Lessoon Keead as Jeih: Yn Ard-Reihys
Lesson One Hundred and Ten: The General Election

keead as jeih (KEE-ud-azz-JY) - 110
reihys (RYE-iss) - election
yn ard-reihys (in-ERD-rye-iss) - the general election

Remember that ‘ard’ (say ‘erd’) is put before a noun to give the sense of ‘chief’, ‘prime’ or ‘most important’. In this case, ‘ard’ can cause letter changes. If ‘ard’ comes after a noun it means ‘high’:

y billey ard (a-BILL-ya-ERD) - the high tree
yn ard-villey (in-ERD-vill-ya) - the prime tree


Peddyr: Ta mee fakin dy bee traa yn ard-reihys tannaghtyn ayns Mee Houney.
Ean: She, cha bee Tinvaal caghlaa shen, t’eh jeeaghyn.
Peddyr: Vel oo smooinaghtyn dy beagh eh foaysagh dy beagh yn ard-reihys
ayns Mean-fouyir?
Ean: Cha beagh, er-lhiam. Cha nel yn emshyr jannoo monney anchaslys.

ta mee fakin (TAMM-ee-FAHG-in) - I see; I am seeing
tannaghtyn (TANN-akht-un) - staying
Mee Houney (mee-HOW-na) - November

Note how Peddyr says ‘I see that the time of the general election will be staying....’: ‘Ta mee fakin dy bee traa yn ard-reihys tannaghtyn ...’

she (shay) - it is; ‘yes’
Tinvaal (tin-VAAL) - Tynwald
caghlaa (kakh-LAA) - changing
t’eh jeeaghyn (tay-JEEKH-un) - it seems
vel oo smooinaghtyn? (VELL-oo-SMUNN-yakht-un) - do you think?
dy beagh eh (the-BEE-ukh-a) - that it would be
foaysagh (FOW-izz-akh) - beneficial

Note that ‘dy beagh eh’ can mean either ‘that it would be’ or ‘if it were’.
The meaning is clear from the context. Above, Peddyr says ‘...if the general election were (was) in September.’

cha beagh (ha-BEE-ukh) - would not be (‘no’)
er-lhiam (err-L’YAMM) - I think
yn emshyr (in-EMM-sher) - the weather
jannoo (JINN-oo) - making; doing
monney (MONN-a) - much
anchaslys (an-KHAZZ-liss) - difference

Tooilley Gaelg: Yn Ard-Reihys

Cur Gaelg orroo shoh.

110 keead as jeih
beneficial foaysagh
changing caghlaa
difference anchaslys
do you think? vel oo smooinaghtyn?
election reihys
I see; I am seeing ta mee fakin
I think er-lhiam
it is; ‘yes’ she
it seems t’eh jeeaghyn
making; doing jannoo
much monney
November Mee Houney
staying tannaghtyn
that it would be dy beagh eh
the general election yn ard-reihys
the high tree y billey ard
the prime tree yn ard-villey
the weather yn emshyr
Tynwald Tinvaal
would not be (‘no’) cha beagh

Cur Gaelg orroo shoh.

  1. Ta mee fakin dy bee traa yn ard-reihys tannaghtyn ayns Mee Houney.
  2. Ta mee smooinaghtyn dy bee Peddyr jannoo anchaslys.
  3. Cha nel yn ard-reihys jannoo monney anchaslys.
  4. She.
  5. Cha bee Tinvaal caghlaa shen monney.
  6. Vel oo smooinaghtyn dy beagh yn ard-reihys ayns Mean-fouyir?
  7. Cha beagh yn emshyr jannoo anchaslys.
  8. Er-lhiam dy beagh yn emshyr jannoo anchaslys.
  9. Cha nel yn emshyr jannoo monney anchaslys.
  10. Ta mee smooinaghtyn dy bee traa ec Peddyr.
  11. Cha nel Tinvaal caghlaa monney.
  12. Er-lhiam dy beagh yn ard-reihys foaysagh.
  13. Vel Ean smooinaghtyn dy beagh eh foaysagh?
  14. T’eh jeeaghyn dy beagh yn ard-reihys ayns Mean-fouyir.

Vel fys ayd?

a) Remember that ‘ard’ is put before a noun to give what sense?

b) If ‘ard’ comes after a noun what does it mean?
