Lessoon Hoght-Jeig as Tree Feed: Argane

Lesson Seventy-Eight: A Dispute

hoght-jeig as tree feed (HAWKH-jegg-azz-TREE-feed) - seventy-eight
('eighteen and three twenties')
argane (arg-AAN) -a dispute, an argument

Remember that, like other languages, Manx has no word for 'a' or 'an',
so 'argane' means 'argument' or 'an argument'.


Earisheyr Sostnagh: Nagh vel shiu goaill nearey?
Manninagh Dooie: Cre'n fa? C'red t'ou loayrt mychione?
Earisheyr Sostnagh: Ny ratchyn roar-bree as y sleih t'ad marroo.
Manninagh Dooie: Ta mee goaill moyrn ass ny ratchyn. Cha nel y sleih eignit cheet dys ny ratchyn.
Earisheyr Sostnagh: Cre mysh y sleih oney ta surranse?
Manninagh Dooie: Ta shen olk.

earisheyr (irr-ish-AYR) - journalist
Sostnagh (SAWSS-nakh) - English
goaill (goyl) - taking
nearey (NAY-ra) - shame

In Manx, 'Aren't you ashamed?' is expressed as 'Aren't you taking shame?' - 'Nagh vel shiu goaill nearey?' (nakh-VELL-shoo-goyl-NAY-ra?).

Manninagh (Mann-in-akh) - Manx person
dooie (DOO-ee) - true
loayrt (lawrt) - speaking
mychione (ma-KH'YOWN) - about
y sleih (a-SLY) - the people
marroo (MARR-oo) - killing; dead
moyrn (mohrn) - pride
ass (ass) - out of

Ta mee goaill moyrn ass ny ratchyn (TAMM-ee-goyl-MOHRN-ass-na-
RATCH-un) - I'm proud of the races ('I'm taking pride out of the races')

eignit (AYG-nit) - compelled
oney (OHN-a) - innocent
surranse (SURR-anss) - suffering
In this case, '- ta surranse' translates as '- who are suffering'.

olk (ulk) - bad