Lessoon Queig as Kiare Feed: Laghyn Seyrey Reesht

Lesson Eighty-Five: Holidays Again

queig as kiare feed (KWEGG-azz-KAYR-feed) - eighty-five ('five and
four twenties')
laghyn seyrey (LAA-un-SURR-a) - holidays ('days free')


Ean: Bee shiu goaill laghyn seyrey mleeaney?
Peddyr: Bee. Beemayd goll dys y Vritaan, dys boayl faggys da'n Oriant.
Ean: Feer vie, ghooinney. Bee shiu tannaghtyn ayns thie-oast?
Peddyr: Cha bee, veagh shen ro chostal. Beemayd tannaghtyn ayns thie er
mayl son kegeesh as coagyrey dooin hene.
Ean: Cre'n aght nee shiu goll dys y Vritaan?
Peddyr: Beemayd goll ayns y ghleashtan. Hemmayd er y vaatey dys Sostyn
as neemayd gimman dys Plymouth. Eisht neemayd shiaulley.

Bee shiu goaill ...? (bee-shoo-GOYLL) - Will you be taking...?
mleeaney (MLEE-an-a) - this year
Bee (bee) - Will be ('Yes')
y Vritaan (a-vritt-AAN) - Brittany

The 'basic' word for Brittany is 'Britaan', but Manx (like other languages) sometimes puts 'the' in front of a word for a country, so we get 'y Vritaan'.

boayl (bawl) - a place
faggys da (FAHG-us-daa) - near to
yn Oriant (in-ORR-ee-ant) - L'Orient
tannaghtyn (TANN-akht-un) - staying
thie-oast (ty-AWST) - hotel
veagh shen (VEE-ukh-SHEN) - that would be

Note that 'costal' ('expensive') becomes 'chostal' after 'ro' ('too'):
ro chostal (raw-KHAWS-tal) - too expensive

thie er mayl (TY-err-MAAL) - a house to rent
kegeesh (keg-EESH) - a fortnight
coagyrey (KAWG-a-ra) - cooking
dooin hene (dun-HEEN) - for ourselves

'dooin' can mean 'for us' or 'to us': Jean shen dooin - Do that for us.
Cur shen dooin - Give that to us.

gimman (GIMM-un) - driving
shiaulley (SHAWL-a) - sailing