Lessoon Tree as Kiare Feed: Feailley Eddyr-Cheltiagh
Lesson Eighty-Three: An Inter-Celtic Festival
tree as kiare feed (TREE-azz-KAYR-feed) - eight-three ('three and four twenties')
feailley (FAIL-ya) - festival
eddyr (EDD-ur) - between, inter-
Celtiagh (KELL-chakh) - Celtic
Note that when 'eddyr' is put before 'Celtiagh', the 'C' becomes 'Ch':
eddyr-Cheltiagh (EDD-ur-KHELL-chakh) - inter-Celtic
Catreeney: Cuin ta'n Chruinnaght goaill toshiaght?
Ealish: Moghrey Jesarn. Bee ad cur magh ny aundyryn ec y taishbynys- ellyn.
Catreeney: Heill mish dy row reddyn elley goll roish shen.
Ealish: Son shickyrys, va.
Ny co-hirraghyn son goaill arrane as kiaulleaght.
cruinnaght (KROON-yakht) - assembly
Yn Chruinnaght (in-HROON-yakht) - The Cruinnaght
goaill (goyll) - taking
toshiaght (TOZH-akht) - beginning
In Manx, when something is starting, it is 'taking a beginning' ('goaill toshiaght').
moghrey Jesarn (MAW-ra-ja-SARN) - Saturday morning
cur magh (kurr-makh) - giving out
aundyryn (AWN-da-rin) - prizes
taishbynys (TASH-bin-iss) - exhibition
ellyn (ELL-in) - art
heill mish (heel-MISH) - I thought
reddyn elley (RETH-un-ELL-ya) - other things
roish shen (roshe-shen) - before that
Note how we connect up:
Heill mish dy row reddyn elley goll er roish shen (heel-MISH-the-ROW-reth-un-ELL-ya-gull-ERR-roshe-SHEN)
- I thought that there were other things going on before that.
co-hirrey (ko-HIRR-a) - competition
co-hirraghyn (ko-HIRR-akh-un) - competitions
If a noun ends in '-ey' (pronounced 'a' or 'ya'!), the plural is often formed by knocking
the '-ey' off and adding '-aghyn'.
goaill arrane (goyll-a-RAAN) - singing ('taking song')