Lessoon Daa-Yeig as Tree Feed: Er yn Chellvane

Lesson Seventy-Two: On the Telephone

daa-yeig as tree feed (DAA-yegg-azz-TREE-feed) - seventy-two ('twelve
and three twenties')
chellvane (chell-VAAN) - telephone


Catreeney: Vel argid ayd?
Ealish: Ta. Quoid t'ou laccal?
Catreeney: Cha nel mee laccal agh jeih ping. Ta mee laccal chellvaney.
Ealish: Shoh eh. Agh cha jean yn chellvane shen goaill argid.
Catreeney: Ta kaart aghtal aym. As my ta mee seiy 'Jees', t'eh cur fys dou
ayns Gaelg.
Ealish: Seose lesh Chellinsh Vannin!

Remember that to express 'have', we use 'at': Vel argid ayd? (vell-ERG-id-EDD) - Have you got money? ('Is there money at you?')

The answer is 'Ta' - 'Yes' ('There is').

quoid? (kwud) - how much?
t'ou laccal (tow-LALL) - you want

We do not need to use the question form of a verb after a question word. For instance here, we effectively say 'How much you want?'

Cha nel mee laccal agh jeih ping (ha-NELL-mee-LALL-akh-JY-PING) -
I only want ten pence ('I don't want but ten pence').

chellvaney (chell-VAAN-a) - telephoning
cha jean (ha-JINN) - will not do; will not make
goaill (goyl) - taking

To say something will not happen, etc., we can use 'cha jean' with the appropriate verb-noun (word ending in '-ing' in English). For example:

Cha jean eh goaill (ha-JINN-a-GOYL) - It will not take.

kaart (kurt) - card
aghtal (AKHT-al) - clever
kaart aghtal (kurt-AKHT-al) - smart card
my (ma) - if
seiy (SAA-ee) - pushing
seose lesh... (sooss-lesh) - up with ...
Chellinsh Vannin (chell-INSH-VANN-in) - Manx Telecom