Lessoon Tree-jeig as Daeed: Shamyryn
Lesson Fifty-Three: Rooms
tree-jeig as daeed (TREE-jegg-azz-DY-eed) - fifty-three ('thirteen and forty')
shamyr (SHAAM-er) - a room
shamyryn (SHAAM-er-un) - rooms
Peddyr: Ta spoar dy liooar eu heose sy thie noa. Cre mysh ny shamyryn heese?
Ean: Daa hamyr-soie, shamyr-aarlee as premmee. As ta'n halley mooar
dy liooar.
Peddyr: C'raad vees shiu cur ooilley ny lioaryn?
Ean: Shegin dooin cur seose skellooyn-lioar ayns ny shamyryn-soie.
As cha negin dooin jarrood y co-earrooder!
spoar (spawr) - space
Cre mysh...? (kra-MUSH) - What about ...?
shamyr-soie (SHAAM-er-SY) - sitting-room
shamyr-aarlee (SHAAM-er-ERL-ee) - kitchen
In Manx, we don't use the plural after 'daa' ('two'). We say, for instance, 'daa
hamyr-soie' (DAA-haam-er-SY) - 'two sitting-room'.
Note also that the 'sh' changes to 'h' after 'daa'.
halley (HAL-a) - hall
cur (kurr) - putting, giving
ooilley (ULL-ya) - all
ny lioaryn (na-L'YAWR-un) - the books
Remember that we use a special word for 'will be' after question words like 'Where?'
This is 'vees':
C'raad vees shiu cur ooilley ny lioaryn? (kraad-viss-shoo-KURR-ull-ya-na-L'YAWR-un) -
Where will you be putting all the books?
cur seose (kurr-sooss) - putting up
skelloo (SKELL-oo) - a shelf
skellooyn-lioar (SKELL-oo-un-L'YAWR) - bookshelves
cha negin dou (ha-NY-in-dow) - I must not
jarrood (jarr-OOD) - forgetting
co-earrooder (koh-IRR-ood-er) - computer
Note the difference between 'We must' and 'We must not':
Shegin dooin cur seose skellooyn-lioar - We must put up bookshelves.
Cha negin dooin jarrood - We must not forget.