Lessoon Keead as Nane-Jeig: Chaghterys Coreiragh
Lesson One Hundred and Eleven: Proportional Representation

keead as nane-jeig (KEE-ud-azz-NAAN-jegg) - 111
chaghterys (CHAKH-ter-iss) - representation
coreiragh (ko-RAYR-akh) - proportional


Ean: Lhaih mee dy vel yn Kiare as Feed er votal dy gheddyn rey rish chaghterys coreiragh. S’mie shen! Cha nel eh feeu son veg.
Peddyr: Cre’n fa? Cha nel eh cairagh tra ta’n chied fer ec y phost-cosnee geddyn
y varriaght.
Ean: Cha gredjym. Cha nel sleih toiggal Un Vote Arraghey.
Peddyr: Vel uss dy ghra dy vel ny Manninee bolvaneagh?
Ean: Cha nel noadyr. T’ad creeney.

lhaih mee (L’YA-ee-mee) - I read

Instead of ‘Lhaih mee’, Ean could have said ‘Ren mee lhaih’.

yn Kiare as Feed (in-KAYR-azz-FEED) - the House of Keys

Lhaih mee dy vel yn Kiare as Feed er votal
- I read that the House of Keys has voted...(‘I read that the House of Keys is after voting...’)

dy gheddyn rey rish (the-GHETH-un-RAY-rish) - to get rid of
S’mie shen! (smy-shen) - That’s good!

Cha nel eh feeu son veg (ha-NELL-a-F’YOO-son-VEGG) - It’s completely worthless (‘It’s not worthwhile for anything’).

cairagh (KAYR-akh) - fair, just
yn chied fer (in-H’YIDD-ferr) - the first one
post-cosnee (post-KAWZ-nee) - winning post
barriaght (BARR-ee-akht) - victory
Cha gredjym (ha-GREDJ-im) - I won’t believe

Instead of ‘Cha gredjym’, Ean could have said ‘Cha jeanym credjal’
(ha-JINN-im-KREDJ-al), literally, ‘I won’t make believing’.

toiggal (TIGG-al) - understanding
Un Vote Arraghey (un-vote-ARR-akh-a) - Single Transferable Vote
Vel uss dy ghra..? (vell-USS-the-GHRAA) - Are you saying...?
bolvaneagh (bol-VAAN-akh) - stupid
creeney (KREEN-a) - wise

Tooilley Gaelg: Chaghterys Coreiragh

Cur Baarle orroo shoh

111 keead as nane-jeig
Are you saying...? Vel uss dy ghra..?
fair, just cairagh
I read lhaih mee
I won’t believe Cha gredjym
proportional coreiragh
representation chaghterys
Single Transferable Vote Un Vote Arraghey
stupid bolvaneagh
That’s good! S’mie shen!
the first one yn chied fer
the House of Keys yn Kiare as Feed
to get rid of dy gheddyn rey rish
understanding toiggal
victory barriaght
winning post post-cosnee
wise creeney

Cur Baarle orroo shoh.

  1. Cre’n fa?
  2. Cha nel sleih toiggal Un Vote Arraghey.
  3. Vel yn Kiare as Feed bolvaneagh?
  4. Cha nel eh cairagh dy gheddyn rey rish chaghterys coreiragh.
  5. Vel ny Manninee bolvaneagh?
  6. Lhaih mee dy vel yn Kiare as Feed er votal.
  7. S’mie shen!
  8. Cha nel eh feeu dy gheddyn rey rish chaghterys coreiragh.
  9. Cha nel eh cairagh.
  10. Ta’n chied fer ec y phost-cosnee geddyn y varriaght.
  11. Cha gredjym dy vel yn Kiare as Feed cairagh dy gheddyn rey rish.
  12. Cha nel sleih toiggal yn Kiare as Feed.
  13. Vel ny Manninee creeney?
  14. Cha nel noadyr.
  15. T’ad geddyn rey rish chaghterys coreiragh.
  16. Cha nel yn Kiare as Feed creeney.
  17. Vel yn chied fer ec y phost-cosnee geddyn y varriaght?

Vel fys ayd?

a) Instead of ‘Cha gredjym’, what could have been said?

b) Instead of ‘Lhaih mee’, What could have been said?
