Lessoon Kiare as Tree Feed: Cre'n Daah?
Lesson Sixty-Four: Which Colour?
kiare as tree feed (KAYR-azz-TREE-feed) - sixty-four ('four and three twenties')
daah (daa) - colour
Catreeney: Shoh goonyn jesh. As cha nel ad ro chostal.
Ealish: Cre'n daah share lesh Breeshey?
Catreeney: S'doillee ta'n feysht shen! S'mie lhee glass ny gorrym.
Ealish: Shoh goon glass, agh share lhiam y goon jiarg shoh.
shoh (shaw) - here is, here are
goonyn (GOON-un) - frocks
jesh (jesh) - nice
If we were being very 'proper', we would say 'jeshey' (JESH-a) here. In Manx, some
of the words which describe things (adjectives)
add '-ey' if we're talking about more than one thing:
goon jesh (goon-jesh) - a nice frock
goonyn jeshey (GOON-un-JESH-a) - nice frocks
Remember that 'ro' (raw) meaning 'too' causes a letter change called lenition or aspiration:
costal (KAWS-tal) - expensive
ro chostal (raw-KHAWS-tal) - too expensive
mooar (MOO-ar) - big
ro vooar (raw-VOO-ar) - too big
share (share) - better, best
Cre'n daah share lesh Breeshey? (krinn-DAA-share-lesh-BREEZH-a) - Which colour does
Breeshey like best? ('Which colour is best with Breeshey?')
doillee (DOH-lee) - difficult
feysht (faysht) - a question
S'doillee ta'n feysht shen! - That's a difficult question!
Literally, this could be translated as: 'Is difficult that question is' or
'How difficult that question is!'
s'mie lhee (smy-l'yee) - she likes ('is good with her')
glass (glass) - green
gorrym (GORR-um) - blue
share lhiam (share-l'yamm) - I prefer ('is better with me')
jiarg (jarg) - red