Lessoon Nane-Jeig as Tree Feed: Bayr ny Skeddan
Lesson Seventy-One: The Herring Way
nane-jeig as tree feed (NAAN-jegg-azz-TREE-feed) seventy-one ('eleven and
three twenties')
bayr (burr) a way, a road
skeddan (SKATH-un) herring
'Bayr ny Skeddan' (BURR-na-SKATH-un) means 'The Way of the Herring'. Note that we
do not need 'the' in Manx at the start of this expression.
Ean: Ren oo rieau shooyl er Bayr ny Skeddan?
Peddyr: Cha ren. C'raad ta shen?
Ean: Eddyr Purt ny hInshey as Balley Chashtal. Voish Purt ny
hInshey, t'ou goll my-yiass harrish ny eayninyn dys Glion Meay,
trooid Glion Mooar dys ny sleityn. T'ou goll shaghey Barroole Jiass
dys boayl faggys da Balley Moddey. Eisht t'ou goll my-yiass reesht dys Balley
Peddyr: Ta mee skee as mish geaishtagh rhyt.
rieau (r'yoo) ever
shooyl (SHOO-al) walking
eddyr (EDD-er) between
Purt ny hInshey (purt-na-HINZH-a) Peel
Balley Chashtal (BAL-a-KHASH-chal) Castletown
voish (vush) from
my-yiass (ma-YASS) to the south, southwards
harrish (HARR-ish) over
eayninyn (EE-an-in-un) cliffs
Glion Meay (gl'yonn-MAY) Glenmaye
shaghey (shah) past
Barroole Jiass (barr-OOL-JASS) South Barrule
boayl (bawl) a place
faggys da (FAHG-us-DAA) near to
Balley Moddey (BAL-a-MAWTH-a) Ballamodha
Note how 'Ballamodha' is pronounced. It has nothing to do with fashion!
skee (skee) tired
geaishtagh (GAYSH-chakh) listening
rhyt (rut) to you
'Ta mee skee as mish geaishtagh rhyt' - 'I'm tired from just listening to you' ('I'm
tired and I listening to you').