Lessoon Keead as Queig-Jeig: Chiow y Chruinney
Lesson One Hundred and Fifteen: Global Warming

keead as queig-jeig (KEE-ud-azz-KWEGG-jegg) - 115
chiow (chow) - warming
cruinney (KROON-ya) - globe; earth

The title of this lesson is a typical Celtic construction:

Chiow y Chruinney (CHOW-a-KHROON-ya) -The Warming of the Globe.
The ‘c’ is changed (lenited) to ‘ch’ to express ‘of the’.


Peddyr: Vaik oo er y naight dy vel cronk-rioee feer vooar er vrishey seyr syn
Antarctagh? Ta’n cronk-rioee cho mooar as Ellan Eeaght.
Ean: Honnick mee shen. T’ad gra dy vel eh kyndagh rish chiow y chruinney. Ta’n seihll cheet dy ve ny s’choe.
Peddyr: Smooinee mish nagh row ad shickyr mychione shen foast.
Ean: T’ad ny smoo shickyr nish.

Vaik oo? (VACK-oo) - Did you see?

Answers to ‘Vaik oo?’ are ‘Honnick’ (HONN-ick) - ‘Saw’ (‘Yes’) and
‘Cha vaik’ (ha-VACK) - ‘Did not see’ (‘No’).

An alternative to ‘Vaik oo?’ is ‘Ren oo fakin?’ (RENN-oo-FAHG-in)
- ‘Did you see?’ Answers to this are ‘Ren’ - ‘Did’ (‘Yes’) and
‘Cha ren’ - ‘Did not’ (‘No’).

er y naight (err-a-NY-akht) - on the news
cronk-rioee (kronk-R’YOH-ee) - iceberg
er vrishey (err-VRIZH-a) - has broken
seyr (sayr) - free

Ta’n cronk-rioee cho mooar as Ellan Eeaght (tan-kronk-R’YOH-ee-ho-MOOR-azz-ELL-yan-EE-akht)-The iceberg is as big as the Isle of Wight.

Note the general pattern for ‘as....as...’ : ‘cho .....as....’ Often, ‘cho’ is written as ‘cha’.

kyndagh rish (KINN-dakh-rish) - because of
yn seihll (in-SAIL) - the world
cheet dy ve (CHITT-the-VAY) - becoming
ny s’choe (nas-CHO) - hotter
smooinee mish (SMUNN-ee-MISH) - I thought
nagh row ad shickyr (nakh-ROW-add-SHIGG-er) - that they weren’t sure
mychione (ma-H’YOWN) - about
ny smoo shickyr (na-SMOO-shigg-er) - more sure

Tooilley Gaelg: Chiow y Chruinney

Cur Baarle orroo shoh:

  1. Honnick mee Peddyr.
  2. Smooinee Ean nagh row ad shickyr.
  3. T’ad gra dy vel cronk-rioee syn Antarctagh foast.
  4. Vaik oo yn cronk-rioee shen?
  5. Ta Ellan eeaght as Ellan Vannin cheet dy ve ny s’choe.
  6. Smooinee mish nagh row ad shickyr mychione chiow y chruinney.
  7. Vaik oo shen foast, Ean?
  8. T’ad ny smoo shickyr nish mychione chiow y chruinney.
  9. Honnick mee cronk-rioee feer vooar.
  10. T’ad gra dy vel yn seihll ny s’choe.
  11. Honnick Peddyr Ellan Eeaght.
  12. Vaik oo er y naight dy vel cronk-rioee er vrishey seyr?
  13. Honnick mee shen er y naight.
  14. Ta’n cronk-rioee syn Antarctagh cho mooar as Ellan Eeaght.
  15. Honnick mee shen.
  16. T’ad gra dy vel eh kyndagh rish Peddyr.
  17. Honnick Peddyr Ean.
  18. Ta’n seihll cheet dy ve ny s’choe.

Cur Gaelg orroo shoh:

about mychione
because of kyndagh rish
becoming cheet dy ve
Did you see? Vaik oo?
free seyr
globe; earth cruinney
has broken er vrishey
hotter ny s’choe
I thought smooinee mish
iceberg cronk-rioee
more sure ny smoo shickyr
on the news er y naight
that they weren’t sure nagh row ad shickyr
the world yn seihll
warming chiow

Vel fys ayd?

a) Answers to ‘Vaik oo?’ are Yes .................? No .................?

b) Answers to ‘Ren oo fakin?’ are Yes .................? No .................?

c) The general pattern for ‘as....as...’ : is ‘cho .....as....’
How else can it be written?
