New Year's Eve/Day, you 'go on the Quaaltagh'.

er y Whaaltagh (err-a-WAAL-takh) - on the Quaaltagh

After 'er y' ('on the'), 'Quaaltagh' changes to 'Whaaltagh'.

Oie ny Nollick Beg (EE-na-NULL-ick-BEGG) - New Year's Eve ('The Night of Little Christmas')
mygeayrt (ma-GEERT) - around
y nabooys (a-NAAB-oo-us) - the neighbourhood
quoi vees...? (kwoy-VISS) - who will be...?
y Quaaltagh eu (a-KWAAL-takh-AA-oo) - your Quaaltagh
fer (fer) - one; a man
folt (folt) - hair
echey (EGG-a) - at him

'fer as folt doo echey' - 'one with black hair' ('one and black hair at him')

skee (skee) - tired
Laa ny Nollick Beg (LAA-na-NULL-ick-BEGG) -New Year's Day ('The Day of Little Christmas')