Lessoon Hoght-Jeig as Kiare Feed: Ny Thieyn-Oast
Lesson Ninety-Eight: The Public Houses
hoght-jeig as kiare feed (HAWKH-jegg-azz-KAYR-feed) - ninety-eight
('eighteen & four twenties')
thieyn-oast (TY-un-AWSST) - public houses
Ealish: C'red t'ou coontey jeh ny ooryn-oastys?
Catreeney: Ayns ny thieyn-lhionney? T'ad mie dy liooar. Cre'n fa t'ou briaght?
Ealish: Ta slattys roish Tinvaal as foddee dy bee ny ooryn-oastys caghlaait.
By vie lesh sleih ennagh lhiggey da ny thieyn-lhionney tannaghtyn
foshlit derrey mean-oie.
Catreeney: Ta mish noi shen.
Ealish: Cre hon? Cha bee ny oasteyderyn eginit tannaghtyn foshlit.
ooryn-oastys (OOR-un-AWSST-iss) - licensing hours
In his dictionary, Cregeen gave the meaning of 'oastys' as 'what is sold by the publican,
or perhaps the authority or licence whereby they are permitted to sell or retail.
Vel ad shoh freayll oastys myleeaney?
- Are these keeping the licence this year?'
ny thieyn-lhionney (na-TY-un-L'YONN-a) - the ale houses
lhune (l'yoon) - beer
lhionney (L'YONN-a) - of beer
cre'n fa? (krinn-FAA) - why? ('what reason?')
Other ways of asking 'why?' are 'cre hon?' (kra-HONN) and cre'n oyr?
briaght (BRY-akht) - asking
slattys (SLATH-iss) - an act (statute)
roish (rohsh) - before
Tinvaal (tin-VAAL) - Tynwald
foddee (FUTH-ee) - maybe
caghlaait (kakh-LAA-it) - changed
sleih ennagh (SLY-enn-YAKH) - some people
lhiggey da (L'YIGG-a-DAA) - allowing, letting
tannaghtyn (TANN-akht-un) - staying
foshlit (FAWZH-lit) - open
derrey (DERR-a) - until
mean-oie (mayn-ee) - midnight
noi (na-ee) - against
oasteyderyn (AWSST-ad-er-un) - publicans
eginit (AYG-nit) - compelled