Lessoon Kiare Feed: Goll Noon as Noal

Lesson Eighty: Going Backwards and Forwards

kiare feed (kayr-feed) - eighty ('four twenties')
noon as noal (NOON-azz-NAWL) - backwards and forwards

A more exact translation of 'noon as noal' is 'to and fro'.
'noon' means 'over' in the sense of going away from the speaker,
'noal' means 'over' if the motion is towards the speaker from 'over there'.


Peddyr: Jecrean, bee y Kayt-Marry shiaulley voish Doolish dys Lerpoyll ec shiaght er y chlag sy voghrey as cheet reesht dys Doolish ec kerroo lurg jeih.
Ean: Bee eh goll noon as noal reesht y laa shen, nagh bee?
Peddyr: Bee. Hed eh magh reesht voish Doolish dys Lerpoyll ec lieh-oor
lurg queig, as hig eh reesht dys Mannin ec kerroo dys nuy.
Ean: Cre ny laghyn elley t'eh goll dys Lerpoyll?
Peddyr: Jelune as Jesarn.
Ean: Ta lane fys ayd er, ghooinney, nagh vel?

Jecrean (ja-KRAYN) - Wednesday
voish (vush) - from
Lerpoyll (LER-pull) - Liverpool
sy voghrey (sa-VAW-ra) - in the morning
kerroo lurg jeih (KERR-oo-lurg-JY) - quarter past ten
y laa shen (a-LAA-shen) - that day

'nagh bee?' (nakh-BEE) at the end of Ean's question about the Seacat's going to and fro is translated as 'won't it?'

cre ny laghyn? (KRA-na-LAA-un) - which days?
cre ny laghyn elley? (KRA-na-LAA-un-ELL-ya) - which other days?

To ask 'Which day?' (singular), we say 'Cre'n laa?' (krinn-LAA).
This has been shortened from 'Cre yn laa?' ('What the day?')

Jelune (ja-LOON) - Monday
Jesarn (ja-SARN) - Saturday
lane fys (leddn-FISS) - complete knowledge

'Ta lane fys ayd er' (ta-leddn-FISS-edd-ERR) means 'You know all about' ('Complete knowledge is at you on it').

ghooinney! (WUN-ya) - man!