Lessoon Daa-Yeig as Kiare Feed: Gee ec y Scoill

Lesson Ninety-Two: Eating at School

daa-yeig as kiare feed (DAA-yegg-azz-KAYR-feed) - ninety-two ('twelve
and four twenties')
gee (gee) - eating

Remember that in Manx the letter 'g' is pronounced hard, as in 'get', not as in 'gesture'.
Historically, 'gee' came from 'ec ee', meaning 'at eating'. The first word, 'ec', reduced to 'g' and became virtually permanently fixed to 'ee', giving 'gee'. The same development took place with other verbal nouns which started with vowels.
Note the following:

ee! (ee) - eat!
gee (gee) - eating
iu! (yoo) - drink!
giu (g'yoo) - drinking


Ealish: Vel Breeshey cur lhee braghtanyn dys y scoill?
Catreeney: Cha nel. T'ee gee ny jinnairyn-scoill.
Ealish: Cre goll rish ta ny jinnairyn ec y scoill shen?
Catreeney: Er-lhiam dy vel ad mie. S'mie lesh Breeshey ad, ansherbee.

cur lhee (kurr-l'yee) - 'putting with-her'
braghtanyn (BRAKHT-an-un) - sandwiches

We express 'taking' or 'bringing' as 'cur lesh' ('putting with'):

ta mee cur lhiam (tamm-ee-kurr-L'YAMM) - I bring ('I put with-me')
t'ou cur lhiat (tow-kurr-L'YATT) - you bring ('you put with-you')
t'eh cur lesh (tay-kurr-LESH) - he brings ('he puts with-him')
t'ee cur lhee (tee -kurr-L'YEE) - she brings ('she puts

t'ee gee (tee-gee) -she eats; she is eating; she does eat
jinnair (jinn-AYR) - dinner
jinnairyn-scoill (jinn-AYR-un-SKOLL) - school-dinners

Remember the idiom 'goll rish' ('going unto'):
Cre goll rish ta ny jinnairyn? (kra-GORR-ish-tann-a-jinn-AYR-un) - What are the dinners like?

er-lhiam (err-L'YAMM) - I think
ansherbee (ANSH-er-bee) - anyway