Lessoon Shey-Jeig as Tree Feed: Ratchal Foast
Lesson Seventy-Six: Still Racing
shey-jeig as tree feed (SHAY-jegg-azz-TREE-feed) - seventy-six ('sixteen and
three twenties')
Yn Coorse TT: tooilley
Turrysagh: Cre cho liauyr as ta'n coorse TT?
Manninagh: Shiaght meeiley jeig as feed as tree kerroo.
Turrysagh: Liauyr dy liooar! C'raad ta ny markee goll smoo tappee?
Manninagh: Ec Sulby. Bee ad roshtyn daa cheead meeiley syn oor my vees ny
roaryn-bree gaase ny smoo niartal!
Turrysagh: Nagh bee cagliagh currit er niart ny roaryn-bree?
Manninagh: Foddee dy bee.
tooilley (TULL-ya) - more, additional
turrysagh (TURR-izz-akh) - tourist
liauyr (l'yowr) - long
cre cho liauyr as ta...? (kra-ho-L'YOWR-azz-ta) - how long is....?
Manninagh (MANN-in-akh) - Manx person
meeiley (MEEL-ya) - a mile
Remember that it is common to leave nouns of measure like 'meeiley' in the singular.
markee (MARK-ee) - riders
smoo (smoo) - more, most
tappee (TAVV-ee) - fast
smoo tappee (smoo-TAVV-ee) - fastest ('most fast')
roshtyn (RAWSH-chun) - reaching
daa cheead (daa-KHEE-ud) - two hundred
The basic word for 'hundred' is 'keead'. This becomes 'cheead' after 'daa'.
syn oor (sin-OOR) - in the hour
my vees (ma-VISS) - if will be
Manx 'my' can mean 'if' as well as English 'my'.
roaryn-bree (RAW-run-BREE) - motorbikes
gaase (gaass) - growing
ny smoo niartal (na-smoo-N'YART-al) - stronger; more powerful
cagliagh (KAGG-lee-ukh) - boundary, limit
currit er (KURR-it-err) - put on
niart (n'yart) - strength; power
foddee dy bee (FUTH-ee-the-BEE) - maybe there will be