Lessoon Keead as Nane: Y Jough - Y Fockle Sjerree
Lesson One Hundred and One: Drink - The Last Word
keead as nane (KEE-ud-azz-NAAN) - 101
y fockle (a-FAWGL) - the word
sjerree (SCHERR-ee) - last
teh jeeaghyn (tay-JEEKH-un) - it looks
solk shen (sulk-shen) - thats bad
hig (higg) - will come
Becoming is expressed by cheet dy ve (CHITT-the-VAY) - coming to be. An alternative to Hig yn meshtallys dy ve ny smessey is:
Nee yn meshtallys cheet dy ve ny smessey. (NEE-un-MESH-chall-iss-CHITT-the-VAY-na-SMETH-a) - Drunkenness will get worse.
cha jig (ha-JIGG) - will not come
In response to Hig ..., Cha jig effectively means No. The response to Nee yn meshtallys cheet ... would be Cha jean (ha-JINN).
liauyr (lyowr) - long
slhiurey (SLYOOR-a) - longer; longest
giare (gyair) - short
sgirrey (SGIRR-a) - shorter; shortest
Note the following:
ooryn-oastys slhiurey (OOR-un-AWST-iss-SLYOOR-a) - longer licensing hours
This can also mean longest licensing hours.
ooryn-oastys sgirrey (OOR-un-AWST-iss-SGIRR-a) - shorter licensing hours
This can also mean shortest licensing hours.
Bee ny ooryn-oastys ny slhiurey na tad nish (BEE-na-OOR-un-AWST-iss-na-SLYOOR-a-na-tadd-NISH) - The licensing hours will be longer than they are now.
anchaslys (an-KHAZZ-liss) - difference
Ealish: Teh jeeaghyn dy bee ny thieyn-lhionney foshlit derrey mean oie
Jeheiney as Jesarn.
Catreeney: Solk shen. Hig yn meshtallys dy ve ny smessey.
Ealish: Cha jig. Ooryn-oastys slhiurey, ny ooryn-oastys sgirrey, scummey.
Catreeney: As cha mie lhiam ooryn-oastys slhiurey er y Doonaght.
Ealish: Cha nel yn anchaslys feer vooar.
Tooilley Gaelg: Y Jough - Y Fockle Sjerree
Cur Gaelg orroo shoh.
101 keead as nane
difference anchaslys
it looks teh jeeaghyn
last sjerree
long liauyr
longer licensing hours ooryn-oastys slhiurey
longer; longest slhiurey
short giare
shorter licensing hours ooryn-oastys sgirrey
shorter; shortest sgirrey
thats bad solk shen
the word y fockle
will come hig
will not come cha jig
Cur Baarle orroo shoh.