Lessoon Queig-Jeig as Tree Feed: Goll Ratchal
Lesson Seventy-Five: Going Racing
queig-jeig as tree feed (KWEGG-jegg-azz-TREE-feed) - seventy-five
(fifteen and three twenties)
ratchal (RATCH-al) - racing
Yn Coorse TT
Ta'n Coorse TT goaill toshiaght ayns Doolish, ayns Raad Ghlion y Chruitcheree, ec
yn ardan-soie. T'ou goll er y raad dys Purt ny hInshey, trooid Skeerey Marooney.
Eisht, t'ou chyndaa my-yesh ec Balley Craine as goll trooid Balley Keeill Vaayl
as Balley ny Loghey.
Lurg shen, ta'n coorse goll trooid Sulby, as trooid Kerrin y Valley ayns Rhumsaa.
T'ou goll seose ayns ny sleityn, shaghey Sniaul. T'ou goll trooid Creg ny Baa as
Cronk ny Moaney dys yn ardan-soie reesht.
Yn Coorse TT (in-KOORSS-TT) - The TT Course
goaill toshiaght (goyll-TOZH-akht) - starting
Word for word, 'goaill toshiaght' means 'taking a beginning'.
Doolish (DOO-lish) - Douglas
Raad Ghlion y Chruitcheree (raad-GL'YON-a-KHRUTCH-a-ree)
- Glencrutchery Road
ardan-soie (ERD-an-SY) - grandstand
Purt ny hInshey (PURT-na-HINZH-a) - Peel
The Manx for 'Peel' means 'The Port of the Isle' (St. Patrick's).
trooid (trood) - through
Skeerey Marooney (SKEER-a-ma-ROON-a) - Parish of Marown
chyndaa (chin-DAA) - turning
my-yesh (ma-YESH) - to the right
Balley Keeill Vaayl (BAl-ya-keel-VAAL) - Kirk Michael Village
Balley ny Loghey (bal-LA) - Ballaugh
Kerrin y Valley (KERR-in-a-VAL-ya) - the Town Square
Rhumsaa (rum-ZAA) - Ramsey
goll seose (gull-SOOSS) - going up
If motion is involved, particularly with the word 'going', we use 'seose' for 'up'.
ayns ny sleityn (UNNSS-na-SLAY-jun) - in the mountains
shaghey Sniaul (shah-SNAAL) - past Snaefell
Cronk ny Moaney (KRONK-na-MAWN-a) - Cronk ny Mona