Lessoon Shiaght-Jeig as Kiare Feed: Ard-Raad Mooar y Fysseree
Lesson Ninety-Seven: The Information Superhighway
shiaght-jeig as kiare feed (SHAKH-jegg-azz-KAYR-feed) - ninety-seven
('seventeen & four twenties')
raad mooar (raad-MOOR) - highway
ard-raad mooar (ERD-raad-MOOR) - superhighway
Putting 'ard' before a noun often gives the meaning of 'the highest' in the sense
of 'the chief' or 'the most important'.
Peddyr: Vel ooilley yn chooid chreoi ayd foast?
Ean: Cha nel. Myr dooyrt mee, cha nel jee-chummeyder aym foast.
Tra vees shen aym, beeym aarloo.
Peddyr: As quoi t'ou goll dy chur chaghteraghtyn huggey?
Ean: Heemayd.
creoi (KRA-ee) - hard
yn chooid chreoi (in-khoodj-KHRA-ee) - hardware
'Cooid' is feminine, so 'c' in 'creoi' becomes 'ch'.
Remember how Manx expresses 'to have':
Vel ooilley yn chooid chreoi ayd foast? (vell-ULL-ya-in-khoodj-KHRA-ee-edd-fohss)
- Have you got all the hardware yet? ('Is all the hardware at you yet?')
cha nel (ha-NELL) - is not ('no')
myr dooyrt mee (mar-DOORT-mee) - as I said
tra (traa) - when
vees (viss) - will be
Tra vees shen aym (traa-viss-SHEN-imm) - When I have that ('When that will be at me').
aarloo (ERL-oo) - ready
quoi? (kwoy) - who
t'ou goll (tow-GULL) - you're going
cur huggey (kur HUGG-a) - sending to
Infinitives in Manx are made by putting 'dy' in front of the verb-noun and (if necessary)
changing the first letter:
dy chur huggey (the-KHUR-hugg-a) - to send to
heemayd (HEE-mudj) - we'll see